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Kss md I G, "fl W 97/r. fluff/a ■ Lyceum ML___ C/dH the ;i '"■ Telephone Main 70 Uj U\ 'iy Vaudeville Vft&aV 7- quintette, MaXWCII, H,ll\W%k baritone; Uorman, W. fVWWW brown, basso: R. JOsK, tbe celebrated contra ■F tenor. Tho Human Mu»to Sheet; a novel," Ingen mW}[ "uislc find surprise, wlih JOSEPHINE SAB EL, the clever vivacious ■P" n il 10 colored vocallats WEUB and HASSAN, hand acrobats and head ■hli. AMERICAN RIOukaPH. n new ncries ol views. Will 11. Pux, Whim, v LvbbVrhviii' 1 ' ' • lllnilola - Pfluel never changing. Evening, reserved seaU, Use and ■ggggjittaii nr nmtinoes, yedncsday, Saturday and Bungay Telephone Main 1447. Thf*nfr>Mfc JOHN C. FISHER, Manager. MXW^L^y^Ly* HOUSE CROWDED. TEL. MAIN 1270 UNANIMOUS IN PRAISE OF TLAY AND PLAYERS. WUhali Stock Company presenting fc Sir/ SXeft behind 77/e jo Matinee prices 10c or 35c llr.H, i, Utility P Auditorium Between 7th and Bth streets night CT CYtt ' /• 1 jr m f/fanon Lrawford leo XIII. in the Vatican o pjBDAY Italian Home Life in the Middle Ages benefit of tho Associated charities and the Lark Ellen Home for Newsboys. Reserved seats now on sale mission, 50c. Reserved seats, 75 cents And (1.00 at the Blanehard Piano Company. rnla Limited F === """j o ir *~\ | St is the \ Via Oanta J*o LTloute j s&est Angeles 8:00 a.m. Tuesday and Friday | IDon't \ dena 8:25 a.m. Tuesday and Friday 5 as City 6:10 p.m. Thursday and Sunday $ Tffiss St \ >vis 7:00 a.m. Friday and Monday | ' \ Im. Friday and Monday i § „.. " aervlce. la run for passengers with flrat-olasi lar tlcaei and aleoplng-oar rate la made. Dining Aestlbuled and electric lighted. AU the luxurlei of Tjrack... N A DAY . . , ! TUESDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS Santa Fe riinn on every Tuesday and Saturday a rersldo and the beauties of Santa Ana Canyon, ■a at 9r2S a. in Returning arrives at LOl Angeles at mra atop at both Kedianda and Riverside. IIIS TRAIN AFFORDS PLEASANT RTUNITY FOR SEEING THE SIOHTb \d Coronado 33eaoh ITIKUL SPOT IN THE WORLD 1 the run ln ahout four hours from Loa Angeles, oronado s>p«cial will run. The rld« is dollgttful, title Ocean beach. ;oo Spring St., corner Second _ TWELFTH AND GRAND AYE. ™ FIESTA PARK, lutes from City Hall and Principal Hotcla Tioas, Ostrich Cays — Open all 2)ay Slants ANIED BY PARENTS FREE, rhi. Every Lady Gets an Ostrich Feather Free. E. A home like place for small families, single men. Rooms by the day, week or mouth. V" f the Mfii* a few The de time on i 1 < 11 n Had HTan hour mprvv been entrapiied. well Insured. Tl. Tapseott. Robert Hop- Ings and William Fergu- I.he Klamath River Lum- Inent company, were ar isday at Klamathon, Sis- I Deputy United Stntes 'The charge against them ourt in disobeying nn in | Morrow to refrain from Ithe saw mills and other ■>y the Pokegama Lum ■mpany. The cases will EARTHQUAKE ■ > Damage Except at ■re Island WjlCO, March 31.—Today's Bjnterlor indicate that in Mns died away ln Mon fclvorth in Mendocino |fcs,|>rting dam ■LllHtanee ■ s prac ■int at ■(.ded ■the INDEX ■LEGRAPHIC NEys Vie dry dock at Vallejli es- Bp' by the earthquakq. but other fit ho or damaged; Wfgr.'.c.ate loss will exceed $1,000, - at Mare Island navy ■ Is shut down. the diplomats talk, the army navy departments are using cv- Vry moment of time to complete Vpreparations for defense; improvised W warships are being made ready for a« service and the fleet concentrating at ?4> Key West and Hampton Roads. ■4> General Blanco issues a decree de •4, daring that the four eastern prov -4* inces of Cuba are pacilied and auton -- omy measurably established; the re -4" concentrados will be permitted to go + back to their farms and will be given + government aid in the way of tools + and seed and food pending the har -4" vesting of a crop. 4- The Spanish Conservatives urge the 4* rejection of terms proposed by the •4. United States; the Spanish press ig -- noraut of the real question at issue, 4- resents even the proposal of an arm -4» istiee. 4- Rabid war talk displeases our 4> peaceful president, but a congres -4> sional committee informs him that 4- there will be no waiting after Monday. 4> Johnson of Indiana in the house 4- talks in favor of delay in the Spanish + matter and is hissed; the temper of 4> congress as shown by speeches de -- livered promises action with or with -4> out the consent of the president. + The San Pedro item in the sundry + civil bill will probably be reached to -4» day; also It will probably be passed. 