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2 ALL ALONG THE LINE POLITICAL PREPARATION IN VARIOUS STATES NEBRASKA fISIONISTS ONE DEMOCRAT, ONE REPUBLIC AN, THE REST POPULISTS INDIANA REPUBLICANS FORM Anti-Fusion Movement in Kansas. California County and District Conventions Associated Press Special Wire LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 3—The fusion forces of Nebraska today selected the fol lowing ticket after two hours' deliberation: Governor, Wm. A. Poynttr of Boone county; lieutenant governor, E. A. Gilbert Ct York! secretary of state, Wm. P. Por ter of Metric*; auditor, John F. Cornell of Richardson; treasurer, John B. Meserve of Red Willow; superintendent of public instruction. W. R. Jackson of Holt; land commissioner, Jacob V. Wolfe of Lancas ter; attorney general, C. J. Smyrhe of Douglass. All are Populists but the lieutenant gov ernor, who Is a free silver Republican, and the attorney general, who is a Democrat. Mr. Poynter may be regarded as a dark horse, though his name has been men tioned before the convention. The chief antagonism to his nomination came from the Democrats, who held out against him as a Populist of the radical stripe for a time, but finding that the Populists would not withdraw him and that he professed to be a life-long Democrat of Kentucky Dem ocratic parentage, they ilnally acquiesced. The Democrats sent the following tele gram to Col. W. J. Bryan, Jacksonville, Fla.: "The Democrats of Nebraska, In con vention assembled, Instruct me to send hearty greeting and pledge the united ef forts to make the gallant colonel of the Third the future commander-ln-chlef." The platform adopted by the Populists this morning doe* not differ greatly on the leading planks from that of the Democrats. Indiana Republicans INDIANAPOLIS, Sep. 3.—The Republic ans of Indiana completed the organization of their state convention late this after noon and adjourned till tomorrow, when nominations will be made. In taking the gavel as permanent chair man United States Senator Chas. W. Fair banks spoke at length o£ the prosperity throughout the country, attributing It to the Republican rule. The administration of President McKlnley he extolled and particularly praised the president's course at the outbreak of the war In calllngto 'he rank and places of leadership men of all parties, from all sections of the country. The senator added: "Those who had fought against him for the defense of the union were called on to lead, that they might vindicate their love for the republic, their devotion to the flag which they had once in their mistaken zeal sought to destroy." Speaking of Cuba, Senator Fairbanks said the administration had decided to free its people and to establish p* ace ln the is land, when a stable government shall have been established and the tranquillity of the Island absolutely assured, he said, the Cu ban people must be left to work out their destiny as an independent nation. Any territory which the United States may acquire will have to come to us, he ■aid, not as the object, but as an Incident of the war. Senator Fairbanks insisted' that the He publican party was commute.! to the maintenance ot the gold standard. The platform heartily lndorsos every act of the present national administration, praises the soldiers and sailors of the pres ent war and upon tho war question says: "While we sincerely deplore the neces sity of war, we believe the president and congress acted wisely tn demanding the complete withdrawal cf Spanish sov ereignty from the Island of Cuba and' ln proceeding to enforce the demand with the naval and military power of the govern ment." The subject of territorial -xpanslon Is not directly treated, but referred to as follows: "Having achieved Its manhood, the re public, under G-od. Is emtering upon its greatest period' of power, happiness and re sponsibility. Realizing the mighty future of wealth, prosperity and duty, which is even now upon us, we favor the extension of American trade, the reformation of con sular service accordingly, the encourage ment by all legitimate means of the Amer ican merchant marine, the creation of a navy as powerful as our commerce shall be extensive and for public defense and security and the establishment of coaling stations and naval rendezvouses wherever necessary. "Wo most heatlly approve tho wisdom of the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands as a wise measure and recommend the early construction of the Nicaragua canal under the immediate direction and exclu sive control of the United 1 States govern ment, Che importance and ncees-sity of the canal having been emphasized by recent events* connected with the present war with Spain." following Is the financial plank: "The