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2 doubtedly would have been the result of the propagation of a fake. DE LOME'S SUCCESSOR MADRID, Feb. 13.—The cabinet will discuss tomorrow the choice of a suc cessor to Senor de Lome at Washington, ahe candidacy of Senor Polo-Barnabe appears to be abandoned. Several members of the cabinet favor the nomination of the Duke of Arcos, Spanish minister to Mexico, because ho could take charje ot the Spanish lega tion at Washington Mils week. DODGED THE "JETECTIVES JACKSONVILLE. Fla., Feb. l.t—A epecial to the Timc3-7. T n do and Citizen from Tampa says: Almost under the nose of Edward Gaylor, superintendent of Pinkerton and Spanish spies, a large Cuban expe dition left Tampu las; night and tonight Is sailing from a point on Pease river. The men, about seventy in number, walked through tho streets of Tampa about 2 oclock this morning and boarded a special train which quickly bore them to a point near where they were to em bark, and there they remained In hiding until tonight, when a tug tool: them out to the steamer wh'oh bore them away to Cuba, Col. Emilio Nunez being in charge of the steamer. It is said Gen. Sanguilly is the real commander, and color is given this rumor by the fact that when the men left here they were in charge of Col. Lechuga, who was first lieutenant of the personal staff selected by San guilly when he failed to get away from Jacksonville. Superintendent Gaylor, his son and another Pinkerton man have been here looking for Sanguilly, they believing he was somewhere near here. It is alleged the Cubans have sent San guilly away on this trip to get rid of him ln the United States. The detectives are ( totally ignorant of the departure of this expedition. It is understood thc.t TOOO rifles 6000 pounds of dynamite, 200,000 rounds of cartridges and a large lot of supplies made up the cargo. OFFICIALS RETICENT WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.—The three hundred-word cipher dispatch received from Minister Woodford Saturday night was translated at the state de partment today, but no Intimation of its Import could be secured from official sources. Assistant Secretary of State Day, who has been intrusted with the whole correspondence by the president. refused to discuss the message. He said merely that there was no development ln the case which properly could be made public at this time. In one instance he supplemented this statement by the re mark that the mere fact of information being withheld is not to be taken as a serious indication. Secretary Day dined at the 'White House, Mrs. Day still be ing out of town. Every effort to supplement Secretary Day's statement with some Information from the White House failed. To urgent appeals for something definite the presi dent replied through Secretary Porter that the whole matter was in Secretary Day's hands, and the president relied on him to handle the information for the press. It was stated at the White House, however, that there was no truth ln the rumor of a censure upon Minister Woodford for allowing Dupuy de Lome to forestall him in presenting the appli cation for the minister's recall. Minister Woodford's course, it was stated, had been entirely satisfactory, and any criticism at this time was un founded and unfair. It could not be ascertained positively Whether or not an answer to Minister Woodford's last dispatch has been sent. It is almost certain, however, that a re ply has been drafted and that it was put in cipher at the state department this evening. Sidney Smith, chief of the diplomatic bureau, was at the depart ment until after 9 oclock. Special or ders had been issued also to allow no one in the building without a pass. The Duke d'Arcos mentioned in Mad rid dispatches as a possible successor to Dupuy de Lome, has been the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Mackay-Smith of this city during the past week. With him is the Duchess d'Arcos, formerly Miss Vir ginia Lowery of Washington. The duke was ambassador to Mexico, and is stopping in Washington en route to Spain. During the week he has been en tertained by the British Ambassador and Lady Pauncefote at luncheon, and by the late Spanish Minister and Madame de Lome, who gave a dinner in his honor Thursday evening. WHAT WILL SPAIN DO? NEW YORK, Feb. 14.