Chronicled on Pages 5. 6 and 8
Theatrical employes' picnic at Syc
amore grove.
Eastsiders at the Alaskan gold
fields heard from.
A profltftbi; SuiJay spent at the
Chautauqua assembly.
The successful regatta of the Ter
minal Yacht club.
A. W. Hill held up on Saturday
night on the Third street hill.
Dr. Thomson preaches his fare
well sermon to ths congregation of
Unity church.
The victim of the fatal sonambulat
ing proves to be Philip Besiner of the
Soldiers' home.
The city engineer will present to
day his report on the City Water com
pany's plant; estimate 81,190,000.
City council meets at 10 a. m.
TEMPERATURE—Report of observations
taken at Los Angeles, July 25th. The
barometer is reduced to sea level.
6 a. m.
5 p. m.
Maximum temperature, 81.
Minimum temperature, 58.
Indications for Southern California: Fair
Monday; light fog in the morning along the
coast; westerly winds.
Orr & Hines, undertakers, removed, to
647 South Broad.way. Tel. Malm 65.
Boys' boarding school, military. Free
catalogue. Postoffice Box 193, city.
Call Tel. Main 243 for ambulance.
Kregelo & Bresee, Sixth and Broadway.
Robert Sharp & Co., funeral, directors
(independent),s36 South Spring street.
Telephone 1029.
For fishing tackle and ammunition go
to the Southern Califormla Arms com
pany, 113 West First street.
Watches cleaned, 75 cents; main
springs, 50 cen.ts: crystals, 10 cents.
Patton, 214 South Broadway.
Adams Bros., dentists, 293% South
Spring street. Plates from $4. Painless
extracting, 50 cents Filling a specialty.
Hours, 8 to 5; Sundays, 10 to 12.
Today we offer great values in wash
goods, 32-inch organdies, 6Vi cents, for
mer price 10 cents; 30-inch dimities, 15
cents per yard. Coulter Dry Goods Co.
Dr. Rebecca Lee Dorsey, Stimson
block, first floor, rooms 133, 134, 135.
Special attention given to obstetrical
cases and all diseases of women and
children. Electricity scientifically used.
Consultation hours, 1 to 5. Tel. 1227.
The plaster casts of celebrated models
from -the art centers of Europe, now on
exhibition at H. Lichtenberger's art em
porium, 202 South Spring street, are at
tracting much attention. They will be
on. exhibition in the show windows for
one week only.
James McFadden, a lumber merchant
from Santa Ana, was at the Van Nuys
C. L. Loud, a well known fruit packer
and shipper from Pomona, is registered
at the Van Nuys. " •
J. Isaacs, a clothing man from San
Francisco, Is spending his vacation at
the Nadeau.
F. W. Gregg, one of the judges in the
superior court of San Bernardino county,
is a guest at the Van Nuys.
Charles R. Eager, president of the
California Construction company, is in
Los Angeles on business. He is stopping
at the Hollenbeck.
W. S. Jordan of San Joaquin, who is
connected with the Valley road-, lo a
guest at the Nadeau.
F. M. Sisson, a large fruit commission
merchant from Chicago, is at the Na
deau, accompanied by his wife.
J. Hirsch, one of the members of the
firm of M. A. Gunet & Co., San Fran
cisco, is registered at the Hollenbeck.
F. C. Morgan, who is at' the head of the
Morgan Oyster company, San Francisco,
arrived at the Hollenbeck yesterday.
Andrew Jacob, who Is connected with
the wholesale millinery firm of Holm &
Nathan, San Francisco, is spending a
few days at the Hollenbeck.
N. R. Cottman and J. G. Oxnardi of
Chino, who are prominently connected
with the Beet Sugar company, are lo
cated temporarily at the Van Nuys.
Dr. B. H. Scott and. J. F. Meyer, of
Harrison, 0., are touring Southern Cali
fornia on a pleasure trip. They expect
to visit Catalina and other points of in
terest before returning east.
