Newspaper Page Text
6 City Branch Agencies • . • or • THE HERALD In order to accommodate the public Tbe Herald baa established branch agencies, where conies ol th* Bally and Sunday mil be on sale and adver tlslng and subscriptions taken and forwarded tc the main olHco as soon ns received. These branch agencies do not Include the hun dreds of book stores and news stands In all pari" ef the city where The Herald Is also for sale. ROYLE heights K. DOXXRLL, Newsdealer, 2100 East Flrsl street. CAST LOS ANGELES MRS. X t'. TH ACKER, Newsdealer, 19' •North Daly street. •AN FERNANDO STREET MKINNIL'S PHARMACY, 1433 San Fer nando street. WEBTLAKK PARK DONALD A. ROSS, Newsdealer, 2100 Wesl Seventh street. UNIVERSITY H. I„ I'AltK. Pruirs, Stationery, Etc. Fostofliee building. •OI'TH CKNTRAL AVENUE CHICAGO PHARMACY, corner Central avenue and Twelfth street. CHURCH NOTICES CHU RCH. EPISCOPAL. Olive St.. opposite tlic park. Open every day In the year. Duily ser\ Ice at 10 a. m. The clergy will respond to all calls tor the offices of the church for strangers or visitors, without respect to cried burials, marriages, baptisms or visita tions of the sick. Use of the church cheerfully given free for funeral ser vices. Tel 113 red. tf EARLE-THE WONDERFUL INDE pendent slate writer, has returned 10 the city and can be consulted dally at Hotel Catalina. 139 Broadway, Parlors 22. t>-3 SPECIAL NOTICES BUSINESS NEWSPAPER—THE DAILY Journal; a business newspaper; publish ing all the county official records, real estate transfers, mortgages and liens building news, contract work, ltnnacial news, and ell news relating to the re sources and development of Southern California and the great territory pt the southwest, one dollar per month, or in advance $10 per year. 22. W. First St.. Los Angeles. Cal. 0-1 tr NOTICE- THE LOS ANGELES CITY Water Co. will strictly enforce tbe fol lowing rules: The hours for sprinkling are between the hours of 6 and X oclock a. m. and « and s oclock p. m. For a vio lation of the above regulations the water wdll be shut oft* and a line of $2 will be charged before the water will be turned on again. ASEPTOLIN--DR. CYRUS EDSON'S Al leged cure for consumption seems to bo proving Itself a success: cases treated al cost of the remedies used for one month, by DR. PII.KINGTON. The Winthrop. 30 3(0 S. Spring st. WANTED—ORE AT EST MONEY MAKER out: costs 5 cents, sells tor 25 cents: need ed by ever;.- family: 20.000 sold In Min neapolis; send 5 cents for sample. DO MESTIC MFG. CO., 506 N. Washington aye.. Minneapolis. Minn. MINERVA-COSMOS- The M. K. system. For 50 cents a month you can read 60 leading magazines at your home. Call at 4355. Broadway. o-S NEW GERMAN ODD FELLOWS' Lodge. Alemannia Lodge will organize about July Ist. All Germans of good character "and health are invited to call at 220 S. Main to fill out application. 7-1 EXCHANGE-FEED AND SALE STA ble; buy and sell on commission horses wagons, harness, liny and grain. Ad vances made. Stalls for rent day 01 month. 608% S. Broadway. 5-i FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF CHILDREN received Into the Boys and Girls Aid So idetv since the last publication, half or phans: Eva Dunn, 12 years; Wallet Dunn. 9 years. O. J. DAVIS. CONTRACTOR AN L builder. Houses built lor cash or Install ment plan. Money to loan to parties con templating building. 40S S. Broadway. Tel. 1141 Main. 4-9-tf MANUFACTURE'S I i AND SELLING right for the best crude petroleum oil burner for domestic use in the world, tot sale. Call and see It In operation at alt S. Main st. 5-1 SEND 10 CENTS FOR PACIFIC CUPID, a matrimonial paper: particulars of bu reau in this Issue. MRS. M. B. HERTZ Manager. 312 Hyde si.. San Francisco. 5-1! JAMES SPRING Carpenter-and Builder. All kinds of repairing neatly done to or der. 439 S. Flower st. 5-12 A DIVINE HEALER AT 314 S. HILI St.: cures stuttering and stammering: consultation free. 6-1 WANTED —STOCK—1200 ACRES PAS turage at Ballona. Sec WILHELM. 821 S. Main St. 5-18 J. B. FROVA. PRACTICAL CHIMNEY sweeper. Residence 709 Macy St., Los An geles. 5-J TjUSINESS PERSONALS TERSONAL-.IUST LIKE FINDING money. That's what people say who havt tried a small ad. in The Herald. Thei don't cost much, but the results are sim ply marvelous. In this popular depart ' mem The Herald has made a gain ol more than 200 per cent In the past few months. Big circulation counts. Th< Herald has it. If you want to talk ti half the people in Los Angeles and other parts of Southern California, try a small ad. In addition to the Immense ami rapidly Increasing circulation of The Herald, its sales by newsboys. 011 trains, at hotels anil summer resorts, make II llie advertising medium of the Pacific •oast. Look over those small advertisements today. They will Interest you and may make you some money. Tomorrow try one. Than results will be both surprising and satisfying. 6-3tf PERSONAL—RALPHS BROS.—GOLD Bar flour. $1: city Hour. 90c; granulated sugar, is His.. $1: brown sugar. IS lbs.. $1; 9 lbs. rolled wheat or oats. 25c; sardines, 5 boxes, 25c: tomatoes. 4 cans. 26c; 7 bars Herman family soap. 25c; 5 gallons oil, SOe: gasoline, 80c; 3 packages morning meal. 26c: iard. 10-lb. can. 65c; 12 lbs. beans. 26c; 6 lbs. rice," 25c. 000 Spring st., cor. Sixth. 5-20 MISFIT AND UNCALLED-FOR GAB ments at less tlimi half your tailor's prices at the Mislit Clothing Parlors, 121 W. First st.. Wilson block. 4-14U PERSONAL H. MORRIS PAYS THE highest price for gents' second-hand clothing: send postal: will call. HIV™ Com mercial st. 6-18 RUPTURE CURED WITHOUT DETEN tIon from business. DR. WHITEHILL, 119 1-3 8. Spring st. 18 PERSONAL ) PERSONAL—NEW PROCESS—IRREGU- IarItIes, from whatever cause, cured with out medicine, instruments or pain; sure cure; $1 treatment; home. Sl9 Grand aye. 6-3-6 WHY PAY A MERCHANT TAILOR $3; for a suit when you can got the same thing for $12 at the Mislit Clothing Par lors, 124 W. First st., Wilson block 4-14tf MP.. FRANK DONA VAN, FORMERLY of Mason City. Illinois, please call at Olive House. 