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EDISON CONQVEST OF MARS GARRET P. SERVISS {Copyright, !S9B. by Garrett I*. Serviss.l SYNOPSIS, The Martians, a race of far greater an tiquity than matt. Invade and attempt to conquer the earth in order to relieve their safer-populated planet. The invasion if failure owing tn the breaking out "I pes tilence among the Martians. Astronomers report that indications on Mars point 10 preparations for a neyv attack. Thomas A. Edison, howevr. announces that n« has a plan to successfully resist a see,.mi invasion. Hi- bus invented n practical air ship propelled and controlled by electric ity, and a wonderful engine ol destruc tion, which he calls the "Disintegrator. This will cause th netltuont particle of any object at which it may l" directed to so vibrate that the object will be com pletely and Immediately dispersed. When Mr. Edison's plans become known there arises a universal cry that the Inhabit ants of this world shall assume tin offen sive, and proceed against the Martians. The rulers of till the nations assemble at Washington to discuss the campaign. The sum of twenty-five uinusumi million dol lars is subscribed to prosecute the war. and Mr. Eldison is chosen director "f the preparations. He promises to have a hundred air ships and Hirer thousand dis integrators ready within six months. Ho proves as good as his word. The tloet Is fully equipped to meet every emergency that can be thought of: such ns working and communicating whirr there is no at mosphere, or in atmospheres different from our own: signalling, etc. Tlie licet carries away about 2,000 men. There are many scientists aboard. Mr. Edison'« in tention is to stop t'n-st at the moon, and the start is made at a time when our satellite is in line yvith '.he earth and Mars, VI. To prevent accidents it had been ar ranged that the ships should keep a , considerable distance apart. Some of them gradually drifted away, until, on account of the neutral tint of their sides, they yvere swallowed up In the . abyss of space. Still, it was possible to know where every member of the j ■ squadron was, through the constant In- L terchange of signals These, as I have : : explained, were effected by means of , mirrors Hashing back the light of | the sun. i, Rut, although it was now unceasing ' , day for us, yet. there being no at- I • mosphere to diffuse the sun's light, the stars yvere visible to us just as at night , upon _the earth, and they shone with extraordinary splendor against tbe In- j, tense black background of the firma ment. Tlie lights of some of the more distant ships of our squadron were not brighter than the stars in whose neigh- , borhood they seemed to be. In some cases it yvas only possible to distin guish between the light of a ship and that of a star by the fact that the former yvas continually flashing, while the star was steady In its radiance. i The most uncanny effect was pro duced by the absence of atmosphere around us. Inside the car, where there , was air. the sunlight. streaming , through one or more of the windows, ] was diffused and produced ordinary daylight. , Hut wh"n we ventured outside we , could only see things by halves. The side of the car that the sun's rays , touched was visible, the other side yvas Invisible, the light from the stars not making it bright enough to affect the eye In contrast yvith the sun-illumined half. As I h"ld up my arm before my eyes, half of it seemed to have been shaved off lengthwise: a companion on the deck of the ship looked like half a man. So the other electrical ships near us ' appeared as half ships, only the ilium- j mated sides being visible. We had now got so far away that the earth had taken on the appearance > of a heavenly body like the moon. Its colors had become all blended into a j golden reddish hue which overspread nearly Its entire surface, except at tho ! poles, where they yvere broad patches ! of white. It was marvellous to look at this hug" orb behind us, while far be yond it shone the blazing sun like an enormous star in the blackest of nights. In the opposite direction appeared tha, silver orb of the moon, and scattered i nil around were millions of brilliant stars, amid which, like fireflies, flashed and sparkled the signal lights of the squadron. A danger that might easily have been anticipated, that perhaps had been anticipated, but against which it would have been difficult, if not impossible, I to provide, presently manifested it sslf. Hooking out of a Window toward the right. 