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4 THE FUNERAL OF BISMARCK Hatred of the Kaiser Shown Even in Death OFFICIAL SERVICES A MERE MOCKERY NONE OF THE DEAD DIPLOMAT'S FAMILY WERE IN ATTENDANCE A Display of Troops and Diplomats—The Church Not Even Properly Decorated—Cheers for Emperor and Empress—Few Tears for the Dead BERLIN, Aug. 4.—Today's ceremony wa= t brilliant and impressive, as regards court > display, but quite disappointing in other respects. It bore Iracel of haste and half heartedness. The church was inadequately decorated and the public displayed no en thusiasm in the ceremonial, which, so far from having the exceptional character of a great national mourning for a great states man, differed hardly from hundreds of sim ilar functions that may be witnessed here at any time. , Perhaps the most disappointing feature, though it was known beforehand, was the fact that not a single member of the Bis marck family attended. The royal pew set apart for their accommodation remained slgniflcanttly vacant. i Bismarck's Bitterness The bitterness of the old chancellor to- 1 ward the young kaiser stems to reach be- ' yond death. Today's imident was emphasized by the fact that Prince Herbert Bismarck came to Berlin during the afternoon on private business. The proceedings were character ised by the utmost simplicity, but the em peror's invitations In th 'Official world were liberally responded to, many of the leading men coming from distant places for the sole purpose of being present. Tho em peror and empress arrived by train at Chariottenburg anil drove to the church in an open lanSau, drawn by four horses, with postillions, preceded by outriders and escorted by two squadrons of cuirassiers. Shortly after the service they left for Wll helmshohe. All present wore mouring, except those who appearrtl in uniforms. The American ambassador. Mr. Andrew White, and the- Spanish ambassador, Sencr Mendez de Vigo, arrived almost together and sat side by side. The absence of all well-known adherents of the was most noted, anil especially as many of them came up to Berlin immediately after the death, presumably to confer on the at titude they would observe. The Simple Services Their majesties took seats ln two arm chairs in front of the altar. The emperor wore the uniform of the foot guards, and the empress was in simple mourning attire. The church was not Hlled with those th.-.t were invited, so that some of the remain ing congregation obtained admittance. De spite the brightness of the day, the electric light was used. On entering Emperor William shook hands with Prince Hohenlohe. the chan cellor. The organ was playing Beethoven's funeral march as their majesties took their seats. The music soon passed into the homely strains of a German choral, played very softly, like the sounds of a child's voice, singing to itself. Then the choir sang Kendal's "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth,' 'after which Dr. Faber advanced and. facing the congregation, read the sen tences of the German burial service. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord," adding a number of appropriate Scriptural passages, like "For today is a prince fallen in Israel." After the sing ing of a choral came "Gott Thut Das Is; Wohlgeben," and the hymn. "Jesus Lent." Dr. Faber offered an extempore prayer, based on the HDth Psalm, which, he said, had once been commended to Prince Bis marck at an important crisis in his life by an old friend as a source of comfort and strength and which the departed had of ten quoted. After the choral, "O haupt vol blut und wunden," as their majesties left the church tho organ burst into their favorite hymn and the crowd outside- gave the emperor and empress hearty cheers as they drove away. Telegrams of Condolence BERLIN, Aug. 4.—The texts of many tel egrams of condolence aeldressed to the family have been published. Queen Victoria telegraphed as follows, in German: "I beg you to ai cept the expression of my sympathy in the grievous loss you have sustained." The I'rince of Wales telegraphed In Eng lish to Prince Herbert Bismarck from Cowes: "Allow me to express the sinoerest sym pathy with you at the loss of your illus trious father and to pray that you express the same for me to your family." The Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria in the course of his dispatch said: "My sympathy is all the more profound because this moment awakens with pe culiar vividness my memory of my per sonal relations with the departed. May a consciousness of the imperishable nature of his name afford you some degree of comfort in your legitimate and profound sorrow." King Humbert, on behalf of the queen of Italy and himself sent in French his "most affectionate condolences" and arlded: "The glorious name of Bismarck will live throughout the centuries enshrined in admiration and respect." King Oscar of Sweden and Norway ln his dispatch said: "The world has seldom seen your father's like." The Empress Frederick expressed her "slncerest sympathy." The emperor of f'hina said: "I recall with gratitude Prince Bismarck's services in promoting the friendly relations between Germany and China." It now develops that ln reply to the em peror's telegraphic inquiry on the first re port of the illness last week, Bismarck, evidently desirous of keeping his majes'y In ignorance of his real condition, sent a reply over his own signature to the effect that he felt better than ever. A Magnificent Wreath FRIEDRICHSRUHE, Aug. 4.