233 E. Fourth at.. Los An geles, and meet old Mason City boy. 1 PERSONAL — GENTLEMEN'S FINE fancy underwear made to order by a com petent lady. 517 S. Broadway, room 40 Second lloor. 5-6 PANTS THAT WERE MADE TO ORDER for $<t and $8 we sell for $3 at the Mislii Clothing Parlors, 121 W. First st.. Wil son block. 4-lltf COPYRIUHTS, ETC. KNIGHT BROS , PATENT SOLICITORS - free book on patents. 424 Byrne bids;. 9-22-6 WANTED—MALE^^ HUMMEL BROS. & CO., Successors to PETTY. HUMMEL & CO., EMPLOYMENT AGENTS. 300-302 W. Second st., in basement California Bank Building. Tel. 509. Office hours from 7 a. m. to 7:30 p. m., ex cept Sundays. MEN'S DEPARTMENT. Elderly man. milk and chore, $lo: ranch hand. $20; stout boy. $3.50; Swede orchard hand. $20; boy to chore on dairy. $10; miner to sharpen tools ami do black smithing. $3 a day. HOTEL DEPARTMENT. Third cook. $S week: dishwasher, young and experienced. $7 week: all round cook for Arizona. $35: short order cook, $6 week: waitress restaurant, $4 week; sec ond girl, Riverside, $20; cook for 14 men, $20; girl for bath house, $5 week, etc. HOUSEHOLD DEPARTMFNT. House girl, plain cook. $20: cook for men on ranch, $15. etc.; 6 house girls, $20 each: girl for Catalina. $14: 3 house girls. 119 each; cook and nurse, city, $25 and $15. etc.: house girl, family of 2. $20. etc., em ployer here at 10 a. m.; laundress 2 days each week, $1.50 a day. WANTED —TEN BOYS OR YOIVNG MEN from each school or college in the city to work, a portion of the time for The Herald. Twenty-five cents in cash will he paid for eacli new name.and every canvasser will have an opportunity to win one or more of the following prizes: One $100 first-class bicycle, a, gold hunt ing case watch, a six months' scholar ship In a business college, double-bar relled broech-loadlng shotg'm. $20 suit ot clothes, $20 overcoat, roun i trip to San Diego or Catalina and return. Either of the latter Includes a free dinner at the C'oronado Hotel or Hotel do Avalon. 3-lltf WANTED—SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY for appointment for young men in rail way mall service. Examinations soon in every state. Particulars about all gov ernment positions free. NATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE INSTITUTE. Washington, D. C. s -l-' WANTED— SALESMEN—SIOO TO $125 PER month and expenses: sample line; posi tion permanent, pleasant and desirable. Address, with stamp, KING MFG. CO., P., 73, Chicago. "-29 WANTED—YOUR PATRONAGE, RELl able help furnished promptly. REID'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 125 W. First St. tf E. T. CASEY & CO.. UtVi S. BROADWAY, employment office: we furnish reliable hotel and household help. tf WANTED—HELP UREE-27 SlTUA tions, 3201', s. Broadway. E. NITTIN GER. HELP WANTED-FEMALE WANTED—WE MUST HAVE HELP. We pay men and women $10 to $1S per week for casv home work. No books or peddling. Steady employment guaran teed. Send stamp for work and partic ulars at once. HERMANN & SEYMOUR, 213 South Sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1-7 3t a wk WANTED—A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST in house work, Family of two and baby. 445 Temple st. 30__ SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE WANTED-A YOUNG "AND EXPER ienced man would like position as helper cither on pants, coats or vests: can be engaged reasonably by day or week: ad dress. CLAY CLIFTON. General deliv ery, Los Angeles, 1 WANTED —BOOKS TO KEEP AFTER 6 p. m.: also books to examine: terms satis factory; address Accountant, 200 E. Fourth St. 5-2 WANTED—BY A MAN AND WIFE, positions to take care of small ranch or orchard. Address O. X., Herald olficc. 5-1 SITUA TIONS WANTED - FEMALE WANTEIVYOrXO WIDOW WOULD like position as traveling companion; good dressmaker and hairdresser. Ad dress room 7. ;34 S. Hill st. 30 WANTED —SITUATION BY YOUNG lady to do general housework: can fur nish good references; call at 349 Pearl St. WANTED—FIRST-CLASS COOK WANTS position in private family. Address 312 E. Second st. 5-2 WANTED—REAL ESTATE WANTED— A LOT ABOUT 50x150 AND 3 or 4 room house, and 1 will not pay over 1500 or 1600 for same, and 1 want to pay $50 down and $12 or $15 a month. I don't care if tills is out in the suburbs, just so it is convenient to get to town. Call on HINTON At WHITAKER. 123 W. Second st., if you have anything to offer. 4-22tf WANTED—PARTNERS ' WANTED—A PARTNER IN A LIGHT manufacturing business which will yield big returns; must have $500. This is a golden opportunity for the right man. E. E. PARSONS, room No. 230, W. First st. 1 WANTED -MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—A KEATING BICYCLE, '95 pattern. Must be In good condition and low price. M, Box 30, Herald office, tf LOST AND FOUND LOST—LIGHT BAY MARE, BLACK points, long tall, sore from rope burn under right hind fetlock, and about to foa!. Inform Palace Livery Stable, near Washington and Main sts.. where she can be found and bo paid for trouble. 30 LOST-$2 REWARD FOR RETURN OF 2 yards of green satin, lost on Tuesday on Broadway, Third, Main or S. Spring St. BOSTON DRY GOODS STORE. 2 FOUND-SATURDAY EVENING, A pair of ladies' gloves. Owner can have same by calling at Herald office, 222 W. Third st., and identifying' property STRAYED — AT THE CONNOLLY Ranch, Vermont aye., ten sheep. Owner can have same by paying expenses. ELIZA CONNOLLY. 5-4-96 LOST—A LADIES' PURSE, NEAR chamber of commerce building; finder will be rewarded by Having same at Her ald office. 