8 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Timperaturs—Report of observatlona taken at I.os Angeles, April 2!>. The barometer li reduaed to sea level. Tim*. I Bar. [Ther. R. H'm Wd Vel | W ihpr BsOOa. m. 30.11 48 60 NE 3 Clear A:00p. m. 30.09| «« 5ti W 3 Iciear o:uup. m.|dv.u&i <•% i on \ ni o i .i'ur Maximum temperature, 65. Minimum Temperature. 47. WiiTHin Rbport—United Statea department of agriculture woathor report, received at Los Angeles, April 28, 1896. >0.. m m tVri fx; 50 52 ■■ Forecast—For Southern California: Gener ally fair Thursday; fresh to brisk westerly winds. Grape Fruit. Althouse Bros. Fresh Pineapples. Althouse Bros. Fancy Strawberries. Althouse Bros. Rooms f 2 a week and up. U. S. Hotel. Music. Arend Orchestra removed to Wilson block. Lee A Scott, attorneys, have moved to rooms 411 to 414 Bullard block. Orr & Hines, undertakers, removed to •47 South Broadway. Tel. Main 65. Sharp & Samson, funeral directors (independent,) 636 South Spring street Tel. 1029. Removed, R. W. Morris, dentist, No lan & Smith block, Broadway and Sec ond street. Evangelist Walker begins his con vention at Penlel hall Sunday after noon. May 3. Watches cleaned, 75 cents; main springs, 50 cents; crystals, 10 cents. Pat ton, 214 South Broadway. Church sociable tonight, First Bap tist church. Everybody invited. Re freshments and music. No charge. There will be a meeting at Judge Morrison's court room tonight at 7:30 to take action on the July 4th celebra tion. About 5500 car loads of oranges have been shipped out of Southern Califor nia this season. But very little of the crop remains. F. Orsi, a milkman, was arrested last night on a complaint sworn to by Milk Inspector Blackington, who accuses him Of selling adulterated stuff. See ladies' watches, the best and finest,; nothing better; don't miss a bar «ain; just see them at Freeburg & on's, 406 South Spring street. Adams Bros., dentists, 239% South Spring street. Painless filling and ex- ' trading. Best sets of teeth from $6 to $10. Hours, Bto 5; Sundays, 10 to 12. Officer Bob Stewart, who has been laid up with rheumatism for nearly two months. Is once more able to be about, and expects to resume his duties on the Ist of May . Visitors at La Fiesta are invited to see the free art exhibition at Lichten berger's Art Emporium, 107 North Main street. The gallery will remain Ypen from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. W. J. Colville lectures today in the Friday Morning club rooms, 330% South Broadway. Afternoon subject, Road to Success. Evening subject, General Summary of Divine Science. For sale cheap.—soo pounds brevier type; was used on The Herald until Mergenthaler typesetting machines were put in April 15. Address Business Man ager, The Herald, Los Angeles, Cal. Detective Auble and Officer Phillips raided a lottery joint on First street at 8 oclock last night and brought In We Sang, the proprietor. Sang put up $50 bail to insure his appearance in court today, to answer. At the police station there Is a lost purse containing a small sum of money awaiting an owner. It was picked up on Spring street yesterday morning by H. Pickets, a saloon man, who brought It to headquarters. It is said that after this date the en tire influence of the Santa Fe railroad ■will be exerted In favor of San Pedro as the recipient of government funds for the improvement of the harbor. Hitherto the corporation has been neu tral. Dr. Rebecca Lee Dorsey, Stimson block, first floor, rooms 133, 134, 135. Special attention given to obstetrical cases and all diseases of women and children. Electricity scientifically used. Consultation hours, 1 to 5, Tel. 1277. Licensed to Wed The following marriage licenses were issued by the county clerk yesterday: Alexander Bandini, a native of Cali fornia, aged 18 years, and Ruth Agnes Boutwell, a native of Kansas, aged 15 years, both residents of Los Angeles. Aaron Gratton, a native of Arkansas, aged 34 years and a resident of Pomona, and Mrs. Carrie Gilchrist, a native of North Carolina, aged 35 years, and a res ident of Los Angeles. Charles F. Mergell, a native of Ne braska, aged 23 years, and Hattie B. Jones, a native of Illinois, aged 18 years, both residents of Los Angeles. Karle C. Briggs, a native of Massa chusetts, aged 