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10 POOR PROGRESS WISE WORDS TO THE FRIDAY MORNING CLUB CLUBS' RESPONSIBILITY LIVELY DISCUSSION FOLLOWS AN ABX3 PAPEB PIFFERENT POINTS OF VIEW Mrs. C. N. Sterry Suggests Badical Changes in the Policy and Finds Many Supporters Tlbe attendance at the Friday Morning Hub yesterday was large, as is always Jhe case when papers are to be read on vfjal subjects. It proved to be one of tbe liveliest sessions held for some time. The paper of the day was read by Mrs. CI N. Sterry, on "Theßesponsiblllty }t Clubs." Mrs. Sterry has the courage bf her cpnvlctlons, and voiced sentiments \t\a.t many members have entertained tr some time but have not expressed such plain language. A spirited dis cussion followed the paper, and a variety >f opinions were expressed. The paper was as follows: THE RESPONSIBILITY OP CLUBS A club is an association in which every one contributes his share, so Web 6ter tells us; and ls organized for the promotion of some common object, as, lor instance, art, literature, music, poli tics or religion. It has become a dis tinctive feature of modern life, and to day there are too many kinds of clubs to enumerate. They range from science to cooking; they embrace people of all norts, kinds and aspirations. A strange cohesive power is drawing together these knots of people out of the general mass, forming them into nerve centers for tho common body of humanity. They are in tellectual telephone stations, scattered along the highways and byways of life, i through which and from which the vita current of thought may bo transmitted from one to all, unless, perchance, the "line ls busy." It is an open question whether all these clubs are, on the whole detrimental or beneficial, with many ad Vocates on either side, and certainly with many arguments pro and con. It is a question that, it seems to me, cannot be answered in general, as every club must like every individual, be judged and stand upon its own merit; and ever} club, like every individual, ought to re member that "merit lives from man to man, and not from man, O Lord, to Thee"; ought to remember that in order to have and hold the esteem and confi dence of the community of which it is a part, it must do something and be something in and for that community The religion whose chief thought was "What shall I do-to be saved?" has passed with its hour, and in its place the universal spirit of the Nazarene is flooding the earth. It speaks to us from the pulpit, rostrum and stage; it is the underlying thought of the world All questions, social and political, tend toward it and are freighted with it Never in the history of the world, it seems to me, has individual responsi bility been held so great as it is today and all live people and organizations are answering to It. This is an age of specialists, and it is unquestionably the proper thing to have one doctor treat your head and another your feet; tc have your family physician, surgeon chiropodist, dentist, oculist, etc.; anc without question it is all right and natural for clubs to specialize their work. But there is an element of danger in this process; it is nar rowing. The man who views an object always from one standpoint necessarily sees but one side of it. We are perfectly willing that a chiropodist if he be proficient in his specialty, shoulc know no more; but we want our family physician to be broad, many-sided, com prehensive and progressive. Now, there are, ana always will be, clubs and clubs, some of which are capable and content to do forever one line of work; but they must of neces sity be small as to numbers and limited ln Influence; and, again, there will be clubs which form important factors in their community and in the lives of their members. These will be the clubs of large and varied membership, of large ideas, ambitions and sympathies. A club can easily outgrow the scope allotted to it by its founders, even as a child often sets entirely aside the views and plans of it 9 parents In working out its own Individuality; even as a story will sometimes, seizing an author in its grasp, hurry him off into unwonted and un sought-for byways, and, much to his surprise, bring him to an' uncontem plated end. Was it not Oliver Wendel Holmes who said, "I change my opin ions, as I change my coat, when neces sity demands"? I understand that the Friday Morning club was organized as a literary club; that at some prior time an attempt or attempts were made to broaden out its work; that, meeting with only a modicum of success, it doubted its own powers, and has since devoted itself to literature. What it has accom plished in that line is better known to you than to me. If lam wrong, correct me; but it seems to me that this club has accepted as its policy and creed "No Progress." Now— " I hold it truth with him who sings, To one clear harp In divers tones, That men may rise on stepping stone* I °f tne ir 'lead pelves to higher things." " OBVIOUS DUTIES The time has come when this splendid concentration of womanhood should arise and become a power in the land; should open its eyes to the fact that one, at least, of its founders, the one whom it always delights to honor, had ln mind the development of the strength and originality of the women of this city, rather than merely mechanical literary work. What is literary