30 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OR TRADE—AERIAL RlG ging and all kinds of bouncing and jug gling goods: man's A No. 1 wardrobe, spangled and trimmed With gold and sil ver fringe. Address with stamp MRS. V. C. DAMRON. San Bernardino, Cal. 31 FOR SALE—CHEAP; 500 POUNDS BRE vier type: was used on The Herald until Mergenthaler typesetting machines were put In April 15. Address Business Man ager, The Herald, Los Angeles, Cal. FOR SALE-DENTAL CABINET "THE Howard," cost $70, for $50; good as new; also one Wllkerson dental chair, Improv ed. In good order, for $100. 416 E. Twenty third st. FOR BALES—COLUMBUS, OHIO, PHAE ton, leather extended top, one end spring, piano box bed. top buggy. Also one fine trap. 416 E. Twenty-third st. 30 FOR SALE — INCUBATOR WITH brooder. $12; spring wagon. $25; fine jump seat, ISO. 50S'i S. Broadway. 30 FOR SALE-ONE 2-TON SIDEWALK elevator at a sacrifice. Inquire at The Herald business office. 12-tf FOR SALE—OLD PAPERS IN QUANTL ties lo suit, at this office. CARPET CLEANING STEAM CARPET CLEANING. SEWING and laying. JOHN H. RICHARDS. 120 N. Spring. Tel. 1343. 8-9tf FOR SALE —LODGING HOUSE; GOOD reason for selling. Call or address 104 S. Los Angeles street, cor. First. 4-30 SPECIALISTS DR.' R. G. COLLINS, OPTHALMIC ~Opl tlclan, with the Los Angeles Optical In stitute; eyes examined free. 125 S. Spring BICYCLES~ M. LARS EN ft CO. HAVE THE AGENCY for Relay bicycles. 282 W. Fifth St. 8-10 LOS ANGELES HERALD: THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 30, 1«96. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ' FOR SALE—I HAVE NOT ONl"f THOt'B and business chances for sale: I have many, but only two that 1 will submit to investors. These propositions have no equal, both cost $3000; one you can Ret for $750 cash. A live man that understands the fertilizing or box-making business should not overlook these opportunities. I submit nothing to the public that does not stand investigation and is a money maker. THOS. B. ASHTON. 229 yrne bldg. 80 FOR SALE—FOR LADY OR GBNTLF man who has some knowledge In keep ing accounts. I will soil !- Interest in a paying photograph gallery, at reasonable, price; good reasons for wishing a part ner; no experience needed. Address D., box 20, Herald office. 30 FOR SALE—BLACKSMITH BUSINESS at cost of stock and tools: no competit ors; good stand; retiring on account of poor health. Address WALTER L. IIRAY, Azusa, Cal. Box 93. 5-9-90 FOR SALE—AT A BARGAIN. LODGING house; must be sold on account of other business. Call at once, for you can make a good purchase. Half cash. M. P. BOWBIN. 1122 N. Main st. FOR SALE-MANUFACTURING AND selling right for the best crude petroleum oil burner for domestic use In the world, for sale. Call and see it in operation at 310 S. Main st. 5-1 FOR SALE—SI6I.SO AVERAGE PER week last year. Write for particulars. F. HARRIMAN & CO., St. Paul building, Cincinnati, Ohio. 2«-May3 FOR SALE—S6S0 —LODGING HOUSE OF 20 rooms, clearing $50 monthly profit: part cash. See BEN WHITE, 221 W. First st. 1 FOR SALE-CIGAR STORE AT ACTUAL value of stock: very choice location; $500. 1. D. BARNARD, S. Broadway. 30 FOR SALE- A SEASIDE RESTAURANT: splendid chance for making money; $300. 1. D. BARNARD, 117 - S. Broadway. 30 FOR SALE—BAZAAR AND CIGAR store: a bargain; 2 living rooms; $275. i. d. Barnard, ii7|i s. Broadway. 30 FOR SALE — $600. RESTAURANT; worth double: must be sold. See BEN WHITE, 221 W. First St. 1 FOR SALE—LUNCH COUNTER, 109 W. Third st.: a chance; must sell on account of other business. 30 FOR SALE-SMALL, RESTAURANT: rent low; good business. 412 S. Broadway. AVill take partner. 5-1 FOR SALE-$!25. FINE FRUIT AND ClO ar store. MAHONEY & ROBINSON. 426 S. Main st. 30 FOR SALE—ONE-HALF INTEREST IN' Golden Gate stables. 311 Aliso st. 11. T. STEBBINS. 30 FOR SALE — CITY NEWSPAPER routes. Apply C. G. SPRENG, Herald business office. if FOR SALE—SI2OO—SALOON CLEARING $125 month!v. See BEN WHITE, 221 W. First st. 1 FOR SALE —$250—PARTNER HOOD PAY lng restaurant. BEN WHITE, 221 W, First St. 1 FOR SALE—SIOO—SALOON: EXOEP tlonal chance. See BEN WHITE, 221 W. First st. 1 FOR SALE—BUSINESS OPPORTUNI -ties. MAHONEY & ROBINSON, -126 S. Main st. 30 TO SELL OR EXCHANGE PROPERTY quick go to BEN WHITE, 221 W. First St. o-2 FOR SALE—S37S. SALOON. WORTH double. HEN WHITE. 221 W. First st. 29 TO SELL OUT YOUR BUSINESS SEE 1. D. Barnard, in;- s. Broadway. EDUCATIONAL LOS~ANGELES BUSINESS COLLEGE, incorporated, occupies the entire fifth iloor of the new Currier block, 212 W. Third st.; largest, oldest, best: elegant and commodious rooms. Intensely prac tical course of study, able and exper ienced specialists as teachers, complete equipments, perfect lighting and ventila tion, rooms heated by steam, first-class elevator service: live courses of study commercial, shorthand and typewriting, preparatory, telegraphy and assaying; the school is thoroughly live and progres sive; it inspires as well as teaches; day ! and evening sessions: Individual and class instructions; successful graduates; line class of students: visitors cordially welcomed: full Information, personally or by mail. E. R. SHRADER. pres., g. k. ISAACS, vloe-pres., i. N. INSKEEP, see. 2-26-7 WOODBURY BUSINESS COLLEGE (IN corporated), 226 S. Spring st.. Is tbe oldest and largest commercial school in South ern California: the most beautiful col lege rooms and equipment to bo found in the state: elevator for pupils' use; a large faculty of experienced and able In structors; open the entire year: both day and evening sessions; a practical Eng lish course, a thorough business course and a course in shorthand and typewrit ing under an experienced stenographer. Write or call for illustrated catalogue and full information. G. A. HOUGH, president; N. G. FELKER, vice-presi dent. MRS. ADELINE DUVAL MACK'S School of Elocution anil Dramatic Art, Sil6 S. Pearl st., formerly of Washington, D. C.; special terms to schools; thorough vocal i raining; private lessons or classes; also dramatic training for theatrical pro fession. 