Newspaper Page Text
THE DOOM OF DYEA IS SEALED BY THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT AN ALL-CANADIAN ROUTE TO THE GOLD FIELDS Off THS YUKON REGION THE PASS WILL BE OLOSEO start Simpson Will Become the Winter Pert for Klondike Traffic—News Inn tbe Jar North Special to The Herald • *. VANCOUVER, B. C, March 18.- + + (Special to The Herald.) Rellablertn- + + formation received here states that-f •f th* Dominion government ha* settled + +. upon an exploration party, which will + + arrive here In a few day*, to survey + S> a route for a line ot railroad from •* --+ Fort Simpson to Telegraph creek, + i + and thus have an all-Canadian route. + + This work win be performed by Bur- + + veyor General Coat* of the public + ♦ work* department, while Assistant + ♦• Surveyor St. Laurent will survey a ♦ + wagoi, road from Edmonton to Yukon, •*• + being set at the disposal of + ♦ Cost* for expenses. So certain that ♦ ♦ tbe railroad will be constructed are + ■f McKensie & Mann, tha BUck**n-Tea- r ♦ Iln Lake railway contractor*, that + >f they have notified Minister Sit ton + + that they are prepared to accept a + + modified land grant, provided the + 4> Canadian senate will permit the bill + + to pass that body. This will be prac- •*> I + tlcally making Port Simpson the win- + + ter port for the Klondike traffic, and + " e> Is the sounding of th* death-knell of -f ' + Bkaguay and Dyea, as the govern- + I + ment will then be urged to close the + + passes. -f ■f The new line of railway from Port ♦ ♦ Simpson to th* connection of the Tes- -f + Iln Lake railway at Glenora will be + + *X> miles In length. + REPORTS FROM MINOOK SEATTLE, Wlft., March 18.—(By As sociated Press.) Report* received during tho last tew days from Mlnook creek, Alas ka, are of a very encouraging character. J. B, Pawlee today received a letter from Peter Jackson, who says: Out of No. 9, Jackson tc Burkman's Claim, nuggets have been taken that range In value from 85 upward, the largest being worth tug. The steamer Hueneme, which left Seat tle on the Ith Inst, for Dyea and Skaguay. bad all kinds of experiences on her up trip. At Fort Wrangel her cargo caught Are, and after the flames were extinguished she proceeded northward and ran aground twice in the same day. The steamers Cleveland and Rosalie ■ailed today for Dyea and Skaguay, Alas . ka, each steamor taking 70 passengers from this city. THE CORONA'S CASE PORT TOWNSBND. Wash., March 18.— The steamer Corona, which, while en route to Alaska with 380 passengers, was wrecked on a reef off Lewis island, near the mouth of the Skeen river, was brought to this port last evening by the tug Pioneer. As the Corona was wrecked In British waters, the Canadian authorities ordered her towed to Victoria as soon as floated. Tho order was not complied with. The revenue cutter Perry, under Instructions from Washing ton, sailed north yesterday morning to In tercept the Corona, which was in tow of the Canadian tugs Lome and Maude, and bring her direct to this place. The fleet was met at 1 o'clock yesterday morning, forty miles northwest of Departure bay. The Washington dispatches were sent to Captain Langley of the Lome. He con ceded their authority, and lust before reaching the international Una hawsers were slipped, and the Corona, with her own crippled machinery, steamed from British Into American waters, where the tug Pio neer picked her up. The tug Perry re turned with the Corona to this port A HARD ROAD SEATTLE, Wash., March 18.— W. A. Conover of Redbank, N. J., who arrived here today by the steamer Excelsior from Copper River, says: "Soft snow on the Valdes glacier ls proving a stumbling block to argonauts, and there Is a small blockade at Valdes and Copper River. There are about 2000 men there now, and If colder weather does not oome, the blockade will be serious. It ls twenty-seven miles across the glacier. Up to March 13 but ten men bad succeeded In getting through with their outfits. The trouble la due to the warm weather, which made the anow soft. A great many have gone across the glacier without their outfits. A Chicago party, headed by H. C. Elliott, became discour aged with the outlook for getting across tbe glacier and la going to And a new way to reach the interior. They have gone to Eyack, below Orca, and expect to get over tbe Copper river and follow up the stream. "Jphn Has sack of Nebraska was taken nick at Valdes and returned op tbe Excel sior. Hassack said that the great trouble On the glacier Is the fuel question. There Is not a stick of timber en the vast expanse of ice. STARVING: INDIANS SEATTLE, Wuh„ March 18,-The tribe cf *» Indiana located along the Tanana river, in Alaska, have been battling with starvation the past winter. This news was brought by a trapper and a fur buyer to Circle City. He atated that tbe Indians had "ten up all their doga A relief exp* «lt on baa been sent with food to the fan*, taking natives. A STAMPEDE FOR HOME TACOMA, Wash., March 18.