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THE INVESTOR OFFICE OF THB HERALD, Los Angeles, May 27, 1897. The Mining Investor, published at Color ado Springs, devotes considerable space In its Issue of the 22d Inst, to a discussion of the situation at Cripple Creek mining district and the Stock market In connection therewith. It says that two things have happened: "Prices of mining stocks have declined enormously and the output of the Cripple Creek district hae Increased won derfully. By referring to the estltfiates and computations of the conservative we find that about eighteen months ago the value of Cripple Creek's production was, In round figures, about $750,000 per month. Quite recently It has been shown that the monthly output Is something better than $1,000,000 per month. On the other hand we find that the principal stocks, Including those which represent the producing mines responsible for the Increased output, have declined from a total value of about $18, --700,000 to $5,700,000, representing a loss of nearly 70 per cent. "Is the camp all rlghtTlt would seem so. In 1891 the production was about $20,000. Without all signs fail the production of ISO 7 will be well over $10,000,000, and ln the interim the Increase has been steady. Con sidered In this light, then. Cripple Creek Is satisfactory. It Is doubtful, indeed, if any other ramp ever made such a rec ord, although other districts have had far greater support In the way of financialJn vestment for the development of pros pects. Cripple Creek Is an Ideal poor man's camp, for values In the ore are frequently found actually at the surface, and on this account the prospector of limited—some times very limited—means Is enabled to open up a mine because his expenses are met by the ore taken out from the first foot of work. "The greatest depth at which any mineral vein has been developed is slightly over 1000 feet, and at that point the values were as good as they were closer to the surface. In other shafts of the camp, which have reached considerable depth, and which have developed ore bodies, values have proved good and equal to any thing above, so that on the score of values with depth the Cripple Creek district is oertalnly all right, and It does not seem likely that Investment in mines or stock* is prevented from any actual fear at the values of the ore bodies declining with depth." ♦ ♦ ♦ The Mining Investor also quotes with ap proval from the market lists of a local firm, which says: "Investors desiring large profits with a minimum risk should purchase Cripple Creek gold stocks at the present low prices. It is generally acknowledged by all who are In a poslton to form a cor rect opinion of the situation that It Is only from the lack of knowledge on the part of eastern and foreign Investors of the good conditions of the mines and the steady improvement which Is being made In the output which Is preventing them from taking advantage of the opportunity which now presents itself of buying stocks below their value." T The supreme court In a late decision says: "To eupport the deed of a corporation which is without a corporate seal, it is In cumbent upon the party relying upon It to show affirmatively that it wis executed by authority of a resolution of the board of directors, entered on. the records of the corporation, or that It was ratified by such resolution." ♦ ♦ ♦ The Are commlsloners have submitted to the council the plan first proposed by ex-Commlssloner Vetter for the issuance of. say, $150,000 4 per cent bonds for the purchase of sites and the construction of thirteen new buildings, with the necessary apparatus. The city, it Is urged, Is now paying $8000 a year in rent for engine houses, which Is equal to 4 per cent on $200,000, and It would he a desirable thing for the city to own all Its engine houses. It appears to be a little doubtful whether the city could acquire the necessary lots and set up the buildings, for a total expen diture within the amount Indicated. Some of the ground required would be expen sive and a very careful estimate should be made ln detailed shape, showing the pos sibility of accomplishing the desired end without going beyond the amount asked to be appropriated. ♦ ♦ ♦ Landlords should take note of a decision ot the supreme court, filed the 21st Inst., in the case of McDowell, respondent, vs. Hyman. In which the rights of tenants In the matter of repairs are set forth. The court says: "The principal covenant on the part of a landlord, which If not expressed Is Im plied, Is thnt the tenant shall have the quiet enjoyment and possession of the premises during the continuance of the term. The covenant, whether expressed or Implied, means that the tenant shall not be evicted or disturbed by the lessor or by persons deriving title from him, or hy virtue of a title paramount to his, and implies no warranty against the acts of strangers. It is equivalent to a stipula tion that the lessee shall not be right fully disturbed in his possession during the term, not that he shall not be disturbed at all. See Taylor on Landlord and Tenant, vol. \ sec. 305. Also civil code. sec. 1927. "Fljats are as much separate dwellings as ordinary adjoining houses are. The dif ference is that flats are under one roof and are divided from one another by a horizon tal plane, but ordinary adjoining houses by a perpendicular or vertical plane. See also Taylor on L. and T., sec. 60. "The landlords, as owners of the second floor, had a right to repair, alter and Im prove that portion of their premises, but In so doing they were bound by their im plied agreement so to conduct their oper ations as not to dispossess or render un inhabitable the portion of the building they had devised to others; and If they failed ln that