4-5-97 FROEBEL INSTITUTE (CASA DE Rosasl training school for kindergarten; also school for boys and girls of all grades; opens September 23d. Apply to MADAME LOUIS CLAVERIE. 8-71y ' BOVNTON NORMAL FOR TEACHERS only, begins September 16th; teachers aided in getting positions: teachers, gov ernesses and tutors supplied. Room 525 Stimson block. C-30tf LOS ANGELES TRAINING SCHOOL for kindergartnors. Fall term September ISth. MRS. N. D. MAYHEW, C 79 W. Twenty-third st. C-StE ETON SCHOOL FOR BOYS. NO. 136 W. Pico St. HORACE A. BROWN, LL. B. HARP STUDIO. MRS. J. M. JONES, 1003 W. Seventh st. 6-6 DENTISTS PA. DENTAL CO.. A. J. STEVENS, MAN ager, makes a specialty of crown and bridge work and painless extracting. A good set of teeth $5. 226 S. Spring. Tele- ; phone 11S0. tf ADAMS BROS.—DENTAL PARLORS, 239' i S. Spring st.: painless extracting and tilling; plate 16, $s, $10: all work guaran teed; established 10 years; hours, S-5; Sun days, 10-12. FRANK STEVENS. 324Vj S. SPRING ST., open days and evenings; also Sundays; electric light. DR. KENNEDY. DENTIST, 108'/,. S. Spring street, rooms 2, 6 and 7; painless extraction. CHIROPODISTS MISS L F. ALEXANDER. CHIROPO dist, treats feet: gives salt glow, mas sage: hours 9 a. m. to Hp. m. 215 and 216 Wilson block, First and Spring streets. E-2_ DR. ZACHU, DISEASES OF THE FEET, 253 S. Spring st. 6-26 A TTORNE YS-A T-LA W BROUSSEAU & MONTGOMERY, Attorneys-at-Law, 403 Bradbury blk., Los Angeles. tf ASSAYERAND CHEMIST THE~ 81-METALLIO ASSAY OFFICE and Chemical Laboratory, 124 S. Main st. R. A. PEREZ, E. M., Manager. 5-10 BARGAIN IN A SLIGHTLY USED Stetnway upright piano. Address X., box 100, Herald office. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR BALE-SOME GOOD BARGAIN'S IN second-hand organs; good makes. KOH- L.ER & CHASE, 233 8. Spring st. tf PACIFIC LOAN CO.—LOANS IN ANY amount on all kinds of collateral secur ity, diamonds. Jewelry and seal skins, also on pianos, furniture and household goods in private lodging and boarding houses and hotels, without removal. Par tial payments received. Money quick; business confidential: private office for ladles. VV. E. DEGROOT, manager, roms 2 and 4, 114 S. Spring st. L'NION LOAN CO., Stimson Block. Loans money on all kinds of collateral security: watches, diamonds, seal skins antl furniture in lodging and boarding houses and on pianos, without removal: also on bonds, stocks, mortgages; low interest, money at once; business confi dential; private office for ladles; room ill. CLARK K. SI I AW. Manager, rooms 111 and 112, first floor, Stimson block. t£ I'HE GERMAN SAVINGS AND LOAN Society of San Francisco will make loans on Improved city and country property. On loans of $5000 ami under, cer tificates of title from the Titlo Insurance and Trust Co. will bo accepted, making the expenses on such loans very small. Build ing loans a specialty. Apply to R. G. LUNT, Agent, 227 W. Second. 6-13tf MOT UNTIL YOU HAVE LEARNED What we are! Who we are! And where we are! Have you discovered the cheapest place In the city to get money on household furniture, diamonds, livestock, ware house receipts, stocks and bonds, all good collaterals. 229 Byrne building. tf )N EVERY SATURDAY EVENING AF tor March 2S, the State Loan and Trust company will be opened from 7 to S:2O p. m., for the benefit of Its Interest-hearing depositors, which are received at 3. 4 and 5 per cent per annum. The safe de posit department will also be open dur ing the same hours to accommodate its patrons. 5-4 B. COHN. The Los Angeles pawnbroker. 146 N. Main st., loans money on diamonds, watches, jewelry, iirearms. pianos, li braries and all other collateral securities: also sells unredeemed pledges for money loaned and one month's interest added; make no mistake, it is the reliable. L. B. COHN, the Los Angeles pawnbroker. 9-10 HONEY TO LOAN—NOT BY THE BAH rel or bushel, but any amount desired, on real estate, furniture, watches, dia monds, pianos, live stock, etc.. long or short time, interest reasonable; private office: business confidential. CHARLES C. LAMB, 226 S. Spring St., entrance room 7. 5-11 HONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNTS on diamonds, watches, jewelry, pianos, safes, lodging houses, hotels and private household furniture: low interest; money quick: private office for ladles. G. M. JONES, rooms 14 and 13, 242! i S. Broad way, adjoining city hall. 5-18 'OINDEXTER & WADS WORTH, BROK ers. 305 W. Second st.. buy and sell stocks, mortgages, bonds and any good securities; if you wish to lend or bor row or invest in real estate call on us: collections made and property managed lor non-residents. 2St£ JONEY TO LOAN-CITY OR COUNTRY property, s!i to 8 net: personal notes or security: mortgages bought and sold. If you have money to loan or wish to bor row any amount call on JOHN L. PAY KOVICH, 220 YV. First st. tf NATIONAL LOAN AND INVESTMENT Co. loans money on all kinds of collateral security; money quickly: business strict ly confidential. Rooms 95 and 96. Bryson block, fifth lloor. JOHN MITCHELL jones. manager. 7-3-iyr F YOU HAVE ANY FIRST-CLASS SE- Curitles, mortgages, bonds, stocks or notes for sale, or wish to make an invest ment of this kind, address R. ALTS* CHUL, 123',-j YV. Second St., Burdlck blk. wed-su-tf 'O LOAN—MONEY IN SUMS TO SUIT at reasonable rates. YVILLIAM F. BOS BYSHELL, 107 S. Broadway. 10-13tf ,lONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS, watches, jewelry, pianos, live stock, car riages, bicycles, all kinds of personal and collateral security. LEE BROS., 402 S. Spring St. 8-21 ro LOAN-UNLIMITED AMOUNT FOR small loans; no commission: light ex pense. SECURITY LOAN AND TRUST CO., 223 S. Spring st. :. A. NEWLYN. BROKER. 