41 years, and Elizabeth Weary, a native of Pennsylvania, aged 26 years, both residents of Pomona. Robert Irw-in, a native of Canada, aged 32 years and a resident of San Diego, and Lulu M. Fisher, a native of Illinois, aged 22 years, and a resident of Los Angeles. Clement v. Wickham, a native of In diana, aged 32 years, and LilUe H. Beede, a native of New Hampshire, aged (2 years, both residents of Pasadena. William Gleason, a native of Ireland, aged 30 years, and Katherlne Frances Dempsey, a native of California, aged 24 years, both residents of Los Angeles. Charles C. Zilles, a native of Missouri, aged 30 years and a resident of Pomo na, and Lizette A. West, a native of Kentucky, aged 20 years, and a resident of Los Angeles. August Schutze, a native of Germany, aged 42 years, and Clara Rasbach, a native of Austria, aged 27 years, both residents ot Los Angeles. The finest wedding invitations or an noucements either printed or engraved at reasonable price-*, furnished by H. M. Lee and Bro., 140 North Spring street. Ebell Society Lecture Before the Ebell society yesterday, at 2 p. m.. In its rooms on Main street, R. B. Baumgart delivered an Interesting and scientific address. The philosophy of knowledge was under consideration and the speaker treated the subject from •11 standpoints. Mr. Baumgart propound ed the questions of Hypatia: Where are we 7 What am I? Whateanlknow? Where am I loved? and treated of them in a lucid manner. The various theories of the origin or creation of the universe ■were expounded, the atheistic or self-ex istence, pantheistic or self-created and the theistic which says that the universe was created by external agency. He quoted extensively from the an cient and modern philosophers, Algosolll, the Arabian down to Spencer. "To know more man must be more," and de spite Mr. Baumgart's reasoning the sub ject was left unsettled. After the lec ture he answered questions propounded by the audience, which consisted almost exclusively of ladles. Mining and Stock Exchance A meeting; of the members of the Los Angeles mining and stock exchange will be held in the new rooms, No. 818 West Second street, on Thursday evening, May 7, at 7:30 p. m., for the purpose of approving- the by-laws of the corpora tion. There will also be a meeting- this evening;. Try our port and sherry wines at 75 cents per gallon. T. Vache & Co., Com mercial and Alameda street* Tele phone. SM. HE WANTS HEAVY DAMAGES Southern California Railroad Company Sued for $50,000 J. M. KINLEY IS PLAINTIFF Ejected from One ol Defendant's Trains En Route to San Diego Th* Judgment In the Pomeroy Water Suit Paid Into Court by the City—Paaadena Elec tloa Contest Piled—Court Newa Joseph M. Kinley yesterday brought suit against the Southern California Railroad company for $50,000 damages, the papers being filed just before 5 oclock. Mr. Kinley, who Is a well-knovn attorney of this city, some days ago pur chased a 500-mile ticket from the railroad company, to be used at will, until the same was exhausted, for which he paid $12.56. He complied with the usual con ditions, signing his name on the back of the book as required. The ticket was used at various times, until but 109 miles remained. Having business at San Diego Mr. Kinley boarded one of the company 's trains, and when the conductor came around to collect the tickets tendered the 109 mileage remaining as part pay ment of his fare, at the same time tender ing the difference to make up the fare to San Diego in cash. The complaint al leges that the conductor, Instead of hon oring the ticket, took it up, and insisted on Mr. Kinley either paying his fare or leaving the train, and when he demand ed the return of the ticket refused to sur render It, intimating that the name on the back of the ticket was not his own, but that It had been forged. Finally at Ana heim the conductor put Mr. Kinley and his baggage off the car when the train proceeded to San Diego. Mr. Kinley further alleges in his com plaint that he was on his way to San Diego on important legal business, and that in consequence of the delay he suf fered material damage, to say nothing of the humiliation and disgrace of being ejected from the train under the circum stances in the presence of a large number of people, and