1 suddenly noticed the lights of a distant ship darting about In a curious curve. Instantly afterward another member of the squadron near er by behavt d In the same inexplicable manner. Then two or three of the floating cars seemed to be violently drawn from their courses and hurried rapidly in the direction of the flagship. Immediately I perceived a small object, luridly flaming, which seemed to move with immense speed in our direc tion. The truth Instantly flashed upon my mind, and 1 shouted to the other occu pants of the car. Such Indeed it was. We had met this mysterious wanderer In space at ai moment when we were moving in a direction at right angles to the path it was pursuing around thn fun. Small as it yvas. and its diameter probably did not exceed a single foot, it was yet nn independent little world, und as such a member of tho solar system. Its dis tance from the sun being so near that of the earth, I knew that Its velocity, assuming is to be travelling in a nearly circular orbit, must be about j eighteen miles in a second. With tbls velocity, then, it plunged like a projec tile shot by! some mysterious enemy In space directly through our squadron. It .had come and was gone before "no could utter 0b sentence of three words. Its appearance, and the effect which it had produced upon fhe simps in whose neighborhood it pat-sod, indicated that it bore an Intense and tremendous charge of electricity. How it hnd be come thus charged, I cannot pretend to say, 1 simply record the fact. And this charge, It was evident, was oppo site in polarity to that which the ships of the squadron bore, It therefore ex erted an at tractive influence upon them and thus drew them after it. I had just time to think how lucky it was that the meteor did not strike any of us, when, glancing at a ship just ahead, I perceived that an acci dent had occurred. The ship swayed violently from its course, dazzling I flasties played around it, and two or three of the .men forming its crew ap peared for an inatant on its exterior, w-ildly gesticulating, but almost in- I stoutly falling prone. It was evident at a glance that the car had been struck by the meteor. | How serious the damage might be we could not instantly determine. The | course of our ship was immediately al i tered, the electric polarity- was changed. ;and we rapidly approached the dis abled car. The men who had fallen lay upon its surface. One of the heavy circular glasses covering a window had been Smashed to atoms. Through this the meteor had passed, killing two or three men who stood in its course. Then it had crashed through the opposite side of the car. and. passing on. disappeared into space. The store of air contained in the car had immediately rushed out through the openings, and when two or three of us, having donned our air tight suits as quickly a.s possible, en tered the wrecked car we found all of its inmates stretched upon the floor in a condition of asphyxiation. They, as well as tiiose who lay upon the exterior, were Immediately removed to the flag ship: restoratives were applied: and, fortunately, our aid had come so promptly that the lives of all of them were saved. Hut life had fled from the mangled bodies of those who had stood directly in the path of the fearful pro jectile. This strange accident had been wit nessed by several of the members of th' 1 fleet, and they quickly drew togeth er In order to inquire for the particu lars. Fortunately it happened that tha disintegrators contained in the wrecked car yvere not injured. Mr. Edison i thought that it would be possible to I repair the car itself, and for that pur pose he had it attached to the flagship lin order that it might be carried on as far as the moon. The lx>dies of the dead were transported with it. as it was determined, instead of committing them to the fearful deep of space where they- would have wand?red forever, or else have fallen like meteors upon the earth, to give them interment in the lunar soil. As we now rapidly- approached the moon the change which the appearance of its surface underwent yvas no less wonderful than that which the surface of the earth had presented in the re verse order while we were receding from it. From a pale, silver orb shin ing with comparative faintness among the stars, it slowly assumed the ap pearance of a vast mountainous desert. As we drew nearer, its colors became more pronounced: the great flat re gions appeared darker: the mountain peaks shone more brilliantly. The huge chasms seemed bottomless and I blacker than midnight. Gradually ! separate mountains appeared. What seemed like expanses of snow and immense glaciers streaming down their sides, sparkled with great brilliancy in | the perpendicular rays of the sun. Our motion had now assumed the aspect of falling. We seemed to be dropping from jan Immeasurable height and yvith an .inconceivable velocity, straight down I | upon thos.. great peaks. Here and there curious lights glowed) upon the mysterious surface of the moon. Where the edge of the moon cut i the sky behind it. it was broken and jagged with mountain masses. Vast crater rings overspread its surface, and in some of these I Imagined I 1 could perceive a. lurid illumination , coming out of their deepest cavities, and the curling of mephltlc vapors around their terrible Jaws. We were approaching that part of the moon which is known to astrono ! mers as the Hay of Rainbows. Here a ' huge semi-circular region, as smooth almost as the surface of a prairie, lay beneath our eyes, stretching southward ! into a vast ocean-like expanse, while, ion the north it was enclosed by an ■ enormous range of mountain cliffs, (rising perpendicularly to a height of (many thousands of feet, and rent and '■ gashed in every direction by forces I which seemed at some remote period to | have