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MARKETS OF THE WORLD Local, Eastern and Foreign Commercial Dealings WALL STREET SPECULATION Tbe Average Values of Milk, Butter and Cheese A Table Covering a Period of Thirty fl« Years With tha Relstlve Valuta of the Milk anl Its Products The American Agriculturist has complet ed a valuable table showing the average price of milk, butter and cheese for a gen eration. The relutlve price of milk and its two chief products also is given. This table with comments preceding is given as follows: It will be noted that both butter and cheese have held their own remarkably well, although tho figures refer only to the higher grades which are of much bet ter quality than in the early '60s. In 1891 the average prlco of butler was 29 per cent above and of cheese 5 per cent below the average for 1860, yet In '91 nearly ull other produce was much cheaper than In 1860, being lower by 12 per cent for wheat, Wool 26 per cent and cotton 20 per cent, while the average for a dozen articles of produce was 3 per cent below the mean for 1860. During the past 5 years, these other Srtlcles, as well" as manufactured goods, aye shrunk In value more than has but ter or cheese. This table gives the average annual price of whole milk (In cents per quart) received by producers who shipped to the New York market, these having been compiled with great care by this Journal from its marked records. The average annual price or prime butter is from tho exhaustive in quiry conducted by the United States sen ate finance committee covering tho period IS6O-1891 inclusive, but for 1893-5 Is the year ly average of creamery butter at Elgin, which fairly represents the average re ceived by the great number of factories throughout the country. The cheese prices are from the finance committee's report, except for that for 1592-5 they are averages Of best New York stale factory cheese at New York city. We add i lie average prices for April. 1890. The last three columns show the relative values on tlie basis of 100 representing the average value in 1860. Just before the war the country was generally In a condition of prosperity and ail values were on what was then considered a pret ty fair basis. Ay. Act l (Vc'lS Rel'vePr'c's M B C M B C c p qt c p lb c p lb IS6O 3.07 20 11 100 100 100 ISSI 3.50 10 11 95 81 100 ISC2 3.90 IS S 106 91 70 18C3 4.25 23 12 116 117 310 ISC4 4.42 29 15 )J0 145 HO ISOS 5.13 50 2", 140 250 225 1808 5.00 40 20 136 202 ISO 1867 4.3S 27 16 132 IS3 145 1568 4.88 40 16 132 202 145 DO9 4.116 44 21 127 221 190 1870 4.47 35 19 122 179 175 1171 3.53 25 IK 104 179 140 1X72 3.53 30 15 lOt 152 133 1573 3.5S 29 15 98 145 133 1874 3.56 29 15 97 145 123 1875 3.54 35 17 96 174 150 1,876 3.29 30 14 90 148 12S 1877 3.20 M Hi *7 150 143 IS7S 2.56 30 14 70 150 12S 1579 2.62 25 9 71 124 85 ISSO 2.95 31 14 80 157 125 1881 3.29 30 11 90 14S 128 1582 3.37 36 In 92 176 138 1883 3.45 36 15 94 181 135 1884 8.29 31 14 90 155 12S 1885 3.08 20 14 S4 131 125 1886 2.87 30 11 78 150 98 1887 2.91 26 14 79 181 128 1888 2.50 27 13 76 133 118 ISB9 2.87 27 13 78 138 H5 1890 2.63 23 11 71 117 100 IS9I 2.69 26 10 72 129 95 1892 2.68 25 11 72 125 100 1893 2.79 28 11 76 129 100 1594 2.62 22 It 71 110 100 1595 2.52 21 9 68 105 82 Apr.,96 ....2.30 18 10 03 90 91 Current Eggs are firm, potatoes strong. Butter is steady. Hay is d trifle firmer. Season able vegetables and fruit are generally cheaper, except strawberries, which are dearer, as the first crop is about over. vi ■ .. .», "Ho squares, 550'37%c; coast creamery, fancy, 2-lb squares, 805t32%c; coast dairy, fancy, 2-lb squares, 27%030e: do. 1%-lb, 25027%e: com mon grades and very light weights. 204722°ic. CHEESE—LocaI full cream, large, lie; Young America, 12c: do (3-17). hand made) 13c. All %c more cased for shipment. EGGS—Choice California ranch, 13014 c. v . i. j. , km* — «■ 20c: asparagus, per lb, 608 c; beets, per 100 lbs, 90c: cauliflower, per rioz.. —c; celery do, 55c; cabbage, per 100 lbs, 75c; carrots, uu, isk;; uuiiiS, ~i.>, pec suing, eye; 'UeAi can, per lb. 15c; green, per lb. 12c; cucum bers, tier doz. z $1,50; egg plant, per lb, 7c; garlic do, o:u,c: leeks, per doz. 15c: let luce do. 15c; mushrooms, oar lb d "c- on ions, green, per doz. bunches, 204740 c; do, yenow Danvers. per 100 lbs, $3.00; new white. $2.50: parsley, per box, 60c; fiarsnlps, per 100 lbs, 75c; peas, green, per b, 3c; radishes, per doz. bunches, 40c; 607 c; tomatoes, per box, ■f1.00J71.50; tur .. 11, i i ~,.->. ioc: waiari ri per uoz. bunches, 40c: wax beans, 70Sc; summer Bquash, per box, $1.10. cnrM. S2 per box: strawberries, common, 5478 c: choice to fancy, lOfolOc: apples, $1.754)2.25; pineapples, per doz., $7.00; Central American. $4.uu<«4.50: bananas. $2.25 per bunch; cherles, $l.i)oJj 1.50 per box: blackberries, 16c. CITRUS FKU ITS —Oranges. Navels ft oo (J3.50; Mediterranean sweets, $1.755i2.00; i-,eulings. $J.*£; lemons, lancy i-.ure ka, 11.7808.00; Eureka and Lisbon. t1.764j 2.00; uncured. $14)1.25; limes, per 100. 60c. HONEY' AND BEESWAX—Honey comb, 9(aloc per lb' strained, 3tLt4c; bees wax. 25(530c per lb. POULTRY—Hens, $4.0004.75 per doz; vn rife , * M». >4.wd*H.,o ot,die.- .53.,., , $4.60; old roosters, $3474; ducks, $-1.5305 60' turkeys, 104711 c per lb. HAY'—Wheat, $10011; barley, $10; wheat and oat, $9010; alfalfa, baled, $7fiß; loose 87. Ml 1,1, STUFFS—FIour, Los Angeles $4; Stockton brands. $4.40: Oregon' 84; Eastern. 5t.00t9C.50; bran. per ton, local, $18: northern. $15.50; shorts Jier ton, local, $19; northern, $17: rolled bar ey, per ton, $15; cracked corn, per cwt tc, feed meal, per cwt, $1.00. DRIED FRUlTS—Apples—Sun dried sacks, per lb, 44i5c; boxes, 6(&.7c; evapo rated, fancy, 607 c. Apricots—Fancy, He: choice, 9c. Peaches—Fancy, unpeeled 6c; choice. 3e. Nectarines—Fancy, S(b'9c; choice, 64(7c. Pears—Fancy evaporated, 7@9c. Plums—Pitted, choice. 