duty they were liable to their tenant, Irrespective of the question of negligence. As against third parties they could take down the outer or inner walls of the building at will, subject only to such negligence and consequent Injury as might render them liable to parties in jured thereby, but as against their tenant they could not do the same thing, even ln tho most careful manner, If the result de-y stroyed the quiet enjoyment of such ten ant." ♦ ♦ ♦ Bell Telephone stock Is thus referred to by the Financial Record: "We should realize in American Bell Telephone stock. Its present quotation, 233, discounts a good many years' good things to come from it. The company la well Intrenched, but we hardly think it will maintain its present monopoly. We do not think that the Bell Telephone will be able to keep companies who have secured patents some sixteen years ago, and whose patents have ex pired by limitation, but which have been restrained on account of the Bell patents, will continue to be rtept from public use on account of the Berliner patents." * ♦ ♦ The London Shareholder says: "The Rothschilds have had bod luck of late. This celebrated 'house' Is known to be largely interested in South Africans and ln Brazilian stocks which are in a very rot ten condition. The Grand Central mine of Mexico Is evidently doing badly, and now something appears to be wrong with Ana condas. In spite of the recovery In the price of copper these shares have been pressed for sale of, late, and as tho price of 5% carries a So dividend It cannot be attributed to Inflation. The sooner the CONDUCTED BY QEO. A. DOBINSON real position Is known the better for all concerned." ♦ ♦ ♦ Following is an official statement of the exports of leading products from the United States for the month of April, with changes from last year: Breadatuffa, $12, --109,643; Increase, $2,565,205; cotton, $13,941, --,806; decrease, $363,008; mineral oils, $4,046, --i 766; decrease, $726,496; provisions, $12,968,611; Increase, $428,260. ♦ ♦ ♦ Prof. E. W- Bemls, who hae been Inves tigating the affairs of the Chicago street railways, writes the Boston News Bureau as follows: "The shares of the three lead ing street railway companies have all sold above par during the year. On the basis of the average price of their securities In 1896 the market value of the three leading street railway systems which operate 48S miles Is, approximately, $90,000,000, against a valuation, measured by cost of duplica tion, of about $30,000,000. All taxes and special payments of the three leading roads in 1896 were 4.42 per oent of the total or gross reoelpts of $11,941,524. The gen eral taxes were $253,376, or 2.12 per cent of the gross receipts. The other payments were $278,170, or 2.29 per cent ot the re ceipts." ♦ ♦ ♦ The Boynton bicycle railroad Invention, which attracted much attention about one year ago, may possibly be put In operation In Boston. The joint committee on metro politan affairs ot the state legislature of Massachusetts is said to have a very friendly feeling toward the Boynton In vention, and a charter may be granted to build a bicycle railroad between Boston and Pall River. ♦ ♦ ♦ The Main-street electric car line of Cin cinnati has reduced Its fare to 3 cents be tween 6 and 7 a. m. and S and 7 p. m. ♦ ♦ ♦ The net earnings of the water plant of Newark, N. J., for 1896 amounted to $495, --481.50, according to the city comptroller. ♦ ♦■ "f The Baltimore, Md., Traction company and the City and Suburban company, which control all except two of the street railways of Baltimore, have consolidated. Nine million dollars of stock will be issued ln exchange for the outstanding stock of each company. Insurance In the advance sheets of the annual re port of the Missouri Insurance depart ment, Actuary Harvey makes some very pertinent remarks concerning Insurance trusts. He says: "There seems to be a good deal of confusion In the official, as well as In the legislative and lay mind, ln the recommendation of laws prohibiting trusts and as well in their enactment and I Interpretation afterwards. Kinds of busi ness whose methods are as wide apart as the poles are put into the same category. If It happens that any two of each kind have an understanding that the prices of their commodities ought to be alike and assailed as 'trusts.' Commission mer chants through long years of business have learned that the price of eggs fol lows a law of supply and demand, and lo! they are held up to scorn because they constitute an egg trust. But the farmers who agree that the blue leather cheese shall sell among themselves for 4 cents a pound, but bring h when sold to the village merchant, do not create a cheese trust. Oh. no! The connection of all this with Insurance Is In this: That ninety-nine per sons out of a hundred, who put the boards of underwriters Into the same classifica tion as trusts, with companies which make and control the prices ot sugar, leather, oil, peanuts, bagging, etc.. etc.. and con trol the supply of these commodities, have no sort of comprehension of what they are talking about. Making and maintaining the price of an article of manufacture, and controlling the supply of raw material, as well ns the output of the finished goods, is one thing. Fixing and maintaining a standard rate of fire Insurance premium, upon well defined systems of structure, of exposures and Internal hazards, In a lo cality where the supply of Are Is unlim ited and uncontrollable, Is another, and a very different sort of thing. A standard Are premium only means that such a rate will give a company a fair margin of profit —if, following the aggregate experience of many years In a state or city where the Arebug does not swarm, the average loss does not exceed 50 per cent of the