from the unjust and un called for Insinuations of the conductor, for all of which he asks $50,000 dam ages. Captain Janea Convicted Captain Janes was yesterday convict ed In the United States court before Judge Wellborn of sending obscene mat ter through the mails. Janes is the pub lisher of a nondescript sort of a paper which he calls the Non-Partisan. the like of which does not exist perhaps in the United States, and some time ago print ed a most salacious article under tho heading Ripe and Unripe Women, and it was for sending copies of this paper con taining this article through the malls that he was indicted. As his defense, James claimed that he did not deposit the paper containing the obnoxious ar ticle In the postofflce, and introduced some character testimony. The jury was only out about tf -'ty minutes, and stood eleven to one • conviction on the first ballot. A short time ago Janes had a copy of the Bible sent to him through the malls, and afterwards printed quo tations from the Songs of Solomon, which he claimed were in the same strain Ets his urticlc. James was iocked up In the county jail last night. His attorney will make a mo tion for a new trial this morning, i Sent to Jail Mrs. Bentley, the Calabasas woman charged with having threatened to kill "Dr." Gay S. Allen, was yesterday put under $500 to keep the peace, In default of which she was sent to jail. Allen at tended Mrs. Bentley recently In con finement, and it is alleged, as a result of his Ignorance, she suffered serious in jury, and made threats against Allen, wo has since been arrested on a charge of practicing medicine without a license. Mrs. Bentley was In court with her In fant, while her husband took charge of the other child, aged 4) or 5 years. She was evidently a very sick woman, and almost fainted before the matter was settled. Her attorney insists that her commitment to jail is irregular, and that he will secure her release this morning on a writ of habeas corpus. A Fatal Defect The third trial of James Marshall, the daylight burglar, now under two sentences for burglary, on a similar charge, came to an abrupt ending In de partment one of the superior court yes terday. The jury had been empaneled and one witness examined, when it was discovered that the information charged that the crime had been committed in December, 1896. It was clearly an er ror, but it Is one of those little defects denominated fatal, and in place of hav ing the error corrected, and proceeding with the trial, the case was dismissed. To Contest the Pasadena Marshalahip Papers in the contest over the Pasa dena city marshalship were filed late yesterday afternoon. The vote at the election was as follows: John R. Slater, 457; W. S. Lacey. 412. Lacey claims that If the legal votes cast In the First, Third and Sixth precincts of the city are considered and counted he has the highest number of voteß and is entitled to the office. H. G. Reynolds also filed papers con testing the election of George H. Coffin as trustee. ;Pald the Judgment Into Court The full amount of the judgment and costs awarded by the jury In the head works condemnation suit was yesterday paid over In department five before Judge Shaw and turned over to County Clerk Newlln. The full amount was $25,542.85, and was paid with a couple of sacks of gold coin containing $10,000 each and $5642.85 In currency and frac tional coin. The money will be held by the clerk of the court pending the result of the appeal to the supreme court. Denied the Motion In the divorce suit of M. Boyd vs. W. R. Boyd, Judge York yesterday denied the motion of the defendant for a reduc tion of alimony and for a modification of the order so that It might be paid monthly. As the defendant had not paid any part of the alimony ordered Judge York stated that he did not think that he was In any position to come be fore the court and ask for any change, and acted accordingly. Will Oet Their Pay In the cases of Frank E. Lopez, ex county auditor, and H. C. Dillon, ex distrlct attorney, vs. County Auditor Blcknell, Judge Shaw yesterday gave Judgment for the plaintiff as prayed for Suit was brought to recover one week's salary for services rendered after the expiration of their terms of office and before their successors qualified, and