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2 GEN. SHATTER'S LETTER SENDS REPORT OF SANTIAGO COMMISSION CAPTURED SOME MODERN GUNS The Cuban Campaign Exceeds in Hard ships Anything Known in the Civil War—Praises His Men Associated Press Special Wire WASHINGTON, Aug. I.—The secretary of war has received the following letter from General Shafter, transmitting the report of the surrender of Spanish territory at Santiago: ' CAMP BEFORE SANTIAGO DE CUBA, July 18, 1895.—1 take the. liberty of sending to you this morning a copy of the agreement between the commissioners on my part and the commissioners on the part of the gov ernment of Spain for the surrender of eastern Cuba, The schedule Just submitted 'shows there aro a little over 22,000 men and officers—about 6000 more men than I have had myself—and I am very glad to say that we have got all these men with very little loss of life compared to what it would have been had we had occasion to have fought them. The city of Santiago is sim ply a network of fortifications at every street corner. No Idea of Its Strength I had no proper conception of its strength Until I went into It, although I knew those Old stone towns were naturally strong. Ev erything Is going admirably so far as the transfer Is concerned and the Spanish troops are behaving well, as they are per fectly delighted with the thought of getting home. I send to you personally the telegram of General Linares to his government, which one of the consuls gave me. It shows the straits to which they were put and the feel ings that animated them. He stated the case exactly. I did have him so completely surrounded that It was Impossible for him to get away, and I could wait and he could not. I send out tomorrow morning to receive something over 2000 men up In the Interior, a short distance, about thirty miles, and In two or three days will send to Guantanamo to receive the 7000 that have surrendered there. They should be shipped from Guan tanamo bay direct to Spain. There, are also about 800 men each from Baracoa and Sague de Tanamo on the north coast, who will come into the port there for shipment. • I Will send an officer aronud with a Spanish officer to take their arms and military sup plies. Some Beautiful Guns We have got a great deal more than I had any Idea of getting in the way of munitions of war. In everything but food they were well supplied. Have got a few beautiful modern high power guns—about a dozen. My only fear Is that we shall have sick ness, and it Is for that reason that I have wired you so earnestly about getting these prisoners away so that we can go up to the monutalns with my command, at the end of the railroad at San Luis, which is said to be very healthful. It Is at any rate about 1500 feet above the sea level and has communication byj rai!> with. Santiago. So. far there Is no fever ln Santiago. I sup pose because there Is no one there except Immures. Three cases only so far this year, and the English consul tells me there was very little last year. Terrible Hardships Of those who served throughout the civil war all declare they never had anything that could compare, with It for hardships. With only one set of clothes, officers have been until now rained on nearly everyday, carrying three days' rations, like the men. on their person, and suffering every priva tlon that any man can. Added to all these privations, ln addition, all tha horrors of disease lnan unknown land and very limited accommodations should they be wounded. The spirit shown by them and by the whole army was simply grand. I can recall no Instance where a greater surrender has been made than this. The final surrender of General Toral and his generals to myself and my generals was highly dramatic, as was the hoisting of the flag over the city of Santiago, one of the oldest cities on this continent. 1 want to thank you and the president for the words of cheer that have come to us, and say that none of us have ever doubted that every effort possible to make our lives as secure and our situation as comfortable as possible would be done. A Railroad Attached STOCKTON, Cal., Aug. I.—This morning attachment papers reached Stockton from Sa.. Francisco to be placed upon the tools, rails and construction material of the Stockton and Tuolumne* road, commonly called the "Woman's" Railroad. The at tachments aggregate 59340.45, and were served by the following named: Charles Erickson, $7500; Fred Erlckson, 11260, and Wright & Dickinson, J390.48. The Erlckson Brothers have been engaged ln building the road bed, and the attach ments were brought on account of money they claim to be due for labor and sup piles. The attachment of Wright & Dickin son Is for hay and feed. It is believed the building of the road will be crippled by tin proceedings. Marcus Mason Dead NEW YORK, Aug. I.