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SOME NEEDED REFORMS REMARKS BY MEMBERS OF TH3 BOABD OF EDUCATION They Tell the Teachers Where Im provements' Could Be Made in the Present School System The Los Angelea County Teachers' asso ciation met yesterday morning In the audi ence room of the high school, Prof. Mil lard ln the chair. The meeting was ad dressed by several members of the board of education on the general subject, "Re forms ln Electing and Retaining Teach ers." The president of the board, Charles Cas sat Davis, was the first speaker of the morning. Mr. Davis took the position that the employment of teachers should be in the hands of the superintendent of schools, who should be held responsible for the kind of teachers employed. At present many teachers obtain their positions by personal Influence, and retain them ln the same way; therefore, the best talent is not al ways Becured. lie would like to see tbe profession of teacher the highest ln the community, and the result would be to the betterment of the whole city. N. P. Conrey, the next speaker, thought our present system not so far wrong. We have a good source of supply to draw upon for our teachers—American homes and training schools. In which the Instructors are men and women lltted for their work. There aro degrees of natural talent and differences In training. The arbitrary au thority ln employing teachers rests In the board of education; the city superintend ent has no voice In the selection. The board Of education ls elected from the communi ty,and two years, (he time for which the members are elected, ls not adequate to give any man a knowledge of what he is called upon to perform. This can be changed only by a change ln the law, and that cannot be done ln a year. A proposed chango In the law contemplates selecting members on a scientific 'and educational basis, and drawing a fixed and defined line between the educational and business de partments of the board. Put the employ ing power ln the hands of the superintend ent and hold him responsible. The re sponsibility such a position would carry with It would Impress any man with the trust. The speaker would raise the stand ard of the profession and make It more dif ficult for mediocre teachers to obtain posi tions. The certificate must not only certify that the person ls qualified to teach, but must specify his or her particular endow ment for the profession. Mr. Braly, the next member to address the meeting, said he realized as never be fore how thoroughly the teacher holds ln his or her hands tho training of the men and women of the future. Children get more from the teacher than they do from books, therefore It ls Important that the teacher should be a person of high char acter. We will never have teachers better selected until we have a better selecting power. We will never have a stable, effi cient school system until we have a differ ent method of selecting trustees. Two years is too short a time for the board to hold office; It requires a year at least for them to learn how to handle the teaching force. The board should not consist of more than Aye members, and hold office not less than six years, and have rota tion so arranged that at least three of the board should have three years' experience. They should be appointed, not elected, by the superior Judges of the county; we might then have men fitted for their great work, the best curriculum of study and the beet teachers. The board of education would then be taken out of politics. The teachers' tenure of office should be gov erned by the merit of their work, and they should be retained for life, until they re sign or are dismissed for good cause. Mr. Poor concurred in tha opinions of the preceding member that there should be reform in the method of selecting the board of education and that the schools should be taken out of politics. To insure the public the best service, the board shopld be paid a salary sufficient to in duce capable men to accept tho responsi bility and the