has been pending In the courts for some months past. Decree le Prayed For In the foreclosure suit of Beal vs Buckingham et al.. Judge Shaw yester day gave Judgment and decree as prayed for. Edw. K. Blades was ap pointed to sell the property, with bond fixed at $1000. , In the cases of Schumacher vs Schurckert and Phillips vs. Bond, Judge Shaw also gave decrees for the plaintiff. Committed to Highland! George Bergen, a German between 60 and 60 years of age, was yesterday ex amined as to his mental condition by a LOS A"€rELES' HERALD: THURSDAY MOR~I~G. APRIL 30, 1898. commission consisting of Drs. Mathis and Davidson, before Judge York, and on being adjudged insane was ordered committed to the asylum at Highland. Bergen Is Insane on the subject of re ligion and thinks that he has a mission to preach the gospel. Divorce* Granted Judge Shaw yesterday gave Garnett Duncan a decree divorcing him from Julia A. Duncan on the ground of deser tion. Plaintiff was also awarded the custody of the child, a boy aged 10 years. Mrs. Mary A. Plttroff was also di vorced from John W. Plttroff by Judge Smith on the ground of cruelty and fail ure to support. Ha* Be.-n Settled Township Justice Young yesterday denied the petition of Edward Reed, the sewing machine agent, convicted of vio lating the license ordinance, for a writ of habeas corpus. Reed has paid his license and the matter has been settled, he having paid the court costs, and the case was dismissed. Rape Fiend Arraigned John Mojan was yesterday arraigned in department one before Judge Smith on a charge of rape on the person of 13 --year-old Lydia Brown. The defendant stated that Ills true name was John Mehan, and further proceedings will be had in that name. He will plead on May 25. Charged With Murder On motion of the district attorney In formations were yesterday filed In de partment one aginst B. W. and George D. Mings, charging them with thffmur der of John Hayes, the Puente post master. They will be arraigned today. The Case Dismissed Township Justice Young yesterday dismissed the case against William Bas tine, charged with having made threats against Theo. Stelncr, an investigation showing that there was nothing in it. Probate Matter* Herbert S. Pratt, aged 18 years, yes terday filed a petition for the appoint ment of his father, Charles Pratt, as his guardian. The minor has an estate in Los Angeles and San Diego counties. Ernst Remanded In the matter of the habeas corpus proceedings of Ike Ernst, now serving a term lor vagrancy, Judge Smith in de partment one, yesterday denied the pe tition and remanded the prisoner. Suit on a Promissory Note Eva Siegfried Dwiggins yesterday in stituted suit against L. B. De Camp, as administrator of the estate of John P. Early, deceased, to recover on a promis sory note for $1500. Submitted on Briefs The case of G. B. Kerper vs. W. J. Broderlck, growing out of a deal to pur chase the Main street car line, wes yes terday submitted on briefs before Judge Van Dyke. On a nechanlcs' Lien W. W. Watson yesterday sued David Llddell et al. to recover $169, with costs of suit, and that the same be declared a lien on lot 8, block 1, of the Williamson tract. A Default Vacated In the case of Bellrlnger vs. Carnlcle Judge Shaw yesterday vacated the or der giving judgment by default, and continued the matter until May 1. Another Citizen Thomas Jones, a native of Wales, was yesterday admitted to citizenship by Judge Clark on taking the necessary oath. THAT BELLBOY BURGLAR Stolen Diamonds and Jewelry Recovered by tbe Police Officer Reynolds' Clever Capture—Th* Hotel del Coronado Systematically Plun dered by the dang A complaint alleging grand larceny Will be sworn out against George Yore, the 18-year-old bell-boy whose arrest on Main street Tuesday night was ex cluslvly mentioned in yesterday's Her ald. When Officer Reynolds captured him Yore was trying to dispose of a diamond pin which had been stolen from O. T. Johnson of the Westminster while he was a guest of the Hotel del Coro nado during the hotel men's visit to San Diego. Mr. Johnson occupied room 147, and while attending the banquet given to the bonifaces, lost his Jewel. As stated, there were at least four in the gang who were systematically robbing the hotel guests, and all