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12 NOT IN CONTEMPT BOAED OF TRADE COMPLICA TIONS UNTANGLED ALIMONY MUST BE PAID Attorney Brooks Sues for an Account ing From a Client —News of the Courts—New Suits Filed It did not take Judge Shaw long to exam ine into the merits of the contempt proceed ings against Gregory Perkins. Jr., and At torney Dunning. The matter was submit ted to him on Monday and yesterday after noon he ordered that the defendants be dis chargtd. There was no opinion rendered, the court simply ordering the following en try to be made relative to the disposition of the matter; "The court finds that E. T. Dunning and Gregory Perkins, Jr., are not guilty of con tempt, and it is therefore ordered that they be discharged." The proceeding was instituted by Attor ney L. C. Whitney, counsel tor Herman Kolm, last Tuesday, and was against Greg ory Perkins, Jr., and Attorney Dunning, secretary and counsel for the board of trade respectively. The matter was incidental to a settlement of the affairs of Kolm Bros., insolvents, and the action was based on the idea that the defendants had conspired tc hold up certain moneys which Judge Van Dyke had decided belonged to Herman Kolm, who was not a member of the insol vent firm. PAY UP OR GO TO JAIL No Other Alternative for Defendant in a Divorce Suit Judge Shaw does not believe in hearing a case unless it is presented to his court with due regard for all the little technicalities of law, and this belief yesterday led him to refuse consideration of an oral motion be cause it had not been filed in proper form. The action was in connection with the di vorce proceeding of Louise F. Sargent against Louis Y. Sargent. The parties were married In June of 1593, and after raising a child to the age* of 3 years separated in February, ISW7. the wife subsequently charging that Sargent deserted her, and on that ground she brought suit for a divorce, alimony and custody of the child. The de cree was granted on June 2 of this year in Judge Van Dyke's court, the defendant be ing l ordered to pay his wife $5 per month to ward the support of the child. This he had failed to do In the two months sincepassed, the wife therefore asked the court tc force Sargent to comply with the order. The defendant was ordered'to appear yes terday to show cause why he should not be held for contempt. The matter came up before Judge Shaw, and Sargent's attorney had an answer pre pared In which he embodied a motion al leging that the wife is living at No. 225 West First street as a common prostitute and therefore is not a fit person to continue in custody of the now 4-year-old child; tha* the defendant's uncle, a Long Beach phy sician, is willing to adopt the offspring, and praying the court to change the former or der so as to place the child in the care of this relative of the defendant's. This an swer had not been filed with the clerk, however, nor had the $2 filing fee been paid, and on leurning this fact th* court peremp torily ordered thnt Sargent be eonrmitti'd to jail until he paid the alimony as or dered. Sargent, who is a butcher on Vermont av enue near Washington street, but was for merly a sprinkling cart driver, dug down and paid the alimony instanter, and the "widow by grass" went her way rejoicing accompanied by an admiring male friend, who sat by her during the proceedings and seemed to share all h-.r emotions as tho case progressed. HE PAID HIS SHARE But J. "Mary Ann" Brooks Was After the Whole Thing Attorney Brooks, better known by the sobriquet "J. Mary Ann," was the plaintiff, through Attorney R. J. Colyear, ln a suit against Frank Aguello and Y. Luce-re heard in Justice Young's court yesterday morning. It seems that some time last year P. H. Lucere, a barber at 417 North Main street, was arrested and held to answer in the t nlted States court to the charge of mail ing an obscene letter. Brooks & Trask were employed to defend' him, and there was some agreement between Y. Lucere, Frank Aguello, who are respectively broth er and brother-in-law to P. H. Lucere, and the latter's attorneys, by which they were to pay the attorneys' fees. There was no written agreement, however. The attor neys performed their work well and their client was discharged. Aguello paid $40 toward the fee before the trial of the case, and now claims that was all he agreed to pay. The attorneys insisted that their fee was to be $100, and that both sureties were responsible for the whole or any part of the amount. Aguello was obdurate and seemed so sin cere ln his assertion that he had' paid/ as per the agreement that the court disregard ed Attorney Brooks* testimony to the con trary and gave judgment for thes6oagainst the other surety only. WANTS THEM VACCINATED East Part of the County Worried Over the Smallpox Dr. F. P. Cave, of El Monte, was before the county board of supervisors yesterday to ask that an order be issued making vac cination compulsory. There are a number of casts of smallpox in the eastern part of the county, and as the disease originated among the ignorant Mexicans of the vicin ity, who will not take the- necessary pre cautions to prevent its spread, the peopie are much alarmed lest it should become epidemic. The supervisors did not know whether they had sufficient power to order every body in the vicinity to be vaccinated, so took th- matter under consideration until they find out what they can do. The coun ty will probably have to pay the vaccina tion fee for many of the poorer class. Suit to Recover Property A case removed from the Superior Court was filed In the I'nlted Stales Circuit Court yesterday. Kalherine G. Bieecker seeks to recover from Kate A. E. Johnson, of Chi cago, a certain lot of iand In the Park Villa tract of Los Aug i-s, which th" claims waa obtained by fraud. Harry L. Bieecker. 1-usbnnd of Ihe plaintiff, was arrested in Chicago charged wi'.h embezzlement. The Jefendant threatened that unless Mrs. Bieecker executed a conveyance of the property to her she would cause Bieecker to b» pros* cuted on tho said charge, which, jnder- the laws of Illinois. Is a felony, and If Ihe conveyance was executed the charge^ would be withdrawn and the accused dis charged from custody. Mrs. Bleecker claims that her husband was innocent of the charge, and she be lieves It was made for the purpose of ob. talning the property, and she brings suit for Its recovery. Was not Insane Holger Peterson, the San Pedro lad who has for several days been confined In the county hospital awaiting examination for insanity, was yesterday brought be-fore the usual examining commission In the presence of Judge Shaw. The testimony and the boy's own story tended to show that he was no more than feeble-minded, and the physicians recommended that he be sent to an asylum for that character of unfortunates. As a new proceeding will be necessary to secure such action from tne court, Judge Shaw discharged him. Josef a de Celis Estate Another suit in foreclosure was yester day filed in the Superior Court against the de Celis estate, which seems to be laboring under an excessive financial burden. M. Q. Baker is the complainant this time, and he seeks to recover on a note of $1,500. which is secured by a mortgage on the property at the northwest corner of Six teenth and Los Angeles streets. The mort gage is indorsed by H. A. Moore, and is dated December, ISM. Naturalization Record The following are the names of those who became citizens of the Vnlted States ir. Judge York's court yesterday: Herman Schneider, native of Germany: Louis Jean Baptiste Carrere, Franco; Henry Qattle ber, Germany; Charles Lloyd, Canada; Ed ward Peers, England; Charles Holmberg, Sweden; Arthur B. Price, Canada; Uri Cit ron, Russia. Another Chinese Company Articles of incorporation were yesterday filed ln the county clerk's office by the Gil Yin Gock Merchants' club, an organization of Chinamen, for social, friendly and be nevolent relations. Their location Is Los Angeles and the directors are Yong Sang. Won Fong. Lee Kee, Chin Att and Ah De:. There is no capital stock. Court Notes Caleb H. Libby has brought suit against Ora Haley to quiet title to lot nine, block 13, of the Fairmount tract. B. R. Parker has brought suit for divorce from Ida Parker. Eliza M. True has petitioned the Supe rior Court for the probate of the will of her husband, George A. True, who died at Lordsburg on July 82, leaving an estate val ued at $1,515. Public Administrator F. M. Kelsey peti tions the court for letters of administration on the estate of Michael McCullough, who died on July 15, leaving property valued at $500. The same petitioner prays for issuance of letters of administration on tho estate of Anita B. Williams, who died on December 7. 