—Marcus Mason of San Francisco is dead at the Frenc'.i Hospital in this city. He was well known ln California and also ln Central and South America, where for many years ho was engaged in the manufacture of planta tion machinery for the cure and preserva tion of coffee. He was a pioneer in the In troduction of American machinery. Mr. Mason maintained a business ln New Tork, a manufacturing plant In Worcester, a plant ln Costa Rica, and a farm In Cali fornia. He was born ln Vermont ln 1827 And was a mechanical engineer by profes sion. He leaves a widow and two daughters, one of the latter being married to Actor Goorge Osborne of California. Raisin Product Pooled Kearney of the California Raisin Growers' I association tonight announced the buccsss ot the plan to pool the raisin product of the state. He states that 85 per cent of the crop In Fresno, Tulare, Madera and Kings » counties has been signed and that over 50 per cent of tbe crop of Kern county has been thrown Into the pool. Agents are now . at work ln Southern and Northern Cali fornia, and with the contracts they secure . the association will control SO per cent ot ■i the raisin output. The Peruvian Navy NEW YORK, Aug. L—On the Panama ■■» finer Advance, which reached this pert today, wu Commodore Carlos Ferryroi of the Peruvian navy, who Is en route to Paris for the purpose, it Is said, of purchasing warships for the Peruvian navy. Rumors had been current ln Pana ma prior to July 21st, those on the Ad vance said, when Commodore Ferryros ar rived there on the steamer Santiago from Callao, concerning a strong agitation throughout Peru against the United States, owing to differences between the two countries, existing since ISBS. No lit tle excitement was caused In' Central America when the Information that Peru was taking steps to strengthen her navy became known. A Family of Murderers PORT ARTHUR, Ont., Aug. I.—The Moses family ot Indians from Heron Bay, who. are accused of a number of atrocious murders, have made a full confession of their crimes. Six years ago they murdered two men named David, father and son, and then, this crime being discovered by three Frenchmen, they killed them as well, tak ing their bodies out Into Lake Superior in a boat and sinking it, tying stones to the bodies. They have Just been up for their first trial for the crimes, the story of which was told ln evidence ln detail by the sister of the murderers. Board of Equalization SACRAMENTO, Cal., Aug. I.—The State Board of Equalization today fixed the as sement of the railroads of the State. Th 6 figures are the same as last year excepting California and Nevada, reduced to $50,000; Carson and Colorado, reduced to $170,000; Nevada, California and Oregon, raised to $125,000; Pajaro Valley, raised to $180.75N; San Francisco and San Mateo, raised to $100,000; San Francisco and San Joaquin Valley, raised to $1,188,180; Santa Fe Pa cific, reduced to $1,384,000; Alameda and San Joaquin, reduced to $125,550. Shot by the Sentinel NEW ORLEANS, Aug. I.—Charles Smith, private In the Immune regiment of Colonel Rlehe, who was shot by Private Mlnge last night while trying to sneak into camp. Is dead. Smith had spent the night In drinking and had over-stayed his leave. He refused to halt when entering the camp, but on the contrary started to run. Mlnge fired and the bullet passed through Smith's bowels and also broko his arm. Smith was 25 years of age. a native of this city. The Only Colonel Left SANTIAGO DE CUBA, July 21.6 p. m.( df - Iryed in transmission).—Col. John H. Page of the Third Infantry Regulars, leaves to day by the transport Iroquois for New York, dangerously ill with malarial fever. Col. Page is the last Colonel of the regular army left in Cuba. All of the others who came originally have either been killed ln battle or died of sickness. Linemen Strike ST. LOUIS, Aug. I.—About 400 linemen be longing to the Electrical Workers' Union, struck today for an advance in wages from $2.50 to $3 for ten hours' work. Their de mands had been presented Saturday and refused. The men were employed by the Missouri-Edison and Laclede Light and Power companies and the Bell and Kinloch Telephone companys. Poisoner Hanged ST. LOUIS, Aug. I.—George Thompson, colored, was hanged at 0:15 a. m. Death resulted from strangulation. The con demned man died protesting his Innocence The crime for which he was hanged was :he poisoning of Jos. Cunningham, tha white sexton of St. Peter's Episcopal Church, September 29th, 1894. Transport Michigan Sails TAMPA. Fin., Aug. I.—The transport Michigan sailed yesterday from Port Tampa and crossed the bar of the bay today. She was loaded with fresh meat for General Shafter's army besides a large quantity of other supplies. Saves His Neck SEATTLE, Aug. I.