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2 •ttae her to sympathise with Spain In de fending her sovereignty over Cuba. Tho general understanding among diplo mats here Is that Great Britain, France. Germany and Austria would be consulted, as their commercial interests would be se riously crippled by a war between the United States and Spain. While Russia and Italy also might be consulted, owing to their influence in European affairs, yet their immediate interests In the Spanish- American conflict would be far less than that of the other countries mentioned. It is probable that negotiations will be opened by this government with Denmark to allow cable messages to come over the French line from the Danish island of St. Thomas to the United States. With the Leeward Islands, of which St. Thomas Is a center, as the probable center of any na val operations which may result from the present crisis, It Is recognized as of vast importance to secure cable facilities not controlled by Spain. BERNABE BUST The Spanish minister, Senor Bernabe, end his staff, had a very busy Sunday, al though it did not tiring any developments changing the situation. The minister did not see the state department officials dur ing the day. His last official exchange with the authorities was on Friday afternoon, after Spain's answer had been received, since which time the negotiations have been at a halt. This, however, has not lessened the Spanish minister's activity In keeping his government fully apprised as to the general aspect of affairs in this country. The elaborate manner in which this cahle intelligence has gone to the au thorities at Madrid is probably without a parallel. It is understood that when the situation began to assume its most serious aspects a single cable dispatch sent by the minister to the foreign country cost fcOOO. Another dispatch cost $700 and another $4000. In this way Madrid authorities are kept in close touch with the condition of affairs, not only as it relates to official ne gotiations, but more particularly to those circumstances which will permit the Ma drid government to gauge the situation at Washington. Secretary Sherman gave a dinner last night at which the Spanish minister was ««c of the guests. Senator Lodge of the senate committee on foreign affairs, and Col. Fred Grant of New Tork were also among those present. The presence of the Spanish minister at the home of the secre tary was void of circumstance, except as showing the pacific outward appearance of affairs. . Being a purely social gaiherirg the Span ish situation was not alluded to. Tt is understood that the message to be sent to congress by the president Will in clude a very comprehensive statement of the relations of Uie United States to the Cuban question. One member of the cab inet said today it would cover a period of perhaps fifty years, would detail at length wha had been the policy of the past ad ministration, how President McKiniey found matters when he was Inaugurated, and his relations at this Lime. WOODFORD AT WORK Still Hopes for Peace and Justice to Cuba MADRID, April 3, 6p. m.—ln answer to a request from the Associated Press, General Woodford, the United States minister, made the following statement: "The obligations of my diplomatic po sition absolutely forbid my granting an in terview or giving the slightest Intimation as to the present condition of the diplo matic negotiations entrusted to my care. I came to Spain under Instructions from President McKiniey to secure peace In Cuba, with a permanent peace between the United States and Spain, a peace that should be built upon bedrock conditions; conditions of justice to Cuba, with assured protection to the great American interests in that island. "I have labored steadily to obtain this result. I have never lost my faith, and, doubtful as conditions may seem today, I still believe these great and good purposes of my president may yet be realized. I shall not rest from my labors for a just and honorable peace until the guns actually open fire, and my faith is still strong that war, with all Its horrors, can be averted. Enough blood lias been shed in Cuba al ready, and I cannot believe the closing hours of the nineteenth century can be reddened by a conflict between Spain and the United States. "My country asks for conditions that will make peace and have faith that Spain will do what is necessary to assure justice in Cuba, and with justice peace is certain." ♦ PAPAL INTERVENTION -f + MADRID, April 4.—Senor Capdepon. -f + minister of the interior, states offic- + +ially that the pope has accepted the + + ta6k of mediating between Spain and + the United States at the suggestion + + of the latter, both nations accepting ♦ 4- his mediation. + -f PROMPT DENIAL -f -f WASHINGTON, April 3.