1596, leaving property valued at about $2,000. J. H. Gurman has brougt suit in the Su perior Court against Pascual Marquel, ad ministrator, and a long list of the heirs of Mlcaila Keyes de Marquez, deceased, to quiet title on lot one of the Reyes tract. Ynez Cota de Lyons has brought suit against the city of Los Angeles to quiet title on lot seven of the subdivision of the L'allesteros Vineyard tract. SOCIETY OF PIONEERS H. D. Barrows Talks of the Early Schools of the City The regular monthly meeting of the pioneers of Los Angeles county was held last evening in Caledonia hall, with the usual attendance. Four persons were ad mitted to membership: Mrs. Kate Connor, a native of Lombert Helm, Germany, ar rived in Los Angeles June 21, 1871; John C. Anderson. Ohio, May 24, 1873; Myron E. Evarts, New York, 1858; Elijah Moulton, .Montreal, Canada, May, 1845. Mr. MouKon was the pioneer dairyman of the city and carried the total supply of lacteal fluid necessary to supply his customers around the pueblo in a small buggy. The program of the evening opened with a violin and piano duet by Misses Ida and Lottie Dottcr. Louis Roeder disclaimed his ability to make a speech, but instead' told a story of the old times with his charaicter is'tlc humor. The moral of the story was the Importance and, not Infrequently, the policy, of cordial and hospitable treatment of strangers visiting Los Angeles. H. D. Barows followed in a short paper on the early American schools of the city Mr. Barows' own career as a teacher began here, on his arrival ln 18.14, as tutor ln the family of William Wolfskin, ln which Rev. J. W. Douglas and Miss Goodnow had pre ceded him. Don Ignbcio Coronel was at that time teaching a Spanish school. Among the memihers of the board cf edu cation of that early time mentioned were Judge Wm. G. Dryden, George J. Pluni mer, W. H. Workman, William Prldham, George H. Smith, Dr. Joseph Kurtz. A number of interesting facts were given of the early teachers of the city. Miss Lottie Dottr-r closed the exercis'-s with a piano solo. The m-etlng for Septem ber 6 will be the annual, at which officers will be elected for the succeeding year. The constitution provides for the annual meeting being held on September 4, that being the date on which the pueblo of Los Angeles was founded, but that day falling on Sunday It will be held as usual on the first Tuesday of the month. NEW MAIL CLERK Employes' Bonds No w Filed With the Government The government has allowed an addi tional permanent clerk for the Les Angeles {lostofflc.e. Mr. Roe Is the man selected for the place. Employes' bonds heretofore given to post masters will be sent now direct to the gov ernment. Presumably this law has been changed- to relieve postmasters of the re sponsibility, though fortunately it has worked- no hardship on those of Los Ange les, as no employe has ever been one dol lar short in his accounts, consequently there has been no occasion to make good any losses. The time of tho mall service for Dale, the new bonanza mining camp, has been changed so that now mall leaves Dale on Thursdays: mail from this city leaves Palm Springs on Tuesdays at 1 oclock. Travelers can now make the through trip from this city on the same day. Inspector Flint was over-run with visit ors and plied with questions yesterday by anxious politicians, to find out who rents drawer 984. CHASED BY A WAGON One Time That Ex-Soldier Tom Quinn Sid Run In future, when Deputy Constable Tom Quinn has to move any wagons he will se cure a horse to do the work. He tried to act as his own beast of burden yesterday, but It so nearly had serious results that he took a solemn oath never to repeat the He was sent to the residence of Dr. C W. linger on-Second street near LOS ANGELES HERAIX): WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 3, 1895 Royal is the Baking Pow der selected for use in the mining camp, upon the ranch, in relief and explor ing expeditions, at the mis sionary stations in all countries, on board ship, or wherever extremes of heat and dampness are encountered, or where necessity requires the bak ing to be done by inexpe rienced parties. Royal meets the requirements of these trying services be cause it is made from pure cream of tartar, contains no alum, lime or phos phates, and is so scientific ally and carefully com bined that it preserves its full strength until used. These qualities make it the best baking powder for service in every household. It makes the finest and most wholesome