—A dispatch from Madrid says: A formal statement of regret at the censure of Dupuy de Lome's conduct, coupled with an expression of sincere desire that the Canalejas letter incident shall not impair the present friendly re lations between the governments of Spain and of the United States, or in terrupt the negotiations for a commer cial treaty, will be made by Foreign Minister Gullon immediately following the gazetting of the royal decree accept ing De Lome's resignation and appoint ing his successor as Spanish represent ative at Washington. On the other hand, the Washington correspondent of the World says that Spain has not disavowed responsibility for the utterances of Senor de f.omeand does not consider that any disclaimer of that character is necessary. From Spain's point of view, the Incident is closed, not only as to De Lome's reflec tions upon the president ar d the Ameri can people, but as to his declaration that autonomy is a mockery and a fraud. AFFATRS AT HAVANA HAVANA. Feb. 13.—Miss Clara Bar ton has given a contract to a large bak ery here to make crackers for the recon centrados. Gen. Castellano is at Puerto Principe. Gen. Luque remains at Holuquion. News is awaited of an engagement that occurred yesterday In that section. It la believed in Spanish military circles that the insurgent general, Calixto Gar cia, has fallen back to the camp ot Jesus Rabi. Additional suppli -s are greatly needed by the particularly for use at the hospitals, and the chief command ing the battalion lacks the forceneees essary for operations ami to replace their losses. Moreover, the guerrillas are Very much discontented. There is Kreat need of horses for the cavalry. Col. Ordonez, while reconnoltering with 70» men n»ar the Insurgent camp at Capiro, met the Insurgents in strong force and lost several killed and wounded. ANOTHER FILIBUSTER NEW YORK, Feb. 18. —A special to the World from Bridgeport, Conn., says that the collector of customs at that port has received advices from Washington to the effect that a tug with three barges bin juut departed from Bridgeport, it Is believed, on a filibustering expedition. According to advices from Washington the tug and barges are loaded with arms and dynamite. The reports have it that It Is intended to transfer these articles to another boat while somewhere on Long Island sound. The Washington authorities, it is said, received their first intimation of this expedition from Spanish spies stationed at Bridgeport. According to the ad ivces received by the World, a United States revenue cutter has been ordered out from New London, with the expecta tion of intercepting the alleged filibus tering expedition. OTHER MAIL MEDDLING NEW YORK, Feb. 14.—1t is now known on the highest authority that the real reason for sending the United States torpedo boat Cushing to Havana was that the Spanish authorities have been tampering with mall sent to the battleship Maine in Havana harbor, says the Washington correspondent ot the Herald. This resulted in Capt. Slgsbee of the Maine sending a protest to Washington, with a suggestion that a regular serv ice be established between Key West and Havana by means of torpedo boats. On the strength of this protest the Cushing was dispatched to Havana. NOT SETTLED YET NEW YORK. Feb. 14 —A special to the Herald from Washington says: The de Lome incident is still unsettled. The cipher dispatch received from Minister Woodford was not entirely satisfactory. It was taken to the president by Assist ant Secretary Day and after a short conference between them.Mr. Day sent another cablegram to Minister Wood ford. Officially, nothing will be said about these two communications further than that the incident is not yet ent'rely closed. It Is said that Minister Wood ford's cable was a report of his Inter view with the Spanish minister of for eign affairs, who showed that no direct disclaimer had been made by Spain of that feature of the De Lome letter which had been interpreted to indicate the in- sincerity of the Spanish government in the matter of autonomy and in the nego tiations for a commercial treaty. .Absence of such a disclaimer is not entirely satisfactory to the president. Accordingly Minister Woodford has been given further instructions on the subject. Without making any express demand for a disavowal.Minister Wood ford is required by his new instructions to impress upon the Madrid authorities the importance to all parties concerned of some distinct repudiation of Senor do Lome's declarations, which the presi dent cannot believe correctly represent the position of the Spanish government. ST. JOHN DENOUNCED FOR SIGNING PETITION FOR A LIQUOR LICENSE W. C. T. U. Women of Kansas Bom bard the ex-Governor With Questions Unanswerable OLATHE, Kan., Feb. 13.