B. T. Payne, who was recently pro
moted to the position of general agent on
the Missouri and Pacific railroad, with
headquarters in St. Louis, is making a
western trip, and is at present quartered
at the Van Nuys.
* J. D. Truslow of Santa Barbara is at
the Van Nuys. Mr. Truslow was for
merly agent for the Santa Fe railroad, at
that place, and was recently promoted
to the position of general city passenger
agent, located, at San Francisco. He
will remain several days.
Mrs. E. A. Pesoli, Miss McKunsiton and
C. E. Pesoli, form a party of pleasure
saekers from Alameda who are doing
Southern California. They are stop
ping at the Van Nuys, and expect to
visit, Catalina island before returning
A. D. Watson, a member of the Mu
sical association, a delegate to the Coun
cil of Labor and a member of the Labor
day committee, leaves tomorrow for
Dawson, Alasika, where his brother re
sides. He has already engaged passage
on the next steamer.
Miss Walsh last night delivered her
last lecture of a series at the Theosoph
lcal headquarters on Main street. Her
subject was, "Theosophy and the Pres
ent Cycle."
A large number of Theosophists gath
ered at Blavatsky hall, 525 West Fifth
street, last evening to listen to an ad
dress by Mrs. Francis Nelllson ."Cycles."
Latest atyle of wan paper at A. A. Eck
euom «, 324 South Spring street.
Many People Visit Lon
Dr. Lamar Will Lecture on Dixie This
Evening—Dr. Dennen Talks
Sunday at Long Beach was a perfect
midsummer day. The cool air from the
ocean tempered the heat of the sun to
a pleasant degree of warmth and the
water never looked lovelier than It did
yesterday. The white sails of the float
ing craft dotted the bay like the out
spread wings of mammoth sea birds; the
ocean seemed to take on a deeper tint
of blue and 1 Neptune's horses cantered ir.
with slower pace than usual. The trains
of the morning brought down, many vis
itors, who attended the assembly serv
ices, while others spent the day pic
nicking on the beach or watching the
boats and waves from the wharf.
The customary scripture classes of the
morning were dispensed with and no ex
ercises were held until the morning ser
mon at 11 oclock by Dr. A. W. Lamar,
pastor of the First Baptist church of
Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Lamar has at
tended every Chautauqua assembly in
the country from the parent society in
New York to all its ramifications east
and west, wherever their annual meet
ings are held. He has told everywhere
the story of Dixie In the ante-bellum
days, as seen, by a boy, and the new
south of the present day, with a glance
Into the future. He visited the assembly
of Southern California four years ago,
and as in many other instances else
where was invited to return and repeat
the lecture.
Dr. Lamar Is a typical southerner, of
medium height, slender in physique,
swarthy in. complexion, like a true child
born under the southern sun.
He is fluent in the use of language,
rounding his sentences to a musical
rhythm in the characteristic southern
accent and Intonation, and speaks ex-
temporaneousiy, with only a few rough
notes to guide his thought. He does not
mince words, but expresses his ideas in
clear-cut and forcible language, and
holds the close attention of his hearers
from the opening to the close of the lec
ture or sermon.
The pavilion was filled with a large
congregation when Rev. Alfred Inwood
read the lesson of the day and made th?,
opening prayer.