231 BYRNE bldg.. deals In bonds, stocks, mortgages, first and second, and all good securities, tf 'O LOAN —SIOW TO $10,000 ON REAL ES tate security. ALLISON BARLOYY'. 123 s. Broadway. 6-7tf WANTED TO BORROW VANTED TO BORROYV-I CAN LEND your money out at good Interest, from i to 10 per cent a month. NEWLYN; 231 Byrne bldg, tf MA<SAGE AND ELECTRICITY rOU CAN BUILD UP YOUR CONSTITU tIon till It resists disease; maladies are floating around us ready to attack weak ness; escape; keep blood and skin in good condition; take electric vapor bath with Swedish massage. MRS. DR. MAYER and PROF. MAIL LET, 517 S. Broadway. 10-2 INY PERSON YVITH PURE BLOOD need not be afraid of germs. But when the germs find entrance to the tissues trouble begins. Keep your skin healthy and promote circulation by electricity and massage. MRS. DR. A. MAYER, 517 S. Broadway. The YViley, 31-32 10-2 3DITH ANYVAY. FORMERLY OF Bos ton, gives genuine alcohol rubbings that are healthful and refreshing; no rivals. 223 S. Main St., room 3. 5-15 •lASSAGE AND ALCOHOL BATHS—2OB YVinston St.. upstairs, one block east of postofflce, between Fourth and Fifth sts. 6-6 'HE FRENCH LADY FROM 226 M. EAST Seventh st. has removed to 315Va S. Main St., room 4. 5-4 ,IISS REV IRVING, ARTIST. PHOTO tlntlng and mounting; new style. 120 N. Main St., rooms 2 ands. 5-3 VINNIE BELL, ROOM 4, 317 COMMER ciaI st. Massage and alcoholic baths. 5-25 SOUTHERN LADY GIVES ALCOHOL baths. 449% S. Spring St., parlors 1-2. 5-15 ,lISS MAY STONE GIVES ALCOHOL baths. 202 N. Main St., room 17. 5-22 lILIA MANSFIELD, ROOM 8, 120 N. Main St. 5-5 HSS MAY RUSSELL—THE NEW HELL man, room 7. 5-6 FOR SALE—LIVE STOCK cOR SALE—a'bAY HORSE, WEIGHT about 1000 pounds; gentle, not tricks, good traveler; 8 years old; for sale cheap or will exchange for groceries. 406 W. Twen ty-eighth st. tf 'OR SALE-FINE KENTUCKY MARE for saddle or buggy.s6o; Studebaker jump seat buggy. $50: 2-seated spring wagon. $25; Incubator, $12. 505,3 S. Broadway. 30 cOR SALE-THOROUGHBRED JERSEY cow. fresh, good, gentle, easy milker. D. R. MCDONALD, No. 1680 Girard St. 30 i-OR SALE—REGISTERED JERSEY cow and bull .both young and gentle. 416 E. Twenty-third st. 30 rOR SALE-FRESH JERSEY COW. young and gentle, at 1017 East Fourteenth it 3 PHYSICIANS MLDORa'kiNG, GERMAN-ENGLISH specialist; diseases of women; all ir regularities restored; treatment confiden tial; cure guaranteed. 446 S. Broadway. 6 ; 6-96_ PFSTMIRANTS AT THE GRaShDPACIFIC Restaurant. Sl4 S. Main st. Our mctto pure and good food, quick service. 6-11 p:anos CNABE AND VOSE & SONS PIANOS AT BIBKEL'S, Parlors 18 and 19, Pirtle blk. tt HOUSE-MOVING OF FICE, 113 N. Broadway. _ PRoVeSSOR B. W^ARLING— -THE CELEBRATED CLAIRVOYANT— li in the city, at 413 W. Seventh st. ADVICE AND ASSISTANCE TO BENE FIT YOU. The Prof, challenges the world to prove his equal. He reads the future without mistake, gives valuable advice on all affairs of life. He overcomes your ene mies, removes evil influences, heals fam ily troubles, restores lost affections, caus es happy marriages with the one you love: correct information on law suits, divorces, marriages, business speculation, names of friends and enemies: also the one you will marry. His success in the past proves his superior ability to help you now: being successful in all cases where others have often failed. Thous ands of people have been made happy by his aid and advice. The professor is not required to return to such methods ns charms and such trash, and does not Wish to be classed wdth card-readers, etc., but a life-reader from the laws of science, which is clafrvoyancy. Those who have been deceived by pretenders must not give up In despair, but consult the pro fessor at once; you will find him reason able in prices, and all business private and confidential. Letters with stamp answered. Office 413 W. Seventh St., be tween Hill and Olive sts. Hours from 9 a. m. to 9p. m.: Sunday. 9a. m. to sp. m. No clairvoyant sign, only name of PRO FESSOR B. W. ARLING on window. 3-11 PROF. FRED BELL.PSYCHIC TEACH er and expert phrenologist. Phrenolog ical examinations reduced to $1 for this week only. To be successful in life have your capabilities scientifically delineat ed. Prof. Bell teaches phrenology and prepares puptls for publilc work. An honorable and lucrative profession can thus he obtained In a short time. Prof. Pell develops medlumship on the true plane; also gives lessons in practical oc cultism, a science which points the way to health and success. Consultation free and solicited. Office rooms 30. 31 and 32, Pirtle block, corner Fourth and Broad way. Hours 9 to 12; 1:30 to 5. Evenings by appointment. N. B.—Prof. Bell is open for engage ments to lecture in surrounding towns. 5-2 MRS. WALKER, CLAIRVOYANT AND card medium, is meeting with wonderful success. She invites the most skeptical to prove her power. All business affairs of life looked Into, for the advancement of your future. Will organize a develop ing class and gives readings daily from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. -HO!* Spring st. 9-17 W. GREEN. S. D.. CLAIRVOYANT. TEST and business medium. Diagnoses dis ease without asking Questions, and spirit ual healer. Gives sittings daily; test cir cles on Monday and Friday evenings: de veloping circle on Wednesday evening. 236H S. Spring si., room 6. Otilce hours, 9 to 5. 4-27 MRS. SANFORD JOHNSON, THE IXDE pendent slate writer and medium, gives sittings daily at 62S S. Los Angues St., and holds circles on Thursday evening, at sp. m., of each week. Admission 50c, and will take a few pupils for piano les sons. 8-13 MRS. PARKER, PALMIST, CLAIRVOY ant and medium; life reading .business removals, law suits, mineral locations, love affairs, etc. Take Third st. electric car to Vermont aye. and Vine St. Sec ond house on Vine st. west of Vermont aye. 0-30 LEONORA D'ESTE-A MEDIUM FOR truth and justice: the greatest card read er of the age. and tells your future: charg es reasonable. Parlors 17 and IS San Jul ian, cor. Fifth and San Julian. 