office should be appointive. They should not all go Into nor out of office at once. The teacher would then be assured of a position without the aid of Influence. The speaker made the rather broad statement that there was no teacher before him who had not received her posi tion through Influence. Professor Foshay, who opened the dis cussion that followed, hastened to refute the statement. He said many excellent teachers he knew, who never had any one speak In their behalf, were holding posi tions on their own merits. It is a serious mistake, ho thought, for the board of ed ucation to all be elected at the same time. We should have teachers who see that the child is their first consideration. Professor Hutton of the normal school, Professor Graham of Pasadena and others participated ln the discussion. INSURANCE AND ESCAPES finance Committee Figuring oa Pos- sible Fires No business was transacted at yester day's meeting of the council finance com mittee, although the members met and discussed several subjects before them for action. The question of putting fire es capes on the city hall building at an esti mated expense of $630 came up for some discussion. It was evident from the re marks of the committeemen that Superin tendent Stratton had alarmed them with his big estimate of cost. Mr. Grlder was opposed to such a large expenditure and Mr. Toll agreed that the subject needed to be looked Into carefully. The matter was pigeonholed for future action. About $54,000 Insurance on city property /will expire during the early part of April, and thero was some discussion of the sub ject. There are between fifteen and twen ty insurance agents after the business. There ls understood to bo little or no dif ference ln rates, which are uniformly high er than they were when the present Insur ance was assumed. It is a question with the councllmen whether to divide the busi ness up so as to give ten or a dozen reliable firms their proportionate share of the In surance or to give It to a few. Settlement of the matter was laid over one week. Pumping Cables I* Bchwarzondall has petitioned the council to be permitted to maintain and operate a pumping cable across West State street; also another across Yale street near Bernard. M. J. Croswell has applied to be allowed to oper ate a cable across Bdgeware road to the well of the Combination Oil company, and also for two cables across Omaha street Q. W. Tutibs wants permission to stretch two cables across Metcalf street, and one Serosa Yale street north ot Bernard, while the American Crude Oil company desires to operate three cables across Welcome street between West State and Council streets. Auditor's Balance Sheet The weekly trial balance of the city auditor shows the following funds over drawn: Cash, $1230.32; Are department, $2212.64; street lighting, 12243.01; street sprinkling, $407.43; East Los Angeles park, 1126.36; dog fund, $65. The following funds show cash balances: Salary, $214.49; com mon school, $8857.57; library, $2158.49; new water, $5165.84; general park, $1725.41; West lake park. $958.63; Hollenbeck park, $248.81; Echo park, $96.35; Elyslan park, $153.61; park nursery, $209.42. Treasurer's balance, $93,047.03. Another Electric Road A request for a special privilege for twenty-two months to build and operate an electric street car line from the present terminus of the T;actlon line at Adams street and Western avenue, along Adams street past Kinney Heights to the west city limits, has been applied for by Abbot Kinney. Want Sidewalks A petition to the council was filed yes terday by Polndexter & Wadsworth ask ing that cement walks and curbs be ordered laid on Twenty-fourth street, between To bcrman and Union, wherever walks and curbs are not already placed. POLICE HAPPENINGS Minor Matters in the Two Justices' Courts Officer Sparks and Gorman arrested Ah Duck yesterday afternoon on Los Angeles street for selling lottery tickets. Susano Rivera was arrested by Officer Waiker, charged with having stolen lum ber from P. Darcy