work? It is a good thing to review other people's thoughts and opinions, but better to have and create our own. Literature is that realm wherein life is reproduced by the pen. Instead of the brush or chisel; and we must be ln vital touch with life itself befpre we can appreciate or criticise the human interpretation of the divine crea tion. We must have a grasp of the real before we can comprehend the ideal. rblgjQlub'.ia4U>ssesed: .of a strength and influence greater than it has ever dreamed; it needs but to put them forth to convince Itself that it has both. There is much work that might be done, much that must be done, If this club has any desire for a long and useful existence. The other day I went to take a small friend who had been ill out for a drive. When we were fairly started, she said: "Mrs. Sterry, we were Just at the club when you came." "And who belongs to the club, my' dear?" I asked. "Mother and I," she replied. "And what do you do?" "Oh, mother sews and reads, and I eat tea cakes and apples"—a fair sam ple of some clubs, is it not? One part to do the work, and the other to eat the apples and tea cakes. I have heard ex cellent papers and talks here drop ab solutely flat into the great sea of silence, causing not the slightest rippke of com ment or discussion 1 ; and, ladies, it ls not fair—it is not fair to the workers or to ourselves. A mediocre paper, well discussed, is worth more to us than an abler paper accepted ln silence. And it is not because there is a dearth of opin ion or lack of ability in expressing it; but the incomprehensible fact that there are times when a woman is afraid of her own voice. In speaking of this matter to one member of the club I was told that the legitimate work of the club was to create sentiment. That is exactly what I want you to do; but I want sentiments created here that will do somebody some good. We may review the sentiments of hundreds of books, but we are creating none; we are positively adding nothing of value to the life of the community or to ourselves. HIGHER AIMS! Let us, at least once every month, de vote one morning to some public need, some live question that is vexing the soul of the great present. Let us once a month create a sentiment that shall lead to an action. For instance: There is a woman among us who supports six children and a drunken husband over the washtub. She is not a heroine. She has neither large, dreamy eyes, clear, oval contour of face, pale olive complexion, nor flowing tresses; though I am obliged to admit that the latter are not pinned up as closely sometimes as they might be. But she has a little son who ls nearly imbecile and who belongs ln the home for the feeble minded. There is a home for the feeble minded at Ellen wood, a state institution, so I am told. I have never looked up the matter my self. They refuse to accept this, or any case, except the county commissioners pay a sum of 110 per month per case. The commissioners, claiming that the home is supported by a general state tax, refuse to pay a special sum. The imbecile of 7 years is left to wander through the streets, and wben he un wittingly does some wrong Is treated as a criminal. Ladies, this subject, well written up, would in»k» an exceedingly Interesting paper, and ought to create both sentiment and Investigation. Why not appoint a committee to look after this affair and report to the club? Often such misunderstandings can be cleared away. But if the law itself is obscure, let us send a carefully chosen committee before the legislature, asking it to in troduce a bill that shall define and de termine the law; and then let us send this little one where he has a tight to go, and know that by our efforts the way is clear for others. Ladies, since I have been In y.iurmid3t In this City of the Angels, a little girl 12 years old, whoae mo'her sleeps out on the desert and whose father has aban doned her, was defiled oy a man in whose family she was living. When rescued there was no place to put this little girl save with fallen women. The man, for this great horror, was 3?nt five years to the penitentiary (!) Had he stolen a horse he would not have gotten -.>ff with less than ten. Ladles, If this subject could be brought before this club, writ ten up in all its pitiful detail, it vould create sentiment, I assure you. But this is not the legitimate work of this club. Yet, I say unto you, "He who giveth his life shall find it." We are, however, much more apt to appreciate Emerson's admo nition of "Come not wholly down out of your high estate to minister unto the rabble." And so I only plead with you to give one week in four to the considera tion of the vital things of today, and I bid you be not afraid, for out nf it shall grow courage, strength, vitality and contln IN TIME OF PEACE PREPARE FOR WAR uity for ourselves. Let us, remembering that "we shall pass this way but once," bear with us the lesson of the Legend Beautiful LIVELY DISCUSSION By the time the speaker closed the air was pretty well charged with electricity, and when the president announced the subject open for discussion there was no time lost waiting for speakers. The pro gressive element.whtch has felt "cribbed, cabined and confined" by the club's lim itations, hastened to endorse Mrs. Ster ry's views, and the conservatives who favor the policy of keeping the