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RUBBED IT IN VERY HARD Otis' Personal Enemy Will Go to Sacramento REPUBLICAN CONVENTIONS Those Wblcb Were Held Yesterday in This City The Program Everywhere Went Through Without a Hitch-One District Refuses to Instruct lor McKinley The three Republican assembly dis trict conventions ln this city to elect delegates to the state convention to be held at Sacramento next Tuesday went through strictly according to program. Not a cog slipped In the machine of ac tion anywhere along the line and the expressions of the primaries held last Wednesday were emphatically ratified. The local conventions proved that Jas McLachlan will be named to succeed himself ln congress by acclamation, and that instructions for William McKinley for the presidential nomination arc so far as Los Angeles county is concerned anything but a certainty. Capt. H. 'A. Osborne was elected a delegate to the state convention In the seventy-fourth district by acclamation, having no oppo sition for the honor. This lv spite of the Times.which yesterday morning threat- I ened that Osborne's selection would lie considered a personal affront to Itself and to its conductor. The same conven- I tlon refused by a vote of 55 to 47 to In- | struct for McKinley. although the mun | from Ohio was endorsed. The conven- | tlon greeted with derision the name of i Col. H. (1. Otis. Rev. S. .1. Pitman Wtlß I elected chairman of the convention; c. I M. B. Walker was made the secretary. I Early In the session T. w. Brotherton 1 offered a resolution that the thirteen del egates that shall be elected be instructed •o elect such national delegates as shall pledge themselves for McKinley for i president so long as his name shall re- j main as .such candidate before the i a- I tlonal convention, The motion was de clared out of order. The committee on resolutions report ed as follows: Whereas, the welfare of any state la best subserved by an a< tlve and Intelli gent congressional delegation, and. Whereas, ti is a self-evident proposi- i tlon Unit when v district is well repre sented at Washington the public goo.; de mands that there be as few changes as possible, mid whereas, California has been slow in profiting by this fact, therefore be It . Resolved, that the praiseworthy ami 1 "Out of the mouthi of many witnesses the truth shall be established. In a multitude of counsel there is safety." DR. SHORES' FREE OFFER. Every one, sicl: or well, needs a spring medicine at this seison of the year, nnd fully appreciating this fact, Dr. Shores ha? generously decided to extend his FREE OFFERING of one large bottle, $1 size, of Or. Shores' Famous Tonic und Blood Purifier to every new patient and every old patient renewing treat ment during the NEXT TEN DAYS. This valuable spring time remedy is given In addition to the regular medicines prescribed free by Dr. Shores, and Is for use In the family. If you want to pet the benefit of this gift come to Dr. Shores during the next ten days. Already hundreds of bottlos have been given to Dr. Shores' grateful patients. The spring of the year is the BEST TIME TO TREAT for Catarrh. One month now is equal to three months later. If you are afflicted with Catarrh or any other deep-seated disease, come to Dr. Shores aud BE CURED FOX $5 PER MONTH, all medicines furnished free. ONE WOMAN'SJIRATITUDE. Mrß. John T. Butler of tho Famous "Grand Old Oaks" Chorry Bancn, Pasadena, Cured by Dr. Shores'a Treatment. * • ■ _ i _ - I -• . * Mrs. John T. tiutier, Pasadena. Every old resident of Southern California knows the famous "Grand Old Oaks" cherry ranch at Pasadena, which for the past 12 years has produced the finest cherries grown in Southern California, and Is one of the model ranches of the whole State. They also know equally well Mr. Butler and his accomplished wife. Mrs. Butlei has'been cured by Dr. Shores and yesterday said: "For the past six years I have vomited nearly every meal I have eaten. I have been suffering with catarrh of the head, throat and stomach, and six months ago I began treating with Dr. Shores, and the effect has been splendid. I now have a good appetite and never vomit at all. My catarrhal symptoms have all disappeared and I cheerfully recommend Dr. Sbores's treatment, be