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TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 206. CONGRESSIONAL FORECAST The Senators Will Discuss Har bor Appropriations THE HUNTINGTON HARBOR WIN Cum Mora Opposition Than All the Rett A Bitter Fight Will Bs Mads Against Appro priating Public Money lor Private Purposes—House Program Associated Press Special Wire WASHINGTON. May 3.—The senate program for next week ts to first take up the river and harbor bill, and when that is disposed of to follow with the bill mak ing appropriations for the District of Columbia. Opinions differ very widely as to the time the river and harbor bill will consume, but no estimate placeslt at less than two or three days. Whether It shall go on longer will depend upon the political temper of the senate. If, as Is not probable, something should be said to open up a political debate similar to that of last week, there Is no telling to. what length the discussion may be drawn out. The managers will make a strenuous effort to keep politics and sev eral financial questions in the hack ground and to hold the discussion down to the merits of the bill. This may be accomplished by a promise of an oppor tunity to discuss the Peffer bond resolu tion or some other question before ad journment. The principal subject ot. debate ln the bill itself is the amendment suggested by the oommlttee on commerce, providing for the expenditure of $3,000,000 for the Improvement of the harbor at Santa Monica, Cal. Senator White of that state will offer an amendment making the ap propriation dependent upon the recom mendation of a committee of engineers which he will propose, and ln case this amendment Is lost will make an effort to defeat the entire proposition. He will be supported by five or six members of the committee on commerce, especially by Senator Berry. They will make an effort to show that the appropriation has been provided for at the instance of the Southern Pacific railroad, and It Is not improbable that there may be a foretaste of the Pacific railroad discussion In this connection. There will be an effort dur ing the week on the part of the Repub lican senators to agree on an order of business for the remainder of the ses sion. IN THE HOUSE The Pundlng BUI Will Not Bs Taken Up This Week WASHINGTON, May 3.—The pro g ram for the week ln the house is very- Unsettled. Nothing definite has been agreed upon except that the Pacific rail roads funding bill, In behalf of which there has been much pressure, will not come up. Mr. Bartholde, chairman of tha Immigration commiitm t n hr««.» "p M"- immigration bill the latter part- of the week, but It ts doubtful If he will be able to do so. In case any con ference reports on appropriation bills are reported they will have the right of way. There are a half dozen contested election cases on the calendar, and as they are privileged It Is probable that most ot the week will be occupied ln their consideration. The house has already disposed of nine teen cases.The unseated Democrats were Robblns of Alabama, McCann of Illi nois, Cobb of Alabama, Tarsney of Mis souri, Boatner of Louisiana and McKln ney of Virginia. The cases on the cal endar are Johnston vs. Stokes, from the Seventh South Carolina; Murray vs. El liott, from the First South Carolina; Kin aker vs. Downing, from the Sixteenth Illinois; Cornell vs. Swanson, from the Fifth Virginia, and Hogevs. Otey, from tho Sixth Virginia. The reports in the two latter cases favor the sitting mem bers and will occasion no debate. In the Johnston-Stokes case the ma jority report favors the sitting mem ber, but there is a minority report In favor of the contestant. In the Murray- Elliott and Kinaker-Downlng cases the majority reports favor the contestants There will be cases in which findings af the committee will be resisted by the Democrats. Murray Is a colored man and was given a seat by the fifty-first house after a contest. Tomorrow Is suspension day. FOREIGN RELATIONS A Mass M Correspondence Regarding Chinese Missionary Riots * WASHINGTON, May 3.-A consider able, portion of the forthcoming volume on foreign relations for the last year is made up of the correspondence by mail and cable growing out of the anti-mis sionary riots ln China. The correspon dence shows that the greatest energy and vigor was manifested by our officials both In Washington and China, ln mov ing for the protection of Americans in China, and /or the punishment of Chi nese who had been concerned in the riots. The main facts have already been sent out ln the news dispatches but the summary of the efforts of the state department by Mr. Denby, our minister at Peking, is Interesting where he says, after describing the complete success attending the work of American commissions, "to the department of state is due beyond all doubt the credit of having broken through Chinese ob stinacy and of having diplomatically and without menace brought about a result which will constitute an era in the treatment of foreigners ln China." Mr Denby Is also on record in the cor respondence as delivering a most glow ing tribute upon the American mission aries. Mr. Adee, who acted as secretary of state during the progress of the rioting and was dally in cable connection with Minister Denby, is also shown as pos sessed of the utmost energy and determ ination ln the effort to protect the Amer ican In China. For instance, he tele graphed Mr, Denby upon the latter's suggestion jthat there must have been official conhivance in the massacre of mlsslonarles;that"stern reprobation and punishment must be expected with the reparation and safeguards for the fu ture." and again, when he came to know that the Chinese government was ac tually about to appoint one of the chief officials concerned in the riot to Investi gate 1 the same, Mr. Adee cabled: "You catf hardly have failed at once to remon strate against the offensive Independ ence of appointing such a man, laboring under such a grave charge, to Investi gate a similar grave outrage In another province than that In which he himself had misgoverned." STAR OAZERS Will Make ■ Careful Search el the Southern / Sky CHICAGO. May 8.