Friday night. Rivera was before Justice Owens yesterday, who continued his case for trial until tomor row afternoon at 3 oclock. Deputy Constable Joe Mugneml arrested Willie Wilson, a colored man, for failure to provide. His wife, who resides at 510 Ducommun street, says that he has failed to help take care of her and his three chil dren. Wilson drives an oil wagon for Cur iey, and claims that he gives a portion of his wages to his wife. Curley gives the driver an excellent Reputation for steadi ness. Wilson was allowed to go on his own recognizance by Justice Owens yesterday, who set his case for trial tomorrow morn ing at 11 oclock. Wlngate Lindsay was before Justice Owens yesterday for examination on a charge of embezzlement. It was alleged that Wlngate had disposed of a horse and wagon which he had taken from a carpen ter to sell. The defendant showed that he had paid $10 on account, and it was held that this made the transaction a running account and ht had not ln consequence been guilty of embezzlememt. The com plaint was dismissed and the defendant discharged. J. W. Hyland will be tried for battery before Justice Morrison on Tuesday morn ing at 9:30 oclock. Hyland is alleged to have been the man who smashed A. H. Munn in the solar plexls last week and knocked him out so that an officer thought him drunk and arrested him. Munn was discharged by the court when he told his story. RIVERSIDE'S MURDER MYSTERY The Victim May Have Been Bernardo Cota of El Cajon The murder at Riverside on the Bth of December last, when the victim's body was found ln the river bottom a few miles southwest of the city, remains an apparent ly impenetrable mystery so far as the Iden tity of the murdered man goes, though there ls just a chance that it will turn out to be Bernardo Cota of El Cajon. TTnder- Sherlff Dixon of Riverside yesterday re ceived a letter from a friend at El Cajon, who had seen a photograph of the dead man, saying that It was exactly like Cota, who had not been seen for some time. Cota left that section December Ist to go to Klondike. He had worked! ln the Ju lian mines and also on ranches about El Cajon. and the writer ls positive that it was he that was murdered. When Cola left El Cajon he had a large sum of money and It Is believed by his friends there that he was followed by some one who knew of the fact and was killed for his gold. The body was found on December Bth, and Cota would have had time to reach the point where the corpse was found. Officers here are of the opinion that a true Identifi cation haß been reached. Further Investi gation will be made with a view of estab lishing the Identity beyond a doubt. Sheriff Dixon does not think the two men arrested by Sheriff Ballou of San Luis Obispo are the criminals, for several rea sons, but he has an Idea that they may be the men who robbed the Chlno postofflce on December 4th. WILL DOUBLE ITS CAPITAL Los Angeles Electric Company May Enlarge Its Plant A preliminary meeting of tho board of directors of the Los Angeles Electric com pany, was held last week, at which the ad visability of Increasing the present capital stock of the company from (300,000 to $600, --000 was discussed. It was decided to call a meeting of stockholders on the 18th of May, at which time the proposition will be submitted. Secretary Burns, in the absence of Pres ident Cllne, stated that the increase was deemed advisable for the purpose of mak ing additional Improvements in the plant and to meet the expense of laying under ground conduits. He further stated that the recent report which appeared ln a local evening paper, Intimating that a portion of the great in crease of capital might be applied in ef fecting a consolidation with the San Gabriel Electric company, was without ground and unauthorized by his company. As to the laying of conduits, the com pany has been considering plans of the various underground systems submitted to them, but up to the present.time had come to no decision as to when the work would commence, but that presumably