5-21 MME. NORMAND, HEALER AND LlFE reading medium; develops medium pow er: self healing and how to become a medium at your own home. 315! i» S. Main St., room 2. 5-1 R. E. O. FRAIM. PHYSICAL MEDIUM; manifestations In the light: circles. Tues day and Thursday evenings;: private sittings given daily. 707 Merchant st.. between Seventh and Eighth sts. 5-15 MME. GRACE. CELEBRATED CARD reader; tells past, present ami future. Ladles, 25 cents: gentlemen, 50 cents. Parlors 24 and 25, 528 Maple aye. 5-0 MME. STANLEY. CELEBRATED CARD reader; reads your entire past and fu ture: ladles or gentlemen, 50c. Parlor s, 401 S. Hill. 6-13 IF YOU ARE IN TROUBLE OR WANT to know your future consult ZINGARA. the gypsy, at 217 S. Hill st. Office hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. 5-1 MRS. BARRETT ELLIS, CLAIRVOY ant card reader. Come ami hear the truth. Downey blk., room 17. Price, 50 cents. 5-23 DR. W. GREEN—CLAIRVOYANT TEST and business medium. Sittings dally. 245 S. Spring. Room 6. d-27 MRS. BARNETT—SITTINGS DAILY; circles Tuesday and Thursday evenings. 433 S. Main St., opp. postofflce. 5-4 MRS. MANDENA, CLAIRVOYANT, card reader, palmist and astrologlst, 245 S. Spring St., rooms 7-10. 5-25 AGNES H. PLEASANCE. TRANCE MED ium, is permanently located at 634 S. 19-tf FOR EXCHANGE—REAL ESTATE FOR^EXCHANGE—I AM town, what have you to exchange for my household goods, one bed room set, one parlor set, carpets, sewing machine, gar den tools. An eight-room house with an acre fenced, improved garden, barn, etc., to rent very cheap: Kuhrts street electric at the door; 10 minutes to First st. Address B, box 20, Herald office 6-2 FOR EXCHANGE—BY BEN WHITE, 41 houses and lots everywhere; SI ranches all sizes; 39 vacant lots, all prices; over 2000 properties of every description for sale and exchange. If you have anything to trade anply at once to BEN WHITE, 221 W. First st. 1 FOR EXCHANGE—TO TRADE A FLUTE Boehm, sliver keys: two saxophones and few other musical instruments; all new and French make. I want a good horse and spring wagon. Address B, box 20, Herald office. 5-2 FOR EXCHANGE—EXCLUSIVE AGEN cy for eastern manufacturer. Will t.:ke city or country property for part pay ment. Address S. E. , Herald office. 6tf FOR EXCHANGE—LARGE LOT FOR carpenter's work. WM. GORDON, Tem ple st. power house. 5-3-96 FOR EXCHANGE-GOOD YOUNG horse for anything useful; worth $30. 829 Montreal st. 5-2 TO EXCHANGE PROPERTY QUICK GO to BEN WHITE, 221 W. First St. 5-2 FOR EXCHANGE-MISCELLANEOUS for" exchange-will" TRADE' A fruit, full and poultry business paying $25 per day, for a horse and buggy: want difference in cash. 403 S. Spring st. 1 FOR EXCHANGE—ONE OR TWO thousand pounds of French prunes for groceries. Address G. M. HT, 719 Mer chant St., city. 1 FOR EXCHANGE—SEWING MACHINE for set harness, furniture, horse or wagon. 401 S. Broadway. 30 EXCURSIONS ONCE A ducted excursions to Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and all eastern points, leave Los Angeles every Thursday via South ern Pacillc, Union Pacific "World's Pic torial Line," and Chicago and Northwest ern railway, crossing the Sierra Nevadas and passing all points of scenic Interest by daylight. Upholstered tourist cars of latest Pullman pattern, lighted by gas. and run through without change. Com petent conductors accompany each party. Fastest time. Lowest rates. For tick ets and berth reservations, apply to J. H. PEARMAN, Manf.tfer, G. F. Herr, T. P. A., 223 S. Spring st.. Los Angeles, or to any agent Southern Pacific company. 6 3-6 PHILLIPS' PERSONALLY CONDUCT ed excursions via the Rio Grande and Rock Island route, leave Los Angeles ev ery Tuesday, cross the Sierra Nevadas and pass the entire Rio Grande scenery by daylight. We have a tourist sleeper running through to Minneapolis and St. Paul in connection with every party. Our Boston car stops one day at Niagara Falls. Office 138 S. Spring st. BURLINGTON ROUTE—PERSONALLY conducted excursions to the east every Wednesday over the scenic line of the world; upholstered tourist cars without change. T. H. DUZAN, agent, 222 H. Spring at, Los Angeles, Cal. _ _ FOMENT FOR RENT—IO-ROOM HOUSE FUR nished, for private family or boarding house. Main street, between Sixth and Seventh. Sec ALFRED SOLANO, room 9 Temple block. 30 FOR RENT—THE CHEAPEST PLACE in town for mattings, linoleums and win dow shades: carpets cleaned and laid. THE MATTING MART. 504 S. Broadway. 7-10 FOR RENT—Nice 4-ROOM FLAT. DOWN stairs: $11 per month. 033 Towno aye., Wolfskin tract. tf FOR RENT-MODERN SIX-ROOM house, hath, gas. lawn, 312 B. Twelfth. Apply 214 W. Pico st. 5-2 FOR RENT-FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. 1236 Victoria st. ALLISON BARLOW, 123 S. Broadway. tf FOR RENT-ROOMS FOR RENT—FURNISHED SUITE, front and back parlors, very desirable for gentleman and wife or two gentle men.ln a modern Hat, on electric line, five minutes south from city ball; elec tric lights, gas, bath and telephone; front rooms; no children. Address No. 1 CO LONIAL FLATS, Eighth and Broad way. 6-3 FOR RENT—THE CAR LI NO. FURNIBII - ed rooms, single or en suite, house heated; electric boll servico;poreolatn baths free: housekeeping not permitted. 422 W. Sec ond street. 5-1 FOR RENT—COMFORTABLE SUNNY, airy rooms, on oar lino: terms reason able: call or address MRS. L. M. HAR MON, 316 W. Seventh St. 3-5 FOR RENT—ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms, transient, close In; also single rooms. THE WAVERLY. 