total premiums. Such a premium, although standard, is flexible. If the community Is a burning one the rate will go up by a percentage: if the community Is a prudent one and believes In prevention as well as protection, the standard rate will go down by a percentage. If the country merchant, carrying an omnibus stock ln a frame, shingle roof, wooden shuttered building! will'get this Idea through his head and realize that the premium on his stock has ln it an element determined by his habit of putting hot ashes In a wooden box ln the lumber room in the rear, or by some other hazard, extra to the building, he will soon learn that premium rating Is not the un lawful work of a trust, but the lawful and buslnesa-llke method of iL, great business In which he has a pecuniary interest." ON 'CHANGE What Waa Done Yesterday on Wall Street NEW YORK, May 27,-The market was quite strong for a time today, but the rather sensational slump In the Rubber shares and the large selling In Baltimore and Ohio put a stop to the rise and also to the activity of the trading. The volume of the dealings in all stocks for the three hours of trading after the noon hour was only about one-third of that for the two hours before noon. The lack of confidence in the stability of values on the part of the professional traders, who still control the market almost altogether, was illus trated by the promptitude with which they proceeded to take profits on rather slight provocation. Those who were doing the bulk of the trading are now evidently ln the market for a short turn, though there was some continuance today of the com mission house buying whloh has Indicated a wakening of outside Interest in the mar ket. The market was remarkably dull at the periods of decline. London appeared to be a buyer of nearly all the inter national stocks which fell below the Lon don parity. The total purchases for Lon don account were narrow, but are mostly losses. The bond market was character ised by violent fluctuations In a number of Issues, but marked strength was noted in some of tho prominent Issues. The sales were $1,239,000. Government bonds were strong and higher on transactions of $44,000. .. ______ taiiul !£Ui Closing Stocks NEW TORK, May 27.-The following are the closing stock quotations: Atchison 10*4 do pfd 154% Adams Ex 147 N T Central.... 09% Alton T H .... SO NY4 N E 37 Am Express...ll4 Ont & West 13% Baltimore 40. 10 Oregon Nay 13 Canada South. 47 OBL 4 U N.... 15% Canada Paclflo 56% Pacific Mail 26% Central Pacific S% PDA E % Che* & Ohio.. 1« Pittsburg 162 Chgo & A1t0n..151 Pullman Palace 158 C B 4 Q 75% Reading 18% Chicago Gas.. 87 US Rubber .... 16% CCC 4 St L.. 28% do pfd 54% Con Gas 158 Rock Island 65% Col C A 1 3% ROW 12% Cotton O C... 8% do pfd 30 D L, ft W 147% St Paul 75 Del Hudson... 102% do pfd 133% Am Spirits 10 St Paul ft 0 68 do pfd 28% do pfd.. It* LOS ANGELES HERALDs FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1897 D ft R O pfd.. 38% Southern Pacific 11% Erie 12% Sugar Refinery.. 115% do pfd 20% Term C & 1 18% Fort Wayne...l62 Texas Pacific .. 9 Great N pfd....120 T A O Cen 40 Hocking Val... 2% Union Pacific.... 6% Cft I E pfd.... 95 IT s Express 38 (Illinois Central 93% W S L & P 5% St Paul ft D... 22% do pfd 13% K& T pfd 28 W F Express....lo3 LEI & W 13 Western Union.. 79% do pfd 69% W ft L E 1 Lake 5h0re....165% do pfd 2% L A N 45% Minn & St L.... 17 Lead Trust.... 2VM r> & IR G 9% L & N A % Gen Electric 30% Man Con 54% Col F & 1 15% Mo Pacific 14% do pfd 87 N J Central.... 72% TSLfeKC 6% Mft C 15 do pfd 18% M & Ohio 16%' So R R 8% N Chatt ........ 66 do pfd 26% N ft W pfd 27 Am Tobacco 70% North Am Co.. 4% do pfd 102 Northern Pac. 12% Am T&C Co 87% do pfd 37% C CCo 150 U P D ft a.... 1% Am Sugar pfd...101 US Leather pfd 54% O R & N pfd.... 47 Northwestern 105%' Bond List NEW TORK, May 27.—The following were the closing quotations on bonds today: IT S m4B reg....128 C P lsts of '95..172% U 8 n 4» coup. .123 D .& R G 7» 109% IT 8n 6» reg...113% do 4s 87% U 8 nss coup. .113% Erie 2ds 63% IT S4s reg 111% G H & S A 65....107 US 4s coup....riZsT do| 7s 100 US 2s reg 9« H& Teen 55....110 Pacific 6s, '95..104% do 6s 101 Ala Clase A....107 M X ft T lsts... 84% Ala Class 8....106% do 2d 4s 59% Ala Class C....100 Mutual Union 6S 107 do Currency..loo N J Central 6s. 108 La new con 4s. 98 N Pacific 15t5....117% Missouri 6s 100 do 2ds 54 N Carolina 65..124 do 4s — N Carolina 45..104 Northwest C0n..141 8 C non fund.. % do 6 F debs 53.114 Tenro n set 65.. 81 R G W lsts 54 do 5s 105 St Paul Con 75..134 do old 65.... CO do C%PW55.116% Va Centuries.. 63% StL &I M gen 55,114 Va deferred.,. 4 StL ft S Fgem6s 113% Atchison 45..., 81% Texas Pac lsts.. 89% do sec As.. 47% do 2ds 20% Can So 2d5.,..106% U P lsts of 96.... 103 So R R5» 90% W Shore 4s 109 O R ft N 15t5..112% L & NMs 79% Mining* Stocks SAN FRANCISCO. May 27.-The official closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: Alta 2 Julia 4 Alpha Con ...... 6 Justice — Andes 18 Kentucky Con .... — Belcher 19 L Wash Con — Belle Isle — Mexican 35 Best & Belcher. 50 Mt. Diablo ... — Bodie Con — Mono — Bulwer Con — Standard 150 Bullion 2 Occidental C0n.... 13 Caledonia — Ophir 91 Challenge Con.. 24 Overman 13 Chollar 115 Potosl 65 Confidence ...:..100 Savage < 351 Con.Cal * Va....175 Scorpion — Con Imperial 1 Sierra Nevada 40 Con New York... — Silver Hill — Crown Point .... 20 Silver King — Exchequer — Union Con 33 Gould A Curry.. 19 Utah Con — Hale A Norcross 77 Yellow Jacket 29 London Markets NEW YORK, May 27.—The Evening Post's London Anancial cablegram says: There was a further general Improve ment In the stock markets today, partly due to the glorious weather. Home ralla are booming again, but quite the feature Is the strength of Americans. 