-Stxty thousand dollars has been expended ln the con struction/ and equipment of a great ob servatory, and a number of years of the valuable tlmeof two noted astronomers and their assistants will be devoted to what Is expected to prove the most Im portant astronomical expedition of the century. Perclval Lowell of Koston has built the observatory and great telescope and will beone of the principal scientists on the expedition. Dr. T. J. See of the University of Chicago will be the other. Their operations will begin ln July from the movable observatory to be erected on the lofty Mexican plateau near the City of Mexico and will probably be con tinued In 1898 somewhere down ln Peru. The objects of the expedition are two fold. Mr. Lowell will study the planet Mars ln a systematic way that has sel dom been pursued, and Dr. See will search the southern heavens for double stars, In the hope of doing there what Burnham of Chicago has done for the northern skies. The observatory will have one of the most powerful telescopes ln the world, second only to the Lick and the yet un mounted Yerkes Instrument, the most powerful ln the country. The twenty-four Inch lens has Just been finished by Alvln Clark, the tele scope maker of Cambridge, Mass., and in the test It was shown to be superior to the twenty-six Inch glass at the naval observatory at Washington. AN ACTIVE VOLCANO nauna Los's Wont Crater Resumes Active Operations HONOLULU, April 23, via U. S. S. Concord to San Francisco.—Mokuaweo weo, the long inactive crater on tho summit of Mauna Loa, 9000 feet above Kilauea, and over 1:1,000 feet above the sea level, became suddenly active on the morning of the23rd Instant. This is the first disturbance In Mokuaweoweo since 1886. These manifestations in the past have been the most destructive of any on the big Island. From them all of the big lava flows have resulted. The first of great importance of which there ts any record occurred in 184,1. In 1855 there was a tremendous lava tlow that came within six miles of Hllo. There were other Mows ln ISSC, 1859. 1868, 1880, 1881 and 1886. The one of 1880 --81 lasted nine months, an unusual length nf time, and came within half a mile of Hilo town, ceasing after all had prepar ed to move. This government has decided not to allow any more than 700 Immigrants to be landed at the port of Honolulu, or any other port in the Hawaiian islands at any one time. CRIPPLE CREEK VICTIMS Thought to Be More Numerous Than Heretofore Reported Church Members aad Theatrical Performers •t Denver Join In Providing Relief lor the Destitute DENVER, Col., May 3.—A special to the News from Cripple Creek, Col., says: It Is feared that the loss of life from the last fire here will be found to be greater than was supposed and it ts likely that a search of the ruins of the old Portland hotel will disclose the burned remains of two and possibly more people. Inquiries started here to day developed the fact that a shoe -l . . ( n,,,,„.„.1 , represent the Standard Shoe company of that city, was occupying room 14 in the 111-fated hotel. A woman who oc cupied the room adjoining reports that about half an hour before the lire start ed she heard some one fumbling with the lock of the adjoining room, and look ing out saw a man apparently under the influence of liquor entering the room. She did not hear him go out be fore the alarm was given and it Is sup posed that he went to sleep and per ished ln the flames. Today a woman re siding on the hill reported that during the Are two big traveling men's cases marked "S. S. Co., Cincinnati," were brought from the Portland and left in her care. The reports that Dr. Bacon had been seen in Gillette and also in Colorado Springs have not yet been ver ified, and It Is now believed that his re mains will also be found ln the ruins. BENEFIT PERFORMANCES DENVER. Col., May 3.—Four leading theaters of the city tonight gave bene fit performances for the Cripple Creek sufferers. At the Tabor was Hovt's A Trip to Chinatown. Peter F. Dailey, the comedian, who last week sent sev eral thousand loaves of bread to Crip ple Creek, also appeared and was wild ly cheered. There was a large audience as was also the case at the Lyceum, Or pheum and Broadway theaters. The benefits will net about $1000. Each church ln the city also donated the con tributions to the Cripple Creek people, and In this way a very large amount was secured. CHAMPION CORBETT Will Chase Pltz to Europe II It Proves Necessary KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 3.—Pugil ist James Corbett closed his theatrical engagement here last night and left to day with his wife for Hot Springs, Ark. where he will take a course of baths. From Hot Springs he will proceed to San Francisco to visit his parents. That done, the pugilist says he will turn his attention toFitzsimmons and endeavor to bring on a mill with the lanky Aus tralian. He promises to follow Fltz simmons to Europe, if necessary, and to put up $10,000 of his own money that he can whip the Australian in ten rounds To a reporter Corbett asserted that his theatrical season just closed had been the most successful one, financially, of his whole career, with the single ex ception of the season Just after he whip ped Sullivan. He will star ln the Naval Cadet again next fall. MoKee Rankin and one or two othe. members of the company which Corbett and Brady disbanded here last night, announce that they have arranged for a tour of the Transvaal and other South African countries In some of the old mel odramas ln which McKee Rankin be came famous. A Missing Man NEW YORK, May 3.