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14 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Ryder entertained Monday evening at their residence on Pas adena avenue In honor of the twentieth an niversary of their marriage. The parlors were decorated with smllax and bridal wreath, and beneath an arch of white and green wae fastened a bridal bell of smilax. In the dining room, where an elaborate luncheon was served, long ropes of smi lax were caught here and there and ln the center of the table the dates, '78 and '9S, were formed ln purple and white violets. Mrs. J. B. Smith assisted in receiving, and the Misses Carrie Austin, Gertrude Law rence and Virginia Irish assisted in the dining room. Lunch was served on the piazza, enclosed with canvas and lighted with lanterns. Many handsome gifts, In cluding a china set, were bestowed upon the host and hostess. During the evening music was rendered by Prof. Gardner, Miss Bernlce Powell and Miss Virginia Irish. Dancing was also enjoyed. Among the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Neil, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Irish, Mr. and Mrs. John Greer, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Pfiefer, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. John Powell, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Herzog, Mr. and Mrs. James Hut lany, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Browning, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Adcock, Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Parmeter, Mr. and Mrs. James Bray ton, Mr. and Mrs. P. Laugbton. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. White, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Burr, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dobson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. McGaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Huntley, Dr. and Mrs. Swearlngen of Pasadena, Dr. and Mrs. Fasig, Dr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Palmer, Dr. and Mrs. Billiard. Mmes. R. M. Wood, A. D. Bosworth, Isabella M. Hans, Rowena Hollenbcck, Fred W. Quince. P. K. Austin, Mary Thompson, Ida Buggies, Ellen Miller, Nancy Gilbert, Rena Alms, Caroline Rhomberg, C. M. Ford, Mary McDowell, Fred W. Stevens, Misses Matilda Saunders. Ellen Dodd, Ida Law rence, Gertrude Lawrence, Bernlce Powell, Virginia Irish, Carrie Austin, Lula Loh rer, Lottie Norcrosß, Lillian Stevens, Fern Palmer, Edna Adcock, Pearl Ryder, Ma bel Ryder, Carrie Parmeter of Lynn, Mass., Lena Pierce of Oakland. Cal., Prof. Gard ner, Messrs. J. C. Norcross, Will Crawford, Harvey Lynn, C. W. Wilson, James Stead. Earl Pfiefer, Arthur Pfiefer and Lynn Ry der. Marriage Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jacoby gave a dinner at their residence on South Hope street Wednesday evening In celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding, and also in honor of the engagement of Miss Louise Lazard to the host's brother, Abe Jacoby. Besides the guests of honor, there were present Mrs. Charles Jacoby. Mrs. Flora Rachfalska, Misses Adele Louis and Leila Jacoby, Messrs. Leo Jacoby. Emanuel Louis, Morris Jacoby, jr., and Sylvan Lazard, Masters Julius and Mel ville Jacoby. The table was effectively dec orated with a large centerpiece, which was formed of daffodils and maidenhair ferns, and the cloth was strewn with smiiax. pan sies and violets. From the chandelier fell a shower of white violets and pansies, caught in clusters at the ends of violet and green ribbons. At either end were silver candelaba. shades in green and pink, and the chandelier was similarly shaded. The dinner was followed by a whist party at which there were present about forty of the nearest relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs were the recipients of many gifts and a large number of congratulatory telegrams and letters. Newmark Dinner Mr. and Mrs. H. Newmark entertained at dinner Thursday evening at their residence on South Grand avenue in honor of Miss Emma Newmark and Max Goldsmith. The oilier guests were Mrs. J. P. Newmark. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Newmark, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Newmark, Mr. and Mrs. H. Goldsmith, Miss Rose Loeb, Messrs. Rob err Newmark, Fred Kabn, Sam Newmark, Marco Newmark and Hugo Goldsmith, The table decorations, which had been ar ranged by Mrs. Bancroft, were exception ally handsome. Branches of peach blos soms were massed in a huge bowl In the center of the large square table and about the chandelier, while at the top of each chair was fastened a cluster of the pink blossoms, tied with ribbons. The center piece rested upon a piece of Battenberg lace over rose-colored silk, and from the chandelier fell broad pink moire ribbons, ending at opposite sides of the center piece in butterfly bows. The place cards were water-color sketches, characteristic of each guest, and were fastened on wale pink satin ribbons, inscribed with original rhymes. At Cards Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Junos entertained at cards Thursday evening at their residence on West Twenty-second street. The dec orations were of smilax, ferns am] sham rock, and the score cards were green hearts, with pencil sketches of Hibernian heads. The prizes, a potted fern and a green leather purse, were wan by Miss; Preston and Mrs. Prentiss, anil the gen- I tlemen's prizes by Mr. Whitney aid Mr. Sutton. The consolations were won by Mrs. Isaacs and Mr. Vogt The guests were: Mr. nnd Mrs. James Irving. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Girdlestone, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Vogt, Mr. and Sirs. Guy S. Lapham", Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nahouse, Mr. and Mrs.', F. W. Beau de Zart, Mr. and Sirs, ( hark s L. Eager. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Isaacs Mr. and Mrs. O, .7. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs! Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. Prentiss, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rich, Mmes. Mtllspaugh Elizabeth Leach er Sun Francisco, Lord and Taylor of Pasadena. Misses Jessie Ar ne!l of Ventura. Edith Preston. Edith Haines. Messrs. Byron Scarborough Roy Prentiss, F. W. Grannie. Clarence Cook and Fred Abbott.' Musical Afternoon Mrs. O. C. Whitney and Mrs. Frank ,T. Hart gave n-i Informal afternoon with music Tuesday at their residence on South Hope street. The rooms were decorated with amilnx and marguerites and the guests were entertained with R, gramo phone and a large Retina music box. An hour was pleasantly spent with a musical :oncert and the prizes were large photo IN SOCIETY gravures of musical subjects. The guests were: Mmes. Bruce Williamson, J. E. Whitley, Harry Maxwell, J. A. Clark, Hiram Williamson, Edwin Pratt, J. S. Vosburg, W. L. Warren, V.*. G. Cogswell, Robert Verch, E. H. Enderlein, Rogers of Omaha, Hewitt of Pasadena, R. L. Ash ley, E. G. Foord, Hillcrby, Trultt, Marshall, L. W. Godln, E. J. Soper, Taylor, Cory, Shlpman, Davis of Pasadena; Misses Had ley, Vosburg, Fay, Sanford, Clara Snnford, Leach, McGrath, Reynolds of Canada and George Gibbs of Pasadena. Phi Delta Theta Fraternity The members of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity gave a banquet Tuesday at the Maison Doree and later completed the ar rangements for a permanent and effec tive organization. The members of the California Alpha present were Leslie R. Hewitt, F. E. Engstrum, Dnrwln Gish, G. Curtis Do Garmo and Russ Avery; Cali fornia Beta, Edward W. Holmes. Homer Laughlln, jr., R. P. Rice, Clark W. Hoth erlngton; Illinois Zeta, E. L. Conger, Rob ert A. Adcock; Ohio Delta. John H. Simms. E. W. Forgy; Missouri Alpha, S. F. Conley; Missouri Beta, F. M. Sullee; Vermont Al pha, B. D. Emery; Virginia Beta, Thomas L. Ncal; lowa Alpha. Edward \\\ Wehrle. The officers of the association are; Pres ident, E. L. Conger; vice-president, Leslie R. Hewitt; secretary Edward W. Holmes. The alumni day of the Phi Delta Theta was selected for the next reunion of tho fra ternity. Evening Card Club Miss Irene Stephens entertained the Evening Card club Friday evening at her homo on South Hill street. The club prizes were an enameled picture frame and v leather-bound pocketbook, and the guests' prizes are a lace handkerchief and a stein. Those who were there were: Misses Lucille Daniel, Beatrice Chandler, Florence