food. Bunker Hill avenue to levy an attachment on a horse, harness and spring wagon. The female members of the house objected lo such a summary proceeding, but Tom was not to be deterred by such a little thing :ts a woman's objection, so he visited the yard to discover that only the wagon was there. Hring of a cautious nature, he did not take chances on going away to secure a horse to haul rhe wagon, fearing that iL, too, would disappear; so he determined to take the wagon to the station himself. It was hilly, he reasoned, and gravitation would help him considerably. It did. He got between the shafts and started down the hill with the rig. He forgot to put or. the. brake, however, and)within*a few yard? the wagon was racing down the street at a terrible rate, with Tom hanging on with wild determination and trying to steer it out of the course of other vehicles. He managed to turn the runaway wagon Into Hill street, but the jolt threw the top off. He finally brought the wagon to a standstill and after placing the coveron it hauled the vehicle to the police station and turned it over to the authorities. INTERNAL REVENUE NOTES Cut This Out and Paste It in Your Hat for Reference Friday, August 12, the law taxing mixed flour goes into effect. Packers are re quired to pay a special tax of $12 per an num on the flower in bulk, and stringent regulations are made concerning the labels, fade marks and designs on the packag.s. Any addition to the pure wheat flour, such as salt or baking powder, makes it a mixed flour and liable to internal revenue tax. This affects buckwheat and all the numer ous, brands of self-rising pancake meals on the market. The commercial brokers' special tax of S2O per annum applies only to one place of business. If there are branch offices a tax is required' for each one. The only receipts taxable are warehouse receipts and those given by a common car rier. .Mortgaged personal property is taxable the same as realty. Notaries' acknowledgements are taxable. Jurats are exempt. A specific or remedy of any description or character Is taxable. Soaps recommended for the hands or complexion, lotions for the skin, crrne under the law. Moral: Do not ask the druggist to vouch for his wares. A large shipment of proprietary stamps from Washington to this city was made- July 23 and is expected to arrive any day. Th»re Is an ample supply of all other stamps on hand at the internal revenue pfrtce. The 2-cent postage stanrps with J. R. on them are discontinued. RECEIVES THE WATCH Motorneer Mclnerny Handed The Herald Prize Timepiece Yesterday afternoon Con Mclnerny, the motorman of the Santa Monica line who so overwhelmingly defeated all opponents in the recent contest between the conductors and motormen of the electric car systems of the city, called at The Herald offic». where, from the hands of Mr. Spalding, president and manager of The Herald Pub lishing company, the beautiful souvenir watch was handed him, inscribed as fol lows: "Condnctor-Motorman Contest. Daily Herald souvenir to Con Mclnerny, Santa Monica line. Majority, 107,178. Los An geles, Cal., July 30, 1898." In receiving the prize, the recipient de sires to express his heartfelt thanks to th» many friends who so strongly aided him ir, his efforts to become Ihe owner of the prize. Marriage Licenses Alva E. Ice, aged .'lO, a native of Vir ginia, to Lou Paulsell, aged 28, a native of California, both residents of Downey. Ernest Greenlaw, aged 25. a native of Cal ifornia, to Mattie Beanb'ossom, aged 21. a native of Kansas, both residents of Covina. George Farnum, aged 38, to Concep ion Roderiguez, aged 21, both natives of California and residents of Los Angeles. Emmet S. Peak, aged 23, a native of lowa, to Mary Dudley Green, aged I£, a native of California, both residents of the Soldiers' Home. Ernest A. Beard, aged 19, a native of Ohio, to Ada Vosburg, aged 19, a native of California, both residents of I.os Anseles. Charged With Burglary The charge of petty larceny against J. Johtoson, the mulatto, was changed to burglary yesterday, and he was arraigned before Justice Owens. Johnson Is accused of entering the Villa saloon of F. C. Shorn on the Mission road and stealing $43 from the cash till. Short caught Johnson on First street near Main making some ex tensive purchases In clothes, and turned him over to Officer Fowler. Johnson's ex amination was set for today. A Nasty Fellow