1 cannot re port much public Interest yet, but the pro fessional Interest undoubtedly increases with every bullish talk and tips to buy low-priced bonds and preference stocks of reorganized lines. Atchison adjustments were again strong, the market here going for the 3 per cent dividend in July. New York prices were a little disappointing, and hence a slight reaction came at the close. Kaffirs were good. Money is very dear. Details of the gold movement for the week show the sales of £345,000 in bar gold. Money Quotations NEW YORK, May 27.—Money on call easy at 1%©>1% per cent; last loan, 1%; closed offered at l%gn% per cent; prime mercantile paper. 3%if14 per cent; sterling exchange weak, with actunl business In bankers' bills at 4.86%(fT4.87 for demand and at 4.85%ff54.86% for sixty days; posted rates, 4.86%@4.87 and 4.58'g4.85%: commercial bills, 4.85: sliver certificates, 60%ia.60V4. SAN FRANCISCO. May 27.—Drafts, sight, 17%: telegraphic, 20. LONDON, May 27,-Consols, 113 7-16. Silver Bullion NEW YORK, May 27,-Bar silver, 60; Mexican dollars. 47%. SAN FRANCISCO, May 27.—Bar silver, 60; Mexican dollars, 49%®50. LONDON, May 27.—Bar silver, 27 9-16 d. Treasury Statement WASHINGTON. May 27.-Today's state ment of the condlton of the treasury shows: Available cash balance, $230,832,737; gold reserve, $144,100,600. Boston Quotations BOSTON, May 27.—Atchison. 10%: Bell Telephone, 227; Burlington, 75%; Mexican, 7%; San Diego, 9. CHICAGO MARKETS The Say's Transactions on the Board ot Trade CHICAGO, May 27.—1n wheat the ten - dency of prices was downward for the. most part, although starting firm and a little higher than It closed yesterday. July was wanted at the opening at from 70© 70% c, but the shorts whose covering caused this little spasm of strength were so freely accommodated that the market soon dropped, the price by 10:30 getting down to 69% c. A Blight reaction followed, but about 11:30 the market got an Increase of heavi ness and broke its previous bounds, reach ing 69%®69%c by noon. The early news was not of a character to Influence (he market much either way. The decline at Liverpool was scarcely the equivalent of the drop here, and at any' rate from hav ing been expected it did not attract much attention. Receipts at Chicago were four cars and the quantity Inspected out of store was 63,000 bushels. The weather being still favorable, the traders saw ln anticipation a largo crop harvested. The nearnesß of cutting time in Texas and Oklahoma was used for all that could be got out of it and for much more than it was worth to scare the bulls. A break of lc at St. Louis, caused probably by the nearness of the time when new wheat will come on that market, went a long ways toward accentuating the weakness of the local market. The trading was actlvo while the break was ln progress, and It continued ln a nervous condition for half an hour thereafter. Corn was weak, with prices averaging %c under yesterdays closing. There was a big cash trade, but holders of futures liquidated and the mar ket was lower from the start. Oats were steady at a shade under yesterday's close. Provisions were oppressed by a large run of hogs and the weak grain markets. There was an early decline, but before the close nearly all of this had been recovered. The leading futures closed a» follows- Wheat No. 2— ' May 70% July , 69% September 65 ®65% Corn No 2— . May 23% July 23% September 24,%®25 Oats No. 2— May 17%®17% July 17% September 17%®17% Cash quotations were as follorwsc Flour, easy: No. 2 spring wheat, 70%«71%; No. 3 spring wheat, 68%; No. 2 red, 85%0515; No. 2 corn, 23%; No. 2 oats, 17%; No. 3 white, 21%*i21 J ;4; No. 3 white, 15%®21%; No. 2 rye, 34; No. 2 barley, nominal; No. 3, 27%*333 f. o. b.; No. 4, 26(327% f.0.b.; No. 1 flaxseed, 76%<577%; prime timothy seed, 2.75; mess pork, per bbl., 8.0O®8.O5; lard, per 100 lbs., 3.45; short rlbes sides loose, 4.3034.50; dry salted shouldersif boxed, 6®5%; short clear sides, boxed, 4%®4%; whisky, distillers' finished goods, per gal., 1.19. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 6,000 6,000 Wheat, bu 2,000 47,000 Corn, bu 308,0:3 118,000 Oats, bu 428,000 248,000 Rye, bu 4,000 Barley, bu 25,000 2,000 ' On the produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 11®14%; dairies, 7®12. Cheese was weak at 707%. Eggs were easier; fresh. 9. Chicago Live Stock; CHICAGO, May 27.—Cattle—Native beef steers sold at 3.90®5.15. with an occasional sale of $5.25(35.30. Choice cattle were scarce and steers sold mainly at $4.30@4.80; stock ers and feeders, $3.7004.45. Hogs—Sales were made at an extreme range of $3.2503.62%, the bulk of the hogs ciossing tho scales at $3.52%®3.60; heavy packing, $3.25®4.25: prime lights, $3.62%. Sheep—Sales were on a basis of $2.50(35.00, few going as low as $3.00 Sales were on a basis of $3.2505.50 for the poorest to the best lambs, while spring lambs brought $4.00®5.00. Receipts—Cattle, 8500; hogs, 40,00; sheep, 12,000. BAN FRANCISCO MARKETS Call Board Prices of Cereals and Ship- ments Received SAN FRANCISCO. May 27.-Wheat dull; December, 1.23. Barley quiet; Decem ber, 69% bid. Corn, large yellow, 1.0001.02%. California bran, 15.00(515.50. Flour—Family extras, 4.75(34.85; bakers' extras, 4.505H.66; superfine, 4.10(34.35. Wheat—No. 1 shipping, 1.27%<31.28%; for local use, 1.3001.35; milling, 1.35(5/1.40. Barley—Feed, 70072%; choice, 73%®73; brewing, 83(590. Oats—Puget sound, 1.1001.25; some fancy white higher; Inferior grades. 9501.07%. Receipts—Flour, quarter sacks, 27,312; do 1 Washington, 3512; wheat, centals, 1835; do i Washington, 4650; barley, centals. 2375; do Washington, 240; benns, sacks. 666; corn, centals, 1720; potatoes, sacks, 1797; do Ne vada, 259; do Oregon. 