127 E. Third St. 4-25 FOR RENT—THE MARIPOSA, 321 E. Second st.: furnished rooms: $1.25 per week up; lodging 23c, 35c and 50c per night. • 10-1 if FOR RENT—NEWLY FURNISHED, sunny front rooms, bath. gu3. Central choice location, 103 N. Olive St., cor. First. FOR RENT-SEVERAL NICELY FUR nlshed bedrooms from $6. Modern con veniences. 409 Seventh, near Hill 29 FOR RENT—COMPLETELY FURNIBH cd nice house of eight rooms. Call or address 1517 S. Flower st. 5-5 FOR RENT-ONE FURNISHED AND one unfurnished room, suitable for house keeping. 222 W. Fifth St. 30 FOR RENT—HOUSEKEEPING Fl.'U nished rooms; $1.50 to $2. NITTINGER'S, 451 S. Hope. tf FOR RENT-FOUR UNFURNISHED rooms. Charnook block, cor. Main and _Flfth. 30 FOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping, 626 S. Broad way. 2-25tf FOR RENT -STORES FOR RENT-TWO STORES. COR NINTH and Tennessee. Inquire of McGARRY & INNES. 227 W. Second St., or nt D. F. McGARRY 3 COAL OFFICE, Ninth and Alameda st 3. 31 FOR RENT— PART OF STORE. WITH fine show window, on roadway; excel • lent location for jeweler. Inquire at 506 S. Broadway. tf FOR RENT-STORE NO. 634 S. MAIN ST.: suitable for grocery. Inquire McGARRY" & INNES. 227 W. Second. 30 FOR RENT—MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT—LODGE ROOM AT TURNER hull; every lirst and third Friday of each month, inquire of Janitor. lltf OFFERING OFJOHNJCNBS, JR.^ FOR SALE—SBOOO. A RARE CHANCE TO Invest In a strictly cash business. Staple as wheat: if you have capital and busi ness capabilities this is your opporhml lty. Get particulars from JOHN JONES, JR., 228 Byrne bldg, 3 $3000 WILL BUY HALF INTEREST IN A business that the public arc forced to patronize—a permanent and profitable in vestment—bound If accompanied with enough slick-to-ltiveness and determina tion to succeed where others have. 3 $2000-FOR ONE OF Till-: OLDEST Es tablished and best-paying deals that can bo offered. Just renovated, with all the latest Improvements to meet the pres ent demand. Owner will be glad to re tain half interest if satisfactory partner-, ship can be effected. 3 $120O_LIVERY! STABLE. CONTAINING lease, 7 horses. 6 turnouts, wagon, har ness and necessaries for running the place; now has 15 boarders, good loca tion, making money; fair management with liberal dealings will naturally in crease the present patronage. If you are built that way it will pay to get details. If you have moans possibly you can llnd just what will suit by calling at 228 Byrne building. 3 PALMISTS PROF? A. MYERS. THE PALMIST, HAS returned to this city and is located at his old parlors. The Norwood, 656 S. Hill st., where he will be pleased to receive his many clients and friends. 5-3 MACHINE MANUFACTORY YON SERKEY MANUFACTURING CO.. 234-236 E. Second st.. manufacturers of special machinery, dies and models; only accurate work; guaranteed. plumbers FRANK AWE IN SI lANK?"rLUMBER and gasfitter, 210 E. Second st. Tel. 136. FORSALE—REAL ESTATE Houses and Lots FOR SALE- ' ~~ B A RG AIN S $2000—Lot 54x100 W. side Flower st. $2000—Fine corner for residence or Oats. $1800— Lot on N. side Seventh St., Bonnie Brae. $2750-100x156 S. side Thirtieth, bet. Grand aye. and Figueroa. $5250—Very close in, 60x165, 12-room house. $1500—0-room house, lot 50x150, estate must sell very cheap. $750~L0t on W. Thirty-first St., worth $1000. $750—Cor. Thirtieth and Maple aye. $1600— Lot in Bonnie Brae tract. $550— Lot on Wall st., sure bargain. $200 per foot—Lot on Main st. Several exchanges on hand, California for eastern or northern. Want to buy now house. 6 rooms, close in, $2000 to $2500, $100 cash. $40 per month. Money to loan. If you want to place mon ey come and see me. W. 11. GRIFFIN, If 188 S. Broadway. FOR SALE-READ THIS AND YOU will see the best paying investment in the city. A new 10-room house nicely furnished, always filled with good pay ing tenants, summer and winter: price $450 for tho next 1" days: rent only $!',; If you are looking for a good investment at a bargain come and see mo at once. THOS. G. ASHTON, 229 Byrne bldg. 30 FOR SALE—ON EASY PAYMENTS, A new 5-room house; good bath rooms, and all modern Improvements. A 5-room house on Aliso st.; this Is in a good loca tion, no beter place In that part of town lor a heme; see this if you want to allow your rent to buy you a home. R. E 111- BETSON, 107 S. Broadway. 30 FOR SALE—IF YOU WISH TO BUY ANY property In the city for investment or speculation or place or borrow money on good city property you niav make money by consulting RICHARD ALTSCHUL, i&fti W. Second st. tu-th-sat-tf FOR SALE-IT IS NOT OFTEN YOU CAN buy a beautiful little home on Pico Heights for $1750; $50 down ami $25 a month, the house Is yours. This is a bargain, Sec NEWLYN, 231 Byrne bldg. FOR SALE—ON INSTALLMENTS. 5 new cottages now being built on East Fourteenth street, from $1250 to $1600 each. Small payments down. RUNELS Ai BLAISDELL, 817V4 S. Broadway. 30 1 FOR SALE-1 WILL SELL YOU ANY homo you want on the installment plan: I pick out your house and then see me. It. | A. NEWLYN, 231 Byrne bldg. 30 FOR SALE-TWO PRIVATE RESIDEN ces for sale on the Harper tract, $Sst»l t and $9000; beautiful homes and ground. | NEWLYN, 231 Byrne bldg. 30 FOR SALE—S6SO, 8-ROOM HOUSE, HARD finish, beautiful location. Electric, cars I west. $160 cash, balance easy. J. Mc- I LEAN, E St., Pico Heights. 1 Houses and Lots —— ' ' \ i FOR SALE— J 0a THE SOFTEST SNAP, , . In town 1 ' • Is for sale by , CULVKR. 1 A nice now r.