—Assistant -f + Secretary Day has authorized official -f + denial of the statement that the popo ♦ + is to mediate between this country + + and Spain. + + At the White House the dispatch + + was promptly and emphatically de- + ■f nied. -f APPEAL TO INSURGENTS WASHINGTON, April 3.—The Spanish minister has received a telegram from Ha vana stating that the autonomist cabinet had addressed an appeal to the insurgents asking them to adjust an armistice to fix terms of peace. The full text of themes sage could r.ot be secured tonight as its translation was not made at the legation. The insurgents are appealed to on the ground that they are. all Cubans and should unite for peace and liberty, which all want. The appeal also states that Spain is willing to enlarge the present scope of autonomy and will suggest such a plian to the cortes, which is soon to meet. Missouri Populists ST. LOUIS, Mo., April 3.-Tliq Populist 6tate committee decided to hold the state convention in this city on July 7th, when candidates for supreme Judge, superintend ent of public schools and railroad com missioner will be selected. A new state committr-o will then be elected. There will be about six hundred delegates. Xx- State Senator Owen Miller and Frank Ritchie of St. Louis, and B. H. Cowglll of the Eighth Congressional district, were appointed a committee to edit and promul gate an address to the public showing ihat the Populist doctrine is the true "Vox populi." Two young people in Cincinnati attemp ted to commit suicide, and upon failing to do so got married. When a person makes up his mind to commit suicide there is nothing too desperate for him to do. Two hundred kegs of beer were recently poured Into the harbor at Honolulu because nobody would drink it. This Incident can scarcely fail to create a strong anti-annex ation sentiment in Milwaukee. A mouse stampeded 1 soo school children In New Yo**k city and the boys were tnost in the flight. The boya were doubt less prompted by gallantry, which de £andcd they should. k.cep in the company tßeglrlsi .._ J A QUIET SABBATH SPENT BY OCCUPANTS OF THE WHITE HOUSE CABLE MESSAGES COME BUT NONE ON MATTERS OF MUCH IMPORTANCE DEPARTMENT HEADS ABSENT But Clerks in Charge of Active Opera tions Are at Their Desks and Doing Their Duty Associated Press Special Wire WASHINGTON', April 3.—There was comparative quiet about the White House and the departments today. The members of the cabinet did not call on the president during the early part of the day, nor did they visit the departments. The White House was in its usual state of Sunday quietude, Assistant Secretary Day being the only forenoon caller, remaining with the president for about half an hour. Judge Day did not go to the state depart ment, and it is presumed will do most of his work of preparation for matters to be incorpratcd in the president's message at his home. Several of) the higher officials of the state department and clerks in charge of translating cipher cables were en duty. Some cable messages were re ceived during the forenoon, but it was stated that the department had no official information about the consuls of the United States going to Havana for safety. Secretary Long did not visit the navy de partment, but his mail was sent to his residence. Assistant Secretary Roosevelt was at the department for a short time, attending to his correspondence. A num ber of naval officers *nd clerks were at their desks, principally' those who have charge of active operations, and the prepa rations that are progressing for equipping and supplying the navy. The npval offi cers read with interest and discussed the Associated Press' Madrid bulletin regard ing the movement of Spanish ships and torpedo flotilla. It was said that the flo tilla, perhaps, had encountered bad weather if it had attempted to sail direct to Porto Rico, and might have been driven to Verde islands. It was also said that ex perienced navigators were of the opinion that they could not trust wholly to Madrid information concerning the movements of the Spanish warships at present, especially if the Spanish admiralty thought ad vantage would be gained by misleading the American navy department. Both the war and navy departments have been considering bases of supplies in the event of hostilities and available ports on the southern and Gulf coasts have re ceived attention. The general opinion is that the Gulf of fers more and better places than the At lantic coast. Per.sacola, Tampa, Mobile and New Orleans are all believed to be available. No one place will be depended on. The water stages are: Ponsacola 22 feet, Mobile 22 feet, Tampa 20 feet and the Mississippi 26 feet. This is the low water entrance. It is not Intended that the big war vessels should be taken into these places to receive