Republicans of Indiana aro unre servedly for sound money and are therefore opposed to the heresy to which the> Demo cratic party is wedded—of the free and un limited coinage ot both gold and silver at the ratio of 16 to I—which we regard as absolutely certain to debase our money and destroy our private and public credit and cause general business disaster. "We recognize the necessity of compre hensive and enlightened monetary legis lation andl we believe that the declaration In the St. TjOuls national Republican plat form for the maintenance of the gold standard and the parity of all our forms of money should be given the vitality of public law and the money of the American people Should be made like all Its institutions— the best in the. world." Tb?e tariff plank Is as follows: "We reaffirm our belief ln the doctrine of reciprocity and protection to American la bor and home industries and condemn the Democratic doctrine ot tariff for revenue only as unsound and unsulted' to the best Interests of tho country's whose falsity has been demonstrated by our ex perience under the Wilson revenue bill, that plunged the country into commercial anil financial distress, from, which It Hi fast recovering since the change from the Democratic policy " Texas Democrats GALVESTON, Tex.. Aug. 3.—The Demo cratic state convention met today and adopted the report of the credentials com mittee and Installed permanent officers. The resolutions committee was not ready to re port and an adjournment was taken until > S:SO. There will be two reports, one fath ered by Senator Chilton, In favor of ex pansion, and the other by Congressman Bailey, against expansion and the Nicar agua n canal. In its other features the report of the 'ommlttee on platform reaffirms the plat form adopted at Chicago ln lsitfi, denounces the Dingley tariff, declares that the war must not obscure the money question, de nounces the war revenue bill for alleged inequalities of taxation, upholds the presi dent in his conduct of the war, favors a generous development of the American navy, demands the carrying out of the let ter and spirit of the resolutions under which the government intervened in Cuba, opposes any Increase ln the standing army, and ln conclusion declares for the nomination of Bryan In 1800, The majority resolutions favor the con struction and control of the Nlcaraguan canal, favor the acquisition of Porto Rico ,\nd all other possessions in the western hemisphere, oppose the annexation or continued retention of the Philippine islands or any territory upon the eastern hemisphere. The Bailey, or minority, resolution fol lows: We believe that a colonial policy Is con trary to the theory of this government and we are opposed to the acquisition of any territory inhabited by a people who are to oupable of self-government, because we hold the right of local self-government to be the basic principle of our republic. We are opposed also to the acquisition of any territory the government or control of which will necessitate any increase in the standing army of the United States. We reaffirm the declaration of Thomas Jefferson that all governments derive their just powers from the consent of the gov erned, and we are opposed to the establish ment of any government anywhere by the United States without the consent of the people governed. Final action on Bailey's resolution has not been taken. The Indications are that It will be defeated. Governor Culberson and ex-Governor Hogg opopsed Bailey's resolutions. Suisun Democrats SUISUN, Aug. 3.—The Democratic county central commltteemet today and chose Ral eigh Barcer of Vacavllle and Edward 51c- Gettlgnn as delegates at large to the county convention to be held at Vacavllle on Sep tember 10th. The other ten delegates will be chosen on the basis of two delegates to each supervisor district, excepting ln Val lejo, where primaries will be held. Anti-Fusion Kansans TOPEKA, Kan., Aug. 3.— Thirty anti-fu sion Democrats met ln convention here to decide upon the course to bo pursued in the coming state campaign. After a long dis cussion it was agreed that the chance of defeating the Populist ticket would be more promising if the anti-fusion Democrats kept their proposed third ticket out of the field. This action means that the antl fuslonlsts will support the Republican nom inees. NEVADA CITY, Aug. 3—At today's meeting of the Republican county central committee Nat P. Hrown defeated John F. Kidder as delegate at large to the state convention. The committee unanimously indorsed J. M. Walling for congress from the Second district. GALLANT JACKIE NEVIS Captures a Boatload of Spaniards Near Siguena Bay Sails in Under a Spanish Flag and Captures Two Boats' Crews—Refuses Aid and Puts His Men Aboard the Bancroft KEY WEST, Fla., Aug. 3.