—At a mass meeting of his fellow citizens this after noon John P. St. John, the Prohibition ex-governor, was roundly denounced for signing a whisky petition. Governor St. John endeavored te de fend himself, but was questioned so sharply- that he was compelled to retire. The demonstration which followed was one of the liveliest ever witnessed in Olathe, the center ten years ago of the original package excitement. Three local druggists had filed peti tions with the probate judge asking for permission to sell liquor. The law re quires the signatures of twenty-five men and a like number of women of the ward in which the drug store is to be located. One of the druggists secured ex-Gov ernor St. John's name to his petition. This stirred up the W. C. T. IT. as never before, and a mass meeting for this af ternoon was called.- The church was crowded. Senator Parker, the first speaker, called upon Mr. St. John to ex plain why he—so prominent and able a leader and temperance advocate—had after so many years of prohibition in the city signed the petition to permit the selling of whisky. Mr. St. John's explanation was that he wanted liquor sold legally by the druggists. In an in stant the house was in an uproar and heated questions were thrust at the pro hibition champion from every quarter. The questions finally came so thick and fast that no answers could be given and the ex-governor retired. FOREIGN FLASHES King Oscar of Sweden has entrusted to former Premier Steen the task of forming a. new cabinet. The French wheat crop promises to be very good In thirteen departments, good in fourty-four and fair in thirty. A dispatch to the London Times from Montevideo says: The new state council was installed on Saturday amid popular enthusiasm. Dr. Juan Cartesa Blanco was unanimously elected president oC the coun cil. Numerous meetings were held in the French provinces yesterday in connection With the Dreyfus agitation. In .somecase.-! resolutions against the government were adopted, but there were no serious disor ders. Henry Gladstone says bis father and the whole family Intend to start about the end of next week from Cannes for a South of England watering place. Mr. Glad stone's physicians think be has attained the utmost benefit from his stay on the Riviera, Thirty thousand people, mostly work men and orderly, demonstrated at Barce lona yesterday against the torture of the anarchists at Montjuch fortress. The res olutions of protest and demanding tho abolishment of the tortures and a revis ion of the trial were adopted and will be forwarded to the government. iti'-rlit Rev. John Richardson Selwyn, master of Delwyn college, Cambridge Since ISM, died at Pau, France, yesterday. Dr. Selwyn was the bishop of Melanesia from 1X77 to 1891 j was born in New Zealand in 1844, He was the second son of Right Kov. George Augustus Selwyn, bishop of New Zealand He was educated at Trinity college, Cambridge, and from IW9 to IS7I was successively the curate of St. Aire- WOS, Staffordshire, and of St. George, Wol verhampton. He entered in Melaneslan illusion in ts72 and In February, 1577, suc ceeded Bishop Patteson, the first bishop of Melenesla, who was murdered by the natives in lbil. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money If it falls lo 1 cure. liOc. The genuine has L. li. y. on each . tablet. LOS ANGELES HERALD: MONDAY MORNING- FEBRUARY 14, 1898 DRUNKEN JAPS Make Trouble on Oriental Steamers LITTLE BROWN SAILORMEN WILL NOT TAKE ORDERS FROM EUROPEANS The Shanghai Recorder Is Anxious That China Shall Be Reformed I But Deprecates Partition Associated Press Special Wire SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 13.—The Oc dental and Oriental Steamship compa ny's steamer Gaelic arrived today from Hong Kong, Yokohama and Honolulu, bringing the following oriental advices: The Hong Kong Telegraph says that continual trouble is being reported from vessels manned by Japanese crews, the Japanese resenting any instruction or surveillance from European officers, and reserving an especial grudge for Euro pean passengers. Several cases have been reported where officers ' were marked for attack by the Japanese and warned to retire from the service, the retention of their positions being in variably followed by a murderous at tack from ambushed Japanese ene mies. A case in point is reported from the Nyk liner, Hakata Maru. from Japan, via Hong Kong, for England. There were, thirty-eight passengers on board the liner, many of whom were repeatedly at tacked by the Japanese crew whenever they left their own staterooms after nightfall. On New Year's day, the Tele graph says, all the Japanese sailors and waiters, "mad drunk." and clad only in breech clouts, made an organized at tack on the English officers and passen gers of the Hakata Maru. The Japs were armed with knives, crowbars and belay ing pins, and brutally beat the chief en gineer and his third assistant and at tacked a passenger, Thomas Hall, in his berth, cutting his head open with a mar linspike. According to the account of the Telegraph, the officers and most of the passengers were driven to the bridge, where, unarmed, forty