Newspaper Page Text
FOB, SALE Houses ' FOR SALE— $1100—At Avalon; the nicest hard-fln tahed 6-room cottago in that village; choice location; Bee floor plan at my office; it ls choice and very cheap. I want to show you a place that ls loca ted between Sixth and Seventh, Burling ton and Union, that ls modern, and has 8 rooms, and the price Is so low that if I gave it you would think It not worth looking at; now! speculators. 1 $5000— Cheap at more money; beautiful, up-to-date, 9-room residence, elegantly Situated, finest view, on a wide street, between city and Westlake park; if you want a nice home look this up. ' $7000—Take that flne house on the west Side of Garland aye. today; 10 large rooms and every modern convenience ls not sufficient, but como, let me show you through and you will want it. 10 D. A. MEEKINS. 406 3. Broadawy. FOR SALE—THOMAS S. EWING— 220 Wilcox Building. INSTALLMENT HOUSES Elegant 6-room cottage, west side Blame St., first house south of Tenth St.; French Plato windows, porcelain bath, everyhlng up to date. f 5-room cottages on University line; porcelain bath, electric light and bells; new and modern; $1400 to $1600; very easy terms. ' An especial snap on Santee st, ln s room cottage, to party with $200 cash to pay down. $10 down and $10 per month will buy 4 room cottage and store building in East Los Angeles; just the place for two fam llles. *> •"OR SALE—BY 11. E. BIDDALL— 218 S. Broadway, Room 305, Established in Los Angeles, 1885. $550—Ninth St., cottage; $10 cash, $10 Konthly. $1950—Pico St., 9 rooms, $100 cash. $2000—Seventeenth St., 8 rooms, $100 acres wheat land, fine soil. $8000—2 acres. Flgueroa st, Improved. $1500—Glondale, 3 acres, berries; $100 ' cash. $3000—Clear; 7-room houso for acreage. $800 —40 acres, clear, for house equity. I $760—Lot 75x150. clear, to exchange. $600—Boylo Heights, cottage; $10 pay ments. $900—Tenth St., cottage; $12 payments. Wanted—Horso and buggy, wagon or piano as part payment on lot or house. 20 11. E. SIDDALL, 218 S. Broadway. FOR SALE— Snap on South Grand avenue, corner, No. 3316; 9-room house with all modern Improvements; also house. No. 3118 Grand avenue, not finished yet; also 6 acres at Ontario, sot out ln 9-year-old oranges, with 5 shares of water; cost $4500 and will ■ell for $2000. My doctor has requested me to change climate and under these circumstances I will sell the above property at a great sacrifice. I must sell ln the next 10 days. Look at this proporty and make me an offer. My office hours are from 10 to 12 a. m. I am on the premises at No. 3316 S. Grand avenue from 2 until 6 oclock. W r ill exchange for St. Louis property. 20 J. G. KING, 244 S. Broadway. POR SALE— "WE SELL THE EARTH" BASSETT & SMITH Everything on time, and time on this beautiful home of 7 rooms, 1% stories; bath, pantry, closets, cesspool, hot and cold water, street Improved; all modern; lot 40x135. Price $1500; $100 cash and $20 • month. Again, we have one on Twenty-seventh st of 7 rooms; bath, pantry, cement walks and lawn; good all through; $1500; $300 down; $20 a month. BASSETT & SMITH, 20 Room 2, Y. M. C. A. Building. FOR SALE 5-room hard finished cottage, near car line large lot, south front built but five months a nice little home $850, For Sale—New modern S-room house, near Westlake park; owner will sacrifice; let us show It to you for less than $3500. $250—Corner lot, 30x120, to alley; street graded, cement curb and walk; 3 blocks from cars. $250— Lot 40x120 to alley; street graded, cement curb and walk; 3 blocks from cars. SHERWOOD ft KOYER, 20 144 S. Broadway. FOR SALE— THIRD STREET PROP ERTY- S4OOO-2-story brick building with 2 Stores and 12 rqoms above; lot 40x120; good Income property; better look this up If you want close-in bargain. THE GOWEN-EBERLE COMPANY, SO Over Columbia bank, 218 S. Broadway. FOR SALE-$3750; NEW, MODERN B ro'am house, handsomely decorated; In one of the finest neighborhoods, south west, near Adams and Grand. This prop erty is very desirable in every respect and is a bargain. POINDEXTER & WADSWORTH, 308 WMlcox block. 20 FOR SALE-NEW COTTAGE, 5 ROOM!?, Bath, water closet, sink, hard finished; I closets, pantry, front and screen porch, mantel, flne finish, screens, and 40 foot lot, fenced, $950; $200 cash; on White st, 140 ft. west of Central aye. WIESEN DANGER, 427 S. Broadway. 1 FOR SALE—FOR $7.60 A MONTH AND A ■mall cash payment I will build you a new 4-room cottage, plastered and paint ed to suit ln my Third Addition, Eighth and Mateo sts. Why pay rent, when you can own your home? C. A. SMITH, 213 W. First st. tf FOR SALE-$690; NEW HOUSE; SMALL payment down, balance $10 per month. $1150—new 5-room house, small cash pay ment, balance $10 per month. It don't pay you| to rent. Call and sco this. J. O. LOTSPEICH & CO., 203 S. Broadway, room 4. 20 For sale—a cosy modern resi dence just finished, southwest, good rea sons given for selling below cost, $1750. W. M. CASTERLINE, 206% S. Broad way. 20 FOR SALE-HOUSE 4 ROOMS AND bath, N. Pearl, near Temple; price $616; $115 cash, balance $400 can remain. G. C. EDWARDS. 