4> Spain's reply is received and it 4- shows very clearly that Spanish di -- plomacy is simply playing with the 4- United States president; Spain is play «!> Ing for time, and on this particular oc + caslon has gained twenty-four hours, + which is as important as twenty-four 4> months under ordinary circumstances, 4, for the torpedo flotilla Is about due at 4, Porto Rico. + + + + •»• * ++ + + + + + + + + + + + +4. aback. The second mate, who was in charge of the deck, thought that the Wood hud run into a submerged rock or the hull of a derelict. He sent for Captain McLean and In a few minutes all hands tumbled on deck and were standing by, resfcy to lower the boats. The shock was also felt by sev eral other vessels at sea. Freight Rates CHICAGO, March 81.—Tha Interstate commerce commission opened al three days' meeting today. The case against the Union Pacific Railroad company for ex cessive rates for short distance fieight was continued Indefinitely. There was no ses sion of the commission during the after noon. A Foolish Farmer PITTSBURG, Pa„ March 31,-Because Bertha Asplegel would' not marry horn, Wm. Hlilaman, a farmer of Moon Hall township, near here, shot and killed her .and then cut his throat with a razor. The girl was 16 years otf age and refused him acoount of w m THE HERALD CAME IN CIPHER AND IT TAKES A LONG TIME TO TRANSLATE M'KINLLTS ULTIMATUM IS HONORED WITH AN ANSWER FROM SPAIN IT IS A NICE, LONG MESSAGE In Accordance With Spanish Tactics the President's Propositions Are Neither Granted Nor Denied Associated Press Special Wire • WASHINGTON, March 81.—Spain's a • official reply to President Mckinley's • • latest demand on the Cuban ,-iituatlon • • was received in Washington tonight. • • An anxious party, comprising most of • • tho cabinet and several close friends • • of the administration, waited till late • • ln the evening in expectation of de- c • velopments. About 10:30 the message o • began to come In cipher and the work c • of translating was begun at once. It • • was officially stated, however, that no • • lntlimaition as to the nature of the re- • • ply could be divulged tonight. • • Among those at the White House • • were Senator Hanna, Secretary Alger, • • Secretary Bliss, Assistant Secretary a • of State Day, who dined with the pres- • • Ident; Second Assistant Secretary of • • State Adee, to whot-i was confided!the • • translation of the message; Senator a • Spooner and Senator Ald'rich. There • • was an Intensely expectant crowd of • • newspaper correspondents, larger • • than often gathers at the White • • House at night, waiting In the lobby • s outside the president's office. But c • they were destined to disappointment, • • for after the telegraph instrument in • • the adjoining office had steadily elat- • • tered for half an hour, Mr. Porter, c • the president's secretary, appeared c • with tho announcement from Secre- • • tary Day that it was Impossible to • • translate the message in time to give • • out any statement tonight. The tele- 0 • graph instrument was still citcking • • when the correspondents filed out, • • 'indicating that the message was at • • least quite lengthy. • • • A SHOW OF YIELDING NEW YORK, April I.—The Herald s Washington correspondent says: Had the reply been favorable, all Washington would soon have known it. Sagasta wants more time. The statement is made that only the oortes can make concessions of territory. The receipt of Minister Woodford's mes sage has not changed tiie.situatlon. Evi dently Spain has tried to I make a show of yielding. She lias not made a f irtnal re quest for more time, but sht is gotag to do so. Senator Hanna, when asked if it was peace or war, replied that he did not know. The message irom Gen. Woodford, which is a very long one, was not entirely trans lated. While he did not give Spain's final reply to our proposition, it contains the general opinion of Minister WoouTord on the whole situation, gathered from talks he has had with members of the cabinet, as well as from communications which have passed between him and the council. A special dispatch from Washington to the World (time, 2 a. m.) gives the following outline of Spain's reply to the note pre sented by Minister Woodford: "Spain neither accedes to nor declines President McKlnley's