labored at tearing this little yvorld in pieces. ': It was a fearful spectacle: a dead land mangled world, too dreadful to I look upon. The idea of the death of I the moon yvas, of course, not a new I one to many of us. We had long been I aware that the earth's satellite yvas a ! body which had passed beyond the !stage "f life, if indeed, it had ever been a life supporting globe; but none of us was prepared for the terrible i spectacle which now smote our At each end of the semi-circular I ridge that encloses the Hay of Rain bows ther? is a lofty promontory. That 'at the north-western extremity had lor.? been known to astronomers under tli" name of Cape Laplace. The other promontory, at the southeastern ter mination, la called Cape Heraelides, It Was toward the latter that, yve were approaching, nnd by interchange of | signals all Ibo members of the squadron ; had been informed that Cape Ilera clid''S was to be our rendezvous upon ■ the moon. T had often on the earth drawn a i smile from my friends by showing them this promontory yvith a telescope, and I S ANGELES HERALD i SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 20, 1«98. calling their attention to the fact that the outline of the peak terminating the cape yvas such ss to present a re markable resemblance to a human face, unmistakably a feminine coun tenance, seen In profile, and possessing no small degree of beauty. To my as tonishment, this curious human sem blance still remained when we had ap proached so close to the moon that the mountains forming the capes filled nearly the whole field of view of the window from v.-hich I was watching if. The resemblance, indeed, yvas most startling. "fan tbip. Indeed, be Diana herself?" I said, half aloud, but instantly after ward I was laughing at my fancy, for Mr. Edison had overheard me and ex claimed: "Where Is she?" "Who?" "Diana." "Why. there." I said, pointing to the moon. But, io! the appearance had gone even while I spoke. A swift change had taken place in the line of sight by which we were viewing it. and the likeness had disappeared in conse quence. A few moments later my astonish ment W*fl revived, but the cause this time yvas a very different one. We had been dropping rapidly toward the mountains. and the electrician in charge of the car yvas swiftly and con stantly changing his potential, and. like a pilot who feels his way into an unknown harbor, endeavoring to ap proach the moon In such a manner that no hidden peril should surprise us. As we thus approached I suddenly per ceived, crowning the very apex of the lofty peak near th? termination of the cape, the ruins of what appeared to be an ancient watch tower. It yvas evidently composed of Cyclopean blocks, larger than any that I had ever seen even among the ruins of Greece, Egypt ami Asia M'nor. Here. then, yvas visible proof that the moon had been inhabited, although probably it was not inhabited now. I on oot describe the exultant feeling which took possession of me at this discovery. It settled so much that learned men had been disputing about for centuries. j "What will they say." I exclaimed, "when I show them a photograph of that?" The Whole Mass Flashed Prismatic Rays of Indescribable Beauty. Below the peak, stretching far to j right ami left, lay a barren beach which i had evidently once h°en washed by sea waves, because it was marked by long curved ridges such as '.he advancing and retiring tide haves upon the shores of th« ocean. This beach sloped rapidly outward and downward toward a profound abyss, which had once, evidently, been the bed of a sea, but which now ap peared to us simply as the empty, yawning shell of an ocean that had long vanished. It was with no small difficulty, and only after the expenditure of consider able time, that all the floating ships of the squadron were gradually brought to rest on this lone mountain top of the moon. In accordance with my re quest. Mr. Edison had the flagship! moored in tho interior of the great! ruined watch tower that I have de scribed. The other ships rested upon the slope of (he mountain around, us. Although time pressed, for we know that the safety of the earth depended upon our promptness in attacking l Mars, yet it was determined to remain here at least two or three days in order that Ihe wrecked cai - might be re paired. It was found also that the passage of the highly electrified meteor had disarranged the electrical machin ery in some of the other oars, so that there were many repairs to be made besides those necdsd to restore tho Wreck. Moreover, we must bury our unfor-| tunate companions who had been killed by th? meteor. This. In fact, was tho flr.ot work that we performed. Strange was the sight, and stranger our feel ings, as here on the surface of a world distant from tho earth, we performed that last ceremony of respect which mortals pay to mortality. Tn the an-' c'.ent beaeih at the foot of the peak we made a deep opening and there covered forever the faces of our friends, leaving them to sleep among the ruins of em-1 pircs and among the graves of races which hmd vanished probably ages be fore Adam and Eve appeared In Para dise. I VII. While the repairs were