230 West First. 20 FOR SALE—ELEGANT~MODERN SlX room cottage, southwest, $800; less than cost last year: easy payments. VAN . EPPS, 206% S. Broadway. 20 FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL MODERN houses near Westlake park, very cheap and on easy terms. M. L. SAMSON & CO., 128 W. Fourth St. 20 For bale—new 4-room cottage hard finished; nice corner lot, fenced' $700; cash, $100; $10 monthly. McLean' E st, Pico Heights. 20 ' FOR SALE—MODERN FIVE-ROOM cottage, new and handsome, 243 East Twenty-seventh St.; $200 cash, balance monthly. m FOR SALE—A HOME FOR $1 A WEEK' a 40-foot lot, $160, on White St.; Vernon cars. WIESENDANGER, 427 S. Broad way, i FOR SALE—WE SELL THE EARTH BABj|gTT ft SMITH. Pomona. CaL tf ' Business Property FOR SALE — INCOME BUSINESS blocks and business lots on Broadway, , Main and Spring sts.; special bargains I offered. M, L. SAMSON ft CO., 128 W. I Fourth st ID FOB SALE City Lots and Lands FOR SALE—EVERY ONE A BARGAIN— Tho southwest corner of Boyd and Wall, 60x100, with story and a half cot tage on part; good, close-in property to build flats or rooming house; $3500. Fine lot west side Maple aye., near Eleventh, 60x150 to alley; $1050. 90 feet front west side San Pedro, near Twelfth, alley ln rear; a bargain at $850. 2 lots together on Central aye., near Arcade depot, 100-foot street, graded, sewered, sidewalked; $1100. Lot 50x150 to alley, Wall near Eleventh, only $700, and one on San Pedro same Blze and block, price $750. 4 beautiful lots, Albany, between Ninth and Tenth, with all street work paid; $650 each. 3 of the best lots In the Menlo Park tract, at the corner of Twenty-fifth and San Pedro; $500 each. 2 lots, short street facing Mateo, each 40x140 to alley; $400 each. To Traction car line men—% a lot on Glrard, near power house, for $425. 2 fine lots, one on W. Twelfth and one on W. Eleventh, near Georgia Bell, each 50x150 to alley ;SUOO each. O. C. EDWARDS, 20 230 West First FOR SALE-OUT ON THE HEALTHFUL hills, where the air is pure, sweet and delicious, where ln winter the tenderest flowers bloom without fear of frost, and In summer nobody knows It ls hot till he comes down to tho lower levels—one or more of the prettiest hill lots ln Los Angeles. They are on Arnold st. and front south. They are between Bixel st. and Lucas aye. Arnold Is the street midway between Third and Fourth sts.. and Blxel street, and Lucas avenue, are half way between Spring street and Westlake park. They are beautifully situated and the neighborhood Is first class. They are smooth and level and lust high enough above the sidewalk to be nice. The street Improvements are all finished and paid for. These are not "cheap" lots. Nobody need look at them with that Idea. If you want a lot or lots nice enough to be worth at least $1500 apiece, see these, for you can get them now for $1100. 8. R. HENDERSON, 1257 W. Fourth St., or Herald office. FOR SALE— MUST SELL WILL SELL The 2 two choicest lots yet vacant ln this city, location on Burlington near Ninth st; choice and cheap; just like finding them. Do you know there will be 4 residences go up on W. Sixth st this year to cost from $10,000 to $40,000? And the reason ls the view of the valley, Westlake park. And yet I can sell you very choice corners at half their real value. 20 D. A. MEEKINS, 406 S. Broadway. FOR SALE LOTS ON INSTALLMENT PLAN $14 down, balance can run 10 years or be paid ln monthly Installments If de sired; newly Improved street and cement sidewalks; young bearing fruit trees on each lot; East Twenty-first st., near Central aye.; only $360; desirable and growing neighborhood; property will double In value long before you will have paid for It; payments same as rent, but at the end of the time the property ls yours. JOHN FLOURNOY, 103 Broad way. 20 FOR SALE— 4 acres adjoining Knob Hill tract and near Westlake park. This property must be sold. Owner expects to sell cheap. Must have money THE GOWEN-EBERLE COMPANY, 20 Over bank, 218 S. Broadway. FOR SALE—A LOT ON E. TWENTY fifst St., near Central aye., with improved street and cement sidewalk, for $250, or $125 less than any In the neighborhood, if taken within six days. JOHN FLOUR NOY, 103 Broadway. 20 FOR SALE—S2SO, 10 ACRES GOOD, level land, 12 miles of the city. $250, 11 lots, with house, close to cars. $200, house and lot, close to cars. D. C. WILSON, 216 W. First st. 20 FOR SALE-EAST FRONT LOT ON CEN tral aye., first vacant lot south of Pico street; worth $1000, but $550 will take it today. L. H. MITCHEL, 136 S. Broad way. tf FOR SALE-I AM OFFERING A FINE, largo lot on W. Eighteenth st. for less than it Is worth. A. K. CRAWFORD, 203 S. Broadway, roam 4. FOR SALE—SB6O: NICE LOT ON WEST Twelfth st: Work 4U paid. A. K. CRAW- FbRD, 203 S. Broadly, room 4. 16-18-20 FOR SALE—LOT ON CLAY ST., NEAR Fourth. Address C, box 47, Herald office. 