Jones, Genevieve Smith. Kate Landt, Dorothy Groff, Mary Hack, Minnie Prentiss, Bird Chanslor, Lillian Wellborn, Dorothy Well born, Sarah Goodrich, Katharine Johnson. Bessie Bonsall, Surah limes, Lou Winder, Messrs. Kalvert, Gay Lewis. Fred Flint, Carroll Allen, R. B. Dickinson, Sam Has kins, Harry Van Dyke, John Mott, Fred Henderson, Horace Henderson, Felix Not man, Alexander Bush, William Garland. Walter Chanslor, Robert Rowan and Chas. Henderson. Earl Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Earl gave a din ner Wednesday evening at their residence on South Hill street. The dining room was decorated with pear blossoms, massed about the buffet and mantel and In a great bowl In the center of the round table. The chandelier and the silver candelabra were shaded in pink, and the cloth was strewn with sprays of the blossoms. At each place were clusters of pink sweet peas, tied with pink ribbon, and tbe Japanese name cards were decorated with nights of storks, done in water colors. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Novin, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Botsford, Count and Countess yon Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. MOSSIn, Mrs. Arthur Brown of Oakland and M. L. Graff. In Honor of Mrs. Newman Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Williams enter tained Thursday evening at their pretty home, 726 South Hill street, in honor of Mrs. Williams' sister and her daughters, Mrs. S. B. Newman and Daisy nnd Mabel Newman, who are visiting from Salt Lake city. The room were beautifully decorated with yellow marguerites, potted palms and ferns. Miss Ailcne Myer presided at the punch bowl. During the evening a number of Instrumental solos and musical selec tions were rendered. The invited guests were: Sir. and Mrs. Carl Sawvell, Captain and Mrs. Thomes, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Holey, Miss Ailcne Meyer, Messrs. Carl Epporly, Geo. Dow, Geo. Clinton, Cllnlon Newman and Dr. Eidelmnn. Lotto Party Miss Elizabeth Marble gave a lotto party Saturday afternoon at her residence on South Flgueroa street, in honor of Miss Dysert of Ohio. The drawing rooms were charmingly decorated with maidenhair ferns and wild flowers, and a luncheon was served fro a tiny table. The prizes were a drawn-work handkerchief and a stamped leather photograph frame. Miss Marble Was assisted by Miss Elizabeth Lewis and Miss Maude Ross. The guests were: Misses Mabel Clute, Annie Wethern. Myrtle Brotherton, Ellis Frailer of Ohio. Barbara Hitt, Katherlne Nash of Pasa dena, Le Roy, Lora Hubbell, Marie Crow, Florence Crow, Clara Bosbyshell and Mrs. Ernest Bradley. Alpha Hho Society- Miss Frances Thomson of 123.-) West Thirtieth street entertained Saturday eveningin honor of the Alpha Rho Sorority. Green and gold, the fraternal colors, pre dominated in the decorations of smilax, flowering acacia, carnations and potted plants. The evening quickly passed in progressive croklnole, Miss Emma Bates and Mr. Basson winning the first prizes, while the consolation fell to Miss Griscora and Mr. 1 [offer, Dainty refreshments were served. Those present were: Mrs. S. A. Thomson, Misses Bates. Emma Bates. Griscom, Paddison, Brenlser, Brown. Bld tidge nnd Thomson; Messrs, Pratt, Hotter, l lasson, Cole, Bates, McAlleps and Thom son, Shields.-Althouse The wedding of Miss Maud Shields and Daniel T. Althouse took place Wednesday at high noon at the residence of the bride's parents on North Fremont avenue. The ceremony, wltnesesd only hy the nearest relatives, was' performer] by tbe Rev. B. F. Coulter. The bride was gowned in blue cloth, garnitured with accordion-pleated j mousseline de sole, and carried while vlo :h is tied with white satin ribbons. The ' double parlors wore decorated with v pro i fusion of white and pink roses, callus and ' smilax. The gifts were numerous and handsome. Mr. and Mrs. Althouse will visit : Coronado, and will bo at home on Thurs i days after April 21st, at UN Wall street. Progressive Euchre Miss Estclla Healy entertained the class at the Cumnock school, of which she is a member, last Saturday afternoon and in ; the evening a few friends at progressive euchre. The parlors were decorated