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10 HABEAS CORPUS AGAIN ONLY THAT WILL THE POLICE OBEY AUTOCRACY OF THE FORCE A Chinaman Arrested for a Misde meanor Has No Remedy but a Writ to Be Released The autocratic ways of some of tho em ployes in the police department cropped up again yesterday when Ah Jim, s Chinaman, had to apply for a writ of habeas corpus to regain his liberty. Jim, the Celestial, was arrested Monday night by Sergeant Smith and Officers Phillips and Blackburn and charged with conducting an opium joint. Sergeant Smith instructed the desk clerk to accept no bail in his case. It was so entered on the police blotter and cash bail was refused when presented by the pris oner's friends. Ah Kee, another heathen who was on a visit to Ah Jim's place, was also arrested at the same time for smok ing opium, but in his case no detentlve or der was promulgated by Sergeant Smith and $100 was accepted for his appearance before Justice Owens yesterday afternoon. In the face of the positive refusal of the police to release Ah Jim on bonds, he en gaged the services of Lawyer Treat, who had tho prisoner brought up before Supe rior Judge Van Dyke yesterday forenoon on a writ of habeas corpus. After hearing the facts the court ordered Ah Jim's re lease until arraignment in the Justice's court on furnishing a $200 bond, which was immediately given. Ah Jim has now hired three lawyers, Messrs. Phibbs, Treat and Appel, and proposes to light his case vigor ously. The chief of police was kept in ignorance of the action of his subordinates until the writ was served on him, and it is said that he emphatically expressed his disapproval of their actions. This matter of refusing bail in petty cases sometimes leads to ludicrous contradictions. As a defense, the police claim that legally they have no right to accept bail, but It is seldom re fused in misdemeanor cases. If it was not legal to take it in Ah Jim's case it could not be legal to take it in Ah Kee's. A short time ago a woman was arrested on Third street and charged witli intoxi cation. Oposite her name was the entry "No bail." Before noon the next day a "pull" had been successfully workeel and she was released on her own recognizance. At. 1:30 in the afternoon the remarks, "No complaint" was set opposite her name, and that was the last of this case. Yet it was allegeel that this drunken woman not only had debauched a district messenger boy, but had drawn a dirk upon a police officer with murderous Intent. COULD CHASE SEEP The Jury Visits the Spot to Determine This —A Chapter in Chase's Life In the damage suit trial of Mrs. Elizabeth B. Church against the Los Angeles Rail way company for serious hurts alleged to havo been received by falling off a car, as the result of Ihe negligence of the cor poration's employes, the plaintiff con cluded her side of the case yesterday. The jury was then taken out In charge of the sheriff to view the place where the acci dent occurred, on F street near the Pico Heights postofflce. Tho defense will at tempt to show this afternoon that It was entirely due to her own neglect that Mrs. Church was injured. During tho forenoon session a pension agent named M. M. Chase, who has made the acquaintance of various jails In hi* time, was placed on the stand in behalf of the plaintiff. From where he stood, on th» opposite side of F street at the time of the accident, this witness claimed, he hart been able to see everything that happened, and the clmcumstanc»s were as alleged by Mrs. Church. The defense claimed that If Chare stood where he swore lie was the body of the car intervened between his view and the Jt'rson of Mrs. Church, and it would have been a physical impossibility for the witness to have perceived what he said had occurred. It was for the pur pose of determining the veracity or other wise of this witness' testimony that the jury was taken out to the spot. On cross-examination Chase wa.s asked If he had ever been convicted of a felony, to which he cheerfully replied that he had ait hough as innocent as tbe unborn babe Peing> requested! to> tell; the- way In-which he became an inmate of the penitentiary, Mr. Chase said that he was at a railway station up north on his way to visit Ore gon relatives, having in his possession $845. a railway ticket and a gold watch and chain. He visited a saloon at this station and was drugged. When he woke up his wealth was gone. A man told him to gel aboard of the train, as it was ready to start. Chase told him that he had been robbed and was dead broke. His Inter