Newspaper Page Text
CITY NEWS • INDEX OF LOCAL EVENTS • Chronicled on pages 0,7,12 anel 19. - Forecast: Cloudy; light, variable ► winds. • Trouble between hotel men over a - lease. ► Compton again secures a delay of • sentence. • The buttle ot Dominguez and tbe - Yturaldcs. i Valley road to reach Bakersfleld in - tbreet eluyfl. • Lieut. Peary's lecture on "Explora - tlons In Northernmost Greenland." • Committee of thirty will go to work ► In earnest preparing for the' Fiesta. • Evidence of tbe railroad trust be ' tweer. tho Santa Fe and the' Southern • Paclllc being gathered. ' . EVENTS OF TODAY - Orpheum—Vaudeville. • Burbauk—"The Lost Paradise." Los Angeles—Lecture, "Explora • tlons in Greenland," Lieut. R. E. ■ pea'ry, • Counting, Agricultural park— 10:30 a. • m. - Coursing, Southern California park • —10i30 a. m. Baseball—l.os Angeles vs. Francis • Wilsons; Trllbys vs. Spauldings, two - games, Fiesta park—l:Bo p. ni. • Church of the Unity—Rev, H. A. • Haskell of San Jose—ll a. in. • St. John's church—Rev. 11. W. R. - Taylor, "God and the Heathen"—ll • a. m. • Christ church—Rev. A. s. Clark, t "The Furious Driving ot Je-hu"—ll • a. m. First Presbyterian church—Rev. • Burt Estes Howard. "The Kingdom •of God Is Not In Words"—ll a. m. - Church of Christ. Eighth street. ■ near Central avenue—Rev. David - Walk, "An Irrepressible Conflict"—H • a. m. St. Paul's church-Rev. John Gray, • "The Attitude of the Episcopal ■ Church in America to the Labor • Question"—ll n. m. THE WEATHER TEMPERATURE—Report of observations taken at Los Angeles. Feb. 20. The barometer Is reduced to sea level. I n. m. I I'.BJ. Uv. I Th'r. K. II. Wind Ve). j Weather 30.10 4ft 85 NK 4 Clear ».I8 ( 68 72 W j 9 {Clear Maximum temperature, (is. Minimum temperature. 41. The following Information Is furnished by authority of the weather bureau for the benefit of shippers of perishable fruit: A cold wave is Indicated for Colorado, Kan sas and Nebraska. Weather Conditions—The pressure has risen from the Pacific coast to the Mis souri river, the change since yesterday morning being marked In Washington and Montana. Light rains have fallen in Wash ington. Oregon and in the northern portion of California; elsewhere on the Pacific slope fair weather pjevails. There has been a general but slight fail In temperature west of the Rocky mountains; freezing weather Is reported from north of the Col umbia river. Light frost occurred this morning at Eureka. The temperature Is below zero in the Upper Missouri valley ■nd freezing weather prevails cast of the mountains. Forecast for I.os Angeles and Vicinity— Fair weather tonight and Sunday. OEOROE E. FRANKLIN, Local Forecast official. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Drink Olen Rock water. Tel. mnlnM. Dr. Minnie Wells, 127 East Third street. C. D. Howry, undertaker. Firth ami Broadway. Lowest prices in the city. Coll Tel. Main MS for ambulance. Kreg elo & Rresee. Sixth and Hroadway. Robert Sharp & Co., funeral directors. 731 and 7r.3 S. Spring st. Tel. Main 1025. Rev, J. H. Garrison of St. Louis will preach this evening at the First Christian church. Watches cleaned. 75 cents: mainsprings. 50 cents: crystals, lo cents. Patton, 21-1 South Broadway. The Assltsance league will meet next Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Fred ('. Howes, 90! i West Twenty-eighth street. Senator Stephen H. White, who left Washington last Tuesday, is expected to arrive lv I.os Angeles on the overland this afternoon. Scarcity of rain, but Walter predicts n cloudburst in wallpaperdom. See our U grade, with border, for 12-ft. room. 027 South Spring street. Adams tiros., dentists, South Spring street. Plates from $4. Painless ex tracting, 00 cents. Filling a specialty. Hours, 8 to 3: Sunday, 10 to 12. Battleship Maine could not have scat tend wall paper more widely than Walter's prices do. Latest ingrain borders. 2 cents a foot. Walter, 127 South Spring street. Dr. Max Wassman, dentist, formerly of Downey block, has removed to rooms 225 and 220, Potomac block, Broadway, be tween Second and Third. Tel. Rrown 1073. Dr. Rebecca Lee Dorsey, Stimson block, first floor, rooms 133,134. 13',. Special atten tion given to obstetrical cases, and all dis eases of women and children. Electricity scientifically used. Consultation hours, 1 to B, Tel. 1227. H has been decided to try J. H. Mosler and Guy Dawson, accused of robbing Joe Schmidt of $230 by use of knock-out drops, together, and Dawson's case was therefore contlued yesterday until tomorrow, the time set for Mosier's trial. Annual clearance sale at Llehtenberger's. 202 South Spring street. The following discounts are offered: On picture easels, CO per cent: on frames. 