-room cottage, with every modern convenience yet thought of by the new woman, and within lOJjnlnutcs' walk of (second and Spring streets, for lltlS—sl2s— $123. Cash Down. i —And Balance at— $19—$19—$19 J per month including interest. Better than paying rent, yet no more than rent each mouth. Oct a wiggle on you if you -want this; it's going to the lirst woman who gets her eye on it. for it's the prettiest and most convenient little home in this village. —CULVER— 212 South Broadway. FOR SALE-r.O HOUSES AND LOTS FO>* sale everywhere; all prices: easy terms i Apply to BEN WHITE, 221 W. First it. . City Lots FOR SALE—OWN TOUR OWN HOME— : $30 cash. $10 per month. NO INTEREST. Lots on Fourteenth and Newton sts., 1% miles from Spring and First sts., In tho ESTELLA TRACT, $265 TO $350, or.c block from oars, in neighborhood of neat cottage homos, where building re strictions are enforced, thus protecting; your property as well as our own: no shanty-town attachments-permitted; It presents the combined features seldom seen in close-in property cheap, at prices and terms offered nowhere else in this city: cement walks laid and paid for; no bonds or interest to worry you; other street Improvements made when requir ed. These lots ure beauties, lie about one foot übove grade, affording a perfect drainage; soil a sandy loam; no mud whatever: look at all other tracts: then sec the Estclia. Remember, we charge absolutely no Interest, and every dollar paid goes into your lot:also that our prices are 25 per cent cheaper than surrounding lots. Title perfect; certificate with each lot. For all particulars apply to P. A. STANTON, 115 S. Broadway. Tel. 1164. tu-th-sun-12t FOR SALE— FRUIT LANDS AND CITY LOTS. A number of 10, 15 and 40 acres tracts in the foothills and bottom of the val* ley; several parcels slightly improved; located in the Providencia and Scott tracts, near Burbank; price very low. Various lots in King's subdivision of the Daverede tract, southwest corner of San Pedro and Washington sts. St. James Park: several very choice lots inside the park, and a valuable cor ner fronting on Adams St., 110x150 to a 16 foot alley. Six lots on Lake Shore aye. between Second and Temple sts. Sole owner, GEO. W. KINO. Room 10. Manhattan blk, 137 S. Broadway, su- tv- th-3 mo FOR SALE—G RIDER & DOW'S ADAMS ST. TRACT. THE TRACT OF HOMES. 64 choice residence lots unsold are now offered at $300 to $1000 on easy payments; 600 lots have been sold and over 230 homes built in the past 18 months; a school building that cost over $17,000 and a lino church are located in this tract; five miles of streets graded, curbed and slde walkod. and lined with 2000 lively shade and palm trees; city water: electric lights: modern street cars with 10-mlnute service: only 12 minutes' time from busi ness center; four 80-foot streets and one 100-foot street: lots 50x150 to alley; high and sightly location; rich loam soil, no mud. Don't buy for a home nor for au investment until you see the "Adams-st. Tract." Free carriages from our office. Telephone 1299. For maps, prices and views of this tract call on or write to GRIDER & DOW, 4 139 S. Broadway. FOR SALE JUST THINK OF IT. The Alexandre Weill tract offers choice building lots on Eighth. Ninth and Twelfth streets, near Central avenue car line, 25x120 to alley, at $300, $325 and $350, on small cash payment and monthly in stallments of only $10. No interest charg ed on deferred payments. Only 100 lots left of the original 400. and when thtiy have been disposed of such a chance to get a home within walking distance at low prices and upon easy terms may never offer again. Title absolutely per fect. An unlimited certificate of title or a pollcv of insurance of the Title In surance ahd Trust Co. issued with every agreement ot sale. For maps, price list and all particulars address RICHARD ALTSCHUL. 7-e od tf 123V4 W. Second St., Burdlck blk. FOR SALE— grandTlargains. $300—Large 50-foot lot on Twenty-ninth St.. in one block of the electric cars, at $300—525 cash and the balance at $10 per month; street graded and graveled; cem ent walks and curbs, and sprinkled. Car riages from our oflice. GRIDER & DOW. 4 139 8. Broadway. FOR SALE —BEAUTIFUL BUILDING lots In C. A. Smith's Third addition, lo cated on Eighth and Mateo sts., near Seventh st. school. These lots are level and part of them are covered with orange trees 20 years old. They are selling ffct, because my terms are easy—slo cash, $1') per month, and prices low—slso, $175, $200 a lot. Rmember this is close-in property. Call soon and make your selection. C. A. SMITH, 213 W. First st. 4-1S tf FOR SALE— ORANGEDALE. Fine 50-foot lots on Twenty-third St.. In half block of electric cars, covered with bearing orange trees; streets grad ed and graveled, cement walks and curbs, at $475 to $500, on easy terms. See them before you buy. 4 GRfDER Ai DOW, 139 S. Broadway. TO BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE PROP erty. go to BEN WHITE, 221 W. First st. . 5-2 FOR SALE-TWO OF THE FINEST LOTS in Los Angeles, between Third and Fourth on Olive, two frontages. Address OWNER, box 28, South Pasadena. 6-2 $350-LOT WORTH DOUBLE; CLOSE IN. BEN WHITE, 221 W. First St. 1 $100—LOTS: MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. BEN WHITE. 221 W. First sL 1 Business Property FOR SALE- .'j BROADWAY LOT. We have a choice piece of property on this line street, centrally located, now in the heart of the business cen ter We are offering this property at such a low price that will make the lucky buyer a handsome profit with in a short time. CLARK & BRYAN, 127 W. Third s 7tt = f FOR SALE—WE SELL THE EAR" 1 BASSETT & SMITII, Pomona, Cal. 6, Country Ptopsrty FOR SALE—I 3 ACRES, 11 IN BEARING, oranges ami deciduous fruit trees; a beautiful Place and location; 2% miles from Riverside; perpetual water goes with the property: title perfect; price $2600 tf sold soon. Address L. R., box 183, Riverside, Cal. 80 j FOR SALE-$3OOO CASH BUYS 30 ACRES of land: all towiiHllc and good as land around It held at $200 per acre; 18 miles from Los Angeles. Inquire at Massachu setts Shoe Store,'l29 W. First St. lm-th-sat-sv FOR SALE—I ACRES WITH 60,000 BC- ,f H berries on. vinos at Vcrduga, $2400; ab H I "' £ ™ U