W. H. Hartford, alias W. H. Long-, re ceived a heavy sentence for drunkenness yesterday: irouuJastlce' Owens. The esse. clearance of Everything Under Our Roof % . i Inventory is just completed. It discloses three facts: \ 3 First —that during the tirst six months of this year The Greater People's Store sold more goods than during any previous six months. Ir v Second —That there is now on hand a larger stock than was ever before inventoried. w Third— That the Pre-Inventory Sale disposed of nearly all broken assortments and remnant lines. tf £ Fvery month the sales have increased over the corresponding month of last year. August will be no exception. Last August we closed out * }i the Campbell Millinery stock, the City of Paris General stock, the Jordan Millinery stock, and conducted the "Greatest Sale Ever Held." t\y \ This year we have no insolvent stocks to sell, only our own superabundance. It must go. We must make an increase over last year. We JC w must sell as low or lower than during last August. We must dispose of every bit of Summer Merchandise. We have passed through six months lX IS of tremendous buying and tremendous selling. Vf Now Come Twenty-Five Business Days of Tremendous Bargains \j w This immense stock must be hustled out of the way. Only one way to do it—reduce prices. Cost makes no difference now. The knife C X has done its work; the broom comes next. W ik-4> Women's Undermuslins Wash Goods Hen's Suits -QL \ \% W Suits W. purchased the entire ..„. of s,m- O- c pretty JgT JC L V Liiiif' Fly Front and pies of New \nrk s finest nndermuslln f , nm the. French goods, worth c \U UU /ffWD\ +4 \l HIPpS Double Breasted Jack- maker for half price. They have been 10c a yard; reduction *Vs %/ S /j WlfjfcJ \ yA //CI et Crash Suits. > ither shown, but are not soiled or mussed. price LA Uff \ l rm \ \4 // Ai plain or with fancy The llnest nainsooks, lawns. long-cloths One lot of Black Ground French Lap- «rvery summer Suit \\U 4j \/ II </S stupes, our SX.iO and . . , ' , . , . ~. pets, the balance of our 16c and 20c m the store. Light and \ JpCjj —I I Yrt. 1/ VWISA H--0 Suits; Mt TB and ra "ihncs. elegantly trimmed. All grailPS; we have just put them Qi (lark color . ~h ei, k , V/1\ 7 / S kw A Reduction JsZ./!) kinds of garments, but no two alike. all In one lot for the reduction OjC Z. , ■ "' cnoc *»i U \\ LJ f~ £ / X P«ce V aowng> sklrtSi chelnlsell( arawer , and sale at U3V broken checks, mix- \\® f I M\ White Duck and Pique corset covers One lot of Oxford Duck Suitings, looks tures and cheviots. I I I M. mil I \\ Suits, maile fly front ' a good deal like corded pique, fancy Take your pick from ill V Tl I \W anil double breasted 35c garments go for 19?. plaids and checks, all new color- s\ , h . <~".,-„ »,- Pl , \ | *V "\ I I *\\ Jacket styles, large .-.Or- garments go for 2.1 c. mga, regular 12Vic grade; reduc- O4C ,„ 1 l»Z;>,< i\r !,\» I H I km* \ I ly \\ pearl buttons; our 15.00 fl.Off garments go for BOe. tion price wv 'IV: 1 mn « 1 fC / / 1 \ suits; <»-» if" tS.OO garments go for $1.00. ninety-nine. Eyery X < CJ-' Reduction .0,1.4,1 6.00 garments go for i 1.50. Hosier V ? " 1 "well tailored II w » |% __S— r price t""™ $5.00 garments go for $8.00. lIUSICI ¥ and a late style. No Jill lfer- 51 7 s $7.00 garments go for $4.00. Ladies' Fast Black Hosiery, with dou- reserve. Every col- ■*£*\lmt3&< mmj -ole heels and toes, good 12'« c Q| ored suit goes for $9.99 Hp— 3 Wntnon'c Wnictc Drawers of fine muslin, made umbrella grade; reduction ft *C X « WOmen S Wdisis ityle w Ith 6-inch cambric ruffle, |f- price WJV c„_„ Vm* Shirt Waists of Persian Lawns, Per- "*j ce alUe,,i *«OMCttOt> Ladles' Fast Black Hosiery with dou- VeStS 7 Yt cales, Lappets, Zephyrs, etc.: »n_ hlf ' s,l|f ' s lind toe ? B J5. d h ' 191 n Men's Fancy Duck nnd'Crash Vests W A kinds we have sold for 50c. 75c. IVC Drawers of line cambric, cut very wide, spliced heels; regular Soc grade: which were marked $1.25 to 12, m m J and $1.00; Reduction price trimmed with linen lace and In- in reduction price nobby styles and good material; / -SC »H j sertion, 75c values; Reduction 4f>C Ladies' Real Maco Hosiery, fast black, reduction price ■ ' Ji Silk Shirt Waists ln bias plalded and price double heels, soies and toes, a Ag< 'I flnen k AO fmbrella Skirt of fine muslin, deep 12- good 25c grade; reduction |§C Men's Sweaters \% \l\ our $4.30 and $6.00 Waists; lards wide! 75c due- 25C B ?