-Adolph Comlns. a traveling salesman employed by M. Cooper, manufacturer of ladles' gowns ln this city, has not been heard of since the 28th of February last. He left his wife and children at their home In Rosllndale, Mass., on November 26, to go on the road, and wrote regularly to his wife two or three times a week up to the latter part of Feb n. lar S.'.. Hlß >, atest letter was written from the Pfister hotel. Milwaukee, and dated B ebruary 20. He disappeared mysteriously f-om the hotel, leaving his trunks filled with samples and a satchel behind. Mrs. Com lns notified the police department In Mil waukee, put up to the present time the au thorities have not been able to locate the missing man. His wife believes that Com lns is still alive, but cannot account for his prolonged absence, as he was In no way financially embarrassed. w " A rindel Cltv NEW YORK. May S.-It la announced that a company of which M. R. Arnot president ofthe Chemun* Canal hank of Llmlra, N. V., a man worth $20,000,000. Is reasurer. has purchased 3000 acres of land located twelve miles from New York cltv between Orange. N. J.. and Elisabeth. W. J., ana that a manufacturing plant, which w J l L b iL ca P Bble ot sustaining a population of 60,000 Inhabitants, will be contracted at once, the Intention being to erect a model 111 was bulli!" 6 "* m * manner as Pullman, THE HERALD LOS ANGELES. MONDAY MORNING* MAY 4, 1896. MR. UHL'S FIRST AUDIENCE Cordially Received by the Em peror of Germany THE EMPRESS WAS AFFABLE Ceremonies Marked by Gilt and Tinsel and Lackeys Qalore The Speeches Contained the Usual Platitudes and ExpresseJ a Hope for Continued International Friendliness Associated Tress Soeclal Wire. BERLIN, May 3.—Today was set for the first audience by the emperor to Ed win F. Ulil, the- United States ambas sador. The audience was given today In a driving rainstorm, but the cere mony was otherwise an unqualified suc cess. The entire personnel of the T'nlted States embassy assembled In the Kais erhof at Mr. I'hl's temporary home at 2:30. At 3 ocloek Baron t'sedom, court chamberlain, whose function it is to in troduce diplomats to the sovereign, call ed With three gorgeous equipages. In the first of these rode, Mr. J. B. Jackson, first secretary of the embassy, bearing tho letter of crednce for the new ambassa - dor. Mr. Jackson had acted as charge d'affaires in the interval before Mr. t'hl s arrival. In the second carriage rode Mr. Uhl and Baron Usedom, pre ceded by two outriders bearing the white and red Brandenburg keys, their uni forms being trimmed with heavy silver embroidery. All of these wore elaborate uniforms and numerous lackeys were In attendance. The horses were gayly ca parisoned. The third carriage was oc cupied by the suite of the embassy. In cluding Mr. H. G. Squires, the second secretary of the embassy, anil Lieuten ant R. K. Evans, the military attache, the latter clad ln handsome regimental; While driving up Inter den Linden the military guards marched up to the car riages and presented arms to the sound of drums. There were large crowds in the street to witness the pageant. Arrived at the Soliloss, Baron Usedom ushered Mr. Uhl into the white salon. Only Baron Mareschal yon Blerbersteln, the imperial minister of foreign affairs, was present besides the emperor and Mr. Uhl. At the conclusion of the audience of twelve minutes. Mr. Jackson and the suite of the embassy were admitted and shook hands with the emperor, who con versed pleasantly for a few minutes with all of them. He then led the way to a smaller room and Mr. Uhl was thereupon summoned to an adjoining saloon where the empress and the ladies of the court waited. Baron yon Mirbach, as the em press' court marshal, introduced Mr. Uhl. The empress conversed affably with Mr. Uhl for a few minutes and next received and conversed with the suite oi the embassy. Altogether thirty-five minutes were consumed within the schloss. Then, in the •)■■■■ ■ ana ItK tWc «nmA elaborate ceremony, the members of the embassy returned to the KaiserhofX. A representative of the Associated Press had an interview with Mr. Uhl after the audience. He said that his audience has been a very pleasant one. and he was very well satisfied with tbe result, but he declined to divulge the subject of the remarks which had been made on either side. The Associated Press, however, learned elsewhere that Mr. Uhl's speech, which had been prepared In advance, and the copy submitted to the court offi cers, according to the customs and re quirements, pointed out to the emperor the important and close relations ex isting between the two countries, both In commerce and science. Many of the best citizens of the United States, he said, were of German birth or German descent. He expressed the hope that these ties would strengthen and not disturb the peaceful and friend ly relations of the two countries, and concluded with an expression of his ad miration of the country to which he was accredited, and for Its ruler. The emperor replied briefly to Mr. Ulil. joining in the hope the latter had ex pressed, and speaking very appre ciatively and admiringly of the United States and of Americans. He trusted he said, that Mr. phi's activity would redound to better understanding and more intimate relations between the two countries. The emperor and empress and Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria attended the opening of the exhibition today. Count yon Kanltz, the Agrarian lead er has given notice that he will Intro duce a resolution ln the relchstag, which will be supported by the conserv atlves.lnvlting the chancellor to com municate with other countries with a view to the common prohibition of speculative time bargains In corn, etc. MUZAFFER-ED-DIN Persia's New Shah Takes His Crown and Title TEHERAN. Persia, May 3.