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Single Sheet TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 186. AMUSEMENTS ~f v " — 1 «k Lo» Aogelea' Society Vaudeville Theater. W " k c J™*™9™L9ffonday, Jfpri/ 4 "in Anything Thus icnted to the Los Angeles Show-Going People. Europe's Most Famous Novelty Star] MR. and MRS. TOM ItaIMVOSB _~„,. , ?S Blso K. r . Colored Aristocracy. The Celebrated Russian Fantastic Dellne- ' — ■ „ — ator and Crayon Artist The Originator WKBB AND HASSAN _ -n . and the only Artist Presenting the Cele- orated Smoke Ploturet. A truly wonderful Assisted by the Juvenile and beautiful performance, executed on Maxtor Tommy Meade ; n2«r c uDi P tntlMT wlth *• -■■ 11,1 v"' i , A New Soles of Views? The im ln e n»/merl C an cr.m6dlan; R. J. johk QiriNT'lctlK Assisted feeVi!l rS"..». J. .. o „ Composed of the following notables: Fred Fewest P,^H n Soubret ; e - Pf"« , Ryoroft, tlrst tenor; E. V. Gorman, second creation ent?t?«.t T.T" T d °i lglnal <«"■>'! w X Maxwell, baritone; W. H. creation, eiUjUed/Trlclcs of the Trade. Brown, ba«so; R. J. JO6B, the celebrated The American Celebrities, contra-tenor. The Greatest Hinging Act In . . „ SMITH AND cook Vaudeville, in an entire change In their Acrobatic Comedians and Grotesque Dancers vast repertoire. _____ PRICES NbVER CHANGING—Evening, reserved teats, 25c and 60c; gallery. 10c. Regular mailndes Wednesday, Saturday end Sunday Telephone Main 1447 ■ m mmJL &m / _a« JL HOME 0F co MEDY - JOHN C. FISHER, f% HOUSE CROWDED. Manager. Tele P hone M1i » 1270 BEGINNING TONIQHT, and for the Balance of the Week, with ' MATINEE SATURDAY ONLY, TJho 320/ascoUhaii Stoc/e Company, in . . . A LA ev G eJy N line Jjoo 7/fuch Johnson By WILLIAM GILLETTE, Author of "Secret Service" and "Held By the Enemy." St is SrrosistiS/y funny St is Srresistibiy funny USUAL BURBANK PRICES—ISc, 25c, 35c or 50c. B—Mlftir Hull ONE DOOR SOUTH O- THK LOS ANGELES THEATER. IMU«"«» ****** TUESDAY AFTERNOON. APRILS. AT3 O'CLOCK, " m . FIFTH POPULAR MATINEE CONCERT OK THE A, W„„„/„, /?„A , r j HARLEY HAMILTON, Director, asst'd by u,os sxnyetes Oympnony Urcmtstra TH is queen vocal quartettiS. Admission 25c. Tickets on -ulc at All Music stores and at the Door. California Limited ["' via Oanta d*e Vioute Leaves Los Angeles 800 a.m. Tuesday and Friday 1 1 Leaves Pasadena 8:25 a.m. Tuesday and Friday 5 I Arrive Kansas City 6:10 p.m. Thursday and Sunday § Ogfjr.. ft \ Arrive St. Louis. 7 too a.m. Friday and Monday 5 wftss *r s Arrive Chicago- 9:43 a.m. Friday and Monday L I «i .' JFi re, i tr,ln ' 7 uh 'J* tln » 0 »» dining-car service, is run for passengers with first-class tickets only, but no oharge beyond the regular ticket and sleeping-car rate Is made. Dining can aerve breakfast leaving Los Angeles. Vest I buled and electric lighted. All the luxuries of BBodern travel. JCite~£haped Tjrack.,. DONE IN A DAY ON THE TUESDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS Jn addition to the regular train service the Santa Ke runs on every Tuesday and Saturday a •peclat express train, taking in Kcdlands. Riverside and the beauties of Santa Ana Canyon, leaves Los Angeles at »a. vi; leaves Pasadena at 9:25 a. m. Returning arrives at Los Angeles at *26 p. m.. Pasadena' :M> p. m., giving two hours stop at both Badlands and Riverside. 77hm oA*mm~*A,m f~- oii THIB TRAIN AFFORDS PLEASANT une vosetvation t>ar opportunity for seeing the sight* San 2)/eyo and Coronado ffieach THit MOST BEAUTIFUL BPOT IN THE WORLD parlor cars, 106,19 run In about four hours from Lot Angles, and on Tuesday and Saturday nights the Coronado Special will run. The ride la delightful, tarrying you for seventy miles along thePaclno Ocean beach. Santa Fe Route Office, 200 Spring St ( corner Second Wllshlre Ostrich Farm aKAND AVK Grand Avenne Cars to Gates-5 minutes from City Hull and Principal Hotels Ostrich Ptumes, Co/iarcttes, SSoas, Ostrich £yys — Open ait 2>ay ,iS *7>J..s Stants , ' „ , CHILDREN ACCOMPANIED BY PARENTS FREE. $10,600 Challenge the Original Ostrich Farm. Every Lady Gets an Ostrich Feather Free. LI HUNG'S HEAD,WANTED FOE SELLING OUT CHINA TO THE RUSSIANS JUST CAUSE FOR COMPLAINT Is Found In the Fact That Chine, Has Now No Fort for Her New Warships—British Wants Associated Press Special Wire SHANGHAI, April 3.