—A special to the Times from Roslyn, Wash., says Andrew Warge, an Australian miner, this morn ing shot his wife, two small children and then killed himself. Warge was Insane. Hobson Visits His Mother ATLANTA, Ga., Aug. I.—Lieutenant R. P. Hobson, who has been expected in Georgia ever since his arrival In the United States from Santiago, was with his mother at Llthla Springs today. Not Citizens Yet SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. I.—Hart H. North, commissioner of Immigration at this port, has received instructions from THE NAVAL BATTLE OP SANTIAGO. FORTY MINUTES AFTER THE FIGHT BEGAN. From HARPER'S WEEKLY After a Drawing by Carl tern T. Chtoman. R«c reduced from Btrvef* Weekly. Br Permission. Ootrvrlaht 1896. by Haroar A, Brothers. LOS ANGELES HERALD i TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 2, 1898 NEW YORK, Aug. 1.-Martln Thorn was put to death ln the prison at Sing Sing at 11:15 this morning for the murder of Wil liam Guldensuppe. Thorn sat up later last night than was his custom. He talked of his parents, his boyhood days In Germany and his wife's parents in this country. He showed no nervousness nnd when he thew himself on his cot It was but a few minutes until he was sound asleep. Waden Sage, who went to Thorn's cell early today, said of him: "Thorn told me he was not nervous and would die bravely. He said he was perfect'y reconciled to his fate and that he had made peace with his God. He slept well and had no fear of Washington to treat all immigrants from Hawaii as alien immigrants until such time as laws can be perfected to govern them. This rule will settle all questions as to the entrance of certain races for the time being and will be a warning to steam ship companies. Cut His Throat NEW YORK, Aug. I.—Wm. H. Mnrstnn, 68 years old, a broker, committed suicide by cutting his throat ln this city today. He was a brother of Charles E. Marston, who has been missing from home since last Tuesday. Pierce Made a Counsel WASHINGTON, Aug. 1.-The President today made the following nppolntments: George M. Pierce of Pennsylvania, to be Consul of the United States at Munich, Ba varia. Locating Coal Claims PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., Aug. I,— Letters received here state that, many prospectors between Copper liver and ON TO SAN JUAN City of Juan Diaz Taken by the Troops—The Columbia Goes Ashore at Ponce 4» PONCE, Porto Rico, July 31,10 p. m., via St. Thomas, D. W. •& 1., August I.—(Copyrighted, 1898, by the Associated Press). 4» <*» Colonel Hulings, with ten companies of the Sixteenth Pennsyl- 4. l- vania, has occupied Juan Diaz, about ten miles from Ponce on J-* the way to San Juan. The American flag was raised and greeted <§» •& with immense enthusiasm by the populace. «*• 1» The protected cruiser Columbia went ashore while attempt- * <i* ing to enter the harbor of Ponce, but it is expected she will be <3» •$» floated tomorrow. i- General Brooke arrived this afternoon. During the after- «$» 4* noon seven companies of the Nineteenth regular infantry ar- 4» rived on the Cherokee. <&. A Cable communication was opened tonight, but the line will <$• not be in full operation for several days. 4* * 4 I gi l |i,ai l |.^. MARTIN THORN death. There Is not the slightest change In his actions. He is the same cool man who came to the prison six months ago. His nerve is stronger than that of any other murderer who has been in the death house." Thorn told one of his keepers that his only dread was the wait from the time he awoke until he was summoned to the chair. The condemned man received the last sacrament of the Roman Catholic Church. When summoned to the execution chair, Thorn showed r.o emotion, walked to It quickly, repeating prayers after the at tending priest. There was no untoward in cident In connection with the execution and after the current had been turned on fifty live seconds Thorn was dead. Cook's Inlet, Alaska, have abandoned their search for gold and are locating coal claims. The country Is said to be one mass of coal, ln which Is claimed to be an excellent quality of lignite. Old Chang on Top LONDON, Aug. I.—The Peking corre spondent of the Standard says: "Today (Monday) the empress dowager openly relieved the emperor of all real power. The ministers take their Instruc tions directly from her and LI Hung Chang practically supersedes the Tsung LI Yamen. "It is reported that Sir Claude Mac Don* aid, the British minister before the Tsung LI Yamen, accused LI Hung Chang of be traying China to Russia, and It is said that LI Hung Chans has threatened to demand the recall of Sir Claude Mac Donald." Great Circus Man Dead COLUMBUS. 0., Aug. I.—Ephriam W. Sells, the elder of the Sells brothers, well known circus men, died here at noon today of Brlght's disease, after an illness of sev eral months. A PITIFUL APPEAL LAST MESSAGE OF LINARES TO HIS GOVERNMENT Sick and Disheartened, Knowing That Defeat Must Come He Begs Per mission to Surrender GL'ANTANAMO, Province of Santiago 6. Cuba, July 25.