—Muzaffer ed-Din, Mirazi Vail Ah, second son of the late shah and successor designated, was enthroned on Saturday morning at Tabriz, with the title of shah In shah (king of kings). He will start for Tehe ran forthwith. The body of Nazr-ed- Din. the murdered shah, has been em balmed and will be taken to Room for interment after the arrival of the new shah. Owing to the energetic action of the grand vizier, perfect order reigns every where. The shah's orders on this sub ject were read to the princes and the chief officials of the court tit the central telegraph office on Saturday. The chief priest at Teheran also proclaimed them, together with the announcement of the successor, ln the great mosque. All the princes, governors, ministers and offic ials have telegraphed their congratula tions to Muzaffer-ed-Din, on the succes sion, whose replies have been gracious, especially to his elder brother, Zll ed Sultan, of whose acquiesence in his younger brother's accession doubts had been expressed. OEOKOE S. COE~DEAD A Famous Financier does Over to the Msforlty NEW YORK, May 3.— George S. Coe, who was for thirty-seven years presi dent of the American Exchange bank, died today at his home, The Cliffs, at Englewood, N. J. Death was from pa ralysis. He was stricken for the fifth time on Saturday. George S. Coe was born In Newport, R. I„ in 1817, of a New England family, of which Priscllla Mullins, the heroine of Miles Standlsh's Courtship, was the most prominent ancestor. He came to this city ln 1838 and was in the banking concern of Prince, Ward and King. It was largely owing to Coe's masterly financial ability that the scheme of Issu ing clearance house certificates waa first resorted to In 1873, to tide over the money stringency. This at that time ar rested .the threatened commercial ruin at the time of the failure of Jay Cook 8c Co. Mr. Coe was chosen president of the National Bankers' association ln 1881. He was treasurer of the Children's Aid society, the senior director of the Mutual Life Insurance company, direc tor of the Fidelity and Casualty Insur ance company, the Postal Telegraph company and trustee of the board of for eign missions of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Coe was a well known writer on financial topics and was thoroughly versed ln financial history. President Lincoln consulted with him in the days of the war and it was Mr. Coe who came to the rescue of the government on the first bond issue during the civil war. MEXICAN MATTERS An American Embezzler Sentenced—The Ed itors Still Junketing MEXICO CITY, May B.—ln the case of Chester Rowe of Poweshiek county, lowa, accused of embezzlement of pub lic moneys, Judge Aguelar last evening imposed a sentence of twelve years and two months imprisonment in Bellm pris on. Tills ease has been a notable one in the history of Mexican jurisprudence, as Rowe. after committing the offense, came here and took out papers of citi zenship, hoping thus to evade punish ment. Hut under the penal code an of- j tense committed abroad and continued on Mexican soil is punishable.and Howe's case will serve as a. warning for crimi nals hoping to find a safe asylum in Mov- Ico. Lawyer Alfore, ior the plaintiff, said Rowe only made himself a Mexican i itizen to evade punishment that await ed him in lowa for misappropriation of funds—s3B,ooo, lie had deserted his fam ily, having sent ills wife but $.">0 from here. His defenders claim that their client was not wholly answerable for the supposed crime committed in til ■ United States. The case was appealed to the supreme court, but it is generally believed among the lawyers here that the decision will be sustained. Mr. Buskstone, who came from lowa | to prosecute the ease, says the Ameri can people will warmly approve the de cision, which stamps Mexico as a law upholding country. Lawyer Dos Pnssas of New York has gone home after completing arrange ments for the erection of a hotel on the land purchased by him at the corner entrance of Pasco de la Reforma. The editors will remain ever until the sth of May. the great national patriotic holiday. They have spent Sunday sight seeing. THE METHODIST CONFERENCE Giihop Fowler Defends tbe Bible Against Infidel Attacks The nost Interesting Ouestlin to De Decided Is the Rights ol the Women Delegates CLEVELAND, May 3.—There was but one session of the Methodist general conference today. Bishop Fowler of Minnesota presided, read the scripture and preached the sermon, prayer being offered by Rev. Upham of Drew Theo logical seminary. Bishop Fowler's ser- : mon was a powerful arraignment of high critics of the Bible, the speaker Showing by Biblical and scientific argu ment that the mass of the criticism? | patiuscl .»» the sei lpture were without j foundation. The address was listened to with marked attention by a large audience. A large number of the min isterial delegates to the conference sup plied pulpits in Cleveland and surround ing towns this morning and evening. The delegates are expectantly await ing the contest over the woman question which is to come up the first tiling to morrow morning in the conference. It is understood that the majority and mi nority reports of the committee on eligi bility will be submitted a .MO ocloek. The majority, which will be signed by twen ty members of the committee, will prob ably be submitted by Rev. Dr. A. G. Klnell of Philadelphia. It will