—lt is announced that a person of the highest rank has me morialized the emperor in the most vigor ous language, accusing the whole tsung 1! yamen (Chinese foreign office) of being In the pay of Russia. He asserts that Rus sia, expended 10,000,000 tales in bribery dur ing the recent negotiations regarding the cession of Port Arthur and Talien Wan, etc., and claims that LI Hung Chang's share was 1,500,000 taels. Thereupon the personage referred to demands a full in vestigation and asks that Li Hung Chang be beheaded If the accusations are proven, the memorializer offering lo be executed himself if hie charges are not sustained. The Chinese complain bitterly of the fact that they do not possess a war port for the Aye warships which are being built for them abroad and which are due tA ar rive In Chinese waters tlhis summer. Un less Wei-Hai-Wel, occupied Try the Japan ese, Is evacuated, which is doubtful, the Chinese have no place in which to receive their new warships. The Russians have permitted the Brit ish gunboats to enter and leave Port Ar thur freely. The British first class cruiser Grafton, flagship of Rear Admiral C. P. Fitzgerald, second In command of the China station, and the first class cruiser Powerful, the armored cruiser Narcissus, the second class cruiser Rainbow %ci other vessels of the eqaudron, left Che Poo on Saturday. Their destination Is unknown, but it is ■. supposed to be Chemulpo, the port of Seoul, capital of Kerea. The movements of the various ships excite the greatest In terest among foreigners here. It Is sup posed they will make a demonstration, pos sibly In support of some British demands for concessions, WHAT BNLAND WANTS PEKIN. April S.-Great Britain has de manded a lease of Wei-He!-W»l on the Shan-Tung peninsula after Che Japanese evacuation, ss a compensation for the dis turbance of the balance of power !n the Oulf of Rechl Li. 'In diplomatic circles Steal! doubt Is entertained that China will ooncede the demand, which Is believed to '•c favorably regarded by Japan. Rev. Hall Recovering WBW YORK. April J.-Revf Dr. John R. 22L P !k Jlw 0f ,he Plt 'h Avenue Presby. MHan ohtttoh, Is convalescing. INDEX TO TELEGRAPHIC HEWS The levee' at Shawneetown, 111., breaks and a town of 3000 Inhabitants Is swept from the earth; estimates of the loss of life vary from 200 to WOO. The Spanish torpedo flotilla will re main at Cape Verde until further or ders; when the fleet has been rein forced by two or three cruisers It will be ordered to Cuba. Sunday at the national capital was quiet, the president denied himself to callers and did not attend church; In the departments the only officials on duty are the clerks having charge of active operations and preparations for equipping and supplying the navy. The formation of the flying squad ron the best evidence that war is ex pected, Inasmuch as such fleets are not organized except In cases where Immediate attack Is expected; some comparisons of vessels in the squad ron with picked vessels of the Span ish fleet. McKinley's Cuban message will not be sent to the senate before Tuesday, and the committee to which It will be referred can hardly be expected to re port It back on the same day; senators opposed to war may insist on debate, which will postpone decisive action for another week. It is now discovered that Spain and not the United States ceased negotia tions; the Spanish note of Friday was made public only in part, and contained the blunt assertion that no further negotiations would be con ducted by Spain having in view the ultimate Independence of Cuba. A high personage of China asks for the head of LI Hung Chang, accusing him of selling out China to the Rus sians; bitter complaint caused by the fact that China does not nov/control a port to receive the warships ordered arm ready to be delivered. England makes demands for a lease of Wel- Hal-Wel. The belief prevails at Washington »hat the climax of the Spanish crisis will be reached this week. President McKlnley still hopes that war may be averted if congress can be controlled for a few days more; no Intimation Is given the public of what recommen dation will be made In the president's message, and It is reported that no recommer!datton at all will be made. The latest solution offered for the war question is mediation by the pope, said to have been undertaken at the Instance of the United States govern ment. Doubt is expressed as to the concurrence of the United States con gress. A Handball Game DENVER, Col., April S.-John J. Fitz gerald and George O. Dostall, composing Denver's Crack handball team, defeated Ihe world's champions, Messrs. Casey an« Dunne of Brooklyn, N. T., here this after noon In a most exciting contest. The score was 21 to 20. At every point of the game the local players outplayed the famous Brooklyn team. Champion Casey remarked after the game that there was not a team In the «oun try that could defeat the Denver men THE HERALD THE LEVEE BROKE A RAGING RIVER SWEPT DOWN ON THE CITY ESTIMATES Of DEATHS VARY FROM TWO HUNDRED TO A THOUSAND ' NOT A MOMENT'S WARNING An Illinois Town of Three Thousand Inhabitants Is Swept From the the Face of the Earth Associated Press Special Wire EVANSVILLE, Ind., April 3.