21 Country Property FOR SALE— $1150—That 10 acres and 10 shares of water near Burbank, C acres to bearing fruits and 3-room house, balance of land flne for alfalfa; this place is cheap at $1500. $2000—A fine corner 1 mile south of city; 7 acres, one-half to full-bearing fruits, balance to alfalfa; good 6-room, plastered house, well, windmill and tank. $1600-rThat 10 acres of garden soil 1 mile from electric line, south, on Central aye.; when the line runs to San Pedro it will pass this 10 acres. D. A. MEEKINS, 20 , 406 S. Broadway. FOR SALE— 30 acres near Covlna; 12 acres In navels, 16 acres ln lemons, 2 acres In apricots ln bearing; abundance of water; good house, large barn; this is free from frost and choice Income property; trees ln best condition; can be bought for less than $100 per acre. 7 acres at Downey In alfalfa; good water right; 5-room house, well, wind milk and tank; half mile of postofflce; only $2500; will exchange for city. 10 acres unimproved on Flgueroa St., $3000. For bargains In real estate see SHERWOOD & KOYER, 20 144 S. Broadway. FOR SALE-$22,000; ALFALFA, WALNUT and grain ranch combined; 100 acres in a No. 1 stand of alfalfa now; 125 acres ln red Texas oats and barley; 12 acres ot orchard; good buildings and 1000 Inches of as fine water as flows In this county; no cost to Irrigate, but turn on the water; 100 acres of this land ls as good walnut land as there is in this city; war with Spain or drought cuts no ice; this place' ls a fortune to any man, rightly managed; a forced sale of $22,000; just half Its value. JOHN R. TAYLOR, 440 Bradbury block. 20 FOR SALE—IO ACRES AT DUARTE, SET to 7-year-old deciduous fruit trees; s room house, barn; best water right in the State; price $1209; $500 cash, balance to suit. WILL H. TOWNSEND. 202% S. Broadway. 20 FOR SALE—LAND IN PARCELS TO suit at Colegrove, a near suburb of Los Angeles, on Santa Monica electric road. COLE * COLS, attorneys. M N. Main St., Los Angeles. tf LOS ANGELES HERALD i SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 20, 1893 FOB BALE """"" *** FOR SALE- ORANGE GROVES . | * AND SUBURBAN RESIDENCES IN THE WINTER VEGETABLE BELT, Along the Foothills from I' CAHUENGA TO REDLANDS. Orange trees live 75 years, bearing more heavily and, therefore, paying bet ter each year. What ls more profitable, healthy and beautiful than a home ln an orange grove on the foothills—above frost, scale and the heaviest fogs? A safe and best paying Investment for your old age, your children and your child ren's children, A lovely home ln Monrovia, queen city of the foothills; elegant 9-room house, 1 1-3 acres ground, set In oranges and other fruits; free water; 2 trains each way morning and evening to city; com mutation tickets, 310.50 a month. You save double that ln Interest on money Invested ln your home. Shrewd Los Angeles business men live there with their families; Improvements ln fine con dition; owner non-resident; must be sold; price, 33200. Orange ranch of 20 acres, on roothills above Sierra Madre, in bearing oranges, lemons and other fruits; above frost, scale and the heaviest fogs; pure mount ain water from your own tunnel; grand view of the valley to tho ocean; con venient to cars; well-built 12-room house; perfect sanitary drainage; a lovely, money-making home; owner was an In valid given up to die; has regained his health and wishes to return to active business life; price only 39000; cheapest orange ranch ln the state. 7-acre orange, fruit and poultry ranch, 6-room cottage, ln foothills; northwest part of city; best paying little ranch 1 know of; 32780; owner has the Klondike fever bad. A beautiful home of 6 rooms, surround ed by 2 acres ln oranges and other fruit trees, In the Cahuenga winter vegetable belt and convenient to electric cars; 32400. JOHN FLOURNOY, 20 103 Broadway. F*OR SALE— "WE SELL THE EARTH" * BASSETT & SMITH Now. it just depends; you maybe suited with this property and you may not. If you want a bargain In this class of property, why here you have it. About half an acre, located at Burbank Junc tion on Santa Monica electric car line; car fare, 5 cents; so you know it is in the city limits; house of 5 rooms; good barn; place all fenced; and, say, the lumber on this place cost from 3650 to $700, and yet you can get a good deed for 3675. If you want to pay $425 cash, the balance can run on the place. BASSETT ft SMITH, 20 Room 2. Y. M. C. A. BUlWllng. FOR SALE—GARDENA BARGAIN— 31600—5-acre fruit and chicken ranch; hotfse 4 rooms, cellar, 2 wells, windmill and tank, barn, large chicken houses and corrals; 3 acres being orchard; horse, cow, wagon and farming tools. Located close to Gardena and Redondo railroad. THE GOWEN-EBERLE COMPANY, 20 Over bank, 218 S. Broadway. FOR SALE—VERY FINE ALFALFA ranches and alfalfa and corn lands and bearing walnut groves. For bargains call on M. L. SAMSON & CO., 128 W. Fourth st. 20 FOR SALE—CHOICE LAND CLOSE TO city, southwest; 10 acres, very cheap, $2000. Houses and lots on easy terms. EDWARD FRASER, 104% S. Broadway. 