hold that the women delegates are eligible to scats In the conferences. The minority report, it is understood, will be sub mitted by Dr. J. M. Bickley, editor of | the New York Christian Advocate, and will consist of arguments based on Biblical and constitutional grounds | against the granting of the privilege Of the delegates to women. The con seOSUS of opinion among the delegates is that the majority report will be adopted. If It Is the conference will say. It Is asserted, that the constitution ought to be changed and a precedent will be established which will result ln giving seats to women in all future con- j ferenees. While tt is admitted that the women will win a victory, considerable apprehension is felt regarding the prob able action of the German delegates ln the event of such action. It Is well known that the Germans are almost solidly opposed to giving women seats and a vote In the conference, their op position being based on the declaration of St. Paul against woman's partici pation In the affairs of the church, and some doubt is expressed as to whether they will submit to the action of the conference without protest. It can be stated on excellent authorltv that the report of the committee on pro hibition will declare In favor of combin ing to fight the liquor traffic In any way upon which all friends of temperance agree, regardless of creed or politics. The reports will also endorse the work of the American Anti-Saloon league. The London Market; LONDON, May 3.—The unexpected South African developments for the week have proved a check to the specu lative tendency recently developed in the stock market in other directions in addition to the African market. The demand for Investment securities at the present prohibitive prices has tem porarily ceased. Home railroad securi ties, after a sharp decline on the Pre toria news, were again advanced on fa vorable traffic reports. Italian and Spanish securities were firm. South Americans were strong on the. settle ment of the Argentine-Chill dispute. Mines soon recovered from the fall caus ed by the Pretoria news. The condition of the market appears to be that the favorable news, such as the granting of the Ultlanders' demands by the Trans vaal government will produce a sharp advance. Grand trunks were easy on the bad traffic returns, and Americans were ad versely affected by the threatened gold shipments. But a better feeling prevails regarding the financial situation ln the United States. Except for a fall of two per cent In Atchison preferred, the changes for the week were only fraction al, but were generally downward. The Cruise- Nerds Cleaning; PACIFIC GROVE, May 3.—The flagship Philadelphia will leave Monterey harbor tomorrow morning for Mare Island, where she will be entirely renovated. She will be put Into the dry docks and the barnacles removed from her hull. All day hundreds of people have visited the cruiser, which was thrown open to the public. Admiral Beardslee has been confined to his cabin for the last few days, being seriously ill. Killed His Wlf- IRONTON, 0., May B.—James Beal. a stove dealer, shot and wounded his wife to day. The couple had been out walking and Immediately upon their return home he drew a revolver and fired four shots at his wife, three of them taking effect. The deed was actuated by jealousy. Beals es caped, but Is closely pursued by officers. SCOTT JACKSON'S DEFENSE As Indicated by the Proceedings ■ Already Taken RELIES ON TECHNICALITIES Hopes to Show That Kentucky Has No Jurisdiction The Case Is Expected to Consume rtuch Time, but the Jury Will Act Very Quickly Associated Press Special Wire. NEWPORT, Ky„ May 3.— There is a possibility, if not a prospect, that the trial of Scott Jackson will consume all of the coming week. If the defense gets its testimony all in by Tuesday night or Wednesday noon it w ill do well. After the defense will come a number of wit nesses brought by the prosecution for rebuttal. This Will certainly consume one and a half or two days. No one can tell how much time the arguments will consume. The court is disposed lo ex pedite matters as much as Is consistent with a fair .showing to both sides of the case. How much time the jury will con sume is unknown, though it is generally believed it will be short. During the past week the defense has revealed its purpose to attack the tes J timony of at least two witnesses, if not three. Allen Johnson, the colored por ter at Dave Walllngford's saloon, has been attacked already as to his verac ity, witli no great success. As to the evidence of George Jackson, the colored cab driver, there is a reserve of per sonal testimony and depositions tending to break down his character. Several days ago the defense, when Will Wood was on the stand, laid the foundation for the Introduction of at least four depositions from reputable citizens in Greencastle tending to show that he. as well as Scott Jackson, had intimate re lations with Pearl Bryan. In Wood's ease, however, the depositions are of the nature of beasts he made In the pres ence of the deponents. One manifest hope of the defense is to establish a case of non-jurisdiction by showing if possi ble that the murder was committed in Cincinnati by overdoing some treatment with chloroform or other anaesthetic, and that the body was afterward taken to Kentucky to avoid recognition. This will be difficult in the face of eminent expert testimony that the body was emptied of blood and free from clot, to gether with the condition of the skin around the cuts and the absence of spots on the surface of the body, that the murder must have been committed at the spot where the body was found. Failing in this, in case the jury should ] agree, the evident intention is to carry