b»lng made, several scientific expeditions were sent out in various directions across the moon. One went westward to investi gate the great ring plain of Plato and the lunar Alps. Another crossed the i ancient Sen of Showers toward the . lunar Apennines. I One started to explore the immense. ] crater of Copernicus, which, yawning! ( fifty miles across, presents ii wonderful j appearance, even from the distance of] i the earth. The ship in which I. myself. | | had the good fortune to embark waa bound for the mysterious lunar moun tain A ri®t a roh us. Before these expeditions started, a careful exploration had been made In the neighborhood of tape Heraclldes, But, except that the broken walls of the watch tower on the peak, composed of blocks of enormous size, had evi dently been the work of (features en dowed with human intelligence, no re mains were found indicating the for mer presence of inhabitants upon this part of the moon. But along the shore of the old sea. Just where the so-called Bay of Rain bows separates itself from the abyss of the Sea of Showers, there were found ] some stratified rocks in which the fas cinated eyes of the explorer beheld the ( clear imprint of a gigantic foot moasur- Ing five feet in length from toe to heel. The most minute search failed to re veal another trace ot the presence of I the ancient giant who had left the im press of his foot in the wet sands of the beach here so many millions of years ago that oven the Imagination of tlie geologists shrank from the task of at tempting to tlx the precise period. Around this gigantic footprint gath- 1 ered most of the scientific members of the expedition, wearing their oddly shaped air-tight suits, connected with telephone wires, and the spectacle, but for the tmpressiveness of the discovery, would have been laughable in the ex treme. Rending over the mark in the rock, nodding their heads together, pointing with their awkwardly ac coutred arms, they looked like an as semblage of antediluvian monsters col-1 lected around their prey. Their dis appointment over the fact that no other marks of anything resembling human habitation could be discovered, was i very great. It was th" hope of making such other! discoveries that led to the dispatch of, the various expeditions I have already I named. I had chosen to accompany the i car that was going to Aristarelvus, be cause, as every one who had viewed the moon from the earth was aware, | there was something very mysterious • about that mountain. I knew that it was a crater nearly thirty miles in diameter and very deep, although its j floor was plainly visible. What rendered it remarkable was the fact that that floor and the walls of th*> crater, particularly on the inner side, glowed with a marvellous brightness which rendered them almost blinding when viewed with a powerful telescope. So bright were they, indeed, that the eye was unable to see many of the de tails which the telescope would have made visible but for the flood of light! which poured from the mountains. Sir | William Herschel had been so com pletely misled by this appearance that he supposed he was watching a lunar volcano in eruption. It had always be»n a difficult ques tion what caused the extraordinary luminosity of Aristarohus. No end of hypotheses had been invented to ac count for it. Now I was to assist In settling these questions forever. From Cape Heraciides to Aristarchus the distance in an air line was some thing over 300 miles. When we had ar rived within about a hundred miles of our destination we found ourselves floating directly over the so-called Har binger Mountains. The serrated peaks of Aristarchus then appeared ahead of i 1 us, fairly dazzling in the sunshine. 'It seemed as if a gigantic string of I diamonds, every one as great as a mountain peak, had been cast down up |on the barren surface of the moon and , left to waste their brilliance upon the desert air of this abandoned world. As we rapidly approached, the daz zling splendor of the mountain became almost unbearable to our eyes, and we were compelled to resort to the device, practised by all climbers of lofty moun tains, where the glare of sunlight up on snow surfaces is liable to cause tem porary blindness, of protecting our eyes with neutral-tinted glasses. When we were comparatively near tho mountain no longer seemed to glow with a uniform radiance, evenly dis tributed over Its entire surface, but now innumerable points of light, all as bright as so many little suns, blazed away at us. It was evident that we had before us a mountain composed of, or at least covered with, crystals. Without stopping to alight on the outer slopes ot the great ring-shaped range of peaks which composed Arls tarchUS, we sailed over their rim nnd looked down into the Interior. Here the splendor of the crystals was greater than on the outer slopes, and the hroad floor of the crater, thousands of feet beneath us. shone and sparkled with overwhelming radiance, as if It were an immense bin of diamonds, while a peak In the centre flamed like a stupendous tiara incrusted with selected gems. Eager to see what these crystals were, the car was now allowed rapidly to drop