71i9e. Prunes— Choice boxed, 34) sc; sacks, 2ft 3c; fancy, lUc NUTS—Walnuts—Los Angeles, 7c; med ium soft, 10c; soft-shell Los Nletos, fancy 10012 c. Almonds—Soft shell, 10c: paper shell, 12c: hard shell, 6c. Pecans—lßols%. Filberls—lOol2%c. HIDES AND WOOL—Hides, as they run 10c per lb: sound kips, B%c; bulls and stags, 6%c; calves, 15c. Sheep pelts, 6015 c. Wool— bpring cup, goou itfjuc; interior. 808440* TALLOW-34f3%c. LIVE STOCK—AIt per lb—Beeves, 2%413c: calves, 303% c; sheep, 2 r )i'a' 3c; lambs, 405 c; hogs, 3%04e. DRESSED MEATS—AII per lb—Beef, 60 6%c; veal, 607 c; mutton, 505%e; lamb, Sji 10c; pork. 6c. CURED MEATS—EagIe hams. 9t<,c: Rex hums. 10014 c, ay. ll%c; selected pig hams, -i9O. ay. 9%e: Diamond C picnic nams. r>- a 7e, ay 7%c; fancy Rex boneless breakfast bacon (wrapped), 13c; Hex boneless brenkfast bacon, 10c: Diamond C break fast bacon backs, 7%c; Rex boneless ham, sugar cured, ni-sc; hex boneless oulu, 90, Rex cried beef (sets). 10c: Bex dried beel (lnsides), 11c; Rex regular dried beef, 9c; Miiuib«u LOilgues, per m. ion; ngnt meuiiti) bacon, 8c: medium bacon, 5%: dry salt clear bellies, 16020, ay 7%; dry salt short clears 33040, ay 6; dry salt clear backs, 5%; Rex pure leaf lard, tierces. 6%c; Ivory lard, compound, tierces, 5%c; Rexollne, tierce basis, 6%; Cottolene, tierces, 5%. rt.'..ifc>i.>ib— v anoy ciusiero, -iv.25; 4-Crown L L clusters, $1.1001.25; 3-Crown L L, pel box, 9Oc0$l; Sultana, seedless, per box, 9Oco $1: 3-Crown loose muscats, per box, 604 i 70c; 2-Crown loose muscats, per box 5041 65c: ordinary loose, per box, 46055 - -- Crown loose, in sacks, per lb, 8%®2%c; 3- Crown loose, in sacks, per lb, 8%52%c; 4- Crown, per lb, 3%04c: Sultana, seedless, fancy blchd, per lb, 606% c; Sultana, seed less, choice, per lb, 3%04c. Fractions: Half boxes 25c, quarter box es 50c, per box higher than wholes. FlGS—California white, per lb, 405 c; Cal ifornia, black, per lb, 44t1%c; California fancy, per lb, i6OSSc; imported Smyrna! p)0llc. BAGS—(Net cash)— Calcutta, 5©5%; po tato bags, 4; dried fruit sacks, 100 lbs. 6%4i 7%: bean sacks, 5; walnut bags, 14016; wool sack *. 30. "FANS A7-'r) "TTtTED PEAS—Pink 81.50 01.60; lima, $2.9008.00; Lady Washington, $1.6301.70; white, small, H7502.00; garvan cos, small, $3.50)14.00; garvancos, large. 8405; green Held peas. $2.6003.00; black ■•>«» i/.-u.,a, 37«, <■ lepMls C'nt"orn!-i <3.50w-« O'i. POTATOES-Per 100 lbs, Burbanks, 310 $1.05; Nevada, $1.10; common grades—new, $1.2501.50; burbank, seed, $1.00. GRAlN—Wheat. $l.birqi.ju: corn, 90095 c: feed barley, 75c; oats. $1.1001.25; all per 100 pounds. Res' t'-'a'o Tr»n-l*r« Alexandre Weill to J. B. Holllngsworth, lot 320 Alexandre Weill tract; $250. W. R. and Alice R. Gesewlsch to Chris tian Bruttig. lot 90, J. Marlon Brooks' sub; 8000. Mrs. Ann Rush to August Angst; lot 3, block 33. East Santa Monica: $400. M. J. and J. H. Harwood to Eunice Hehrc, lots 2 and 3. Harwood tract; $300. Cheater D. and lola N. Sargent to R. C. Pufklns, lot 4, Baldwin & Llndley'B sub; 8200. George M. Stanley to William H. Clay, lot 11, Carter Grove tract; $2000. Mrs. Aseneth A. Phelps to Olive W. Stephens, lots 16 and 1711, block 17, Clnre moni: $850. Fred J. and Louise Cary Smith to John 11. Dole, water from wells on lot 82, Loop & Meservo tract; $200. Same to Helen M. Giffln, water from wells on lot 32, Loop & Meserve tract: $300. Stephen E. and Marie Hatfield to Emma F. Mltchel, lot 1, block A, Mrs. A. N. Fell's sub; $1060. Emma F. Dunnells to John W. Strange, lot 4, Millars' sub; $400. Mary P. and Wayne W. Graham to Fran kio J. Bush, lot 4, block 6. California Co operative colony tract; $2500. Mary W. Opdyke to Benjamin F. and Isabella F. Shelley, lot 9, block 33, Electric Railway Homestead Association tract: $675. John C. and Luthera Coover to John J. Idndgren, lot 11, block 15, Brooklyn tract; $600. 1 John J. and Minnie Llndgren to John C. Coover, lot 6, Child's tract; $4000. Andrew Glossell to I. H. Preston, trus tee, beg. In east line Garvanza St.: $275. I. H. Preston, trustee, to T. C. Naud, same; $300. David Shearon to Mrs. Amelia Lovell, part of lot 3, E. H. Workman tract ; $300. J. Wesley Wilson to Fred M. J. Yofn. lot I. E. J. Baldwin's add No. 2; lot 48, E. J. Baldwin* add No. 1: $5500. William F. and Catharine D. Edgar to WllUam J. Prlndle, north % of lot 41, 8. D. A. 'P. tract: $265. Mlchaiel F. ODea to Mrs. C. Petry, lot 11, block F, Clement tract; $375. Ada B. and H. J. Blocker to T. N. Cam- ! field, lot 19, block A, Nadeau Orange tract; $300. A. P. and E. W. Reid to E. E. Shatuok, I lots 9. 11 and 14, block 60, Burbank; $300. j James H. Adams Co. to H. H. and Lv- ' cille C. Holoombe, north 25 feet of lot 7, nnd 1 south 26 feet of lot 8, Milton Davis sub; $647.41. Summary: Deeds. 57; nominal, 33; total consideration, $22,669.41. ON 'CHANOE Business Trsnsected and Prices Paid nt him e-,d Ahrnn 1 NEW YORK. May 3.—So far as the gen eral stock market was concerned Ihe sjiecu- . latlon was again today desultory With a weak lendency lv eertnin Industrial stock?. The standard railway shares were prac tically neglected and in the Industrials tho only stocks that attained a very consid erable, activity were Denver preferred and American Tobacco. The dealings were dis tinctly professional. The restriction of business was as usual recently ascribed to uncertainty as to the probable scope of It appears wll not be checked even by an advance In the rates on gold as freight, tho special transactions in Germany which, generally made by the associated trans- Atlantic steamship lines. The advance brings the rate up to 5-32. The only defin ite engagements of gold made thus'far for Thursday's German steamer aggregate nbout $1,500,000, but it is expected that ad- ! dltlonal shipments will be mnde on Salur- ! day. The advance In the freight rates referred to marks up correspondingly the point at which gold shipments are prac ticable, the Increased expense being chief ly borne by the buyer of the gold bills. The premium of 3-16 required for gold bars is still prohibitory and the market for ster ling exchange today displayed a slightly easier tendency in consequence of the offer ing of bills against gold exports. In ex change circles the weakness in rates will, it Is believed, only be temporary. At the moment provided a fair quality of coin can be secured, it is cheaper by about 1-16 to ship the coin than to send out gold bars. Speculative interest today centered In the Industrials. The market cllsed weak at general concessions. The bond market was dull and slightly easier in tendency. The sales were $1,039,000. Government bonds were strong and higher on transactions of $101,000. CLOSING STOCKS. NEW YORK, May 5.