20 FOR SALE-IMPROVED STOCK RANGE ln New Mexico; partially'stocked with cattle; well adapted for both cattle and sheep. Inquire room 45, Phillips block. 23 FOR SALE — THE BEST ALFALFA ranch ln the county; plenty of water. McGARRY, INNES & CO., 216 W. First. 20 Stocks and Bonds OUR BUSINESS IS DEALING IN stocks, bonds and Investment securities. We can place your money safely where it will bring you good returns. HALE & CO., Stimson block. 4-19 FOR SALE—IOOO TO 25,000 SHARES OF stock in Chuckawalla Mining, Milling and Water company at less than one-half the market price. Inquire at 822 S. Hope street. • 21 Live Stock FOR SALE—TO MAKE ROOM FOR young stock, thoroughbred white Leg horn hens, $5 per dozen, If taken this week; also brown and black Leghorn hens at $7. 945 Pasadena aye. 21 FOR SALE—AN EXTRA FINE DRIVING mare. 937 S. Hill st. 21 Hotels and Lodging Houses FOR SALE - ELEGANT BARGAIN; must be sold on account of sickness; choice corner lodging house. 30 rooms; only 3 inside rooms; a)l sunny and fresh air; richly furnished and house full; $1400. I. D. BARNARD, 103 S. Broadway. 20 Miscellaneous FOR SALE— Removal sale—On account of a steady increase in our business we will remove to 419. South Broadway on April Ist. Be tween now and that time we will sell you our furniture, carpets, refrigerators, office desks, pianos, etc., at regular auc tion prices. For our new store we want $5000 new stock. What have you? R. W. WOOD AUCTION HOUSE, Tef. Red 1384. 521 South Broadway. FOR SALE-6000 WASHINGTON. NAVEL orange trees, 3 and 4 years old, raised In frostless belt; warranted true to name; best trees ln market; also several 10-acre orange and olive orchards and Improved land in frostless belt, $200 per acre; now is the time to examine premises; natural sanitarium: no asthma. ELI DOAN, J. L. MURRELL, La Canada, Cal. su-tf FOR BALE—THE HANDSOMEST PHAE ton ln Los Angeles at a great sacrifice. Call at the TABOR CARRIAGE WORKS, corner Seventh and Los Angeles sts. 20 BICYCLE FREE — 1898, HIGHEST grade; particulars by addressing MT. SHASTA CYCLE WORKS; 1903 Oxford st, Philadelphia, Pa. 20-27-8-10-17-23 FOR SALE—PIANOS IN GOOD CONDI -tlon, cheap for cash, or will take pay ments. Address C, box 46, Herald. 20 FOR SALE—A SEALSKIN JACKET, bust 36, length 84 Inches, at $75; almost new; at 751 S. Spring st. 20 FOR SALE-ONE NATIONAL CASH register, used 5 months; detailed adder, $35. 120 W. Fifth street. 20 FOR SALE—CHEAP-SECOND - HAND store doors, sashes, counters, shelving', etc. 216 East Fourth St. 4-12 - FOR SALE-CHEAP, FURNITURE OF 5-room cottage, brand new. Address U., Box « ■•raid, tf FOB BALE Sewing Machines POR SALE— THE "SUPERB" SEWING MACHINE at $22.50; (no agents' commissions), is the latest production and fully guaranteed by one of the oldest, largest and most re liable factories on earth, the Davis Com pany. The mechanical construction of the "Superb" ls on such perfeot lines that durability, case of running and quiet are its dominating features. The sewing qualities of the "Superb" at $22.50 are perfect. It will sew from one thickness ot muslin to six thicknesses of heavy, full cloth, without breaking the thread. The thread cannot be broken, even though the machine Is turned in tho wrong direction. This is an entirely new feature ln shuttle sewing machines, and adds much to the comfort and pleas ure of sewing. The upper tension works automatically and never falls to give a uniform tension on all kinds of thread, cotton, silk or linen, producing n smooth, even seam, and Is provided with the only practical thread release. Tho feed ls positive ln its movements; the stitch can be made long or short without affecting the tension. The shuttle ls cylindrical; is absolutely self-threading; is hardened and ground; has a perfect tension, and carries a largo amount of thread. The needle is self-setting. The "Su perb" Is self-threading at every point except the eye of the needle. The take-up ls driven by a rotary cam, Is positive ln its action, and has no springs to get out of order or break. Tho presser lifter has a high and a low lift. The construction permits removal of the face plate for cleaning the mechan ism, without disturbing any of the work ing parts ln the machine. All wearing points of the "Superb" at $22.50 arc of tho best steel, hardened and ground to bearings. For winding bobbins automatically the "Superb" ls fitted with loose pulley, held by friction clutch, with no pins to rattle or break. The bed plate is flush with top of table, the head Is attached to the table by nickel-plated hinges, and held in front by a spring lock—something entirely new. The nickel plating on the bright parts is ot the finest quality, and the japanning of head and arm ls superb, being hand polished after varnishing. The attachments are easily applied and are silver finished steel, handily arranged ln strong metal case. Tho cabinet work of the "Superb" at $22.50 ls quarter-sawed oak, piano fin ished. The cover ls of bent wood, light and ornamental, and the skeleton drawer cases arc of neat design,. Go direct to headquarters and put the agents' profits ln your own pocket by buying from tho manufacturer. DAVIS AND ADVANCE OFFICE, 427 S. Broadway, between Fourth and Fifth sts. FOR SALE-SEWING MACHINES—ALL kinds to rent, $1.50 per month; second hand machines from $5 to $10, Including Singer, White, New Home, Domestic! a flne automatic cheap. 