—9:30 p. m.—Another jackie has achiev ed the reputation of a hero. He is Boatswain's Mate Nevis of the gun boat Bancroft. One day, late last week, the Bancroft, which had been on the blockading station around th; Isle of Pines, sighted a small Span ish schooner in Siguena bay. Trie Bancroft's steam launch, in charge of Nevis and one other seaman, each armed with a rifle, was sent on to take the schooner. This was only a task of minutes, and the pretty launch re turned with her prize, which proved to be the schooner Nito, little more than a smack, and with no cargo. Her captain was an American, and with him were his Cuban wife and seven children, all vowing loyalty to the Cuban cause. They pleaded poverty, and that the Nito was their only means of livelihood. Commander Clover of the Bancroft promised to return her at the proper time. Meanwhile he sent Nevis in with her to anchor near the wreck of the Spanish transatlantic liner Santo Domingo, sunk a few weeks ago by the Eagle. Then the Bancroft and Eagle cruised off to Maugle point. Two hours later they returned. Nothing could be seen of the launch or the prize. Suddenly Commander Clover, who was scanning the water with his glass, shouted to Capt. Sutherland of the Eagle: "By heavens, they have recaptured my prize!" The little schooner lay near the wrecked steamer, but the Spanish flag was flying from her masthead, and instead of only Nevis and his com panion she was apparently filled with men. Meanwhile the gunboat Maple had drawn up, and Commander Clover ordered her in to the work of rescue. With guns ready she steamed towards the schooner, but the sight that greeted the Maple's crew was not what was expected. N«vis and his companion sat at one end of the boat, attempt ing to navigate her out of the harbor. Each had his rifle across his knee, and was keeping a wary eye on a party of half a dozen cowering Spaniards huddled in the other end of the boat. The Maple asked for information, and offered Nevis a tow, but he replied with a joke, and declined the proffered assistance. Then it de veloped that, in going in to anchor, he had observed two other small Spanish boats near the wreck of the Santo Domingo, and resolved to capture them also. He knew it was hazardous work, but bluff carried him through. He took the Spanish colors of the schooner, ran them up and boldly sailed in. There were six men on the other two boats, and they watched the approach of their supopsed compatriots with calmness that speedily changed to consternation when Nevis and the other jackie suddenly ■lipped their rifles to their shoulders and demanded an immediate surren der. The scared Spanish seamen lost no time in complying, and had the unique experience of surrendering to their own flag. Then, scorning all aid, Nevis took them out to his ship, and in the most matter of fact manner reported his adventure to his astonished com mander. LOS ANGELES HERALD t THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 4, 1898 HAVANANS ARE HUNGRY MONEY TO BURN BUT NOTHING ro EAT WINE PLENTY BUT NO BREAD Awful Condition of the Reconcentra dos—Spanish Soldiers Treat Them Inhumanly—Spanish Reports Associated Press Special Wire NEW YORK, Aug. 3.—Accounts of the conditions of affairs in Havana, Matnnzus and Cardenas have been given by passen gers of the steamer Fridtjc/f NanstM, which arrived from Saguu. She brought twenty nine refugees, most of whom were Span iards, who had made all sorts of sacrifices to escape from the island In anticipation of its being controlled by the insurgents. Many of them were well supplied with funds, having turned all their available property into cash. They paid $i">o for pas sage. Almost all those aboard being Spanish sympathisers, a meeting was held ln the saloon while the ship was off Barnegat, N. J., at which a majority pledged them selves to refuse to give any information to Americans regarding the condition of things in Cuba. A few. however, con sented to talk, but were unwilling to per mit their names to be used. One woman, who had reached Sngua by rail from Havana, said that the condition of affairs in the capital was deplorable and was dally growing worse. "There Is plenty of money," she snld. "hut of what use Is it when It will hardly purchase anything? "It is impossible to get beef at any price, and even horse flesh costs $1 a pound. Bread costs 28 cents a pound, and it Is very bad at that. Eggs, which are brought ln from the country in small quantities, cost 35 cents each. The supply of condensed milk Is practically exhausted, and the lit tle left is sold at $2 for a can such as j-ou buy here, for 10 cents. On the average ten to twelve persons are found dead of star vation in the streets every day, and