-The following S»'' .1 • Closing **"-'-. it" a• ■ -->s ■ C C Co 155% Ontario & W... 15 Atchison 15% Oregon Imp I Adams Ex 150 Oregon Nay 17 Alton. TH 55 Northwestern ...100 • Am Sugar pfd.lo3 do pfd 149% Baltimore &O. 16% N V Central 97% Canada Puc ... (MHi < ' >. N Canada South.. 50% Pacific Mail 26% Central Pac ... 15% PD&E 2% Ches & 0hi0.... 17 Pittsburg 160 Chicago Alton..lut Pullman Pa1ac0..160% C B& Q 80% Reading 12% Chicago Gas... 70% U S Rubber 23% Con Gas 162 do pfd 63% C C Cft St L.. 84% RU W IH% Col C& 1 1% do nfd 43 Cotton O C....114 Rock Island .... 71% Del Hud50n....127 , M ' 5 c Ist pi ] D L& W 160% St Paul 78% D&HOtpfd... 49 do pfd 128% D& C F C 0.... 18% St Paul &O 44 Erie 14% do pfd 122'f. do pfd XV.. Southern Pac 19% Erle2dpfd 23 Sugar Refinery..l 24% » ..<• • Term C & 1 29% Great N pfd ...113 Texas Pac 8% C At E I pfd ...100 ')' *• O Cen pfd... 73 Hocking Val'y 17 Union Pac 8% Illinois Cen 97 US Express 41 St P & D 23 W St L & P 7 K& T pfd 27% do pfd IS% L E & W 18 W F Express..., 97 do pfd 71% Western Union.. 86% Lake 5h0re....1495J W & LE 18 Lead Trust 26% do pfd 35% L & N 61% Minn *St L 19 > ■ D & R G 13% Man Con 103% Gen Electric 86% M & C 15 Natl Linseed .... 17V. Michigan Con.. 95 Col & F I 80% Mlsourl Pbuc.. 27% do pfd 100 M & Ohio 21 H * T Cen ?% Nash Ohatt .... OS US Leather pfd. 60 - Natl Cordage.. 4% U S cordage pfd. 20 ! do pfd.... 10 So RR 9% N J Central....los do pfd 31% N& W pfd 6% Am Tobacco 67 North Am Co.. 5% do pfd 96% Northern Pac. 1% UPDftU 8% do ptd 12% Am T& C C 0.... 94 BOND LIST. NEW YORK, May ( s.—The following U' S n 4s COUp..UT% "op lsts of '95. .101% ' USn 4s reg....H7% D&R G7s 110 US 5s reg 112% D & R G4s 91% U fl 5s coup.... 112% Erie 2ds 66% US 4s reg 109 RHft 1 A 65....105 s up.,..H0 GH& 8 A 75....102 US 2s reg 94% H & T Cen 55..109 Pac 6s of '95 .. .104 " H & T Cen 65....100. Ala', lass A....106 MKT 2d 45.... 85% Ala Class 8....106 M X T Ist 45.... k« Ala Class C...100 Mutual Union 68.111 Ma currency..loo N J C Gen 55....119 La new con 4s 97% N P lsts 117 ■to 6s 100 N P 2ds 114% NCOs 124 North ••••'•at ' "n.."- ( Ml C 4s 104 do S F deb 65.109% S C non-fund.. 1 R G West lsts.. 76% Term n set 65.. 85 St P consols 7s. .130 Term n set 65..108 St P C & P W 55.114 lenn n Set 85...— St L& I M Gen 5s 19 Tenp old 05.... 00 Texas Pac lsts.. 89 Va centuries... 61 St L& S F Gen 65112% Yn > ■ irrreq ... i! U P lsts of '96...10575 Atchison 4s .... 79% W S 4s 105% Atchison sec A 42% O R & N 15t5....101% So RR 5s $H N P 3ds 74% L & N 4,3 80% SAN FRANCISCO MINING STOCKS. SAN FRANCISCO, May s.—The official closing quotations lur miningslocics lOuuy •vero as follows: Yellow Jacket .. 35 Grand Prize — Andes 28 Hale & Norcross..lls Alta 7 Julia 17 Alpha Con 12 Justice 7 Belcher 46 Kentuck Con ..... 3 lb "1" — Lady Wash Con.. 4 Best & Belcher.. 58 Mexican 36 Bodle Con 53 Atono 16 Bullion 16 Mt. Diablo — Bulwer Con 29 Navalo — Caledonia 11 Occidental Con ...110 Con Cal & Va...175 Ophir 125 Challenge Con ... 30 Overman 10 Chollar 96 Savage 30 1:011 imperial — 1 Scorpion 6 Confidence 80 Potosl 39 on Ne ■ York.. 3 Union C0n.... 61 Crown Point 49 Utah Con 12 Exchequer 6 Silver Hill 1 Gould & Currle.. 55 Sierra Nevada .... 63 SILVER BULLION. NEW YORK, May 6.—Bar silver, 68%; Mexican dollars, 64. SAN FRANCISCO, May 6.—Bar silver. 68%; Mexican dollars, 64054%. LONDON, May s.—Bar silver, 81% d. MONEY QUOTATIONS. NEW YORK, May 6.—Money on oall easy at 202% per cent; lost loan, 2% per cent closed, 2% per cent; prime mercantile pa per, 4%05 per cent; sterling exchange eas LOS ANGELES HEBALD: WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY «, 1899. ler, with actual business tn bankers" bills at $4.85%04.88% for demand and $4.57%04.88 for sixty days; posted rates, $4.88%W4.90; commercial bills, $4.87: bar silver, 68%; sil ver certificates. 68%0415%. SAN FRANCISCO, May D.-Drafts, sight, 5; telegraph, 10. LONDON, May s.—Consols, 111 3-16. FREIGHT ON COLD. NEW YORK, May 5-All of the trans atlantic stenmship lines have advanced the rate on gold freights 1)3-132 to 5-32. The advance takes place Immediately. For some time past the companies have held the opinion Hint the rates charged were not fair to them with such risks involved. 1 he opinion is expressed that this advance In freights may check the present outward movement of gold. THE LONDON MARKETS. NEW YORK. May s.—The Evening Post's London flnunclal cablegram says: The stock markets were better today, but apart from South American governments and railroad stocks which were firm, almost nothing being done. Consols recovered to TSfl °" a hotter feeling in regard to South African affairs. Americano were lifeless, but easier on,the renewed gold shipments. TREASURY STATEMENT. WASHINGTON, May s.—Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows: Available cash balance, 8289,258,349; gold reserve, $123,977,251. BOSTON QUOTATIONS. BOSTON. May s.—Atchison, 16%; Bell Telephone 200- Burlington, 80%; Mexican Central, 10%; San Diego, 10%. CHICAGO MARKET The Day's Transactlnne on the Board ol Trade CHICAGO, May s.