—A mag nificent wreath, bearing the inscription, "The German Reichstag to the First Cha cellor of the German Empire," was laid today upon the coffin of the late Prince Blsrnarck by a delegation composed ol former Vice President Spahn, Dr. Bochem and Herr Gerghelm, councillors of ac counts. A Display of Troops BBRLIN, Aug. 4.—The public is gener ally associating Itself in various ways with the funeral services held today in memory of the late Prince Bismarck. All the banks and many of the shops in this city are closed; flags, many of them bord ered with black, are half-masted every where; shop windows are covered with crepe and there is great display wreathed ,vith flowers and draped with black cloth. The funeral services held here today in memory of Prince Bismarck were of the most impressive character. They were at tended by the Emperor and Empress of Germany, the various German Princes ard Princesses, all the members of tne dVlomatie corps and the chief military anii civil dignitaries. A guard of honor was placed in front of the Emperor William Memorial Chutch, where the services took plpce. The exercises were opened and concluded by a choral, sung by the choirs from the opera house. The officiating clergyman, in the coumt of his prayers..alluded to the great services which the deceased bh'ancellor had per formed for the welfare of his country. BAITED THE BADGER And Got the Worst of It—A Story of Spanish Honor KEY WEST. Aug. 4.—No confirmation has been received here of the report that Nuevltas, the chief port of the province of Puerto Principe, has been evacuated by the Spanish after a bombardment by Ameican warships. The auxiliary cruiser Badger captured three prizes off Xeuvltas on July 2fi:h and i.;ft with them that day for the Tortugas, arriving here th's morning. Captain Shaw said that at the time of his departure ail but about isoo Spanish troops had left tho city and a general evacuation was expect ed, but that to nl! Intents and purposes the place was still held by the enemy, and there had been nothing ln the nature of an attack. The- large gunboat Piznrro and thc armed tugs Anita and Yumari were in the harbor. Only Intelligence of the reported assault and evacuation of Nuevitas was that furnished on July 80tn by liieutenan*- Colonel Rojns, of th insurgent forces, to Commander Maynard of the gunboat Nashville. The Badger was covering the blockade station at Nuevltas on July 2Hth when one of the Spanish slipped stern fore most to th* mouth of the harbor and took a peep at her. The enormous hull of the American ship scared her, and she scurried back to shelter. A little while later three vessels we.r» observed coming out in excellent forma tion, and Captain Snow thought a good fight was coming. He brought his ship up to th*- mouth of the harbor and prepared to give the Spaniards a warm greeting, when it was discovered that instead of gun boats the advancing ships were a tug. a bripantine and a barge, the last two in tow, all flying the Spanish and Red Cross flags. A couple of shots from a six-pounder were fired in their direction and they promptly surrendered. The tug was th; Humbert Rodriguez, fine and new, and worth about $70,000. The brigantine was the Sail and the barge was the San Fran cisco. A party from the Badger boarded the prizes and found distributed over thetn about 400 Spanish soldiers, who it was said had been ordered to Havana by General Salcido. The surgeon in charge asserted thai there were six cases of yellow fever among the troops, but a careful examina tion by the Badger's doctor and afterwards by other physicians at Tortugas showed there was no infection among the men and that the Red Cross flags were used as a decoy. At Nuevitas the Badger also took aboard eight deserters from the Spaniards who are still on board the ship. THE RATE WAR Eustis Attacks the Canadian Pacific Before the Commission CHICAGO, Aug. 4.