organiza tion strictly a literary club, where mem bers of all other organizations can meet, just as quickly hastened to support their side of the case. After several ladies had expressed opinions, most of them favor ing the present policy, Mrs. D. G. Ste vens made some wholesome remarks. Mrs. Stevens approved of retaining the literary features part of the time, but also fully endorsed the suggestion of a day each month for the consideration of practical questions. She pointed out the quick response there had been to Mr. Davis' suggestions the week previous, though there had been a variety of mo tions before the house at the same time. Mrs. Osgood also endorsed the paper as expressing her sentiments, as did Mrs. F. A. Eastman. Mrs. Graves thought these philan thropic questions should be left to the W. C. T. U., the Woman suffrage society and other organizations of which the city is full, and the club be left in peaceable possession of its present pol icy. Mrs. Eli Fay thought It should stand for principles, but did not Indicate In what way it should let Its standing be known. Mrs. C. M. Severance and Mrs.Wlgglns also heartily endorsed the speaker's views. Mrs. Groft, Mrs. Schultze and various others were in favor of letting the club remain as It Is. Miss Varlel proposed the appointment of a committee, as had been suggested, to which practical questions could be re ferred, but the chair refused to enter tain the motion, and said the executive board would doubtless consider the mat ter, as they were desirous to act in ac cordance with the wishes of the mem bers. Mrs. Graham said it had probably not occurred to anyone that the members might not all want to be represented by a committee; she, personally, objected to being represented by any committee ln philanthropic work. MRS. STERRY'S DEFENSE Some speakers seemed to fear that the club was about to be seized by vandal hands and turned forthwith into a so ciety for making flannel jackets for lit tle heathens in Africa, Mrs. Sterry was obliged to rise to the defense of her paper several times and repeat that she did not advise dispensing with the liter ary features of the club, nor in taking up Individual cases. She merely asked one day in the month for live Issues, and to advocate reforms" by which indi vidual wrongs could be righted. A member of the Century club of Oak land, visiting in the city, being called on, spoke of that club holding a similar po sition on this question. The stronger ele ment has recently withdrawn and form ed an organization more varied in its alms, which took with it the strength of the old club. She suggested that the Fri day Morning club take warning, and try to keep its stronger members within its folds. Mrs. Eastman asked for an expression of opinion from the members, given by rising to their feet, as an Indication of the strength of the respective sides, but the bogy man put In his appearance, as he always does when discussions take too decided a business turn, and the whole matter was referred by the chair to the executive board. SPRUNG A SURPRISE But Failed to Save Flannelly From the Gallows SAN JOSE, Cal., March 18.—When the Flannelly case was called this morning for sentence of the convicted murderer, a surprise was sprung by the attorneys filing a number of affidavits in support of a mo tion for a new trial. This rests chiefly upon the alleged misconduct of two Jurors. It Is charged that Juror Wm. Buckley, when LOS ANGELES HERALD. SATURDAY 19, 1898 —Chicago Chronicle. the jury reached their room, after their charge, said: "Well, boys, you all may fight over this all you wish. My mind was made up long ago to hang him. I will stay here until hell freezes over before agreeing to any thing else." This is the affidavit of Flannelly, on In formation and belief. It Is also charged, and by several affida vits, that on the 7th of March, when an im portant witness for the defendant was giv ing his testimony, one juror, M. F. Ed wards, was asleep for fifteen minutes. After the reading of these affidavits, the District Attorney asked for an hour or so continuance to prepare counter affidavits. At noon the District Attorney was not ready and a continuance was granted until 2 p.m. Finally, at 2:30 oclock, after all objec tions of Attorney Boardman had been swept aside, Flannelly was sentenced to hang May 27th. Counter-affidavits had been, flled 1 , deny ing the statements of the affiants for the defendant. Flannelly took all quietly. THE TERRIBLE TURK Will Wrestle Roeber for the World's Championship NEW TORK, March 18.—The managers of the two famous strong men and wrest lers, Tousouf and Roeber, are announced to meet tomorrow and make final arrange ments for a wrestling match for the cham pionship of the world. TOUSOUF, ("The Terrible Turk") Tousouf, or "the terrible Turk," as he ls called, has conquered all the famous strong men of Europe and the orient. He has issued a challenge to any who desire to meet him, and has placed S6OO on deposit as a forfeit should he back out. Ernest Roeber, the American champion wrestler, who is announced to meet the Turk, has won many victories in this country. He says he feels confident of defeating the. Turkish wonder. Decided to Disband CARSON, Nov., March 18.