cause Dr. Shores cured me." DR. SHORES' FAIRNESS. Dr. A. J. Shores'conception of Fairness is that afflic'ecl people seeking a cure for their iniirmlties should fully understand a treatment before paying out money for Us benefits, and those applying to Dr. A. J. Shores are welcomed by him to a trial treatment without charge. For those taking the full treatment there is no expense beyond the regular fee rate of M a month, which pays for everything, including all medicines. A Guarantee. Take No Chances. The DR. A. J. SHORES COMPANY is ln- orporated, and is composed of business The Laboratory of the DR A J. SHORES jen of Los Angeles. No figureheads in thia Jompany. As to the honesty and reliability CO. Is under the direct charge of a regis of the DR. A. J. SHORES COMPANY, It might be well to mention its directors: tercd physician, whose credentials arc en- DR, A. J. SHORES. President. OEN. C. C ALLEN, Vice-President. dorsed by the State Medical Board. All MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK, Treas. JVM. BOSBYSHELL, Director. medicines used are carefully compounded WALTER ROSE, Director. M. M, OG den, Director. - by him, and only the purest drugs are used. Consultation in Person or by Letter Free. patriotic services of the Hon. James Mc- Lachlan arc approved by tho people of this district; that they recognise in him an efficient and zealous champion of the policies and principles that are most conducive to the prosperity of the nation and to this district, and be It further Resolved, that this body of Republi cans ln convention assembled, commends the manly stand ut all times of the Hon. James McLachlan to the voters of this district, and with renewed confidence In structs its delegates to do their utmost lor his renomlnntion. Resolved, That we consider the non sectarian free public school the bul wark uf American Institutions, and we favor the compulsory attendance of children In our public schools, and the teaching therein of true patriotic senti ments und the fundamental principals underlying this government, as well as the evil effects of spirituous liquors on the human system. Resolved, That we condemn the sup port out of the public funds of the pub lic treasury of the nation and state by direct appropriation, or by contract, of any sectarian school, reformatory ot other institution not owned and con trolled by public authority. And be It further Resolved, That our delegates to the state und congressional convention bi pledged to these principles, nnd that they be instructed not to vote for or sup port any delegate to the national convention or candidate for con gress who will not pledge himself to work for the incorporation of these prin ciples ln the national platform to be framed at St. Louis, and for their en actment ln the halls of congress. Resolved, That this assembly of Re publicans demand the enactment of such legislation as shall prevent the indiscriminate immigration to this country from foreign shores of a vic ious und criminal class of laborers, of paupers and anarchists, and that we exact of our representatives ln congress a pledge that they will do everything in their power to cause such legislation and ennctments us will restrict this class of emigrants. Resolved, That we demand a change of the naturalization laws by the repeal of the act authorising the naturaliza tion id' minors without a previous dec laration of intention, and by providing ' that no aliens shall be naturalized or permitted to vote in any state in the union who cannot speak the language of the laud anil who cannot prove seven > ears' continuous residence in this coun try from Ihe date of his declaration of intention. The Fourth an 1 Fifth wards reported the following resolution: Resolved, That the thirteen delegates selected by this Seventy-fourth assem bly district convention, to attend the sixth congressional district and state Republican conventions, to be held at Sacramento on May sth, 1*96, be and are hereby instructed lo vote for such dis trict delegates and delegates to the state at large to tin; national Republi can Convention to be held at St. Louis on June Hi. 1896, as shall pledge thetn :■ >iv»x to vote for the nomination of Wil DOES DOCTOR SHORES' TREATMENT CURE? LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 3. 