Mrs. Evangeline Haddon sang Han
del's "He Was Despised," Dr. Jewell of
Riverside following in prayer. The
theme of Dr. Lamar's sermon was "God's
Workmanship in the Christian." The
text taken was from Ephesians 2-10:
"We are His Workmanship." Creation
cannot be understood., said the speaker,
till diust stands up a living' man. The
unfoldings of Genesis confirm this
statement. Through its opening sen
tence as a gateway he sees emerging
the order of God's creation —light, firm
ament, sidereal worlds, continents, seas,
rivers, lakes, mountains, living and
creeping things, coal fields, stone quar
ries, iron mines, gold and sliver deposits,
and the thousands of nature's beauties
and wonders. Finally, one morning in
the world's history all creation stood
still and waited for a footfall. Then out
of God's thought and hand stepped forth
man and woman into the light and glory
of Eden's morn. Man is the key that
explains creation. We see why it was
that all are made now to that. First,
after creation happened a great sorrow—
man fell. Out of the ruins God made a
new creation. We are his workman
ship created in Jesus. Christ. Observe
the kind of. material out of which God If
making saints. He has always had
saints in every age and nation. They
are a peculiar people, marked, and dis
tinguished by unique characteristics,
but of what does he make them. Many
think he makes saints out of angels or
out of religious prodigies, but the truth
is, he makes saints out of sinners. The
full force of this statement we often lose
sight of. But look at the Old Testa
ment worthies. Moses was a murderer
and fugitive from justice; Abraham,
who could not tell the Pharoah the
truth about his wife; Jacob, a scheming,
plotting, deceiving money lender. These
men were turned into such characters
that their birthmark is still upon the
civilization of the after ages.
Look at the New Testament. John, the
beloved, would have made a first-class
boodle alderman in Los Angeles; Peter
was a boastful, cowardly liar; Paul was
a fire-eating, fanatical murderer.
These men were transformed Into the
apostles of God'ssonand have influenced
all subsequent ages by the power of
their goodness. Sinners made Into
saints are no exception to this. rule. Take
this audience, for Instance; here are re
fined, cultivated, modest, moral girls in
their teens who have never committed
any social offense. Are they sinners?
Let them answer. I call on any one ol
them present who has never lied to stand
up; never coveted, stand up; never dis
obeyed parents in the slightest degree,
stand up. Now, not one in this vast
audience has stood up Why? From the
least unto the greatest we are self-con
victed of lying, covetousness and other
spiritual sins, and God is shut up to the
necessity of making saints out of sin
ners if he deals with human beings. It
is this view of things that shows us what
the cross of Jesus means.
Secondly—God's workmanship is not
yet finished; he has not In all the world
and ntver had a perfected specimen of
his workmanship. The best results of
man's endeavor for six thousand years
was an exhibition at the World's fair.
But God has never had an exposition in
which to display before His created in
telligences the final result of his saint
making. This is a sorrowful thought
and should stir our souls. But the time
is coming when Christ will come in glory
and His saints and then the righteous
shall shine forth in completed and un
vailed perfectness and the assembled uni
verse shall see that marvelous creation
called the Christian, full grown and
clothed upon.
Thirdly—We shall let the workman
have his way with us. Can we foresee
what tools are best to be used upon us?
The things we would shrink from the
most would be for us the best. God
may need to use persecution, or sick
ness, or poverty, or toll, or pain, or
helplessness, or bereavement, or a hun
dred other tools on you and me before
the work is finished. We should be glad
we do not know what is ahead and be
trustful in the thought that God knows
and can make all things work together
for our good. We need to say constant
ly: "Lord, have thy way with me; chisel
me when and how and where thou wilt,
only keep me and perfect me in Thy like
At the close of the sermon Miss Jessie
sang "I Know That My Redeemer Liv
eth," from The Messiah.
At 2:30 Miss Harlow, a teacher at the
great Wanamaker Sunday school in
Philadelphia, conducted a service for
children. She Is a pleasing speaker to
the little folks, makes the lessons she
seeks to impress simple and clear to
the infantile mind, nor does she tire
them with overmuch speaking nor a long
drawn out session.
At 6:30 an Instructive meeting of
young people was held in the Pavilion,
conducted by E. Vance Hill.
The service of the evening was a sort
of round table on practical Christianity.
Rev. C. C. Dorland spoke to the sub
ject from the standpoint of the Old Tes
Rev. Dr. Wright, pastor of the M. E.
church of Riverside, spoke from the New
Testament, and Dr. Lamar closed the
symposium with a talk on practical
Christianity as needed in our own times.