—There was quite a liberal speculative trade in wheat, but It was chiefly local. The feeling was rather , nervous ami the market was subject to frequent changes. The tone at the start was stronger and for a while higher prices I ruled, first sales showing %47% advance, and the market sold up a fraction more, i Later prices receded %47%, rallied 1%, re acted a little nnd closed firm at % advnne*: I J he early strength appeared to come from the better tone of Liverpool advices, the [ market there being quoted steady and tin l changed. There was a good deal of huy- I ing by shorts and offerings at the time ! small. The over-sold condition of tho mar ket was rather apparent and had a good ■ ileal to do with ihe llrmer tone. The price I eased off, due to some extent to the liberal j Northwestern receipts and generally better ! weather conditions in that direction, ter n; peratnres being seasonable and very lit le rain reported except in Minnesota. Du lutli reported the Hour market stagnant ; Willi prospects of most of the mills closing 1 down as a result of the decline in prices yesterday. On the second decline there was good buying to cover shorts by a prom inent local profssslonal and reports of a better cash business coming at the soma time started prices up and a fair raiiv oc curred. There was only a moderate trade iin corn, the market ruling a little more sensitive followed wheat clo3elv. There was a moderate trade in oats. The feature was the reduced offerings of July and fair buying on outside orders and the liberal selling for September. The receipt of IS.OOO bogs at the yards, instead of 22.000 ostlmat .cd yesterday, started the provision mar ket firm, but there were ready sellers In sufficient numbers to break the price down again. The leading futures closed as follows: Wheat No. 2—May. 61; June, 61%; July, 62%; September. 535*. ! Corn No. 2—May, 28%; July, 88%; Septem i ber. 3u%. Oats No. 2—May, 17%; June, 18%: July, 19: September, 19%. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour. ' quiet; No. 2 spring wheat ,60%; No. 3 spring I wheat. 58; No. 2 red. 55; No. 2 corn. 28%; j No. 2 oats. 17ti«17%: No. 2 white. 20%iff21: i No. 3 white 19%4i20% f. o. b.; No. 2 rye. 35»."<» ; 30: No. 3 barley. 28%030 f. o. b.: No. 1 flax seed. 894190: prime timothy seed, $3.10: mess pork, per bbl. $7.904i5.00: lard, per 100 lbs, $4.7504.80: short ribs sides (loose). $4.1504.20: dry salted shoulders (boxed), 4%474%; short clear sides (boxed), 4W4i4%: whisky, dis tillers' finished foods, per gal. 122: sugars, cut loaf, $6.37; granulated, J5.75; No. 2 yel low corn, 289-4. Receipts Shpmts. Flour, bbls 5.000 4.000 Wheat, bu 7.000 45.000 i Corn, bu 234.000 134.000 i Oats, bu 274.000 339.000 I Rye. bu 7.000 7.000 Barley, bu 25.000 38.009 On the produce exchange today the but ter market was firm: creamery, llfllSV.c: dairy, 9013 c. Eggs were steady at 7%@9c. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO, May s.—Common to fancy dressed beef and shipping steers were sale able at Stockers and feeders, , $3.50f13.90. Cows and heifers. $2.5603.50; . bulls. $2.50,473.00. Hogs—Sales were largely around $3.50, with heavy lots selling at $3.1003.50; 200 and 250-pound hogs at $3.004j) I 3.57%; mixed at and light weights j lat $3,404)3.70. Common to fancy sheep were i ■In demand at 13.60193.80: yearlings selling j lat $3.904f4.00; western (locks comprised a I I large share of the offerings, sold chiefly at ; $3.4003.80: lambs sold at $3,901/5.10 for com mon to prime, fat Colorado lambs selling again at the top. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS Call Board Prices ol Cereals and Shipments Rcce v< I SAN FRANCISCO, May s.—Wheat, In active; December, 105%. Barley, inactive: December, 74%. Flour, family extras, $3.75 03.85; bakers' do. $3.35473.05; superfine. $2X5 03.000. Wheat. No. 1 shipping, 107%; choice. 110: milling, 115A120. Barley, feed, fair to good, 71'i'<i73%; choice. 75; brewing. SOTj) 86%. Corn, 90. Bran, 515.50. Oats, milling. 754(82%; surprise. 900 100: fancy feed, WW 57%: good to choice, 750 80; poor to fair, 67%072%; gray, 72%<580. Receipts—Flour, qr sks. 15.000: do Ore gon, 7552; wheat, ctls. 58.257; oats. 753; do Oregon. 540; beans, sks. 680; rye. ctls. 400'; potatoes, sks, 2000; do Oregon, 8000; onions, sks, 61S; do Oregon. 222; bran. sks. 1095; do Oregon, 2300: middlings, sks, 45: hay, tons, 210; hops, bales, 23; wool, bales, 395; do Oregon, 31): wine, gals. 811.200; hides, number, 202; quicksilver, flasks, 2S. j SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE. ' Potatoes—River burbank. 35f150: Oregon j do. 504770; Early Rose, 505775; new potatoes, ; 75 A $1.00. j Vegetables—Los Angeles tomatoes. 51.0041 1.25; string beans, 6478 c: green peas, $1471.25; garlic, 4%4?5%c: green peppers. ltVttlOUc; dried do, 8ffl0c; asparagus. $1.2503.00; dried okra. 12%4715e: rhubarb, 35®i>5e; cucumbers, | 6Ccflsl: onions, $1471.23. Fresh Fruit—Apples. $1.50472.75: Long worth strawberries. 75710 c; common do. 448 6c; black cherries, 75c051.00; white do, 76c. 1 Citrus rruiLß-.,iox:Litn pines. $.>.se)u(,.ei.i; j California lemon« 7s* l ! 50; rio choice. $1.3048 2.00: do, fancy. $2.2502.50; California seed ling oranges, 70c051.75; navels, $1.75(52.75 i do fancy, $3.0008.50. I Tropical truit—Hawaiian bananas, $I.oofli 2 oo- plueflelds do. 12.00A2 SO; Persian dates : $3.00475.50; pineapples, $4(3*5. Butter—fancy creamery, 14: seconds,!? Oi"V fancy dairy. 1£%018: d" ■>econ- , « 12 Cheese—Fancy mild new, 7%c: fair to good, 607 c; young America, 80-9 c; eastern, ; 12014 c. Eggs—Store, ll%012c; ranch. 12%013%o; eastern, 12@12%c; duck eggs, 14:315 c. I Poultry—Live turkeys, gobbl rs. 15f113e; do hens, 13015 c; roosters, $4.00,24.50; voting do, $7.00473.50: small broilers. $<!.00©4.r0: large do, $4.5005.50; hens, $4.0004.50; old I micits, I'tO i; y-»in* v fiUCKS, >S h; i geese, $1.2301.50; old pigeons, t4.60Q1.76; young do ■ m 0>? ■ ■ Game—Hare. 60060 c; cottontail rab bits, $1.25; bush do. 75c; gray geese, $2.004 i 2.50; brant, $1.00(311.25. I Millstuffs—Middlings, $17.50019.50; bran, i $15.004715.50. i Hay—Wheat. $84711.50: wheat and oat, $84710; oat, $7.50010; alfalfa, $7(99; clover, 8608. BOSTON WOOL MARKET. BOSTON, May s.