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12 FOREST ARRESTED FOR EXTENSIVE SWINDLES IN NEW YORK IS WELL KNOWN HERE FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS TO BE ACCOUNTED FOB HABEAS CORPUS IS DENIED Bis Attorneys Will Vifrorousiy up pose His Being Taken East—A "Syndicate Investment Co" The loss of $50,000 and the good name of a well-known man of this city are Involved In a sensational arrest which was made Friday afternoon by Detectives Auble, Hawley and Flammer. Dr. Wm. E. Forest was taken into custody by the officers, and he is alleged to have swindled a number of people in New York city out of sums aggregating $50,000, by means of a bogus stock Investment bureau. He is charged with grand larceny and will probably be taken back to the east to stand trial, as he was indicted some time the past year. On Friday Chief Glass received the fol lowing dispatch from Geo. W. McClusky, chief of the detective department of New York city: "Hold Dr. Wm. Forest. Will prepare requisition papers at once. In dicted for larceny of $2500 from Alex. Mc- Elwee, at 50 Broadway. April 6, 1897." ln addition to this Chief Glass received a circular regarding Dr. Forest, In* Which It was stated that the doctor had formerly conducted a stock swindling place at 50 Broadway, New York, and had succeeded ln doing a large number of people out of money. His swindling operations were al leged to have reached the sum of $50,000, of which $20,000 was represented by the agency which had issued the circular. It had been learned that Dr. Forest was lo cated ln Southern California. Dr. Forest has been engaged In mining ventures, and he has an office at Pasadena. The detectives arrested him after he came from Pasadena on au eleetrle car and took him to the station. He asked that nothing be said of the matter then, so the details were not given out. He communicated with Messrs. Groft & Water man, and the attorneys were up bright and early to try and get him released on a writ of habeas corpus yesterday. This was de feated by Detective Auble swearing to a complaint charging him with being a fugi tive from justice. He had been taken into custody before on the telegraphic order from McClusky. but on the showing that he was held by an original complaint the writ) was denied. Dr. Forest was arraigned before Justice Owens yesterday afternoon on a charge of being a fugitive from Justice. On agree ment the case was continued until next Saturday. Bail was fixed at 15000, but later reduced to $2000, which he was unable to furnish. Dr. Forest takes his arrest very coolly, and talked freely about the affair. "I was engageil In managing a syndicate investment company in New York," he said, "and it was perfectly legitimate. I handled no money for investors but mere ly directed their investments. I had a list of brokers—J. D. Whitney & Co. and A. McKlnney, both reputable firms on Un consolidated stock exchange, and one brok erage firm on the New York stock ex change. The investor was slhown this list and selected) whatever broker he desired tio handle the transaction. He then signed an agreement in which it was stated that he had deposited so much money wiTTi the broker for the the purposes of Investment, to be directed by me. I never handled a dollar of money. The brokers made their reports dJrect to the investor and paid'me commissions and so notified the investors. Whitney & Co. unfortunately failed and no doubt some of the Investors lost their money. "I do not know for hew much the firm failed, but I do know it was a reputable concern. My arrest Is simply an attempt of some to make me pay the money thai was lost by Whitney's failure. I Enow of no such man as McElwee, whom I am al leged to have swindled out of $2500. In fact most of the money invested was In smail sums; just how much they aggregated I have no Idlea. The reason that I closed the office was tha! tho Whitney failure put a damper on the business. So far as my be ing a fugitive from justice is concerned, it is entirely wrong. I remained in New York a month or more after I closed the office and did not come away until proba bly the Ist of May. I have always gone under my own name and ln no way have 1 tried to make my whereabouts a secret. 