this takes no account of the scores who da.lly died of hunger ln the houses. No words can describe the horrors of Los Foscos, at the foot of the prado, where the reconcen trados are herded together. I was told that there were no less than 4000 of these miserable people ln the place when I came away, and they ore dying by hundreds, for, of course, everything Is being done for their relief,-even tho government litis not enough food for its own soldiers. More than this the officials bent and abuse them shamefully. "A few gas lights still burn In the streets, but the electric lights are only lighted on Thursday nights, when there Is music in the Parquet Centrale. What a ghastly mockery those band concerts are, with so many people starving to death within the sound of the music. All the theaters arc closed and their lobbies are nightly crowded with the homeless poor. Wine Is the only thing in the city that is plentiful and cheap, so that even the poor can get a little at times. "Almost all the stores ln Weyler and Orolly streets are closed, as are the prin cipal hotels. Tbe stock of coal Is almost completely exhausted, and for a few days the local trains that run to Vedado, past the Santa Clara battery, were stopped for want of fuel. They are now burning wood, but oven that will soon begone." Juan Zarraga Sarte said: "I do not know anything of the conditions ln Ha vana, but I dp know that there Is much misery at Cardenas and Matanxas. Things, however, might be worse, considering the stringency of the blockade. Much starva tion has been avoided by the foresight of the merchants who, ln anticipation of the outbreak of the war, laid In large stores of provision*, Of course, they have sold at high pries, and I heard of one man who made $100,000 In a Speculation In Hour In Sagua. All the stores which have provi sions are kept under constant guard by soldiers to prevent the starving people from looting them. Everyone Is tired of the war, and on all hands one hears pray ers that peace will soon come." The Xansen brought up a cargo of sugar, which she discharged at "Williamsburg. Site also brought litis bales of tobacco and ;122 crises of cigars. This was the first cargo of sugar reaching the United States since the surrender of Santiago. Spanish Reports HAVANA. Aug. 3.—The German cruiser Geier has arrived here from Vera Cruz, Mexico. She had on board a prominent German, Herr Gustavo Hock, who is well known here ln business and other circles. As the Geler passed Cabanas fortress she played a German march. The French cruiser D'Est.ilng is ex pected a; Sagun. A French steamer, the Manoubla. was captured last Saturday afternoon off Isa bella and was taken to Key West. A Spanish report says that at noon Sat urday last an Amertcnn warship fired on tho Tunta Maya Matanzas battery, after the battery had opened nro on the war ship, which Is said to have withdrawn for a time and to have returned with another ship. The two vessels, it appears, fired eight shots at the battery, which were an swered by twenty shots from the shore guns, whereupon the ships are alleged to have withdrawn. It is said that only one Spanish artilleryman was wounded. During the evening of Saturday last only one ship was In sight from Matanzas. It Is announced from the palace that on Sun day morning last the platoon of Presclso. province of Matanzas, was attacke-d by a force of infantry and cavalry under tho American flag. It Is added that a squad ron of Spanish cavalry from the plantation of Dos Rosas "assisted ln routing the Americans," who are said to have left ten men killed on the field. The Spaniards, according to the report, had two men badly wounded. In the provinces of Havana and Matan zas recently there have been several skir mishes between Spanish forces and bands of Insurgents. An insurgent force, under the lender ship of Camejo, opened tiro on Thursday last on San Nicholas, but was seemingly re pulsed by Ihe garrison after a short period of firing. The insurgents are also an nounced to have attacked Gamarasa, de fended by a fort, In the province of Santa Clara, for the purpose of capturing cattle which were pasturing there. The Span ish version of the affair soys the Insur gents were driven off after an exchange of shots which lasled ten minutes. The free kitchens here have distributed about 17,000 rations during the last two days. It Is estimated that about 13,000 per sons are being fed dally from charitable sources. The municipality contributed $4000 monthly to the charitable funds. From todtiy on, about 10.000 rations will be distributed dally. The Union Constltu clonal, in an editorial yesterday, said that the Spanish temperament, additionally excited by the tropical heat, soars in a mo ment to the highest