Englishmen kept one hundred drink-maddened Japanese at bay during the entire night by brand ishing their walking-sticks. Koyosu Shun, founder of the Yomiuri Shimbun, one of the oldest papers in Japan, in 1874, died on January 14th, agedj 63. He was formerly junior secretary o? the foreign office. He started the first mutual life insurance association in Japan, and among other achievements edited the best Anglo-Japanese diction ary of its day, in 1873. Kenichi Onoye, who is under arrest in San Francisco for the embezzlement of 27,000 yen from Favre Brandt of Osaka, is also suspected of forgery, and the for eign office has communicated with Min ister Hoshi with regard to his extradi tion. As soon as the ratification of the treaty with France has been exchanged, the date of the standard and conventional tariffs will be notified to the foreign powers and the tariffs themselves put into operation. The receipts for the com ing fiscal year, commencing April Ist, are estimated to show an increase of 6,000,000 yen. The Hochl Shimbun says that a com munication was originally made by the Japanese government to the foreign powers, with the object of placing For mosa beyond the pale of the new treaty, but as only Great Britain and one other power consented thereto, Japan decided to carry out the new treaties in Formosa also. The celebration o{ the coming to age of the crown prince, Haruno Miya, which was postponed last year owing to the court mourning of the late empress dow ager, will be held in March. Japan's foreign trade during the month of December last was as follows:- Ex ports, 19,275,762 yen; Imports, 11,170,103 yen. The exports of gold and silver bul lion amounted to 6,530,362 yen, and the imports to 676,182 yen. CHINESE AFFAIRS The Shanghai Recorder deplores any partition of China, which, it says, will certainly be unfavorable to missionary work, adding that It will be a sad thing, not only for China, but for all.concerned, if the powers take any such action, pre dicting that partition would be the be gining of unending strife and bloodshed. The Recorder calls upon Great Britain to Interfere and say that China shall not be divided, but that she shall be re formed and saved, predicting that in such interference England will have the support of Japan and the active acqui escence of the United States. Three Chinese were hanged simulta neously in the Victoria, jail at Hong Kong on January 12th, the drop being made to accommodate all three and the trio falling through together. The exe cuted men were members of an armed gang of shop thieves, and in raiding a store killed a Chinese employe. The criminals were disbanded soldiers. The annual cotton report from Shang l hai states that the year 1897 was one of ! extraordinary vicissitudes to those in I this trade. The year began with an i enormous stock of unsold goods on hand, j Prices declined steadily until the end ,of August. Then cai| a, stringency in j the Chinese money meritet, the result | being widespread disaster among the Cotton dealers, very few Importers es jcaping heavy losses. The- turning point is believed to have been reached, how j ever, the year 3898 opening with an Im proved demand and an increased num ! ber of transactions, although Shang hai jobbers can hardly congratulate themselves on the prices obtained. The chartered transport Jelunga, from : Hong Kong. arrived at Singapore on Jan uary 6th, bringing the Hist battalion of the Prince of Wales' Own, and taking away the following day the departing rifle brigade. England is negotiating with China to open Yuen Chnu Fu, In the province of Hu Nan, as a treaty port, and is negoti ating also on the subject of the naviga tion of Inland waters. The Chinese government has paid the agreed indemnity of £4000 to M. Lyau det, the Frenchman kidnaped by Ton quin pirates ln 1895. The now year's audience for the for eign ministers had been llxed for Feb ruary 15th, and the banquet by the : tsung 11 yamen will be given the fol ilowing day. Owing to the long delay the ministers had declined an audience, but the tsung U yamen has now ar ranged the matter. WOMAN SUFFRAGISTS All Ready For the National Conven tion WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. — The local members of the National Women's Suffrage association have completed ar rangements for the thirteenth annual convention of the association, which is to be held in this city next week, com mencing tomorrow, and continuing for Aye days. The sessions will be held at the Columbia theater, which has been decorated in grand style for the occa sion. The association will celebrate tho fiftieth anniversary of its organization, and also the seventy-eighth birthday of Susan B. Anthony. The general plan of the program