locutor told him that he was the con ductor; to get on the train and it would be all right. Chase followed this advice, and very soon the real conductor came along and asked him for his ticket. He said he had none. But a party who sat beside Chase broke in with; "Ohl yes. you have a pass! Here It is," and the fellow pulled a pass out of the witness' vest pocket and handed it to the conductor, who pronounced it a for gery, anil the man beside Chase and an other party near by, who were di teotives, pulled in the victim of circumstances and had him tried for forgery. The jury choose to believe the witnesses for the prosecution and took no stock in Chase's story. And thus it happened that he was sentenced to the penitentiary. "But," ad ded Mr. Chase, with pride, "they didn't make me do any work in the pen, and treated me like a guard while I was there, and they didn't lock me up Inside." Mr. Chase also admitted that he had Eone under the alias of General Fitzgerald when he was in the employ of the San Francisco Call as reporter, and that he Awarded Highest Honors—World's Fair, vOold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR A Pure 3rape Creaia ol Tartar Pi vier. L4O YEARS THE STAND/LrD. used another name when In the secret service. CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER The City Concludes Its Evidence and Defendants Will Now Testify All the oral evidence for the plaintiff was submitted yesterday before Judge York in the suit of the city against the Crystal Springs Land and Water company and the Los Angeles City Water company, and the defendants will today proceed to lay before the court their side of the case. The defendants deny that the basin through which the Los Angeies river runs is composed of sand and other loose ma terial, and that Its banks are composed of such materia! that the water from the sur face permeates and percolates to a great distance or sinks considerably below the bed. It is also denied that excavations made in the valley will diminish the quan tity of water flowing in the stream. While it ls admitted that it would be possible by excavations cut beneath the river to di vert the surface water, they deny having made such. Defendants review the his tory of Los Angeles grants under the Spanish and Mexican regimes, the saie of the Los Fcliz ranch to a, J. Griffith, of the sale of ihe water rights of the latter to the city, and deny the rights claimed by the plaintiff to have been vested in ths city under this convey ance. On the other hand, the defendants assert their rights to develop water in the five acre tract known as the Crystal Springs tract, and by means of excavations gath ering 090 inches of water, measured under a four-inch pressure. They deny that the water developed by Its system diminishes the flow in the river. INSANE EXAMINATIONS Hoffman Is Crazy but Mrs. Corwin Is Only a Hypo Fiend Fred Hoffman, a resident of Boyle Heights, 35 years of age, and a native of Germany, was yesterday committed to Highland by Judge Clark. He has been in the Stockton insane asylum before. Hoffman is very suspicious In his mania and had an idea that his wife wanted to poison him. He was very unkind to her. beat her repeatedly, choked her and threatened to kill her. There are two chil dren in the family, and but little property, and in consequence of this Hoffman has become a state charge. Mrs. Mary Corwin. 50 years old. a native of Ohio, was also examined and ordered Hscharged. She is a hypo fiend who is now taking the Keeley cure. Her des pondent condition is the result of morphin?. While she has made suicidal threats, she Is not insane. Out of Respect Judge Alien of Department six "of the superior court yesterday made an order ihat the funeral of the distinguished sol dier, Major General W. S. Rosecrans, long a resident of this county and stale, being appointed for this morning at 10 o'clock. h!s department would adjourn until 2 o'clock out of respect for the deceased commander's memory. Judge Smith adjourned until tomorrow, and the Judges of Departments two, four and five until 2 o'clock this afternoon. No adjournment was ordered in Department three. Crandall's Trial The taking of testimony for the prosecu tion began yesterday in Department one of the superior court in the case of F. D. Crandall, charged with the murder of Jack Bowman in September last at Ballona har bor. Fisherman Bremerman, Constable bonis Brakshuler and Coroner Campbell told the ofl-told story of the homicide, and :he subsequent examination of the murder ed man. As is usual during trials the '■ourt room was well filled yesterday. The trial will be resumed tomorrow. Probate Matters A petition for the probate of the will of Henry J. Wright, who died in Montana or. February 10, was filed yesterday. The es tate is valued at $9000. The will of Rosa Hlllyer was also filed. The deceased died at San Pedro on March Ist, leaving an estate valued at $62!