—Battery A, First Nevada artillery, has decided to dis band. The officers and members of the battery were court-martialed recently, be ing accused of having violated orders from headquarters. The accused were convicted, but claimed they had been unjustly pun ished and appealed to Governor Sadler to revoke the sentence. This he declined to do, although it is said he acknowledged the truth of their contention. The battery thereupon passed resolutions severely crit icising Col. Lord of Virginia City, com manding the regiment, and also Governor Sadler as commandcr-ln-chlef. Each mem ber of the battery then resigned, demand ing that the battery be disbanded. A Cycle Circuit VICTORIA, B. G, March 18.—John Fos ter Fraser, Edward Lunn and F. H. Lowe, English cyclists, who left London July, 1896, to circle the world, arrived here this afternoon from Yokohama, and will leave on Sunday for San Francisco. For the Shop Girl An excellent philanthropic scheme has recently been established by a band of young New Tork women for the assistance of shop girls. They go to the noon rests and luncheon places frequented by shop girls and open sewing and renovating rooms, where stray stitches can be taken for the busy saleswoman and quick In structions can be given them how to fresh en and keep ln order their wardrobes. They are taught to put ln braids, clean ribbons, curl feathers, darn and do all.kinds of, mead hag. Also bow to prepare inexpens ive renovating flutde that will remove spots and eleaase gloves. Praotleal and economical fashions are suggested, as well aa healthful arrangements of their garments. The matter ot diet ls also touched upon. As might be supposed, the undertaking Is meeting with great suc cess.—New Tork Times. - Some Egyptian Maxims The mistress and two slaves for frying two eggs. "Much ado about nothing." Like the old women at a wedding, they eat and mock. Rebuking discontent. Ap plied to one who, though perhaps gratified even beyond his expectations, affects to despise what has been bestowed upon him. It Is but a day and a night and the pil grims' caraven will arrive at Romela. Romela (Menshlyah nowadays), situated at the foot of the citadel of Cairo, ls the starting place of the Mahmal or holy car pet for Mecca, and where this carpet ls brought after covering the prophet's tomb at Mecca for a year. The saying is com monly used to counsel patience. A day and a night only and the long wearisome Journey will have come to an end. What has your father left you? A he goat and it died, he replied. A company of friends . Rat down to eat. One of thi-m asked another, not the most intelligent of the party, what he had inherited, where upon he narrated a long story which was not finished until the last dish was brought; then, seeking to avenge himself, he asked the ssme question of another, who re plied briefly as above, ln order not to lose his share of the repast. Hence the proverb is frequently used to denote reluctance to being questioned. He who does not make me as a "kohl" in his eye I would not wear as a slipper. Kohl ls a black powder commonly com posed of the smoke-black which is pro duced by burning a kind of "liban," an aromatic rosin. It ts used for blackening the edge of the eyelids and eyebrows of the Egyptian women as adornment. Ttie expression used figuratively means that If a neighbor does not pay the speaker atten tion the latter will treat the former with contempt, the slipper being frequently employed as a term of reproach. In the streets of Cairo "you son of an old slipper" Is constantly heard.—Joseph Hanki In the Cairo Sphinx. Haymaking Time My darling's gone south for the winter, She lolls by the southern sea; But I'm not putting in my time sighing For my darling to come back to me. Every morning she writes me a letter, I religiously answer the same; And thus, with our ink and our paper, We keep the old feelings aflame, My darling's gone south for the winter, I'm making the most of her stay; For the only time I can save money Is when my fair darling's away. —Chicago News. Getting Ready Dear woman now ls cleaning house, And 'tis not strange she should; She thus has tlmo to ride her wheel As soon as roads are good. —Chicago Paper. Hired girls should keep away from Japan. Good housekeepers there command fifty cents a month, nurses receive from 31 to 11.50, and a cook who understands Euro pean cookery can demand from |5 to $7. In Kansas City there Is a well authenti cated case In which a man kept the secret of a marriage engagement from his wife for several months. ALPHONSO XIII., KING OF SPAIN (Prom the Latest Photograph Taken by Special Permission asd Published ln the lUuetrated- IrfmOori<^ewa.