pitch of enthusiasm or sinks to the most exaggerated point of de pression. In explanation, the paper re marked that the shout of every one helps to demoralize the army here as much as the cry that everything Is lost. Continuing, the Union Constitutional advises the peo ple not to give way before tho alarming statements of pessimists, and says: "If the United States sincerely wishes this country to be prosperous and to en- Joy peace, it will find In Spanish sovereign ty the most satisfactory elements t6 bring , such a state of affairs about." In a second editorial the Union Constitu eional calls upon the people to resist to the utmost, saying that even tf Spain Is routed here, it will be "only an accident, as well as a misfortune." The paper then says: "Even If Spain ts smashed here on the Inland of Cuba, and Its habitations are deserted, owing to the trea son of some of the Cubans and the Immense power of the great republic, which wants to appear humane, hut which Is a hundred times more Inhuman and cruel than it IS extensive In territory, they will never be able to reduce Spain to impotence and ap pear less barbarous among nations." THOUSANDS STAMPEDE Copper River Gold Hunters Flee From Starvation VICTORIA. R. C. Aug. S.— Word came from the north yesterday of a desperate stampede from the Copper River country to the coast, the statement being made that 3000 men are making their way over the Valdes glacier and that many of them are doomed to starvation unless the United States government sends relief promptly. Advices received from Dawson state that the dissatisfaction with the administration of minfng regulations is growing very wide spread. 1 | TO PORTO RICO General Grant's Brigade Embarked for the Front NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Aug. 3.—The first detachment of the Third brigade, First army corps, In command of Briga dier General Fred D. Grant, embarked late tonight on the transport Hudson for Porto Rico, and at 5 oclock In the morning the Hudson will steam out of Hampton Roads. Unionist Doughty LONDON. Aug. St.—Mr. George Doughty, formerly liberal member of Parliament for Grimsby, who .applied for the Chlltern Hundreds recently on account of a change of opinion on the Liberal policy, especially on the Irish home-rule question, was re elected by his old constituents today as a Unionist. Mr. Doughty received 4040 votes, against 3189 cast for Mr. J. Wlntrlngham. Liberal. France and Reciprocity PARTS. Aug. 3—The Tpmps this after noon says the United States has notified the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, M. Del Gasse, that Bhe desires to enlarge the reciprocity treaty by Including new products. France, the paper adds, has ac cepted the suggestion and the negotiations jon the subject Will be opened. Fire at Sacramento SACRAMENTO, Aug. 3.—A fine residence belonging to James T. Leary and a cottage belonging to Mrs. Mary Joseph were en tirely destroyed by fire this evening. The loss will be about $6000, partly Insured. Vessels for St. Michaels VANCOUVER, B. C Aug. 3.—Tho steam er Garonne sailed for St. MlehaeLlast night with three stern-wheel steamers and a barge In tow. ABOUT RUSSIA'S FUTURE SIBERIA AND CENTRAL ASIA'S DEVELOPMENT A Consensus of the Reports of United States Consuls Shows Wonderful Possibilities for Empire NEW YORK, Aug. 3.—A spiolal to the Tribune from Washington says: To the United States the growth and de velopment of the empire of Russia are al ways Interesting, and therefore some re cent repofti by American Consuls will be of value. Two of the reports consist entirely cf translations. Consul-General Holloway, writing from St. Petersburg) transmits a long extract from the Russian newspaper, the Novoe Vremya. It alludes to the frequent failure of the cereal crops In the same localities in Russia, ;tnd explains it on the theory that the soil Is Impoverished. It states that ths famine of 1891, as well its the present one, was caused by Impoverishment, in the Central Chervoslen region all. the forests have been cut down. Changes in the tariff on grain and the low price of cereals, owing to the conditions of the International rnur ket, are referred to as destroying the. ag riculture of that region. The whole twelve governments in Russia and parts of oth ers are reported famine-stricken. The substance of the Russian civil engi neer's recent lecture on the scarcity of grain and measures to avoid distress is stated by Consul Smith from Moscow. He suggested the prohibition, as ln 1891, of the export of grain, hay and straw and the extension by the government of pecuniary old to the distressed districts. Consul-General Holloway cites the steps taken by the agricultural associations to Influence the Introduction of agricultural implements. The government has granted the requests and a portion of the new regu lations have gone Into effect. The rest will do so In September. These matters are properly supplemented, though not formally Inserted as a supple ment by a translation from the Journal Dcs Debats of Paris, sent by Consul Morris of Ghent. It Is a long and interesting arti cle, friendly to Russia and somewhat spec ulative in character. However, it is worth restatement ln a few sentences. Without any Important changes on the frontiers, the Inhabitants, In 1837, numbered 67,000.000; in 18f.!