—There is still a lack of demand in tho wool market here) and the only business seems to be done where buy ers are in urgent need of small lots and are picking them up at practically their own figures. The prices quoted today can on.v : be nominal as not enough business Is be i Ing done to establish any reliable quota i tlons. The following are the quotations for leading descriptions: Territory wools—Montana fine, medium and fine, 10012 c; scoured, 314732 c; Montana No. 2 medium, 124718 c: scoured, 28030 c. California wools—Northern spring," 10012 c; scoured, 30032 c: middle county spring, 100 11c; scoured, 28030 c. i Australian scoured superfine, 48050 c; combing good, 43348 c; combing average, i 40043 c, AVAILABLE GRAIN. : NEW YORK, May 6.—Special telegraphic and cable dispatches to BradstreeUs, coy : erlng principal points of accumulation, In dlcate the following changes In available J.M. Cronenberg CMcafO Orala and New York Stocks ON USUAL MARGINS. Markets by wire every fifteen minutes. Market resorts mailed tree on application to any address. Office No 119 West Third street, Stlmion block. Telephone No. 144 L supplies, Saturday, May 2, an compared with the preceding Saturday: Available supplies: Wheat, United States and Ciuiadu, ea«t of the Rocky mountains, decrease 4,869,000 bushels; afloat for and in Europe, decrease 16.000; total tie crease world's available 4.370,010 bushels. Corn, United States and Canada, east of the Rocky mountains, decrease 4.241.000. Oats. United Slaies and Canada, east of tho Rocky mountains, decrease 1,530,000 bushels. The more important decreases in avail able stocks of wheat of last week, not cov ering the official supply statement, includ ed 850,000 bushels in Noril western interior elevators; 171,000 in Chicago private elevat ors, and 101,000 bushel* at Louisville: 76.000 In Milwaukee private elevators; 59,000 bush els at Clev eland, and 25.000 each at Burling ton and New Orleans. There was an Increase of 118.000 bushels of wheat at points of accumulation in Man itoba last week. Wheat stocks at San Francisco, Port Costa and Sldckton, Cal., Portland, Ore., Seattle and Taconia, Wash., show a de crease for Ihe entire month of April amounting to 610,000 bushels. LIVERPOOL MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, May 5,-Spot wheat closed quiet, with a boor demand: No. 2 reel win ter, 6s 6%d: No. 1 hard Manitoba, 5s 6d: 1 No. 1 California, 5s l%d. Futures closed firm with near positions %d higher and dis tant positions %d higher. May, 6s l%d; June, 5s 3%d; July, 5s 3-"' 4 d: August. 5s Id: September and October, 5s 4%d. Spot corn closed quiet; American mixed new, 3s %d. Futures closed firm, with JiineUd higher and distant positions unchanged from yes terday's closing prices. May, 3s; June, 3s %d; July, 3s Via; August, 3s Id; September, 3s l%d; October. 3s 2%d. Flour closed easy, with a poor demand: St. Louis fancy win- M._ Hops, £1 15s. Ct.'BES AN TtEVE .TS • Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Influenza, Dron chills, Pneumonia, Swelling ol the Joints, Lumbago Inflammation RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, FROSTB TE?, CMI.LBI.AINS, EADAC F. TOOTH4CHB, A T MA, DIFFICULT BREATHING CUBES TUB WORST PAINS in from one to twentr minutes. XOT ONE IlOi.'k nfter read ing this advertisement need any one StTFFEB with pain. A hnlflo a teaspoon! d In hall a tumblsr of tvaier wilt in a'few minutoi care Cramp, r-'pasms. sour Htomich, Hoar-burn Xervruit ress. Sleepleixriess, Hick Headache, IMsrrhcev Dyseutry. Colic, Flatulency tind all internal pallia TherS is not a remedial njren in the world that win cute Fever and Ague and all o*lier Malarious, 11 lious, arnl other (even, nided b RADW'AY S PILLS, so quickly «s RaDWAY'S READY RELIEF. Fifty cents per bottle Sold by Druggists other parts, leading sclen- BBpB&B inv'i'"'"™ Europe'' a u°d ttaV iilsohiu je LrtrrtjjJift&l restores weak day |»i^^^^>^y^» Irate enl irsemoats. prema-urenMS neatt. impotency In the first ■tale. It ii a symptom of seminal weakness aud barrenne<s. It can be stopped lv A) days bythL-u-eof lludvsu. , The new dis-oytrv wa»mado by the Special ist* ol tne old famnut Hudson Medical Insti tute. It istno sirongci: vltaliter male. It Is very powerful, but harmless. Loam the grnnd truth of hrnlth, mit'no yourself a man again b» nsiug the Ualilomini remedy. You can only gat It from tho Hudson Medical Institute. Write for Iraq circulars, send lor testimonials i and clrenlart free. ! HI'D9ON 3IIC»ICAL INSTITUTE, stoolcton, Market and Ellis sts., san rr. iNOttOO, California, Directory of SOUTHERN HHTPI Q CALIFORNIA IIV-f 1 l-.aL.aJ nrvm nnrru J- n- holmes, manager. HUICL bHttfl Pasadena. ME WOli &J!*** 4 ok *" DU nn-m inninil santa monica. s. rhein. HUltl AKUfllJlrl heart, Proprietor. HOTEll[L[nß^ri^^ BECOKB HOTEL jjjljlj THIRD STB -| ABBOTTSFORDIHH %*£?LZ*^ DUOpa HOTEL PORTLAND gjgg SPRINO BT ' ! HOTEL BRUNSWICK American-European plana. HOTEL HOLYROOD Cochrane, proprietor. MDlHlftll MAIN AND NINTH ST., RIVE* KUrItLL side. E. J. Davis, Prop. HOTEL C n RLTOF^en E a. ABT miMAM HOTEL« oy,SANTAOATA1 ' IWA UfITCI DDCIIIvTID J - E - O'Brien, prop'r I HUItL DKtlOltit Fourth and O Sts., San Diego. Kidney and Bladder Cure * For sale by all druggists or by the manufacturer, W. F. ricßurney At 418 a Spring st. Los Angeles, font presairi on receipt of price. bottle Poland . iddress Rnrk PARISH'S I\UL.Ii DRUG STORE, W/atfr 300 S. BROADWAY. water TeL 9ia , j J^j t TALCOTT jg| ■ -fho Only SPECIALISTS In So. j I |1 DISEASES OF MEM ONLY | y Wo have the largest prsrtico on Ihe Paclllc Coast, treating every lorin of Weakness and Private Diseases of Men and abso- ffl « lutoly nothing else. To show our ability in this line of prnc ice, |X i We Never Ask for a Dollar Until Cure is Effected. m & Corner Third and Main St., over Wells, Far K o & Co. s. Private side entrance on Third Street. IR LEGAL NOTICES IF Ult" SEAL FISHERIES.) BY THE President of the United States of America. A Proclamation. The following provisions of the law of the United Stat>.