with j smiiax and pepepr boughs and the class LOS ANGELES' HERALD t SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 20, 1898 colors were prettily carrlsd out ln violets and white ribbon. In the drawing- contest Miss Edna Chrlsman won the prize and ln "olla podrlda poetical" the prizes ware won by Miss Lillian Wood and Miss Alice Williamson. In the evening Miss Isabel Borthwick and Bobert Hartwell won the first prizes and the consolations fell to Miss Eva Pennman and Byron Oliver. Gibbon Dinner Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Gibbon gave a dinner Wednesday evening, at whleh the guests wore Mr. and Mrs. Trezevant, Miss Treze vant and Mr. McDonald of Dallas, Tex., Miss Batcllffo of Little Bock, Ark., and Henry McKce. The decorations were in lavender and green; wide satin ribbons of the two colors were laid diagonally across the table, terminating in large bows, and the center was occupied by a tall sliver candelabrum, with lavender candles and shades, decorated With violets. Smaller candelabra, similarly shaded, were placed at the ends and tho cloth was thick ly strewn with violets. Fifteenth Anniversary- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Woodruff en tertained informally Monday evening at their resldenco on Stockton street in honor of the fifteenth anniversary of their mar riage. The decorations were arranged with peppers and scarlet geraniums. Games and light refreshments were pleasant fea tures of the evening. The guests were; Mr. and Mrs. L. Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Will Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Grover, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wood ruff, Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Everts, Mrs. C. Wilbur, Misses Hazel Gates, June Gates and Ida Jones. Surprise Party Bryant Shchorn was tendered a pleas ant surprise party on Tuesday evening at his home, 447 North Avenue 21, East Los Angeles. The evening was spent in playing games up to a late hour. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Murk Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dye, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Patton. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Rhoda, Mrs. B. W. Shehorn. Mrs. Bryant She horn. Misses Maud and Bessie Dana, Nel lie Hardlsty, Pearl Gillespie. Camilla nnd Lillie Shehorn, Messrs. Van Every, Wm. Hall, Wm. Hack, Bobert P. Shehorn and Bert Smith. las Amigas Club Mrs. E. A. Forrester entertained Las Amigas club Wednesday afternoon at her residence on West Seventh street. The drawing rooms were decorated with vio lets, heliotrope and maidenhair ferns. Luncheon was served, and the afternoon was spent with games and music. The guests were: Mmes. E. W. Reynolds, C. B. Woodhead, Charles Forrester, W. W. Wldney, W. D. Brodheck. Arthur Forres ter, Griswokl, McAdams, Martin, Selger, Price, Gillette, Avers of Pasadena, Parlin, Weaver, Murray and Miss Ethel Rey nolds. Shinnick-Musselman The marriage of Mrs. Nancy M. Shin nick and William J. Musselman took place at high noon Thursday at the residence of Mrs. McCowan on South Flower street. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. S. Clark, rector of Christ church. The bride was gowned In gray cloth and car ried white carnations. The decorations were of white and green, nnd the ceremony was followed by a breakfast. Mr. nnd Mrs. Musselman will reside in Los Angeles. Trip to Mount Wilson A number ot young people, chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Simpson Wilson, went up to Mount Wilson Saturday and stayed until Sunday evening- The party included the Misses Josephine, Mary and Lida Dan forth of Washington, II!., Misses Eleanor Tuttle, Charlotte Miller, Bird Chanslor. McQueen, Howell and Reed, Messrs. Waller Chanslor, McCoy, Joe Chanslor. Dyer, A. J. Waters. Ralph Day, Welch and Coffey of Pasadena. Saturday Whist Club The Saturday Afternoon Whist club was entertained last week by Mrs. D. I!. Brearley at the Melrose. Mrs. F. K. Rule and Mrs. George Montgomery won the club prizes, a cut glass bonbon dish and a cut glass vase, and Mrs. Crcuch the guests' prize, a miniature. In addition to the members, the guests were Mmes. Elisha