were discharged at the same time. They left San Die go, came to this city and took lodgings at 321 Temple street. His companions left for San Francisco three days ago, and from Yore's statement took with them a large amount of stolen property. Officer Reynolds, who made the arrest, first had his suspicions aroused by the boy's actions and maneuvers In trying to sell the pin. He went intp one pawnshop and offered it for a low price and was directly accused Jjy the pawn broker of stealing the article. At this he snatched the pin and ran. When first taken Into custody he said the dia mond was given him by a relative, but later in the evening was taken Into the private office of Chief of Detectives Moffltt and closely questioned. While there he broke down and acknowledged that the pin was stolen. While Chief Glass and the detectives stepped aside to consult a moment, Yore dropped sev eral other pieces of Jewelry Into a spit toon, but was discovered In the act. On examination a pearl brooch, one child's ring set with pearls, one ring set with rubies and diamonds and a dia mond shirt stud were found where he had thrown them. All these articles are evidently of the plunder the gang secured, but are believed to constitute only a small part of the whole. Yore stat ed that he was but a tool In the hands of his older accomplices and that the above was merely his share of the stuff stolen while they were employed at the big hotel. Word was sent to San Diego of the capture and a reply was received that an officer would come up Immediately for the prisoner. Tbey are Superior to All Others That Is the unanimous verdict of the public regardlnig the famous Glenwood stove, which is the favorite because In every detail it excels any other made. It will save you In fuel alone 40 per cent. Examine them before purchasing any other. Once you use them you win rec ommend them to your friends. To be had only of the sole agents, the W. C. Furrey company, 159-165 North Spring street. It Weuld Be Appreciated A copy of The Herald's Fiesta edition Is a valuable and an appropriate sou venir to mail to distant friends. It tells all about the great festivities as well as Southern California and Los Angeles. Single copies 5 cents. Postage 3 cents. As the edition is limited, orders should be sent In without delay. A Correction We wish to correct the error In your Sunday Issue under the heading of "Marvelous Surgery." Instead of all cases being performed at the Los An geles Sanitarium, only two were, the others being performed at our Institute. < Signed) English and German Expert Specialists. » Al i PJl 0 ? 1 at wallpaper greatly reduced. A. A. Eckstrom, 124 South Spring (treat. | Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov't Report THE WATER PEOPLE MAD A Pleading Communication to tbe City Council AS TO SPRINKLING HYDRANTS The Fire Department to be Kept Out of Politics Several Plremen Were Up tor Dereliction of Duty and Two are Dropped—Ed Smith and the Poll Tax The contention as to whether or not the city has the right to usea the fire hydrants which are the private prop erty of the water company for street sprinkling purposes is again reaching an acute stage. The company is com plaining and complaining very hard at the shifting tactics of the council in the matter, and yesterday its agents filed the following: It is with regret that the undersign ed, the Los Angeles City Water com pany, has to call the attention of your honorable body to a burden that is be ing imposed upon the city water com pany, and has grown to such an extent that the company cannot very well longer submit to it; but they prefer be fore commencing any legal proceedings for the protection of their rights to call the attention of the council to it, in the hope that you will, without the ne cessity of litigation, protect the com pany by your own action. By referring to the contract between the city and Griffin, Beaudry and Liz ard, which contract has been assigned to the Los Angeles City Water com pany, you will see that among the things which the grantees of the franchises there conferred undertook to do were to lay down in the streets of the city twelve miles of iron pipes of sufficient capacity to supply the inhabitants of said city with water lor domestis