-*. C . Pettlt of Snohomish, who returned from Alaska on the City of Seattle, brings news to the effect that next June and July will wltaeaa a etampede from Dawson that will be equaled only by the present rush of sold seekers to the Klondike. Up to February Bth, when Pettlt left, there had been about 1600 applications for passage south. Before that number was reached, the accommoda tions of all the first boats had been sold and no more applications would be re ceived. When bookings open for the second boats there will be another rush. Practi cally every one of the 1600 anxious to get out early will bring gold, many in large amounts. COOK'S INLET STRIKES SEATTLE, Wash., March IA-The latest arrival from Cook's Inlet, Alaska, Is Chas Denham et CUeago. H* left Buariee City February Strd. Denham reports a remark able glacier gold find on the Renal Penin sula. He says tbe Cook's Inlet country is showing up well and the Ma men there are getting good return* for their work Con siderable mining has been done on Six-mile creek, one man taking out as high aa 170 tor a day's work The miners are now* engaged in hauling provisions and sawing lumber for cabins and sluice*. The oddest day of th* winter was February tl, the thermometer fall ing 41 degrees below sero. AROUND THE HORH NEW TORK, Marsh IS.-A cablegram to tbe Maritime Exchange from Valparaiso states that the steamship Morgan City, which sailed from this city over a month ago for tbe Klondike arrived at Valparaiso on Tuesday. The Morgan City will take from that pert the pssssngers of th* dis tressed steamship City of Columbia, also bound for the Klondike from New York, whloh pnt Into Valparaiso In distress sev eral weeks ago. BACK FROM SKAGUAY SEATTLE, Wash., March 18— The steam er Queen arrived here late last night from Skaguay with 60 persona Among them were four from Dawaon, who left there about S days ago. They were H, Mules, james Rasmussen, J. McCullough and 3. Pierce. They brought no late newa Everything ls reported quiet at Dyea and Skaguay, CONDITIONS Of CUBANS ABB BBIETLT DESCRIBED BY QALLTNGEB Nothing Which Can Be Bald or Writ* ten Can Convey Any Ade quate Urn WASHINGTON, March It-Senator Gal linear was at the capltot today for the first time since his return from Cuba. When requested to make a statement as to his observations on the condition Of affairs on tbe Island, he responded: •'You own sign my name to any picture you may draw of utter wretchedness, des titution and heiiishness in that country. Ths condition of affair* is simply Indescrib able. Ido not believe that any one who simply reads the accounts and does not see for himself can form an adequate Idea of the situation. "The reconcentrados are wedged into all available places In those cities and are perishing by the thousands for want of the commonest necessaries of life. The beat information obtainable leads to the con clusion that there have been beyond a doubt 400,000 deaths as a result of Spain's brutal policy, and tbe tragedy goes on : from dsy to dsy. The Society of the Red Cms* I* furnishing sons* relief by Its ef forts, but tbe most of ths people tr* beyond the reach of aid, either through medicine or food. "I saw nothing; which impressed me wltb the Idea that Spain knows much about modern warfare. Tbe soldiers I saw are not drilled as our soldiers are. The drills that I witnessed were a travesty on modern mil itary ideas. From my observation of them I should not oonslder them very formid able antagonists on the field. "So far ss I could ascertain from my conversation with Americana and with those not entirely under the Influence ot the Spaniards, the opinion was universal that the Maine had been destroyed by an external agency, and almost every person wltb whom X discussed the subject. In Cuba, believes that the findings of tbe American Court of Inquiry will substantiate this view. "There 18 a divergency of opinion on the Island as to the probabilities of war between Spain and the United States, and I am sure that I am within tbe bounds of truth when I say that almost all the native population would welcome any turn of events, how ever tragic, that would wrest Cuba from Spanish dominion. This is true not only of those who are avowedly favorable to a war for Independence, but of many ot thoss who are ranked as Spanish sympathizers, but wbo are at heart advocates ot Cuban independence. The fact Is that even in Havana tbe allegiance to Spain Is of a very weak and doubtful charaoter, and If war should oome, It would be found that there would be an uprising in that city against the mother country which would be a most important factor in shortening the contest and deciding it against Spain." SPANISH JHSBULE* Exhibited in Treatment Accorded tho Philippine Islanders DETROIT, Ml oh., March 18.