}.rj "HAPPY OLAF" The spray from the falls had froxen on the grass and walks about Falls View and the passengers who got off the train to see the great work of nature were very care ful. Indeed, as to their footing, and many of the ladies were content with the view from the windows of the coaches. One girl rather below the medium height, with a wealth of fair hair and a quick, springing step, crossed the narrow stretch of grass and leaned against the railing, apparently unconscious of everything around her save the endless rush of the water, gray and dun in the early morn ing. As the train bell rang the girl turned quickly, her feet slipped on the frosen grass, and she would have fallen If I had not caught her. She turned her head quickly, then she smiled and said in a voice that was low and musical, "I thank you." I raised my hat and she returned to the car. On taking my seat behind her she turned to me and said: "Do we stop ln Buffalo, do you know?" "The connections are quite close, I be lieve." She looked pleased. I wondered It the Christmas shopping was attracting her to Gotham. I asked as much. It was a bold thing for a stranger to do, but she seemed glad to speak to someone. "I stop In New York city only a few hours," she answered. "I am going home."' That explained tt—the winsome freedom from affectation, the simplicity of the for eign born. She was not an Englshwoman. Of that I was sure. She was not a Ger man. Then It dawned upon me; she was from the northland. "Your home it in Sweden?" I ventured. "In Norway," she answered; "how did you know?" "It was suggested by your personality and your voice." "I am glad," she said; "I want the peo ple at home to find me Just as I was when I went away." I changed my seat to the one opposite her ln the same section, and we talked as the train sped along. She told me how her father, her mother and herself had come to America five years before. "My father sent some money to this country many years before to be Invested by his friend, Nells Anderson, ln some mines in the northwest. Neils Anderson wanted my father to come over, and so we came. My mother died." and the voice was lower than before, "and then only two months ago my deal father died and I was left quite alone." "And so you are going home?" "Yes, I sail on the Hekla on Saturday. Many of my country people will sail on that boat. The people of Denmark and Sweden and Norway love to go home for the Christmas holidays. But I do not go alone from New York." She looked at me as If wondering If she could tell me her story. "I will be married when I reach New York," she said, "and my husband and I will go home together." I was Interested. She saw It and with the frankness of her race she said: "Shall I tell you about it?" "Please do," I said. "Then listen. At home there was a lad. Olaf his name. You must remember that we were all poor ln those days. My father had sent the savings of his lifetime tf Welle-Anderson and -Gist's parents wan dead, and be bad only bis hands as an In heritance. Olaf and I were to be married some day; "Then we came to America. Olet could not come, but he eald to me: T will com* as soon as I can.' He used to write ma often and always cheerfully. Than he said he was going to London to look for work. For a long time I did not hear from him. Then he wrote me that he was saving a little each week. By and by he would come. "Then my dear father died and I waa. quite alone. I wrote to Olaf, but my letter was returned. I was very lonely. I went to live with Nells Anderson's family, and one day Nells Anderson cams home and said: 'My fortune Is made and yours, too, Bentlne. The mines are rich. I can sell our etock for many thousands.' "My first thought was of Olaf. Now we could buy back my dear home ln the Alten fjord. I have so much money. Olaf and I will meet there, and some day I will bring my dear father and mother to be burled at home. But where was Olaf? Then one day came this letter." She opened the letter she held and spread It out so I could see It. "You cannot read it," she said. "I will read It tor you. olaf says: 'I am coming to you, Bentlne. lam ln New York. By the Christmas holidays I will have enough money to reach you. My heart ls true and filled with love* for you." "Happy Olaf," said I to myself. "You see. he does not know that I am wealthy. He does not know that I am coming to him. He Is bravely working there ln New York, and all tbe time I am coming to him, and we will go home On tha Hekla to the Alten fiord for the holidays." There were tears of happiness In her eyes, and she leaned her head upon ber hand and closed her lids and spoke on aa one speaks In a reverie. "It will be a cold Journey. We will travel by sledges to the Alten fjord, by the reindeer sledges. I can hear the 'Jangle, Jangle' of the bells and the sharp hoofs beating on the frosen snow. It will be dark, the long, dsrk win ter of the north, with the red and the pink and blue of the aurora ln the sky to light our way—but there will be borne beyond and there will be—Olaf." "Happy Olaf," said I.—Katharine Hart mann In Buffalo News. Something Sligo Soil Could Not So Recently, while some workmen were dig ging a drain near the Market Cross, Sligo. they unearthed the skull and bones of a man who must have been of gigantic sta ture, and who ls supposed to have been burled there nearly 800 years. A number ot people gathered round, among whom were a local seed merchant, who had frequently been prosecuted by his customers for selling bad seeds, and a stal wart young country fellow, who was In the habit of boasting about his own size and strength. "Well, Michael," said the seed merchant, "you may stop boasting now. You think yourself big and strong, but you'll never come up to him." "Begorra, I don't know how ye'd expect me, an' him havln' 300 years of a shtart." "Why, you don't mean to say that hs grew ln the ground, do you?" "Sartlnly!" "The Sligo soil must be very rich if It can make dead men grow." "Well, there's only one thing I lver heard tell of that It couldn't make grow." "And what ls that, Michael?" "The seed thst you sell."—Answers.