—ln his argument be fore the Interstate Commerce Commission today. General Passenger Agent Eustis of the Burlington road, warned the Canudlm Pacific that if it continued a shotgun policy toward the American roads.Congress would interfere and compel it to desls*. Mr. Eustis spoke for upwards of an hour and a half. In forceful language, he de scribed the evils which, he said, had re sulted from the granting of differentials to fhe Canadian road. He declared that !f the Canadian Pacific could not conduct business on even terms with its American competitors, it should not be allowed to take American traffic. He was interrupted several times by Commissioner Prouty, who asked him how weaker roads could secure a share of traf fic if wen not granted diffe-rent'als He replied that the roads handicapped by physical disabilities should compete for cheaper lined of traffic. Further cate chised on the subject he admitted thnt this discrimination might in a sense amount to granting differe.ntials. He denied, how COURTMARTIALED AND SHOT ♦ MADRID. Aug. 4. 5:30 p. m.—An official dispatch from Snn Juan de Porto ♦ ♦ Rico says that Colonel San Martin, who was In command of the Spanish gar- ♦ ♦ rlson at Ponce, has been courtmartialed and shot for abandoning the place + + without resistance. Lieutenant Colonel Pulz, the second ln command, commit- ♦ -f ted suicide. ♦ LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING. AUGUST 5, JB9B ever, that giving differentials to the West ern roads would prove a remedy for the present troubles. "Differential religion," he said, "will not bring peace to the soul of the railway man." He thought the Canadian Pacific could compete on even terms with Its competi tors if It quickened its time, and he con ceded that a share of American traffic In the East should Be carried by Canadian lines. The Canadian Pacific claimed differ entials from Boston to San Francisco, but there were a half dozen roads connecting these points which possessed greater ad vantages than the Canadian Pacific ar.d could claim differentials from it. When speaking of the futility of arbitra tion ln railway disputes. Mr. Eustis di gressed a moment to compliment Mr. Mc- Xlcoll on the shrewdness he had displayed in discussing arbitration. He said Mr. Mc- Nicoll knew what he was about when he suggested that course. Otherwise no agreement would have been reached and matters would have stood as before. In making his recommendation to the Com mission, Mr. Eustis disavowed on behalf of the Western roads, any desire to ex clude the Canadian line from operating in American territory so long as tt would con sent to compete on even terms with the American lines. He contended that differ entials wherever tried had proven a fail ure, and he insisted that no natural dis abilities which the Canadian road might possess entitled it to differentials. He asked the Commission to decide the extent of the Canadian road's right to do business in th<- I'nlted States. "I have told Mr. McNicoll that If he will become a fair competitor neither the West ern lines nor the trunk lines will object tn the Canadian line getting Its fair share of traffic." he said. MORE SEAL POACHING Threats to Raid the Rookeries by Can- adian Sealers I'NALASKA. July 25, via Victoria. Aug. 4.—"Well-founded reports are in circulation that a concerted attempt will be made next month by a fleet of Canadian sealers to raid the rookeries on the islands of St. Paul and St. George. There is but one govern ment vessel, the gunboat Wheeling, to guard Bering Sea against pelagic sealers, and the department has ordered her to visit the various fish canneries along the Alaskan coast and see that the fish ing laws are not violated. Around Cnalaska and Dutch Harbor, where the larger portion of the sealing fleet ren dezvous before the season opens, are over a score of vessels, and It seems to be an open secret that in the event of the animals being scarce in the present zone allowed for sealing purposes, the captains contem plate raiding the rookeries. The absence of revenue cutters, they declare, seems to imply a tacit invitation to Invade the sea and kill seals wherever they may be found. Both St. Paul and St. George islands have a few government officers, lessees, em ployes an<i a couple of hundred natives But this force is inadequate to frustrate a well-planned raid. The officers them selves expect the laws will be flagrantly violated unless revenue cutters are sent up to render patrol service. The plan of branding female seals, government offic ials say. is proving a success. Those that were branded last year and emigrated south during the winter are returning to the breeding grounds. The work of brand ing will be continued this year. DEFEND GARCIA The New York Junta Thinks He Is Still Loyal if Mad NEW YORK, Aug. 4.