This morning the usual program will
be carried out, the several classes in
sacred history meeting at the regular
Previous to the regular service a young
people's meeting was conducted by
Vance Hill.
c a -
Pursued by an Officer, Otto Miller
Buns Into a Girl's Apartment.
Concealed Under a Dress
Tiring of the Sunday quiet which pre
vailed yesterday, two young fellows
named Otto Miller and Frank Sagger de
cided to relieve the monotony and show
those of more retiring dispositions what
two real sports could 1 do In the way of
making things lively. Accordingly,
early In the evening they began to fill
up on something stronger than water
and did' not cease Imbibing until they
had acquired a jag of magnificent pro
portions. Then they hired a livery rig
from a Los Angeles street stable and
drove up and down Spring and Main
streets for several hours', yelling and
otherwise behaving In an obstreperous
manner, but demonstrating, as they evi
dently thought, that they were the real
Officers Hubbard and Johnson had
their attention attracted to the young
fellows by the disturbance which they
were raising and started after them.
As soon, ac the youngsters saw what
was coming they put off down Broadway
and tried to get out of sight. North of
First street Miller jumped out of the
rig and ran into a lodging house. Officer
Hubbard followed him, but once inside
the house lost sight of his man, who had
dodged into one of the rooms. He lis
tened at several doors and finally heard
a whispering inside one of the rooms
that caused him to believe the fugitive
was inside. He knocked, but got no re
sponse, and then knocked again more
loudly. This time ths door opened a few
inches and' a feminine voice called out
asking what was wanted.
"I am looking for a man and want to
come inside," the officer answered, at
the same time quietly slipping a No. 10
shoe in the opening. "Is there anyone
else In the room besides you?" he went
on, shoving the rest of his body into the
room through the opening made by his
"No, sir, not a soul," the girl replied.
Hubbard looked under the bed, in the
closet and every other place where it
seemed possible that a man could be
hidden. He- had just about concluded
that he had been mistaken after all and
that Miller had gone into another room
and was on the point of apologizing for
his intrusion when he noticed some fe
male, garments hanging in a corner and
thought he would look behind them be
fore leaving. He pulled these aside, and
there, sure enough, was the fugitive
crouching behind' the dresses. He was
hustled In lively fashion and taken to the
police station, where he was charged
with disturbing the peace.
Miller's companion had already been
caught by Officer Johnson and both were
locked up.
A Child Laughs at Superintendent
Garey's Orders
Yesterday was a quiet' day at the
parks. The attendance was only fair,
many of those who usually frequent
these resorts having taken' advantage
of the pleasant weather to 6pend the
day at one or the other of the beaches.
The usual Sunday concert by H. F.
Meine's orchestra was given at West
lake park.
There was at least one visitor at Cen
tral park who appreciated the flowers
and shrubbery. This was little two
year-old Alice Gertrude Bowen. The
little tot ran away from her parents,
who were out walking, and hurried off
to the park. When the child's absence
was noticed a search at once began for
her. The matter was- reported l at the
police station, and a little later an offi
cer found the little girl making bouquet©
from the blossoms along the borders,
which she plucked in. defiance of the
threatening sign boards bearing the in
scription, "Do not pick the flowers,"
which are posted all over the park.
Alice was brought to the station and
kept there until her mother called for
During the Summer
I will take a few young lady pupils for
lessons in shorthand and typewriting
three hours each day at $1.50 per week.
Typewriting machines furnished and
the benefit of practical office work given.
Call or address Mrs. L., care of Lang
worthy Co., lawyers, 226 South Spring
.street. ,
Yesterday's Yacht Race at
Terminal Island
The Inaugural Event of the Terminal
Island Yacht Club's Proposed
Weekly Regattas
« Terminal island was crowded yester
day afternoon to witness the first yacht
race held under the auspices of the Ter
minal Yacht club. The unique and some
what primitive style of the race was in
itself an attraction, many people being
desirous of finding out the relative speed
of a catboat and a schooner when the
full canvas of both was drawing from
the same breeze.