tfie case or. error to the court of ap- ; peals. All through the trial the defense has taken a multitude of exceptions. Judge Helm! however, has been cau- 1 tious and thoughtful in making his de cisions. There is a rumor which has been afloat, since yesterday that the defense Intends to spring a surprise on Monday by ringing In a woman from Cincinnati who will swear that the girl died at her house in Cincinnati. This, however, is still in the shape of a rumor not fully verified. The introduction of such testimony would complicate the case and subject the witness to a terrific cross-examina tion. It would also expose the witness to liability to be severely dealt with by the law, perhaps to the extent of be coming an accomplice. George Jackson has been attacked by colored men in Cincinnati, deposing that he was in the city on the night of Friday, January 31st, before the muder, from 11 ocloek at night until 2a. m. That would contradict and overthrow his testimony as to driving the cab with the prisoners and their victims to the scene of the crime of that night. These deponents have sworn that the Caldwell guards, a colored company, did not drill on that night, but that they did drill on Saturday night, February- Is!. George Jackson has sworn that the night he went out was the night on which he drilled the guards, of which he is cap tain. The prosecution will bring in a large number of members of the Cald well guards personally or in depositions to prove that they did drill on the night of January 31st. In this matter the at torneys for the commonwealth are con fident that they can contradict the depo sitions of the defense on this point by the testimony of overwhelming numbers of members of that company. This trial is likely to be protracted somewhat by debates on admissibility of testimony. In the conflict between the attorneys yesterday, in which Colonel Crawford announced his determlntaion to hold Colonel Nelson personally responsible for remarks which Colonel Crawford re garded as personally offensive, and for which Crawford was fined $25 by the court, Crawford paid the fine and the matter has become a part of the court record. Friends of both parties have been In teresting themselves to bring about a reconciliation. It is believed that a rest over Sunday will allow sufficient cool ing time for th»se efforts to be success ful and to bring about a mutual under standing before court begins on Monday morning. Should this fall, it Is not likely a collision will occur until after the con clusion of this trial. THE SULTAN SCARED Newspapers Are Forbidden to Refer to the Subject LONDON, May 4. —A Constantinople dispatch to the Times says that the murder of the shah has thrown the sul tan into a state of excitement. Foreign telegrams are excluded and the local papers are forbidden to refer to the sub ject. The Times has a dispatch from Te heran which says that Mozafer Ah Din has confirmed the present grand vizier, the Sadlr Asam, with full powers. Arrests have been made In connection with the assassination of the shah. The murderer states that he is an emissary of Jem Aleddin and other well known Persians. It was Intended to murder both the shah and grand vizier. The news of the murder led to disorder and the looting of bazaars at Shiras. The governor took prompt measures to pay arrears of salaries to the troops and to assure the people. Quiet Is now re stored. The shah has confirmed his eld est brother, Zil Ed Sultan, as governor of Ispahan. Electrical Workers Strike MILWAUKEE, Wis.,May 3.—A strike of all the electric railway and electric, lighting works In this city now seems certain. The company has rejected the demands of the men and tonight Ital ans and negroes to man the cars and lighting plants are arriving from Chi cago. The motorman who handled the car conveying the new men to the East Side barns deserted the car. Special policemen are being sworn ln and the company and municipal authorities are preparing for the Inauguration of a gen eral strike tomorrow. The strike will tie up the entire elec tric street railway of the city. Unless the company is prepared to man the power house the city will be without light tomorrow night except for gas. That serious trouble is expected is evi denced by the activity at police head quarters and the sheriff's office. Up to midnight tonight 100 special policemen had been sworn In and will go on duty tomorrow. The troops will not be called out unless the local authorities find themselves unable to protect the prop erty of the railway company. Brazilian .Monarchists Active RIO DE JANEIRO, April 6.—Themon archlal movement in Brazil Is beginning to take a very serious turn. Profiting by the general disorders which obtain the Republicans by reason of foreign and domestic troubles the monarchists are picking up courage and openly threatening to restore the monarchy. As long ago as November tilth, last, they made a considerable demonstration at RlO and Kan Paula In favor of restora tion. The dispute over Trinidad, the trouble in RlO Grande do Sul and turbulent ten dency of the Jacobins, all serve to en courage the monarcblal conspirators in their campaign against the government. Several new monarchist newspapers have recently been started and a num ber of the established journals do not hide their sympathy fur the Imperial regime. The actual situation in Brazil is consid- i ered serious. Ball ciames CHICAGO. May 3.—The Colts made it three straight today. The batting was about equally divided, but Briggs had the better of it in keeping hits scatter- i cd. Attendance 17,231. Score: Chicago 16, hits 10, errors 5. St. Louis 7. hits 14, errors 2. Batteries—Briggs and Donohue; Hart and Douglas. LOUISVILLE, May 3.