607 S. Spring. 20 Miscellaneous FOR SALE—ICE BOX 4% FEET BY 6 feet, show case ana shelves for sale cheap. Apply 632 Stevenson avenue, next to Third st. 20 FOB EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE— Twenty acres at Ferris, highly Im proved in fruits, clear, for city or stock of goods. Twenty acres damp land, near Santa Ana, suitable for alfalfa or dairy ranch; good buildings; also store building west of Jefferson st. for clear city. Fine residence and stock of goods, Orange, for city. 160 acres, Manzana, good buildings, clear, for city". Fine house, barn, etc., and 10 acres, Leavenworth, Kan., for California. 177 acres near Rochester, N.. V., ln line of Improvements, for California. 320 acres, Arizona, highly Improved, water right, for Denver. Fifteen flne lots, Windsor, Ont., near Detroit, for ranch. 320 acres, Valley county, Nebraska, all under cultivation, clear, for ranch. 160 acres, Wheeler county, and 160 acres Antelope county, Nebraska, clear, for California. 23 acres, Burbank, In fruits, good water, for city. 28 acres, Glendale, mostly navel oranges, bearing; part cash, balance property. Fine house, barn, etc..also 25 acres damp land, with two flowing wells, under culti vation, Santa Ana, for city or stock of goods. l?usjness buildings, Mitchell, S. D., good Income property, tof California. Good eastern city property and farms for California. Los Angeles property, acreage and fruit ranches, ln all parts of California, for California or eastern. Exchanges a specialty. GEORGE VAN DERWERKER, 20 323 Byrne Building. FOR EXCHANGE -70 syefes of flne land ln Tulare county; no Incumbrance; 40 acres set to bearing fruit; splendid water right; 30 acres in alfalfa; for Los Angeles or vicinity; will assume. 640 acres flne wheat land ln Ness county, Kas., all tillable, ho Incumbrance, for Los Angeles county; will assume. 10 acres lh Garvey Tract, near Alham bra, set to fruit, flne water right and house and lot in Pasadena, for Eastern farm land; would assume. 41 acres Altadena, 30 acres set to full bearing fruit, large 10-room house, barn, etc., beautiful view, for Los Angeles busi ness property. Property at Escondido, Fallbrook, Ooeanside, Perrls, Elslnors, for Los An geles or vicinity; will assume. WILL H. TOWNSEND, 20 202% South Broadway. FOR EXCHANGE— Three-story, 11-room, all modern house, completely and finely furnished, lot 42x 150, centrally located; price, $6000; want ranch, unimproved or Improved, with small house, near Compton or Downey, for $3500, and balance In cash or mort gage. F. W. WISMER, 20 125 S. Broadway. FOR EXCHANGE—A FIRST-CLASB mortgage, $2000, and cash for house; house for vacant lots or ranch; home place, 10 rooms, 2% acres land, south west, $5000; hundreds of others. ED WARD FRASER, 104% S. Broadway. 20 FOR EXCHANGE—SSOOO; $2400 EQUITY ln nice 10-room house, modern, for out sldo property, free. What have you? Special bargain for city lots or small cottage and possibly assume some. Ad dress C, box 28, Herald. 20 FOR EXCHANGE—VALUABLE ACRE age near city limits ln growing section, clear; may assume reasonable amount; want residence ln city or business prop erty. W. M. CASTERLINE, 206% South Broadway. 20 FOR - EXCHANGE—GOOD BUSINESS corner In Los Angeles, well rented and clear; want acreage near Los Angeles. W. M. CASTERLINE, 206% South Broad way. 20 for exchange—Handsome ten room modern house, southwest, half trade, balance long as wanted at 7 per cent. L. H. MITCHEL, 136 S. Broad way, tf FOR HOUSE, hard finished, lot 60x175, southwest; want alfalfa ground. J. C. FLOYD, 125 6. Broadway. at FOB EXCHANGE Real Estate FOR EXCHANGE— $15,000—63 acres within 20 minutes' drive from the city; 40 acres highly Improved ln full bearing trees and berries; a good house and barn; rented for $1300 per year; 4 years' lease; will exchange for city property. ((5-88) $2200—20 acres in alfalfa and barley land; good well; located at Garden Grove; for city property. (5-100) $3000—20 acres at Garden Grove, fenced; 7-lnch flowing well; now in alfalfa and barley; good 6-room house, barn; to ex change for city property. (5-101) $1200—Lot on Raymond aye., Pasadena; street graded, sewered and paid for; trade for Long Beach or Los Angeles property; will assume small amount. (5-86) $8000—40 acres, 2 miles northeast of Compton; 35 acres ln alfalfa; flowing well; all fenced; 7-room house, 2 barns; on Los Angeles St.; Improved property preferred toward Central aye. $2000—10 acres north of Pomona; 5 acres In 3-year-old lemons and 3 acres in 2 ycar-old; want ranch near Compton. (5-84) $4000—7-room modern house. 