537; do Washington, 235: onions, sacks, 616; bran, sacks, 1220; middlings, sacks, 118; hay. tons, 466; straw, tons, 20; flaxseed, Washington, 611; wool, bales, 58; do Washington, 191; hides, num ber, 216; wine, gallons, 25,400. San Francisco Produce Mill and Feed Stuffs—Middlings, 18.500 20.50. California bran, 15.00015.50. Hay—Wheat, 8.0OH10.50; wheat and oat, 7.OC01O.OO; oat, S.WhS.aO; barley, 5.0008.00; per ton; river barley, 5.0006.00; alfalfa. 5.00 158.00; clover, 6.0008.00: 5t0ck.5.0006.00: com pressed wheat, 6.000 9.50. Straw, per bale, 35(350. Potatoes—Early Rose, 60075 per cen tal: river Burbanks, 500 75: river reds, 60070; Oregon Burbanks, 6501.00; Peta luma and Tomales Burbanks, 60075; sweet potatoes, 1.0001.25. Dry Beans—Pink, 1.10(51.15: Lima. 1.500 1.65; small white, 1.0501.20; large white, 1.00 01.15. Various—Onions, 60075 per cental; cut do, 1.0001.50 per cental: dried peppers, 6% cents per pound; dried okra, 10312%: ! garlic, 1%02%; common asparagus, 60075; choice do, 1.2501.75: tomatoes, 1.2501.50 box; green peas, 60085; string beans, 406; green peppers, 25030 per box; egg plant. 10c per pound: Mexican tomatoes. 2.50(33.00 per box; rhubarb, 40075 per box; cucumbers, 75090; Australian onions, 3.000 3.50; pew onions, 40050. Fresh Fruits—Apricots, 75090 per box; Longworthy strawberries, 4,0005,00, chest, ln baskets; large strawberries, 4.0004.50; gooseberries, 1(31% per lb.; blackberries, 2.5003.00 per crate; raspberries, 50®65 per : drawer; white cherries, 20040 per box: black cherries, 30050 per box; currants, 500 75 per drawer. Citrus Fruits—Oxdlnay navel oranges, 2.00(52.50 per box; choice do, 3.0005.00 per box; seedling oranges, 1.2501.50: Mediter ranean sweets, 2.0C03.00; common Califor nia lemons. 7501.50; choice California ' lemons, 2.0002.25; grape fruit, 4.0004.50 per box. Tropical fruits—Bananas, 1.0002.06 per bunch; Smyrna figs, 13014 cents per pound; dates, 6 cents. Dried fruits, jobbing prices furnished by the San Francisco fruit exchange: Apricots—Fancy Moorparks, 12%; choice do, 11%; fancy do, 9; choice, 8; standard, 6%: prime, 5%. Apples—Evaporated, 6%: sun dried, 2%. Peaches —Fancy, 6%: choice. 5%; stand ard. 4%; prime. 4: peeled, in boxes, 10%. Pears—Fancy halves, 6: fancy quarters, 5; choice, 3%: standard, 2%; prime, 2. Plums—Pitted. 4; unpitted, 1%. Prunes—Four sizes, 1%. Nectarines—Fancy, 6%; choice, 4%; stand ard. 4. Figs—Choice white, 3; black, 4. Raisins—Jobbing prices: In sacks or 60-lb boxes—Four-crown, loose. 5%; three-crown. 4%: two-crown, 3%; seedless sultanas, 6%; seedless muscatels. 4%. In 2-lb boxes— Three-crown London layers, 1.25. Butter—Fancy creamery, 15016: second do. 14014%; fancy dairy, 13%; second do, 12%®13. Cheese—Fancy mild, new, 708; fair to good, 707%; California cream Cheddar, 10 011; Young America, 7%05%; eastern, 14® 15: western. 12013. Eggs—Store, 11%012%; ranch, 13%014%; duck, 12012%. Poultry—Live turkey gobblers. 13014 per m; do hens, 12013; old roosters, 4.00(34.25 per doz: young do, 6.5058.00: small broilers, 2.0003.50; large do. 4.00(54.50; fryers. 4.50® 5.00: hens, 3.5004.00: ducks, old. 3.2504.00; do young, 3.50(35.00: geese, 1.0001.25 per pair; goslings, 1.00Q1.25; pigeons, 1.2501.75 per dozen. California Fruit Sales NEW YORK, May 27.-California dried fruits—Prime evaporated apples firm; other dried fruits steady: evaporated apples, prime, wire tray, 4%04%; wood dried, prime, 4%(34%. CHICAGO, May 27.—Porter Brothers company sold California cherries today as follows: Tartarlans, 5032.50 per box: Royal Anne. 70390: Moselles, 70; Bell Crowns, 70075: Rockports, 7501.25; Gov. Woods, 60; Guignes, 45; apricots, Prlngle, 1.50 per half crate. Liverpool Markets LIVERPOOL, May 27.—Wheat, spot No. 1 red northern spring dull at 6s>6%d. Corn spot American mixed new firm at 257% d; May steady at 2s 7%d; July dull at 2s 7%d; American mixed old steady at 2s 9d. Petroleum NEW YORK. May 27.—Petroleum dull; United closed at 89 bid. Local Quotations Cherries took a drop yesterday, owing to the quantity received, and choice lots were disposed of at 55060 cents per box. while second grade stuff sold at 10®15 cents per box lower. Dealers expect large consignments during the coming ten days, and prices will undoubtedly reach bottom figures within a few days. In the general produce market there is no change to re port. Eggs and butter are steady and potatoes firm. Vegetables are coming In plentifully and of fine quality. Poultry ts dull and slow of sale. In other lines there Is nothing to report. Esgs—Fancy ranch, 13013%; fair to good 12®12%. BUTTER—Fancy local creamery, per 2 lb. square, 87%®40; fancy coast creamery per 2-lb.' square, 37%; dairy, 1%-lb. rolls 27%®30; fancy 2-lb. square,, 32%©35; tub fancy, 17®18. CHEESE—LocaI factory, large size, 8%0 9; do. Young America, 9%®10; do, S-lb hand. 10%®U; (%c extra per lb. when cased' for shipment); northern full cream. 7%88% VEGETABLES—Beets, per 100 lbs 70 --cabbage, per 100 lbs., 60065; chilies, dry, per string, 50060; Mexican, per lb.. 10011; green per lb., 15020; garlic, 303%; new onions, 1.00 01.10; beans, string, lb., 4@5; cucumbers dozen, 6501.00; lettuce, dozen. 15020; green peas, lb., 3%®4; turnips, 100 lbs., 75085' artichokes. 25030 per dosen: rhubarb. 65035 Per box; asparagus, 507 per lb.; parsnips per 100, 75®55; green onions, per down, 40: leeks, per dozen, 15; parsley, per dozen, 15; radishes, per dozen. 20; spinach, 20; Bummer squash, per lb., 4®6. GREEN FRUITS—f. N. P. apples. 1.75 #2.00 per box; pears, Wln'er Nellls. 1.75(3 2.00; strawberries, common, s<i6; fancy, 8® 11; bananas, per bunch, • 2.005}2.50; crates extra; cherries, per box, 50®65; loquats, KM; blackberries, per box, 12%; gooseber ries, per lb., 3®5; apricots, per crate, 1.680 1.25; currants, per crate, 1.00®1.25. raspber ries, per box, 16. FlGS—California white, per lb„ 7%; California black, per lb., 6: California fancy, per lb., B®S%: Imported Smyrna, 12®lf>. CITRUS FRUITS-Oranges; Australian navels, 2.75®3.20; St. Michaels, 2.50®3.00; Mediterranean Sweets. 