for the fiftieth anniversary Includes papers on the history of woman's work in phil- ELIZABETH CADT STANTON anthropy, reform, education, the pro fessions, industry, civil rights and politi cal rights. Among the speakers secured are Carrie Chapman Catt on "The Social Progress of Woman"; May Wright Sewell, on "Women in Educa- tion"; Dr. Clara Marshall, dean of the Woman's Medical college of Philadel phia, on "Women in Medicine"; Mary Seymour Nowell, on "Women ln Phil anthropy"; Llllie Devereaux Blake, on "Women in Municipalities"; Harriet ttanton Blatch of England, on "Social Economics"; Emma P. Ewing, on "The Progress of Cookery"; the Rev. Fred erick A. Hinckley, on "The Civil Rights of Women"; Clara Bewick Colby, on "The History of Our Work With Con- gress"; the Rev. Anna Howard ShaW, on "The Political Rights of Women"; Elizabeth Cady S'tanton, on "Our De feats and Our Triumphs," and the clos ing address by the president, Susan B. Anthony. Invitations have been extended to all foreign countries in which suffrage has been secured to any degree by women or is being striven for by them. One LILLIE DEVEREAUX BLAKE feature of the occasion will be the roll call of the years, in which the pioneers present will answer to the years in which they have identified themselves with the cause. On the closing evening they will have representative women from the four enfranchised states, who will speak for their respective common wealths. The morning sessions will be given up to the regular business of the convention, and it will be the afternoon and evening sessions which will cele brate the anniversary of the Seneca Falls meeting. In 1897 proposed amendments to their state constitutions, providing for full woman suffrage, were rejected in the states of California, Connecticut, Mas sachusetts, Montana, Nebraska, Neva da and Oklahoma; the judiciary com mittee of the Maine legislature rejected the proposition; a proposed woman REV. ANNA SHAW ■ suffrage provision in the Greater New I York charter failed in the New York .legislature; the Delaware constitutional ! convention rejected woman suffrage; a proposed amendment to grant school i suffrage to women was defeated in New Jersey. In Colorado, Utah and Wyom ing women have full suffrage and vote . for oil officers, including presidential electors. In Kansas women exercise tho suffrage largely in municipal elections. tn some form, mainly as to taxation or the selection of school officers, woman ' suffrage exists in a limited way In Ari zona, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, ; lowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Mich igan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North i Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, Washington , and Wisconsin. The preliminary meeting of the asso j ciation began this afternoon at the Co | lumbia theater. The feature of the meeting was a sermon by Rev. Anna B. Shaw. Miss Susan B. Anthony also spoke briefly. Arrested on Suspicion Frank Dulan was arrested last night on New High street on suspicion by Tatrolman Randolph. The officer thought he answered the description of one of the two men who have been hold ing up people on the streets for the past ten days. The prisoner refused to say where he was from or what means he had of support. FOUR MURDERS Puzzle the Officers of a Texas Town THE MYSTERIOUS ASSASSIN BRAINS HIS VICTIMS WITH A COUPLING; PIN I , A Gilroy Man Chops His Own Head Oft With an Axe—Sunday Wickedness < . p Associated Press Special Wire HOUSTON, Tex., Feb. 13.—The fourth mysterious murder in the past two weeks was committed on the banks of the Buffalo bayou, in a much frequented part of the city. The victim, John T. Hurst, a saloonkeeper, was seated in his place of business about midnight, when an unknown man entered and brained him with a coupling pin; The police have a description of the murderer. DETERMINED TO DIE GILROY, Cal., Feb. 13.—John Rogers, a respected and prosperous Portuguese rancher residing with his wife and fam ily about one mile east of here, com mitted suicide this morning by hacking his head with an axe, completing the Job by cutting his throat several times with an ordinary pocket-knife. Rogers had been in the best of spirits of late, and no cause is known for the deed. MURDEROUS MINERS TERRE HAUTE, Ind., Feb. 13.—Dur ing a quarrel in a saloon at Grant, a coal mining town north of this city, John Carrlngton shot and killed Wesley Niece Saturday. He also shot Bayless Niece, who will die. The murderer es caped. At Lyford, another mining town, the postmaster, John Gilfoy, shot Joe Hoff man, who will die. John Bezle, an Italian, was struck in the neck with a miner's pick and killed. His body was then placed under the elevator running down. to the shaft, where it was found. The last murder was at Lodt. KILLED HIS COUSIN NEW CASTLE, Feb. 13.