definite action would be taken at the forth coming meeting. Railway Notes Tbe Santa Fe westbound overland train arrived last night 12 hours late, on account of the engine and two'cars having been derailed as Isleta. The accident happened In the yard at that place and no one was hurt. General Passenger Agent Byrne of the Santa Fe-Paclflc returned yesterday from San Francisco, where ho has been strug gling with the question of rates caused by the cutting on overland travel by "the Canadian Pacific. General Freight Agent Chambers of the Santa Fe-Paclflc and General Freight Agent Luce of the Southern Pacific leave today for Monterey, where, they will at tend the meeting of the Transcontinental Freight bureau and present the repeat of the orange growers for a lower - their fiful^ LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 20, JB9B 810 NEWS BRIGHTLY TOLD—- ANOTHER $15,000 STOCK OF GOODS.. g —« AT 50 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR 1 ■ Sale of the Fashion Stock ■ 1 "KF- The'Tashion Store" (2*l S. Broadway) was owned by Newman, Levison Co., San Francisco (under the management of Miss Eva Haitman), and consisted of a carefully-selected stock of Dry Goods and Fancy Goods, ladies' and children's wearing apparel of all kinds, such as underwear, corsets, hosiery, gloves, ribbons, handkerchiefs, laces, skirts, fans, parasols, notions of every description, art materials, men s hose, sweaters, etc. It was decided a short time ago to discontinue the business here, and rather than reship the goods to their al ready crowded rooms in San Francisco, closed the whole stock to us at Fifty Cents on the Dollar. It would be hard indeed to ex aggerate the beauty of this stock, Newman, Levison Co. are known all over California as dealers in the Best of Merchandise, a richer ' collection ot domestic and imported goods, or more perfectly made or elegantly trimmed wearables cannot be found in America. The selling of this new stock of goods means a saving of just fifty pennies in every hundred. X MONDAY MORNING AND FOLLOWING DAYS X~| . . . Our Doors Open Upon . . . = ===== The Old-Time and Worn Out "The Greatest Bargain Carnival" Doors Open 9 OclOCk " Great Special Sale** ... OF the Season . . . . . Is Not In It. This Is a Feast . . We don't like to use the phrases "Bargains* or "Special Sales," they have too many evil associations, they march too frequently with that abhorrent thing " Trash, therefore in noting these prices please consider them only as the natural result of unusual circumstances. No Old Stagers Here All Clean New Goods Early Shopping Secures The Best. An Extra Force of Price Concessions in all Departments. Salespeople Wanted. Enquire Monday Early. Fashion Sale of Laces 15c Mechlin Lace Edges and lnsertings, yd. 5c 10c Pillow Laces, 2 to 6 in. wide, yd 5c 15c Oriental Laces, all worth, yd 7c 20c Oriental Laces, all worth, yd 9c 35c Grass Linen Embroidery, selling, yd... 5c 30c fine Nainsook Embroidery, selling, yd.. 14c 20c fine Nainsook Embroidery, selling, yd.. 9c 35c fine Nainsook Embroidery, selling, yd.. 17c 3c Hamburg Edgings, good width, yd. — 1c 5c Hamburg Edgings, good width, yd 2c 7c Hamburg Edgings, good width, 3c Fashion Sale of Hosiery 17c quality Children's Blk Ribbed Hose.... 10c 30c quality Children's Blk Cashmere Hose . 19c 35c qual. Children's fine Blk fibbed Hose. 21c 35c qual. Children's Black, Tan Fine Hose. .25c 15c qual. Ladies' Fine Tan Hose 9c 25c qual. Ladies' Fancy Asst. Pattern Hose.. 19c 50c qual. Ladies' Fancy Black Lisle H05e...39c 45c qual. Ladies' Fine Black Lisle Hose — 28c 35c qual. Ladies' Blk, Oxblood, Tan, Lisle.24c $1.00 qual. Ladies' Silk Plaited, blk, white. .65c 10c qual. Children's Fast Black Hose 5c Fashion Every department has been made Sale of to share in this great event here, Silks and rich, rare and handsome silks that have only been shown during this month and are exceptional values at original price quotations. This great sale of the Fashion stock has affected them much. $1.00 Crepe Duchesse, selling at, yd 69c 85c All Silk Satin Rhadame, selling at, yd. .59c $1.50 Peau de Soie, selling at, yd 98c $1.25 Printed Armure Silk, selling at, yd..49c $1.00 Fancy Brocade Waist Silks, yd 75c 50c Colored Surahs, all colors, selling, yd. .29c 75c Black Brocade Silks, selling at, yd — 49c $1.25 Black Surah Silks, selling at, yd — 88c $1.00 Black Surah Silks, selling at, yd — 69c $150 Black Satins, 27 in. wide, yd $1.09 59c Black Satins, 21 in. wide, selling, yd.. -55c $1.25 Black Gros Grain, selling at, yd — 88c $1.35 Black Faille Silk, selling at, yd.. .