68x143, lo cated In the southwest, Clear of incum brance, to exchange for a good ranch. (8-10) $500 to $5000—Clear lots near Ninth and Central aye. to trade for improved prop erty close ln and will assume. (13-86) $2000—One 3 and one 4-room house, rent $15 a month, on Boyle Heights, clear of Incumbrance, for house and lot In Los Angeles or Pasadena, and will assume and pay cash difference. $4000— Mortgage $2000. new 8-room house in southwest; will take Boyle Heights or East Los Angeles lots for equity. (13-6) $4300—7-room house on Twenty-seventh street; mortgage, $2800; will take Boyle Heights or East Los Angeles prop erty for equity. (13-6) $4500—Corner lot, 82x106, containing store building, 6-room bouse, rented for $27 per month; mortgage $2100; want small house for equity. (13-9) $3000—Clear Improved property, close ln, and $5000 cash, for improved or unim proved property, between Main, Pearl, Sixth and Tenth. (13-20) $1000—7-room house, 2 lots, on Boyle Heights, to exchange for city property In Pomona, Ontario, Santa Monica or Monrovia. $20,000—75-room hotel In neighboring town, completely furnished; furniture cost $10,000; clear; to exchange for unin cumbered eastern property. $7000—12-room modern house on Hope, near Pico; will take house and lot ln Santa Ana as part payment. (13-37) $500 to $5000—All clear lots near Univer sity in West Los Angeles tract, to ex change for good equities In cottages or good vacant lots. (13-31) $5000 to $10,000—Clear Los Angeles prop erty to exchange for El Paso, Texas, property. HOWE & OBEAR, Rooms 316 and 317 Bradbury Block, Corner Third and Broadway. 20 MONET TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM $1000 to $200,000, on inside gilt-edged Income bearing property only. Inquire of F. Q. STORY, room 303 Henne block, 122 West Third st. Su-tf MONET TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS, Jewelry and sealskins; also on pianos and household furniture, without removal; business confidential; private office for ladles; low rates of Interest. Stocks of merchandise bought. PACIFIC LOAN CO., W. E. DE OBOOT, manager, rooms 2, 3 and 1, 114 S. Spring St. 20 UNION LOAN COMPANY, STIMSON block, corner Third and Spring, loans money on all kinds of collateral security, watches, diamonds, furniture and pianos, without removal; low Interest; money at once; business confidential: private of fice for ladies. CLARK A. SHAW, man ager, rooms 113, lit and lis, first floor. Tel. 1661. References, Citizens' bank, Se curlty Savings Bank. tf TO LOAN-MONEY IN LARGE OR small amounts at lower rates of Interest than others charge on ail kinds of col lateral security, diamonds, watches. Jew elry, pianos, furniture; life Insurance and ail good collateral; partial payments re ceived; money quick; private office for ladles. O. M. JONES, rooms 12-14. 264 S. Broadway. 1-80-99 POINDEXTER & WADSWORTH, BROK ers, 308-310 Wilcox block, deal in stocks, bonds, mortgages and any good securi ties. We have on hand several first-class loans from {1000 to $3000 on gilt-edged city property at 8 per cent net. If you have money to Invest call and see us. POIN DEXTER ft WADSWORTH, 308 Wilcox block. 22 MONEY TO LOAN ON RESIDENCE property In city, payable in monthly in stallments, on much better terms than can be obtained from building and loan associations; building loans a specialty; money loaned on approved indorsed notes. THOMAS S. EWING, 220 Wilcox bldg. 20 SAVINGS FUND AND BUILDING Soci ety; the oldest building and loan associa tion in Southern California; established ln 1888; loans on monthly payments on city real estate; fifteenth annual series now open. Rooms 101-102 WILSON BLOCK, First and Spring sts. tf lOWA LOAN CO.. LOANS ON DlA monds, jewelry, sealskins and house hold furniture; business confidential; money at once. W. E. SANSOME, man ager, rooms 66 and M, Bryson Mock, Second and Spring ate. 4-4 MONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS, watches, jewelry, pianos, sealskins, car riages, bicycles, warehouse receipts and all kinds of collateral security; storage tree In our warehouse. LEE BROS., 401 B. Spring st U_ TO LOAN—A BARREL OF MONEY ON diamonds, pianos, furniture and all first class securities; business confidential. creasinger, MT S. Broadway, rooms 1 and 2. t-2»-tf TO LOAN—IF YOU WANT MONEY ON real estate security, I have it ln any amount; $6000 to $60,000 at 6 per cent WM. F. BOSBYSHELL, 107 S. Broadway. 6-20-tf POINDEXTER ft WADSWORTH, ROOM 308 Wilcox building, lend money on any good real estats; building loans made; If you wish to lend or borrow call on us. tf MONEY LOANED ON MORTGAGE SE curlty: moderate interest; mortgages bought. CHARLES LANTZ, lawyer, room 408, Bullard block. 20 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE ln any amount, 6 to 8 psr cent interest; light expense. HOWE ft OBEAR, 314 Bradbury building tf MONEY TO LOAN—SSOO TO $5000 ON city real estate security; moderate In terest. GEORGE VAN DERWERKER, 323 Byrne building. 