—The levee al Shawneetown, 111., broke this evening and the whole town Is flooded from ten to twenty feet. The levee Is In front of the town and the bills are In the rear. It Is re ported that more that 200 lives are lost. All wires are down and no particulars can be had. Evansville has sent two steamboats with food and biankets to the scene. NEWS BY TELEPHONE , CHICAGO, April 4.—At 12:» this morn ing the operator In the long distance tele phone company's office at Mount Vernon, Ind., Informed the Associated Press that the estimate on the loss of life at Shawnee town was at that hour 200. Mount Vernon is but thirty miles from Shawneetown, and the information on which the estimate is based is 'believed to be reliable. The op erator stated that the company's wires to the stricken city failed soon after 4 oclock this afternoon. At that hour it was known that the dam was giving way, but it was not thought that it would go to pieces quickly enough to cause the loss of life. By 8 oclock It was known in Mount Ver non that many people had been drowned, the estimate then being 100. A relief boat bearing food, blankets and surgeons was started down the river and was expected to reach Shawneetown before morning. Grad ually the reports of loss of life Increased, the estimates and stories coming from va rious points near the scene of the flood showing clearly that the disaster was far greater than was at first believed. People at Mount Vernon and surrounding towns besieged the telegraph office, frantically asking for tidings from friends and rela tives In the flooded town. No attempt at an accurate list of the victims is possible, however, and the crowds stood all -night before the bulletin boards on which were posted the meager reports being received. MEAGER DETAILS LOUISVILLE. Ky., April 3.-A special to the Courier-Journal from Evansville, Ind., says: At 6 oclock this evening the levee at Shawneetown, Ills., broke a mile above the town, and from all the Information that can be obtained here It Is learned that a great part of the place has been de stroyed and perhaps a large number of cit izens have been drowned. Shawneetown is twenty-five miles from Evansville on the Ohio river. It is situated In a valley of extremely law land, with hills skirting it In the rear and with a 25-foot levee running from hill to hill. The town is very much In the position of a fortified city, and when the levee gave way a mile above town, under the pres sure of the very high water, the water shot through a 20-foot opening and struck the place like a hurricane, sweeping everything before it. Houses were turned and tossed about like boxes. The people were not warned of the break, and for that reason many were caught. Those at home sought refuge In second siaries and on housetops. Those In the streets were carried before the ava lanche of water and probably a majority were drowned. Citizens came away from the place by skiffs to a telephone several miles away and asked for aid from Evansville. They said that more than 200 people were drowned and they had reason to believe It would reach 500 or more, possibly even 1000. The water stands from twenty to thirty feet all over the town. There are, of course, no fires or lights In the place and total darkness envelops the desolate city. Shawneetown, 111., has a population of about 3000 Inhabitants, and Is situated on the west bank of the Ohio river. The streets are parallel with the river, the principal business street being but two blocks distant from the water. The level of the river Is about 15 feet above the city, and the levee bank is about twenty feet thick. Situated on this bank, and level with the river Is the Riverside hotel, a lour-story building built by Henry Docher. The hotel is generally occupied fully all the year round, being not only a transient hostelry, but families also reside there. It is feared the hotel has been washed away. When the river Is at Its normal stage it Is 1000 feet wide at this point, and the citi zens have long feared a catastrophe such as occurred today, as tremendous pressure is brought to bear on the levee during freshets. THE LATEST REPORT / CHICAGO, April 3.