The course, marked out by stakeboats
flying the blue and white flags of the
yacht club, started almost straight but
from the wharf, the direction being east
by south. On this tack the- yachts sailed
for two and ore-half miles and then went
before the wind for three miles, steering
N.N,E.%E. After rounding the stake
boat the course for home was steered
W.US., the last leg of the course being
four and three-quarter miles long.
At 12:30 oclock the first gun was fired
from the steamer Catalina, lying at the.
wharf. On this boat were the Judges,
Messrs. Hancock Banning, William
Staats and R. H. Lacy, and the tlme-
keepers, Messrs. Updegraff and Oscar
Orr, as well as several prominent mem
bers of the ciub. Fifteen minutes elapsed
before the second gun was fired, boats
not being allowed to cross the line be
fore the second gun, nor later than fif
teen minutes after the second discharge.
A fleet of yachts, the J. Wiliey leading
the bunch, crossed the lino very shortly
after the second gun, but several were in
bad position and made a late start.
The schooner Nellie took the wind out
of the sloop Allle just as the latter was
crossing the line, the Nellie swinging in
to windward, of the sloop, her big spread
of canvas catching every particle of
wind. The Allie had to put up her helm,
and get a fresh start, being half a mile
in the rear when she filially crossed the
The Nellie, as every one expected,;
rounded the first stakeboat in the lead,
having passed all her other competi
tors on the- iirst leg of the course. The
Defender, jr., which was looked on by
many as a probable winner, got Into
trouble on the second tack. Her sailing
master, afraid that her mast would not
hold, gave up the race and tacked for
home. The Nellie led the fleet down the
second leg of the course, the Allle being
the last to round the stakeboat. Appar
ently the Nellie mistook the situation of
the second stakeboat, for she headed
away on a course about four points
north of the mark, running free before
the wind, the whole fleet, with the ex
ception of the Allle following in her
wake. The Allie saw the mistake made
by the leaders in the race and, steering
the true course, headed directly for the
stakeboat. The Nellie discovered her
error and altered her course, passing
the second stakeboat well in the lead.
On the tack the J. Wiliey had moved up
to second place, and on the last tack
the real race for the first place began.
It was impossible to head straight for
thome, and a long tack was necessary
for some of the boats that could not sail
so close to the wind. The J. Wiliey
showed her superiority in this respect.
She sailed in very close, and' making a
short tack south of the Terminal island
wharf, crossed the line one minute and
fifty-one seconds ahead of the next boat,
which was the sloop Flying Bird. The
Nellie made a long tack, standing
straight out to sea, and managed to get
third place, though had she been handled
on the last leg of the course as well as
the J. Wiliey she would have taken first
Between the first boat to cross the line
and the last one to hear the judges' sa
lute, forty-four minutes and nine sec
onds elapsed.
The finish of the prize winners and
their time were as follows:
Name— Rig. Time.
1. J. Wiliey Schooner 1:53:191-5
2. Flying Bird....Sloop 1:55:30 4-5
3. Nellie Schooner 2:00:05 2-5
4. Funchal Sloop 2:02:40 2-5
5. Eureka Sloop 2:05:212-5
6. Sea Lion Sloop 2:05:23 3-5
7. Fayal Sloop 2:06:40 3-5
8. Bona Vista Sloop 2:07:37 3-5
9. Esperanza Sloop 2:21:49
10. Allie Sloop 2:22:14
11. Hervatt Sloop 2:20:17 3-5
Class races are the next thing that the
members of the yacht club propose to
hold. It is intended to make these boat
races a regular weekly feature at Ter
minal island.
Inquest Over an Old Soldier Who Met
a Tragic Death Friday Night
An Inquest was held yesterday after
noon over the body of the old soldier
who died in the receiving hospital as a
result of injuries received by falling
from a second story portico at the Ba
i kers' home, Alameda street, on lust Frl
day night while somnambulatlng. His
name was learned to be Philip Beslner,
and he was 61 years old. Beslner was a
German, and during the war belonged to
the first company of California cavalry.