1 would not be averse to going back to New York on this matter were it not on account of my business being injured by it. I have several big mining deals on which demand my presence. My attorneys will of course determine whether I am to be taken back or not." Chief Glass received a dispatch from Mc- Cluskoy yesterday stating that a copy of the indictment against Dr. Forest hafi been mailed to him. It is probable that a hard fight will be made against Dr. For est's being taken east, but ihe authorities think that they will be able to hold him un til the arrival of the officers from New- York with requisition papers and the copy of the Indictment also gets here Dr. Forest married Miss {Catherine Kim ball, the well known and charming singer of this city, a ydar or so ago, and has beer, residing in this city for some months past, where they have a large circle of social and musical friends. University Notes Miss Addle L. Murphy of the Cumnock School of Oratory on Twenly-seventh street is seriously ill with nervous prostra tion. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baker nf Twenty-eighth street entertained at whist Friday even ing. William Ahem and Henry Reichenbaeh were initiated into ,the local lodge of the A. O. I". W. at the last meeting. Tramps and hoboes are becoming a nuis ance in this vicinity. Several assaults have been attempted at tin early hour of the evening, and continual requests are made for food, but the "vags" ure unwill ing to work at odd Jobs that are offered them. The residence at 1200 West Twenty-ninth street has been purchased by J. D. Rogers of Pico Heights, who will soon occupy It. Francis Bates of 1139 Twenty-ninth itrcet has returned from a short stay at mint ore. Mrs. Clarence Colverston of West Thlrty- sixth street has gone to tho mountains near Wilson's peak for a short stay. The W. F. M. society of the Methodist church will hold Its annual anniversary in the church at 11 oclock this morning. A good program has been prepared and the annual thank-offering will be made. Albert Williams of the firm of Williams Bros., corner of Jefferson and Klngsley streets, has sold his interest in the busi ness to his brother and will devote his at tention to mining. J. A. Williams of 3307 Grand avenue en tertained the officers and teachers of the Methodist Sunday-school on last Friday evening. A very pleasant time was re ported by the guests. The Wilson place on Thirty-fifth street has been purchased by Elmer Nelson, a lineman ln the employ of the Edison Elec tric company. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Obear of Jefferson and Figueroa streets entertained at tea Friday. Mr. Weaver has purchased the cottage on West Thirtieth street recently vacated by G. L. Curtis. The pupils of Miss Lillian Williamson of the public school enjoyed a picnic at Elysian park yesterday afternoon. WANT TO SEE HULL A Former Employment Agent Who Is Missing There are several people ln the city who are very desirous of flnding| De Witt C. Hull, who formerly conducted an employ ment agency In the McLaln and Lehman block on Main street opposite Third. His partner was Percy Mlel, and he ls still in the city, but docs not appear to be ac quainted with the whereabouts of Hull. When Hull left here, about ten days ago, he made no concealment of the fact, but stated he had been called to New Haven, Conn., by the serious illness of his wife. It is now thought that Hull did not go to that place at all nor had any Intention of going there. Fred W. Bishop, the proprietor of the Natlck hotel cigar stand, is probably the most anxious to get trace of Hull, as the latter got into him to the tune of about $50 or $60. Just how Hull succeeded ln in gratiating himself Mr. Bishop declined to tell. It was on a transaction about a check. Hull claimed to Mr. Bishop that he had money due him from the east, and on this representation Mr. Bishop helped him to secure some ready casb. According to one report Hull drew a draft on an eastern bank and Bishop endorsed the paper. On the other hand, It was alleged that Bishop cashed a check for Hull which was after wards discovered to be worthless. Bishop bus taken steps toward ascertaining where Hull ls now and to determine what are his prospects for getting back his money. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Committee Appointed to Induoe South Amerioan Trade A joint committee from the Merchants and Manufacturers' association, the board of trade and the chamber of commerce met in the directors' room of the chamber at 3:30 yesterday. The meeting was called to discuss the feasibility of Inducing steam ers plying between South America and San Francisco to stop at Los Angeles ports on their way up the coast. The matter was discussed pro and con, and resulted in the appointment of a committee to Inquire into the matter and report at.the meeting Sat urday next. The committee is composed of Hancock Banning, C. H. Long and H. S. McKee. E. Roberts exhibits branches of Satsuma plum and orange blossoms and branches of loquats, almost ripe; the Cereal company, an exhibit of pinole. Pensions and Postal WASHINGTON, March 17—California pensions have been granted as follows: Original—Wm. Fcldman