20 MONEY TO LOAN-$2OO TO $95,000 ON city or country real estate. LEE A. Mc- CONNELL ft CO., rooms $02 and 80S, 218 8. Broadway. tf MONEY AT 6 PER CENT ON GOOD real property. M. F. ODEA, 208 Brad bury building. tf MONET TO LOAN—BUILDING LOANS EDW. P. SILENT ft CO..JU THE HERALD'S PUZZLES Under this head The Herald will pub lish every Sunday a selection ot entertain ing puzzles, conundrums, acrostics and "queer quizzes." The correct answers will be published the following Sunday, with the names of all readers who are success ful ln solving the problems. All answers must be received not later than 6 p. m. Thursday, and should be addressed to the Puzzle Editor, Herald, 136 S. Broadway. o o o I.—A MYSTERIOUS BOX I'll tell you of a mystic box. A huge affair, but minus locks; 'V It has two lids that, open wide, 7, Reveal tbe strangest things inside. ' A stag, two fish, some flowers, two caps, Two pupils next—quite brilliant chaps— A lot of shells, two trees, and then You'll see ten Spanish noblemen. Some things a carpenter, no doubt, Could never get along without; Whip thongs, weather-cocks, while near Some timid animals appear. Two weapons fine, two churches grand, Two Instruments of music, and The young of any cow; and lo! Two common measures next will show. The last, two things that oft resound W T here wise men are in council found; And now, by cudg'ling bard your brain, The mystery of this box explain. LOCUST. o o o 2.—GEOGRAPHICAL CONVERSATION My wife brought home a new dress last Tuesday and tried it on for my delectation. "How does it fit?" sho asked, turning about ln It before the mirror. "It's a postofflce of Illinois," said I. "How? Whereabouts?" "It's a city of France under the arms." "That can be easily remedied." "And It's another city of France—unless you Intend to use it as a carpet-sweeper." "That, too, can be fixed." So it was altered and realtered, and finally my wife had the desired fit—al though not a destred one. My wife cried; I said things, and the bill collector fled from the house. This morning I got a summons to appear before the two Islets of the Macquarie group. I suppose I shall have a postoffice of Georgia. And that dress will cost me Just three weeks of a creek ln South Carolina. O woman! ln our hours of wit Uncertain, coy and hard to fit, As variable as the shade Of silk of which your dress is made— When pain, when anguish, man's heart fills, What care you, so he pays your bills? SAM SHOO. 1 MONEY TO LOAN Sonet to Loan upo"n~Tsasy' terms of repayment STATE MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASS'N. 141 9. Broadway. 6-30-tf TO LOAN-ON REAL ESTATE, ANT amount, 5 to 8 per cent net; light ex pense. LTON & SNELL, 218 S. Broad way. I CAN MAKE TOU LARGE OR SMALL loans at very light expense. HENRY HART, 103 E. Second st tf TO LOAN-MONEY QUICKLY, QUIET- Iy, reasonably. R. D. LIST, 226 Wilcox block. tf EXCURSIONS ROCK ISLAND PERSONALLY CON ducted excursions every Tuesday and Wednesday; low rates; quick time; Un ion depot, Chicago; office 214 S. Spring st 3-2S LINES OE TRAVEL Pacific Coast Steamship Co. ■L The company's elegant steamers Santa Ruse Ifekjk, and Pomona leave Be- I dondo at 11 a.m. and | BM Port Lou Ansreles at 2:30 ssv«sW.Ml p.m. tor San Francisco via Santa Barbara and Port s* Harford Mar. 4, 8,12,10, 20, 1 24,28, Apr. 1,5,9, 13,17, 21,25, 29, May 3, 7, .11, 16, 19, 23, 27, 31. Leave Port I.os Ansreles at 6. a. m. and Redondo at 11 a.m. for San Diego via Newport Mar. 2,0,10, 14, 18, 22, 26 , 30, Apr. 3, 7, 11. 15. 19, 23. 27, May 1, 5, 9. 13,17, 21, 25, 29. The lasts Roaa will not stop at Newport. Cars connect via Redondo leave Santa Fe depot at 10:00 a.m., or from Redondo Ry. de pot at 9:30 a.m. Cars connect via Port Los Angeles leave S. P. R- R- depot at 1:35 p.m. for steamers north bound. „ • ■ The steamers Cooi Bay and •Bonita leave San Pedro and Eost San Pedro tor San Francisco via Ventura, Carpenteria, Santa Barbara, Gavlota. Port Harford, Cayucos, San Simeon, Monterey and Santa Cruz at 6:30 p.m., Mar. 1, 5. 9,13,17, 21, 25, 29, Apr 2, 6, 10, 14 , 22, 26, 30, May 4, 8,12, 10, 20, 24 28. •Freight only. Cars connect with steamers via San Pedro leave S. P. R. R. (Arcade depot) at 5:03 p.m. and Terminal Ry. depot at 5:10 p.m. The company re serves right to change, without previous notice, steamers, sailing dates and hours of sailing. PARRIS, Agt. 124 W. Second St., Los Angeles. GOOD ALL, PERKINS & CO., ' Gen. Agt s„ S. F. H- LOB ANGELES - TERMINAL E 1-1 RAILWAY CO- - p TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS, EFFECT FEB. 21, 1893. From I.OS Angeles to Depart Arrive Ulendale, Troplco, J '8:50 am *10:00 am VordugoPark I *S :65 pm *d :07 pm Pasadena, ( *7:15 am *8:42 am Garvanza, 4*12:15 pin *1:52 pm Ostrich ifsrm ( *5:30 pm *6:55 pm San Pedro, < *B:4sam *8:15« m Long Beach, < *l:s>pm *12:05n'n Terminal Island ( »5:10 pm *5 :!