—General T. Es •rada Palma of the Cuban Junta last nigh* supplemented his statement of the day be fore regarding the reported differences be tween General Garcia and General Shafter: "I think." said Genera! Palma, "that the principal reason that General Garcia with drew from Santiago was because it was not necessary for him to continue there with his troops after the surrender of the city. Hi? presence ln the interior was ne- ressary to operate against the Spaniards holding Ho'.guin, Manzanillo and othor towns. The necessity for his act is proved by his occupying Glbara with troops, un der General Rojas. This town has the larg est proportion of Spanish inhabitants* of any towrr In the eastern part of the Island. General Rojas entered the town, estab lished a government, policed the place and everything was peaceful when the ship* of the American navy arrived. "We all acknowledge our debt of grati tude to the American people and that to them in the end we will owe our freedom from the Spanish yoke. The fact that Gen eral Garcia is co-operating actively proves the faith he has in the American people. This faith Is shared by all Cubans, and we have no doubt that all the pledges they have made will be carried into effect. We wait patiently, assured that when the time comes Cuba will he turned over to us for a peaceful and stable government." COURTEOUS BRITISHERS Old Glory Not to Be Used for Adver- tising- Purposes in London LONDON. July 27.—(Correspondence of the Associated Press.) The American so ciety In London is waging a campaign against the London shopkeepers who are using the American flag as a device, to catch tourists' dollars. During this sea son London is overrun with Americans. Many of the West End shops fly flags on which advertisements are printed. The society's committee visited the prin cipal shops, requesting that the defaced flags be withdrawn, representing that such an exhibition of national colors was dis tasteful to the Americans, although no ob jection was made to the flags that were unlettered. With hardly an exception, the British firms courteously acquiesced. Only one re fusal from an Important house was met with, and so the society may attempt to do something In the matter of a boycott against that. Three Lives Lost BOSTON", Aug. 4.—Three men lost their lives on railroad crossings today—two of them on the New England road crossings in South Boston. Maurice Conlen, a switchman, was struck and killed by a train which he did not see. as he was flagging one from an opposite di rection. About two hours later John Sul livan, a brak. man on the road, while go ing to his work, slipped in front of a train, all of the cars of which passed over his body. John Reardon was run over by a train on the Kttohhurg railroad in Summerville and Instantly killed. OffICERS PROTEST (Continued From Page One.) and not one true caee of yellow fever has occurred In this division except among the men sent to the hospital at Slboney. where they have, I be lieve, contracted It. Hut ln this di vision there have been liOO cases of ma larial fever. Not a man tms died from It. but the whole command is so weakened and shattered as to be ripe for dying like rotten sheep when a real yellow fever epi demic, Instead of a fake epidemic like the present, strikes us, and it Is bound to if we stay here at the height of the sickness season. August and the beginning of Sep tember. Some Plain Talk "Quarantine against mnlnrial fever Is much like quarantining against the tooth ache. All of us are certain, as soon as the authorities at Washington fully appreci ate the condition of the army, to be sent home. If we are kept here, it will, in all human possibility, mean an appalling dis aster, for the surgeons here estimate that over half the army, if kept here, will die. It Is not only terrible from the standpoint of the Individual lives lost, but it means ruin from the standpoint of the military efficiency of the flower of the American army, for the great bulk of the regulars a*e here with you. The sick list, large though It Is, exceeding 4000, affords but a faint index of the debilitation of the army. Not 10 per cent are fit for active service work. Six weeks on the north Maine coast, ofr Instance, or elsewhere where yel low fever germ cannot possibly propagate, would make us all fit as righting cocks, able as we are eager to take a leading part In the great campaign against Havana in the fall, even If we are not allowed to try Porfci Rico. "We can be moved north, if moved a; once, with absolute safety to the country, although, of course. It would have been Infinitely better if we had been moved north or to Porto Rico two weeks ago. If there were any ..bjee'. in keeping us here, we would face fever with as much indiffer ence as we faced bullets, but there Is no object in it. The four immune regiments ordered here are sufficient to garrison the city and surrounding towns, and there Is absolutely nothing for us to do here, and there has not been since the city surren