—A cold blooded murder was perpetrated last night at Ellwood. Andrew Keysen, the murdered man, and Andrew Krubln, the murderer, were cousins and .lived side by side on what is called Chicken Coop hill. For a long time the two men have been employed in the Peerless gas works. It is said Krubin was jealous of Keysen and threatened to kill him because the latter had secured work ln the Westing house plant at Pittsburg at higher wages. Last night when Keysen re turned home he found Krubln there drinking beer. After a few words Kru bin drew a revolver, placed It almost in Keysen's face and fired. The bullet en tered below the eye and came out at the back of the head, killing the victim in stantly. Krubin went to his home next door and kept the police and citizens at bay for some time with his revolver. He finally made his escape through a back door and has not yet been captured. NOT BADLY HURT BOSTON, Feb. 13.—A man who after wards gave his name as Peter Neilson, 23 years of age, of St. Paul, was acting suspiciously on the streets at 10 oclock this morning and was accosted by Po liceman Walter G. Horton, who asked him his business. Without warning Neilson drew a pistol and fired at the policeman, shooting him in the back. Horton, who is not dangerously hurt, arrested Neilson. NOT READY FOR TRIAL SAN JOSE, Cal., Feb. 13.—When the case of Thomas Flannelly, charged with the murder of his father at Redwood City, is called for trial in the superior court tomorrow the defense will move for a continuance on the ground that one of the most important witnesses is se riously ill. FIRED FIVE SHOTS SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 13.—L. St. Dennis Roylahce, an electrical engineer, fired five shots at F. J. Dyer this after noon at 539 Mission street. Three of the shots took effect, one in the chin, the second in the right hand and a third on the chest, just over the heart. The last did not penetrate the body and Inflicted only a slight wound. None of the wounds are dangerous. The shooting was the result of busi ness differences, Roylance says, al though he admits that there were other causes, and there Is suspicion of a wo man In the case. Roylance claims that he acted entirely in self-defense. Dyer refused absolutely to discuss the matter tonight. He said he was suffer ing too much pain and his friends had advised him to remain silent. Roylance was formerly employed by the Acme Electric company, but was supplanted by Dyer about a month ago. He claims to have witnesses who have heard Dyer threaten to kill him. A FAMILY FEUD ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., Feb. 13.—The precinct of Los Ranchos, * five miles above this city, was the scene of a hor rible tragedy this morning. Frank A. Gutierres, with Salvador Garcia and Ramon Montano went over to the house of Manuel Gonzalez to get a horse. A quarrel ensued over the ownership of the animal and Gonzales fired at Gu tierres, the bullet' cutting the jugular vein. Gutierres fell to the ground bleeding internally, and expired in a few minutes, but to make sure that his victim was dead, Gonzales took his rifle and beat the prostrate man over the head, frac turing his skull in two or three places. The murderer then rode Into town and gave himself up to Sheriff Hubbell, who then arrested Gonzales and Pedro Jaro mlllo as accomplices. Owing to the wealth and prominence of the families of both men, the tragedy Is expected to result in a bitter family feud, which may lead to more bloodshed. A HIGHBINDER MURDER SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 13—Late this evening, Charley Dean, a half-breed Chinese, disguised himself as a negro, by blackening his face, and went to the house occupied by the Yit Sing fratern ity at Pacific street and Bartlett alley. He rang the bell and the door was opened by a Chinese girl, on whom he at once made a murderous assault. Draw- j lng a highbinder's knife, with a blade twelve inches long, he slashed her across the face. She fell forward and he stabbed her a' number of times, inflicting ugly wounds. Finally, to complete his work, he leaned over her prostrate form and burled his knife in her heart She died while being taken to the receiving hos pital and the body was removed to the morgue. The assassin escaped, but he is well known to the police and his cap ture is regarded as certain. A COFFEE COLONY Southern Mexico to Be Filled With Japanese SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 13. — Among the passengers who arrived on the steam er Gaelic today were M. Kobayashi and H. Kawamura of Tokio, who are on their way to Mexico to further