supplls. They will be coaled, provisioned and receive ammuni tion from lighters, which can be sent over the bars in the harbors. It Is regarded as impracticable to attempt to get the big ships up to wharves, and moreover their coming to land would not tend to Increase the efficiency and discipline of the crew. It is said that Punta Gordo, farther south than Tampa, Is being considered by the war department as a point for embarking troops and supplies in case an army was to be sent to Cuba. Light-draught vessels could easily enter this bay for such a pur pose. Assistant Secretary Day came to the SPAK|BH SAILORS TO REEMBARK AFTER DETOUR OF LAND 4 ; SPANISH SAIJJSRS lilfiAViNG A .WHARF. FOR A BATTLESHIP; .' « NEGOTIATIONS ARE ENDED Secretary of State Sherman Makes a Plea for Patience, Trusting That McKiniey Will Do What Is Right ■f CHICAGO, April 3.—(Special to The Herald.) The Tribune's Wash •f ington correspondent says Secretary of State John Sherman dictated ♦ ♦ the following statement tonight: ♦ ♦ "The situation tonight is one of expectancy. Negotiations between ♦ ♦ the United States and Spain having been suspended for the time being, > ♦ the two governments stand facing each other, and waiting-for the other ♦ ■f to make the first advance. ♦ ♦ "As secretary ofstate it would not be politic or becoming for nn to ♦ outline at this time what the next move will be" on thepart of this gov. tu- ♦■ ♦ ment, nor for me to forestall executive action. President McKiniey has ♦ ♦ a thorough grasp of the situation. Possessing It, he may be safely trusted ♦ ♦ by the country to lead it in the right direction and to act when the su- ♦ ■v- preme hour comes for action, with discretion and wisdom. ♦ -f "In this crisis patience is more tthan ever a cardinal virtue. Nothing ♦ , ♦ of vital importance will be lost by withholding action until tho president ■♦" ♦ is ready to present his views to congress. ♦ ♦ "His patriotism and love of justtice no man can dispute, and his •♦• ■♦■ courage has been tested on more' than a score of bloody battlefields." ♦ + + +++++ + +++++++ + + + +++++++++++++++++ state department early In the afternoon and immediately began dictating to his stenographers. He gave orders to admit no one, and would not be Interrupted for any purpose. Other oillcers of the de partment remained in their rooms during tho day. President McKiniey did not go to church today, but was busily engaged. Quite a number of executive clerks were also at work during the day. BALLOON SERVICE DENVER, Colo., April 3.—The balloon equipment at Fort Logan and several car loads of camp equipages from the same post will be started east tomorrow. Five cars were loaded today and will be sent through to Fort Wads worth at the en trance'of New York harbor. Sergeant Ivy- Baldwin, the practical balloon man at the post, expects to follow tho balloon outfit, which includes not only the signal balloon made by him, but the balloon wagon, four tube wagons and the paraphernalia for generating gas. The camp equipage in cludes tents, army stoves and baggage used by men on a campaign. Military bal looning has rot been practiced anywhere in the United States except at Fort Logan, where Capt. Glassford, by orders of Brig. Gen. Greeley, has established and main tained a balloon park, and where the evolu tions of that form of military scouting and signal service have been practiced with much fidelity for several years hy the sig nal corps department of Colorado. MOVEMENT OF TROOPS TOPEKA, Kas., April 3.—The Atchison. Topeka and Santa Fe Railway company has received orders for the movement of the Eleventh United States infantry, con sisting of seven officers and 154 men from the Wihipple Barracks. Ariz., and the Ff teenfh United States Infantry, consisting of six officers and 237 men, from Fort Apache, Ariz., to Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Troops from Fort Bayard. Ariz., will take the place of the men of the Ffteenth at Fort Apache and troops from the Bayard barracks will also be moved to Fort Hua cliucha, Ariz., near the Mexican border to relieve a troop which, It is said, will be sent to the coast. A PRATER FOR PEACE BALTIMORE, Md., April 3.—The car dinal, after hi 6 scrmqn in the cathedral this morning, made the following remarks on the threatened war: "On this day we commemorate the en trance of the God of peace into Jerusalem. Let us Implore him that he will so guide the minds and hearts of the president and con gress, that he will so direct the councils of Spain, that he may Inspire both nations with a happy solution of the problem which oonfronts us—a solution honorable to both nations; that the clouds of war may be dispelled and the blessing of heavenly peace may be preserved to the nation. "Let us cherish the hope that on next Sunday, when wo celebrate the resurrec tion of Christ from the dead, we may also bo cheered by the inauguration of the dawn of good-will between Spain and our own beloved country." SHY ON MACHINISTS WASHINGTON, April 3.