pur poses and should erect or cause to be erected one hydrant to be used as a protection against fire at one corner of each cross street of said city where the water pipes now are or may hereafter be laid by virtue of this contract, and again that they will within one year from the date of the contract place a hydrant to be used as a protection against fire at one corner of one street at each cross street where the pipes are now laid, and will erect hydrants at other street corners, according to tho terms of this contract, as fast as the pipes are extended through the streets of said city, and again, that they will make all the improvements mentioned and set forth in the contract and keep the same in repair at their own cost and expense for the said period of thirty years. The company has erected fire hy drants In accordance with the contract, and are still placing them wherever it is requested by the council, and it has been keeping them In repair at its own expense. But you will see by the provisions above quoted that, they were to be erect ed to, be used as a protection against fire, and that was the only purpose to which they were to be devoted. But the hydrants which the company has thus far erected for protection against fire are> being used, for the purpose of fill ing the street sprinklers engaged In sprinkling thel streets! of Los Angeles, and by such use the burden of maintain ing them is increased fifty fold, and as these fire hydrants have become very numerous and are constantly increas ing in number,, increased: cost) of main taining them in repair, when such use is made of them, is very great, and the company now protests against such use being made of the" hydrants; at, all, un less indeed the city choose to assume the burden of maintaining them' ir, re pair. And we respectfully request the council to forbid the using of the hy drants by the street sprinklers, or' else that the council will' engage: to pay the expense of maintaining the hydrants in repair. DISCIPLINING FIREMEN The board of fire commissioners had a busy day yesterday disciplining mem bers of the fire department who had been derelict during the past week. The chief reported M. Morlarity, driv er of hose cart No. 2, for failing to report on time at the expiration of his leave of absence, at noon on Saturday, April 18. Charles P. Harrison, driver of engine No. 6, for violation of rule 40 of the de partment; S. A. Reed, permanent fire man attached to Chemical company No. 1, for being Incompetent, and George A. Vail of hose cart No. 1 for being insubor dinate. Reed was suspended to give him an opportunity to resign, which he did in a few moments. Harrison was fined $30 and Morlarlty $20. The resignation of Driver Vail was also demanded, al though Commissioner Kuhrtz tried to have the sentence modified to a $50 fine. The mayor was In sympathy with Mr. Kuhrtz. Chief Moore was directed to issue In structions to all members of the depart ment that they must keep out of politics. The following, offered by Commis sioner Vetter, was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the board of fire com missioners appreciates the very credit able display made by the men, horses and apparatus in La Fiesta parade, Wednesday, April 22, 1896, and hereby thanks the members of the department for the great success they made of this feature of the parade. Resolved, further, That a copy of these resolutions be posted in each of the department houses. The application of E. W. Snook, John G. Kemp and Robert Parker for permis sion to erect and operate a boiler and engine at Nos. 416 and 418 East First street, was referred to the chief. The time for considering the protest of George W. Frasher aginst the loca tion of a blacksmith shop on San Pedro street was continued for one week. The application of William Bedney for appointment as callman was ordered filed. MEMORIAL DAY COMING Sam Kutz, as the secretary of the gen a eral Memorial day committee, has ad dressed to the mayor and council a note, as follows: In accordance with general orders No. 8 from national headquarters, and in ac cordance with the beautiful custom in augurated by our order, the various G. A. R. posts in this city have arranged to properly observe Memorial day, May ,'!0. which