the interests of a colossal Japanese colonization proj ect. The first-named gentleman, when seen, said that preparations are being made for the establishment of a Japan ese colony on a big tract of land adjacent to the port of San Benito and contiguous to the Guatemalan boundary. In ac cordance' with a treaty between the Japanese and Mexican governments, ratified last year. Count Enomoto, ex minister of agriculture and a wealthy Japanese land-owner, purchased 100,000 acres of land ln Mexico ln the locality described, and It Is on this that the Japanese colony is to be established. The enterprise is receiving the sup port of the Japanese government. It is the purpose of the two visitors to have the land surveyed and laid out for the colonists, and this will be done as quick ly as possible. The entire acreage, they declare, will be devoted to the cultiva tion of coffee. It is also planned to establish a line of steamers between this city and Aca pulco, to connect with the new Japanese trans-Pacific line. WAR PROBABLE Costa Rica and Nicaragua Are Ready For Battle NEW YORK, Feb. 14.—The corre spondent of the Herald ln Managua tel egraphs: Two British warships are now In Ca raguan waters and more expected. One of these now In Nicaragua is at Corinto and the other at San Juan del Sur. The Herald's Washington correspond ent says: There is a general Impression among Pan-American diplomats here that Costa Rica and Nicaragua are very near war. Both governments have as sumed belligerent attitudes, according to information which has reached Washington and which has been print ed in the Herald, and It Is the expecta tion of Central Americans in this city that President Zelaya will demand a disavowal of Costa Rica's responsibility ln connection with the revolution ln San Juan del Sur. Whether the president of Costa Rica will comply with President Zelaya's de mand, and whether Nicaragua will have the support of Salvator and Honduras In case of war, are questions which Pan- Americans are asking each other. Those ln touch with the Costa Rica legation ln th|s city express the opinion that that government will not comply with the prospective demand of the Nlcaraguan president, and in this event war is likely to follow. CONDENSED TELEGRAMS The City Forgo and Iron company of Cleveland has just received a big order for sugar making machinery to be put into a refinery In Hawaii. Word Is received of the death at Old Point Comfort of James Stephenson. Stephenson was the father of Gray Ste phenson, whose mysterious disappearance caused a great sensation In New York last spring. Fire destroyed the plant of the Chicago Portland Cement company at Hawthorne, 111., yesterday. The loss amounts to $100, --000; Insurance, 150,000. The fire originated In the drying rooms and consumed every thing on the premises. The Harvey Steel Car oompany of Har vey, 111., has been placed in the hands of a receiver on a judgment for $58,000 secured by Locked, Farwell & Co. of Chicago. The judgment was secured, It is said, on the default of Interest due on a $100,000 bond issue. A statement of the liabilities of Henry Sherry, the Milwaukee lumberman, and the six companies ln which he was Inter ested, gives the amount as $1,250,000, with nominal assets at $700,000. Mr. Sherry's personal liabilities are $628,000 and In addi tion to this he has Indorsed the paper of his corporations for $580,000 more. The as sets to meet this are now estimated to be worth $350,000. The Auditorium opera house at Moline, 111., with its contents, was totally de stroyed by Are last evening. Adjoining buildings also suffered from Are and water. The total loss Is estimated at $80, --000. The building contained the plant of the Porter Printing company, Electric laundry. Commercial Heating plant and Postal Telegraph company. Arnold's Fun Makers' troupe lost their entire outfit The loss is covered by insurance. The church of Dr. John Hall at New York will suffer no disruption through the recent withdrawal of most of the elders and trustees. At the service yesterday It was announced that a meeting would be held today for the purpose of filling the seven vacancies on the board of trustees. John D. Mackenzie died at New York yesterday aged 66 years. He was chair man of the committee of citizens formed for the relief of the colored people in the war riots. He was also foreman of the grand Jury which indicted William M. Tweed. The man who Is always down ln the mouth seldom gets up In the world.