33 1-3 percent; on pictures, 25 per cent. Liberal discounts on all goods; rare opportunity to save money. There will be an educational meeting of the Union Reform league Monday evening at the church, corner of Mateo and Adams streets. All interested in Christian Social ism are Invited. Seats free. Meeting will be called to order by Rev. O. H. Hughes at S oclock. A special service of sympathy and con dolence over the loss to the nation of the crew and the battleship Maine will be held at the Temple B'nal B'rlth. corner of Ninth and Hope streets, by Rabbi Solomon on Friday evening, February 251h, at 7:45 p m All invited. Mrs. Harriet Wilson and Mrs. Gay Lom bard were to have been tried yesterday for selling lluor without a license. The pros pect of a trial caused the atendance of a large crowd in court, but as one of the women Is sick in lied, the eases were con tinued until Thursday. Latest ln line stationery. Tea. wedding and reception cards, the latest form: best work and lowest prices. Fine writing pa pers: monogrums, dies und crests. Write for samples, mailed free. One hundred finest calling cards from plate only $1 00 and only 12.00 for 100 finest calling cards and on engraved copper plate. Sanborn Vail & Co.. 133 South Spring street. Tho regular monthly meeting of the Merchants anel Manufacturers' association v/ill be held nt the Hall of Industry Monday evening. February 21, at Bp. m. The sub jects for discussion will he: ".will the pas sage of the federal bankruptcy act now before congress be a benefit to the com mercial interests of this country?" and "Our home Industries: What methods to »c adopted and carried out to develop and tneourage them." EVIDENCE OF COMBINE THE LOCAL RAILROAD TRUST BEING LOOKED UP OFFICIALS DENY THE STORY Valley Road to Reach Bakersfleld in Three Days—The Bond Syndicate and Cash It Is Putting Up ! The expose of the combination between j the Santa Fe and tbe Southern Pacific Is likely to be productive of some good. A Herald reporter yesterday met a railway man who is making It his business to col lect all possible evidence of such a "trust," with Ihe Idea of bringing the matter to the attention of the proper parties. Others are known lo be at work on the same mat ter, and It is believed that Mr. Marchand. the representative of the Interstate com merce commission, who is now supposed to be here or on his way to this city, will give the charge full attention. The railway man alluded to, who, for ob vious reasons, wishes to keep his identity secret Cor B time, said: "I know absolutely that such v combination exists. I cannot prove it, for there are only two men prob ably who have possession of any docu ments by which It could be absolutely proved: but f think that before I ge: through with my work 1 will have evidence enough to convince any sane man of the correctness of the allegations." Yesterday officials of both lines made strenuous denials of the "trust" and prob ably were honest In SO doing, for It is by no means certain that more than one or two of the local men know anything about the understanding. At any rate, the case Is rapidly reaching such a point that the lines will have to act in such a manner as to absolutely disprove the possibility of such a combination or defy public opinion and the law and go ahead with their agree ment, irrespective of what Is thought er done. An Instance of how the thing works came to the notice of a gentleman who was in a railway office in this city recently talking to a friend. One of the freight men of the line—lt was the Southern Pacific—spoke to the oflleial in charge and said that he hail secured a big shipment, but that the shipper Insisted that It be made in firs weighing v minimum amount, which was stated. This was refused, and the freight man replied that he was afraid he would iose the contract, as the shipper had said that If the Southern Pacific would not give him the cars he wished he would go to the Santa Fe. The official told the solicitor to refuse (lie cars, and promised him that the Santa Fe would not furnish them, as "it could not. according to the agrtement ex isting." THE VALLEY ROAD The Valley line Is rapidly making Its way south und is within three days' time of entering the town of llakersfield. It has pit nty of rails and ties on hand In order to reach that terminus In'the time mentioned. Hanker I. \V. Hellman on Thursday ln San Francisco paid over to the company t2.".0,G00. the fourth monthly installment of the 18,090,01 i which a syndicate headed by him agreed to pay for the company's issue of bonds, or which a million has been paid. The syndicate is not selling any of the bunds, though there Is a good demand for tliun by Investors. NOTES OF TRACK AND TIE I lie Santa Fe is having some trouble about irs depot lands at FiagstafT. Many years ago the Atlantic- and Pacific railway, which the Santa Fe Pacific has since ac quired, was given ample lain! for "station" purposes at Flagstaff and other places in Arizona. These, however, it did