dered. Impossible to Move It Is impossible to move Into the In terior. Every shifting of camp doubles the sick roll in our present weakened con dition, and, anyhow, the interior is rather worse than the coast, as I have found by actual reconnoissanoe. Our present camps are as healthy as any camps at this end of the island can be. "I write only because I cannot see our men. who have fought so bravely and who have endured extreme hardships and dan ger uncomplainingly, go to destruction without striving, so far as lies in me, to avert a doom as fearful as it is unneces sary and undeserved. "THEODORE ROOSEVELT, "Colonel Commanding First Brigade." The Bound Robin After Colonel Roosevelt had taken the Initiative, all the American general officers united in a round robin address to Genera! Shafter. It reads: "We. the undersigned officers, command ing the various brigades, divisions, etc.. of the army of occupation in Cuba, are of the unanimous opinion that this army should be at once taken out of the Island of Cuba and sent to some point on the northern seacoast of the United States; that yellow fever in the army at present Is not epidemic that there are only a few sporadic cases; but that the army Is disabled by malarial fever to the extent that Its efficiency Is de stroyed and that It is in condition to be practically destroyed by an epidemic of yel low fever, which is sure to come in the near future. Fixing the Responsibility "We know from the reports of competent officers and from personal observations that the army 16 unable to move Into the interior and that there are no facilities for such move If attempted, and that it could not be attempted until too late. Morfover, the best medical authorities of the island say that with our present equipment we could not live in the interior during the rainy season, with losses from malarial fever, which if almost as deadly as yellow fever. "This army must be moved at once, or perish. As the army can be oafely moved now the persons responsible for preventing such a move will be responsible for the un necessary loss of many thousand lives. "Our opinions are the result of careful per sonal observation, and they are also based on the unanimous opinion of our medical officers with the army. We understand the situation absolutely. Signed: "J. FORD KENT, Major-General Volun teers, commanding First Division Fifth Corps. "J. C. BATES, Major-General Volunteers, Commanding Provisional Division. "ADAM R. CHAFFEE, Major General commanding the Third brigade, Second di vision. "SAMUEL, SUMMER. Brigadier-Genera! Volunteers, commanding the First Brigade Cavalry. "WILLIAM LUDLOW. Brigadier-General Volunteers, commanding First Brigade, Second Division. "ADELBERT AMES, Brigadier General Volunteers, commanding Third Brigade, First Division. 'LEONARD WOOD. Brigadier-General Volunteers, commanding City of Santiago. 'THEODORE ROOSKVELT. Colonel, com manding Second Cavalry Brigade." Lay It All on Alger Col. Theodore Rooosevelt of the Rough Riders hns succeeded in hurrying the movements of the war department in fetch ing Shafter's army away from Santiago though in his disregard of the conven tionalities he has drawn upon his head c rather sharp rebuke from the secretary 01 war, who evidently regards the course pur sued By Col. Roosevelt as being calculatee: to Injure discipline, though inspired by tht most worthy motives. It is only fair tf state that the war department for som< time has been intent upon removing thes. troops, and it is now more than a week age that Gen. Shafter was instructed by a spe clal cablegram to cheer up the soldiers bj public ly Informing them of the determina tion. It was rather a question of waysane m.ans than a lack of inte-ntion to redeeu this promised that caused delay. So far r.; the question of removing the troops bacl Into the mountains was concerned (tht question which seems to have precipitate,; I the indignation meeting among the Amer ican commanders at Santiago), It is learnee that the medical department here made nc such recommendation. All that It had te say on the subject was that, if the troopi must remain near Santiago, an effort shoult be made to remove them at once to somi | healthier camping ground. | Surgeon General Sternberg agrees thor • oughly with the opinion expressed by the I signers of the "round robin" at Santiago | tl)»t mm who have siijered Ijyyn the ie vere malarial fevers of the South Cuban* so far from being immune against attacks of yellow fever, as has been as serted in some quarters, are actually in very much greater danger than those who have escaped ths malaria. Ripe for Yellow Jack Malarial fever, it is stated, is. no more a protection against a subsequent attack of yellow fever than would be a case of measles against smallpox, while the fearful debility