—The Colonels lost another game today through their ii ability to bat at critical stages and by bad base-running. Eraser pitched good ball, but received poor support. At tendance 8000. Score: Louisville 3, hits 9, erors 4. Cincinnati 5, hits 8, errors 1. Batteries —Eraser and Warner; Dwyer and Vaughn. M'KINLEY IS A METHODIST And He Wants the A. P. A. Members to Know It Ex-nayor Csssldy Vouches lor the dreat Protectionist's Americanism as Being of the First Water PORTLAND, Ore., May 3.—The mem bers, of the Junior Order of this city are earnestly endeavoring to learn the truth about McKinley's position on the Catho lic question before taking any stand in the matter. With this end in view W. ;E. Harris, past grand councilor of the ! oredr. recently wrote to Maj. McKinley ; informing him of the warm regard felt j for hhn by members of the order here, > and requesting him to give an explicit i statement of his position. On Saturday he received thßTOllowing brief reply ! from McKinley: CANTON, 0.. April 25, 1896. Mr. W. E. Harris, 395 Eighteenth street, Portland, Ore.: My Dear Sir—Your encouraging letter is much appreciated by me. Thanking you for all you have done, I am, yours very truly, WILLIAM M'KINLEY, Enclosed ln the letter were several copies of the following statement: Front the Boston Standard of March 14, 1896: "Editor Standard: A statement was made some time ago that Hon. William McKinley, while governor of Ohio, ap pointed a foreigner to an office ln pref erence to an old soldier. I wrote to Hon. Robert A. Cassldy, former mayor of Canton, 0., where McKinley resides, who is also councillor of the United American Mechanics, regarding the matter and received the following reply, signed 'Aclrema.' " Mr. Cassldy, In his letter, says: "Concerning Gov. McKinley's Ameri canism I can speak advisedly, having known him Intimately for more than thirty years. His patriotism Is fully at tested by an honorable, and for one so young at the time, distinguished service in the army during four years of war. "The Incident about which you par ticularly inquire Is absolutely without foundation ln fact, and is evidently the outgrowth of disappointment to get office, or Inspired by factional or politi cal malice. No man who knows William McKinley as everybody knows him here would countenance for a moment any statement that reflected upon his devo tion to the rights of his comrades ln arms, and none would so quickly resent such an Imputation as the old soldiers themselves. "He has belonged to the same G. A. R. post of which I am a member since It has been a post—about twenty-flve years—and is a member of several of the fraternities with which I am connected, comes of the most sterling Methodist stock and has been a member of the Methodist church from his youth." Morton Coming West KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 3.-Hon. J. Sterling Morton,secretary of agriculture pasjsed through Kansas City today, hav ing come direct from Washington to join his son, Paul C. Morton, third vice president of the Santa Fe, who, with a party of relatives and friends, left In a special car over the Santa Fe at 3 p.m. for a tour of the west. Secretary Mor ton Is out for rest and recreation. He has never been through to the coast, and Inasmuch as his son was making the trip, he took this opportunity to see the country. The trip will require about thirty days, and the Interesting points of the coast are to be seen. A Bl» Dl-tlllerv TERRE HAUTE, Ind., May 3.-George L. W'olsey of New Yoak, who built hero about a year ago the largest distillery in the world, which was afterwards purchased by the American Spirit company, has pur chased grounds and will at once begin the construction of another distillery with a capacity of 5000 bushels. It is understood Wolsey is at the head of a New York svn dlcate outside of the trust that has al ready made a contract for placing the out put of the plant. The new distillery will be constructed in the most modern'style ond will cost over $2,000,000. It. is expected to have the plant in operation by October 1. Trouble Killed Itlm NEW YORK. May 3.-Oeorge If. Osborne of Wellsvllle, N. V., and Hloomdale, 0.. shot and killed himself at the Hotel Broe zel today. Osborne was a traveling man for the Arm of Very & Osborne of Wells vllle, and also was an operator in gas and oil land ln the vicinity of Bloomdale. He is supposed to have committed suicide while In a state of insanity caused by busi ness troubles. Baron Hirsch's Will PARIS. May 3.—The Temps says the w ill oof the late Baron Hlrsch has been opened at Bruena. His wife is made ihe residu ary legatee. One million pounds Is set apart for charities in Moravia. Another Important legacy Is left to Baron Hirsch's adopted daughoer. The will contains no other dispositions. CITY PRIOR, PER SINOLB COPY, j ON TRANSPORTATION LINGS, 5 Cb' fS IN ELECTRICAL EXPOSITION Such as the World Has Never Yet Seen POWER FROM NIAGARA FALLS Will Operate tbe Machinery Five Huo* dred Miles Away A Feature of Interest Will Ba th* Cloalng at ao Electrical Circuit Around the World Associated Press Special Wire, NEW YORK, May 3.