>, 74,000,000; In ISSS, 108,000,000; In 1897, 000,000. The Russian people have more than sextupled since Chappe predicted lis ap proaching end. There is no reason to be lieve this progress will slacken. The nineteenth century has seen the col onization of Southern Russia, the twenti eth will see that of Central Asia anil Si beria. Put the curious thins in this arti cle Is the fact stated that while the popu lation of Central and old Russia Is growing LfP per cent, the other regions are increas ing at the rate of 40 to CO per cent); It: Is held that all this does not mean that tho great Russian race is ln decay. Its popula tion is gradually getting into new regions conquered during the past centuries. The center of gravity is moving toward the south and east. It is arguedi that It does not mean that a general distribution will fol low. It probably means the return of the government to Moscow and later, when Si beria shall be in turn may be necess-nry to remove the capital to th* east, toward the legendary centers of Tamerlane and Ghengls-Khang, whose heritage Rus sia is now reaching. The notices of facts, and the more or less speculative Inferences therefrom, do not seem to show that any famine whatever or any possible crowding of the vast tracts of Russia will avail with in tho limits of a conceivable future to stay the progress of the nation. The connection between the two sets of reports shown above Is temporary and local. For a short time in certain districts great distress hap pens, but the government by timely atten tion may even then avert a calamity. It seems that the Russian Ministry have tak en som» nf these steps. PRINCESS OF WALES She Threatens to Make Things Lively for the Prince LONDON, Aug. 3.—There appears to be some mystery in connection with the de parture of the Princess of Wales for Copen hagen. It Is seml-ofllclally re-afllrmed that her leaving England is due to the illness cf her mother, the Queen of Denmark, hut two denials of Her Majesty's illness have been received from Copenhagen, and ru mors are current that the Princess hus had another disagreement with the Prince of Wales, similar to the quarrel which took the Princess abroad for some months in 189.3. She then threatened to summon a council to meet at Copenhagen and to expose the whole domestic situation. Some support is lent to the rumor of the Queen of Denmark's sickness by a tele gram from Athens this afternoon, saying that her son, the King of Greece, leaves there ut six o'clock this evening for Copen hagen ln order to see his sick mother. The Queen Better COPENHAGEN, Aug. 3.—The reports of the indisposition of Queen Louise of Den mark, mother of the Princess of Wales, are not true. The visit of the Princess of Wales, who started for Copenhagen today, Is perhaps made earlier than expected, but a family reunion had been arranged for August 10th. The Queen drove out this afternoon. . 1 .... CAMARA'S HANDICAP None of His Ships Were in Condition to Fight NEW YORK, Aug. 3.—A dispatch to the Tribune from Gibraltar says: The following advices have been received from the Trib une correspondent at Cadiz: It Is now an open secret that not a single fighting ship of Admiral Camara's squadron is In fit condition to go into action. Tho Pelayo's boilers have given out, the firing gear and turrets of the Carlos V are un manageable, the Audaz is completely use! up by the recent excursion to the Suez and the armaments of the auxiliary cruisers are lamentably defective. In case of any hitch in the peace nego tiations, the Pelayo and Carlos V would under no circumstances undertake an en gagement here or In the open sea, but would take refuge behind the formidable forts of Cartagena. The auxiliary cruiser Alfonso XIII and the Pielago have sailed from Cadiz tor the Canaries. Admiral Camara with his flagship, the Pelayo. Carlos V, the Rapldo, the Patrlota, I the Audaz, the Geraldo and the Buenos Ayres still remain here. The garrison at Cadiz now consists of about 26,000 men. On Friday and Saturday additional torpedo defenses and mines were laid In the entrance to Cadiz harbor. The light houses remain extinguished. Three guns ot twenty-four centimetre calibre