not use ns they were not required. Now the Santa re wishes to use some of this land but finds that It Is occupied by persons who look possession of it years ago in good faith, and who are. of course, averse to giving it up now. There promises to be a protracted contest over the matter. Mr. I.uce. the new assistant general pas senger anil freight agent of the Southern Pacific company in this city. Was formerly here as the agent for the Texas Pacific road, lie will be here on the Ist. The Mlnneapolltans left for the north yesterday morning In their special train of Wagner cars. Some of them will come bark to stay, as a result of having seen what was In Southern California. J. W. Adams of the Nickel Plate road ar rived In the city yesterday and will remain lor some days on business for his line. A Rock Island excursion of thirty people arrived here last night from the east, via Ogden. On the Santa Fe limited, which arrived yesterday evening, there were seventy-six passengers. This is about the story of all the west-bound trains now. Harold Fisher, who has l>een with the Burlington road for some time. Is now In the city department of the Chicago and Northweitern. T. H. Duaan has the record of being tne of the olelest railway men in the city, that Is. not In years of age, but ln years of service here, for he Is a very- young man. He has been the Rurllngton representative ln this city ever since that line has had an agent here. He has decided to resign his position on March 10th. He will probably take ti better place In the service of some other line. He has few equals in the rail way business. Hugh B. Rice, general agent of Cook's Tour company, has been in this part of the state fur some time, and has gotten to gether a party for Hawaii, which will leave here on the 23d in charge of Mr. Kayser. Chief Clerk Walker of the general su perintendent's office of the Santa Fe Is ill. He has a touch of pneumonia, lAit expects to be at his desk again on Monday. General Passenger Agent Byrne of the Santa Fe is the happy possessor of a three year clock. That is, one that only has to be wound in that interval. It Is really wound every six minutes by a combination of the forces of gravity and a very small electric battery, which is Inside the case. The ar rangement comes about as near being per petual motion as probably will ever be at tained. The Southern Pacific has just equipped thousand carloads of stone from the brown stone quarries of Captain Cross, near Ojai in Ventura county. It will be used for rlp rapplng the track of the line. The Southern Pacifillc has just equipped its overland trains from San Francisco to this city and the east with new first-class passenger coaches, with Pintsch gas, high backed seats and in all respects up to the standard of the best coaches used In the east. The gas receivers are loaded up to twelve atmospheres and carry enough to lust the round trip. Mrs. J. H. Thompson, wife of the assist ant division superintendent of the South ern Pacific at Oakland. Is visitng friends in this city. Mr. Thompson will probably be appointed to fill the vacancy causeel by the recent death of Superintendent Wilder. Master Car Builder Donattn of the Southern Pacific company has finished the repairs to the special ear Campania of the sugar trust nabob, who was ditched on the Coronado railway in San Diego re cently The new mall curs being built for the government have to have electric lights. The general storekeeper for the Santa Fe road. A. F. Hilton, Is on his way to this city. His headquarters are at Topeka. More employes have been killed on the Santa Fe system ln Arizona and California In the past few months than in years be fore. DEMURRERS OVERRULED Saloon Men Must Be Tried For Not!' Closing on Sunday At the present rate of disposing of the' cases against the saloon keepers for vio-j LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 20, 1898 latlng the Sunday closing ordinance, the police court docket will probably be bur dened with them all summer. Eight of the cases were on tbe dockets of the two Justices' courts yesterday, but none of th»m were tried. Some were for the purpose or arraign ment, others for trial, and still other? were there by reason of the hearing of demurrers Bled to the complaints. The demurrers were but another Step In the plan of delaying tinal action on the cases, ror delay has been the one aim or Ihe defendants since they were arrested. The demurrers wen- simply general ones, reciting that the allegations contained In tbe complaints do not constitute grounda Tor action against th" saloon mm. They were promptly overruled and the cases sol either ror trial or arraignment as follows: Chnrlps Kndel and E. Castellano, February 21; Fred Hopp.'