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*"] Single Sheet TWEjNTY-FTFTH YEAR. NO. 184. ... AMUSEMENTS _ L°* Angeles Theater wrA&ISSaUS. Tre " urer ' HATINKK TODAY AT 3:10 P. M.—LAST PEKFOBHAKCE TONIGHT MOST EXCELLENT LAUGHING, 9?fr. S&Uff/o Madeline Lucrtte Ry ley's Merry Farce as Given at the N. V, Lyceum Theater, *« *V— A <*•**** Member, °' 0t,,,,,,l Regular Pries*—Me. toe. 75a, 11 00. Seat* now on aale. Telephone Main TO |oe Angeles Theater g.»;^^Z?£ Ttt "™ r - OKI NIGHT ONLY—BUND AY KVISNINO, APRIL S An evening with your favorite*. (M , / tj . The Famoui Lecture Manager, giving iff a/or James JS. Zrond Memories of the Lyceum Or, Twenty Year* a Peeler ln Other Men'a Brain*. Illnitrated by over ISO atereoptlcon view*. Ssati new oa «»le. Re ervedteat*. tOoenn: admlaiion, 23c*nt*. Tel. Main 70. CC\%*\ale, - an ft -Xnyetes Society VaudeviHe Zheater fyy% , . fmm . -R. J. JOHE QUINTETTE, Fred Rycroft, first tenor; ////rr/tttn* liftfTnil W. R. Maxwell, baritone; A F. Gorman, second aW«r>«**» WUUJf ywHl W. H. Brown, basso; R. J. JO»K, the celc- Any Seat, 25c breted contra tenor. The Human Music Sheet; a rhilHran «n* novel, ingenious combination ot fun. music and uni aren.. toe iurpr ' Mi w i in JOSEPHINE sabe.,, tbe clever (jallery ..toe vivacious ehanteuse international and 40 colored vooalista WEBB and HAbSAN, hand acrobats and head to head balancer*. Th* American Blograpb, a new serle* ol vltwa. Will H. Fox, Whitney Bros., Smart and William. Mandola. Price* never ohanglng. Evening, reserved seau, 2ic and 50o; gallery, 100. Regular matinee*, Wedneaday. Saturday and Sunday Telephone Main 1447. Durhank ThontAf JOHN * c - fibhkr, Manager. Huruann ■ neuter house crowded. tel. main 1270 ZThe SSetasco-Vhail C**% PRESENTING Vho Sirl S Xeft behind Wfo fyat/nee Veday at 2 »pJy*nl&ifc W * Week of April O—TOO MITCH JOHNSON £lmpson Auditorium Aftwf.nSKsth.tre.u TONIGHT Farewell Lecture g ty arion Crawford XJoniyhi —Italian Home Life in the Middle Ages For the Joint benefit of the Associated Charities and the lark Ellen Home for Newsboy*. .Reserved seat* now on aale PRlCES—Admission, Me. Reserved seat*, 75 cent* and 11.00 at the Blanchard Piano Company. agricultural Park • • Jifares and jfcounds * » Conning Sunday, April Sd. commencing at 10:00 a.m. and continuing throughout the day, rain or ahine; 32 dog-stake. 1100 parse. Admtsslou, 25 cent*; ladle* free, including grand stand. Music by Seventh Regiment Band. Take Main-street ears. IJnlty Church Sunday Cpeniny 1 Third and Hill Stmts g g> ojf gj\ , . A, gf . President of Stanford Jr. University, Wauid Otarr Jordan yX d ch v " c W r ' ,t ■- ADMISSION 25a "7!he Search /or Unearned JVappiness" \ Qallfornla Limited | i Via Oanta *¥c !/ioute\ a*** Leaves Los 800 a.m. Tuesday and Friday | 'Don't Leaves Pasadena 8:25 a.m. Tuesday and Friday i Arrive Kansas City ...6:to p.m. Thursday and Sunday { 9/9/.. <i I Arrive Si. Louis- 700 a.m. Friday and Monday 5 ' , Arrive Chicago „ 9:43 a.m. Friday and Monday 'iVii*'i.i i-js.i.n..' 1 This great train, with Its famous dining-car service. 1* run lor passengers with Srat-claa* i ticket* only, bnt no charge beyond the regular ticket and ileeplng-car rate 1* made. Dining , cars serve breakfast leaving Lot Angeles. Vestlbuled and electric lighted. All the luxuriea of modern travel. I 1 Jfite~ Shaped TJracke.. DONE IN A DAY i ON THE TUESDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS IB addition to the regular train service the Santa Fe runs on every Tuesday and Saturday a , apteial express train, taking in Redlands, Riverside and the beauties of Santa Ana Canyon. Leave* Lo* Angels* at Oa m; leave* Paaadeca at 9:25 a. m. Returning arrive*at Lo* Angeles at t i.a6p.m.. Pasadenat:6o p. m., giving two hour* (topat both Redlands and Riverside. , 7T. /V. . . /» ON THIS TRAIN AFFORDS PLEASANT I VAc voservatton tjar opportunity for seeing) the biohtb , San oit?ffo and Coronado 32each < ..THfc MOST BEAUTIFUL SPOT IN THE WORLD > . , Two dally trains, r-rrjring parlor cars, make the ran In about four houra bom Lo* Angeles, . and on Tuesday ani Saturday night* the Coronado Special will run. The ride is delightful, carrying you for seventy mile* along the Pacific Ocean beach. I Santa Fe Route Office, 200 Spring St., corner Second i jyilehlre Ostrich Farm Ss^ab*£ d oeand AVJt j Grand Avenue Car* te Galea—s minute* from City Hall and Principal Hotels 1 Ostrich iPiumes, Coliarettes, SSoas, Ostrich Cyys — Open aii Day ' jfe th * ■ Ptum*d Slants CHILDREN ACCOMPANIED BY PARENTS FREE. ] «10,000 Challenge the Original Ostrich Farm. Every Lady Gets an Ostrich Feather Free. J HAWAII'S SENATE Will Take Aotlon on the Pacific Cable Project HONOLULU, March 24.