propositions. "She makes a counter-argument that Spain should herself be allowed to propose terms as to what should be done regarding her own territory, rather than that the United States should do so." A special to the Journal and Advertiser from Washington says: It is extremely unlikely that Sagasta will make a defiant reply. He is almost certain to suggest fu»ther dday, on the ground thnt the cortes does not meet until April 25th, and that a definite reply is for that reason Impossible. Should this expectation be realized, it seems Incredible that the president will at tempt to defer congressional action. Fought a Draw SYRACUSE, N. Y„ March 31>-Tommy White of Chicago and George Dixon, the champion featherweight pugilist, fought a 'twenty-round draw before the Empire Athletic club of this city tonight. Two thousand people saw the bout, which was a thoroughly scientltic one. White had the advantage of reach and made the most of It, keeping his left going Into Dixon's face, with the effect of effec tually preventing the rushes of his oppo nent doiing any damage. Dixon's blows had a much greater force, but he failed to'land as often as his antagonist, and although the crowd yelled for a "White decision" they were well satisfied with the decision. The bet'tlng at the ring side, what money there was, going on the colored boy at odds of 2 to 1 and 4 to 31. A Mining Railroad STOCKTON, Cal., March 31.-A meeting of the citizens of Stockton was held this evening in the interest of the building of the Stockton and Tuolumne county -all road as an .independent line from the min ing sections of the mother lode to tide water at Stockton, canal. The people pro pose to give aid to the road in the form of stock subscriptions to be paid ln Install ments of 20 per cent at the completion of each twelve miles of the Kne. The second survey is now out fourteen miles and grad ers are at work near town. The promoters assert that the line will not be expensive but that it will be profitable; Major Ford Dead CARSON, New, March 31.—Major Geo. P. Ford died suddenly ln this city this morning. He came to the Comstock in 1860 and was well known throughout the state. He served ln the war In Company A, Thir teenth infantry, and was lieutenant colonel of militia on the governor's staff until re cently. J LOS ANGELES, FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL f, 1898 hi t ore SPAIN'S ANSWER IS RECEIVED AND IT SIMPLY MAKES A MONKEY OF THE UNITED STATES EXECUTIVE Sagasta Blandly Asks Whether McKinley Does Not Think a Scheme of Autonomy Can Be Put Into Operation in Cuba* McKinley Gives the Flotilla Twenty-Four Hours More Time WASHINGTON, March 31. (Special to The Hernia.) Lincoln was a man of liberation. McKinley will go crashing down the ages as a man of deliberation. He will be given until Monday in which to hand to congress Spain's reply to his ultimatum and his recommendation of the proper course to pur sue. ' The President has reached the end of his tether and he is being boosted into some sort of heroic attitude by the combined efforts of congress and the country. Today he received the reply from Spain in answer to the ultimatum he sent to Sagasta cabinet yesterday. This reply has set ail official Washington to laughing for Spain has blandly asked, for the tenth time at least, if the United States does not think an effective scheme of autonomy can be put into operation in Cuba. Spain could not have shown her contempt for the administration any more than she has done. While the admirers of this country have assumed that the Sagasta cabinet was tremblingly consider ing the magnificent declaration of President McKinley, the cabinet was placidly framing this jocose reply. Astounding as the news is, it comes from the best of authority. The President sent word to Woodford yesterday afternoon that all negotiations must have for a condition precedent, the freedom of Cuba,nnd Spain was given twenty-four hours in which to make definite arrangements. The cabinet council conferred with the queen regent today for several hours. After the meeting It was declared confidentially at Washington that the reply was unsatisfactory and about two oclock word went around that Spain had rejected the proposition. This in effect was what she actually did, but the president being a man of peace, failed to construe the reply in that way, on the charitable supposition that the