info the interior of the crater. With great caution we brought It to rest uj«m the blazing ground, for the sharp edges of the crystals would cer tainly have torn the metallic sides of the car if it had come Into violent con tact with them. Denning our air-tight suits and step ping carefully out upon this wonderful footing, we attempted to detach some of the crystals. Many of them were firmly fastened, but a few —some nf astonishing size- were readily loosened. \ moment's inspection showed that we had stumbled upon the most mar vellous work of the forces of crystal lization that human eyes had ever rested upon. Rome time in the past history of the moon there had been an enormous outflow of molten material from the crater. This had overspread the walls and partially filled up the interior, and later its surface had flow ered into gems, as thick as blossoms In a bed of pansies. The whole mass flashed prismatic rays of Indescribable beauty and Inten sity. We gazed at first speechless with amazement. "It cannot be, surely It cannnt be," ' said Professor Moiaaan. the famous ; French chemist and maker of artificial . diamonds, at length. "But it is," said another member of ! the party. "Are these diamonds?" asked a third. "I cannot tell yet," replied the Pro | fessor. "They have the brilliancy Df • diamonds, but they may be something else." •■.Moon jewels," suggested a third, j These magnificent crystals, some of which appeared to be almost flawless, varied in size from the dimensions of a hazelnut to geometrical solids sev eral inches in diameter. We carefully selected as many as it was convenient to carry and placed them in the car j for future examination. | On returning to Cape Heraciides we | found that the other expeditions had arrived at the rendezvous ahead of us. i Their members had wonderful stories Ito tell of what they had seen, but noth j ing caused quite so much astonishment las that which we had to tell and to j show. i which had gone to visit I Plato and the lunar Alps brought back, however, information which, in a scien tific sense, was no less interesting than I what we bad been able to gather. They had found within the curious ring of Plato, which is a circle of moun tains sixty miles in diameter, enclos ing a level plain remarkably smooth over most of its surface, unmistakable evidences of former habitation. A gi gantic city had evidently at one time existed near the centre of this great plain. The outlines of its walls and the foundation marks of some of its immense buildings were plainly made out. and elaborate plans of this van ished capital of the moon were pre pared by several members of the party. , One of them was fortunate enough to I discover an even more precious relic of tbe ancient lunarians. It was a piece of petrified skullbone, represent ing but a small portion of the head to I which it had belonged, but yet suffi cient to enable the anthropologists, who immediately fell to examining it, to draw ideal representations of the head as It must have been In life—the head of a giant of enormous size which, if it had possessed a highly organized brain, of proportionate magnitude, must have given to Its possessor Intel lectual powers immensely greater than any of the descendants of Adam have ever been endowed with. In the meantime, the repairs to the electrical ships had been completed, and. although these discoveries upon the moon had created a most profound sensation among the members of the expedition, and aroused an almost ir resistible desire to continue the explor ations thus happily begun, yet every body knew that these things were aside from the main purpose in view, and that we should be false to our duty In wasting a moment more upon the moon than was absolutely necessary to put the ships in proper condition to proceed on their warlike voyage. Everything being prepared then, we left the mtHin with great regret. Just forty-eight hours after we had landed upon Its surface, carrying with us a determination to revisit It and learn more of Its wonderful secrets in case we should survive the dangers which we were now going to face. A day or two after leaving the moon we had another adventure with a wan dering Inhabitant of space which brought us Into far greater peril than had our encounter with the meteor. The airships had been partitioned off so that a portion of the interior could be darkened in order to serve as a sleeping chamber, wherein, according to the regulations prescribed by the commander of the squadron, each mem ber of the expedition In his turn passed eight out of every twenty-four hours sleeping if he could, if not, meditating. In a more or less dazed way, upon the wonderful things that he was seeing and far more Incredible than the creations of a dream. One morning, if I may call by the name morning the time of my period ical emergence from the darkened chamber, glancing from one of the win dows. I was startled to see tn the black sky a brilliant comet. No periodical comet, as I knew, was at this time approaching the neighbor hood of the sun. and no stranger of that kind had been detected from the ob servatories making its way sunward before we left the