have AMUSEMENTS ( ar mm \ fK Los Angeles' Society Vaudeville Theater Voniyht - Voniyht v WWW« the PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN OP MIRTH. I.ORENZ AND ALLEN, eccentric comedians. The Society KntertaineM SIDNEY GRANT AMD MISS NORTON. NAT M URliillASl vocalist MR. AND MRS. KD OOOLMAN, Novel Musical "penalty BERT COO St AN Dj" LI A lUNG4LEY. MRS. ALICE J. SHAW AND DA UGHTBRa. EDWIN R. LANK. THB BIOGRAPH; Roojevclfs Rough Riders. PRICKS NEVER CHANGlNG—Evenings, reserved seats, 25c and 50c: gallery, 10c. Regular matinees Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, 25c to any part of the house; gallery, 10c; children, 10c any seat. The Waiter Orpheum Co. Baa much pleasure In auaouuotni the engagement for a brief season, commencing Monday, Auguit Bth, of that well-known Comedian, GEO HART, lato Hallen nnd Hart. . Tl.««*«« JOHN C. FISHER, Manager. Durbank Theater tel. thi S l^ek ndcv " yn,BM Vho flacon Company and Sooryo IP. Webster In the_Stupendous gk m . ■ j t O-i Scenic Production Under I*l6 J f Old?* OtCIV PRICES—IB(I, 25c, S.-.C and 50n. MATINEE SATURDAY-PRICES. lOe and 280 Round Trip 5Q Cents I^h^T^ . . . CHOICE OF THREE BEACHES ... n , ffk ,m, /» TRAINS LEAVE ARCADE Ooutnern Iracirtc Company depot for BANTA MONICA. Dally,9:ooa. m., 1:855:15 p. m. Sundays, S:00, 8:50. 9:00, 10:08, 11:00 a. m„ 12:00 li,, 1:00,1:88, 2:00, 5:15, 6:80,7:15, 7:45 p. m. "PLYING DUTCHMAN" train is 8:50 a. in.; 23 minutes to Santa Monica. No stops. SAN PEDRO AND LONG REACH. Daily, 0:00 a. m., 1:40 p. m., 5:03 p. m. Sun days Long Beach, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 a. m., 1:10. 5:03 p. m„ 's\N PEDRO, 8:00, 9:00,11:00 a. m., 1:40, 8:08, 11:18 p. m. Reach trains leave earllej than the above time from the following centrally located stations: River Station, 12 mln., Naud Junction, 9 mln.. Commercial St., 7 mln., First *"Pree Band Concerts on Esplanade at Santa Monica 2:00 p. m. every Saturday and Sunday, by Celebrated Los Angeles Military Rand. Special Attractions every Sunday. CAMERA OBSCURA on beach. Get Jokes on friends. Live Alligator and Mountain Lion. Last Sunday train leaves Santa Monica Canyon 9:40 p. m., Santa Monica 10:00 p. m. f ° r L;i's 5 t Sunday train leaves San Pedro and Long Reach 9:45 p. m. for Los Angeles. CATALINA' ISLAND—Direct connection; no wait. Sunday?, 9:00 a. m.; Satur days n-oi) n m I:4ti p. m., 5:03 p. M.i Other days. 9:00 a. m., 1:40 p.m. Good Pishing at I'orl Los Angeles and San Pedro. Take early trains. LOS ANGELES TICKET OFFICE, 229 SOUTH SPRING STREET, §an Diego and Coronado Beach— Excursion Stugust sth 6th 0 0. 00 Sor tho S?ound Urip ~ , 1/0 ftmJ TICKETS GOOD RETURNING WITHIN 30 DAYS Proportionately low rates from all points on tho Southern California Railway. Excursion to tSnsenada, 7/fexico In connection with above. 85.00 for the roand trip from San Diego, tickets good returning until August 2»th Only nine h ours at sea to visit Mexico. F.xcursiou to Coronado Island August loth Irom San Diego. Steamer Santa Rosa. Round trip 50 cents. Santa &a Jioitte Office, 200 Spring Stroot Terminal Railway Attractions Saturday and Sunday Germinal Sstand Sunday 50c ROUND TRIP ! 90-foot high dive by Prof. Kahn, the world-famed swim- mer. Grand concert by Southern Marine Band all day. mm jt ' Amateur row boat race; first prize, elegant new row boat Go Catalina G 2 «urs-or <£onf fioach Saturday Sunday — returning \. Band concert in the atternoon. Methodist camp meeting; Sunday or Monday. special song services Sunday. Trains leave 8:88 a. ni. \ Tra j n s leave 8:35 a. m., *i 0:35 a. m., 1:55 p. m., 5:40 p. m.; re ce'p, eurnla"; saturdaY turning leave beaches at 4:15 p.m., 6:40 p.m., '9:45 p.m. S&,'utr«a <* S " nda y train * Cl-I QFKIgE ET 230 S. Spriny St. Santa Catalina Island Three and a half hours from Los Angeles. Sroat Attractions for f a fa-rf a y an£f > SutldttJ/ August 6th and 7th Carl 7/fartens' Opera Company, with &ult Chorus Vhe Celebrated Hand - - "Che Crupiion of Sugar jCoaf Z7he Camera Obscura - TJho Ifyarine Sardons Three boats Saturday. GRAND EXCURSION SUNDAY, allowing six hours on the island, returning same day. Fare, round trip, going Saturday or Sunday, returning same Sunday or following Monday, J2.50. tel. Main 36 BANNING COMPANY. 222 S. Spring St. Santa Catalina Island fam our c^ arAto ammef Our Splendid Orchestra and Other Sroat Attractions THE HOTEL METROPOLE and ISLAND VILLA are open and offer big Inducements for the summer season. SPLENDID STEAMER SERVICE from San Pedro; three boats Saturdays. GRAND EXCURSION SUNDAYS, allowing 6 hours on the Island, returning same day: two boats other days. See railroad time tables: (or lull information, Illustrated pamphlets and rates, apply to BANNING COMPANY, 222 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. Tel. Main 36. There Is Fun at Santa Monica GRAND SWIMMING RACE SUNDAY, AUG. 7. ANNUAL TENNIS TOURNAMENT AUG. 15. CAMERA OBSCURA ON BEACH. FREE CONCERTS by Celebrated Lot Angeles Military Band every Saturday and Sunday. HUCkleberrieS — deceived &resh Coory 'Jtforniny. I °all TRY OUR SWEET GREEN CORN, flnost grow n I NIGHT Tel. Main 395. Althouse 3-ruit Co., 2/3-2/5 2lf. Second St. _~..