-(Vla San Fran cisco, April 1.) A bill has been Introduced In the Hawaiian senate to authorise the construction of a cable by the Pacific Cable company, known as tbe Borymser com pany, whose bill In congress was favorably reported on by a committee of the house several weeks ago. The bill elves the exclusive cable rights to the Islands for to years. It must be laid within 18 months after the passage of the act by the American congress and ex tended to Japan within three years. It must be capable of transmitting 15 words a minute. The rate between here and the United States ls not to exceed 85 cents a word, and to Japan not to exoeed 90 cents a word. In case of war the president may Belie the cable and exclude all messages he sees fit, A guarantee of 135,000 ln govern ment bonds ls to be put up by the company. In accordance with the recommendation of President Dole and the senate finance committee, the salaries ot the cabinet min isters have been increased from $4600 to SGOOO. The senate has passed a bill relating to the registry of foreign-built vessels. It restricts the Issuance of registers of ves sels to citizens or corporations having a i>lace of. business and having carried on sunn business within the republic for the Iwo years immediately preceding such ap plication for registry. Declaration must u!ao be made by corporations, as forindt .!duals, that no aliens are Interested ln the vessel or its profits or issues, except those v. ho may own capital stock of such Oorpor titlon. The act Is not to affect existing registers. FARNELL'S MOTHER Laid to Rest In the GHasnevin Ceme tery dale Saturday from burns resulting from the Igniting of her clothing while she was sitting before a fire, were today removed from Avondale to Glasnevln cemetery. The body was encased ln an oak coffin, with brass mountings. The cortege was fol lowed to the station by a large part of the population of Avondale. In thla city a vast concourse awaited the arrival of the body and walked ln proceaalon to the cemetery. Mrs. Farnell was burled beside tbe grave of her distinguished son, Charles Stewart Parnell. Many wreaths were placed upon the graves, among them being one from the United States ambassador. Col. John Hay. Another wreath, which came from New York, was Inscribed, "In affectionate mem ory of one whose every heart throb beat for the cause." The Parnelllte members of the house of commons sent a wreath bear ing the inscription, "To the memory of his dead mother, from hia faithful surviving collftAonea." Among the chief mourners were Mrs. Parnell's grandson, W. H. Parneir, and many members of the house of commons. Austrian Outbreaks LONDON, April I—A dispatch to the Times from Vienna says: A serious agrarian outbreak baa taken place in the Hatsfeld district, Hungary. There has been a conflict between the rloTses and the gendarmes. The gendarmes fired upon the mob and three laborers were killed and several severely wounded. The mob there upon charged the gendarmes and several were wounded. Jeffries Matched SAN FRANCISCO, April 1.-The Olympic club this evening matched Pete Everett, sometime* called "Mexican Pete," to meet Jim Jeffries ln a 10-round contest before that club on the night of April Kth. Ac cording to an agreement signed by the men, hitting la the breakaway ls allowed. The pugilists will receive 60 pay cent of th* gross receipts; ot this sum th* winner Ukes t*SAdthelo««r«n«r«wfc /z!_J THE HERALD WAR IS INEVITABLE PRESIDENT AND CABINET ARE FULLY CONVINCED POLICY TO BE PURSUED TO BE OUTLINED TS MONDAY'S MESSAGE CONGRESS IS READY TO ACT And the Majority Only Waits the Sug gestion of the Executive to Declare War Associated Press Special Wire WASHINGTON, April I.