earth. Here, how ever, was unmistakably a comet rush ing toward the sun, flinging out a great gleaming tall behind It and so close to us that I wondered to see It remaining almost motionless In the sky. This phenomenon was soon explained to me, and the explanation was of a most dis quieting character. The stranger had already been per ceived, not only from the flagship but from the other members of the squad ron, and. as I now learned, efforts had been made to get out of its neighbor hood, but for some reason the elec trical apparatus did not work perfect ly, -some mysterious disturbing force acting upon it—and so it had been found impossible to avoid an encounter with the comet, not an actual coming Into contact with it, but a falling into the sphere of its Influence. In fact. I was informed that for sev eral hours the squadron had been drag ging along in the wake of a comet, very much as boats are sometimes towed off by a wounded whale. Every effort hnd been made to so adjust the elec tric charge upon the ships that they would be repelled from the oometic mass. but. owing apparently to eccen tric changes continually going on in the electric charge affecting the clash ing mass of meteoric bodies which con stituted the head of the comet, we found it impossible to escape from Its influence. At one Instant the ships would be re- I polled: immediately afterward they would be attracted again, and thus they were dragged hither and thither, but never able to break from the invis ible leash which the comet had cast upon them. The latter was moving with enormous velocity toward the sun. and. consequently, we were being carried back again, away from the ob ject of our expedition, with a fair pros pect of being dissipated in blazing vapors when the comet had dragged us, unwilling prisoners, into the immediate neighborhood of the solar furnace. Even the most cool-headed lost his self-control in this terrible emergency. Every kind of device that experionco or the imagination oould suggest was tried, but nothing would do. Still on we rushed, with the electrified atoms composing the tail of the comet sweep ing to and fro over the members of the squadron, as they shifted their posi tion, like the plume of smoke from a gigantic steamer, drifting over the sea birds that follow in Its course. Was this to end it all, then? Was this the fate that Providence had in store for us? Were the hopes of the earth thus to perish? Was the expedi tion to be wrecked and its fate to re main forever unknown to the planet from which it had set forth? And wan our beloved globe, which had seemed so fair to us when we last looked upon it near by, and in whoso defense we had resolved to spread our last breath, to be left helpless and at the mercy of Its Implacable foe in the sky? VIII. At length we gave ourselves up for lost. There seemed to be no possible way to free ourselves from the baleful grip of this terrible and unlooked-for enemy. As the comet approached the sun its electrical energy rapidly increased, and watching It with telescopes, for we could not withdraw our fascinated eyes from It, we could clearly behold tho fearful things that went on in its nu cleus. This consisted of an Immense num ber of separate meteors of no very great size individually, but which were in constant motion among one another, darting to and fro, clashing and smash ing together, while fountains of blazing metallic particles and hot mineral va pors poured out in every direction. As I watched It, unable to withdraw my eyes, I saw imaginary forms re vealing themselves amid the naming meteor. They seemed like creatures ln agony, tossing their arms, bewailing in their attitudes the awful falte that had overtaken them, and fairly chilling my blood with the pantomime of torture which they exhibited. 1 thought of an old superstition which I had often heard about the earth, and exclaimed: "Yes, surely, this Is a flying hell!" As the electric activity of the comet Increased, Its continued changes of po tential and polarity became more fre quent, and the electrical ships darted about with an even greater confusion than before. Occasionally one of them, seised with a sudden Impulse, would spring toward the nucleus of the comet with' a sudden access of velocity that would fling %very one of its crew from his feetf. and all would lie sprawling on the floor of the car while It rushed, as It seemed, to Inevitable and Instant de struction. So great was our excitement and so complete our absorption ln the fearful peril that we had not noticed the pre cise direction in which the comet was carrying us. It was enough to know that the goal of the journey was the furnace of the sun. nut presently some one In the flagship recalled us to a more accurate sense of our situa tion in space by exclaiming: "Why, there Is ithe earth!" And there, Indeed, it was, its great globe rolling under our eyes, with the contrasted colors of the continents and clouds, and the watery gleam ot the ocean spread beneath us. "We are going to strike It!" ex claimed somebody. "The comet is go ing to dash Into the earth." Such a collision at first seemed In evitable, but presently It was noticed that the