1896. 11am McKinley or Ohio as the Republi can candidate for president. The Sixth and Seventh Wards Intro duced the following resolution: Be it resolved, That the delegates se lected by this Seventy-fourth district convention to the state Republican con vention be sent to said convention free and untrnmeled. Resolved, That this convention here with Indorses William McKinley for the Republican nomination for president. After a struggle as to whether the McKinley instruction resolutions should or stiould not be voted upon by secret ballot, which resulted against a viva voce vote, the resolutions were defeated by a vote of 55 to 44. The fol lowing were named as delegates to Sac ramento: Fourth ward—R. A. Ulrd, J. S. Pitman, A. N. Francisco, J. C. Cllne. Fifth ward—F. O. Teed and J. A. I Pirtle. Sixth ward-J. B. Calhoun, G. L. Keefer, Dr. William Dodge. Seventh ward—M. L. Starln, S. C. Dodge, N. B. Walker. Tho delegation to Sacramento the state convention elected from the Seventy-third Assembly district con sist of J. M. Meredith, George Rheln •hlld, George McOlure, John Krlngle, E, Munsey, Nathan Cole, F. P. Flint, It. A. Ling and William Llewellyn. The "invention endorsed McLachlan for congress and Instructed for William .McKinley for president. The Seventy-fifth Assembly district lid not Instruct for McLachlan, although McKinley was endorsed. The chair nan of the convention was Col. R. B. Treat, the secretary being O. W. Dun ham. The delegates to the state con vention elected were: From the Third ward—D. W. Field, W. H. Cook, Henry Ulnse, Charless Klberson and J. W. Long. From the Second ward—L. V. Youngworthh, W. A. Cheney, George P. McLaln, Sutherland Hutton and J. B. Llversldge. The platform favors sound money, and the selection of a delegate-at-lr.rge from the district was left to the district delegation. The Seventy-fourth district conven tion was most (emphatically ln the hands of the A. P. A. Hervey Lindley and his Immediate friends go north this afternoon. The rest of the city delegates will take the train for Sacramento to-night. COMPTON. The convention of the Seventy-second Assembly district passed resolutions expressing confidence in Conprressman McLachlan, a preference for McKinley as the presidential nominee, and ln fa vor of a San Pedro harbor appropria tion. Following are the delegates elected: W. H. Palmer, University; Benj. S .Weston .Wilmington; M. S. ] Cummlngs, Rosedaje; C. H. Thomburg, i Cerrltos; AY. H. Carpenter, Compton; I W. J. Hess. P.edondo; J. C. Rives, I Downey; W. H. Kelso, Inglewood. i MONROVIA. The convention of the Seventy-first j Assembly district assembled here to- I day. It instructed for McKinley and McLachlan. The delegates chosen Read the Eloquent Testimony Today from the Hearts of Home People You Know, Who Have buffered for Years and Been Healed by Dr. Shores. Our Free Offer Extended For Ten Days. SUFFERED FOR TWENTY YEARS. Mrs. C. forme, After Vainly Experimenting With Scores of Doctors in Europe and America, is Cured by Dr. Shores. 1 I''M' I' I ' ■ ! ' I , *. a V^P^^^^^^^^^V 'l' i i Free Trial Treat ment. So confident is Dr. Shores that he can cure Ca tarrh and Chron ic Diseases, even in its worst forms, that a cordial in vitation is ex tended toal! per sons suffering from this dis ease, or from cough, asthma, , or any lung£ trouble, to calK at his office in ■ the Redick Block for a free exam ination and a free trial local treatment. HRS. C. SONNE, 321 West Fourth Street LOS ANGELES, CAL., April 28, 1896. "I wish to tell the public of my gratitude to Dr. Shores, and of the good his treatment has done me. I nave been a sufferer for 80 years from Indigestion, Stomach Trouble and Piles, and have talteu treatment from some of tho best doctors in the world. I have also been laid up for six months in a hospital In Copenhagen, Denmark, and for three months in a hospital at Worcester, Mass., but none of the doctors have been able to And the cause ot my sickness. I bad to undergo an operation that was very painful and dangerous, but was not relieved, and almost despaired of ever getting relief. 