—Chi cago News. Everybody knows that Electricity is the basis of all vitality. That single fact is the best explanation for the great success and popularity, as a cure for disease, of _ _ Dr. Sainton's Electric Belt It cures nervous debility, weakness of men and women, indigestion; dyspep sia kidney and liver trouble, rheumatism, lame back and all pains and weak ness, by RESTORING THE OLD VIGOR. "Electricity is Life." When life and strength are lost from the nerves and organs. Dr. Sanden's Belt will restore them. Try it. Call and see it, or send for book about it, FREE. Sainton Electric Co., "^.VttSiStt&r 1 * Office Hours 8 to 6; Evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 1. Cnarlal Mntlrp Dr. ssnden's office It UP BTA.IHB. HU Belts SpcUdl mWllW!—' caB not be bought in drug stores. OFF FOR DYEA With a Load for the Mining Regions DOGS, HORSES AND DONKEYS A HUNDRED TONS OF RELIEF SUPPLIES Soldier* Will Leave Vancouver To morrow and Hope to Start From Skaguay by March Associated Press Special Wire PORTLAND, Or., Feb. 13—The steam ship Oregon sailed tonight for Dyea and Skaguay, Alaska, with 500 passengers and 1200 tons of freight. Including fifty dogs, forty-one horses and thirty-four burros. One hundred tons of supplies for the government relief expedition are sent north by the Oregon. Gen. H. C. Merrlam, commanding the department of the Columbia, expected to sail on the Oregon tonight, but Im portant dispatches received today from Washington compelled him to postpone his departure for a few days. Capt. D. L. Bralnerd, who is the disbursing officer of the government relief expedition, was among the passengers. He has or ders to go to Dyea and there await the arrival of the government reindeer and the snow and ice locomotives, both of which will be used In transporting sup plies to Dawson. Capt. Bralnerd ex pects to be able to start the expedition from Dyea by March. The First battalion of the Fourteenth Infantry, consisting of companies A and G, will leave Vancouver barracks Tues day via Tacoma for Skaguay. All their property and paraphernalia, including rations amounting to 250 tons, have been loaded on the river steamer Undine for shipment to Kalama, where they will be reshlpped by rail to Tacoma over the Northern Pacific. Lieut. Col. Russell, who was to have had command of this battalion, will re main at Vancouver barracks, owing to poor health. Lleuts. Learned and Ca bell joined their regiment today from detached service, and Capt. Matlle, com manding Company G, expects to arrive Tuesday. A BARK OVERDUE TACOMA, Wash., Feb. 13.—The bark Collma, which Is reported overdue at Dutch harbor, is owned by C. A. Hooper of San Francisco and is loaded with 680, --000 feet of lumber at the Tacoma mill destined for the Alaska Commercial company to be used ln the construction of Yukon river boats. She carried no passengers. Her crew, headed by Capt. Mattson, numbered about fourteen men. A BAD START SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 13.—The schooner Huene, while attempting to leave Schwabacher's dock yesterday for Alaskan ports, crashed Into the Nippon Rio Juan Maru. The damage to the steamer cannot yet be ascertained, but those in charge of the vessel say that 1 this accident will cost nearly f 10.000. Several of the Rio Juan Maru's steel jplates were broken. The Huene es caped with slight Injury. HOSPITAL SERVICE SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 13.—A new plan le on foot for the organization of a series of hospitals at all the chief points ln Alaska, and the chief promoter of tho enterprise, Dr. F. H. Booth, is now in Seattle on his way northward. "It is our purpose," said Dr. Booth, "to organize a hospital service at Dyea, Lake Bennett, Stewart river, Dawson, Fort Cudahy, Circle City, Minook ..-reek and Copper river. The first station to be organized will be at Dyea." The London Markets LONDON, Fsb. 13 — Money is scarce, with no certain indications of easiness In the near future. On the stocx exchange business last wsek was fair. The fnll ure of the Chinese negotiations led to a recovery of % In controls, and home rail ways experienced an all 'round rise on the resumption of work by the engineers. In foreign bonds there was a general Improvement. Greek bonds went 1,4 points higher on the International guar antee of the new loan, and Chinese and Japanese bonds were also bought. Uru guayan bonds were buoyant on the po litical developments, and Americana strong and active after a temporary flat ness, owing to the De Lome incident. Sunday Cycling OAKLAND, Feb. 13.—Seventy-five cyclers took part today ln the Reliance wheelmen's Inaugural run for 1898. Capt. Deacon and Lieuts. Robinson and Ward had charge of the run, which was very successful. The five-mile road race re sulted as follows: Cramer, handicap 1:46, won, 14:42; Coxhead, handicap 1:45, second, 14:42H; Wyman, scratch, third, 12:24. It seems paradoxical that there Isn't a single person In a room full of married folks.— Chicago News.