—A special to the Rec ord from Cypress Junction, Ills., says: Two hundred and fifty persons were drowned today by the Inundation of Shawneetown, six miles from this place. The levee broke at 4 oclock this afternoon and the, Ohio river flowed over the town many feet deep. Scores of houses are floating about to night and many persons are clinging to the wreckage in the hope that rescuers will soon appear with boats to take them to places of safety. All communication with the town Is cut off. Trains cannot reach there and tele phone and telegraph wires are down. The first report that reached here was that the entire population had been drowned, but this is not confirmed. The levee was built by the government, and was regarded as impregnable, hence the people had taken no precautions against a possible flood. ' ' It Is reported that the flood now extends for ten miles lnland-and people are fleeing Jtar t£>*ir Uvea in all the lowland hamlets. . »• • * LOS ANGELES* MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 4, 1898 AN ULTIMATUM WAS DELIVERED But Not on Behalf of the United States Government THE SPANISH ANSWER OF LAST FRIDAY Spain Broke Off Negotiations With the Assertion That She Would Not Grant the Independence of Cuba Under Any Consideration WASHINGTON, April 3.—(Special lo The Serald.) Today it leaked out, to our shame, that not the United States ceased negotiations, but Spain. Spain has delivered an ultimatum to us. The fact was carefully suppressed in the abstract of the minister's note which was given out for pub lication last Friday. According to the abstract, Spain declared that their concentration order had been revoked; that the Spanish government had appropriated $600,000 for the relief of the recon centrados; that the Spanish government would accept any food and assistance the United States might offer, but that an armistice could only be granted if the insurgents asked for it. The abstract did not contain the important declaration that Spain absolutely refused to grant Cuban independence and de clined to enter into negotiations which had for their precedent condition Cuban independence. In other words, when the United States government had sent an ultimatum to Spain, declaring that war must cease and that Cuban independence was the condition upon which all negotiations would be conducted, Spain promptly replied by sending her ultimatum that any negotiations we might de sire to enter upon should be based upon the condition that Spain retain control of Cuba. In the matter of the Maine disaster, Spain curtly declared that inasmuch as our court of inquiry differed from hers, the proper way to settle the matter would be by an international tribunal. The administration, it seems, has since approached the Spanish legation with a view to seeing if Spain would not begin to negotiate with the United States, with the ultimate view of giving Cuba her indepndence by purchase. Senor Polo received a prompt reply that Spain would not conduct any more negotiations with the United States on the theory that she would eventually grant independence under any circumstances, and he was informed that Minister Woodford had been given an elaborate expla nation of what Spain was willing to concede, and that was an end of the entire affair, as far as Spain was concerned. In addition to making her frank reply of last Thursday night, Spain has informed all the import ant European powers who have besought her to avert war if possible, that she will not grant Cuba her independence, and insists that final settlement of the responsibility for the Maine disaster be left to an international tribunal. Sagasta has replied to all the representations of European pow ers that their efforts to secure peace are futile, if based upon weakening on Spain's part. He de clares the United States has demanded concessions from the peninsular government which her min istry has refused to consider, because the spirit of the country would regard the making of such concessions as disloyalty to the flag. The United States is equally determined to secure Cuban independence. Sagasta cannot weaken; neither can McXinley. Nothing seems to be more certain than war.. No well-informed man in Washington believes that it will be delayed beyond this week. XcKinley's message, according to Mr. Day, will be sent to) congress on Tuesday. It is said to be a voluminous document, containing all the diplomatic dispatches, letters and telegrams of the lost three years bearing on the subject of our Spanish-Cuban relations. Attorney-General Griggs is preparing the legal argument. Both he and Senator Hoar spent much time with the president to day, discussing the' International points involved. The senate foreign affairs committee will call upon the president tomorrow 'morning. If he promises a vigorous, manly, American document, the committee will undoubtedly wait until Tuesday, so that the message may precede the resolution has been prepared. If the intenterview is unsatisfactory, the resolution will probably be reported to the senate, and Senators Davis and Poraker will make speeches urging its adoption. OMAHA'S EXPOSITION The First of Its Kind to Be Beady on Time OMAHA, Neb., April 3.