>0, which is bequeathed to her brother Richard, 75 years old. Scientists' Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Pasadena, was incorporated yesterday. Its purpose is to promulgate doctrines prac ticed by Christ and to acquire real and personal property. The directors are Adolph Seharff, Ira A. Carr, Myron Gee, Carrie F. Graham, Henrietta N. Williams. May E. George and Sarah T. Gee, presi dent. University Notes Prof. A. W. Bannister is suffering se verely from the cuts and burns received at the time his house burned down. His head was quite badly scorched and is causing him considerable anxiety, though his physician thinks that he will be all right in a few days. Dean M. K. Phillips has removed from 1024 West Thirty-eighth street to the old parsonage property near Wesley avenue. Harry B. Tllden is confined to his home with a badly sprained ankle. He had made arrangements to start for the Copper river with his father in a few days, but this accident has upset his plans. Mrs. L. J. Casement is seriously ill with an attack of the grippe. Her daughter, Grace, is just beginning to recover from the same disease. Miss Clara Arbuthnot of Pomona is stay ing with Mrs. L. J. Casement on West Thirty-eighth street. In the preliminary trials of the College Athletic association to pick the repre sentatives of the university In the Inter collegiate field day to be held at Santa Monica, April 30th. Wm. Inch, '99, won the 50 and 100-yard dashes; H. L. Leland, '00, took the 220-yard dash and Btrt Norton, '02, captured the 440-yard run. The pole vault fell to T. C. Knoles, '01, while C. E. Broderson won tho high jump, Martin be ing lame. Mrs. E. K. Foster of Thirty-sixth and Flower streets has returned from a six weeks' sojourn at Terminal island. Marriage Licenses Edmond S. Abbott, 22, lowa, a resident of San Pedro, and Lillie M, Smith, 19, Mis souri, a resident of Redondo. Joseph F. Rowe, 22, Nebraska, and Mary A. Taylor. 16, Kansas, residents of this city. Daniel T. Althouse, 25, lowa, and Maiid Shields, 20. Illinois, residents of this city. David F. Foy, 57, Pennsylvania, a resi dent of Nebraska, and Jennie Reed, 45, Canada, a resident of this city. Samuel J. Cooper, 20. Canada, and Rose M. Dunkerley, 23, England, residents of this city. Ocean waves have on a number nf occa sions dashed over the tops ot lighthouses which are 150 feet high. As a wave in the open ocean is accompanied with a depres sion as deep as the wave ls high, a ship In tho trough of the sea encountering such waves would be banked by hills of water, if the term may be used, 303 feet high. All prices of wall paper greatly reduced. A. A. Eckstrom. 321 South Spring street LOS ANGELES HERALD: WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 16, 1898 NEWS OF LOCAL RAILWAYS THE SANTA FE AND SOUTHERN PACIFIC AT DISCORD The Matter of Dividing the Spoils of the Orange Growers at Issue. , Notes and Personals All Is not as smooth as It might be be tween the Santa Fe and Southern Pacie In the Iniquitous agreement to pool on orange shipments. As was predicted in this paper some weeks ago would be the case, President Ripley ot the Santa Fe is discovering that he ls no match at all for Mr. Huntington when it comes to finan ciering or railroading. Mr. Ripley finds himself outgeneraled, and the opinion of many railway men expressed early in the season, when it first became known that the two lines had combined, ls being ver lled, that they would repeat the lion and the lamb story, and lie down together, on'.y that Ripley would be the lamb in side of Huntington. The main rea son why orange growers find that they have to pay $1.25 on their oranges year after year Is this form of combination. It has always existed of late years between the two lines to a small extent, but this season it was formetl on a large scale by Mr. Ripley, who thought that he could not get too much of a good thing, and. like many others before him, classified Mr. Huntington as the good thing. Now be is beginning to think differently. It seems that the Union Pacific and the Rio Grande Western have not been satis fied of late with their share of the orangs business untler the agreement, and that Mr. Ripley