$l.lO $1.25 extra fine Ribbon Plaid Silk, yd — 88c Fashion Sale of Neckwear Reduced To Ladies' Fine Oriental Lace Collarettes, $1.00.. 60c Ladies' Fine Chiffon Lace Collarettes, $1.00.. 60c Ladies' Fine Swiss Bolero Collars, $1.25 75c Ladies' Lace and Chiffon Bolero Collars, $2.25 $1.25 Ladies' Fineßl'k Chiffon Ruched Collars, $2.75 $1.75 Ladies' Fine Swiss Embroidered Collars, $3.75 $2.50 Ladies' Fine Swiss Embroidered Collars, $2.25 $1.29 Ladies' Fine Swiss Embroidered Collars, $4.5052.25 Ladies' Boudon Lace Bolero, lace and chiffon, $2.50 $1.50 Fashion Sale of Knit Underwear Ladies' good ecru Vests, selling at 4c Ladies' 75c Lisle Vests, all colors,reduced t0.42c Ladies' $1 Lisle Vests, all colors, reduced to. 63c Ladies' 75c silk plaited Underwear,reduced.4oc Ladies' 20c Jersey Ribbed Underwear at... 15c Ladies' 15c Jersey Ribbed Underwear at... 10c Ladies' $1 silk plaited Underwear,.all colors.6sc Ladies' 60c Merino and Balbriggan Undrwr.39c Ladies' 30c white and ecru ribbed Vests at.. 19c Ladies' $1.25 natural wool Underwear at.. .75c Ladies' $5 Silk Tights, all c'lrs, reduced t0.53.00 Ladies'sl.2s Munsing's fine Underwear at..75c Ladies' $1.75 Munsing's fine Und'rw' Lidies' $2 Black Equestrienne Tights at. .$l.OO Ladies' all wool ribbed Undervests at 49c Fashion Sale of Shirt Waists Great stacks of beautiful and dainty stuffs here bought by Newman Levison Co. for especially fashionable dressers; it's no difference to us who comes for them they all go at 50c on the dollar. Were Now Shirt Waists, of Fine Percale. $1.00 39c Shirt Waists, of Fine Percale $1.00 49c Shirt Waists, Beautiful Lawns $1.00 59c Shirt Waists, Percale, plain colors... 75c 25c Shirt Waists, Lawns, Dimities, Cham brays $1.25 75c Shirt Waists, Fancy Dimities. $2.25 to $3.00 $1.25 Shirt Waists, Fancy Dimities $3.00 $1.75 Shirt Waists, Fancy Linens and Swisses $3.00 $2.00 Shirt Waists, Fancy Linens, Silk and Lace $6.00 to $6.50 $3.00 Silk Waists, of Fancy Taffeta, trjrn'd. .$15.00 $10.00 Silk Waists, of Fancy Taffeta, plain. .$10.50 $7.00 Silk Waists, of Fancy Taffeta, elabo rate ....,.$25.00 to $15 Silk Waists, Plain Taffeta..., ,^. k $7 JO to $5 Fashion Sale of Gloves 4 button Kid "Gascom," were $1.50, now 73c 5 hook Chamois, were $1.25, now 73c 5 Hoye Royale, were $1.25, now 73c 4 button "Ellen Terry," were $1.25, now 73c 4 button Maggioan, P. Centemeri, were $1.50, now 73c 2 Clasp P. K. Mascott, were $1.50, now $1.00 4 Button Kid "Ennels," were $1.50, now $1.00 Biarritz, were $1.00, now 50c 4 button, Odd Lines, were $1.00, now 50c Fine Gloves, worth $1.00 to $2.00, have been tried on, slightly soiled or ripped, sell ing at, pair 25c Fashion Sale of Ribbons 19c to 25c Fancy Ribbons, all silk, 5 in. wide 124 c B£c Fancy Basket Ribbon 4c Fancy Corded Edge Ribbons 7c 35c to 50c Fancy All Silk Ribbons, 5 in. 19c yd 35c to 50c Scotch Plaid Taffeta Ribbon,6 in.. 23c 50c Extra Heavy Striped Taffeta, 6 in... .29c 40c Plain Satin sßibbons, 6 in 25c 75c Fancy Striped Taffeta Sash Ribbon 49c 90c Plaid Sash Ribbons, 8 in 49c Exceedingly Fine 1000 Pairs Six-Bit Lace 3 yards long, ecru Nottingham Curtains 47c Pair or white Fashion Never before have you had Sale of such a chance to secure a Black handsome Black Dress at so Dress Goods ridiculously a small figure but there is no stopping us when we get started. Sale Price 65c grade All Wool Henrietta, 46 in 49c 50c grade All Wool Satinette, 40 in 35c 50c grade All Wool Albatross, 36 in 29c 75c grade Brocaded Mohairs, 46 in 50c 65c grade Heavy Storm Serges, 48 in 47c 6Qc grade Fine Surah Serges, 46 in 47c 35c grade Pretty Brocade Suitings, 44 in. 25c 35c grade Plain Black Alpaca, 44 in 224 c Fashion Here is where you always look Sale of for bargains and you wont be Table disappointed either even though Linens, your expectations are out of the ordinrry. Note these quotations. 