2.25®2.50; Malta Bloods, 2.5002.75; seedlings, 1.5032.00; lem ons, fancy. Eureka. 1.50; Eureka and Lis bon, 1.50; uncured, 60®75; limes, per 100, 50® HONEY AND BEESWAX—Honeycomb. 9®U per lb.; strained, 6%®6; beeswax, 18© 20 per lb. POULTRY—Hens, 4.50®4.75; per dozen: young roosters, 6.00(35.50; broilers. B.oo® 3.50: old roosters. 4.00®4.25; ducks, 6.2566.75; turkeys, live. 14®15; dressed. 17®1S; pigeons, per dozen, 76® 1.00; squabs. 1.25®!.60. HAY—Wheat, per ton, 8.0089.00; barley. r.OOOi.00; oat, 9.00® 10.00; alfalfa, baled. 6.00 (37.00; loose, 6.00®6.00; new crop, all kinds, 6.00; straw, 5.00. MILLSTUFFS—FIour, local mills, 4.60 bbl.; Stockton brands. 5.20; Oregon, 4.85; eastern, 5.35®5.50; short*, ton, local, 19.00; rollde barley, per ton. 15.00; cranked corn, per 100 lbs., 1.10; feed meal, per 100 lbs., 1.05; bran, 17.00 per ton. NUTS—Walnuts, Los Angeles, 5®6; me dium soft, 6%®7%, softshell, Los Nietos. fancy, 9©19; almonds. softshelL 9®10; pa per shell. 11012%; hardshell, 7©9; pecans. 9gll; Alberts, 11; Brazils. 10; plnons, 9®lo. DRIED FRUITS—Apples. sun-dried, sacks, per lb., 4®6; boxes, 5@5%; evapo rated, fancy, 7%®8%; apricots, fancy, Bttj choice, 10; peaches, fancy, unpeeled, 7%® 8%; pears, fancy evaporated, 7®9; plums, ? Uted, choice. 7®9; prunes, choice, boxel, %; sacks, 5; dates, 6V4&7. RAISINS—Fancy clusters, 20-lb. boxes, 1.75; 4-crown LL clusters. 1.5001.60: 3-crown LL, per box, 1.2501.35; 3 rrown loos* muscats, per box, 1.10®1.15; ordinary loose, per box, 50®75; 2-crown loose ln sacks, per lb., 4%; 3 crown, loose ln sacks, per lb. 6%©5%: 4 crown fancy bleached, per lb., 10; Sultana, seedless, choice, per lb . 7%®9. Fractions. Half crown, per ib.. 6(56%; Sultana, seed less, boxes. 25: quarter boxes. 50 eta. per box higher than whole. HIDES AND WOOL—New hide list: Dry, 11; kip. 9: calf, 14; bulls. 6; sheep pelts, 2®4; wool, spring clip, good, 4%®6; Inferlof, 3®4. TALLOW-102. LIVE BTOCK—Per lb.: Beeves. f%®3; hogs, 3%®3%; lambs, per head, 1.25@1.50; iti-pp. per cwt.. 2.6*1(32 75. BEANS AND DRIED PEAS—Pink, l.GOffl 1.65; Lima, 2.25®2.50; Lady Washington, 1.50 , @1.60; small whites. 1.00@1.65: green field peas, 2.25®2.50; black-eyed beans. 2.00; gar vancos, 1.7502.00: lentils, Imported, 6.50® 7.00; lentils, California, J.005i3.50. DRESSED MEATS—AII ocr lb., Beef. 6%®5%: veal, 6@7%; mutton, 5; lamb. 6: pork, 0%. BAGS—(net cash}— Calcutta, spot 6 net; potato bags. 4; dried fruit sacks. 100 lbs., 6%«7%: bean sacks, 5; walnut bags, 14® 10; wool sacks, 27. GRAlN—Wheat, 1.5001.60; corn, small yellow, 1.10; large yellow, 1.10; oats, 1.10@1.25; barley. 75. POTATOES—P»r 100 lb«.. Nevada Bur banks choice to fancy, 1.1501.25; new pota toes, 1.1051.25. CURED MEATS—Picnic hams, 5%: Rex, 11%; Roulette hams,-7%; select mild cure. 9: special fancy breakfast bacon. 11%: spec ial breakfast bacon, 111 Rex bacon, 10%; Di amond U breakfast bacon, backs, 8: Rex boneless hams.sugar cured.9; Rex boneless butts, 8%: Rex dried beef, sets, —; Rex dried beef, insides, 13%; Rex dried beef, (outsldee). 8; smoked tongues, per lb., la: medium bacon. 8%; dry salt clear bellies, 16(320: ay.. 7; dry salt short clears, 35@40; ay., 6%; salt clear backs, 6%: Rex pure leaf lard, tierces, 5%; Ivory, tierces, 5; cot tolene. tierces, 6%; Rexolene, tierces, 5%; special kettle rendered leaf. 6%. Real Estate Transfers THURSDAY, May 27, 1897. M. A. and H. H. Dow to C. A. Holway— Part lot 18. block E, Newell & Rader's subdivision of Cells Vineyard tract; $1000. A. and F. A. Solano to A. Solano—Agree ment to convey undivided 11-84 interest in lot 2, block 45, and lot 7, block 46, H. 8.; $1300. W. M. and E. Amos to M. J. M. Northrup —South half of east half of southwest quarter of southeast quarter section 2, township 1 south, range 9, ln San Jose ranch; $4000. S. A. W. and S. F. Carver to Mrs. M. L. Havens—Lot 6, block 25, Garvanza addition No. 1; $150. W. S. Shepardson to J. Kifford—Lot 27. West End Terrace tract; $1500. D. and A. Raab to H. C. Brown—Land in Raab's subdivision: $1800. Mrs. A. Matthewson to J. H. Cocke—Lot 7. block 36, California Co-operative Colony tract; $110. T. and E. C. Barrows to M. E. Voorhees —Lots 1 and 2, block 17, Claremont; $350. W. H. and K. A. Harbell to P. C. Howes- Land in Temple & Gibson tract; 22000. G. D. and P. F. Rowan to F. P. Fay- Part lots 10 and 11, Garland tract; 22100. G. and H. M. Mason to W. Everett—Part ot Puente Mill property; $10,000. L. J. and C. W. Harvey to W. Everett- Lots 4, 12 and 13, block C. Mott tract; $15,000. D. and M. McKlnlay to C. Sachse—Land in section 17, township 2 south, range 13; $1950. Long Beach Land and Water company to J. Schilling—Lots 11, 13 and 15, block 08, Long Beach; $150. F. P. Durston to B. F. Garrett—East halt of southwest quarter of northwest quarter section 12, township 1 west; $2500. SUMMARY Deeds &J Nominal , jo Total $44,499 BRYAN'S VISIT Preparations for His Reception—Com mittee Announcements The response to invitations for the banquet to be tendered Hon. W. J. Bry an on July sth are coming, ln rapidly, and as a result the executive committee of the Silver Republican club is pre paring for a large gathering that even ing. The club has received many urgent requests from several sections asking that arrangements be made to have Mr. Bryan make a short address on the way to Los Angeles. The committee does not know the day Mr. Bryan will arrive or what speeches elsewhere than Los An geles will be to Mr. Bryan'e wishes, and as soon as it can be learned and whether his health will permit of speeches other than already planned for, the commit tee