—An official report of Gen. Linares to the Madrid government, trans mitted on July 13, is full of pathos, as It tells of Spaniards, thousands of miles from home, striving lo defend property Which the owners have deserted. The report sent by cable on July 113 was addressed tonhe minister of war. It was translated for the Associated Press by Commodore Schley. The text in full is as follows: Official cablegram, July 12, 1898. To the Minister of War, from the Ueneral-ln- Chlef of the Division of Santiago de Cuba! "Although confined to my bed by great weakness and in much pain, the situation of the long-suffering troops here occupies my mind to such an extent that I deem It my duty to address your excellency, that the state of affairs may be explained. "The enemy's lines are very near the town. On account of the nature of. the ground, our lines are ln full view of them. Troops weak; sick in considerable propor tion not sent to hospitals, owing to the necessity for keeping them ln the en entrenchments. Horses and mules without the usual allowance of forage. In the midst of wet season, with 24 hours' daily fall of rain, in the trenches, which are sim ply ditches dug ln the ground, without any permanent shelter for the men. The men have nothing but rice to eat, and no mtnn:s of changinig or drying their clothing. "Considerable losses; field officers and company officers killed, wounded, sick, and troops deprived of necessary orders in cri; lcal moments. "Under these circumstances, It Is im possible to fight our way out, because in attempting to do so our forces would be lacking one-third 'of the» men, who could not leave, and we would be' weakened be sides by casualties caused by the enemy, resulting finally In a veritable disaster, without saving our diminished battalions. In order to get out, protected by the Hol guln division, it will be necessary for them to come and break the enemy's lines ln one place, so that my forces may break ln an other and act In conjunction. "The complete exodus of the Inhabitants. Insular as well as peninsular. Includes the occupants of the public offices, with few exceptions. There only remain the clergy, and they today started to leave, the town, with the archbishop at their head. "The defenders hero cannot now begin a campaign full of enthusiasm and energy. They came here three years ago, strug gling against the climate, privations and fatigues, and now they ore placed in these sad circumstances, where they have no food, no physical force and no means of recuperation. They are defending the property! of those that have abandoned 11 and of those that are now being fed by the American forces. The honor of arms ha lts limits, and I appeal to the opinion of the whole nation as to whether these long suffering" troops have not kept it safely many time's since May 18, when they were subjected to the first cannonade. If it is necessary that the sacrifice be endured for reasons of which I am Ignorant, or that some one else shall assume the responsibil ity of the unfortunate termination which I have anticipated and montloned ln a num ber of telegrams, I faithfully offer myself on the altar of my country for the one, and for the other I will retain the command for the purpose of signing the surrender, for my modest reputation Is of little value as compared with the country's Interests. "LINARES." ATTITUDE OF FRANCE Only Words of Praise for tbe Ameri cans in Their War NEW YORK, Aug. I.—A dispatch to the World from Paris says: Henri Brlsson, the Premier of France, said to the World correspondent: "The course of the United States throughout the war with Spain has been noble. It has been a revelation to Europe. "In my opinion, when the American conditions of peace are known the world will be astonished. I expect thnt »*•« I AMUSEMENTS ef*Sk. a- Si Los Angeles' Society Vaudeville Theater ZTontyAt Z Von/yAt ™ ▼ VIF**VI» W # THE PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN OF MIRTH. LORKNZ AND ALLEN, eccentric comedian!. SIDNEY GRANT AND MISS NORTON, Intro, during imitation*, refined songi, dancoi, etc. NAT M. BRIGQAM descriptive vocalist. Vaudeville debut of MH AND MRS. ID (JOOLMAN. BXRT COO IE AND JULIA KINGsLEY. I'omtivelv la«t week of MRS. ALICE 1. SHAW AND DAUGHTERS. EDWIN R. LANG. TBS) BIOGKAPH; Kooievelt'i Rough Kiders, Lending of United States Troops In Cuba end other In tereating views PRICES NEVER CHANGlNG—Evenings, reserved seats, 35c and 50c; gallery, 10a Regular matinees Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, 25c to any part of the house; gallery, 10c; children, 10c any seat. DKWKY MATIXEK Wednesday, August 3. pui-banK Theater 3S5T5= Si5i5. Jh O i" l see k " aOT " !rn,Bht ZThe SSacon Company and Seoryo &. Webster In the Stupendous - i O Beenic Production tU/JCTGr t/lG CaVdT* PRICES—ISn, 25e, 85c end »00. . MATINEE SATURDAY-PRICES. 