He entered the Soldiers' home In June,
1890, and had been there most of the
time since until a few days ago, when
he left. The deceased had relatives liv
ing at Livingston, Mont.
John Hill Is Arrested for Disturbing
the Peace
John Hill was arrested at a lodging
house on the corner of Commercial and
Center streets last night while creating
a disturbance. Hill had a difficulty with
the proprietor of the place and started
in to do him up. He succeeded in mak
ing himself quite conspicuous In the,
back yard, but the scrap was of more
consequence from the amount of noise
raised and the number of windows
broken than from any personal Injuries
received by either party. Officers Ben
Robbins and Craig happened along at
an unfavorable moment for Hill, and
gathering him in, removing him to the
police station in the patrol wagon.
They Hold up a Citizen on Hill
Some bold burglars got in their work
last Saturday night. A. W. Hill was
their victim. He had spent the evening
at the Orpheum and was returning home
at about 11:30 p. m. On his way It was
necessary to pass the corner of Third
and Hill streets. This portion of the
street is very poorly lighted, and as he
was walking along the sidewalk at a
rapid rate two men stepped out from the
shadows and commanded him to halt.
Hlll brought up short and inquired
what was wanted. The answer which
he received was not reassuring, and
came In the nature of a demand for his
money. He did not propose to give up
so easily, arid promptly told' the men
that if they got his coin they would be
likely to take It from him. They did not
wait for anything further but started to
try their strength. Two palm of strong
hands grabbed Hill and he was thrown
forcibly to the ground. He attempted to
resist, but his assailants were too much
for him. One of the robbers pinioned
him to the ground ard the other went
through his pockets securing in al! about
$15. When satisfied that they had tak
en all the money he had the two high
waymen departed, leaving their victim
unhurt except as to hii'pocket.
A Gasoline Blaze
A telephone alarm called the fire de
partment to the corner of Sixth and
Broadway at 1:30 yesterday afternoon.
A gasoline stove explosion in the Model
restaurant at that place was responsible
for a small blaze which had started.
Chemical engine No. 8 was brought into
service and the lire was soon extin
guished. The loas will probably amount
to $50.
Undelivered Telegrams
There are undelivered telegrams at the
Western Union office for Mr. Val Merz,
Mrs. Eva Jacobson, Mr. Gus Woolgast,
Samuel Bradigum, Wm. Wood, M. L.
LoomtP, S. G. Long, Thcs. Franklin, W.
T. Richardson. Mrs. R. R. Ripley, Mr.
J. Lester Gabriel, Alf Hayer.
"Come Seven, Come Eleven"
Albert Corpal, colored, was arrested
on Los Angeles street early yesterday
morning for running a crap game. He
was caught by Sergeant Jeffries and
Officer Fowler and will have to stand
trial for running a percentage gambling
The Very Newest Sash
With the gowns that are all a-flutter,
much ot that appearanc is due to the
fascinating chiffon or gauze sash worn.
The belt portion of the sash Is usually
laid in loose folds on a foundation, the
effect being that of a sash wound easily
once or twice about the, figure. The ends
seem to tie at the back in a bow knot,
with softly crisp loops and ends floating
away down by the hem of the gown. The
ends are frilled sometimes, the edges at
the end being finished with three or four
little frills set close together, or they are
tucked, the tucks extending half way to
the waist, and sometimes, in intervals
of two or three tucks, to the loops.—N.
Y. Mail and Express.
Guessed Right
Sunday School Teacher—What did the
twelve apostles make?
Little Johnny—A dozen, mum.—N. T.
A church society of a town up in Con
necticut has a favorite formi of enter
tainment called a chronothanatolethron.
It is a show in whoich personages of
other times appear In the costumes in
which they are supposed to have lived.
The advantage of It all is that in the
name you get more than value for your
money, even if the effort is not a success
; Steinway Pianos —— — a
► Everything in Music.
| i23S, SPRING ST. Established 1375 '
Pianos Reduced
Our Special Sale is still In full swing.