has also had his eyes opened to the mistake that has been made in finding tho hostility general in Southern Califor nia against his road. During the closure of the Fairview tun nel on his line he was obliged to turn over to the Southern Pacific the orange traffic, and now the latter line has 1100 cars the advantage of the Santa Fe. According to the terms of the agreement, It is necessary for the Southern Pacific to turn over to the Santa Fe shipments enough to keep the account even, but this Mr. Huntington, it is said, has declined to do, but instead has tendered to Mr. Ripley a check for the dif ference between the cost of transporting the fruit and the money received, in other words, the protlt. Mr. Ripley, however, was curious to find out what it cost the Southern Pacific to carry freight, so he asked for a bill of details, and this seemed to be too large, and he has remonstrated, calling for his balance of 1100 carloads, or a settlement on a basis of what it would have cost the Santa Fe to have hauled the same fruit. There is considerable feeling about the matter among the men con cerned, but it is thought that Mr. Ripley finds himself in such a position that it is better for him to swallow his discomfit ure and finish the season without a rup ture of the pooling agreement. But there are two other lines, the Union Pacific and the Rio Grande Western, which claim that they have not had their share of the shipments, and they propose to bring the matter up before the trans continental freight bureau, at its meeting at Monterey this month. The fight is in teresting, but meanwhile the orange grower has to be content and get bis ten cents a box for his fruits while he watches the railways quarreling about the division of what they have spoiled from him. NOTES AND PERSONALS The Southern Pacific has put a time table into effect which permits of the round trip to Catalina in one day, giving thirty min utes on the island. The Santa Fe has thrown away all Its brooms and dusters, and cleans Its cars en tirely by compressed air. administered by means of a hose. It does not leave an atom of dust in any corner. All of the Santa Fe cars are being fitted with electric lighting apparatus. Los Angeles commercial travelers are trying to get a rate of 2)6 cents a mile be tween points in Arizona and New Mexico and this city. Richard Kerens of the Terminal railway, who Intended to come to Los Angeles this month, states that he will stay in Wash ington until the San Pedro harbor matter Is settled. The San Francisco papers are urging the construction of a line between Mo.lave and Bakersfleld, connecting the Valley road with the Southern Pacific and the Santa Fe. The gap is only sixty-eight miles long, and would give the state an other overland railway. Peter Harvey, general agent of the Balti more and Ohio, is in the city. General Agent Claudius Colby of the Erie ls ln Southern California for a short stay. A. J. Stratton. general agent of the Chi cago and Great Western, ls In town. LOWER ORANGE RATES It appears now as if the general freight agents of the railways would make a small reduction In orange freight rates for the remainder of the shipping season. Yesterday afternoon the growers' com mittee appointed by the recent conven tion of orchardists met the Santa Fe and Southern Pacific agents and had a long conference on the subject. The commit tee consists of Messrs. Packard, Griffith. Johnson. Blanchard, R. H. Young, Ruggies and Major Klokke. Nothing more was done than, to discuss the matter in a general way. but the rail road men held out some Idea that a con cession might be made, though the de mand for a reduction from to 75 cents was considered to be too extreme. Fur ther conferences will be held, and as soon as possible the question will be laid before the general freight agents of the two lines. It is probable, however, that the final ac tion will be taken by the transcontinental freight bureau, which meets at Monterey on the 21st Instant. At this trfiie the freight authorities of all the line concerned will be present and they will have full power to act. ELECTRIC RAILWAY OFFICERS It has been reported for some time that the Los Angeles and Santa Monica Elec tric company intended to erect a handsome building on a lot of their own on the south side of Fourth street, between Broadway and Hill, for their general offices. Pres ident E. P. Clark yesterday said that the company had Intended to put up a good edilice there, but the matter was now at a standstill. A movement has about suc ceeded to cut an