—The navy de partment has received a dispatch saying that the Spanish warship Carlos V has been delayed from sailing for Ferroll up to SPANISH SAILORS EMBARKING FROM THE CANARIES FOR CUBA LAST PREPARATIONS BEFORE E MBARKINO LOS ANGELES HERALD: MONDAY MORNING, APStTb *, mi this time because she was waiting for the arrival of twenty French machinists. Seven of these machinists were selected and tak en aboard and the vessel departed for Fer roll. This confirms the information which the navy department has received fre quently that the Spanish navy Is poorly supplied with machinists for war vessels, and has been seeking experienced men in France. SAW SOME SHIPS MADRID, April 3—A dispatch from Porto Rico announces that three large ves sels are passing that island going west ward. It is added that they are believed to be American ships. NOT AMERICAN VESSELS WASHINGTON, April 3.—Naval officials ■being shown the dispatch from Madrid rel ative to the three vessels sighted going by Porto Rico say that the Spanish supposi tion that they were American vessels is erroneous, for no American vessels are In that vicinity. AT KET WEST KET V WEST, F!a., April 3.—Today has passed very quietly and there were no movements of the fleet. Tonight the Nash ville will take the patrol and at all times extreme vigilance is maintained. The first message over the new cable from Key West to Tonugas was sent to day. RECRUITING ORDERED CLEVELAND, Ohio, April ani Commander Geo. R. McKay of the naval reserves was in communication with Adjt. Gen. Axllne today and received or ders to recruit the Cleveland division up to its war strength. The Ohio brigade will be organized at onct by recruiting four ad ditional divisions, one at Toledo, another at Sandusky, a third at Ashtabula and a fourth here. Commander McKay was or dered to rush the work of arming the men. Commander McKay to.d some of the men he expects to receive orders to move on Tuesday. He expects the reserve will be sent either to the Atlantic seaboard or to the south. A HOISTING CONTRACT CLEVELAND, Ohio, April 3—The Brown Hoisting and Conveying company has just received an order for hoisting machinery for four coal stations on the gulf of Mex ico, two of which will he located on the Dry Toriugas. The contract price is $151, --000. ILLINOIS RESERVES SPRINGFIELD, 111., April 3.-Govern«r Tanner has been asked by the war depart ment at Washington to have the naval re reserves in readiness and has issued orders to that effect. Lord Hillingdon Dead LONDON, April 3.-Lord Hlllington (Charles Henry Mills), chairman of the committee of London clearing house bank ers, died suddenly In church at Wilton to day. He was born in 1830, was the son of tlio late Sir Charles Mills, Bart., and was elevated to the peerage In 18S6. He was a partner in tho well known banking house of Glynn, Mills & Co. After all there's no fun In being a mon arch. The emperor of Russia gets up promptly at 4:30 every morning. A CUBAN MESSAGE CANNOT BE EXPECTED BEFORE TUESDAY REPORT OF COMMITTEE s CAN HARDLY BE MADE ON THE SAME SAT ■ 18. I « ■■ — SENATORS WHO OPPOSE WAR May Insist on Debating the Message and So Postpone Action for Another Week Associated Press Special Wire WASHINGTON, April 3—The expecta tion In tho senate Is that the report of the committee on foreign relations on the Cu ban situation will be made to the senate not later than Wednesday, and it the report should be made at that time the probabili ties are that it will engage the greater share of the senate's time for the remain der of tho week. The committee will make an effort to secure action upon the resolu tions, which It will report without having them debated, but with very little probabil ity of success. < Undoubtedly a large majority of the members of the senate nre favorable to some declaration apropos to the Cuban sit uation, but there is certain to be a differ ence of opinion on the course to be pur sued arid the language to be used, which will be sufficient to prevent immediate ac tion except in one contingency. This con tingency is the possibility 6f an agreement as to details between the president and the committee. If the committee's report should prove to be in accord with the pres ident's recommendation In all essential particulars, the seriate Is likely to adopt the resolutions brought In without debat ing them. There Is, however, a considera ble element In the senate which is opposed to war except as a last extremity, and there are several who think there ought to be a delay of at least a week or ten days before action Is taken in congress in order