of Petaluma, $S. Increase —Henry Scbwabcnland of Stock ton, $6 to $S; Leroy C. Tippy of Hornbrook, $6 to $10; August Jehle of San Jose, $6 to $10. Widows—Mary English of San Francis co, $S; Henriette Schott of Garvanza, $8. California postmasters have been com missioned as follows; Allda J. Robblns at Burson; Robert F. Watt at Halleck; John Irving at Santa Rita. The president today sent these nomina tions to the senate; Postmasters: California—E. S. New comb at Coronado; S. F. Kelley at San Bernardino: G. F. Wood at Modesto; G. B. Dexter at Santa Monica. Marriage Licenses Cornelius Mathews, aged 2S years, a na tive of California, and Hannah Owen, aged 19 years, a native of England, both resi dents of Los Angeles. Alfred V. Botlller, aged 21 years, a native of California, and Jennie D. Mesplon, aged 19 years, a native of California, both resi dents of Los Angeles. Joseph A. Ratzlaff, aged 35 years, a na tive of lowa, a resident of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Nettle Blake, aged 20 years, a na tive of New York, a resident of San Fran cisco. Rollie F. de Garmo, aged 20 years, a na tive of Kansas, and Etta L. Renfro, a na tive of Maine, both residents of Savannah. Charles L. Allen, aged 24 years, a native of lowa, and Leona M. Wheat, aged 23 years, a native of Texas, both residents of Los Angeles. A Young Villain Louis Auzctt, aged 16, was arrested last evening by Officer Talamantes and booked at the police station on suspicion. He had been found loitering around the trucks of the Terminal railroad and has attempted on several occasions to derail a train by placing stones between the switches. Last evening he was caught in th* act of plac ing obstructions on the tracks. He has the reputation of being an exceptionally vicious youth and has formerly served time in the chain gang. PERSONAL Ma]. H. M. Russell is at the Gilsey house, New Tork. J. J. Brown, a prominent citizen of Oma ha, Neb., is in the city. C. R. Lloyd, an insurance man from San Francisco, is in the city. E. Harnet, a business man of Colorado Springs, Col., is in the city. S. D. Dyer, superintendent of the Ala mltos sugar factory, ls In the city. Mr. and Mrs. M. Joseph of Cincinnati, Ohio, are touring Southern California. J. S. Rattle of Chicago is in the city. Ho Is connected with the Chicago and Rock Island route. Louts Miller of Baltimore, manager of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance company, ls in the city. Mr. F. P. Randolph, a capitalist of Mor ristown, N. J., Is In the city on a short trip. He is accompanied by Mrs. Randolph. Mrs. F. D. Studebaker of Chicago is in the city. She ls accompanied by Miss Dora Studebaker and Peter E. Studebaker, Jr. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 20, 1898 | This Is Our Opening Week s ■hp This is the week when stocks are at their best, when newness and fash- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will witness great activity among our " 11/ ion's extreme novelties get their first showing; when spring's most charm- j OMmt „„ — T j,.„... v. „ affin „ „,j„ f nr T v» m ntt TZuiiZ a;* %f -> H ing loveliness attracts inquisitive glances to every counter. The task of decorators. They 11 be getting ready for the most artistic opening dis- *|w collecting is finished, and well-ordered bountifulness from styledom's play we have ever made; but those who want an advance look will be fcj I? §tSr nHn CVery n °° k C ° mer ° f S ° Uthem Calif ° r " well cared for and this chance for selecting will be much appreciated. J 1 , w>r>rr>r-9»rw /->--. Trimmings *rw'>r*irO*'>rj»r*irT*'*r 'It (Magnificent Silks s £§f SSSSL I About Good Clothlnfl <£L * 1 j je* There isn't room to display half of the silken loveliness, but it can be seen for X f?mmf&&wwtS> tiful, others un- X Every man who has bought one of our better grade Suits t*i*j V f£r the askimr. Visitors tell us there isn't another such assortment to be found in J rZjfkmmVV \ usually showy. t knows the truth of this statement. We have the best V»J *sV ' / Los Angeles, and who can judge better than they ? 