will Immediately make the an nouncement. George B. Cole, T. W. Duckworth and E. T. Stuart of San Bernardino have in formed the committee thftt San Bernar dino will have a large delegation in Los Angeles on the sth of July. Frank L. Anderson of Santa Ana was In town yes terday and stated that Santa Ana will be well represented. The executive committee will very ehortly announce the program for the day. A visit to the club's headquarters will convince one that It an Interest ln Mr. Bryan's coming is an Indication of South ern California's feeling toward the sil ver question, this (subject is Indeed a lively one. His Identity Learned An Inquest was held at Orr & Hlnee' undertaking parlors yesterday after noon over the body of the man who died on the train coming in from Pomona day before yesterday. Death was caused by heart disease. His name was Jean Marten and he was a Frenchman. He has no family and has been em ployed near Baeeett for the past Aye years as a sheepherder. Mrs. L. A. Kimball and Miss Maude M. Newell left Tuesday for Chicago, from which place they will go eaet to spend the summer on the Atlantic coast. Cutlery et Furrey o, lis N. Spring et, eThe largest practice The largest equipment m The largest institute The largest staff j The largest success A Combination of Greatness lßngUsb aaa Gsrmai f p ? c c £ lists UNEQUALED In their special field of Chronic and Long-Standing Diseases -Don't Give Up Until You Have Seen Them Consultation Free. Rooms 408 to 422 Byrne Bldg., Los Angeles, CaL Office hours, 9 to 4 daily; 7 to 8 evenings, and 9 to n a.m. Sundays Jhe National Bank of California AT LOS ANGELES Capital and Fronts 2270,000.00. OFFICERS. DIRECTORS y w a MAr,r,ri* „ ~ J. M. C. MARBLE. O. H. CHURCHILL, J. M. C. MARBLE President o. T. JOHNSON, JOHN WOLFSKIEE p. H. CHURCHILL Vice-President NELSON STORY, GEORGE IRVINE/ H. M. LUTZ Vice-President N. W. STOWELL. B. F. C. KLOKKIs A. HADLEY Cashier W. 8. DE VAN, M.H.SHERMAN. JOSEPH D. RADFORD.Assistant Cashier FRED O.JOHNSON.T. E. NEWLIN R. I. ROGERS .Assistant Cashier A. HADLEY. OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. parmers and Merchants' Bank of Los Angeles, CaL Capital paid up $500,000 oo Surplus and Reserve 875,000 00 I. W. HELLMAN, President; H. W. HIELLMAN, Vice-Pres.: H. J. FLEISHMAN, Cashier; G. HEIMANN, Assistant Cashier. Directors—W. H. PERRY. O. W. CHILDS, J. F. FRANCIS. C. E. THOM. I. W. HELLMAN, JR., H. W. HELLMAN, A. GLASSELL, T. I„ DUQUE, I. W. HELLMAN. Special Collection Department, Correspondence Invited. Sate Deposit Boxes for Rent. Security Savings Bank v Corner Main and Second Streets OFFICERS. DIRECTORS. H. W. Hellman, J. F. Sartorl, W. L. Grave*. J. F. BARTORI President H. J. Fleishman, C. A. Shaw. F. O. John- MAURICES. HELLMAN..Vice-President son, J H. Shankland, J. A. Graves, M. L. W. D. LONGYEAR Cashier Fleming, M. 8. Hellman, W. D. Longyear. Five per cent Interest paid on term, 3 per cent on ordinary deposits. Money Loand on First-class real estate. I OS ANGELES NATIONAL BANK " United States Depository Capital 2500,000.00 Surplus 147,500.00 Total $547,500.00 GEO. H. BONEBRAKE President WARREN GILLELEN Vice-President F. C. HOWES Cashier E. W. COE Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS. Geo. H. Bonebrake,Warren Gillelen, P. aA. Green, Chas.A. Marrlner, E. P. Jonnson, Wm. M. Van Dyke, W. C. Brown, L. C. McKeeby, F. C. Howes. This bank has no deposits of either the county or city treasurer and therefore no prefered creditors. ________ piIST NATIONAL BANK OF LOS ANGELES Capital stock $400,000 Surplus and undivided profits 0ver..5250,00$ J M ELLIOTT President W. G. KERCKHOFF... Vice-President FRANK A GIBSON Cashier G. B. SHAFFER Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS. _ „ '. J. M. Elliott, J. D. Bloknell, F. Q. Story, H. Jevne, J. D. Hooker, W. C. Patterson, Wm. G. Kerckhoff. .■ _, . , No public funds pr other preferred deposits received at this bank. SOUTHS W CAUPORNIA 152 North Spring Street Interest paid on deposits DIRECTORS:—J. H. Braly, J. M. Elliott, H. Jevne, Frank A. Gibson, Simon MaUr, W. D. Woolwine, W. C. Patterson. Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS THE BOULEVARD BETWEEN THIS CITY AND PASADENA Surveys Ordered to Be Made—Long Beach School Bonds Withdrawn. Azusa Water Rates The franchise asked for by the South ern California Railroad company, for the purpose of changing the alignment of the present track of the railroad be tween the eastern boundary line of the city of Pasadena on the west, and Hill avenue on the east; said change affect ing only the crossings" of the Wilson avenue, Ellis, Thornton and Hlll9ton avenues, was granted and the ordinance placed opon its passage. In the matter of the ten bonds, each of $750, known as the Long Beach High School bonds, which were not disposed of after having been offered for six months, the board ordered that they be withdrawn and canceled. The petition of the Pasadena and Mt. Wilson Toll Road company for a re newal of its franchise to collect tolls was granted. 