1 saw the American Dr. Shores's advertisement ln a paper here, and thought I would try him, and lam more than thankful that I did so, as HE IS THE ONLY DOCTOR who has given me help; and I want to advise all those who are suffering as I waa, to go to him for treatment, as you will save money by to doing. It any lady wants to ask me about my sickness, and how Dr. Shores has helped me, I will be very glad to see them any time before May 13th, as I go East then." MRS. C. SONNE, No. 381 West Fourth street. NATURE'S WARNING. Aches and Paine Are the Danger Signals That You Are Sick and Need Treatment. Read the following symptoms over carefully, mark those you feel in your case and send or bring them to Dr. A. J. Shores, and he will tell you whether you can be cured, free of charge. The Head and Throat. This form of catarrh Is most common—re sulting from neglected colds—quickly cured with little cost by Dr. Shores's famous treatment "Is tho nose stopped up?" "Does your nose discharge?" "Is the nos» sore and tender?" "Is there a dropping in the throat?" 'Is your throat ury ln the morning?" "Do you sleep with your mouth open?" You can be easily cured now—don't let it run into complications. The Bronchial Tubes. When catarrh of the head and throat is neglected or wrongly treated It extends down the windpipe into the bronchial tubes, and after awhile attacks the lungs. Quickly cured with little cost by Doctor Shores' famous treatment "Have you a cough?" SS— A Month Pqp All. Diseases, Medicines a were Payne. Thompson, Warner, Cox, Elliott, Reed, Owens and Winters. SAN FERNANDO. The convention of the Seventieth As sembly district shouted for McKinley, McLachlan and protection. The delebates chosen were: J. P. Nelson, John McDonald, W. E. Arthur, L. S. Brown. James t'lark, John S. C'jX, end Capt. C. M. Simpson, all of Pasadena; A. B. Gndden, Henry Dewey of Soldiers' home; George B. Dexter. J. S. Wilcon of Santa Monica. D. M. Sutherland of Pico Heights, F. M. Wright of San Fernando, C. Dodenhoff of Palmdale. TODAY'S BULMrToiIT Oreat Sport Is Promise! at Athletic Park This Afterncon Captain Terln and the six expert to readors will be seen for tbe last time in this city this afternoon at Athletic park prior to their departure for Mexico. The entertainment today promises to be one worth seeing. Prof. Mitchell will ride and handle the wild horse "Jack the Ripper," and there will be steer tying and throw ing. Six wild bulls will also be seen ln the arena. It Is seldom that a legitimate show of this kind Is seen in Los Angeles, and It will probably at tract a large crowd of people. Captain Term, under whose charge the sport is given. Is known as being among the best bull lighters in Mexico. Today no cruelty of the slightest character will be allowed, but the exhibition promises to be as suc cessful and as exciting as on last Sun day, when the spacious park was crowd ed. Popular prices will prevail and the entertainment will begin at 2 ocloek. CONCERT TODAY" An Excellent Program of Music This After notjn at Westlake The Los Angeles Military band, W. D. Deeble, director, this afternoon at West lake park, will Interpret the following musical protrram: LOS ANGELES MILITARY P.AND. March, Phlledian. Rolllnson. Overture. Jolly Robbers, Suppe. Fantasia. Kin Marehen. Bach. Waltz. The Postilion, Falirback. Selection, Pirates of Penzance, Sulli van. Carnival march. Miss Hatchett. Walts, Irene. Bennet. Overture, La CJazza Ladra, Rossini. The Jolly Ulaeksmlth, Suckley. Oalop. TfvoTl, Zlckoff. My prices for wallpaper beat all the city. A. A. Eckstrom. 324 South Spring street. "Do you take cold easily?" "Have you pain ln aide?" "Do you raise frothy material?" "Do you cough in the mornings?" "Do you spit up little cheeay lumps?" "Do you feel you are growing weaker?" Don't risk neglecting tnese warnings stop the disease before it reaches the lungs. Of the Ears. "Is your hearing falling?" "Do your ears discharge?" "Is the wa . dry in your ears?" "Do you hear some daya better than oth ers?" "Is your hearing worse when you have a cold?" Don't neglect this until your hearing is irreparably destroyed. Doctor Shores can cure you now. Kidney Disease. Results ln two wars, by taking cold and by overworking the kidneys ln separating from tbe blood the catarrhal poisons which affect all organs. Quickly cured with little cost by Doctor Shores' famous tr« atment "Do your hands and feet