& pm Altadena •12:18 pm. *1:52 pm Catallna Island (8:48 am f5:25 pm •Daily. tExcept Sunday. Excursion rates every day. Boyle Heights, Daly street and Downey aye. car lines pass Terminal Stations. S. B. HYNES, General Manager. LOS ANGELES AND REDONDO RAlL way Company. Los Angeles depot: Cor. Grand aye. and Jefferson st. Leave Leave Los Angeles Redondo for for Redondo Los Angelea 9:30 a. m. 1:00 a, m. 1:30 p. m. 11:00 a. m. 4:80 p. m. 3:15 p. m. 11:30 p. m. Sat only 6:30 p. ra. Sat. only Take Grand aye. electrlo ears or Mala st and Agricultural park ears. Ui. PERRY Superintendent 8. -DECAPITATION ~\\ '- i Grand Is the miracle of morn, J, The solemn hour when day is born, k As If, obeying heaven's commands. Expectantly all nature stands And waits ln holy silence, meet. To see the glorious sun COMPLETE From out his eastern chamber, crowned Like heads with saintly nimbus bound. / And grander still when day Is done ~t Is the slow sinking of the sun; The earth is hushed again to see The awe-inspiring mystery. Gay clouds their wealth of splendors fling Around the day's declining king; All-glorious he sinks from sight, And day soon PRIMALS Into night. E. E. C. s> 0 a 4.—CORDWOOD AND PIE It was the old story of a flne education, but misdirected genius. Now he was stand' Ing at the woodshed door, asking for a "hand-out." His benefactress pointed to the woodpile and said: "I will give you a piece of pie for every four stlck3 of wood you saw; but I am afraid, on second thoughts, you might get away with all my pies at that rate, so I will cut each piece the same fraction ot a whole pie that the number of sticks remaining from the forty sticks ln the pile Is of one hundred." The learned "walking pedestrian," sat down on the wooCplle, and by means ot bis X, V and Z figured out the means ot earning the most pie with the least ex ertion. Ho then went to work with the saw. How much pie was he able to earnf F. L. S. B.—CONUNDRUM With a plea for cold victuals, one calm Sabbath morn, Came a frowsy old hobo, abject and for lorn, Ungroomed and unshaven, unkempt and, unshorn. With ill-fitting garments all tattered and torn. While his nose showed acquaintance wltH John Barleycorn, And his phiz an abhorrence of water. The mistress, undaunted, this specimen eyed; "A meal you shall have and a quarter beside, If you state the resemblance," the good lady cried, " 'Twlxt yourself and the gown on this child by my side— A calico purchased of Cheatem Ss Snyde At their annual bargain slaughter." A. F. HOLT. A GUARANTEE IS ASKED FOR WARSHIPS' ADMISSION TO PORT ARTHUR Great Britain Acting Ostensibly For China Against a Union of Russia and France LONDON, March 19.—There was an important Cabinet conference this morn ing in continuation of yesterday's dis cussion of the Chinese question. It la reported that Great Britain requests Russia to give guarantees that the war ships of the world will be admitted free of duty into Port Arthur. Great Britain ln this matter is osten sibly acting at the instance of China. THE CHINESE LOAN PEKIN, March 19—The recent inac tivity of the Russians at Pekin is ex plained by the fact that the negotiations have again been transferred to St. Pe tersburg owing to the difficulties en countered here. The coincidence of the French de mands presented on the eve of the emis sion of the Chinese loan in London is commented upon and It is asserted that France and Russia are trying their best to wreck the loan. Upon the occasion of the last visit of the French Ambassa dor to the Chinese Foreign Office the Chinese refused to accede to the French proposals and the Ambassador said that when he next visited the Foreign Office he would present stronger arguments and would even threaten active opera tions from Tonquln and the forcible seizure of a coaling station. The general opinion here is that it ls impossible to disregard the present ru mors circulating in well-informed cir cles that Russia has abandoned her at tempts to lease Port Arthur but has not ceased her negotiations regarding Ta llen Wan. A CHINESE REBELLION LONDON, March 19.—A special dis patch from Shang Hal, received here to day, says a conspiracy with the object of bringing about a rebellion has been started by Chinese officials of various ranks in the Chang Sa province of Hunan. It is said to have spread to all the provinces bordering on the Yang tse-Kiang and fears ate expressed that it may prove to be the most formidable since the Ta Ping rebellion. It is pro fessedly a patriotic movement THE RUSSIAN NAVY LONDON, March 19.—The Czar, ac cording to a special dispatch from St. Petersburg, has authorized an Increase in the ordinary naval expenditure of 3,000,000 roubles yearly for six years, in addition to the special grant of 90,000,000 roubles for naval purposes recently an nounced. In the height of the) battle Pat saw a cannon ball coming his way and bowed his head. "Faith," says Pat, "one never loses anything by being polite." Punch is obliged to move, as the old house ln Bouverie street, which has been its editorial home from the beg inning, Is •bout to be torn down. 9