-3 arc published hereby for the information of all concerned: Section lftiifi. Revised Statutes, Chapter 8. Title XXIII. enacts) that "No person shall kill any otter, mink, marten, sable, or fur-seal, or other fur bearing animal, within the limits of Alaska territory, or in the waters thereof: and every person guilty thereof shall, for each offense, be fined not less than two hun dred nor more than cne thousand dollars, or imprisonment not more than six moniln or both; and all vessels, their tackle, ap parel, furniture and cargo, found engaged in violation of this section shall be for feited: but the Secretary of the Treasury shall have power te authorize the killing of any such mink, marten, sab'.e. or other fur-bearing animal, except fur-seals, un der such regulations as he may prescribe: and it shall be the duty of the Secretary to prevent the killing of any fur-seal, and to provide for the execution of the provis ions of this section until it la otherwise pro vided by law; nor shall he grant any spec ial privileges under this section." Sec tion 3 of the Act entitled "An act to pro vide for the protection of the salmon fish eries of Alaska;" approved March 2, ISSs'.i, provides: "B»c. 3. That section nineteen hundred and fifty-six of the Revised Stat utes of the United States is hereby declared to include and apply to all the dominion of the United States in the waters of Ber ing Sea; and it shall be the duty of the President, at a timely season each year, to issue his proclamation and cause the same to be published for one month in at least one newspaper, if any such there be pub lished, at each United States port of entry on the Pacific Coast, warning all persons against entering said waters for the pur pose of violating the provisions of said sec tion; and he shall also cause one or more vessels of the United States to diligently cruise said waters and arrest all persons, and seize all vessels found to be, or to have been, engaged in any violation of the laws of the United tSates therein." The Act entitled "An Act to extend to the North Pacific Ocean the provisions of the stat utes for the protection of the fur-seuls and other fur-bearing animals;" approved February 21, 1893, provides: "That when ever the Government of the United States shall conclude an effective internatlc-.ial arrangement for the protection of fur seals in the North Pacific Ocean, by agree ment with any power, or as a result of the decision of the tribunal of arbitration un der the convention concluded between the United States and Great Britain February twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and nine ty-two, and so long as such arrangement shall continue, the provisions of section nineteen hundred and fifty-six ef the Re vised Statutes, and all ether provisions of tho Statutes of the United States, so far as the same may be applicable, relative to the protection of ffir-seals and ether fur bearing animals within the limits of Alas ka, or in tho waters thereof, shall be ex tended to and over all that pertion of the Pacific Ocean included in such interna tional arrangement. Whenever an effec tive international arrangement is conclud ed as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the President to declare that fact by proclama tion, and to designate the portion of the Pacific Ocean to which it is applicable, and that this Act has become Operative; and likewise, when such arrangement ceases, to declare that fact and that this Act has become inoperative, and his proclamation in respect thereto shall be conclusive. Dur ing the extension aforesaid of said laws for tho protection of fur-seals or other fur-bearing animals, all violations thereof In said designated portion of the Pacific Ocean shall be held to he the same as if committed within the limits of Alaska or in the'waters thereof, but they may be prose cuted in the District Court of Alaska, or in any District Court of the United States in California. Oregon or Washington." An arrangement having been made for the pro tection of fur-seal 3. as a result of the decis ion of the tribunal of arbitration under the convention concluded as aforesaid. Febru ary 29, 1892, which prohibits the killing of seals at any time within a radius of sixty miles around Pribllof Islands, or during May. June and July in each year, in that portion of the Pacific Ocean, inclusive of Bering Sea, situated to the north of the 35th degree of North Latitude, and East ward of the 180 th degree of Longitude from Greenwich until it strikes the water bound ary described in Article One of the Treaty of 1887 between the United States and Rus sia, and following that line up to Bering Straits; Now, therefore, be it known that I. Grover Cleveland. President of the United States of America, hereby declare that the said Act of Congress of February 21 1893, has become operative; mat, in ac cordance therewith, Section 1956 of the Revised Statutes is applicable to the wat ers above mentioned, included In the Award of the Tribunal at Paris given un der the said convention of February 29, 1892. and that I have caused the foregoing laws specially to be proclaimed to the end that their provisions may be known and observed. I hereby proclaim every person guilty of a violation of the provisions ol said laws and of other provisions of tht Statutes of the United States so far as the same may be applicable relative to tht protection of fur-bearing animals within the limits of Alaska or In the waters there of, will be arrested and punished as there in provided, and all vessels so engaged their tackle, apparel, furniture and cargo, will be seized and forfeited. In testlmon> whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States to b< affixed. Done at the City of Washingtoi this fourteenth day of April, in the year ol Our Lord one thousand eight hundred anc nlnctv-slx, and of the Independence of tht United States the one hundred and twen tieth, GROVER CLEVELAND. By the President: RICHARD OLNEY, '5-24 cod Secretary of State. Notice to Stockholders CALIFORNIA AND ARIZONA RAIL way company. The annual meeting of t-hi stockholders of the California and Arizont Railway company will be held at the offici of the company, in the city of Los An geles. on Wednesday, May 13, 1896, at 1 oclock a. m., to elect a board of director! for the ensuing year, and to transact sucl other business as may properly come be fere the meeting. G. HOLTERHOFF, JR., Secretary. Los Angeles, Cal., April 29, 1896. 