swell? '•Is this noticed more at night?" "Is there pain ln small of back?" Has her perspiration a bad odor? xs there pumness under the eyes? "Do you have to get up often at night?" "Is there a deposit la urine if left stand ing?" CITY IS MAKING A START A Beginning in Municipal Own ership of Watej AWAITING A PROPOSITION The Water Company Will Be Asked to Price Its Plant Ordinances to Be Rep rted Tomorrow for N:w Refunding: Bond's—Figure] Complete in l ive Wards ol School Census The rommlttec on water and water supply of the council has in preparation a letter which is to be sent to the officers of the Los Angeles Water company, In forming the latter corporation ot the action taken by the council in the ef forts to secure a municipal water plan.. The water company Is to be requested to set upon its plant a price, the flKures of which will form a basis for the com mittee's action. Should It be determined to purchase the plant now ln use, bonds for the purpose will DO authorized to be voted for at a general election. Should the figures of tho water company, on the other hand, be such as to preclude tho obtaining of the water company's plant, bonds will be voted for Just the same, and If the election carries the city will equip Its own plant. The directors of the water company meet on Thursday, when the letter from the water supply committee will be read and acted upon. TO REFUND THE DEBT. The fiinance committee will at tomor row's session of the council Introduce tho requisite ordinances bonding the City for the sum of $300,000. The money thus obtained is to be used for refunding in line with the recent decision of the state supreme court declaring invalid the funding bonds Issued last year. The Issuance of tne proposed new bonds will not have to stand the test of elective approval by the people. The ordinance will be passed by a unanimous vote and the bonds will be sold to the highest bid der as soon as possible. Tn disposing of the new bonds, holders of the old bonds will have the first right to purchase, as is required by the state law passed two years ago. OIL OPERATIONS IN APRIL. Oil Inspector J. M. Methvln has filed with the council his report for April as follows: I beg leave to report that during the month of April and slnco my last re port I have collected licenses to the amount of $40.50. which I have paid to the city tax and license collector, and hold his receipt for the same. Dr. Shores Treats and Cures: Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Weak and Sore Eyes, Deafness, Neuralgia, Insomnia, Heart Disease, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Malaria, Chronic Dysentery, Kidney Disease Nervous Diseases, Blood Diseases, Skin Diseases, Female Diseases, Hemorrhoids, And Other Curable Diseases. Don't neglect these signs and risk Bright* disease killing you. Cure it now. Liver Disease. The liver is affected hy catarrhal poisons extending from the stomach Into the ducts of the liver. Quickly cured with little cost hy Doctor Shores's famous treatment. ■•Do you get dizzy?" "Do you have cold feet?" "Do you feel miserable?" "Do you get tired easily?" "Do you have hot flushes?" "Are your spirits low at times?" "Do you have rumbling ln bowels?" These are the seven simple signs Indicat ing disease of the liver. If you have any or all of them, seek Doctor Shores now and be cured. Of the Stomach. Catarrh of the stomach la usually caused by swallowing mucous which drops down from the bead and throat at night. Quickly cured with little cost by Doctor Shores's famous treatment. "Is there nausea?" "Do you belch up gas?" "Are you constipated?" "Is your tongue coated?" "Do you, bloat up after eating?" "Is there constant bad taste in mouth?" Now ia the time to be permanently cured. Doctor Shores is curing hundreds every week. During the month I have had per formed by well owners seventeen days' labor by men and teams furnished for Several, for removing rubbish and cleaning premises. I have succeeded ln shutting off sur plus water on Court and State streets. A slight accident occurred on Temple street, which has been duly remedied. There are at tho present time twenty six drilling rigs in operation, drilling new wells and deepening old ones. There are to be removed several oil tanks