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Double Sheet j j TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 246. SAMPSON IS AT SANTIAGO And Some News of Importance Is Expected Soon NO TROOPS STARTED FROM TAMPA But Their Presence Is Not Necessary to Defeat the Spanish Cuban Insurgents Under Garcia Are Massed Near the Town and Provided With Arms and Ammu nition in Plenty BT THB ASSOCIATED PRESS SPECIAL WIRE. Washington, June 2.—lt was plainly noticeable at the navy depart ment today that the officials were expecting news of the first importance, but that they did not look for it immediately. The firmness with which they have insisted that Schley could have had no general engagement with the Spanish forces' ships and forts at Santiago, as was reported, appeared to be based on a full knowledge of the plans on which Jie commodore is act ing, and the greatest concession that they would make towards admilting that a fight had taken place there Tuesday was to say that possibly Schley detected some earthworks going up and had razed them with his shells. Tbey were confident he made no attempt to enter the harbor. Events Are Expected It is believed now, however, with Sampson in the field and in command off Santiago with an augmented force, that interesting events may be looked for. These are expected, too, notwithstanding the fact that no troops have yet started from Tampa, as was established by inquiry at the war depart ment this forenoon. The insurgents are known to be in force in the neigh borhood of Santiago, and, through Captain Dorst, the war department not only has been in communication with them, but has supplied them fully with good weapons and an abundance of ammunition. The headquarters of the best of the Cuban generals, Garcia, is distant from Santiago only fifteen miles, so that it is possible Sampson feels strong enough with their support to begin the assault by sea upon the doomed Spanish fleet and forts without awaiting the arrival of the United States troops from Tampa. Won't Walt For Troops The trend of the news that came to Washington from unofficial sources during the afternoon all went to support this belief, so there is some ground for the expectation of the officials that important information may be expected shortly. British Neutrality ... The Spanish government has made a protest to the British authorities against the shipping of Canadian coal from British North America to San Francisco for the relief of the ships of Admiral Dewey's fleet at Manilla and also against the shipping of coal from Nova Scotia to Atlantic ports for use by United States warships operating in the West Indies. ln view of the ruling by the British government, that coal was contra band of war, this protest by Spain might have caused considerable embar rassment, as the Canadian coal is considered by the naval authorities to be of a superior article for the use of our ships. It was only a short distance from the British North American coal fields to San Francisco, and the Nova Scotia coal fields are easily accessible to Atlantic ports. It is understood, however, that Spain's protest has not proved of any avail. The subject was referred to the Canadian authorities, who, on investigation, learned that the coal shipments, both from British Norm America and from Nova Scotia, were in the ordinary course of commercial transactions. They were made by private parties in Canada to private parties in the United States. Whether the coal subsequently passed into the hands of the United States for use by the American navy was held to be outside of the province of the British and Canadian authorities. It is probable that any direct sales to the navy department would have been stopped, as these would have been manifestly a breach of the neutral attitude maintained by the British government and its colonial possessions, including Canada. Spain Seeking Assistance If the queen regent of Spain has instructed Senor Castillo to ask the powers to intervene for peace that movement has not yet taken any form in Washington, either at the state department or any of the foreign embassies. Among diplomatic officials it is thought to be possible that Spain is feeling her way toward securing peace, but it is not believed this will meet any active assistance from the great powers. As one leading diplomatic official said today, Spain finds herself in the same condition of isolation that France was in 1870-71. At that time M. Thiers, afterward president, went from capital to capital seeking to secure the co-operation of Europe with France, but his mission was a failure. The mission of Castillo is said to be like that of Thiers, and the diplomatic officials brieve it will meet with the same fate. It is known that Spain has counted most on arousing the active interest of France, but it has been unsuccessful. The French authorities have not heard of any negotiations for many weeks past. RED CROSS WORK Flags Presented—Catholics Care For Religious Needs. Callers at Seventh Headquarters San Francisco, June 3.