Crouch, E. A. Poppleton, Ed. Tufts, Miss Matilda Jones of Santa Monica and Miss Vail. Smith-Abbott Miss Lillie Smith of Redondo and Ed ward Abbott of San Pedro were united in marriage by Rev. G. W. Coultas Thursday afternoon, at the residence of A. K. Lind ley, Sl2 West Jefferson street. The parlors were very prettily decorated, and a dainty luncheon was served after the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Abbott will be at home in San Pedro after April Ist. Here and There Miss Ethel lirooks is visiting friends at Vent ura. Miss Bessie Stock is a guest of friends at Cucamonga. Mrs. Louis E. Filler Is visiting friends at "Long Beach. Miss Bessie Bryan has returned from a visit at Glen Ivy. Murray Cox has returned from an ex tended visit ln lowa. Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Kessler are the guests of friends In San Diego. Miss Bertha Hill ls the guest of Miss Francos Clark of Redlands. Mr. and Mrs. George Mlchaelson of Chi cago are visiting in tbe city. Miss Bessie Bryan has returned from a visit of several weeks at Glen Ivy. Miss Lolita Robertson will leave next week for her home In New York city. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Washburn returned on Tuesday from a short eastern trip. R. A. Chadwick left Thursday for Mex ico and thence to his homo in London. Miss Eftle Cone has returned from a few weeks' visit with friends in San Diego. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Gallagher and Mrs. Kcnney of Chicago are visiting the city. George Shaffer is visiting his brother, County Auditor J. K. Shaffer, at San Diego. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. White und Miss Cor- Wln are spending the week at Santa Mon ica. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Scott of San Francisco are staying at Hotel Lindsay for a leu days. I Mrs. Bradner Lee will entertain the West End Whist club next Saturday after noon. Miss Helen Davlsson has returned from a visit with friends at Duarte and Po mona. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Althouse are spending a few weeks at Coronado beach and San Diego. Miss Anna Retzer entertained at hearts Friday evening at her residence on lonia street. Mrs. K. T. Van Home and daughter have gone lo Pasadena to remain several months. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Seekatz of Red lands have removed with their family to this city. The marriage of Miss Emma Newmark and Max Goidschmldt tvHl take place on April 6th. Miss Genevieve Bmlth entertains the Young Ladles' Whist club on Tuesday. March 24. The Thursday Night club will be enter tained by Judge and Mrs. B. N. Smith on March 24th. The Assistance league will meet with Miss Kent, 1969 Estreila avenue, on Satur day afternoon. Mrs. C. W. Brown will entertain the Browning club at Its next regular meet ing on April 4th. The Rainmakers' club will give Us first social dance Tuesday evening, March 22, at Kramer's hall. Mrs. E. K. Foster of West Thirty-sixth street has returned from a six-weeks' stay at Terminal Island. Miss A. L. Brown nnd Miss A. E. Porter are guests of Hey. and Mrs. Thomas Hen dry on Omaha street. Mrs. T. E. Albright andehlV- i < f Soto street have gone to Verdugo lo Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fiske. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Dyer and Mr s. Aker man of San Diego aro guests at Bellevue terrace for v few weeks. Mrs. A, E. Jones has removed to No. 115 South Olive street, and Will be at home to her friends on Tuesdays. Mrs. W. S. Boggs and Mrs. W. V. Drake of San Bernardino are spending a few days at Bellevue terrace. Misses Aurora and Auder.cla Bauchet of Los Angeles are visiting their sister, Mrs. V. C. Melius, in Bedlands. Mrs. Rufus 11. Herron and Colonel and Mrs. W. A. Herron of Pittsburg are spend ing a few days at Coronado. A delightful whist party was given Thursday evening at the Concordia club. About 100 guests were present. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Chapman will entertain L'Amltle Whist club Tuesday evening at their residence on Ceres avenue. R. G. Sykes and wife of Nlles, 0.. are spending the winter in this city and are guests at Bellevue terrace hotel. The Zingarl club will meet on Ihe even ing of April 4th at the studio of Prof. A. WillhartitS on South Broadway. Corona parlor 196. Native Sons of the Golden West, will givo a large whist party on April 12, and a picnic on May day. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Worsham will enter tain the Fortnightly Whist ciub March 26th at their residence on North Soto street. Miss Estella Healy entertained the class of which she is a member at the Cumnock school of oratory on Saturday afternoon. M. B. Phillips, dean of the University of Southern California, has removed to the old parsonage property near Wesley ave nue. The Misses Stella and Addle Perry of Vallejo street have been the guests this week of Mrs. George F. Hlrsch of Long Beach. The Woman's parliament of East Los Angeles will hold its monthly social meet ing March 29 at the home of Mrs. J. B. Lawrence. The Orange-street Whist club was enter tained Thursday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Davidson on Ingra ham street. The Golden West society enjoyed a pleas ant tally-ho rlda to Mlilard's canyon last week. The party was chaperoned by Mrs. Mark C. Kennedy. Dr. A. C. Bryan of Pomona has pur chased a handsome new residence on West Seventeenth street, into which he will move with hi 3 family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Colby entertained pupils of the former's piano and organ classes at his spacious studio at Simpson tabernacle Friday evening. The p;bell club at Long Bench held its first quarterly meeting yesterday. It has been organized just one year. Airs. C. D. Willard addressed the meeting. A pleasant reception was given Monday evening by the members and friends of Unity church to Rev. A. N. Haskell, who returned to his home last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Bryant and Mr. and Mrs. Torbcrt Coryell of St. Louis are spending some weeks in the city, and are guests at the Bellevue terrace. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Brodtbeck gave a din ner Thursday evening at their residence or. West Seventh street, in honor of Mr. F. W. Welnheimer of St. Louis. Charles L. Allen and Miss Leona Wheat were married last evening at the residence of the bride's parents, 622 South Griffin avenue, by Rev. W. A. Knighton. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wilson, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. IT. M. Sale for several weeks, have returned to their home at Chippewa Falls, Wis. Miss Olive Hoff, a sister of John D. Hoff of this city, has been engaged to play the part of Cissy in Harry Corson Clarke's popular play, "What Happened to Jones." Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Willson. who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Sale for six weeks, left for the north on Friday, en route to their home at Chippe wa Falls. -Mrs. Burt, wife of the new president of the Union Paoilic Railway company, and Mrs. Charles Ogden of Omaha arrived in the city Thursday morning. They will re main about a week before returning to Omaha. Miss Violet Cook gave an Informal luncheon yesterday at her home on South Main street. The table was gracefully decorated with smilax and carnations, and the guests were Misses Blanch Woodhead, Lora Woodhead und Mabel Reynolds. Miss Jennie Roberts of Toledo. 0., whe was here four years ago, returned Sat urday, Feb. 12th, to remain, and is the guest of Mrs. R. W. Darby, at No. IS2I West Pico street Miss Roberts' parents are expected to arrive in a few weeks ta make their permanent home in this city. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fleming gave a the ater party Monday evening at the Orphe um, followed by a supper at Levy's, The party Included Mr. and Mrs. John T. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Barker Mr. and Mrs. John H. Norton, Mr. and Mrs. \V. Holllday and Mrs. M. L. McCormack Mrs. Louis Lazard entertained at dinnci last evening at her residence on Wesl Seventh street, ln honor of Misses Stein hart and Cohen, Messrs. Marco Newmgrli ! and Edfmr Baruch. The decorations wen carnations, maidenhair ferns and pink sat in ribbons. About twenty guests were pres ent. Miss Leila Daniel entertained Informally at luncheon on Saturday at her home, 2-ld West Seventh street. The table was dec orated with roses. The guests were Misses Helen Davenport, Evelyn Gwynne Annette Gibson. Helen Carhart, Alma Foy Genevieve Doming, Bertha Pollard an< Alice Groff. Major George H. Bonebrake gave a din ncr Inst evening at his residence on Fig ueroa street to tbe members of the Loya Legion. The decorations were of Swee peas, carnations and ferns, and an elabor ate menu was served under the dlreotloi of Reynolds. Lewinsky's orchestra fur inlshed music during the evening. Mrs. George Wllshlre gave a luncheon Wednesday at the Redondo hotel, ln honor of Mrs. Queen of Covington, Ky., and Mrs. Lodwlck. The decorations were of smllax and earnattone. The guests were: Mmes. J. A. Anderson, C. C. Carpenter, Cosmo Morgan, W. B. Ridgeway. Taylor, Cunningham. A. G. Wells and Nat Wll shlre. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Bundrem entertained the Winter Whist club Thursday evening at their residence on Flower and Jefferson streets. The club prises, a carbon picture of the "Three Fates" and a mirror framed In gold, were won by Miss Katheiine Johnson and Miss Florence Jones. The guests' prizes were won by Mrs. A. H. Busch, Carroll Allen and W. I* Adams. Mlsb Ruth C. Long, niece of the secretary of the navy, Is on her way home to Boston from National City, where she has spent the winter with her sister, Mrs. Julia Forbes. Miss Long ls the guest of her aunt. Mrs. B. C. Thomes of Maine, and her friend, Mrs. E. A. Jewett, also of Maine, who nre spending the winter at the resldenco of Mrs. Upton on Alvarado street. Miss Bessie Shcmwell entertained a few friends informally Friday evening at her home on Orchard avenue. Dancing and music wore pleasant features of the even ing. Tho guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Mtddagh of Colorado Springs, Col.; Misses Marian Parker, Henrietta Worthlngton, Bessie Mallory, Brown, Messrs. Hugh Mc- Farland, Dan. McFarland, Arthur Gage, Finney and Gurnsey Brown. WOMEN'S CLUBS Subjects of Study, Art, Literature and the Drama The regular weekly meeting of the Shakespeare class was held on Monday afternoon. The study for the occasion was the first two acts of "Henry VI," and, of course, the most interesting subject for consideration was the character and phys ique of that most wonderful of heroines, Joan of Arc. There was a spirited discus sion of the marvelous young girl, whose achievements are the chief incidents of the drama, by Mmes. J. L. Murphy. C. W. Owen. E. L. Brown, M. E. Robertson, R. A. Jones, Dr. M. M. Johnson, Miss Scott and others. It goas without saying that, in regard to the physlquo of the inspired maid, the differences of opinions were as numerous aB the speakers. But there was notable unanimity as to the exalted place sho will forever hold among the great wo men of history. Mrs, A. E. Baker read an able paper on Katharine, wife of Henry V, and a roll call was responded to with quotations from ihe play. o o o The Current Topics class heid a very In teresting session Wednesday. After a dis cussion of domestic, foreign, literary and scientific news, Mrs. Steere gave a descrip tion of the situation at the Dry Tortugas. Mrs. Galpin gavo a review of the Semitic troubles In Europe. She first gave M. Dru inont's view of the situation, then consid ered Max Nordau's prophecy of the second St. Bartholomew, ln which tho French Jews will be the victims; the plans of the Zionists and the probabilities of their con summation. The Russian point of view was touched upon, as was also the anti- Semitic feeling manifested In the Austro- Hungartan trouble. The ladles present were: Mmes. Geo. Rice, J. A. Osgood, K. T. Thorpe, Jewell. Pease, Horrell, J. W. Hlnton. Will Eglehoff. Lottie Willard, 11. Steere. G. T. Bovard, I. O. Smith, Fred Fay, H. G. Cates, Wyman, O. T. Follows, Misses Nellie Hutchinson, Annie Pease, Victoria Ellis, Fleming, Louise Jones, Eu genia Hobbs. Sumner, Rhone, Kate Tea han and Isabel Ardlto. o o o The Ruskln Art club Wednesday morn ing was led In its studies of art and artists by Mrs. Morris Albce and Miss Mabel Uarnscy. Mrs. Albee read brief papers on John R. Rcid and Frank Hall. Miss Garn sey presented Colin