2 \ Hi V J Some dresses will * clothing it is possible to buy. Not only are the cloths J£?Nk- \ \ At 59C -000 yards of All Silk Faille Francaise, in 26 differeent coloring, j &SmJA C fMtl\ X \\ f T »v . f ° r S " d H*2J ,n,n 8 S; quallt >' that haS never been offered 3 kinds will be most yto nrics. we ..nder-minte sll competitors because we can //if I \ g for less than Ji.oo. Our price is 59c. * in demand, but LkJ the possitrtllty makes it necessary. We attract #If l\f\ \wf f*r Af 7Cr> Fancy Brocaded Silks, in Cheney Bros.' Brocades, Two-toned J V/ (\ win show trim- i trade by our prices. We satisfy patrons by giving quality. , f fc*A \tV_ \ v* g f\l (Ob Taffetas, Heavy Jacquard Brocades, stripes and checks; qualities 2 mingsof some kind. And the kinds, their * Hundreds of men express surprise at the high grade and / I J v \l that would be cheap at SI.OO. Our price is 75c. A name ls legion. Known, names stand V nobby styles we are showing. We describe two lines. J / %J %4 » for new beauty. Hurried across land C yon can idd S 1 ! to Mch nrlce and then tret better value * PI 1 \\Z / K. \ At 7t*r 27-inch Black Rustle Taffeta, 20inch Black Satin Duchesse, Black A and sea from Paris and Berlin topar- V t V°" e th it ft V A A Rhadame, Black Faille and Armures, that cannot be duplicated at 3 M> \ \t Jfr > ,0 °- At 7 ' c - j thing-Spangles. Beads, Jewels. Jets 7 U U I £ At $1 00 Bayadere Stripe Black Velours, Black Silk Poplins, 37-inch 3V± S m ,e Dl °s, l T biSusss 2 At $10 \\\\ \ Al $I.UU Blick Twilled lndlas, and 24-inch Black Satin Duchesse, that * andTfronts: new md plsJt- I L I t\ \ V are really worth $1.25 a yard. Superb quality and excellent finish, at $1 a yard. 4 ny*** ft*? Wfi, 1 Men's Suits, in Fancy Cheviots and Tweeds, almost every I \\ \*V lsf At tl A A Over a hundred different kinds and styles at this price. Nota- <sf kinds. The showing win be magniti- C conceivable color and pattern, thoroughly tailored, well I \\ V £ X r\l 4)I.UU ble among them are Fancy Checked Taffetas, Bayadere Stripes, *5 cent. .. „„ f lined and perfect fitting. I \\ W Z Fancy Plaids, Two-toned Brocades, etc. Some of these are shown in town at * f . , . .11 $1.50. Our price is JI.OO. ># j e t, Spanglo and Colored Beads from y4 £ «p/e5 \\ ' « |~n mnM. o ITI"! ? Skirt Panels and Fronts. Ssc to $10.50. k js department. Fine W v -sg.x? Winsome Women's Wear , 9^ ded ana 9pans,ea Nets - ,iw ,o jf wo » Sf Fancy piaitings from 15c to $3.00. W possible to tell them from custom work. We guarantee fit. w '*"*Sf A complete assemblage of Fashion's latest fancies, gleaned from 3 Blouses and Ornaments, 75c to $13.50. r, v %rl the centers of the world famous for art and fancies in Woman's j ' f NCWS Of New Lace GuTtairiS V k J apparrel. Beautiful Paris Designed Mantles, chic Berlin made "J ADOUt rlttlng * There Isn't a now and desirable kind but gets full representation here. *£ \i I I 1% Tl Coats, handsome London Tailored Gowns, and hundreds and * ,„ _ sas«w — ft More kinds and more of each kind than any Los Angeles store has been known wf» Mr / ft j ar-~- > CXI »_ to carry. They come direct from where curtains are made and you have no M / !"A • / ! tllouSands of New York duplicates to satisfy the tastes of the X fT— — / M^l^—s#/Y'"* l f* jobber's proflt to pay. We take Just pride ln the assortment, ln tbe quality w# \A \- most fastidious. jf V for-prlce. In the exclusive and new patterns, and in the complimentary re- \, ▼A / The little prices on all the exquisite items mentioned below 3 $5 Shoes tor Women £ marks of those who have seen them. J0 v ,/.0 i • _ . -I.* „< . u-4. .«,u For thin heels, high Instep and ordlna- ft Snow Flnke Curtains, a pretty ruffled Marie Antoinette Curtains—These swell r"T lsf flt£r 1 L are R lo « in 8 examples of what cash buying and cash selling j S\,Jgf^^gff,"i? Bright Vlcl KJd Shoe C effect, for your cottage <f| CA (-hamb( ' r curtains arc the real article, -T X mean to a credit ridden public •) with turned soles, new coin toes. Inlaid ohamber, from $5.50 iI.OU worked on a heavy double- an ftm v <J cloth tops and kid tips. They give a k. to V twisted net. hand finished JKQ.yi) A .st Faahinnnhln InrLnta Klllr Skirt Prn.AmtnnnCA .7 narrow, dressy appearance, and are f» Flsn Net Curtains, very strong mesh, cd ec P"ce ▼ J^ w# raSIIIOnaDie JaCKCTS SIIK »Kirt Pre-eminence J ~ m(oi tllble If gathered lace sides and OAA Real Cluny Curtalns-The curtain for \j SL Bayadere Striped effects just received J For short, chubby feet we have a*> * ndB from SZ.UU your guest's chamber handsome ivory X Another style we think is just right 36 of them, ln Satin Bayadere, Gros X Velvet Kid Shoe, with soles built out V t 0.... «J/**»vv J ff(M , t J' a JijJJjT c iu n .- hv - mm Am FT M. Is a line Taffeta Silk Lined Kersey Grain Bayadere and Moire Bayadere. ~2 under the ball, to prevent the upper r . . nmo . r„ P tnln«i fine Boblnet sertlon with lace to match Sit 115 re* V Jacket, fly front, with strap seams and Handsotaely draped, the best quality * from extending beyond, half English V «sn«B^£iSlon Md aTaa sertlon, witn lace to match, Mr applique strap trimming down tho front nrstlene lining, deep velvet binding, i last and military heels. They will re- f* »"V- " " "■' ''.i' .