from streets on to alleys imme diately, so as to load wagons, and I am using my best endeavors to have ;:il that can bp moved from streets, so as to obviate the nuisance of oil being de posited on said streets. The disposition of operators in the field is to live up to the ordlnancess as near as it Is possible, and a general good feeling exists. PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX. City Assessor Hull reports tho col lection of $10,910.72 upon personal prop erty during the month of April. Secretary Dandy. Of the school board, has completed the school census ln five out of nlre of the wards of (he city, there being an inTense in the popula tion of school pupils In every ward ex cepting the rcighth, where there are this year nineteen scholars less than there were last. The largest increase is in th" Sixth ward, where there are over 733 more pupils than there were ill 1895. There were 1774 pupils last year in the First ward, the increase being 223. There were 2107 pupils in the Fourth ward in 1595. while now there are 2282. There were lfiSO pupils in the Sixth ward in 1895; while now there are 2413. There wore IMO pupils In the Eighth ward last year, while now there are but SHI. There were 1722 pupils in tho Ninth ward in 1K95, while nn\r there are 1861. The First ward, where there is an increase of 223 pupils, includes the Highland Park district, which was not last year a part of the city. The figures from the southwestern districts re cently annexed will not have been completely added before to-morrow. They will, when ready, give nn ex cellent idea of the total population lo cated in the territory which recently became a part of the city. Historical so:ictv The Historical society of Southern California will meet at Mrs. Jeanne C. Carr's residence, Kensington place, Pas adena, Monday. May 4 th, at 2p. m. An attractive program has been prepared. Prof. Frank J. Polley will deliver an address on the sociology of the native Californian. J. M. Guinn will read a paper entitled Jedediah Smith. The Pathfinder of the Sierras will give an account of the thrilling adventures ot the first white man who crossed the Si erra Nevada mountains. Smith traced out the northern overland tiall from Salt Lakp by way of the Humbolt liver Into the Sacramento valley, and seventy years ago marked out the trail from Great Salt Lake to Los Angeles Mi. Barrows will give n historical sketch of Don Antonio Maria Lugo, the great land baron of Southern California. Lv THE CATARRHAL CURSE. Catarrh is as much a curse today as malaria and fever plagues to the hot swamps of Florida. It's in the air. like an inherent and undying contagion. Everybody is afraid of it. everybody is interested in it, and it is just as inter esting to be saved from it, or to be cured of it, as it is to die from it. There are thousands of people in Southern California today who havo some imper ceptible germ taint of Catarrh in the system, as well as vast numbers of people In whom those perm taints have developed into chronic ailments of varying de grees of malignity, suffering and danger. In most instances tha difficulty is aggravated by the fact the victims cannot diagnose their miseries or distinguish the cause of them. The fact is a majority of common chronic diseases, though known as bron chial trouble, lung tronble, kidney trouble, stomach trouble, etc., are really ot a catarrhal origin and nature. Every part of the mucous tuembrane—the nose, throat, eyes, ears, head, lungs, stomach, liver, bowels, bladder, kidneys—art subject to disease and blight by catarrh, Most physicians have not the time to devote much study to this disease, nor have they the necessary apparatus and training to successfully treat it. Dr. Shores has made a life-long study of Catarrh in all its forms, and has treated thousands of cases in the past two years in this community, and the unanimous verdict of his patients is that DB. SHORES CAN AND DOES CURE CATARRH. It only costs you $0 per month, all medicines free for the treatment, and you can consult Dr. Shores free, whether you take treatment or not. SAVED HER LIFE. Violet Gruenlnger, a School Girl, Testifies to Dr. Shor«B' Poweraof Healing— Dr. Shores' Success in Curing .Chlldrer the Talk of the City. < --- ■-••■ :; VIOLET GRUENINQER, 502 MACY STREET. Violet Grueninger is an interesting little miss of 14 summers, who has long been a sufferer from catarrh of the head, throat, bronchial tubes and stoma**, She resides with her brother-in law, Mr. W. J. Poulton, a very worthy employe) of the S. P. R. R,, at 503 Macy street. Miss Grueninger has been a member ** Miss Bradthaw's class at the Ann Street school, East Side, but the ravages of Catarrh made her too sick to go to school. Talking about her case yesterday she said: "I have doctored with many doctors but they have not done me any good. 1 vomited every meal, suffered with headaches, and grew very weak. I was takes to Dr. Shores, and now I eat heartily, do not vomit, and in one month have gained ten pounds. Before I went to Dr. Shores my stomach was so affected by catarrhal poison that all food was rejected. Now it retains all food, and I am rapidly getting well and strong." DR. A. J. SHORES CO., Redick Block, First and Broadway. OBlce hours, 9 until 5 p.m.; evening. "to S, Sa* days, 10 until 13 noon. Trial Treatment Free. go at one time owned nearly all the laM between Los Angeles and the sea. All meetings of the society are open to the public and visitors are cordially Invited. I Those going from LoS Angeles should take the 12:46 or 1 p. m. electric car. WILL BE ELECTRICISED Alain Strict Railway tNre:tors Vote for the lisuance of Bonds A meeting of the stockholders of the Main sir. i and Agricultural Park Rail road company was held at their offices Iti the Rogers I,lock yesterday afternoon to i consider i he propriety of creating a bonded i Indebtedness of the sum of $350,000. at the I rate of 5 per cent, for the purpose of elec tric islng the read. I \v. .1. Broderlck, the president of the company, occupied the chair, and the other directors present wi re I). W. Hellman, Dr. 11. CI. Gates nnd P. A. Gibson. Over two-thirds ni' the stockholders, iv all rep resenting 3800 :lucres, were represented. I and 'he vote was unanimous in favor of :t he issue 0 r tbe bonds. it is understood that th<yo will be no de-. lay further Ihstn absolutely necessary ln getting the work under way. LA FIESTA ACCOUNTS Will bs Wound Up by the End af This Week The tollers at the Fiesta accountß were granted er took a respite at noon yester day, and their labors of tbe week de served It. By next Tuesday Ihe tribunes will have been torn down, the parapher nalia stored away and the Chinese dragon will have reached M a rys vi lie, and the com mittee will know the amount ot all ac count!} against them. Before the end of tills week the general committee will In all probability be summoned 10 receive the leports and the final balance sheet. Sec retary Wlllard has gone off for a few days' rest, and is only remembering the triumph of I,a fiesta among the yellowtall and abalones of Catalina Island. A Injur* Mrs. Louisa M. Perkins, an elderly lady, came to the receiving hospital yesterday afternoon for treatment for a bruised or dislocated shoulder. She resides at the corner of Cincinnati and Tulip streets, and several days ago went to call on a friend, Mrs. Piatt, on Santa Fe avenue. The front gate did not open easily, and as she pushed on it the whole arrangement fell down, the binges being broken off. Mrs. Perkins fell on top of it and the iirjury was sustained. The matter was not considered at the time as serious and the arm aiid shoulder neg lected until swollen badly. Then she con cluded to allow a physician to attend to the case. Dr. Bryant could not tell defi nitely whether any bones were broken or not on account of the swelling and tender ness, but prescribed for her, bandaged the shoulder und sent her home.- Sir • nnd snn J. D. Sti clc. senior and junior, who run a second hand on Main street, were arrested yesterday afternoon b.V Officer Reynolds for obstructing the sidewalk. They bad a lot of stuff piled on the walk among which was a folding bed which being varnished. This was too much for Reynolds and he ran them in. Tho same men have on several occasions been in trouble for tbe same offense. ' Thomas Slater has a message for ' every man on page 22., Don't fail to rend it. •' ' *• "Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles? Wherefore, by their fruits ye shall know them." 3