—The announce ment was made today upon authority of the chief of architects of the trans-Mis sissippi exposition that all construction work will be finished in ample time for the installation of exhibits and the perfection of concessions by the opening day—June 1. The large buildings are nearly ready for the artistic decorations save the fine arts building and the Immense structure which the United States government 13 building. On the latter the staff work Is nearly done, and the dome Is receiving the finishing touches. The concessionaries are pushing construction work rapidly, as are the various states, some of which are erect ing buildings. A telegram from Albany says the Empire State has made an ample appropriation which will enable the state commission, of which Chauncey M. Depew and Dr. Seward Webb are the leading spirits, to make a large state exhibit. The governor of Indiana has appointed a state committee, which will prepare a state ex hibit. Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachu setts, Maryland, Rhode Island and other eastern states are arranging for state ex hibits. LONDON, April 3.—The suspicion is con firmed that It was the German steamer Magnet, from Bomaron, March 6, for Stet tin, that was sinking on March 16th in col lision off Gabbard lightship with, the Brlt A Steamer Sunk BETWIXT AND BETWEEN ish bark, British Princess, Captain Scott, from Lelth. The captains report that the Magnet sank almost immediately, and that thirteen of her crew were drowned. LONDON MARKET Money much wanted —jsrrects or tne War Scare LONDON, April 3.—Money was wanted on all sides during the past week, and the market consequently was very firm. About £3,500,000 was borrowed from .the Bank of England. The prospects now Incline to easier conditions. Prices on the stock exchange fluctuated widely, according to varying Spanish-American war news. The settlement was tided over more easily than was expected. There were no defalcations. Consols and colonial securities dropped, and English railroads rose in price. The chief feature, however, was the specula tive activity of the American market. The boom of the early part of the v?%ek reached high-water mark on Wednesday, since M'KINLEY'S ULTIMATUM Woodford Has Now to Deal the Last Card—The Presi dent's Forlorn Hope •f CHICAGO, April 4—A special to the Tribune from Washington says: ♦ ♦ Minister Woodford has been given by cable an abstract of the President's -f ♦ forthcoming message and Informed of the temper of congress. He will -f ♦ communicate the facts to Spain. This is in the nature of an ultimatum. ♦ -f The President still hopes that Spain will give up the fight. -t when the quotations have receded, though (hey still stand considerabyl above those of the previous week. Among the foreign securities the chief Interest was In the up-and-down move ments In the Spanish fours, which closed VA lower. On the Wheel OAKLAND, Cal., April 3—The ten-mile bicycle race at Etmhurst today between J. E. Wing of the Olympic club and "Bunt" Smith of the Garden City Wheelmen, was easily won by Wing. Time, 22:10 3-5. The last mile was made In 2:13. Wing's vic tory is largely attributed to his pacing. A Chicago Fire Victim CHICAGO, April 3—The body of Wm. A. Olmstead, president of the Olmßtead Scien tific company, was recovered from the ruins of the Ayers building on Wabash avenue today. All of the missing have now been accounted for. Olmstead was the thir teenth victim of the fire. mm- m * Eight Pages 1 i ■. ■ i ■ mm* PRICE FIVE CENTS CLIMAX OF CRISIS IS CERTAIN TO BE REACHED THIS WEEK CONGRESS IMPATIENT BUT INCLINED TO WAIT ON THE PRESIDENT MR. M'KINLEY STILL HAS HOPE That War May Be Averted If the Peace Advocates Can Control Congress for a Time Associated Press Special Wire WASHINGTON, April 3.—The opinion, almost universally held in Washington to night by leading men, and diplomats, is that the crisis will reach its climax this week and that the question of war or peace will be determined within the next seven days. Senators and representatives met and conferred all day about the gravity of the situation and at the White House the president consulted with several members of his cabinet and old confidential advis ers regarding the message which he Is pre» paring to send to congress. 