You can Save Money now.
Southern California Music Co,
216-218 West Third St Bradbury Bldg.
City Engineer's Figures on
the Water Plant
A Surprise All Round —The Estimate
Is Considerably Less Than
Within a few hours the first chapter of
the water question history will have
been closed, for today City Engineer
Dockweiler will present to the council
his exhaustive report on and estimate of
the plant of the City Water company.
"Mr. Dockweiler, in accordance with the
instructions of the council of May 11th,
has arrived at conclusions on the follow
ing four points:
The correctness of. the data furnished
by the water company.
The cost of a new plant Identical in all
respects with the present plant.
The present real worth of the old
Its available value to the city as a
part of an ultimately complete plant.
Mr.Dockweilerandalarge and efficient
corps of assistants have for over two
months been engaged on this work, per
sonally inspecting all the property of the
water company. The result of his in
vestigations occupies fifty-six pages of
closely typewritten copy and is the most
exhaustive review of the situation ever
It is understood that Mr. Dockweller's
figures will be ir« the nature of a surprise
to both the City Water company and the
council, for his figures, it is believed,
will this morning be found to be
which is about half a million less than
the lowest guess which has been hitherto
Mr. Dockweiler did not conclude his
footings till 5 oclock on Saturday after
At the Hotels
VAN NUYS-J. S. Truslow, San Fran
cisco; Mrs. J. S. Elwell, Philadelphia; Miss
C. Sturges, Philadelphia; N. R. Cottman,
Chlno; J. G. Oxnard, Chlno; H. B. Smith,
Colton; G. M. Hubbar'd, Colton; C. L. Loud,
Pomona; P. K. Frankenhelmer, Riverside;
M. P. Rich. New York; R. Wylle, St. Louis;
J. McFadden, Santa Ana; E. J. Hathorn
and wife, Boston; P. L. Wooster, San Fran
cisco; D. W, Aldridge, Cleveland; W. H.
Guerin, Detroit; H. G. Post, Grand Rapids;
H. C. Post. Grand Rapids; L. M. Fletcher.
San Francisco; B. T. Payne, St. Louis; F.
W. Gregg, San Bernardino; Mrs. E. A.
Pesoll, Alameda; Miss M. C. Knutson, Ala
meda; C. E. Pesoli, Alameda; E. A. Horn
beck, San Diego.
HOLLENBECK—C. H. Hunter, San
Francisco; T. B. M. Gates, New York;
Paul S. Linguist, San Francisco; J. D.
Moore, Prescott; S. .1. Wylie, Chicago; W.
Keilard, San Francisco; B. G. Kraus, New
York; M. J. Mulryan, San Francisco; J.
Hirsch, San Francisco; F. C. Morgan. Eton
Francisco: Andrew Jacob, San Francisco;
Louis Freeman, Chicago; W. H. Campbell.
Chicago; Charles R. Eager, San Francisco;
C. W. Whitton, San Francisco; C. W, Mon
tague, San Francisco; W. S. Gordon and
wife, Kansas City; H. W. Hammond, San
Francisco; W. G. Reimer, Philadelphia;
F. A. Fletcher and wife, Watertown, N. V.;
F. G. Davis and wife, Watertown, N.T.J
Ernest A. P. Cawston, Portland; A. E.
Cawston, Portland; Frank Cox. Phoenix;
Mark Plalsted, Riverside; Jules Kaufman,
San Jacinto; E. P. Dunn, Santa Barbara.
Si ~<f i 77l j C. M. WOOD, Lessee.
I os Jxngetes Uneater H. C. wyatt. Manager.
TJuesday and Wednesday — Jtyidsummer — futy 27 and 28
Jfarniva} de Jtomtfterce
A brilliant spectacular performance. 100 popular society ladies in quaint and novel
costumes. A cosntant moving show. ?lou In prizes to be voted away by the audiance.