alley through the block, taking twenty feet off the frontage of the lot. The matter Is now in the hands of the commissioners, and it will be several months before the company can come to a decision as to its plant 1 .. Mr. Clark thinks that tho ruling taking so much of his frontage is very unjust. COUNTERFEITERS ARRESTED Police Detectives Told Where to Go to Get Them Ed Rogers and L. A. Armstrong were yesterday arraigned before Commissioner Van Dyke, charged with counterfeiting United States coin. The hearing was set for Monday at 2 p. m and bail fixed at $200 each, ln default off which they were re manded to the custody of the marshal. The arrest of the men was accomplished late Monday night by the police detectives. Armstrong and Rogers lived in a lodging house at the corner of Third and Los An fc-elos streets, where they ran their counter feiting outfit. Armstrong was the driver of a milk wagon and his partner Is a cook, it is thought that the former passed the spurious coin on his milk route, but ap parently this was too slow a way of get ting rich, so they looked around for a speedier means of putting the stuff ln cir culation. They were introduced to Henry Simmons, a photographer, to whom it was suggested that he aid them in passing the bogus money. Simmons said he did not care to go into the deal, but knew a crook who would. He then reported the matter to the police. A detective was Introduced as the crook and was shown all tho moulds for the dollars, halves and quarters that the pair were making, together with all the outfit. This detective stepped outside the door a minute and then two other detect ives walked into the room and arrested the men. It is thought that In addition to the pair being counterfeiters, they have nlso been engaged ln petty stealing, as quanti ties of cigars and cigarettes were found in their trunks. BOLTED WITH THE HANDCUFFS TWO MEW SUSPECTED OF HIGH WAY ROBBERY ARRESTED Jordan, an Ex-Whittier Inmate Es caped From the Officer—Haley, the Other Suspect, Released Somewhere in the county a young man named Norman Jordan is trying to get rid of a pair of handcuffs that were not pre sented to him to keep, while Officer Ben Robbins is lying awake of nights trying to figure out how he will be able to recover those same articles ot authority. Jordan was arrested Monday night and the brace lets were placed upon him, but he bolted with them and has been at large over since. Jordan is believed to have participated in the recent hold-up of the Lagur.a saloon, kept by F. Escallier, on the Whittler road. The robbery occurred Saturday night. Es callier and his son were held up at the point of a pistol by two masked men, who bound and gagged them. The robbers ransacked the place and secured about 535 In cash. The officers had been told to look out for Jordan and take him to the police station. About 8 oclock Monday night Of ficer Robbins discovered Jordan seated in the boat house at Westlake park, drink ing with another man. Jordan was at once taken In charge by the officer, and, upon demurring, was handcuffed. The officer took his prisoner to the corner of Seventh and Alvarado streets and tele phoned for the patrol wagon. While standing at the corner Jordan suddenly bolted across Seventh street and struck down Alvarado street, with Officer Rob bins and Special Officer Williams in pur suit. Robbins drew his revolver, but the weapon would not work, so he had to try to run down his man, which he failed to do. In justice to Robbins, however, it must be said that he would have caught his man bad he not been bundled up with his big club and dress uniform, which re tarded him seriously. Jordan ran sev eral blocks south on Alvarado street, and then double back across lots to Westlake park and disappeared in the foliage, all further trace of him being lost. Officer Robbins then went and took Ar thur Hale} - from his home on Orange street, on suspicion of having also been implicated in the saloon hold-up. Haley denied positively at the police station ever having had any recent affiliations with Jordan, but he was locked up, nevertheless. Yesterday Detective Goodman went out to the Laguna saloon and brought Escal lier and his barkeeper to the station for the purpose of identifying Haley. This they failed to do, and upon their express ing the positive opinion that Haley was not one of the robbers, he was released. Jordan is a tough customer and has al ready served a sentence in the Whittier Reform school for burglary. AGRICULTURAL PARK RACING Oood Meet Arranged for St. Patrick's Day—The