to insure the safe landing of ships and war supplies now on their way to this country from Europe. The committee on foreign relations is not Impressed with this line of reasoning and the statement is made that Spain is no better prepared for hostil ities than we. The mcmbiTs of the committee do not ex pect the president's message before Tues day and they are prepared to wait until Wednesday. Under great pressure there might be a delay beyond that time, but a request for delay would cause great res tivehess on the part of the majority of the committee. While desirous of giving the president all the time he may actually re quire for the preparation of his message, they are very impatient of the outside In fluence which Is being exerted to hold them in check. This pressure is in the shape of letters and telegrams from people through out the country who are opposed to a war policy, and with these the members of the committee are being flooded. "The wri ters," a member of the committee said to day, "generally ask to maintain an honor able peace." Of course we all want an hon orable peace, but the time has gone by when It can be secured under existing cir cumstances in Cuba. We cannot allow our conduct to be controlled by such persons." When the president's message is read it will, on Senator Davis' motion, be referred to the committee on foreign relations, which will bring In Its report later in tho day, or it may not do so until the following day. So far as it is informed as to the probable line of the president's message, the committee is now prepared to report, but the members realize that there will be some details of the message that will require careful consideration and in that event they will give more time to it than an hour or two on the day of its presenta tion. Unless there Is a change in the com mittee's conclusions after the president Is heard from, the resolutions reported will recommend the recognition of independ ence, with a declaration for armed inter vention to make independence practicable. They will also include the Maine explosion as one of the causes set forth for this ac tion. The resolution will be accompanied by a carefully drawn report written by Senator Davis justifying them. For the rest of the week the senate will probably give its attention to appropria tion bills and miscellaneous measures on the calendar. IN THE HOUSE WASHINGTON, April 3.—There is little In the way of a program for the house this week. Everything waits upon the presi -1 dent's message and the momentous events that are to follow its presentation. Tomon row the bill for the reorganization of the army is to be called up. Chairman Hull of the military committeo believes It will be passed without opposition. It is considered a part of the war preparations and as such its urgency would preclude the opposition which it might encounter in ordinary times. The senate District of Columbia naval bat talion bill is on the speaker's table, and it, too, may be passed. Tuesday and Friday aro private bill days. The deficiency ap propriation bill is almost ready and could bo considered any timo after Wednesday it the message does not come in on that day. A LOYAL REBEL KANSAS CITY, Mo., April 3.—Dr. THad deus Fitzhugh, G3 years old, formerly post master of Kansas City, Kas., a cousin of Consul General Fitzhugh Lee, who fought with distinction in the confederate army, In a letter full of patriotism, profferred his services to President McKiniey, expressing a willingness, If need be, to sacrifice his life in support of "the principles of the firmly united country." SAILED FOR MARE ISLAND SAN FRANCISpO, April 3.-The monitor Monadrrock sailed today for the Mare Island navy yard, where she dry dtock, and afterward be fitted out with new stores and plenty of ammunition. THE NEW CRUISER LONDON, April 3.—The cruiser which Lieutenant Commander Colweil, United States naval attache, purchased from tho Thames Iron works, and over which he hoisted the Stars and Stripes, was built by the Thames Iron works for Peru. It finished during the war between Peru and Chile, and the British government would not allow It to leave. The cruiser has been entirely refitted during the past year, and modernized, at an expense of $125,000. The London correspondent of | the As sociated Press has learned from reliable sources that the Spanish chips are in bad condition, (The Felayo started front Touv i t i ' BtUblltbtd 1878—lacorporatea §892 Hints of Easter and Removal Reductions .. We desire to call attention to the great va riety of Kid Gloves, Ribbons, Neckwear, Waists, and other ladies' furnishings.selected especially for the Easter trade. . We wish to make the point clear—that on these small wares the reductions are in full accordv with the policy of our establishment at this time, which is to offer EVERY article in the store at a price greatly reduced from regular rates, a few lines of fancy goods excepted. COULTER DRY GOODS CO. Cor. Spring mod Second Streets lon to Carthagena last night In tow with 120 French workmen on board, fixing up her boilers and making other repairs. The Carlos V started yesterday from the Seine shipbuilding yards at Havre at Ferrol with turret out of position, and her guns unmounted. Neither ship will be ready for service for a month. They have left French waters, presumably in the fear that war might begin before the repairs were finished, In which event they would not be permitted to leave. GULF FORTIFICATIONS GALVESTON, Tex., April 4.