62 in. Bleached Linen Damask 60c grade, 49c 56 in. Bleached Linen Damask 60c grade, 50c 66 in. Bleached Irish Linen 60c grade — 49c 66 in. Bleached Irish Linen 75c grade — 60c Turkey Red Damask 25c grade J9c 58 in. Brown Loom Dice Damask 50c grade 36c 58 in. extra heavy Linen Damask 60c srade 45c 9000 Yards Fine White Cambric (Lonsdale finish) only 3c Yd. Fashion Sale of Bed Linens Extra fine 10-4 Sheets, the 65c ones now 50c Extra fine 8-4 Sheets, the 55c ones now 4Jc Extra fine 9-4 Sheets, the 55c ones now 43c Extra fine 7-4 Sheets, the 31c ones now 36c Extra fine 10-4 Sheets, the 55c ones now 45c All sheets are 2\ yards long, torn and ironed by hand and well made. Pillow Cases. 300 doz. Cambric finished Cases 45x36, the 12$ c ones Bic 150 doz. Fine Cases 54x36 the 15c ones. .JOe 100 doz. Turkish Towels 12x36, 6c kind each 4c 250 doz. Huckaback Towels 18x36,9c kind each 5c 150 doz. Pure Linen hemstitched Towels, 20c kind, each J2-Jc Free Delivery in Pasadena. adas Fashion Sale of Veilings : 25c quality Russian & Tuxedo Veilings, yd. 16c ; 15c quality fancy colored Veilings, yd 5c ; 85c qual. fancy silk chenille dot Veilings,yd.soc ; 20c quality fancy silk Veilings, yd '... 10c Real Ostrich Boas was Now Real Ostrich Collarette, $2.35 1 Real Ostrich Collarette, heavy.. 4.50 3.25 1 27-in Ostrich Feather Boas 10.25 7.25 42-in Ostrich Feather Boas 13.50 9.50 56-in Ostrich Feather Boas 17.50 12,50 Fashion Sale of Silk Skirts . Ladies' changeable taffeta Silk was now Skirts $6.00 $5.00 Ladies' changeable taffeta Silk Skirts 9.00 7.50 : Ladies' Scotch plaid taffeta Silk : Skirts 10.00 7.50 : Ladies' striped taffeta Silk Skirt..l3.oo 9.50 1 Ladies' fancy Silk Skirts, lace : trimmed 25.00 15.00 : Ladies' black Silk Skirts, ruffles : and flounces 15.00 10.00 : Ladies' black Silk Skirts, ruffles and flounces 14.50 10.00 Fashion Sale of Colored Dress Goods The caption tells the story. Only necessary perhaps to add that our stock is perfect in its completeness and the prices are for this sale only. Yd. 20 pcs fancy dress goods, 50c and 65c goods, now 35c 25 pcs fancy dress goods, 75c and 85c goods, now 49c 30 pcs novelty dress stuffs, Si & $1.25 goods, now 65c 15 pcs double width woolenettes, 15c, now 5c 30 novelty pattern suits, $10 and $15, now $5.00 Linings 10c quality 36-in rustle taffeta, now, yd 5c quality extra heavy canvas, now, yd 9c 10c quality 72-in fibre chamois, now, yd 5c 10c quality Wood's cotton canvas, now, yd 5c 20c quality 16-in imitation hair cloth, now, yd.l2!£c 15c double faced Silesia, black back, now, yd 10c 15c 36-in Roman stripe skirting, now, yd 10c Fashion Come in and look over our as- Sale of sortment in the pretty, delicate, Wash low-priced cotton fabrics. Come n . here during this great sale and uooas wna t beauty can be bought for a few pennies per yard. 6c quality beautiful Irish Lawns, sale, yd.. 4c 8 1-3cquality Corded Dimities, sale, yd.. 5c 5c qual. (scroll design) Lawns, sale, yd 2 l-2c 10c qual. beautiful Crepe Cloth, all col., yd 5c 6c qual. fine f Shirting Percales, yd — 3 I-2c 6c qual. American Indigo Blues, sale, yd. . .4c 10c qual. 36-in. Fine Percales, sale, yd 7c 15c qual. 40-in. Irish Lawns, all colors, yd. JOe 12 l-2c qual. Genuine Russian Ducks, all colors, sale, yd 7 I-2c Carriage Shades Were Now Black Gloria Silk Shades $2.00 $1.25 Black Silk Shades, deep ruffles... 3.00 2.00 Black Novelty Shades, b. & w. ck 3.50 2.00 Black and Fancy Shades, very fine 3.75 Black Silk Shades, hemstitched... 