Sagasta cabinet did not understand the purport of his intimation. With the spectacle of an enraged congress, a Republican party in revolt and an infuriated country, the president, be it said to his credit, sternly sent back word that Spain might have twenty four hours more, and that any scheme of autonomy was an impossibility. It is expected Spain will make some counter proposition tomorrow as placid and ingenious as it made today. Negotiations during the last ten days have been actually ludicrous from an American stand point. With the ridiculous Woodford as minister to Madrid, the intimations of the United States from the White House, and solemn replies from Spain in which the intimations were never directly answer ed, have been as good as a farce comedy. After telling Spain three days ago that the war must stop in Cuba, Spain inquired if this meant Cuban independence as a condition precedent. The president re plied that it did, and gave Spain twenty-four hours in which to answer. This time limit expired today and, as explained, Spain asked if an autonomist form of government could not be arranged for Cuba. This is a fair illustration of the president's negotiations between the two countries, Spain maintaining officially an aspect of amiable ingenuousness and successfully bluffing us into further delay at every step of the proceedings. Aside from this important diplomatic development the most significant incident today was a visit of a committee of eleven representatives to the White House and their assurance that they were confident a resolution for armed intervention would be adopted on Monday. Congress, however, has been fooled so often during the last two weeks that it has no confidence in this alleged determination of the president, a fact evidenced by the senate's refusal to adjourn over until Monday. Congress could bring matters to a focus tomorrow if the Republican leaders had the necessary spirit. The president had given Spain twenty-four hours more, and his friends say he was so angered at Spain's suggestion of an autonomy scheme today that the closing lines of his cable to Woodford contained information that correspondence was at an end so far as the United States was concerned. Assuming therefore, that Sagasta, forced into a corner, makes a definite reply tomorrow, it should be known here by noon, and unless the president hides away this answer, congress could with propriety, in case the answer was still unsatisfactory, adopt a resoluti on declaring in favor of Cuban independence and armed intervention. It is difficult to describe the mingled feeling of disgust, irritation and apprehension felt here over the situation, which involves the rapid approach of the Spanish torpedo flotilla and another form idable fleet of heavier war vessels. If Spain, through the advantage given it by its superior "diplomacy," should destroy several of our warships, McKinley's responsibility will be heavy indeed. It is safe to say the house and senate will make demonstrations daily until something is done. An earnest of that was given today through the fierce speeches made by Representatives Bailey, Cum mings and James Hamilton Lewis. Senator Chandler is primed for a speech tomorrow on the resolution he introduced today calling upon the president for consular reports, which ihi , apartment has hidden for three months and which contain full descriptions of all the misstry and star* ,'tion recently brought to light in such con spicuous form. MAX F. IHMSEN. MATTERS APPEAR TO BE APPROACHING A CRISIS —Chicago Chronicle. Twelve Pages ■ PRICE FIVE CENTS DIPLOMATS TALK NAVY DEPARTMENT PREPARES FOR THE WAR EMERGENCY MEASURES DIVIDE ATTENTION WITH PLAN OF CAMPAIGN MEN WORKING NIGHT AND DAY Making Improvised Warships Beat;;/ for Service —Whole American Fleet Headed for Key West Assooiated Press Special Wire WASHINGTON. March 31.