100 and SSa Diego and Coronado Beach— Excursion Jtugust sth *J± 6th 0 0.00 Jor tAe Hound *mio <■# TICKETS GOOD RETURNING WITHIN 30 DAYS Proportionately low rates from all points on tho Southern California Railway. Cxcursi'on to Gnsenada, fflfexico In connection with above. 15 00 for tbe round trip from Ban Diego, tlekets good returning until August 28th Only nine a ours at sea to visit Mexico. Excursion to Coronado Island August 10th from San Diego. Steamer Santa Kola. Round trip SO cents. Santa Jo Route Of/See, 200 Spring Street £anta Catallna Island ojf mHM ommf VAc Ssland Villa Jfotol and tho JfotelWfetropoh Aro tho two big flrst-clagf resorts on Catallna Island. Both being under efficient and liberal management. Offer the best tervice and accommodations at most liberal rates. Superior inducements for season 1899. Do not fall to write or call on us for rates. m . /» , J22 South Spring Street, Loa Angelas, Jianniny Company, cal. Telephone Main 80. Qnly Two More 53.00 Excursions to Santa Barbara | Regular Round Trip 10.70 | Jtuyuot 72-/3 September 9-/0 Round Trip Gjod for Thirty Days Stop-over at Ventura both ways if deslrad. Southern {Pacific Co. Los angeles ticket office, 2» s. spring street There Is Fun at Santa Monica NEW ARCADIA HOTEL FISH GRILL—NORTH BEACH BATH HOUSE, WARM PLUNGE. NEW SUITS—CAMERA OBSCURA ON BEACH; a chance to set jokea on frlonda— FREE CONUERIS by celebrated Los Angeles Military Band every Saturday sad Sunday. Qrab Apples—lie pound* Today Only Tel Main 395. jf/thouse Jruit Co., 2/3-2/5 W. Second St. KAf llahlwue Acrf Irh Darm TWBLFTH and grand av*NUjS BA/iisnire wsiricn rarm— breeding birds, eggs, chicks. • • The only Ostrich Farm whore feathers are manufactured. • t United States will take pride In showing greater moderation than any of the Old World powers would display under similar circumstances. "Europe has no right whatever to med dle In the negotiations. My government, at least, will not attempt to dictate what the United States shall demand. Other powers may try to make Spain's loss as light as possible, but all such recommenda tions will be regarded as friendly. I feel assured there will be no concerted action by Europe towards forcing upon the United States any settlement not fully sat isfactory. "I think the United States may be trusted to arrange the future of Cuba for the best." The World correspondent learns from the French foreign ministry that America's roply to Bpain's approaches must pass through the- hands of the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, who will forward It to Madrid, but that reply is not expected be fore Tuesday. The World correspondent learns further that an armistice Is expected, but not un til there Is a reasonable prospect of a suc cessful Issue of the peace negotiations. CHICAGO HOTEL BURNED Quests Burned In Their Beds—Many Injured by Jumping; CHICAGO, Aug. I.—Guests of the Berwyn Hotel, No. 148 North State street, were roused from their slumbers at 3 o'clock this morning to find the hostelry on fire. So rapid did the blaze spread that men and women found themselves cut off from' es cape by the stairs. Three lives were lost and a number of people were maimed and bruised ln jumping from high windows to the pavement. The dead: H. A. TIEDEMAN, musician, residence In California, dropped from window'on the nfth floor and instantly killed. ANNA PAULIN, 25 years old, home in Minnesota, burned to death on fifth floor. Unidentified man, remains burned be yond recognition. The injured: Two men, names unknown, Jumped from upper floor and are at the hospital uncon scious. Edward Seaman, proprietor of cigar store of the Palmer House, Jumped from third floor, had both wrißts broken and was in ternally Injured. K. S. Hill, seriously bruised. J. V. Dolson, severely bruised. H. C. McClearly, overcome by smoker while hanging on a window edge, dropped .to the street below and probably fatally hurt. Miss Catharine Murphy, Jumped from second story, right ankle broken. Dr. Belknap, burned slightly. Mrs. E. H. Twlghte's baby, overcome by smoke, rescued by firemen. Miss Marie Kennedy, prostrated from ex citement. Miss Emma Sharkey, housekeper at the hotel, Jumped from second story window, ankle sprained. When the Are was discovered it was burn ing fiercely on a lower floor. Pedestralns raised a cry ot warning, which aroused the guests, and they appeared at the upper win dows ot the hotel in their night attire. Be low them roared the Are with gradually In creasing fury, and clouds of smoke made uncrtaln the extent of the flames. One of the guests on the scond floor swung him self out upon the ledge of the window, peered at the flames for a moment and then deliberately Jumped to the sidewalk. He landed upon his feet, but fell Into the gutter helpless. A number of others followed. Miss Mario McCabe and Miss Schroeder were carried from the second floor by Daniel O'Leary, the well-known race-horse man. Miss Earl, an artist, was rescued from the second floor by firemen. Morris Jacobson, his wife and their son, Edward, were carried from the second floor by fire men., WOULDN'T HAVE 'EM Germany Says She Never Wanted the Philippines Anyhow NEW YORK, Aug. I.