3.25 2.25 Stamped Linen and Art Cushion Covers, 40c, 50c, 75c. Reduced to 23c Hemstitched Center Piece, 36 in. square, linen, very fine. Reduced from 30c to. 19c Fancy Stamped Pillow Covers; were 35c. Reduced to 12c Fancy Stamped Art Pillow Covers, with rufflings,; were 50c. Now 25c Stamping Patterns, all sizes and designs; were 40c. Reduced to JOe No Goods Sold to Dealers. Fashion Sale of Handkerchiefs Ladies' white initial H'k'fs were 10c now 4c Ladies' white laced and embroid. H'k'fs were 20c now He Ladies' Swiss embroid. H'dk'fs were 25c now Isc Ladies' Pure Linen Hemstitched H'dk'fs were 20c now 12ic Ladies' Fey Swiss embroidered H'dk'fs were now 3tyc Men's All Linen Colored Border H'dk'fs were 20c now 15c Men's All Linen Hemstitched H'dk'fs were 35c now 25c Fashion Sale of Fans Folding Pocket Fans, that were 15c, now 9c Folding Pocket Fans, that were 25c, now 17c Folding Pocket Fans, that were 35c, now 25c Folding Pocket Fans, seal, that were 60c, now.. ,35c Folding Pocket Fans, that were $1.50, now Tsc Black Ostrich Feather Fans (Ebony handles) $8.75 selling at $6.00 Black Ostrich Feather Fans (Tortoise shell) $13.50 selling at $9.00 White Ostrich Feather Fans (ivory engraved) $13.50 selling at $9.00 White Ostrich Feather Fans (ivory engraved) $25.00 selling at $19.00 Fashion Sale of Draperies We'd like very much to have you call and inspect this department of the house at this time. Remem ber, it's a new department, and during this sale ex traordinary prices prevail throughout. Beautiful Nottingham Curtains, 3 yards long, 75c grade; now 47c Beautiful Nottingham Curtains, 3 yards, $1.00 grade; now 75c Beautiful Nottingham Curtains, 3% yards, $1.25 grade; now $1.00 Beautiful Nottingham Curtains, 3i£ yards, $1.75 grade: now $1.25 Beautiful Nottingham Curtains, 2% yards, $2.00 grade; now $1.50 All of these curtains come white or ecru. 150 pairs Fine Escurial Designs, yards long, were $1.50; now $1.09 Tambour Lace Curtains $2.25 to $7.00 Irish Point Lace Curtains $5.50 to $12.00 Chenille Portiers $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 Tapestry Portiers $2.25, $3.50, $4.50, $5.00 $8.00 and so on up to $20.00 10c quality of Fine Silkolines now, yard 8c 10c quality of Tinsel Art Crepe now, yard gc 27>£c quality of Art Tickings now, yard 20c Above goods are all 36 in. wide. Fashion Sale of Corsets Newman & Levison's Featherbone Cor sets $1.50 to 69c Extra q'ty French Corset, N&L $1.25 to 73c Extra quality fine black Corset $2.50 t0..51.69 Extra quality black satin Corset $1.00 to 49c Extra q'ty fancy French Corset $1.75 to 87c The Caprice beautiful Corset 60c t0... 29c Extra fine h'vy nursing Corset $1.50 to 75c Extra superior h'vy satin C's't $1.50 to 72c The celebrated Jackson Waist $1.50 to 89c World renowned P. O. Corsets styles 98 and 27 $3-50 to $2.50 Fashion Sale Muslin Underwear This was an exceptionally strong line with the "Fashion Store;" beautiful designs, exclusive patterns and superior workmanship, combined with rock bot tom prices made it very popular. Note these few only. Colored Corset Covers, lined, very fine, 95c; now 50c Colored Corset Covers, embroidery trimmed, 35c; now 26c Colored Corset Covers, embroidery trimmed, 65c; now 42c Muslin Drawers, wide, 6 tucks, 25 c; now 18c Muslin Drawers, very fine, 10 tucks, 75c; now... 50c Muslin Drawers, very fine, 8 tucks, 75c; now... 48c Muslin Drawers, tucked and embroid., 65c; now. 43c Muslin Drawers, 5 tucks, 2 in. ruffle, 30c; now.. 22c Muslin Chemise, tucks and insertion, $1.00; now 60c Muslin Chemise, lace trimmings, $1.15; n0w.... 75c Muslin Chemise, embroidery and lace ruffles, $4.50; now $3.00 Muslin Gowns, 6 clusters of tucks, 75c; now 50c Muslin Gowns, 4 clusters of tucks, hemstitched, 75c; now 55c Oentlemen's Wear "The Fashion" carried a very handsome line of Gents' Goods—Hosiery, Gloves, Sweaters, Handkerchiefs, Ties, etc. Only a few to enumerate here, but our counters are full of good things. Gents' Satin Ties and Bows, were 50c; now 25c Gents' Linen Tecks and Bow Ties, were 25c; now-lOc Gents' Fine Cashmere Hose, blk, were 50c; now-34C Gents' Fine Cashmere Hose, blk, were 50c; now_2Be Gents' Fine Lisle Hose, black, were 50c; n0w......3fe 7