—There ia little doubt that the president and the members of his cabinet now re gard a conflict with Spain as almoat inevitable. In his message to con gress, which ln all probability will be sent in next Monday, and certain ly next week, It Is understood that the president will review at some length the record as lt stands be tween this government and Spain, but will not insist upon further time ln which to continue negotiations looking to a peaceful solution of the Cuban problem. The cabinet meet ing this morning was unquestion ably the most Important held in many years. It received Spain's an swer to the 'Ultimatum of this gov ernment, and, finding it unsatisfac tory, practically decided upon a pol icy which at this hour seems certain to involve hostilities. The whole record will be laid before con gress, and the question now under earnest consideration Is what shall be the particu lar form our policy shall take ln bringing to an end the horrors in Cuba and aecurlng the independence ot the Island. Proposi tions ranging from a simple recognition of Cuban Independence to a straight-out dec laration of war have been urged at the Cap itol, but there la hardly a doubt that tho majority of congress will await the exec utive lead before talcing action and are disposed' to adopt Mr. McKlnley's sugges tions on this point. It is thought that any of the resolutions except possibly simple recognition of independence, would lead to war. There were, of course, all sorts of rumors ln circulation, Including reports of media tion by some European powers, but ho suggestion had come to this government as late as 5 oclock. In response to a direct question, Assistant Secretary Day said that there had been no offer of mediation by any foreign government, THE CABINET MEETING One member of the cabinet. In speaking ot the meeting today spoke substantially as follows: "In the morning lt was apparent to all of us, having exhausted all diplomatic ef forts to bring about a better condition of affairs in Cuba, and they having failed, the whole question must be submitted to con gress. At our afternoon meeting the presi dent requested each member of the cabinet to express freely his individual opinion as to what should be done. The discussion was entirely on the lines Indicated by the members. Nothing definite was decided upon and no conclusions reached. The president will take the views submitted to him under consideration, preparatory to bis message to congress, which will be sent early next week. President McKinley has done a great deal of work recently and ap pears pretty well fatigued. Consequently he witt take some little rest before begin ning work on the message. He has not yet determined what recommendation will be communicated to congress. My own indi vidual opinion is that but little faith can be put In promises mad* by Spain, and this makes me hesitate about accepting with any confidence her latest proposals. BROKEN PROMISES "In the first place, she promised a long tlm* ago that the reconcentrados would be released. The result shows this promise has not been kept. Now the proposes io release them but keep them under military supervision. Who can tell whether she will adhere to this expressed Intention? Broad ly; there appears to be three courses open to the president ln dealing further with thla matter. The first of these Is to accept the proposals submitted by Spain In reply to the American representations, the sec ond to relegate the whole matter to con gress and let that body do as It seems proper, which I think would, mean inter vention; and, thirdly, to take a middle stand. But, as I said' before, nothing has yet been determined upon by the president, or. If he has reached a decision, he dld< not communlcat* lt to the members ofthe cab inet today. "Yes, reference was made by Spain to the Maine matter in the reply she sent through Minister Woodiword. She made no offer to pay for the loss, but suggested that the matter be settled by arbitration. So far as I recall, she expressed l no regret for the sad occurrence, and the whole thing was regarded as a coldblooded statement." The second session of the cabinet lasted from 6 to 6:20 oclock. NO NEW PROPOSITIONS The Spanish minister called at the state department at 4:30 oclock and was In con ference with Judge Day for some time. AU though there was the strictest reserve as to what had occurred, lit can be atatedpos ltlvely that the United States submitted no further propositions, nor did the Span ish minister offer anything which changed the situation of affairs. Both sides regarded the issue as made up, wltb no likelihood Of further negotiations between now and tbe time when the presi dent will submit the whole case to con gress. The United States has presented Its demand and Spalp has given her answer. Thus the case stands. While thla brings a halt- to the active negotiations which have |Ss»tlnaed '>«■> Page Two> LOS ANGELES, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 2, J898 CONGRESS TO TAKE ACTION Whether or Not the President Sends In a Message A REQUEST FOR DELAY IS REFUSED Though Made By McKinley and Backed By Fairbanks The Committee Ready to Report, and the Senate Ready to Pass the Resolution to Be Recommended SPECIAL TO THE HERALD. WASHINGTON, April I.