direction of the comet's mo tion was such that while it might graze the earth It would not actually strike it. And so. like a swarm of giant Insects circling about an electric light from whose magic influence they cannot es cape, our ships went en, to be whipped against the earth in passing and then to continue their swift Journey to de struction. "Thank Ood, this saves us!" sudden ly cried Mr. Edison. "What—what?" "Why, the earth of course. Do you not see that as the co/niot sweeps close to the great planet the superior at traction of the latter will snatch ua from its grasp, and that thus we shall be able to escape?" And it was Indeed as Mr. Edison had predicted. .In ablaze of falling meteors the comet swept the outer limits of the earth's atmosphere ami passed on, while the swaying ships, having l>een Instructed by signals what to do. des perately applied their electrical ma chinery to reverse the attraction and threw themselves into the arms of their mother earth. In another Instant we were all free, settling down through the quiet atmos phere with the Atlantic Ocean spark ling in the morning sun far below. We looked at one another in amaze ment. So this was the end of our voy age! This was the completion of our warlike enterprise. We had started out •to conquer a world, and we had come Iwiok ignominlously dragged ln the train of a comet. It would be Impossible to describe the chagrin of ovary member of the ex pedition. The electric ships rapidly assembled and hovered high ln the aJr, while their commanders consulted about what should be done. A universal feeling of shame almost drove them to a decision not to land upon the surface of the planet, and If possible not to let Its In habitants know what had occurred. I shall not delay my narrative by un dertaking to describe the astonishment and the disappointment of the Inhabit ants ot the earth when, within a fort night from our departure, they saw us back again, with no laurels of victory crowning our brows. We made a short story of It, for we had not the heart to go Into details. We told of our unfortunate comrades whom we had buried on tlie moon, and there was one gleam of satisfaction when we exhibited the wonderful crystals we had collected ln the crater at Arlstar ehus. Mr. Edison determined to stop only long enough to 'test the electrical ma chinery of the cars, which had been more or less seriously deranged during our wild chase after the comet, and then to start straight hack for Mars—■ •this time on a through trip. The astronomers, who hnd been watching Mars since our departure with their telescopes, reported that mysterious lights continued to be vis ible, but that nothing Indicating the starting of another expedition for the earth had been seen. Within twenty-four hours we were ready for our second start. High above us, In the centre of the heavens, glowed the rod planet which was the goal of our journey. The needed computations of velocity and direction of flight having been re peated, and the ships being In readi ness, we started direct for Mars. An enormous charge of electricity was Imparted to each member of the squadron, in order that as soon as we had reached the upper limits of tr>e at mosphere, where the ships could move swiftly, without danger of being con sumed by the heat developed by the friction of their passage through the air, a very great initial velocity could be imparted. Once started off by this tremendous electrical kick, and with no atmosphere to resist our 'motion, we should be able to retain the same velocity, barring in cidental encounters, until we arrived near the surface of Mars. When we wore free of tho atmos phere, and the ships wore moving away from the earth, with the highest veloc ity which we were able to impart to them, observations on the stars were made fn order to determine the rate of our speed. This was found to be ten miles ln a second, or 864,000 miles In a day, a very much greater speed than that with which we had travelled on starting to touch at tho moon. Supposing this velocity to remain uniform —and with no known resistance, It might reason ably be expected to do so—we should arrive at Mars in a little less than forty-two days, the distance of tha planet from the earth being, at this time, about thirty-six million miles. TO BE CONTINUED. Tongue Twisters. The popularity of Peter Piper's cele brated peck of pickled peppers will probably never wane as a snare to catch the tongue that would fain be agile; but the test has formidable rivals. The following short sentences, as their authors maintain, do wonders ln baffling the ordinary powers of speech: "Gaze on the gay gray brig ade " "The sea ceaseth, and It suffi ceth us " "Say, should such a Shapely sash shabby stitches show?" "Strange strategic statistics." "Give Grimes Jim's gilt gig whip." "Sarah In a shawl shoveled soft snow softly. A cup of coffee in a copper coffee cup." Sold Spider Pills. There was an old lady In Charleston not many years ago who turned a penny by the sale of spider-pills, which were considered a sovereign remedy for certain fevers. The "daddy-long-leg" spider was in great demand In tha lower wards as long as she lived.