5-13 Notice to Stockholder* PACIFIC LAND IMPROVEMEN' company. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Pacific Land Improvemen company will be held at the office of th company. In the city of Los Angeles, o: Wednesday, May 13, 1896. at 11 oclock a. m. to elect a board of directors for the en suing year, and to transact such othe business as may properly come before th meeting. G. HOLTERHOFF, JR.. Secretary. Los Angeles. Cal.. April 29, 1896. S-13 QLOODPOISM erf a I b9£**7* Tea sm ba treat.* at ..»• f< tm IwF" 1- 1 ' "*""" ' ■in pnrfw te eeaae aae* wa -fill eoairai asaseeasW M FM > nlkwtrtra ami boasl I>> it.. u>J v •hasff.lf ts failsusure. Bin have taken wei •err, laat da BuaaaK, Sail stiff have aches ax •alas.MaaASuFaMUas ta mouth, Sore Throa riaaalsa. SmuMf wolavaa j|»ota, ulcere o «c nsrsilM y «mr«, W» mt*gL\ iha mast obit safe «»»•* aarf efceßaue *>• werld tor mm w« anatlesr«. -tV.Jweeee has ajwa Mans, fnfi.*** eaattal behiad our oaeoat jonai guaranty. i ipplicatlon. Address c: OOK RE MED V CO 807 Maeonlo Temple, CHICAGO. XU» LINES OF TRAVEL LOS ANGELES lEiill IK EFFECT MAY 4, 1306. Los Angeles d*Pots: Kast *tui First street ami Uowney avenue bridßea. L*ave Eiis Angeles tor uTeavo Paaadoiia fOf Lus I*:isailena. AtliahM. oi :15 a m I ft B:*«>a i". a 9::Hia.m I » H»:..ia.m. aU:i')a.m | » I3t-Jg p.m. . a :i:;¥) p.m i a im P «- l a A:OU I a Downev avenue leaving time 7 minutes Inter. Re- ; tween Loi Arn?e!en and Paiadena^—Kound trip-sc. , JL«aveliOS LTeave Altaden:t .1 unction Altedena Junction. for Loa Angelet* a 9:80a.m 'i |o:l»ft,Ui. c 11:3U a m 0 13tf5 p.m. ft 8 P m... n 4:3-ty .ni. All trains start from First street depot. .Leave lios Ani'eles lor ILeave OLehdale ro* Loi Gl end alt*. Angelei. b 7:'.'oa.m | b 8103 a.m. ] c ri;Uoa.m « B:Ua.m. a 12:80 p m » t:ttp.m. a S:OA p. I. a 6:02 p.m. Leave Lot «Vng«les fnr' '* Xeavo East San Pedro Ixmg Beacb ami East Tor Ban Pedro. Lna Angles. a a 7:15 a.m. a 1:10 p.m ft 10:80 a.m. a 5:15 pm ■ a 4:00 p.m. Between E. San Pedro and Lons Beach 10 minutes. C ATA LIN A Steamer for Avalon connects with 1:10 p.m. train dally, except Sundays. RL'BIO CANYON AND ECHO MOUNTAIN Trains leave Los Angeles dally ot 9:30 a.m., c 11:3) a. m. and ft 8:30 p. m. Fine pavilion and hotel. Grand scenery. 1 Telescope and searchlight. a— Dally, b—Dally except Sunday, c— Sundays i only, d—Saturdays only. Stages meet the B :15 v. m. train at Pasadena for I Mount W llson on new trull. ] Passengers leaving Los Angeles on the 8:15 a. m. | tr.*ln for Mount Wilson enn return the same day. i Special rates to excursion and picnic parties, j Depots east end of First street and Downey ave nue bridg-s. City ticket office, Greenewnld's cigar s'oro, cor* ncr Second and Spring streets, tieneral offices, First street depot. T. B. BURNETT, tieneral Manager. \V. WINCUP, tieneral Passenger Agent mWi Si S DEPOT: Grana aye. and Jefferson st. In effect January 1. 1896. Leave Los Angeles { Leave Redondofor lor Redondo Los Angeles D:oAa.m Pally 7: Oa.m Dally ■1:30p.m Dally p. m Daily J'or passenger and freight rates apply at depot, corner Grand avenue aud Jefferson street. Tele ; phone West 1. t L. T. GARNSEY, President ■ L.J. PERRY, Superintendent. i PASADENA AND LOS ANGELES .-, M ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Cars leave Fourth and Spring streets. For Rublo Canyon and Echo Mountain— S:UO, 9:UO and 10:00 am.: 1:00, 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. Returning have Echo Mountain—B:oo and 0 :'jo a.m.: 2:00, 4:00 and 4 :li p. m. For Altadena—B:oo a.m. and oyery hour until lOp id. Returning leave Altadena— 6:30 a.m. and i hourly until 9:3 D p.m. For Pasadena— Every FHteea minutes from 7:iD s.m. to 8:00 p.m. Hall hourly before snd after these hours. Office, TZ2 VV Fourth street. W. D. LARRABEE, Supt. E. P. CLARK. Gen'l Manager. toa PLEASE SEND THIS TO SOME ONI WITH CANCER OR TUMOR. LOS ANGELES' Representative .. .uieaaie and Retail Dealers, Business Men and Firms ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW W. H. SHINN. 208-a)S Wilson bit., Spring st. 3ARBERS- SUPPLIES AND dRINDERS STEIN EN & KIRCHNER, ltd N. Main St. BICYCLES "KEATING," Hawlejr, King 4 Co., 210 N. Mala, DRUOQISTS—WHOLESALE F. W. BRAC24 * CO., 405-407 N Main; tel. 954. FRUI . 5 AND VEGETABLES L7JDWIG 4 WAGNER, Mott Market, tel. Bta. GROCERIES—WHOLESALE P. A A3, BARUCU * CO., 320 to 32ti N. h. A. St. HOTELS ABBOTSFORD INN, cor. Bth and Hope; to), 117» LAW, COLLECTION?, iTERCANTILE REPTS STANDARD COLLECTION ft MERCANTILE ta., (lnc ) $100,000, 211-212 Stimson. A. c. Brod eraon, ait'y. LfPl AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE BANKERS' ALLIANCE OF CAL., 218 Court st PHOTOiIRAPM —LANDSCAPE F. H. MAVDR ft CO., 111 W. First r.t. SADDLES, HARNESS AND SADDLEWARh i. P. MORENO, 220 Alisost. SAFES, SCALES, REFRIGERATORS CHAS. w. ADAMS, MS N Main. Tel. 1347. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TOOL COV,PAN? COUNSTABI.E ft COIJTTS, 160 N. Los Angelas, UNDER TAKERS AND EMBALriEKS BOOTH * ROW, 2,0 8. Mnln SI. Tel. 1310. WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN G. STOESAK, 511 S. Spring st. bet. s:h and Otn. WINES AND SPIRITS J. F. A. LAST, 120 and ISI N. Mainst. YARN HOUSas . NEW YORK BAZAAR. 