—The president has washed his hands of all responsibility. The sub-committee of the senate committee on foreign rela tions has forced him to act. He will turn the whole Cuban matter over to Congress on Monday. This morning the president wanted another week's delay. He told Senator Fairbanks and other peace patriots that it was absolutely necessary for the safety of this government. Large numbers of guns, quantities of shells and smokeless powder had been purchased abroad and were now ready to be shipped. Until these munitions of war were on board ship and started for this country, war could not be declared. Otherwise they would .be con traband of war, and the country permitting their shipment would commit an act hostile to Spain. This argument worked. Senator Fairbanks was in favor of giving the president a month's time, if necessary, but it was thought best to consult the leaders in the two houses of congress. Senator Davis, chairman of the committee on foreign relations, was sent for in haste. The situation was explained to him and he was urged to pre sent it to his committee on his return to the senate. This he did. He returned to the White House soon and delivered the ultimatum of the senate. "We will not wait one minute beyond Monday," their judgment was, based on other grounds. Since last Monday the sub-committee has been busy examining the report of the court of inquiry into the disaster to the Maine. It found that the Maine had been blown up through carelessness and gross negligence on the part of the Spanish government From the witnesses it was learned that the state department had been in possession of the most damaging testimony for weeks. This testimony had simply been pigeon-holed, and but few people knew of its existence. One piece of evidence was a copy of a cablegram from London, when first intimation was made to the Spanish government that an American war vessel was to be sent to Havana, ordering specially prepared wire cables, which are used to connect submarine mines with land electrical batttries. The date of the telegram was so far prior to the arrival of the Maine that the order could be filled. A second piece of evidence was a copy of a cablegram sent by General Weyler directing that his letter to Senor Guzman, a copy of which Honore Lame had published in the New York Journal two days before, be instantly destroyed. In his letter Weyler had admitted that as far back as 1896 he had pre pared a submarine mine in the harbor of Havana. It was on this testimony, in addition to that sent to congress by the president, that the sub-committee reached its conclusion that the Maine was blown up through carelessness and gross negligence on the part of the Spanish government. Knowing that the president himself has been ac quainted with the facts for weeks this sub-committee determined they can no longer trust his guidance, and so it sent its answer of. "No further delay." The committee reports to the senate on Monday, whether the president sends a message or not. The sub-committee has reached its final conclusions. It reports to the full committee tomorrow. The conclusions of the committee were reached by a virtually unanimous vote. Stripped of its verbiage, the resolution to be reported will read: "That the people of the island of Cuba are, and of right ought to be, tree and independent" MAX F. IHMSEN. Twelve Pages PRICE FIVE CENTS A QUICK PASSAGE WAS MADE BY THE SPANISH TORPEDO BOATS DOIBT IS EXPRESSED AS TO THE ACCURACY 07 THE DISPATCH | FLYING SQUADRON WON'T FLY While Warships at Havana Depart ts> Convoy the Torpedo Flotilla Into American Waters Associated Press Special Wire MADRID, April 1.-Midnight.-The Spanish torpedo flotilla has arrived at Porto Rico. IT CAUSES COMMENT WASHINGTON, April 1.