—Baron Yon Bue low-Srhlatfau, the Charge d' Affaires of the German Embassy st Paris pooh-poohs the Idea of Germany having designs on the Phil ippines. "The Americans are excited at present," he said, "and unnecessarily suspicious. The merest incident Is magnified Into an Inter national complication. Germany has with drawn her ships, her subjects being now sure of American protection." The Baron refusod to talk about the prob able conditions of peace beyond venturing the opinion that Spain will never yield Porto Rico. Francofse de 1' Oncle, a brother of the tit fated captain of the steamship Bourgogne. connected with the Foreign Ministry under De Freyclnet and Gambetta, was lnte*» viewed as a representative Frenchman ol the bourgeolse (thrifty) class, and a typical politician. M. de 1' Oncle said: 'The Americans have conducted a pactflo war with moderation and humanity. The United States announced their object and went directly after It, as they had a right to do. "General Shafter, Instead of destroying Santiago, as Bismarck burned the towns of France, treated It In accordance with the modern diplomatic spirit, which now Is as liberal ln war as ln peace. "It Is a remarkable fact, wholly to the credit of the Americans, that so few lives ' have been expended ln the war. Contrast this pacific spirit with the German attitude toward France ln 1870." Neglecting the Wounded NEW YORK, Aug. I.—Dr. M. A. Lesser of the Red Cross, who arrived yesterday from Santiago de Cuba on the United States transport Concho with 127 sick and wounded soldiers, speaking today regard ing conditions on the transports, said: "Orders were received to supply the Con* cho with 1000 rations for 175 persons who were expected on hoard of her. Major La garde and Dr. Ireland went through the camp and selected 175 convalescents and convalescent fever patients who were able to walk. In order to secure a return home the men will frequently affect Illness ta such a degree that It may be often hard to determine whether one Is sick or not. Medicines were supplied therefore In quan tities thought to be sufficient, but on the eve of departure It was found that the en tire ship load, excepting possibly twenty flve persons, were suffering from fever and bowel troubles, for which there proved to be an Insufficient supply of medicines on board the ship. The rations put on board were therefore unfit to be served to tho sick men. The supply of water also was Impure and unfit for use, having been taken aboard at Tampa early In May. The Con cho has but fifty-eight state room berths. Bunks were provided for the men between decks, but being devoid of mattresses, and owing to the Intense heat, were practically useless. The men could not live below. Many were compelled to stop on deck un der awnings." i Dr. Lesser has Issued a statement re garding the matter to the President of th» Red Cross Society, which it Is expe#ted will be given to the press tomorrow. Concho's Cargo of Wounded NEW YORK, Aug. I.—Dr. Doty, health officer of the port, visited the Concho to day and found all on board much Improved after a good night's rest. One hundred and twenty-five convalescents were transferred to Hoffman Island. The men were elated over their release from the over-crowded quarters of ths transport. The sick left on board ths Concho will be transferred to more com fortable quarters Immediately. AH ars resting comfortably. Corporal Patterson and Private James Rountree are both quite sick with typhoid fever. Major H. T. Allen Is stIM on board, suffering from an abscess ln his face. Sir Bryan Letghton, who was removed from the transport Alamo to Swlneburne Island, Is said to be very sick. Another Skirmish MADRID, Aug. I.—A dispatch to the Im parclal from Havana says that a force of 400 Infantry and cavalry under the United States flag recently attacked a detachment ot Spanish engineers at Grecloso. The dis patch then says that several volunteers from Cardenas went to the assistance of the engineers, "and the enemy was driven off, leaving ten men dead on the Held." The Spanish losses are said to have been an officer and two men wounded. The French Elections PARIS, Aug. I.—The elections to the Council General have thus far resulted ln the return of 785 Republicans and 128 Con servatives.