-Prof. Dean C. Webster of the University ot Michigan, wbo has visited the Philippine Islands In the interest' of science, says that people here are unwilling to believe the things said about the Spanish treatment of the Cubans. They seem to be abhorrent, but if they could appreciate that the outrages In Cuba dwarf those of Armenia tbey would have stopped them long ago. Bald hei "For two years and a half I waa In close contact with officials of Spain In the Philippine Islands and witnessed the abuses of the government. Weyler was at the time Governor-General. His salary for the time he was in the Islands was 150,000, but It Is positively known that he placed 14,500,000 to his credit In the banks of Paris and London at the end of that time, He organised a campaign against the Moros simply that he might become Field Marshal by commanding a certain number of men whom he ssnt Into tbe Jungles, where 8 per cent of them died. At the time he was sailing around the coast. "The poor natives are taxed by the Span ish for being alive. "There are 10,000,000 people In the Islands and they are excessively taxed on every thing that the Spanish officials may be come rich. The houses of those who failed to pay their taxes were burned, and some times people were tied to trees and tor tured for the slightest offense. At Toledo the authorities charged 860 for burying a corpse without a coffin and 375 with a ooftln," Undelivered Telegrams Undelivered telegram* remain In the of fice of the Western Union Telegraph com pany for Miss Ellen Rice, eGo. McDannell, Wilson F. Holden, Rev. Thos. J. Ryan, W. W. Llndley, H. C. Vatea (or Vile*), H. Digby Johnson, W. O. Underbill, Jo seph L. Tull and Mr*. O. D. Aitkin. The Pinta's Trip BAN FRANCISCO, March 18.-The ' United States ship Pints) ths practice ship ot ths navel battalion of Southern . California, will sail tomorrow morning for Best Diego. She will be formally turned over to the reserve off leer* an her .ar rival. A Russian Spy BIRMINGHAM, England, March 18.- The Gasette of this city asserts that a Russian any in the gules of a footman has bow discovered at Hatfield, the Marquis of *■—— rjfn Melitgiii LOS ANGELES HERALDt SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH I % 18* HELD UP "POKER" DAVIS ARIZONA MAN WHO QUIT EVEN WITH THS GAME Decided That He Had Been Bobbed of SIBB, So He Heia Up th* Chung Ordinarily, when the name ot "Poker" Davie is mentioned, people immediately think of some poor sucker who b»* been robbed In a "friendly" game. The thought of "Poker" ever being mads ths subject ot loss never enter* th* mind) of tbe aversge Individual. A story he* been in circulation tor some time past which, if true proves that "ths old man" sometimes goes up against a bard game himself. A common graft of ths gang is to get hold of some one Interested in mine* and take him to th* Joint at 431V4 South Spring street, there lo be introduced 1 to a capitalist who is ready to invest in mines or else a man who has a mine to sell. It makes no difference to them; they have all kinds of men on hand to Impersonate all kinds of trades and pro fessions. After the sucker ha* been gathered into the place the "capitalist" is always out, and to pass ths time away a little gam* ot poker ls suggested, and in ths majority of esses is accepted. One ot the stserer* encountered a mining man from Phoenix, Ariz., a short while ego and induced him to visit the Jgint, claiming that a wealthy man. having his office there, was desirous of Investing in mines Th* Ariaona man went to ths place and with th* usual result. He got.lnto a game with four' or five strangers. At first he held nothing less than threes and he al ways got good plays on them. He was on the high road to fortune, but one time he played a pat full too strong and when he counted his roll he found himself Just US) to the bad. Th* Arizona man left th* game but hovered around the door to study the proposition over a bit. Th* lsat play had come so sudden that he could not quite determine what had happened. The more he thought the more auspicious r»e*becams, and putting his previous territorial expe rience with th* stories of bunco games be had heard of, he made up his mind that hs had fallen among thieves and been robbed, Hi* mind being made up, he lost no time In acting. He walked Into the Joint, and when the gamblers looked up, Instead of seeing a new sucker it was the old) One, { pointing a revolver at tbe crowd. "You fellows robbed me," he said, "an 4 It I don't get my money back right now I'll blow the tops of your heads off." "Poker" snd his fellow confed* saw that he meant business and 1 they Immediately proceeded to square things by forking over ' ths missing H6B. The Arlsona man left | the city the next day. It is understood that "Poker" has given positive instructions to his steerers that in future no Arlsona men are to be brought ; into the joint under penalty of immediate ' discharge. The Herald. Rates for Classified Advertising Liaen—S cent* per Uue tor each . insertion. Sot tea ot Marriage, Birth or Death—Free. Obttwutea, Funeral Notice* moo Spatial Announcement*— IS eemta mar Una. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS HERALD BUS-AGENCIES ADVERTISEMENTS left at the fed towing agencies will receive prompt at tention, and will be printed as quickly and with tbe same care as it left at tbe main office, 188 A Broadway; DOWNEY AYE. AND BAST SIDE— L. P. COLLETTB. Ml Downey aye. OLD WORLD DRUG tfrORB, 1028 Downey aye. WM H. HARMON, TM Pasadena aye, CENTRAL AYE AND VERNON— H. v SCHEME. Adams et and Central avenue. CHICAGO PHARMACY, Central aye. and Twelfth et J. V. AKBT. corner Central and Vert no* avenuea MAIN ST. AND SOUTHWEST— E. T. PARKS PHARMACY, BUB S. Main. WESTLAKE GROCERY, corner Alva- 1 redo and Seventh ate. H. L. PARK. DRUGGIST, cor. Thirty eighth and Wesley aye. T. W. BROWN. JR.. DRUGGIST, • Junction of Hoover. Union and Twenty fourth at*. TEMPLE AND NORTHWEST— ] DR. H KALLBWODA. DRUGGIST. cor. Temple at and Beaudry aye, FRANK D. OWEN. cor. Temple and . Belmont aye. VIOLE * LQPIZICH. DRUGGISTS, 417 N. Main St BOYLE HEIGHTS- • H O. WORLAND. 8183 B. First. Sta tion B. J. P. WTLIB, 1877 B. First J. M. HARRIS. 1843 E. First CHURCH AND SOCIETY NOTICES CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST. Ebell auditorium. 780 S. Broadway; serv ices Bunday 10:46 a. m.; subject, "The Beheading et John the RepUst; chil dren's Sunday school, 11:45 a. m.; expe rlenc* meeting Friday. 7:80 p. ro. 80 EXCURSIONS ROCK?' ducted excursions .every Tuesday and Wednesday: low rates; quick time; Un ion depot, Chicago; office M 4 A Spring st, 8-86 PATENTS AND COPYRIGHTS inventions, designs, register trade-marks and copyrights. Offices, 888, 884 and 286 Stlmson block. Established Kit. i-8-)9 WATCHMAKERS SOUVENIR THIMBLES. fXags'and spoons., Nsw designs, moderate prices. Inspect these good*. W. 3, GETZ, Jew »l*r, 336 S. Bro«dway. MINING AND ASSAYING tohTlbdsbtallic^^ and Chemical Laboratory, 184 S. Main st. R. A. PEREZ. E. M, Manager. »-4tf FRUITS AMP VEGETABLES LTOWIO '* MATTHirwk WHOt.-MApe and retail fruits and vegetables. MOTT MARKET, 186 B. Main st Tel. 56ft tf PHYSICIANS tumors; aa knife or pain. 10TH N. Main Street tf SPECIAL NOTICES JfOTICE-THE ANNUAL MEETING OF the stockholder* ot the Protective Sav ings Mutual Building and Loan Associa tion will be held at Its office. No. 406 8. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal., on the 22d of March, 1898, at 8 p. m., for the pur pose of electing officers and directors for the ensuing year and for the considera tion ot such other business as may prop erly come before the meeting. (Signed.) W. J. PATTERSON, President; WIL LIAM GEORGE BLEWETT, Secretary. 82 NOTICE—THE LOS ANGELES CITT Water Co. will strictly enforce the fol lowing rules: The hours for sprinkling are between the hours ot 8 and 8 oclock a. m. and * and 8 ooloek p. m. For a vio lation of the above regulations the water Will be shut oft and a fine of 82 will ba charged before the water will be turned on again. tf AGENTS AND DEALERS TO HANDLE our self-lighting Incandescent gas lamp, Tzalla; no reaming of gasway, no air shutter to disarrange, no smoky or brok en mantles, no broken chimneys; tbe only perfect lamp on th* market; see It and be convinced. TXALLB INCANDESCENT LIGHT CO., 108 E. Fourteenth st.. N. T. PATENTS, TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS and copyrights secured in all countries; no charge for negotiating patents ob tained through us; send for patent guide and hints free. EDGAR TATE 4k CO., patent solicitors, 245 Broadway, New York. PATENTS, TRADE MARKS, DEBIGNB and copyrights secured in all countries; no charge tor negotiating patents ob tained through us; send for patent guide and hints, free. EDGAR TATE & CO., Patent Solicitors, 848, Broadway, N. T. l is OAL. GOLDEN BRAND (HYGIENIC) coffee la not a common cereal, but a health beverage of pure Ingredients and rich fla vor made in three minutes. Cures Indiges tion. Nswmark & Co., wholesale. Ask your grocer or write 616V4 S. Main. MODEL STEAM DYE WORKB- Offlce, 219V4 W. Fourth st. For a short time ws will clean skirts for 50c. and up; pants only sto. Try our French dry cleaning process. Tel. M. 1068. tf CARE AND INTELLIGENCE IN LAUN dering clothes has its effect; send along your bundles to the EXCELSIOR LAUN DRY. Telephone Main 867 or drop a pes tal. TUB DAILY JOURNAL, PUBLISHING county official records, real estate trans fers, mortgages, liens, building news;'one dollar monthly; 208 New High st tf RING MAIN 217; CARPETS CLEANED, laid same day. PIONEER STEAM CAR PET CLEANING WORKS, office 648 6. Broadway. tf CEYLON TEAS, 860, 50c, 76c; GENUINE Mocha and Java. Me. J. D. LEE 4k CO., 180 W. Fifth, between Spring and Main. ■ l-tt-88 CHINESE AND JAPANESE HELP PUR nlshed. GEORGE LEM, 2404 E. Ist st Tel. O. 488. 