—General William 11. Graham, commander of the de partment of the south, arrived In the city at 11 o'clock this morning. His visit was in the course of a tour of inspection of the fortifications of the department. THE SPANISH VIEW LONDON, April 4.—Tho Vienna corres pondent of the Daily Telegraph says: Dis patches reaching Vienna fromHhe queen regent of Spain dwell on the increasing dif ficulties with which her peaceful Inten tions are confronted in leading Madrid circles where It is argued that Spain has nothing to lose by a war which could be carried Into American territory. Still she does not despair of an honorable peace. The Madrid correspondent of the Stand ard, telegraphing tonight, says: I have been able to obtain on interview with Senor Sagasta, the premier, and to elicit from him a brief statement with reference to the present ciitloal situation. In the course of the conversation, Senor Sagasta said: "In our negotiations with the United States we have used 1 friendly and concilia tory language In expressing our views. In discussing the matters in respect to tho jMalne matter, we sold we considered the question one for diplomatic negotiation, and as the United States f •>and it Impossible to come to an understanding on the con flicting reports of the two committees that the matter ought to be submitted to tech nical experts, and to the arbitration of a naval or other power, which might be se lected by mutual agajement between the governments. "On the second point, we were able to Inform Minister Woodford that Governor Gefieral Blanco had issued 1 a proclamation authorizing the return of the reconcentra dos to their homes, and that the Spanish government had sent 120,000 pounds to the relief of tlTe distressed, and wourstlevote to the same object all the proceeds of re lief in kind and money amounting to 200, --000 pounds (11,000,000), which has been sent by Spanish residents in Mexico. These measures are supplemented by assistance already given by the Cuban autonomist government We have never objected tq relief being sent by the ITnlted States on condition that It not have an official char acter, or bear the appearance of Interven tion. " 'Wo did not object on principle to any assistance to the Cuban Insurgents. We are, however, of the opinion that it should behoove Spain to take the initiative and that a suspension of hostilities ought to be asked for the insurgents. We suggested that the United States government might, if so inclined, exercise its influence with the insurgents to induce them to apply for an armistice, with a view to further the ends of peace, on the understanding, how -1 ever, that the armistice would be destined to lead to the submission of the insurgents to the new autonomous regime.' "Senor Sagasta assured me that the question of independence of Cuba or the sale of that colony or any invasion of Spain's rights was not mooted in the recent negotiations. ' "Senor Sagasta proceeded to say that his government had addressed a memorandum to tho European powers, but no official steps had been taken to solicit their Inter vention. "He called my attention to the fact that the people and the press of pSain had shown prudence, forbearance and patriot ism during the crisis, even the opposition having put no obstacles In the way of the 'government. This, he said, led him to be lieve that all classes would co-operate In the work of realizing peace in Cuba and facing the contingencies of the future. • A Plant That Grows Without Water A new plant of extraordinary beauty, dis covered In the Himalayas, has recently been cultivated. Placed on a shelf In a moderately warm room the dry bulb, with out having been planted, produces a flower that unfolds and blooms In midwinter. This curious plant belongs to the family of the ealla Illy. Its scientific name Is sav romatum pedatum, and its bulbs are round and flat at the top. The petal Is of a rich, deep crimson, ex tending from a greenish yellow calyx, the*. Inner surface of whose extremity shows crimson spots on a yellow ground. After 1 ' blooming the planted bulb bears long, pointed leaves on a spotted stem, while the unplanted one soon perishes.