—Tomorrow night Governor Morton will open tho national exposition of electrical appliances in the industrial Arts building In this city. Elaborate preparations have been made for these events, and it Is expected that the attendance will be large and Include some of the most distinguished electri cians in this country. The convention is that of the National Elect] lo Light association, to which delegates have been sent representing more than 10.000 elec tric light plants in the United States, whose aggregate capital Is ln excess of $750,000,000. The Industrial Arts build ing has been the scene of great activ ity during the last ten days and nights, and an enormous force of electricians and mechanics have been at work. The principal feature of the opening exercises will be the turning on of a cur rent of electricity generated by tha waters of the Niagara river in the great power house of the Niagara Power com pany, which current of electricity will be transmitted over an ordinary tele graph wire of the Western Union Tele graph company. The insulation of this line is such that no considerable amount of electric energy for power purposes can be transmitted, but by the use of the recently invented two-phase Tesla system enough energy will be trans mitted to establish beyond question, It Is claimed, the feasibility of long dis tance electric power transmission upon a commercial basis. This line will be 462 miles ln length, the longest line hereto fore established from the falls. The governor will use upon this occa sion the gold key with which President Cleveland put in motion the wheels of industry at the world's fair. Gov. Mor ton will also, at the declaration that the exposition Is open, discharge four pieces of artillery, one stationed In the public square ln San Francisco, one ln Augusta. Me., one in front of the public building at St. Paul and another in the public park ln New Orleans. This discharge in also to be accomplished by a current of electricity generated ln Niagara and transmitted over the telegraph lines of the Postal Telegraph Cable company. With the sanction of the secretary of war, the government artillery service will also be brought into requisition The current of electricity willed is to be transmitted from Niagara will be used In putting in motion a model of the Ni agara power plant, recently constructed by a syndicate, ut a cost of upwurds ot $5,000,000. This plant consists of a tun nel 8000 feet In length, entered by a wheel pit 186 feet in depth, at the bottom of | which are mammoth turbine wheels operating a shaft on top of which are immense electrical generators, with a capacity of 5000 horse-power. The total weight of these turbine wheels, shaft and generator is upward of 100 tons. This model, which is shown and opera ted with the Niagara current, is a cross seel ion view of the tunnel, wheel pit and ma chinery, and also shows a section of the city of Niagara Falls, with the course of the river and American falls, the is land and the Canadian frontier. Surounding this model will be a series of telephones which will be connected with a receiver placed in Victoria park on the Canadian side of the Niagara river. All present, as they witness the movement of the machinery by the cur rent of Niagara, can hear distinctly the roar of the cataract. There also will be exhibited and operated a miniature sec- I tlon of the Erie canal, showing the Calve way system of electrical canal boat pro pulsion recently adopted by the state of New York and soon to be put ln opera tion upon the Erie canal. Floating upon this miniature canal will be a fleet of model canal boats of recent design, pro pelled by the electric motor whloh trav els upon the canal by means of the cur rent. Another feature of unusual Interest will be the closing of a circuit around the world, by which a cable message will be sent by Chauncey Depew over the cables to Lisbon, through the Mediterranean and Suez canal and the Red sea to Aden; thence to Ceylon and Australia, return ing by way of the Cape of Good Hope, the African coast, the Brazil oable, the land line to the City of Mexioo, thence by way of San Francisco to New York. This message Mr. Deplew will send from a table which will be placed ln a gallery of the exposition building. It will be addressed and received by Mr. Edward D. Adams, president of the Niagara pewer company, whose reply will be transmitted to and reoelved by Mr. De pew, who will follow with a brief address upon the electric era. NEW YORK, May 3.—The sullen roar of the great falls of Niagara was heard in this city tonight when the electric cur rent which is to connect the thunder of the falling water with the electric show at Grand Central palace, was turn ed on for the first time as a test. The test was made by the managers of the show and was pronounced a success. The sound of the waters could be plain ly heard. At the same time the power was put on and every bit of machlrery of the electrical show was put in motion for a few minutes. New York Temprfipce NEW YORK. May 3.—There appea ed little change in the situation in the en forcement of the Haines Honor law today, the lirst Sunday under the st c board. The saloons throughout tl •• v were closed, such business as was '•' r done in the direction of selling Honor being monopolized by those places which hold hotel licenses. Th< police contented them selves with finding oul all places of iie> "hotel" class which ventured to sHI liquor without meals and unearthing back and Upstairs rooms in which bei r was being sold in violation of 1 lie law l>y owners of saloons iv tho same building, A t'nlm NEW YORK, May S .—Claude Falls wrights. the Theosophlst, was married to day to Miss Mary Katie rlne Leollne Leon ard nf Boston, who Is also au enthusiastic! member of the Theosophlcal socioty, Tile marriage was performed accordhi • to the ancient Theosophlcal rites. To make the marriage valid, the contracting parties were afterwards united lv wedlock by Al derman Robinson. Communder McCurley Dead PHILADELPHIA, May 3. — Com mander Felix McCurley U. S. N., cap tain of the navy yard at League Island, this olty, died at that station of heat Cailure today. An Awful Jump WASHINGTON. AY. Va., May S.—Mary, wife of William Shore, leaped from a bridge into the Elkhorn river, lifty feet, today to escape a passing engine. She was rescued, but will die.