3-19 MATRIMONIAL PAPER FOR STAMP; many rich. ACME AGENCY, (7) San Jose, CaL 12-19-26 SHOES REPAIRED; MEN'S SOLES, 86c; ladles' soles. 80c. 406 S. Spring st -B-»8 WANTED w ** , *^~ w ßtaiVHelp *"" r ' HUMMEL BROS. Jk CO., EMPLOYMENT AGENTS California Bank building, 800-302 w. Second at. In basement Telephone 508. \ MEN'S DEPARTMENT Stenographer, 880, etc; tailor, coun try, 810 to 812 week; bookbinder; orange grader, 11.75; pressman; boy, dairy, 810, etc.; budder, 830, etc.; woodchoppers, lithographer; stenographer, 826; collector, young man, glO. MEN'S HOTEL DEPARTMENT Cook, restaurant, country, 812; laundry washer, 815 week; second cook, 830; lunch counter cook, 87.50 week; bakers' helper, 86; meat cook, 840, etc.; experienced ca terer. HOUSEHOLD DEPARTMENT Houteglrl, Arlsona, KernvUle, 886 and fare; Alhambra, 880; Bishop, 618 and fare; Santa Ana, 815; 2 German cooks, 825; 3 houseglrls, 820; 5, 815; girls to assist, 810 to 812; housekeeper, 812, city. LADIES' HOTEL DEPARTMENT German cook, Tehaehapl, 826 and fare; 2 chambermaids, country, 820; 8 arm waitresses, city; waitresses, Redlands, San Bernardino, Ontario, etc., 820, etc. Call early; first class places. hummel bros. * Co. wanted—salesmen to sell ci gars to dealers; we pay 860 to 8800 per month salary and expenses; experience unnecessary; permanent position. The DE MORA CIGAR CO.. Springfield, O. WANTED—TRAVELING AGENTS;" " 8 for my new system; will pay salsry. HUGH G. MAXON. accountant, 220 S. Williams at.. South Bend, Ind. WANTED—SOO MEN TO HAVE THEIR Shoes soled, 86c. McLESKEY'S, cheapest place on earth, 124 E. Second st. 18 MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE IN 8 months, Los Angeles Barber college, 336 ft E. First St. ap 4 Female Help WANTED—STRONG YOUNG GIRL TO ssslst In ordinary housework; must re side at home. Apply 881 E. Twelfth St., cor. Ban Julian, tf Male and Female Help WANTED—SOLICITORS FOR "THE Beautiful Life ot Frances E. Willard," published under the auspices and en dorsed by the W. C. T. U.; ths only offic ial book; prepared by Anna Gordon, for twe nty-ene years Miss Willard'e secre tary; beautifully Illustrated; oply 82; tre mendous demand; bonanza for agents; superb book; liberal commissions; credit given; freight paid; oomplate outfit, 50c. Address quick, THE DOMINION COM PANY, authorised distributors, 356 Dear born St., Chicago. WANTBD-AGENTS; 87 DAILY, TO sell specialty soaus and give customers double their value In handsome presents; sample outfit free. MODOC SOAP CO.. Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED—AGENTS, EITHER SEX, TO sell automatic broom holders; big money; fast sellers; sample postpaid, 815. VAN DER KOORDE, 5 Leopolds!., Rochester, N. Y. • Agents WANTED—AGENT; BOLE CONTROL given; pneumatic receiver; fits all tele phones; self-seller; big profits. G. H. REED & CO-. 258 Broadway, N. Y. WANTED - EXPERIENCED LADY agents, 815 to 825 per week. Room 3 or 18, 804 N. MAIN BT. I9_ Money WANTBD-81600 ON CITY LOTS, CLOSE la; lust sold tor 88600. Address C, Bos 44, Herald office. 17 LOST AMD FOUND mood In center, with pearls around: 85 reward. Return to MRS. WARD, 618 B. ' Bene at. 80 808 SALE Houses FOR SALE—ELEGANT 8-ROOM HOUSE. 20 Large Lots, 60x210 feet, must be sold; will double In value when the Traction line begins to run In front ot the proper ty; 84000 only, ot which 81000 will be taken In other property; If you know a good thing when you see it, secure it while you can. JOHN FLOURNOY. 108 Broadway. 19 FDR BALE —NEW COTTAGE, 5 ROOMS, bath, water closet, sink, hard finished; 8 closets, pantry, front and screen porch, mantel, line finish, screens, and 40 foot lot, fenced. 8950; 8800 cash; on White st, 140 ft west ot Central aye. WIEBBN DANGER, 427 8. Broadway. 1 FOR SALE—FOR 87.60 A MONTH AND A •mail cash payment I will build you a new 4-room cottage, plastered and paint ed te suit in my Third Addition, Eighth end Mateo sta Why pay rent when you can own your home" C, A SMITH, 818 W. Pint st tf FOR BALE-MODERN FIVE-ROOM cottage, new and handsome, 243 East Twenty-seventh St.; 8200 cash, balance monthly- tf FOR SALE—WE SELL THE EARTH. BASSETT 4k SMITH. Pomona. CaL tf City Lots and Lands PGR BALE—OUT ON THE HEALTHFUL hills, where the air Is pure, sweet and delicious, where In winter th* tenderest flowers bloom without fear of frost, and In summer nobody knows it Is hot till he come* down to the lower levels—one or more Ot the prettiest hill lots In Los Angeles. They are on Arnold st. and front south. They are between Bixel St. and Lucas aye. Arnold la the street midway between Third and Fourth sts., and Bixel street, and Lucas avenue, and half-way between Spring street and Westlake park. They are beautifully situated and th* neighborhood Is first olass. They are smooth and level and lust high enough above the sidewalk to be nice. The street improvements are all finished and paid for. These are not "oheap" lots. Nobody need look at them with that Idea If ysu want a lot or lots nice enough to be worth at least 81500 apiece, see these, for you can get them now for 81109. B. R. HENDERSON, 1267 W. Fourth st, or Herald offlc*. FOR BALE-EAST FRONT LOT ON CEN tral aye., first vacant lot south of Pico street; worth 81000, but 8660 will take It today. L. H. MITCHEL, 188 A Broad- tf FOR SALE—A HOME FOR $1 A WEEK; a 40-foot lot, 8150, on White at.; Vernon cars. WIESENDANGER. 