«7I If 1 d and on the sleeves; come d> I PA The latest eastern smartness about the » tain their shape until worn out. Latest X «ut in *P*>.W Brussels Curtains—A superb collection wf> .4 In three shades, green, MZ.rtll hang. The price should a </* pa J styles. .k, ' „ .7 . I—x. * — of high class artistic effects, ln white. M !\f royal, blue and tan, at •J»ae»es#w i )P |is.oo, but caeh SIZ.J>II For thin, bony feet we have provided V Swiss Muslin Curtains, tamboured on our n u>st popular parlor curtain. The says ? , * H,W with the greatest care. A special last 7 a plain muslin, scalloped edges, large very latest Geometrical. g> t p/v \ it am a« i has been designed and can be had ln X variety to choose from, (I Or Floral Escurlal and Novel- \A Sit %J ~£S _ •Mil J tan or black Vlcl Kid. either laoe or prloes from $J. 75 3)1.0t5 ty designs, upwards from... T" uv It k Elaborate CapeS The perfection of dressmaker's art, » button, new and exclusive styles, made Kto _ ._, ~_ m " J "»* Black Taffeta Silk Waists, shirred J to our order. L Point de Venlse Curtains, handsome flg- *5i?A„ */ , 5K lt Curtains excellent E Another pretty Caj>e ls one with a rib- round yoke and cuffs, plaited stock col- SAom /or /He>« P " reil nBts ' wlth B-inch gathered lace to nJSSStm 7? \f bon plaited ruche and drop of lace lar and girdle, lined and bound equal to J #» anoes /or /nen i match, white, ecru and 2- ft SAA Kfl ty curta "». upwards 3» / round yoke, neck trimmed with ribbon what your dressmaker would charge J For thln _ bony ffet with heels and a Ilk- f toned effects, 15.00 down 3)|i.UU v W and lace ruche. It looks «< 1 p/\ you $10 for making and AO «[ lne for roomy toe shapes, we have tan Vto Scotch Curtains—These curtains are %j jb\ like good value for $15.00, 9)1 I.oil trimming. Our price for «pO» IQ 3 and black Vlcl Kid Sboes which are P Irll , h Polnt curtains, a large and care- woven especially for ordinary If but we say w this waist is jr ]|gh t anl j flexible. They're very com- V fuly selected line of Floral, Renals- ing made of an extra fine cotton thread, A. "^"""*^' sf fortable for sensitive feet. Allstylesof T eance Oriental and Arabian d» | |\f» patent linished edge, all the n. / X New Importation of C| AA Sewing-Time Needfuls J Tor short, fleshy feet we have proviti- fM- f fo r re 9m e9 ran^. v -P Z »VO V y Deal Kid filnvpc xI/lavFvf Home workers and dressmakers share Xed Congress and Lace Shoes made of y ■ A HCdl HIU Uiurcik >X the need of these always-wanted little J Vlcl Kid and Kangaroo, all toe widths T Rovst* *•■■■>* *1 Ris UWe flrmlv believe there is not another things These hi revent ve«a- 7 anJ 6t > Mes ' heavy or mc(llUm soles ' f S*\ VMSM\ CA/T „ BOJf ' ZVZ* ~ V C S how"t B he\ n e'ea c n B t.ous forgett.ngs. J Wash Goods f W OUC "boT 'a^^mp.Vr'thlm 3 V import dlrletli ! from the maker In Spring Hooks and Eyes, 5c card. 4 HB*n OOOQ* k. f o r these, you would select from our stock .4 **■ France and in' Una way save the lm- Fancy Bone Casing, 5c apiece. k < The showing ls Indeed wonderful; the f W*Wrf\ even 11 you had to pay $5.00. We have M g porter s and jobber's profits. If we Flne Dress stays 10c dozen 1 prices are more so. It Is hard to con- V / Arß/VY Take your choice of these, never asked more than $3 50 for them JL Sldn't we would have to Bell thes* for i. ne „ 3 t 8 ' , n d ° zen ' J ceive of spic and span new kinds being f \ {WittS but rest assured you'll because they just arrived, but they v M $160 the same as other stores. The Flne Horn Bon e s . WO dozen. J| bought at prices which enable Un- ¥ \\MtK want more than one. Tho compare with any $.1.00 grade. The nob- %j t\ prettiest backs you ever saw, entirely Stockinet Dress Shields, 10c dozen. Jf dersell, yet It ls so. k* \fa_lU prettiest garments we blest we have ever shown. W \ new, 2-clasps, black, navy, oxbloods. American Pins, lc paper. T <7fie«r French I linnets tSc ¥> J i«HUI " aye • ver spen tor tne r, ?i Cy u, . y i S n . 1 R,>eforB „ an<J r\ \j English reds, white, cream, pearl and J. HL~fc.fc.ri BBmmr rrettCn UnppetS, lOC P fV'VU price, and of quantities Double-Breasted Suits, large collars, g X males of brown, green and tan. mode Crochet Silk, all colors. 5c balL X A „ ne of the vreMe!lt Figured Wash X JfrfJlL you would hardly think handsomely trimmed with combination wf r* and gray; tl»e best to be had<,at $1.00. Safety Pms, lc dozen. J Goods in cur stock. We are showing It L MWL Sk\ possible. Well made, too: shades, braided with finest silk braids, / Whalebone Casing, 5c apleca, tln tinted as well as black grounds, in S«jK»]{U like home-made, only swell colorings of C heviots and Covert \W Th Dl H».I A » Fori Black Pins Scbox. if handsome French patterns. Why pay V TT prettier. Cloths; all sizes from 3to 16 years. \ 51 The Plaid HOSlery Fad »** rln *', 3C c J«c or 30c for these goods mother stores, f \\ Ladles' Gown of good V Judging from the sales the fad has cap- Crimping Pins, 5c box. Jf when you can get it here for 15c? t muslin with flne tucked K> V arnerS ' S Sst 3 Fine Figured Organdies, 18c J 'ftV.