—New Ifork Herald. The late Sir James Stansfleld, when a boy, once made a short prayer, in which he said: "Make us all ggoderer an' gooderer until we can't be no gooderer." Yale is delighted over a baseball find- Lewis Robson of Pittsburg. He Is red headed, left- handed and throw* a ball that cuts the air like a machete. STILL AT VALDES PASS HO GOLD SEEKERS HAVE YET REACHED COFFER RIVER Fully One Thousand Five Hundred Feople Are In Camp—Many Returning Home VALDES, Alaska, March 18— (Special Correspondence to The Herald.) The "California Bears" and a hundred or more other prospectors are in camp at the foot of the glacier, working hard every day, hauling supplies up the lost stage of me glacier pass. There are fully 1000 men and a dozen women In camp at Valdes bay, and M 0 passengers have Just arrived on the steamer Valencia. Most of these people will get over the pass better than those who arrive a few weeks hence. Some few are discouraged, or too wcak-knevd to tackle the slow and laborious work of haul ing their outfits over the snow and Ice of the glacier pass. Not a few in camp at Valdes bay have sold their outfits at a loss and returned home, to spread stories of the impassable Copper river. Ail the "bears" are as confident as ever that we shall soon reach the district. We are among the first who will be able to cross the summit and reach timber on the other side. There is no wood or water in this camp. Wood must be hauled about three miles while melted Ice or snow sup plies us with water. The weather, al though changeable, Is remarkably mild. Twenty-five or thirty men have picked and scratched over the gravel on the gla cier, where It Is claimed that a party had picked up three small nuggets, with out any result except that the gravel and dirt showed color. Dogs have proved themselves to be of little service here. Some parties who brought dogs with them gave them away. Some few worked good. Twenty dollars will buy the best dog in camp. One of our party offered fifty dol lars for the only burro here'yesterday. The owner will not sell at any price. It Is the animal to have here, as it can easily haul 200 pounds up steep grades. We have broken up all of our heavy boxes and packed our supplies in bags weighing fifty pounds each. The broken boxes will be very valuable as firewood when necessary on our journey across the glacier. In ten days our combined freight, nearly 12,000 pounds, will be at the summit of the pass. When this Is accomplished we will pack up our tents and store bed ding, and, starting as early as 3 a. m., will make a forced march of 35 miles to the timber line on the Copper river side of the pass, arriving there early the same night. After we reach the summit of the glacier, which Is fifteen miles from here, we an ticipate but little difficulty hi making a rapid descent to timber on the other side. The reports concerning the Copper river finds and strikes which some of us And In newspapers we receive from friends In the states are perfectly ridiculous. It Is still an unknown region. Not a soul of the 1500 men on this coast has any reHable or authentlo Information, but for all that most of us are confident that there are rich placer diggings to Be located. We see very few Indians from up the Copper river. Only a few have ever crossed this pass. Relbsteln, a squaw man, who Is working here, only crossed this pass once In eight years. If there are any men on the Cop per river forty miles from its mouth, no one here has any Information of the fact. Good order prevails throughout the camp. There Is very little gambling, and no laws are more scrupulously obeyed than the recently enacted "miner's law." An Engineer's Heroism John H. Rosenkranz, the engineer of the locomotive which was wrecked at Fayette vllle Wednesday night, paid the penalty of heroism with his life. It was only a train load of Ice that his locomotive) was drawing, not a long line of passenger cars, but human life was at stake Just the same when he left his seat in the cab to •*et a brake on a car next to the tender. The train was then beyond control of the engi neer, and he knew disaster. If not death, was In front. His fireman, as conscious of danger as himself, but less courageous, had. refused to try the brake. It was no part' of Rosenkranz's duty to make the perilous attempt for which he died, but being a brave man, with a grave sense of his re' sponslbillty, he took the risk. He was a hero, although he was on an ice train.—Sy racuse Standard. It Is said that' Bob Taylor's new lecture will be entitled "Love, Liberty and Liver." All good things If properly regulated. [stbSway pianos"^™ - ™ 1 ! Sole Agency H Bartlett's Music Hou » 1 Everything- In Music ll