427 8. Broad way. 1 Country Property POR SALE ELEGANT RESIDENCE IN MONRO VIA, tbe thriving and popular health re sort; 9 roam*, beautiful grounds, 11-3 acres In lawn, navel oranges, etc., in full bearing; owner residing In South Caro lina has ordered me to sell It for 88208. JOHN FLOURNOY. 19 108 Broadway. FOR BALE—LAND IN PARCELS TO (Ult at Colegrove, a near suburb of Los Angeles, on Santa Monies eleetrle read. COLE «> COLS, attorney*. 888 N. Main st., Lo* Angeles, tf FOR BALE—IMPROVED STOCK RANGE In New Mexico; partially stocked with cattle; well adapted for both cattle and sheep. Inquire room 46, Phillips block 88 Live Stock POR BALE-TO MAKE ROOM FOR young stock, thoroughbred white Leg horn hens, 86 per dosen, If taken this week; also brown and black Leghorn hens at 87. 948 Pasadena aye. a Miscellaneous FOR SALE—CHEAP—SECOND - HAND store doors, sashes, counters, shelving, etc. 216 East Fourth st. 4-12 FOR SALE—CHEAP, FURNITURE OF 6-room cottage, brand new. Address U.. Box 89 Herald. tf BUSINESS PERSONALS SIVHN"*AWAY fres; specialty soaps as samples and in troducing and selling perfection gssllght burners; no chimney, no smoke, no wick; makes kerosene lamps give brilliant, clear gaslight; sample free to workers. A. W.. Perfection Mfg Co., Cincinnati, O. AGENTS-GOLD ALLOY AMERICAN watches, 82.46, warranted 6 years; ex clusive territory and big profits te agents; send for sample; and catalogue free. KEENE'S WATCH STORE, 140 Fulton et., New York. AGENTS FOR NEW MAGIC X-RAY burner; only genuine; fits oil lamps, gives brilliant gaslight; no chimney, no bother; fast seller; agents' samples free, X-RAY MFG CO.. 268 Broadway, N. Y. SALESMEN FOR CIGARS; 812? MONTH and expenses; old Arm; experience un necessary; Inducements to customers. C. C. BISHOP & CO., St. Louis. SALESMEN 1 TO SELL TOILET SOAP TO dealers; 3100 per month salary and ex penses; experience unnecessary. LOUIS Ernst CO., St. Louis. Mo. A.—886 A WEEK AND EXPENSES PAID men to sell cigars on time; experience unnecessary, THE W, L. KLINE CO-, St- Louis, Mo. DENTISTS ADAMS BROS.. 239 ft 8, Spring st; painless extraction too; fillings; plate* from 84; all work guar anteed; established 18 years, Hours, 8-5; Sundays, 10-12. Telephone, Black 1176. If PRANK STEVENS, 324 ft 8. SPRING ST.; open days and evenings; also Sundays: eleetrle light Tel. Black 821. DR. B. W. DAY, DENTIST, 142 B, BROAD way, room 187. New Hellman building. ■ 6-l« DR. BALDWIN. DENTIST, GRAN? bldg., 4th and Broadway. TeL 0.1Q7L 8-U BATHS ISADORE FRANCIS, CABINET BATHS and massage. 283 W. First, room 4, be tween Spring and Broadway. 4-11-98 GRACE ROBINSON, GENUINE VAPOR and hot salt tub baths; select patronage. 120 N. Main st, rooms 8 and 4. 4-22-98 DR. ETTA RALPH, FROM THE EAST; thermal oablnet baths; massage. 230 W. First st, room* 80 and 8L 4-3 LEORA DARWIN. VAPOR lect patronage only. 284 A Main street room 6. 8-24-93 INSTRUCTION PIANO HOUSE; A. G. GARDNER, IJJ Winston st, near ths pestofflce building; Brlgga pianos, new and secondhand; also other makes. tf BOOKS BOOIcBOF"ALL"IaNDT and exchanged, JONES'BOOK STORE, 8» and B*W. First at U BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES sTOR BALE—ONE i Ing businesses in Southern California, netting 8250 per week clear of all ex penses; near Los Angeles; will take 86000, one-half down, balance on time, or will take part payment In Los Angeles clear property; stock will invoice at 86600. in cluding liquor on hand, etc.; or will sell one-half Interest to right party who ls capable to take charge. For further in formation inquire ot Union Loan Co., , room 114, Stlmson block. tf A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TO COIN money, to sell the Columbia Grapho phonaa, the machine that talks, sings, Plays and laughs. Address THE COLUM BIA GRAPHOPHONE CO., 130 Hutton st, Jersey City, N. J. COFFEE AND RUBBER ARE MONEY winners; for small tracts of land on easy payments see LA COMPANIA EMPRE BA MEXICAN A, 1801 Fisher building, Chicago. I. D. BARNARD, 101 §, BROADWAY, will sell out your business. tf MEDIUMS MBATEM-LYMQORsIi " r "" Trance Medium, ' \t ; ,• Sl4 East First street HER EQUAL HAS NEVER BEEN FOUND FOR GIVING CORRECT AND TRUTHFUL LIFE READINGS. SHE LIFTS THE DARK VEIL OF THE PAST AND PENETRATES THE MYSTBRIEB OF THE FU TURE. HER POWER EX CITES THE WONDER AND ADMIRATION OF EVEN THE MOST SKEPTICAL. Gifted by nature with marvelous me dlumlstle power, she can be consulted on all affairs pertaining to human wel fare. If you are In trouble about love affairs, come