Program The St. Patrick's day racing meet at Agricultural park Thursday afternoon is assured, all the arrangements having been completed last evening. The races are un der the management of Robert Hackney, which is a guarantee that they will be run "on the square," and that those who at tend the park on Thursday afternoon will have a run for their money. Besides the horse racing, there will be several hot bicycle contests, and a great afternoon's sport is assured. The program consists of three horse races, besides the bicycle con tests—a trotting, pacing and running race. For the trotting race R. Hackney names the bay stallion Our Ducky, John Pender names the bay mare Helen J., and Walter S. Maben names the bay mare Belle Rus sell. For the 2:20 pacing race R. Hackney names the bay gelding George R., Walter S. Maben names the bay mare Addle R., P. A. Isener names the bay stallion Judd, nnd Matt Hare names the gray gelding White Heat. In the running race, private sweepstake, three-quarters of a mile, the entries are ns follows: Prince Hooker, by Joe Hooker (115); Vishun. by Sir Dixon (115); Igo, by- Honduras (110); Oro Ento, by Emperor of Norfolk (110). TEACHERS' ALLIANCE Representative Elected on the Board of Freeholders A special meeting of the School Teach ers' alliance was held yesterday at the high school auditorium. The meeting was well attended. The principal business before the body was the selection of a person to serve as its representative on the board of free holders, which will have in charge the framing of the new city charter. Several were nominated, resulting ln the election of Prof. J. B. Millard, Profs. A. E. Baker and Miiton Carlson as alternates. The president appointed the following committees to serve for tho new term, the same being notified by the members present: Auditing, W. L. Frew, Miss R. Hord, Milton Carlson; by-laws, Mrs. Emma Hanchette, J. H. Frances. Mrs. Regena Dixon; appeals, J. B. Monlux, Miss Pen Monday, Miss F. Dunham; petitions. Mrs. M. A. White. W. W. Trultt, Miss Jennette Henderson. Federation of Societies The annual meeting of the Federation of Societies will be held Thursday, March 17th, at Unity church, corner of Hill and Third streets. The business session opens at 10 a. m., at which officers will be elected for the coming year. At the afternoon ses | The Banner Offering of *y RL|> I J Dress Goods at - i OI>) V You'll have no eyes for other 75c goods after seeing these. They'e not 75c goods, that's why. The very best styles of 1898 are repre- \ W sented among them. Every piece is of the very best wearing quality 1 v** it is possible to find. They have been selected with two things in V view—quality and style; neither will disappoint you. Come expecting d to find the largest and best assortments in Los Angeles. o» & \ 46-inch Black Brocaded Ppplins 46-inch Two-toned Fancy Poplins / \. 46-inch Black Rough Novelties 46-inch All-wool Fancy Checks \% 46-inch Black Brocaded Brilliantine 46-inch Illuminated Crepons % . i jL 50-inch Black Jacquard Novelties 46-inch Fancy Two-toned Mixtures 1 52-inch Black Double-Twilled Storm Serge s 46-inch Silk Figured Novelties / 54-inch Black Heavy Sicilian 42-inch Silk and Wool Plaids f \* 46-inch Black Wool Grenadine 54-inch Fancy Navy Storm Serges y vf Stetson Hats * FXTPAOrriillfirV IT* /* mf\ r 9 * 5 Man<,ko, " cnlef '» 1 w\ Every man should know that *l LA II QUI UIIIQI J 11 B. ■m r~ J| -Wo h;lv0 j llst received 1000 / v here he can get Stetson's $4.00 4, IsV IB 11 At dozen Ladles' Fine Lawn Era 4jy Derbys or Fedoras in tlie * lafL-atc <tt Jm I I ■ ' broidered Handkerchiefs, in t W newest blocks m~ nQ Jt jQI/MHd Ul XL 9 \W MSW9 ft a great of pat- , and proper JKZ.Wrt »! *■* V ■ >\ terns and openwork borders; J / colors for w tnoy wou ] a bt . a _ J S 3 Just fifty of them, assorted kinds and colors, *, on Bale at lOC J v Tea Sets trih season's very newest modes and most a f ... ,„ 5 acceptable styles. Not one would be priced ? „ , , V n Terilts ne of OU S6 r J less than $10 anywhere else but here. Some V Special Gloves , A pieces at special reductions; X are $15 values X Real Dogskin Gloves, with J «1 handsomely decorated ln col- I « two-toned embroidery; these ] ors and gold, real Austrian V 22-inch Tan Covert Cloths with all silk linlnirs. A ari ' excellent for wear and ) v and German Chi- 0-% f\n T ->-,_:„,._ imnnrteH ir»re»vc in inn ~L < cannot bo told from kldsktn \a na. choice of four JM.VX fc 22 mC J I lm P orted , Ef rseys . m tan - R in appearance; black, brown, v If patterns, at ™ W,/W S mode and royal blue, with vel- . mmm. T red and tan, ftp. 1 mr A vet collars. SmmmSi' ft »'•"' B rade ' "0C 1 ft k Black Kersey Jackets, half lined <J at ) M Special Linens 5 with s»«n Rhtdame and finished 3 J X with strap seams and raw edges. * * )\ Warranted all linen full Jt Black Cheviot Coats finished JI Jf Children's DfSBSeS \J bleached Table Linerl.