—The Nebraska regiment has been presented with fourteen large flags by the Red Cross leaders of Oakland. U. S. Circuit Judge Morrow is taking the lead in a movement to or ganize a society to aid the families of volunteers during the absence of the troops in Manila. The Catholic Truth society has arranged to erect a tent capable of ac commodating 2000 people, close to Camp Merritt, and the priests of this city have arranged to alternate in holding mass on week days as well as Sundays. Catholic soldiers will have full liberty to attend these services. Senator Bulla, Sheriff John Burr, Tax Collector Charles Fleming, Cor oner Campbell and Police Surgeon Hogan were among the callers at the headquarters of the Seventh California regiment today. Kum Shue, editor of the Chinese newspaper in this city, has opened a subscription list for the Red Cross Society among his countrymen, and has already secured $100 from the Sam Yup" Company. He is'writing up the work of the Red Cross in his paper and is confident a large amount of money can be raised among the Chinese here. Dum vlvlmus—vlvamus! Our opponents object. Dtim btblmus—blbnmus! Tbe best, the finest! LOS ANGELES BREWING COB Beer. Our own bottling. Family trade, a specialty. Telephone East 82,—Adv. THE HERALD SUMMING UP THE SITUATION It is evident, in spite of many assertions to the contrary, that no real invasion of Cuba will be attempted until the ships of Cervera have been captured or sent to the bottom of the harbor at Santiago. Sampson's and Schley's fleets are con centrated before the harbor entrance and news of an engagement is waited by public official and private citizen alike. The only reason to fear delay lies in the possibility that Admiral Sampson may await the arrival of troops to assist the squadron by making a simultaneous attack from the rear while the fleets engage the combined naval and land defenses of the Spaniards. FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES OF SPAIN WHICH WERE ALWAYS GREAT, THREATEN TO BECOME OVERWHELMING The Much Boasted National Subscription Proves a Failure, and Makeshift Schemes Fail to Increase the Revenues=-Spain's Government Is Bankrupt and Her People a Horde of Starving Beggars MADRID, June 2. —(Special to The Herald.) Tho economic situation in Spain is becoming more JL and more critical. The poverty of the people has never been so distressing, and the financial difficulties . L of the government are becoming overwhelming. Ihe war absorbs all funds obtainable, and the coun- , v ijL try is daily creating new debts for the sake of the war, which in certain political circles is now described JL JL as imbecile foolishness. Nor will a national subscription be of any material assistance to Spain. Before ,i, ;X tne H sts were opened your correspondent was confidently assured by Spaniards that fifty million pesetas JL JL would be subscribed in two days, yet today the national subscription amounts to only eight million pese- JL JL tas. It can easily be seen that the maximum to be hoped for certainly cannot now exceed ten million. JL In view of this critical situation, and tbe fact that money must be secured by hook or crook for cur- JL JL rent expenses, the government is exacting contributions and imposing new taxes in every direction. JL JL At the froutier, for instance, customs officers have received orders to be extremely particular that all JL JL luggage is thoroughly searched and that no opportunity of claiming duty, even on such things as ,% JL hats, clothes, ties, linen and boots, which are new or nearly new, is allowed to escape. The political JL rjt, system on which Spain is organized is responsible for this state of affairs ,and it may be that some day, „.;„ driven by hunger, the neglected portion of the population may give serious trouble to the rulers of the JL JL peninsula. Meanwhile the hordes of starving and unfortunate beggars who infest the magnificent e J» JL avenues of Spain's capital, and contrast so painfully with the splendid palace, are a shocking, pity-in- JL JL spiring sight which no foreigner is likely to forget. JL LOS ANGELES, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 3, 1898 WHAT WILL I DO WITH HIM NOW? THE FIRST BATTLE ON LAND To Be Fought in the Vicinity of Santiago de Cuba THE LANDING TO BE MADE MONDAY Under Cover of the Guns of Sampson's Fleet of Ships It Is the President's Firm Belief That the Stars and Stripes Will Float Over Santiago by Wednesday Next SPECIAL TO THE HERALD Washington, June 2. —It was determined by the W2r department today that the first battle between the land forces of the United States and those of Spain will occur at the foothills in the rear of Santiago, unless the enemy shall try to repulse the landing of American troops. In that case the point of disembarkation will be the field of hostilities. Five thousand troops started for Santiago today. Within the next twenty-four hours 10,000 more will follow. The first detachment that left Tampa consisted of one battalion of engineers, two batteries of light artillery, one train of siege guns and regiments of infantry. General Wilson, chief of engineers, has