-The Madrid dispatch announcing the arrival of the Spanish torpedo flotilla at Porto Rico was quite unexpected at Washington and cre ated considerable comment ln naval cir cles. So far as could be learned, no Infor mation on this point has been received by either the state or navy departments. The arrival ot the flotilla surpasses all forecasts as to the time necessary to make the trip and Indicates that a high rate of speed was maintained across the ocean. President McKinley manifested much In terest ln the dispatch from Madrid that the Spanish flotilla had arrived at Porto Rico. About the house a good deal of surprise was expressed that the flotilla had made so swift a passage from the Canaries, and there was a disposition among some to whom the Information was given not to credit lt, the opinion being that lt had been . given out by the Madrid officials to pre vent the flying squadron from sailing. FLYERS WON'T FLY WASHINGTON, April L—The flying squadron ls to remain ln Hampton Roads for the present at least. This announce ment was made late this afternoon by Sec retary Long and set at rest the reports which had been current throughout the day that a movement of the squadron was Imminent. The secretary stated that the department believed that the present ren dezvous of the squadron was the most available one from which the ships under Commodore Schley would operate ln car rying out the purpose for which It was formed—that ls, the protection ot the North Atlantic seaboard. He added that no orders had been Issued to Commodore Schley and that none were ln immediate contemplation. In the various phases of the situation to day the flying squadron stood out promi nently, both as a center of public Interest ln connection with rumored orders for Its sailing from the roads, and as a matter of consideration by the department. It Is said on reliable authority that the department discussed the question of ordering the ships to sea, presumably, though not offi cially so stated, In accordance with the ap proach of the Spanish torpedo flotilla. It has been an open secret for some days that the naval authorities have regarded the approach of the Spanish flotilla with ap prehension, and their feelings In this re gard were strong enough to call the mat ter to the attention of the authorities. After considering the matter, however. It was decided that no orders would be Issued looking to a movement of the squadron. While the decision is understood to have been based primarily upon the fact that it would be unwise to remove the ships from their present valuable strateglo posl- (Continued on Page Five) TO TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Spanish officials still express confi dence In a peaceful solution of pend ing questions and Senor Sagasta is es pecially sanguine. The Minneapolis sails from League Island to join the flying squadron at Hampton Roads: the fleet ls already a formidable one, but no plans have been matured for putting lt to use ln stopping the Spanish torpedo flotilla. Sagasta politely expresses to the United States his opinion that the In surgents are the people that should ask for an armistice ln Cuba and not the United States; the answer may not be so polite. Naval officials are exceedingly busy, but are growing more reticent con cerning the torpedo fleet, .but no ac tion ls taken to intercept It, and it Is now believed to be too late to inter fere with its progress. The strength of the war spirit in the house is shown by action taken* on the naval appropriation bill; as passed, the bill provides for twenty-four tor pedo boats and torpedo boat destroy ers, instead of the twelve asked for by the committee; the senate spends the day in secret session, considering the purchase of the Danish West India islands. Editor Brann of the Texas Icono clast and his friend Captain Davis meet on the street; when their greet ings are concluded Brann and Davis are fatally wounded and three by standers are suffering from bullet wounds. The foreign relations committee of the senate will on Monday report a resolution recognizing the independ ence of the Cuban republic and pro viding for Intervention by the United States with her military and naval forces. ' The president and cabinet are con vinced that war ls Inevitable; Spain having made answer to America's propositions. It's McKinley's move, which will be taken by a message to congress on Monday. The Spanish torpedo flotilla reaches Porto Rico, and Spanish warships leave Havana, presumably to convoy the torpedo boats Into American waters. , Mrs. Henrotin of Chicago pleads for . peace; Mrs. Shlllington of the same i city lost one son on the Maine, and < has another ready to die for Cuban . mothers and to sustain his country's • honor. , ****** ************ *4> INDEX