'At the state, war and navy buildings ac tive work was going on, and altogether It has been a day of suppressed feeling. No time has been announced as to the day when the message wili be sent to congress, and it Is believed it will not go in tomor row. It Is believed that more probably Wednesday or Thursday will be the day selected. Besides the physical work of preparing the comprehensive document upon which the president expects to rest his case with the world, there are other rea sons why those In charge of the war prep arations will welcome every hour's delay. War material which has been ordered abroad is not yet shipped, and the factories In this country will work day and night making powder and projectiles and are anxious for deiay. Some of trie factories in Connecticut with contracts have tele graphed Representative Hltt, urging all delay possible. They say every day now Is precious. QUESTIONS OP POLICY There is tstill divergence of opinion as to what the president will recommend In his message. Indeed, there seems to be still a question as to whether the president will make any specific recommendations. Some of his most intimate friends, however, as sert emphatically that the president's rec ommendations will be specific and vigor ous, and such that his party and the coun try could willingly follow when he points the way. One of these said tonight that the president, in his strong desire for peace and earnest hope that war might possibly be averted, was yielding some what to the sentiment of the leaders of his party and the country. He has not given up hope yet that hostilities may be averted. There are those who believe the president has not yet made up his mind as to the ax act course he will pursue and there seems to be a question as to whether the consular reports and the diplomatic correspondence* are to be transmitted with the message. CONGRESS IMPATIENT The suspense caused by the necessary de lay in the preparation of the message la very trying on the members of the commit tee, and the most universally discussed question in Washington tonight Is whether congress can be restrained until the mes sage 1b transmitted. AU recognize the iask of preparing our case for the world's Inspection and the care which must be exercised, and there seems to be no disposition to unduly hasten the president. The party leaders are extreme ly anxious to avoid a breach with the exec utive, such as would occur tf congress were to take the Initiative. After a careful can vass of the situation today they believe the radical Republicans can be held In line a few days longer—until Wednesday at least. The conference of the Republicans of the house who have.been insisting upon prompt action holds another meeting tomorrow night. While many of them are now in favor of giving the president more leeway than they were last week, it 1s realized that twenty-five Republican votes in the house would, with the Democratic and Populist votes, be sufficient to act. HOUSE PROGRAM It can be pretty confidently asserted that all the Republicans of the house, with pos sibly the exceptions which could be counted on the fingers of one hand, can be con trolled until Wednesday. After that, what might happen If the president asks for fur ther delay Is problematical. The Repuh- llcans of the house committee on foreign affairs have held informal meetings today and have practically agreed to report a resolution of a tenor similar to that agreed upon by the foreign relations committee of the senate. They were convinced that war was inevitable and was to be declared. While they look upon the situation as grave, the general sentiment among them Is that the matter has not yet progressed beyonfi the range of diplomacy and a pa cific solution. For that reason there was a strong inclination shown today to wait until the president's message was sent to congress, the feeling being that the real Issue could not be determined until the message had been submitted. At the out set Spain was most earnest for mediation and to this end addressed a note to the powers about ten days ago. MEDIATION PROSPECTS Now, however, as the prospects for medi ation a;>pear to be growing, the Spanish authorities seem to be less Inclined toward this course. This may be due to the fact that Spain had looked upon mediation as an indirect form o£ Intervention of the Eu« ropean powers In favor of their own claims. The Spanish note developed, however, that the powers were not ready for any such radical step. Franco made the first declar ation, Premier Hanotaux In the French chamber said France would treat both parties alike as friends. This was an unex pected reverse for Spain, as she had felt that the French ownership of Martinique, Guadeloupe and other Islands would lav