„..-„ r*„*»l„», E a , m TWELFTH AND GRAND AVH.NUU tt/ilshire Ostricn rarm — breeding birds, eggs, chicks. n 1 he only Ostrich Farm where feathers are manufactured. been placed In position at San Felipe, but their supply of ammunition is limited. HELPED HIMSELF The Successful Robbery of a Bank at Sednlia SEDAUA, Mo., Aug. 3.—The Rank of Commerce was the victim of a sneak thief at the noon hour Monday, and ft is almost certain a rich Ixiul was made, although President John J. Yeater and Cashier Adam Ittel refused to divulge the amount of the loss. While either Yeater or Ittel was at the cashier's window the thief made his way through a side door Into the directors' room, ln the rear of the bank proper, and then stepped Inside of the railing from where he took only a couple of steps into the vault, where he helped himself. Sagasta Hectored PARTS, Aug. 3—A Temps, .Madrid, spec ial says the newspapers are attacking Premier Sagasta and his colleagues, Ihe correspondent of the Temps continues. They assert that the Premier opened nego tiations yesterday with Senor Pldell, Presi dent of the Spanish Chamber of Deputies, with the view of returning the conserva tives to power as soon as peace Is arranged', believing that the conservatives are mort competent to re-organize the country. Sonor Sagasta's partisans deny this. Viceroy Curzon LONDON, Aug. 3.—Tt is reported that Mr. George N. f'urzon, the Parliamentary Sec retary of the -Foreign Office, has accepted the office of Viceroy of India in succession to the Far! of Elgin. Mr. Cnrzon married Miss Mary Loiter, the daughter of Mr. L. 'A. Letter of Chicago. Percival's Tramp SPRINGFIELD, Mass., Aug. 3.—Henry Perclval, an Englishman who left Boston August 1 to walk to Salt Lake City within ninety days, on a wager, passed through this city last night. He covered the dis tance from Worcester since 8 o'clock yes terday morning. Plucky Schoolma'am xiuuaj utuuuiuin niu I WICHITA, Kan., Aug. 3.—At Anadarka, Oklahoma, a negro named Barrett was killed while trying to enter the room of Miss Phoebe Stokes, a school teacher. Miss Stokes heard him opening a window and fired six shots Into his body, killing him instantly.) BAD OUTLOOK Shaffer's Report of Sickness During August WASHINGTON, Aug. 3.—General Shat ter has sent the following sanitary report for August 1: Total sick, 4,23 d; total fever cases, 3.17P; new cases of fever, 659; cases of fever re turned to duty, 079; deaths on August 1, 13. Steamer Passengers SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 3.—The steamer romona sailed today with the following passengers: For Port Los Angeles—E. P. Clark, wife, son and three daughters, L. C. MeKerby, R. C. Felge, C. E. Dryd-en, E. R. Smith and wife, Miss A. L. Stephens, Miss B, For rester; Miss Okew, Miss Rrlen, T. W. Garn ner, Rev. B. M. Rarford, T. A. Templeton, W. Parker. For Santa Barbara—Mrs. C. M. Sturgls, E. Lennon, C. A. Jossa, Miss M. Lennon, Miss L. Magrath, E. Hartley and wife, W. A. Sheldon. B. Magee, Mrs. A. F. Sex ton, Miss C. Engelhardt, Mrs. Judd, Dr. E. A. Clay, J. C. Hall. For Redondo—Miss V. Morse, Miss Por ter, J. K. Lnw and wife, C. C. Seymore, Mrs. J. J. Osborne, Mrs. W. W. Carter, Mr. Adams, Miss Hayes, Miss A. Bayton, Mrs. Giles, S. Jones, B, Asher, J. Bennet. Illinoisans to the Front WASHINGTON, Aug. 3.—The Fifth Illi nois Regiment of Infantry, commanded by Colonel Culver, according to an order Just issued, will be sent to Porto Rico. The Fifth was a member of General Grant's Brigade, and last week was directed to hold itself In readiness to reinforce General Miles, but had to give way to the One Hun dred and Sixtieth Indiana. General Grant's Brigade Is still at Newport News awaiting transportation, and it will be Increased by the addition of the Fifth Illinois, making four regiments in all. Ordered to Montauk WASHINGTON. Aug. 3.—A1l the troops of cavalry with Shafter's army, and t»« eight companies of Roosevelt's Roujh ■Riders have been ordered to proceed to Montauk Point, L. 1., for encampment. General Shafter has been directed to vie nil the transport facilities he can com mand and to transport the troops north as rapidly as possible. The regular cavalry with Shafter comprises eight companies each of the First,. Third, Sixth Nlntt and Tenth, all dismounted, and four mointed. troops of the Second.