. March IT.; Jam"s Madison, March 1: John Haley, March 2: L. E. Mil tendorr. March 3 : George Mrtiinnis, Feb ruary 21; J. J. Flset, March 17. Madison, Haley and Mlttendorf have demanded jury trials, and tbe same demand will probably be made when all or the other eases are tried. University Notes Bishop C. C. Mi-Cube will deliver h's lec ture, "The Bright side of Life In L'.bby prison," Wi dnesday evening In the Metho dist church, corner of Met' Untuck and Jef ferson streets. Tbe lecture will be under the auspices or the Epworth league and young Men's Guild of the church. Miss Shone of Ch'.no has been visiting! .Miss Emily Walllne of Thlrty-si venth street. An athletic field day will be held Wash ington's birthday, February 22d. on the college track, between the Chawslr club anil the Athletic association of the Uni versity of Southern California. There Is a great deal of rivalry between the two organizations and a good program Is prom ised. The Science association will meet Mon day evening In the college chapel. Presi dent O. W. White. D. D„ and Rev. Alexan der Hardie will read papers on "Evolution From the Tin ologlcal Standpoint." R. 71. Levering has moved into one of the Milne flats at the corner of Vermont av enue and Jefferson street. Rev. K. li. liennett of West Jefferson street removed to Oakland on last Thurs day. The W. 11. M. S. of tlie Methodist church will hold their annual anniversary in tli» church at 11 oclock this morning. Ad dresses on the work of the society will be delivered by Mrs. O. W. White and Rev. F. M. Larkln. Rev. A, Douglas, D. D., of Oakland, will deliver a lecture on "The Tabernacle of Israel," illustrated by a model of the tabernacle. Mrs. Keatch of Santa Monica avenue en tertained the members and friends of the Church of the Redeemer at a pleasant social Friday evening. A short musical and literary program was rendered and light refreshments were served. Fred Gray of McCllntock street left on Thursday for Monterey, He will remain there for a short time and then proceed to the Klondike with a party that is fitting out at Monterey. Mrs. Dr. J. ii. Martin of Vermont av enue left for Yuma. Thursday morning on an extended visit to her brother. Mrs. E. M. Sandlson of liudlong and Thirty-ninth streets is out again after a severe attack of bronchitis. CASPERSON HELD TO ANSWER He Is Charged With Attempting to Assault Mrs. Haldeman H. Casperson. a shock-headed young! Swede, was examined before Justice Owens yesterday, the investigation being held I with closed doors, on the charge of having I attemptedto outrage Mrs. Ella Halde-I man. at ill" Ruth avenue, on the sth of this month. The testimony of the prose-! outing witness was that the defendant had grabbed hold of her while she was showing htm a room which he pretended to desire to rent. She screamed and scratched Casperson's face and he ran away. Then was evidence given by other witnesses of upon Mi s. Haldeman. The examining mag clothing, to show the intent of the assault upnn Mrs. Haldercan. The examining mag istrate held Casperson to answer In the sum of S.yks.i. Ancient Time Piece Miss S. M. Hewitt of 1027 South Hill street has a timepiece which takes rank In age, probably, with anything In the city. It is an old-fashioned case, made of mahogany. With brass works and heavy Iron weights! While undergoing the process of examina tion und renovation yesterday Mr. W. F. Brown found on the Inside of the d'ai an endorsement which reads: "Put In order by S. M. Feezler. June 3. 1*5." This makes the clock fully 100 years old. It is an heirloom but until this discovery was made no one Knew its age with any certainty. It was made in Seneca Falls. N. V., and' no clocks have been manufactured In that town for more than sixty years. This keepsake s highly prized by Miss Hewitt's family and. unlike "grandfather's clock." is run ning still and keeps time like a chronom eter. Westlake Park Program Following is the program of tl- concert to be given at Westlake park this after noon, commencing at 2 o'clock, by tlie Sev enthe Regiment band: 1. Murch, Pride of the Navy (Oregon) Major C. Hunt 2. Ballet music from William Tell..Rossini ■I. Selection, Macbeth Verdi i. Presidential Polonaise ... Souse 5. Overture. Kalif of Bagdad .Bofeldleu 6. Concert Galop, II Corrleolo ._■ -, ;,- Duranel De Grau i. Caprice Herolque, Awakening of the „ ... l on DI Kontskl » ™ U tZ 'n. Vl,,lt ' tS Waldteufel 9. Right lackle, two-step..Walter Wolff Given a Floater Horace Thomas was given a floater of $90 or ninety days in Justice Owens' court yesterday for disturbing the peace in the Our House saloon. Doubt as to whether a disturbance of the peace there was pos sible for one man led to a suspension of the Judgment against him. Here's a Howdydo Man going to Klondike, woman going back to the frozen cast, nice now cosy live room cottage, all newly furnished, going to be sold for a song (1250 cash which in cludes furniture and the house cat) and the balance $10 a month; price $950, north $1200 cash. Langworthy Co., 22U S. Spring street. Travelers! Take Notice! Change in time on Los Angeles Terminal railway will take place Monday, February 21. Catallnu flyer will leave at 8:45 a. m. Time cards can be procured of agents. San Diego and Coronada Special Leaves Los Angeles at 6 p. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; arriving San Diego 9:45 p. m This in addition to the regular service. Latest styles wall paper at A. A. Eck trom's. 321 South Spring street. The San Diego Brewing Co. Makers of the Celebrated PRIMA and PILSENER Lager Beer No beer is permitted to go into the market less than three months old. JOHN ZENS & CO., Agents 4ot Turner fit. Loa Angeles LISTEN! You can be sure of get ting Good Shoes at Our Store only, and at a low price. Snyder Shoe Co. 258 South Broadway 231 West Third LOOKING fOR THE BEST OPTICIAN ? Don't fail to see us. The fitting and making of glasses is our EXCLUSIVE business—we do nothing else. We un derstand the science of fitting glasses —and also of making the lenses, frames and all—to correspond to the results of your test. Our work, our goods and our fit of I glasses are strictly reliable and guar anteed. Eyes examined free. if tit viiiuivui, j o. . . : ===== ' - ;o Parker's Book Store 840 .South lJromlwuy Near Public Library. The Largest, Most Varied and Most :l Complete Stock of Books west of Chicago ; Tape Worm Removed Entire, without pain and inconvenience within a few hours, or no charge. Total cost, if successful, only 35.00. Sail or Write Prof. J. T. Rineftart 216 5. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. IS All We Ask —FOR AN Iron Bed It is cheaper and a better pattern than we ever had before; in fact it has as much style as many makers' J>eds selling for Si.oo more. This car load of beds is heavier made, better enameled and brass trimmed than any pre vious set. So many are in use that the most skeptical are now convinced of their durability, cleanliness, airiness and coziness, besides their sanitary qualities. All that interests you now are the styles and prices. We have an endless assortment on display and the prices go step by step at 50c and Si.oo rise until they reach the 527.50 mark. %— W. S.Allen's Furniture And Carpet House 332 and 334 South Spring St. Mall Orders Carefully Filled $ WENDELL, EASTON, President. GEORGE EASTON, Vice-President. <n rjF.ORGE D. EASTON, Secretary. ANGLO-CALIFORNIAN BANK (L'd), Treasurer. Ul Are you looking for a desirable building lot for a home location ?We can suit you. j^jj We can give you the very best buy in the city. An absolutely safe investment that S $ will return large profits. We are selling lots in the most progressive section of g ;%k this growing city. So I The New Electric Road for San Pedro Street 5 & Material for which has been ordered, will pass our property, increasing values over $ twenty-five per cent, and reducing running time to 10 minutes to Second and vi g Spring streets. Our lots are full size, >oxlso and 40x150 feet to 15 loot alley. & £ Street work all done. Shrewd buyers are purchasing in the I Menlo Park Tract 1 $ Bounded by Adams, Washington, San Pedro and Central Aye., a high-class res- & » idence section. Building restriction insures first-class improvements. A number $ £h of new houses started last month, and over eighty houses built during the last m year. Remember, this tract is not too far out or too close in, being only twelve u| minutes ride on the Central Avenue car from business center. Investigation will <X satisfy you that an investment now will pay you well.- Call on us and we will <o !9$ drive you to the property. For maps, prices and terms, apply to fk I Easton, Eldridge & Co, 1 S3 Cor. 21st Street and Central Avenue 121 So. Broadway § I ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE | || Pictures* Frames, Mirrors s j s s | t JSC Easels, Artist's Materials and \ i \ I Art Goods of Every Description I T • * ♦ AT • • | H. C. Lichtenberger's Art Emporium j I 202 South Spring Street % j Wilcox Building t | The following DISCOUNTS are Offered for 30 Days Only: j | On Picture Easels, 50 per cent. On Framed Pictures, 25 per cent. |; | | On Stock Frames, J3-I per cent. On Frames to Order, 20 per cent. X X On Art Materials, 10 per cent. Lib . ral Discounts on M Qoods | 1: : This stock is new, bright and up-to-date, and it will pay you to take advantage of this sale. You ' T T will be surprised at the very little money it will take to frame your pictures properly. Bring in your |! f I pictures now and save money. ! ▼ -~- *r ~ J if As a Business 1 1 Investment it 1 | will pay you to | 1 Take the Keeley 1 3! Cures drunkenness and JJ& igs all drug addictions. 5^ 2 THE KEELEY INSTIUTE, JF Comer North Main and Commercial Sts., over Farmers' and Merchants' Bank, Los Angeles. 5^ 19