« Inch- T equal to the finest Jackets made. W 3 " , * \ Mm es wide, bought before the \M ~ v\ \ Hi 7L Children s Fercale Dresses, d raise In the tariff to sell 2 This is the most temntinir Isck-et \t\J Mt\ S fancy braided yoke, line as- » A for SO cents: sm % T„. !„X „f,H» b>! sortmcnt of patterns in daln- J \f special today ()5C i offer we have ever made, but CJ gty checks and Ilgures In pink, 1 at 71 you must take a look to fully 111 H 71 blue and tans, sizes 2 rfk _ J V „ ~ . . . r . «. appreciate. v **m*iWW .1 Ito 5 years, 75c values, QyQ 4|j Napkins to match $1.60 J{ r ' 71 at " iw —j AHAMBURGERSSfiNS ns - 1 V Delineator \ MiJK GRtATER PEOPLE S STORE KJkSi MS Patterns > sion, which opens at 2 oclock. there will be an attractive program of music, reports of clubs and a lecture by Rev. W. D. P. Bliss. The address of the evening will be given by Mrs. Eugenia F. St. John, with vocal and Instrumental music at the open ing and close. Another Burglary A recent sufferer at the hands of burglars ls Geo. Rookledge of 322 East Twelfth street. His residence was entered Mon day afternoon, some time between 2 and 3 oclock, and ransacked. A number of articles of value, including some change and a small quantity of Jewelry, were stolen. The robbery was reported to the police, but as usual nothing has as yet been beard of the matter. Imported Lemons Free Those interested in lemon culture can obtain some of the finest Imported vari eties for seed, free of charge, at Woolla cott's liquor store, 124 North Spring street. Latest styles wall paper at A. A. Eck strom's, 524 South Spring street JOTTINGS Our Home Drew Maier A Zobeleln's lager, fresh from their brewery, on draught in all the principal saloons; delivered promptly ln bottles or kegs. Office and brewery, 440 Allso street; telephone 91. Hawley, King & Co., cor. Fifth st. and Broadway, agents genuine Columbus Bug gy company buggies and Victor bicycles. Largest variety Concord business wagons and top delivery wagons. Hawley, King & Co. Everything on wheels. Hawley, King & Co., corner Fifth street and Broadway. Agents Victor, Keating,World and March Icycles. Hawley. King & Co. ■ Parisian Cloak and Suit Co. | A Bargain at $1.69 M mp It certainly W$ doesn't pay to make Dress j! | Skirts when you Ke*hfe! n Nice pretty sensible Scotchy mixed, i Each Skirt is well made and well lined, and hangs as nicely as can be desired. They'd be cheap at $2.50. Parisian Cloak and Suit Co. 221 South Spring St. MEN OINUV a Diseased or Weak fjsk Consult Or. White Private Dispensary 128 N. Main St. LOS ANGIUS 3 Established 1880 §)§ A Gala Day | for Los Angeles Ladies j 5 "jr. Ok 'W ANY were the compliments showered ! •5! \j _ * u P on OUr display yesterday. The ! H5 *^f^sG^B£K r * flowers and ribbons, and most of ! *:«• all, the Hats, were admired by ! our lady friends. While we had ! promised a fine exposition of ! Millinery Art, no one suspected S what was really coming, and the S chief charm of the whole display was that only mod- ! crate-priced Hats were used —practical Hats —just the ! kind that you and every other woman wants. The ! selling begins today. i i E3l Extracted Without Pain 1 OHM Nothing inhaled and no cocaine used, which is MW. jam dangerous. From 1 to 32 teeth extracted at a JJH ■ft Sitting. You do not have to take something and WW mm run the risk. Safest method for elderly people mm WMI and persons in delicate health and for children. fly M Only 50 Cents an Extraction B wWL Gas, Vitalized Ai.i or any Anaesthetic Mjm wfflL given when desired MB H9 T have just hail twenty-five bad teeth and old bruised flH\ ■9 roots extracted by tho Schiffman Method, and it did not JHb l heartily recoinmond Dr. Schiffman as an expert den- BB Hflf tlst. and the Schiffman Method ul' painless dentistry is HB , flfj wonderful. H. K. HEMPHILL, IWfll flu Orange, Cal. VH| HjJ I have Just had five teeth filled and two pulled without IHJ mmj any pain. Had I known of this painless method of ox- Ijß mm trading and filling I would have come long ago. mmm KM MRt). E. n. WERDIN, mm mm 237 West First street. VMI ■ Schiffman rtf% Schiffman I p. Dental W Dental I ft Schumacher s P f,n 9 street B Open Evenings and Sunday Forenoons mil mi m isiiii