—Apparently there was no cessation today of the i traordinary activity which has prevai at tho navy department during the pa month. Now that many of the emergency preparations are well under way, more . tentlon is to be paid to the broader nu Hon of a plan of campaign in the event bt war. Under tills bead comes tho establi ment of a depot to be used us a base of supplies, and on this matter the comm ■ - cial interests of the country are mak • themselves heard. Senator McEnery and Representat i Meyer, Ogden and Davey of Louislt ! called upon Secretary Long today and s plemented the representations of nr. ir* j chants who were here last week urging selection of New Orleans as a base of s plies. They said the city, being situa at some distance from the Gulf, was rea sonably safe from attack by a fleet, and, being a railroad center and situated on tha Mississippi river, grain and other supplies could be resldpped there in great abun dance. The secretary did not commit him self. The delegation also spoke to the secre tary in regard to the defense of the city of New Orleans, but the secretary ex pressed the opinion that with a formidable fleet in the gulf and such fortifications as aro already in existence, the city was well protected. ♦ The work incident to the transformation" of the yachts and tugs recently purchased for the navy department so as to make them practicable for naval purposes Is now well under way. The alterations and changes neoessary are being rushed with all possible speed and orders have been is sued to employ a sufficient number of men to work night and day, so that no time will be lost. In the tugs, particularly, there are numerous changes necessary for the comfort of the men who will man them. The yachts, on the other hand, are ln bet ter shape, and less work will be required than on the tugs. They will bo given a belt of armor aB a means of protection for por tions which are most vulnerable to the en emy's fire. So far tho department has purohased five yachts and eight tugs for the auxiliary navy. Sir Julian Pauncefote, the British am bassador, called on Assistant Secretary Roosevelt at the navy department this af ternoon and left his card for Captain Sigs bee, congratulating that officer on his es- cape and his bearing throughout his recent thrilling experiences in the harbor of Ha vana. There was nothing specially significant ln the movement of naval vessels reported to the navy department today. Tho gun boat Wilmington arrived at Jacksonville yesterday on her way to New York for repairs. The torpedo boat Somers, purchased ln Germany, arrived at Pillau yesterday on her way to the United States. The gun boat Wheeling has left Port Angeles for Seattle. The cruiser Columbia and the rev enue cutter Morrill arrived at Norfolk to day. The Columbia Is attached to the dy ing squadron and is in complete readiness for any service it may be called upon to perform. Her sister ship, the Minneapolis, now fitting ottt at League island, is ex pected to join the squudron at Hampton Roads in a day or two. The gunboat Marietta of the Pnclfto squadron arrived at Callao today. Although not so admitted, it is generally understood that she is bound fcr Key West. The same is true of the battleship Oregon, which Is expected to arrive at Callao this week. These vessels have been informed of the presence of the Spanish torpedo boat Ten erurio on the east coast of South America, and have been warned to be on their guard against her while in those waters. THE MILITARY ARM The military Information division of tha war department has made public a table bearing on the strength ot the militia in the United States in 1897. It also gives data as to the number of men liable for military duty, information in regard to appropria tions, military officers, encampments and mobilization. This table is compiled from the reports made to the department by army officers detailed for duty with the militia of the states. Tho authorized strength of the military ol the entire coun try (which, however, Includes several states where this strength la not limited particularly) is 186,813, while the aggregate actual strength is 113.7C0, made up as fol lows: Infantry, 100,179 Artillery, 5055. Cavalry, -1!>73. Special troops, 2270. Generals and staff officers, S7S. Non-commissioned staff officers, 400. The total number of men liable to mili tary duty in the country Is 10,375,118. State appropriations made for the main tenance of militia in 1897 amounted to $2,723,564. QUICK WORK It Is Kill or Be Killed on Board the Vesuvius WASHINGTON, March 31,-Tho work of overhauling tho dynamite cruiser Vesuvi us, completing the work on her guns ana fitting her up for active service, is almost finished, and she probably will be ordered to leave the Washington navy yard within the next two days. It is thought she will go first to Norfolk and then proceed to southern waters. The men are giving lier a coat of black