- Petticoat of good Cnrrlafte Shades *1.00 I ordered by a southern merchant, who vf Fine Organdies ln some 20 different col- f muslin, with double umbrella flounce of _ . ... M / changed his mind and sold them to our A Handkerchief Furn " ™ orlngs: some of the flne two-toned pat- 1 fil } e am , b ': lc - . . In thp Win ter Carriage Shades don tv^ w» New York buyer before they landed. ruro. . (ems that usually only come In the P Ladles' Drawers of fine cambric, with sell In he east. That s why we could M This buy saves you 5c a pair. The pret- jysw An Importer had 937 * higher priced Organdies. We were for- ¥ deep ruffle of flne embroidery. secure this enviable lot to sell at $100. tiest things you ever saw; Scotch and dosens of Ladles' 4 tunate enough to get this lot direct C Ladles Corset Cover of flne nainsook. Last summer we paid over a dollar for A\ \ French colorings, extra well p-fl </£Sk, Vs> Bandkerchlefs ln 43 T from the mill, so we will be able to sell X Pi ilde f u" bi '>»*<> effect and gathered at them, and this summer would have to 7 •af spliced heels and toes; they'll SilC '«■»*• different lots-each* them to you for 18c. X the waist with tape, edged with dainty pas more Good gloria covers, with a / Irl no auick at .......... VV ass in ™n J Tk«J * r»_«< r. n ■ X embroidery. jaunty ruffle and excellent wearing Iln- I,*' rW ' f|l|s S» „,/ , Lhi »# Polka-Dot QraSS Lawns, 20c C* Ladies' Chemise of flne muslin, solid Ing, joints as strong as joints can be M £ BOYS' and Girls' Hose if Christmas seXc-a T Linen effects are nonular lust now Tln « y"Ke of tucks and Insertion, ruche and made and good ebonlto handles. \f Three ifnes of Children's Hosiery In fast remnaS Sam" kfnds i en"grounds? witHX!" 1 brown " nUe Z * U - V °* ««** a w,,h embroidery. \ "'ack came with the plaids, but they If eWSR were sold In hundreds J green, lavender, scarlet, corn or black P If were bought direct from the maker, and IfcJbgßKs" of stores at 25c each. 1 polka dots. A superb fabric at 20c. V Wn Fill PrAarrintinna A* '^tavy s w°ef|h a t! IQHF s( Corded Zephyr Qinghams, 2Sc I Children's Hats, All 7r r We nil Prescriptions I* 'vterhlTvltlm.^-S 86 r'bs and VltJ ? re as desirable as if J This ls the second time these goods C At | Jly And u8 » ,he bMt ( ' r »B s known ln the M extia heavj spllcings wnere OC-, from the factory last week. The pret- have made their appearance on our * drug business. Our Drug Department Vf comes imiainnhw!! ?n onVnwori/ 'JS* tJ?3[ X count l rß ' hls 9ea » on - The first lot went t Children will be delighted and mothers is as completely stocked as any Drug 1 . W ' omts Imaginable, in open-work and Irish m such a hurry that we were obliged to f> captivated by these. You' 1 not b« able a ,„,„ . „,° 1/ ——————point borders, fine lawn. We \w„4 re-order. You will find them ln ill the Cto realise the price ls so little. You'd Store on tno Pa<-!flo const - We hava |L \ Sale Of GlaSSWare took them all. Now they re for IQ£ J delicate colors In both the plain enecks f pay $I.oo—yes. $1.25— for every one and everything. Our druggists are as com- ~ 1/ ... . „„„,„ fh „ , c „, f ~r „ o r >ou ' at S and broken plaids, 32Inches wide, at 25c. Vbe satisfied. You know this is a new de- potent as any who ever handled a pre- dL of J Plalded Madras, 30c f P a « me "t- ™* we're noising It abroad. 9t .,,pt.0n. and they charge you Depart- M / patterns. They came to us at less than Anftelene BllStleS 33a lnch wl(,e handsome Broken Plaids, f frand V and rnm.tS. 0 ; t .M? 15 ! ?Zl ment Stora P rlceß - Wf half price-to you the same. The regu- sassgoaussss wnstias j» „ dalnty S p rin g colorings The shirt i y ™ rt "'»,J t , Blll f.lMe \. M lar prices would range from 16c to lie, A genlU3 conjured these, but why had 3 wairt msVrTalthe da?. As handsome f |Sssd dalnt , vTmh t^7^ h . a * t s V but the majority are tOe and 250 articles, not some one thought of it before. X»s French weaver-artists are capable 0? V Ndrmandv elaho?SSlv ?rZiSS „ . . . \ yours while they last at Filled with curled hair and made so 1 producing, at .10c. f wfth Baby Carriages 'Z \% At lOC each an - d A he J T f nae * Organdies 4Sc * There aransore style, than we can menl Qur trade hM proved beyon(l the shaa . \* J M^.TrSvrV om io°u f tteV J » 8 Sn c J ' Vou'l. eerta.nly find your « * M Jug. " Covered Butter tL It It <f uJ* finest array of styles you ever saw. The ■ from the Gendron Wheel Co.. and are tj§ Covered Sugar Bowl Dish, best for the money, we say 45c. the best to bo had. We bought a car- 31 X . Tall Celery Stand, Footed Cake APDII St a wW* am srs%«s M ~*~B load at one time, and saved $1.25 freight 7^ V Covered Berry Bowl, Salver, ArKIL T /€. WM J W Tm\ JT» A>/K*rr< APDII charges on each one. rhen, too, we se- W JL |. kkle Jar, Footed Berry M jll *MM /W /WW r~W* I B~t* Mmm F~ M*** /T» fw #M/ V * ArKIL quite discount. The prices 1W T Scalloped Edge Bowl, PiTTFDUt 7l M"Wg*% IWM M MM/ afk. WM*M . #X- fjf range up to $20.00. but there's a splendid 3 ssri as: B "" B °" p * TTEnNS 3 OWi? C PATI£RNS P 5 M " 4 $6.00 jf TOLD A BIG STORY Ten-Year-Old Lawrence Edwards Is a Great Prevaricator Ail coor.s do not appear to look alike ;o Ernest Hogan, even if he ls the composer of that song. This has been the experi ence of Lawrence Eugene Edwards, a di minutive darkjy, aged 10 years. Lawrence was thrown down hard by the Black Palti Troubadours yesterday, of which Hogan is a member, and there-by hangs a tale of in fantile ability to impose upon people with a cock and bull story. A little colored boy showed up at the police station yesterday with a tale of woe. He told Capt. Roberts how he had been de serted by the Black Patti troupe and was friendless in this great city. As the'lark tale of hard luck was repeated to the cap tain, amid the tears of Lawrence, the ten der-hearted official felt for the little waif, reached him and patted him on his kinky head. Lawrence said his home was in Salt Lake city. His parents lived there. The manager of the Black Patti troupe had pre vailed upon his parents to allow the boy to go with the outfit, which was fina~f done. The boy said he came west with them hut was put off Ihe train at Tropico. He was taken over to see Chief Glass, with the usual result. The chief felt sorry for the lad and soon had the machinery of the de partment at work to try and do something for Lawrenc. The wires were kept hot for a few hours before any definite facts could be learned about the boy. The agent at Tropico reported that the boy had been put off the train for trying to beat his way and that the manager of the company had said the boy had been following them from San Diego. This report made it look bad for Law rence's ability as a teller of the truth, but when Wm. Rowan, a porter at Bob Kern's saloon, called and said that he hadTleard the women of the troupe calling for the lit tle boy at the depot and expressing fear that he had been left, Lawrence's stock took an upward Jump. Later in the afternoon Chief Glass re ceived a dispatch from the manager of the troupe at Santa Barbara stating that the boy had never had anything to do with them, hut had followed them from River side, his home. Then the chief lost interest and decided to notify Sheriff Jo/Inson to come and take home the black little An anias. BOAT AND CREW CAPTURED Captain Young of the Santa Barbara Arrested in San Pedro Chinese Inspector Putnam captured the sloop und her officers that are suspected of having brought ashore the fifteen China men arrested Thursday for being Illegally in the country. The vessel ls a gasoline sloop of about five tons' burden, known as the Pastime, though there ls no name on her. The captain's name is Herbert Young, who home Is in San Diego. Young Is said to be of good family and one of the heirs to an estate estimated at $86,000. the father having recently died. Young commanded the gasoline launch Santa Barbara, that was familiar to summer residents at Cata llna and later at Long Beach and Terminal island. He admits landing ten white men at Anaheim, but denies all knowledge of the Chinamen. He put ln to San Pedro, sold the sloop to Capt. Amesbury yesterday morning, arid then came to Los Angeles, presumably to get his money for the Chinese. When he returned to San Pedro Inspector Putnam was waiting for him, and he was at once arrested, brought back to this city and lodged in Jail. This ls tha second capture of boats and officers engaged In Illegally landing Chinese that Officer Putnam has made since last May. Sausages Made of Horse Meat Germany has imported nearly 400 horses from the United States, the cheapset ones being utilised, It ls affirmed, for the man , ufacture of export sausages, which are held ln such high esteem by epicures. CATTLE AND CHICKEN THIEVES Two Men Arrested on Suspicion of Grand Larceny Officer Talamantes is keeping up his record as the champion detector of cattle thieves, and he appears to have added the accomplishment of being able, to locate wholesale chicken pilferers as well. On the night of February 16th a cow be longing to F. B. Alderson was stolen from a lot on Washington street, near Alham bra avenue. Three nights later a calf, the property of A. M. Nolms, was led away from 437 Adobe street, and on the 21st of last