>u S * f"'! W Fa9 \ Bl ," ck Stockings. Heavy All-wool Sweaters In blue, black . / WC Reduction price v tlon price ":..?.. AUW with double knees, heela and ol and cardinal, high collars, extra jft W . ~ toes, 12Hc grades; reduction Q 3 C good, $1.00 quality; reduction 4ISC W Umbrella Skirts of fine muslin, double- price price W* J-^ Handkerchiefs k »e e flounce, trimmed with_flne Misses' French Rlbh-d Hose, fast black \. /I embroidery, $1.00 values; Reduc- /OC with white soles, best quality, tr „ * 4. a/I «• 1/ T Ladles' and Children's Colored /%1 "on price made for good, hard wear, 25c IqQ Art MUSIIn fLf Border Handkerchiefs that sell £ 2 C Skirts of fine cambric, double-knee grade; reduction price 1000 yards In this lot, plaid effects, in all / |T for ici Reduction sale flounce of fine lawn, trimmed with lace Milllnprv colors, suitable for cushions, sash cur- \t Ladles' White Lawn Embroidered 9 inches deep.also dust ruffle. A| *ym, ITlllllllCiy tnins , lr , lp( . s . etCi regularise m 21 ' Handkerchiefs, with assorted Ql_ ".W values; Reduction odds and ends nf Ladles' Dress Shapes, kind; reduction Sr *. edges, good quality and sell for Q3C P rico Turhans. Short Back Sailors. Walking price v \§ 12V 2 c; Reduction price Gowns of good muslin, yoke of fine Hats, etc.: our 50c to Ssc \f\ IV Jtj> tucks and embroidery Insertion, iO— grades; Reduction Sale lUC Comirf Pnlp« ¥ r J p,., . good width and length, 75c val- 4oC priceWU ™ lW fOICS # KIDOOnS nes; Reduction price Our entire lines of Black Chip |A We have gathered all our odd poles and Wf 'L , c™.„ c nf itnp mn.iin mnde fancy round Hats, which sold for $1 to $1.50, lyC trimmings together and placed them In M f H and Vlnch Silk Ribbons, regular i Q "° f <}" 8 fln- to be closed out at *' V one lot. some are a little scratch- in v 60 values; Reduction Sale price joke Bnort Back Sailors in light and ed, but look Perfect when up, [\)q IT 1 and l'Hnch wide All Silk Rib- "V, $1.00 values; Reduction I !iC < llirk colors, our regular 75c L7%C up c; your cholce for IV JBr bons, worth 8 l-3c; Reduction price.. **•> price grade; Reduction price y V*. 2 and 2%-inch wide Al! Silk Ribbons, __. _ _ w- —y —m **\MV*> Straw iHatting *J f R ! d ~ saie 3c AUAMRURGER&kOJVS '---^ fi -^-" a A *j 3 and wide All Silk Ribbons, I»# MMUi f*A *\*W %mf M W %»W Mm*>M W^J mX g / c ln "' ' ,a ! Nt 1 ,! ~" ""' b °ffc'ht |>> I a 1 . 0 ".. 83 !? 6c I MM THE GREATER PEOPLES STORE KJiSi**ms 12 2 C was a very aggravated one. Hartford went into a store on North Los Angeles street and asked Mrs. Ida Wlnegart, who was acting as clerk, to show him some shoes. She turned to take a pair from a box, and wh»n she saw Hartford again h> was In the act of exposing his person. She screamed and ran away. Hartford then went outside and visited an old woman rear by and insulted her. Justice Owens fined him $r,O or fifty days. Flourished a Knife Nick Fabrlgot, a butcher, was arrested yesterday hy Deputy Constable Tom Qulnn, on a warrant charginghlm with disturbing the peace. A. M. Nielo claims tihat on July 29 he had occasion to visit th* shop of Fa brlgot to collect a bill, and- the butcher became Incensed and flourished a knife at him. The sight of the cold' steel so un nerved Nieto that he fled the place, and went to the district attorney's) office and swore to a complaint. A Very Bad Boy Ambrose Gonzales, an incorrigible boy, 14 years of age, was taken to the police station yesterrlay to be detained until his parents can take steps toward having him Incarcerated In the Whittler reform school. Gonzales persists ln running about town in the company of dissolute companions and has gotten beyond the control of his pa rents. They have decided to 'have him put out of temptation for a few years. Round Up the Crooks The police authorities are gathering ln all crooks and ordering them to leave tho city. A large number have been caught and shown to the patrol watches, who have been ordered to arrest any of the gang who are discovered In Los Angeles. It is thought that a large number of crooks and thieves of all sorts are here, and the de partment desires if possible to rid the city of such troublesome characters. Pure air, pure water and pure nutri tious food are the chiof essentials to health. Remember this, and keep a supply of Puritas in the house. Five gallons, 50 cents; ten gallons. 