to her; she will give you valuable advlee and true revelations con cerning It; restores lost affection; re moves ail difficulties; reunites the sep arated and causes speedy and happy marriage with the one ot yeur choice. Gives full name of future husband or wife; also, friends and enemies, and tells If the one who loves you ls true or false. Tells what business you are the best adapted to, and what days and locations are lucky for you. Tells of your absent ones and what they are doing. If busi ness, family or money matters perplex you, call on this lady; she will straight en out your affairs and give you success In all your undertakings. She never makes mistakes, having rare and won derful insight In business, law. divorce, family and money matters. She tells you of lost estates, buried treasure, lost wills; In fact, everything you want to knew. All letters with stamps enclosed prompt ly answered. Hours, 10 a. m. to 6. p. m. Ladles, 60c. 12 REMOVED.' MRS. PARKER, MEDIUM and palmist; lite reading, business specu lations, mineral locations, removals, law suits, travels, marriage, children, dis positions and capabilities; all affairs of Ufa 834% 8. Spring at., room 4. Fees, noo end It tf MME. LEO, MEDIUM AND CARD reader; tall* past present and future; Sves lucky charms, bring* the separated gather; causes speedy marriage; all those in trouble, love, business and f am ity aftasr*, *«* her. tSj W. Fourth at MME. GRACE, CARD MEDIUM AND palmist; tbe wonder of the 19th century; reveals the past, present and future. 544 8. Los Angeles st, between Fifth and Sixth sts. « MRS. WALKER, CLAIRVOYANT AND life buslnes* reading medium: all busi ness affair* of Ut* looked Into (or ths ad vancement of your future. 816 ft s. Spring street. tf MRS. B. M. DUVAL, CLAIRVOYANT, the most wonderful In her profession; now at 618 8. Lo* Anglea at, AGNES H. PLBABANCB, TRANCE spirit medium; sitting* dally. 356H 8. Spring st tf 808 BENT Houses FOR BENT-COTTAGE OF 6 ROOMS, bath, barn, 822 Stanford aye.; water free; 111 786 Kohler at, 6 rooms, 812. 781 ft Merchant st, 4 rooms, 810. 909 E. Ninth, 6 rooms, bath, barn, 818. WIEBBNDANGBR, 487 8. Broadway. 88 Booms NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY FRONT rooms; bath; light housekeeping-. 600 Temple St., N. w. corner Grand aye. U Furnished Rooms FOR RENT—SUITE PLEASANT, FUR nlshed rooms; housekeeping, 316 SOUTH BUNKER HILL AYE. 21 Real Estate FOR RENT—STOCK RANCH 1 40 acre- tor cultivation, 60pasture, cheap; 6-room house, flowing well, 2 miles south of city; damp, good soil; recent rains In sure on damp lands fair crops and good grazing; being so convenient to the city you een get all the stock you can pasture at $3 each per month, J. FLOURNOY, 103 Broadway. 16 Miscellaneous FOR RENT- ~ FINE CHANCE FOR A MANUFACTURING CONCERN The quarters formerly occupied by Tbe Herald Printing Establishment- No. 331 EAST FOURTH ST. Are offered for rent or to lease for a term of years. A large two-story building, well suited te manufacturing purposes, equipped with steam plant in perfect running ro der; apparatus for oil burning, etc. Terms very reasonable. Apply at Her ald business office. 136 S. Broadway, tf EDUCATIONAL S. Spring at, Lus Angeles, ths oldest, largest and most elegantly equipped commercial school In Southern Califor nia; hundreds of successful graduates in hanking and business houses; In session ail tbe year; enter any day; evening school en Monday, Wednesday and Fri day evening | three complete mercieL Engiipn and shorthand and typewriting; a thorough, practical and progressive school; large faoultj of c*> Ssrt teachers; rates of tuition reasonable. all er write for catalogue, LOB ANGELES BUSINESS COLLEGE, 213 W. Third St., Currier block; up-to date, progressive, sdvantages unsur passed; day and evening sessions; write for catalogue end booklet on naw budget system. 3-28 fWATE SCHO6L FOR BbTfrONLf- Potemao block. 317 S. Broadway. Special advantages and low rates. A. b. BROWN, M. A- (Yale). m MABSAQE room 41, fourth floor; take elevator. a*, i MONEY TO LOAN UNION LOAN COMPANY, BTIMSoW block, corner Third and Spring, loans money on all kinds of collateral security, watches, diamonds, furniture and pianos, without removal: low Interest; money at once; business confidential; private of* flee for ladles. CLARK A. SHAW, man ager, rooms 111, 114 and 116, first floor. Tel. 1661. References, Citizens' bank. Se curity Savings Rank. tf TO LOAN-MONEY IN LARGE OR small amounts at lower rates of Interest than other* charge on all kinds of col lateral security, diamonds, watches. Jew elry, pianos, furniture; life Insurance and all good collateral; partial payments re ceived; money quick; private office foe ladles. O. M. JONES, rooms 12-14. Z64 8. Broadway. HHj MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. Jewelry and sealskins; also on pianos and) household furniture, without removal; business