just completed a careful map of the country adjacent to Santiago de Cuba. It is thought possible that the landing can be affected at a point five miles northeast of Santiago, where there is a break in the cliffs and an easy road to the interior, but should this not be feasible, Guantanamo will be selected. The infantry will be landed at this point anyway, while the for mer piece may be used for the artillery and s>ege guns only. It was calcu lated by the war board in joint session with the board of strategy, that the Texas, New Orleans and Brooklyn can be detached from Schley's squadron and cover the landing of troops and that the first landing will be made next Monday. Simultaneously with the disembarkation of American troops, the fortifications covering the entrance to Santiago bay will be engaged by Sampson and Schley jointly. It is the firm belief of the administration that the Stars and Stripes will be flying over Santiago by Tuesday or Wed nesday of next week, and that Cervera's ships will have been sunk or captured. Secretary Alger and the president have discussed a plan for issuing a third call for volunteers. It is understood to be practically agreed upon if the operations now under way do not force peace within a reasonable time. is understood, will be for 50,000 men, but will not be issued, in the event that it is necessary at all, until the second call for 75. --000 men has been partially complied with. Waiting For News of a Fight San Domingo, June 2.—(Special to The Herald.) Every one here ex pects a great battle to be reported from Santiago de Cuba at any hour. The bombardment of May 31 has whetted the appetites of the people for more. Santiago has sent word that the authorities there expect a battle also. The insurgents evidently have been told to close in on the city and take a hand in the fighting, for they are in great force not more than four kilometers away. There are continual desertions from the city of men suspected of sympathizing with the patriots. The Santiago authorities are strengthening the defenses on the land side of the city and Admiral Cervera has moved his ships into a position where they can be used in iepel!ing an attack from the sea or can shell the insurgents, should they make au assault from the hills on the city. The authorities assert that the harbor mines are so ar ranged that Admiral Cervera can take his ships over them in safety, whereas should the American fleet attempt to enter the harbor the mines can be ex ploded at will. There is little sleep in Santiago because of the suspense. New YORK, June 2. —(By the Associated Press.) Dimongo Mandea Capote, the vice president of the Cuban republic, arrived in this city today. After going to a hotel, where he met General Palma, the head of the Cuban junta, he visited Cuban headquarters. When asked what his mission to this country was, Senor Capote replied: "My mission is not a public one. All public acts relative to the situa« tion between the United States and the Cuban republic will continue, as heretofore, to be conducted by General Palma. "I did not come here to negotiate any loan. I come to consult with General Palma on a matter which does not concern international questions of public interest. 1 have no present intention of calling upon President McKinley, although I shall probably make a call on him before I return. How long I shall remain here I cannot say at this time, but shall make my stay as short as possible." Mr. Capote holds the position of judge advocate general in the insur. gent army. Questioned as to the strength of the army he said: "Not counting those who have recently joined his forces, Garcia has about 12,000 men under him in the eastern department at Santiago and Puerto Principe. About 3500 of these men were in the neighborhood of Santiago when I last received word. All were fully armed and equipped, and it was the intention to concentrate all of the force in the eastern por tion at that point. " 1 cannot tell definitely now many men there are in the other pro vinces. Gomez has about 5000 men at Santa Clara. Probably 30,000 men, all fully armed and equipped, are in the ranks of the Cuban army. A large number, probably 20,000 more, are armed with machetes, and there are thousands of others who have recently left the towns to join the army because they could no longer live there. From Porto Principe alone 10,000 men and women have left because of the scarcity of provisions, preferring to take their chances in the country, and further influenced by the fear that at the last moment the Spaniards, driven to despair will, out of revenge resort to slaughter. OTIS ISSUES ORDERS Colorado and Pennsylvania Regulars Ordered Aboard Ship for Transportation to the Philippines San Francisco, June 2.—Late tonight orders were issued by Major General Otis, commanding the Colorado and Pennsylvania troops now at Camp Merrit, to go on board ship for the Philippines next Tuesday. Rations for six months are to be taken and 400 rounds of ammunition will be supplied each man. I Twelve Pages, M The Insurgent Forces PRICE FIVE CENTS