resulting from the malarial fever would certainly tend to make the victim an especial mark for yellow Jack, The depart ment today gave out a statement of its re sources In the way of transports at Santi ago, and. as an incident, directed attention to the fact that the troops cannot be with drawn as a whole until the Spanish prison ers are disposed of. Otherwise, there is no certainty that, finding themselves abie to do so, the Spaniards would not overpower their captors, repossess themselves of San tiago, and thus lose to the American army the small foothold in Cuba which it has cost so much blood and money to secure. It is. however, the expectation that all of the American troops will have been removed from Santiago to the -United States by the end of the month, and thnt Is probably the very best that can be done under the cir ( umstances. No End of Excuses WASHINGTON, Aug. 4—Cpon being In formed of the formal request made by the ROtntnandlntg generals of the Am erica v. army to have th-Mr men removed Immedi ately to the Vnited States, the war drpnn ment officials stated that this request had been anticipated and that the department had been directing the best part of its en ergies to the return of those troops. It has. therefore, provided for their reception an camp at Montauk Point, Ij. 1., and or ders were sent forward yesterday to begin the homeward movement by embarking at Santiago live cavalry regiments of Shafter's forces. Including Roosevelt's Rough Rid ers. It is the Intention of the department, and Gen. Shafter was instructed to so in form the troops publicly, to conduct this movement as rapidly as the resources of the government will permit, having a re gard for the safety of the men themselves. Tt was not deemed possible nor desirable to bring them ail here at one time, not only from the lack of transports, but for medi cal reasons, the physicians representing that a sudden change ln climate would probably kill many of the soldiers who have not passed the convalescent stage. So it was the purpose to remove to the moun tains back nf Santiago such of the com mand as could not be embarked immediate ly, in order to place them in the best pos sible hygienic surroundings while they were waiting for their turn to come to go aboard ships, and now ships will be supplied even more rapidly. So far, Gen. Shafter has made no formal report of the meeting which took place at Santiago, r-suiting In the presentation to him of the request of the commanding generals. Teddy Is Rebuked WASHINGTON, Aug. 4.—The following correspondence haft passed between ColonK Roost velt and Secretary Alger: Santiago, July 23.—My dear Mr. Se?re tary: I am writing with the knowledge and approval of General Wheeler. We earnestly hope that you will send us—most cf the regulars, and, at any rate, the cav alry division, including the Rough Riders, who are. as good as any regulars, and three times as good as any State troops—to Porto Rico. There are 1800 effective men in this division; if those who were left behind were joined to them, we could land at Porto Rico in this cavalry division, close to !h X Better Hurry! Imß Men's Suits |!■ Half Price I \sF*Lmttt ® nt uuncJrec * Suits have been sold from the I \* l&lillil half-price counter in the last two days. If you want one you had better come in be- MF^T^ii" ii ii Maybe you doubt the genuineness of our offer to sell 400 Men's Suits at half price. It's a ridiculous offer, we'll admit. But it is our ' oss anc * y° ur ? am - Come in and see them. $10.00 Suits for $5.00 $12.50 Suits for $6.25 $15.00 Suits for $7.50 Hjjrf $17.50 Suits for $8.75 f === f^=~~~B" : At these P rlces these goods will not be charged. g m 80 P er cent discount on Boys' Lon& Pants Suits means SIO for SB—sB for S6. Special Lots of Boys' Double-Breasted Suits, "IjjpiSfS \w Reefer Suits, Middy Suits and others, at ft 1.35, 52.45, $3.95. I ST " 7 - !•?! l 2| j ' I \Wl&ffi%fflfi y/ '±. !l§! Tr\ North Spring Street. S. W. corner franklin ? nmtAM ——— —J 4000 men, who would be worth easily any 10.000 National Guards armed with black powder, Sprlngfielde. or other archaic weapons. Very respectfully, THEODORE ROOSEVELT. The following reply was cabled to Colonel Roosevelt today: Your letter of 23d received. The regular army, the volunteer army and the Rough Riders have done well, but I suggest that unless you want to spoil the effects and glory of your victory, you make no invidi ous comparisons. The Rough Riders are no better than other volunteers. They had an advantage in their arms, for which they cught to be very grateful. R. A. ALGER. Secretary of War BRINGING THEM NORTH Yellow Fever Convalescents to Be Hurried Home. WASHINGTON, Aug. 4.