month Mrs. Alexander of Yale street lost thirty chickens and two turkeys. Officer Talamantes has been at work on the cases, and yesterday swore to com plaints against Joe Cassulo and Robert J. Brock well, charging them with grand larceny. Both men, the officer states, ad mitted to him having taken the various live stock. Cassulo was arrested Thurs day night in this city, while the capture of Brock well was not effected until Friday. Brockwell ran a chicken ranch at Rariona, and the officer drove to his place. Tala mantes told Brockwell that he wanted to buy some eggs, and when Brockwell was not on his guard placed him tinder arrest. WHEELMAN RUN DOWN A Reckless Horseback Rider Causes a Bad Accident On Main street near the corner of Adams an Insurance man by the name of Wake was run down and painfully Injured by a reckless rider last evening about C oclock, as he was on his way home upon his wheel. Walte was riding southerly and, as he neared the corner of Adams three youths on horseback, who had been riding down Adams street, dashed down upon him and one of them rode clear over him. The unfortunate wheelman was hurled to the pavement and rendered, unconscious. A gash several Inches long was out ln his forehead and the horse either stepped upon or kicked him in tho breast, possibly inflioting internal injuries. The wheel was wrecked. Waite was picked up and into the drug store at Twenty-nfth and Main streets, where he was restored to con sciousness and then sent home. His in juries while painful are not considered dan gerous. MADE A LARGE HAUL The Rivensjde Confidence Men Picked Up a Pot of Money The alleged mine swindlers, Clay and Jackson, who flew high at the Van Nuys hotel last week, seem to havo made a haul of much more than the $500 mentioned in the complaint against them. It ls a matter of report quite well founded that the two confidence men got a large sum of money from Sheriff Johnson of Riverside county, who ls a mine owner, and other parties ln Riverside. An authority puts their loot at a couple of thousand dollars. Several of their victims are so much ashamed of the easy way they were worked that they do not Intend to make any fuss about their losses. Was Badly Injured •A serious accident happened to Harry Adams, a real estate dealer of this city, several days ago. He was on the Malabu ranch, some miles from Santa Monica, looking at some; stock, when his horse bucked and injured him. He was taken to the ranch house, but it was several days before a physician could be secured. An operation was performed upon him Fri day ln time to save his life. At last ac counts he was doing well and was thought to be out of danger. La Fiesta Races The program for the races for La Fies ta, so far as. decided upon, will be as fol lows; Gentlemen's driving race, doctors' driving race, relay ten-mils running race, mile-trotting raos fee mules, doubla team. pony trotting, multicycle races, running races for amateur riders, pony running races, exhibition of horsemanship. Parties wishing to enter or having sug gestions to make will please communlcata with C. A. Sumner, 134 South Broadway. PRICE WANTS THAT DIVORCE For the Fifth Time a Kansan Asks to Be Freed From His Wife Sallna, Kas.—For the fifth time Thomas C. Price of Saline county has sued for a> divorce from his wife ln the Saline county district court. Once he was successful In securing a divorce, but he soon made up with the woman and they remarried. The matrimonial record of tho pair ls aa follows: November, 1802—Married. September, 1894—Price sues for divorce becauso his wife is cross. Decree denied. December, 1894—The same action and tha same result. April, IS9s—Another repetition. September, 1895—Price sues for divorce because his wife deserted him. Divorce granted. March, 1896—They make up and mirrjt again. March, 189S—Price again wants a divorce. Old Confederates Ready to Fight The Mississippi executive ofTicers have received a barrel of letters from all over the state proffering services ln case ot war with Spain, and, strange as it may seem, many of these letters are from gray and grizzled Confederate veterans, from men who might be supposed to have had an elegant sufficiency of this sort of thing away back yonder In the early sixties. One of tho state officers says: "I do not want to be quoted, but you may state that I have received scores of letters from men and organizations offering their services to their state and country, and the most remarkable part of It all ls that the dim Jority of these letters are from did men-* men who fought for the south during the) war."—New Orleans Times-Democrat An Ohio minister objects to skating on) the ground that it has a tendency to pre* jnote backsliding.