75 cents. Ice and Cold Storage company. Tel. 228. Notice From and after August 1, 189S, the price of lager beer to the trade in Los Angeles will be advanced to $9 per barrel net. Bot tled beer at all points will be advanced 50 cents per cask of six dozen quarts or ten dozen pints. Advance caused by war rev enue bill. ADLOFF & HAUERWAAS. MAIER & ZOBELETN BREWERY, LOS ANGELES BREWING CO. A Watch and a Cane The prizes this week ln The Herald's "spelling match" are a handsomely en graved hunting case silver watch and a gold-headed cane. See announcement else where ln this paper. Santa Fe Trains to Redondo Leave La Grande station daily at 9:55 a. m.. 1:30 P. m • 5:35 p. m.; Sundays at 8:30 a. m., 9:55 a. m., 1:30 p. ra., 7p. m.. Last train Sundays leaves Redondo 8 p. m. Downey avenue six minutes, earlier; Central av enue twelve minutes later. Purchase San l>lego Kxrur«fon Tickets Today at Santa Fe office, 300 Spring street. Avoid the rush at the station. Trains leave La Grande station at 8:46 a. m. and 2 p. m. Wanted —Stenographer See adverti«ement in "Wanted male and female help" department, this paper. Latest styles wall paper at A. A. Eck stronVs, m South Spring atntt. t NOTICE TO CITY COMMITTEEMEN Of the Democratic County Central Committee All members of the Democratic county central committee will please call on L. Hersog, secretary, Gardner & Zellner block, 218 South Broadway, during the day in or der to fill out election officers for each pre cinct for the primary elections, and oblige L. Herzog, secretary. JOTTINGS Lovers of good driving horses cannot miss It by buying one of our No. 3 Chester Columbus Buggy Co.'s driving wagons. They have the Bailey hangers, long-dis tance axles and quick-shifting shaft coup lings. Hawley, King & Co. Our Home Brew Maler & Zobeleln's lager, fresh from their brewery, on draught ln all the principal saloons; delivered promptly In bottles or kegs. Office and brewery, 440 Aliso street; telephone 91. We have taken the agency for the Colum bia bicycle. Our molto Is, "Get the Best." However, we have good wheels for 130. Hawley, King & Co.. Broadway and Fifth. DEATHS HARATY—In this city, August 2d, Mary E„ beloved daughter of John and Kate Har aty, aged 23 years. Funeral from the family residence, 835 South Flgueroa street, Thursday, August Ith, at 9 a. in. Member's Court Morris Vineyard 5.12. I. O. F., will,meet at the M. E. church, north west corner Bellevue and Centennial street, at 2 p. m., August 4, IRIIB. to attend the fu neral of our deceased brother, S. M. Young. You are urged ln the name of L, P.. and C. to give this your earnest consideration and attend. Attest: Charles Pletz, R. S.; J. Fer rls, C. R. @T White 128 N. Main St. Diseases and Weaknesses id 3 Genito lirinary 128 North Main A New-Book, 248P»ge«. Invaluable to lnv lids. Br the FOG & WINU MKKD CO. SO3 South Olive Street, Los Angeles. Cat Lr T. Koo Yea. Dlagnom and examination free. Allen's Press Clipping Bureau ffl West Second Street • • *>*••> Loi Angeles, Oal. Furnish advance reports on all contract work, such as sewers, reservoirs, Irrigation and pumping plants and public buildings. employs from all papers ln the I When WHI... 1 I The War Terminate ? | j§ ALL ARE INTERESTED IN THIS W # ... GREAT QUESTION Jj| j| We Arc a Nation of Yankees jl # And AH Yankees Can Guess W T" HE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY will give W fl $$.00 to the reader who will give the best guess W. on the following coupon. Cut out this coupon, A fill out the blank with the day, month and year on flto ijffo which you think the final treaty of peace will be w $k signed between the United States and Spain. Also w W answer the other questions in the coupon. The per- w # son who guesses the nearest to the correct date will W. « receive the reward. m X If two or more make the best guess the prize will m m be given to the one whose answer is received at The w m Herald office first. All answers will be numbered W 4j| as they come in. 51? =- — ■' ■■ — - to »j ]p I Close of the War I I Herald Guessing Coupon I fl hereby guess that the final treaty of peace between W the United States and Spain will be signed on the W day of 18 P What Spanish possessions should be taken by the | United States in the final settlement ? Answer: T j| What moneyed compensation should the United W *P States demand as a war indemnity fund ? Answer: W m Signed . w jjfk Street and No. W|? j*? 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