Benefit Stanton Corps Relief Fund. Popular prices. Reserved seat sale July 23, 24,27.
_ Los Angeles* Society Vaudeville Theater.
0//o of Wouott/c5....
V LEW DOCKSTADER, America's Famous Minstrel;
MISS LILLIAN PERRY, Song and Dance Artist; SMITH & FULLER, Musical Specialists:
ECKERT & BERG. Prices never changing—Evening Reserved Seats, 2ncandsoc; Gallery,
10c. Retrular matinees Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. Telephone Main 1447
Quanta Cataiina Ssiand
Uhree and One-half Jfcours &rom jCos jfngeies
famous 7/?arine Wand
BY THE f Every Evening
Srand Spectacular Sltumination of jfvalon Ray
Round trip excursion Sunday. Daily service from San Pedro.
See Southern Paciflo and Terminal Railway time tables for steamer connections.
Native Sons' Celebration, Avalon, September 9th, 1897.
Regular round-trip tickets from jCos jfngeles - - $2.75
Cxcursion tickets - - - - - - - - - - 2.50
BANNING COMPANY, 222 South Spring Street
£anta &o Route
Pi 1 f* . JULY 24th, 31st and
Uiite vAape Orack excursion, august 7th
Tickets good two days. Round trip 12.75. Train leavcs7;lsa.m., returning
6:00 p.m. Two hours slop at Redlands and Riverside.
San "Diego and Coronado Excursion ato and 7th Ztound JJrip S3. 00
Celebrated 7th tfey/ment S&and m CONCERTS EVERY
BATUR sundayat Redondo Reach She season
Redondo Le ftT e Downey avenue *i:2), *9:33 a. m.
ra , Leave La Grande station 18:37, *9M, Jll:03a. m.; *1:00, »>:49, Mill p. m.
JJeacn Leave Central avenue *9:58, Jll :15 a. m.: *l:13, *o:aJ, (6:27 p. m.
y . • Daily. J Saturday and Sunday only.
O rains....
suNDAY AYand Xast Grain leaves the beach returning at Bp. m.
/Jstrich Jtarm — South Rasadena
*r 73 oiGANTIC BIRDS, ALL AGES—The Strangest Sight In America.
Tips, Boas, Collars and Capes at producers' prices.
Take t asadena Electrio or Terminal Railway cars.
Q/ienna Muffet
IS PAUL KERKOW. Proprietor
Free, Refined Entertainments, Classical Music Every Evening. Austrian-Hungarian
Kitchen and Fine Cuisine All Day.
SESJS2 ™\.W**i*.\X. ®. Winston
'97 Thistle Bicycle. fao
All Kinds. $10 to $50 |~. For Rent. * I 534 south Broadway
All Christian
Who have visited
del Coronado.
Report that no C. E. should return home
without seeing the
"Handsomest Hotel on Earth"
See _
Coronado Agent, 200 S. Spring St.
For special railroad and hotel rates.
, Kid Button Shoe
Goodyear Welt,
I Patent Leather
| Tip, Coin Toe.
£M* Any Size.
Vot Can't be
j Come and see It
j Snyder
I Shoe Co.
Third and
I Blatz I
I nalt
I Vivine I
I Brings Back |
1 Sturdy 1
1 Energy I
At Most Drug Stores. &
* 124-126 N. Spring St. Distributor. &
Trjere is Orjiy ©lye Kio4
Of Glasses for Delective Sight—
For correct Fitting and Grinding of perfect
glasses consult us. Fitand comfort assured.
o<£i (S 245 S 'SM*g
6 fIOOO will be paid to anrone who can 9
6 prove that any suogtituies sor malt or 0
0 bops are used In the manufacture of 0
6 Best and Purest Beverasre on earth. v
g Drink San Diego's famous beers. O
| Prima and Pilseier... $
X Made by the San Diego Brewing Co. o
$5 8
9 For sale in Los Angeles fn x
9 kegs or bottles at Jr
§ Zens &Wacll,4or Turner st 8