confidential; private office for ladles; low rates of Interest PACIFIC LOAN CO., W. E. DE OROOT, manager, rooms j, 6 and 4,114 8. Spring *t SAVINGS FUND AND BUILDING BOCI» ety; the oldest building and loan associa tion In Southern California; established In 1883; loans on monthly payments on olty real estate; fifteenth annual series) now open. Rooms 101-102 WILSON BLOCK, First and Spring sts. tf WANTED—NORWEGIAN, 23 YEARS OF age, having slz years' experience In ship broker's and shipowner's business and speaking English. French and German, wants situation; good references. R. H., 14 Lewlsham High Road, New Cross, London, England. It lOWA LOAN CO., LOANS ON DlA raonds. Jewelry, sealskins and house hold furniture; business confidential; money at onca W. B. SANBOMB, man ager, rooms II and 68, Bryson block, Seoond and Spring sta 4-4 MONET TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM 81008 to 8800,600, on Inside gilt-edged Income bearing property only. Inquire of F. Q. STORY, room 80S Henne block, 128 West Third st MONEY LOANED ON watches. Jewelry, pianos, sealskins, car riages, blcyelea. warehouse receipts and all kinds of collateral security: storage free in our warehouse. LEE BROS., 408 8. Spring st tf TO LOAN—A BARREL OF MONEY OKf dlamonds, pianos, furniture and all first class securities; business confidential. CREASINGER, Ml 8. Broadway, reams 1 and 1 fc#jgT TO LOAN—IF YOU WANT MONET ON real estate security, I havo It In any amount; 85000 to 860,000 at • per cent, WM. F. BOSBYSHELL, 101 a Broadway. 5-60-tf POINDSXTER A WADSWORTH. ROOM 808 Wilcox building, lend money en nap good real estate; building loans mad*; If you wish to lend or borrow call on us, B MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE In any amount. 6 to 8 per cent Interest: light expense. HOWE «s OBEAR, Sit Bradbury building, tf MONET TO LOAN-BtB* TO 886.008 ON cits or country real estate. LEE A. Mo- CONNELL * CO.. rooms 308 and 808, 818 g, Broadway. tl^ MONET TO LOAN UPON EAST term* of repayment. STATE mutual. BUILDING AND LOAN ASS'N, 141 S. g roadway. 5-20-tf TO LOAN-ON REAL ESTATE, ANT amount, 6 to t per cent net; light **> pens*. LYON * SHELL, 218 S. Broad. way. I CAN MAKE TOU LARGE OR SMALL ieans at very light expense. HENRY MART. 108 E. Second »t tf MONET AT 6 PER CENT ON GOOD reel property, M. F. ODEA. 208 Brad bury building. tf MONEY TO LOAN—BUILDING LOANS a speolalty. ROW. D. BILBNT 4k CO., 8U W. geeond. W . TO LOAN-MONEY QUICKLY, QUIET- Iy, reasonably. R. D. LIST,' 2M Wlloog Mock tf FOB EXCHANGE . Real Estate FOR EXCHANGE—HANDSOME TEN" room modern house, southwest, half trade, balance long as wanted at f per I cent. L. H. MITCHBL, 186 8. Broad. way. tf PERSONALS 1 MEDICAL ELECTRICIAN REMOVED i from 818 8, Grand aye, to 118 W. Eighth st; female diseases treated by electric- Ity; cure guaranteed. tf LINES OF TRAVEL PACIFIC COASTSJEAMSHIP CO The company's elegant steamer* SANTA ROSA and POMONA leave REDONDO at U a. 89, end PORT LOS ANGELES at 2;H o m. for San Francisco, via Santa Barbara . and Port Harford. Mar, 4, 6, 12, 16. 80, 24,88, Apr. 1, 8. 8. 18. 17, 21, 25. 28, May I, 7, U, «, 18.88.8', 81. Leave PORT LOB ANGELES at 6 ■7 m. and REDONDO at 11 a. m. for l San Diego via Newport, Mar. 2, 6,10,14, It. : Si (6. 80. Apr. 8. 7,11, If, 18, 88, 87. May X, 5. . 9 12, 17, 21. 26. 29. The Santa Rosa will not atop at Newport. Cars connect via Redon ' do, leave Santa Fe depot at 10 a. m. or from Redondo railway depot at 9,30 a, m, Cars connect via Port Los Angeles leave 8. P. R- R- depot at 1:86 p. m. for steamer* north bound. The steamers COOS BAY and "BONJTA leave SAN PEDRO and EAST BAN PE DRO for Ban Pranolseo, via Ventura. Car. nenteria, Santa Barbara. Gavlota, Port Harford, Cayucos, San Simeon, Monterey and Santa Crus at 6:80 p. m. Mar. 1. 6, i, II 17 81, 26, 28, Apr. I, 6, 10. 14, 18, 28, 26, 80. May 4, 8. 14, l«. H>. ». » ('tretght only), Cars connect with steamers via San Pedro leave S. P. R. R- (Arcade depot) at 6:08 p. 1 m and Terminal railway depot at 5:10 p. m. The company reserves the right to change without previous notice steamers, sailing date* end hours of sailing. , W. PABRIS, Agt, 124 W. Second St.. Los ' GOODALL. PERKINS & CO.. Gen. Agts.. ' I San Francisco. IH LOS ANQELEB ■ ZSSg : TERMINHLf I II RAILWAY CO —-r- • nMff SB"** »*°H ag £|g &n.luUnd I pm m *»aden»...... i *i :I ASS Jsk!S Oatallna Island, (B:4ssm f6:-»PW •Dally. tSaaspt Sunday, Excursion rates every day. Boris Heights, Daly street and Downey *v* car ' Unes pas* Terminal Stations. 8. B. HYNES, General Manager. LOS ANGELES AND REDONDO RAIL* way Company. Los Angeles depot: Cor. Grand aye. and j«fl*r»on at , ; Leav* _ tmvn Lo* Angeles Radondo for for Redondo Lo* Angeles 6:80 a. m. «:08 a. in. : liS) P- m. urn _> m. 4:80 p. m- <:U D - m -11:80 p. m. Sat snip 1:80 p. m. Sat. only ' Take Grand aye. eleetrle cars er Mas* i st and Agricultural park eara , 7 U t. PERRY Superlntsnd**A J 5