143 N, BprlngSt. Stockholders Annual Meeting. Office of the California Sewer Pipe company, No. 649 South Btoadway Los Angeles Cal., April ' 20, 1390. : The annual meeting of the stockholders ef the ! i California sewer Pip? company, will beheld at I the ottlce of tne company in the city of Los Anga ! les Cal ,on Monday slay 11. 18011, nt 3 oclock p. m \ ef ssid duy for the elccilon of n boiird of director 1 i for the ensuing year, and fertile transaction o J auehotner; business as may properly be brough 1 ; aefera said meeting. t j a. H. mott. Secretary. ! BAKER IRONWORKS ! 950 TO UtfO HUES'A VISTA ST.. I » bOS KNQBUBS, - CKCIPOHNIH « Adlainlag a, t. Uiauada, let, Ufa 7 LINES OF TRA KgV^L^ Southern Cali * a ' orn Railway /?&i&tj&jß&Bfm\ Trains leave and arrive. a ' . I,a Grande Sta- Trains via Pasadena arrive at Downey-ave. station 7 mm. earlier westbound an,l leave 7 " <*-v WUMf mm. later eastbouno. CHICAGO EXPRESS—DAILY, f To Denver. Kansas City, Chicago. St. Louis, Leaves daily 10:45 a. m. Arrive* daily 1:05 p. m. SAN DIEGO TRAINS. Lv '9:00 am, 2:00 pm Ar 12:30 p m, *7:15 pm SAN BERNARDINO TRAINS. P-Lv "7:10 am, it am, 10:45 am, '4:00 pm, 4:45 pm O-Lv 10:15 am, *5:10 pm P-Arrlve X:55 am, 9:50 am. 1:05 pm, •s:oopm, C:45 pm O-Ar '11 am, 3:58 pm RIVERSIDE AND REDLANDS TRAINS P-Lv *7:10 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am, *4:00 pm, 4:45 pm O-Lv 10:15 am,'s:lo pm P-Arrive 9:50 am, 1:05 pm, '6:00 pm, 6:45pm O-Arrive *11:00 am, 3:66 pm PASADENA, MONROVIA AND AZUBA. Leave *7:10 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am, 1:35 pm, '4:00 pm, 4:45 pm, '5:30 pm Arrive '7:52 am, 8:55 am, 9:50 am, 1:06 pm, 4:15 pm, '5:00 pm, 6:45 pm ANAHEIM AND SANTA ANA TRAINS. Leave *X:00 am, 9:00 am, 2:00 pm, 6:10 pm Arrive 8:50 am, 12:30 pm, '3:56 pm, 7:16 pm REDONDO BEACH TRAINS. Lv 9:50 am, 5:05 pm. Ar 8:29 am, 4:40 pm SANTA MONICA TRAINS. Leave 7:10 am, 10:00 am, 5:05 pm. Arrive 8:55 am, 4:40 pm, 6:50 pm FERRIS AND SA NJACINTO TRAINS. Leave P-'9:00 am, O-*10:15 am . Arrive P-'l:05 pm, O-*ll:00 am ELSINORE AND TEMECULA TRAINS. Leave P-'9:00 am, O-'10:15 am Arrive P-'l:05 pm, '6:15 pm O-*ll:00 ate ESCONDIDO. FALLBROOIC. Leave '2:00 pm' Leave «9:00 am Arrive '12:30 pm Arrive *7:16 pm P-Via Pasadena; O-Via Orange; 'daily except Sunday: all other trains dally. Ticket office, 129 N. Spring at. and La Grande Btatlon. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY TIME TABLE-APRIL 17, IBM ■ i ' — Leave for I DESTINATION Ac from ' 2705pmj)S. Fran., Sacramonxo I 7:fJ*m l:«0pm ; and East, via Ogdea I itspni 11:00pm Portland, Or 1:86 pm 2:80 pm El Paso and Jtaet I pm Pasadena A7:»am 7:50 ami •• B;S# am A 8:25 am >• »:» am 9:25 am " 10:40 am A 11:26 am' " 1:86 ptn ' 12:2.1pm " ABt*»bm 3:5.5 pm " 5:4 V ptn 6:20 pm " A 7:4lpm A 6:16 pm M , ... 6:00 am 1 Riverside, f 6:96 am 9:J'> am Rod lands. 1:01 pin 2:30 pm ' San Bernardino 4:45 pm 4:30 pm J and Colton L 6:M,pm 6:00 am "i *:>3 atn 9:2.5 am Pomona 6:64 am 2:30 pm ■ and 1:00 pm 4:80 pm Ontario 4:46 pm 6:26 pm l 6:16 pm 8:00 am. Chlno B:soam 4:30 pm " J:6J am 6:25 pm " 6:86 pm 8:00 ami Covins f B:Wem A 2:30 pm |- San Dlmaa -) A 1:00 pm 6:25 pm ) Lordsburg I 4:64 pm 8:05 ami 1 Monrovia f A 9:14 am A 11:20 ami Arcadia 9:M am A 3: spm f and A 1:10 pm ..:opm Duarte I. 6i6»am B:Xlam Santa Barbara 12:104 m 4:oopm " >:» pm A'lopSjl I -anSiS s:lopmlj Anaheim \ j^pm 10:05 am ■) Whlttler ( . .jiS*™ A 9:10 am I Tustln 9:04 am 6:10 pm| " A 4:16 am Long Beach and / iiiifSS 9:ooam Santa Monica. .»..,- - 10:00 am " Vs** " 3:M am 1:10 pm " 1 ?:iil m 6:15 pm ' 49S 0:00 pm! 4:10 pm 10:00 am 1 Soldiers' Home 12:17 pm 0:00pm: " 4 4il' m 9:ooam port Los Angeles..... 12:17pm 10:00 am, " 4:*pm 1:10 pm 6:10 pm A 1:40pm! Catallna Island AU:2oam A 9:40 ami Cualsworth Park. A 4:llpm Clmtsworth Park—Leave from and arrive River Station, San Fernando street, only. A Sundays excepted. THE INSIDE TRACK. All S.P. Co. 'strains stop at First street (except the four San Francisco trains) and Commerolal Btreet (except the 9:00 San Franolaoo sweats* train), In the business center of the city, aatiag time and street car fares to passengers. Uoneral Passenger Office, 226 S. Spring street -JJACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO. Goodall, Perkins * Co., General Agents, San Fraav Ci Northern routes embroco lines for Portland, Or., Victoria. B, C, and Pugot Sound, Alaska and all cpast points. SOUTHERN ROUTES TIME TABLE FOR MAY. 166*. Leave San Francisco Port Harford ! s. s. Corona, May 1,9,17,25: Santa Barbara I June 2. Port Lot Angela*.! 1S ■S. Santa Rosa, May 4, 18, Newport : Sl,»l Junes. San Diego I For _ Is. S. St. Paul, May 7.15, 24, n; F.astSan PedTO.... June*. San Pedro and way S. s. F.ureka. May 3,11,1», »; _poris .Tune 4. Leave Port l.os Angtle3 and Redondo yor— is! S. Santa Rosa, May 7,18,28, i 31; June 8. San DliKO S. S. Corona, May 3, 11, 19, 27; ; June 4_ |.- u r_ s. S. Santa Rosa, May 1, 8,17, Ban Francisco 1 25; June 2. rort Harford S. s. corona. May 5,18, 41,16; ] Santa Barbara u J2 ( L ti : I Leave san Pedro and East Han Pedro. i For— s. s. Kureka, May 8,14, 21,80; I Ba i Franolsco June 7. ....... A n i s. si St. Paul, May 2,10,18,28; j Way ports June 3. i ~~Cars to connect with steamers via San ! leave s. P. R. R. (Arcade a>pot, ats:osp.ra. and Terminal it. It. depot a; I p. m. Cars to connect via Roseado leave Santa FJ depot at 9:5J a. m. or from lledendo Rail way depot at 9:05 a. m. , _ _ Cars to connect via Port Les ABgeles leave S. r. I B. 11. depot at ' :10 p m. far steamers north hound. Plans of steamers' cables at agent's office, where bertbs may be secured. The company reserves the right to change toe steamers or their rtuys of sailing. For psssaip> or freight as above or for tickets to and frum all important points In Europe apply t* W. PARKIB. Agent, Office, t:3', W. Tblra St, Los As*it«t