'The ordinance relating to the loca tion of cemeteries and crematories in this county was declared in force yes terday. This ordinance prohibits the establishment or extension of any cem etery or crematory Within the county without permission from the board of supervisors. On motion, It was ordered that $200 be transferred from the general road to the Cahuenga road fund, for the im provement of Los Fellz avenue, from Vermont avenue west. This in con sideration of the furnishing by J. G. Griffiths, of the water necessary for sprinkling the avenue, and a portion of Vermont avenue, free of expense to the county. Upon the application of the mer chants' and manufacturers' committee a resolution was yesterday adopted pro viding that the county surveyor shall proceed, ln conjunction with the Los Angeles city and Pasadena engineers, to survey and establish grades for the proposed boulevard. The boulevard is to extend from the easterly city limits of Los Angeles city and the westerly city limits of South Pasadena. It w*J» also provided that the route be mapped, and the same filed with the board. The matter of regulating the water rates at Azusa was again taken up yesterday by the board, and a vast amount .of statistical Information was laid before the board. An estimate was put in showing that the present water works can be duplicated for $10,941.80. In this estimate it is stated that Azusa is entitled to twenty-five miners' inches of water, measured under a four-inch pressure, equivalent to 323,136 gallons in twenty-four hours. Assuming 150 gallons to each person each twenty four hours, about the average consump tion per capita ln Los Angeles, there would be water sufficient for population of 2154. At present Azusa has a popula tion of 7CO people. The total cost of a new plant with the most modern improvements, and with a reservoir of over 1.000,000 gallons, cast iron street mains, gates, valves and twelve fire hydrants, is set at $19,876.6::. That would amount to about $28 per present inhabitant. The matter was taken under advisement by the board. The board is now prepared to audit bills against the county, according to the new law that has just gone into effect. All persons having claims'should present them on Saturday, instead of on Monday, as has heretofore been the custom. Those accounts put in after Saturday will have to go over until the following month. A deed conveying to the county a strip of land twenty feet wide, at a certain point on the Santa Anita road, was received from Abbot Kinney, and was ordered filed. The application of J. M. Colon f?r a license at Calabapas was granted; that of Adolph Severloh for a saloon license at the Four-Mile house, on the El Monte road, was taken under ad visement; that of J. W. Pendleton for a restaurant at the Five-Mile house was approved; and that of G. D. Lahart for a restaurant license at Rosedale was denied. .yj AIN STREET SAVINGS BANK. Junction of Main, Spring and Temple eta. (Temple Block), Los Angelee. Capital paid up .$lOO,OOO Officers and directors: T. L. Duque, President; I. N. Van Nuys, Vice-President I U. V. Duque, Cashier; H. W. Hellman, [Caspar* Kohn, H. W. O'Melveny, J. B. ..ankershlm, O. T. Johnson, Abe Haas, W. ii. Kerckhoff. Money loaned on real estate. Five per cent Interest paid on una deposits LOS ANGELES SAVINGS BANK. 230 N. Main St. J.E. Plater, Pres. j H.W. Hellman. V-Pree.; W. M. Caswell, Cashier. Directors—l. W. Hellman, J. E. Plater, H. W. Hellman. I. W. Hellman. jr., W. M. Caswell. Interest paid on deposits. Money to loan on first-class real estate. i tea LINES OP TRAVEL PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP GO. The company's elegant steamers Santa Rosa and Corona leave Redondo at 11 a. m. and Port Los Angeles at 2:20 p.m. for San Francisco via Santa Barbara and Port Harford, May 4, 8, 12, 16, 20. 24, 28, June I. 8, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29. Leave Port Los An geles at 6 a.m. and Redondo at 11 a.m. for San Diego. May 2, 6. 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 10. The Corona calls also at Newport. Car* con nect via Redondo leave Santa Fe depot at 10 a.m., or from Redondo railway depot at 9:30 a.m. Cars connect via Port Los Angeles leave S. P. R. R. depot at 1:35 p.m. tor steamere north bound. The steamers Eureka and Coos Bay leave San Pedro and East San Pedro for Sen Francisco via Ventura, Carpinterla, Santa Barbara, Gavtota, Port Harford, Cayucos, San Simeon, Monterey and Santa Crus, at 6.30 p. m. May 1, 6. 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29; June 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, SO; July 4, S, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28. Cars connect with steamers via San Pedro leave S. P. R. R. (Arcade depot) at 5:05 p.m. and Terminal Railway depot at 6:12 p.m. The company reserves right to change without previous notice, steam ers, sailing dates and hours of sailing. W. PARRIS, Agt., 124 W. Second St., Loa Angelee. GOODALL, PERKINS A CO., Gen. Agts., S. F. LOS ANGELES TERMINAL RAILWAY. April 12, 1897. PASADENA Leave Arrive Los Angeles. Los Angeles. 7:30 a. m. 8:47 a. m. 9:35 a. m. 11:10 a m. 11:40 a. m. 1:05 p. m. 2:15 p. m. 4:50 p. m. 5:38 p. m. 6:40 p. m. MT. LOWE AND ALTADENA. 9:35 a. m. 11:10 a. m. 3:15 p. m. 4:50 p. m. The only line from Los Angeles making connection with Mt. Lowe Railway with out change ot cars. GLENDALE 7:25 a. m. 8:33 a. m. 1:15 p. m. 2:28 p. m. 5:20 p. m. 6:30 p. m. LONG BEACH AND SAN PEDRO 8:50 a. m. 8:30 a. m. 1:10 p. m. 11:36 a. m. 5:12 p. m. 6:36 p. m. •8:00 a. m. »7:30 p. m CATALINA ISLAND 8:50 a. m. 5:36 p. m. •8:00 a. m. »7:90 p. m. •Sundays only. Direct connections with steamer Fslcon going and returning dally. Tourists can make the round trip in one day if desired. The best fishing on the coast. Boyle Heights cars pass Terminal station. W. J. COX. General Passenger Agent. LOS ANGELES AND REDONDO RAlL way Company. Los Angeles depot: Corner of Grand ave nue and Jefferson street. Leave Leave Los Angeles Redondo for for Redondo. Los Angelee. 9:30 a. m. Dally 8:00 a. m. 1:30 p. m. Daily 11:00 a. m. 5:30 p. m. Daily 4:15 p. m. Take Grand avenue electric cars or Main street and Agricultural Park cars. L. J. PERRY, Superintendent. If Eyes Could Speak of ill-usage and careless treatment at tnehsM* of their owners. They only tell It In pains and aches. Do your eyes Justloe. If iu*r* I* a f ain or ache have our optlcla n examlo* them, t costs nothing unless you get glass*** and then It s oniy a trifle. 9