Hunter and Henry Moore. The other artists sketched wore Hubert Herkomer, by Miss Milncr; Stan hope Forbes, by Miss Marie Crow; Josof Israels, by Mrs. W. E. Dunn; H. W. Mes dug, the great marine painter, and De Haas, by Mrs. Frank P. Flint; Jan Veth. by Miss Marble, and Johansen, by Mrs. S. C. Hubbell. Mrs. Albce also gave in teresting sketches of Emile Wauters and Frans Courtons. two Holland artists. An informal discussion of various other men of note brought out many points of Interest, and a large number of photographs and pictures were exhibited. The art lecture by Mrs. Caswell, which was arranged for March 19. will bo given on the 26th, having been postponed to that date. o o o The Literature section of tho Ebell held an Interesting mooting Monday afternoon. The subject considered was Marion Craw ford and his writings, and papers were read by Mrs. William S. Fuller, Mrs. C. A. Bnshford, Mrs. Frank Gordon nnd Misses Clara Severance, Bertha Worm and Lillian Vosburg. An interesting discussion, led hy tho curator, Mrs. George D. Ruddy, fol lowed. TRAINED ANIMALS Monkey, Dog and Shetland Pony Show This Week Morris Brothers' dog and pony show will exhibit one week, under tents, at the cor ner ef Eleventh and Flower streets, begin ning Monday, March 21, with a dally mat inee at 3p. m. The company numbers over 100 animal performers and Is said to be the largest of Its kind ln America. The lit tle animals have been carefully trained and will introduce many new acts, the most exciting of which is the fire depart ment. There will be a miniature book and ladder truck, hose reel, fire engine, drawn by Shetland ponies and operated by dog and monkey llremen. The fire department and entire company will be seen on the streets, on dress parade, at 11 a. m. dally. A Kansas City telegrapher named Spain has been roasted so much since the late unpleasantness began that he ls seriously thinking of changing his name. J Stops j Grey Hair ' ► before it spoils your beauty, and puts < ' ► the seal of aire on a youthful face. . < % Mrs. Nettle Harrison's 4-Day Hair < > Restorer is a harmless preparation that < , ' ► restores gray ox faded hair to Its natural < , > color, without any Inconvenience ordls- i , ' > agreeable after effects. Not a dye; < . ► cleanly to use; free from sediment or < , % sticky matter. Price $1.00 a bottle. All < ( ] ► drupeistß. * , i; MRS. NETTIE HARRISON | > < > DBRMATObOQIST * \ \ ► 40-42 Geary St. San Franelsw < t ! "" ' 1 "Tha S—t le th* Cheapest" BOSTON £L STORE. J. W. ROBINSON GO. 339 South Broadway Telephone 904 Mala Importers, Jobbers and Retailers , . ■ g Millinery, Ribbons, Embroideries Complete lines of new, fresh goods direct from the manu* facturer will be placed on sale Monday, March 21st, Ai Special Prices. Untrimmed Millinery, First Floor Large Bunches New Flowers, all kinds and colors, -<j3 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c Bunch Short Back Sailors, black and white, 50c Each Fancy Braid Turbans, latest styles, new colors, 75c Each Flowers, Quills, Braids, Wings, Ribbons, Nets, Complete Millinery Outfits at Lowest Prices. Ribbons . . . 900 pieces All-Silk Taffeta Ribbons, plain and moire, 4 and f inch widths, are placed on sale as a leader, At 15c, 20c and 25c Yard Embroideries Just received Five Thousand Yards Cambric Embroideries, In the finest textures and later designs, which will be offered at the same low prices as at our opening sale. Extra fine Cambric Embroideries, 3 A inch widths, button hole edges, dainty textures, later designs. Extra Value 10c. Special Price, 6#c Yard 4 and 5 inch widths Fine French Cambric Embroideries, Extra Value 17c. Special Price, Yard 6 and 7 inch widths Dainty Embroideries, exclusive patterns, Extra Value 25c. Special Price, 15c Yard 8 and 10 inch widths Superb Texture, latest Swiss patterns, Extra Value 35c. Special Price, 20c Yard 8 and 12 inch Cambric Embroideries, finest texture and design, Extra Value 40c, 50c, 60c. Special Price, 20c and 30c Yard Sole Agents for Gain Greatest Queen *^ J^ Invention Skirt A & of the supporter raHl A * e Recommended by the medical faculty and indorsed by the ladies all over the country. Black Enamel and Silver, 25c Each I I [ I 1 I i j asdas