annual tribute to the memor ies of our departed comrades has grown in favor each year until it has become national in its character. The general committee extend to your honorable body a cordial invitation to attend the general exercises which will be held in Simpson tabernacle on tho afternoon of May 30. CITY HALL FLOTSAM The poll tax collector was at the city hail yesterday, and in his perambula tions ran across Chief Walter S. Moore or the fire department and Ed Smith, his assistant. Both declined to pay the tax on the ground that as exempt firemen they were not compelled under the law to do so. The poll tax man went to the city treasurer and tied up Smith's April salary. The latter says that he will test the matter in the courts of the state. The report of City Auditor Teale for the week ended April 27 shows an Im provement in the various funds. In the cash fund there is $16,115; salary, $3751.02; fire department, $3096; library, $5353; street sprinkling, $3348. The com mon school fund is overdrawn $2683 and Westlake park fund $359. RUPTURE Professor Joseph Fan drey, European specialist, formerly of Berlin, Germany, now permanently located at 821 South Broadway, Los Angeles, is a practical rupture specialist and manufactures the latest patent trusses (his own in vention) for curing rupture; also cor sets for curvature of the spine, female supporters, etc. Each case will be made to fit. Over forty almost helpless cases of from two to twenty years standing, some twice broken, are today cured and have no more use for truss. Patients from two to seventy-five years of age. Information and testimonials will be sent on application. Busy Paying Bills The indefatigable triumvirate of La Fiesta, Messrs. J. F. Francis. C. D. Will ard and Frank Wiggins, are busily em ployed paying bills. While at last they find time to breathe, there will be at least another week's hard work before the accounts are finally straightened out. Secretary Willard's signature is in great demand at present. All prices of wallpaper greatly reduced. A. A. Eckstrom, 324 South Spring street. JOTTINGS Our Hone Brew Maler & Zobelcin's lager, fresh from their brewery, on draught in all the principal saloons; delivered promptly In bottles or kegs. Office and brewery, 440 Aliso street; telephone 91. Hanlman Fish Co., San Pedro Fresh fish and lobsters shipped direct to all points in Arizona, Texas and Mexico, from cannery in San Pedro, at lowest wholesale prices. Pabat Beer) Pabst Beerl On draught. Olympic hall, 121 W. First St., Wm. Garms, prop. Tel. 274. Finest com mercial lunch. Leave orders for bottled beer. Miss Jessie M. Washburn will give an art reception at her studio, room 126, Bryson block, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. The public cordially invited. Free Dispensary For the poor daily. Drs. Llndley and Smith, Broadway and Fourth. Pirtle Block. Eagle Brand Oyster* Call for the Eagle Brand of fresh frozen oysters. Your grocer has them. They are a great delicacy. Agency for Pabst Beer Agency for Pabst beer. Paclflo Bottling Works, cor. Fifth and Wolfskill streets. Hawley, King & Co., 210 N. Main St., agents genuine Columbus Buggy com pany's buggies and bicycles. Advance Davis sewing machines removed to 407 8. Broadway, opposite Chamber Com merce. Largest variety Concord business wagons and top delivery wagons. Hawley, King & Co. Pabst Beerl Pab*t Beerl On draught at Joe Arnold's, 358 S. Spring. Big Tree Carriage Works, u8 San Pedo St. Concord business wagons a specialty. Dr. D. S. Diffenbacher, dentist, rooms 4 and 5, 119 S. Spring st., Los Angeles. 1896—19 lbs. Keatings—"36s days ahead of them all." Hawley, King & Co. Everything on wheels, Hawley, King A Co., 210-212, N. Main st. Sewing machine* rented $2 per month. 407 South Broadway. Dr. Harriet Hilton, 424 S. Hill street. ■ PECK A CHASE CO.I ;"fHE Broadway ~; I 3B A BROADWAY, i ■■■■Tf-*" M m a m m m 1 Ever troubled with your Eyes? Ever tried ns ? We h avejfltted glaas** to thousands to their entire satlslaotion. Why not glre na a trial? We will satisfy you. £yes tested tree. LOWEST PRICE& S. Q. MARSCHUTZ, Scientific Optician 249 B. Spring street, opp. Stimson block. Established here nine years. gV-Look for the Crown on the Window. THE PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 110 West Second St LOS AN3ELES Supplies Business Houses dally with all in formation In their line, covering th* entire Coast. Miss M. A. Jordan MILLINERY IMPORTER 818 South Spring Street ' LOS Axoeus, Cal. 135 SOUTH SPRING ST. Special ® TODAY, Thursday, April 30th A Day in Our Linen Department 300 doz. BLEACHED DAMASK NAPKINS At $1.25 per doz. Th* putnt bargain ol th* kmoi. A napkin 5-> In site; Irlah damask t aatln finish. 25 pieces all-linen, 60 in. wide, satin damask TABLE LINEN At 50c per yd. Will welch more to the yard and finer woven than any other Damask manufactured. We are sole agents and Importers of this Linen. Table Linens, Tawele, Napkin* at your own prices. Sea our Window Display. In Our Domestic Department We offer 5000 yds. Genuine Percales at Se per yd. seventy-five designs to select from; displayed in show window. Paptr Patterns Wo apiece FIXEN & CO., 135 South Spring St. THE PUBLIC APPLAUD The Physicians of the Botanic Medical institute—Their LroW Rate of $3.00 a Month for Treatment Is Proving a Godsend to Suffering Humanity • Their Parlors Crowded With Patients—Their New Treatment h a Pronoun iee| Success, and by Their Skill and Attention to Their Patients the Physicians of the Botanic Medical Institute Have Won the Hearts of Sick Polka Remember tbe Majoanlmous Oiler—To All Patients Who Apply at Their Parlors P , t V Saturday Evenlaf at 8 Oclock Will Be Treated for All Diseases Until Cared 4 for $3.00 a Month and Furnish All Medicine Free That the public appreciate the magnanimous offer of the physicians t Botanic Medical Institute Is fully proven by the large numbers that have vlslteu institution during the past few days. The offer made by these physicians Is certa. a fair one. They say to the public: We want you to test our treatment; we know will cure you, and to show our faith we say to all patients who may be suffering fr Catarrh or any of its complications or any deep-seated chrenlc disease, the physlci of the Botanic Medical Institute will do what they claim, if you apply at their pari 206}4 South Broadway, any time before Saturday evening at 8 oclock. We will treu you for all troubles you may have at the low rate of (3.00 a month until cured, and furnish all medicine absolutely free of charge. ONLY THREE D7SVS of the $3.00 rate at the Botanic Medical Institute. Test the Pneumachemle apparatus for Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis and Lung Troubles, It Is the grandest Instrument ever invented, and its success In curing this class of diseases Is proven by the hun dreds who have used It. DON'T 3n£KIT Until the last day, apply now, and take advantage of this low rate to be cured. Coma and talk with these physicians, examine their Instruments and apparatus, diplomas and credentials, and you will soon be convinced that you can get the latest scientific treatment at the II Botanic 11 fledical || Institute Gordon Block, 206 1-2 South Broadway Parlors 12, 13, 14, 13 and 22. + + + SPECIHLTIBS 4- ♦ ♦ CATARRH DYSPEPSIA FEMALE COMPLAINTS ASTHMA RHEUriATISM KIDNEY TROUBLES BRONCHITIS HEART TROUBLES BLADDER TROUBLES LUNG TROUBLES SKIN DISEASES EPILEPSY | And All Forms ot Deep-Seated Chronic Diseases An Entirely New Method of Treatment «*» OFFICE HOURS—9 to 5 p. m. daily; evenings, Monday, Wednesday - and Saturday, 7 to 8 p. m.; Sunday, 10 to 12 a. m. A A A A A A A A A AAA AAA A A A A A A AA.A.A A AA A A AAA a A A A A -faA a sfcAssal I New Furniture *>* Carpets : I THE LATEST I *> Matting, Oil Cloth and Linoleum Portlers, Curtain Ptxturea *> Z Bedding Baby Carriages 2 J Window Shades Upholstery floods T X Silk and Lace Curtains Etc., Etc X f Prices the Lowest Wm. S. Allen i 332-334 S. Spring St^| Rubber Hose This week 4 1 2c per foot up. Sprinklers 15c each. Hose Menders 3 for 5c Warranted Lawn Mowers #.50. Thomas Bros, l" fjs& Nauerth & Cass Hardware Co. Builders' Hardware, Plumbing: and Tinning. Special attention is called to our complete line of REFRIGERATORS, - OAS - AND - OASOLINE - STOVES. 326 South Spring Street. Tel. lips BREAKFAST INCOMPLETE WITHOUT IT S**t A MM Telephone 337 / 11 L r\ \IU JOHN H - ROLLER ■ .WW / » f I J» Wut Second StrMt M % 1 y j \ j ¥ ■ ICTtCRIAW AND SHERBETS A BPIOIALTY Prompt drtlTery to all part* of etty.