—Telegrams have passed between Surgeon-General Sternberg of the army, and Chief Surgeon O'Reilly, in charge of the United States camp at Tampa, ln regard to the arrival of transports there and the yellow fever con valescents who are to be discharged from quarantine. Chief Surgeon O'Reilly's dis patch was as follows: "Steamer San Marcos arrived Inst night with 126 passengers. Steamer Comal is in quarantine with S.'> passengers. There are sixty yellow fever convalescents to be dis charged from quarantine who will noi he allowed to sojourn in Florida. San Marcos can not be fumigated until the tenth and will not be released until the 16th. Recom mend she take all passengers Immediately to New York, as she can accommodate 600. She can go there, be fumigated, and return before the 15th. Otherwise, 1 must be au thorized to hire a special train to take yellow fever convalescents north of Balti more. Direct disposition of the people im mediately, because if the sixty are not dis posed of at once, no mure passengers can be admitted to detention ramp, but must remain on board ship, thus blockad ing the quarantine." To this diispatch General Sternberg sent the following reply: "San Marcos will he to New York with all convalescents. See that they have ample medical supplies, competent medical Officers, Ice, and proper food supplies. there he no cause for complaint against the Medical Department when the ship ar rives in New York.'* ILLICIT WHISKY The Output of Vinegar and Yeast Fac tories Squelched NEW YORK, Aug. 4.—For over two months Colonel Williams, the chief in ternal revenue agent of this district, has had agents watching a vinegar factory in Brooklyn and a yeast factory in New York for the purpose of securing evidence of the manufacture of illicit whisky. This work resulted early today in the arrest of three men, the seizure of twenty-seven barrels of whisky and the closing up of the yeast factory. The whisky was made at tho Brooklyn malt vinegar works. It has been the custom to ship the whisky to New York on two-horse trucks, twen ty to twenty-five barrels at a time, and usually two loads were delivered every day. The other alleged Illicit concern is known as the Manhattan Yeast company. TROOPS DROWNED OUT Cloudburst Washes the Rough Riders Out of Camp TAMPA. Fla.. Aug. 4.—The detached troops of Roosevelt's rough riders, camped near here, were driven out of camp, routedj and dispersed by v cloudburst Just afteS the bugle sounded retreat this evening, The deluge was terrilie while tt lasted. Flvo or six inches of water ln their tents was more than the boys could stand, and when the downpour ceased they turned loose and the camp resounded with western whoops and yells. All camp fires were entlngulshed anel the troop cooks' tents were wrecked, so that the cavalrymen found themselves supperless as well as bedless. The com* manding officer gave permission to go any where for the night. Those ln funds and those whose chums were ln funds quickly headed for Tampa, while those who ara broke bivouacked in a string of empty cars on tin- adjacent railway and soon had a big camp lire blazing. A good number availed themselves of Major Dunn's permission to seek shelter at Tampa. Another Revolution SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 4.—The follow ing message regarding the revolution in Guatemala was received today from a, friend and supporter of Gen. Morales: "TAMPACHULA, Aug. 4.—l'rospero Mo rales is at San .Marcos. Quesentenango fa vors revolution. We are on the way to Ocos. (Signed) .MIGI'ELIN." .Morales is said to have JUO men and 5000J Remington rifles. Details of the revolt are difficult to ob tain us telegraphic communication is in terrupted. Morales Is represented to have little means of his own. but he is supported by wealthy men in the Liberal party. Thera Is believed to be an understanding be tween Jose Leon Castillo and Morales, both of whom are candidates for the pres idency, that the one who has the strongest following shall receive the other's sup port. What they nre bent on is tho de feat of Cabrera. They charge that he is responsible for the death of Gen. Mendo zabal by poison. Bicycle Races BALTIMORE, Md., Aug. 4.—The bicycTs races :it the Coliseum tunight were wit nessed by a largo crowd. The star event, th" 15-mile paced race between John S. Johnson of Minneapolis and Clint R. Coul* ter of San Francisco, was won easily by Johnson by 300 yards. The time was 30:57. The one mile professional open scratch] race was won by Jay Eaton, Frect Sim* second and Thomas Butler third; time. 2:15. "* *" , Much-Needed Supplies PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 4.—The national relief commission will forward by the yacht May about fifty tons of supplies. These consist of drugs, rubber ice caps, rubber bath tubs, hypodermic syringes and othec articles for the use of the sick and wound* ed, which will be turned over to the gov ernment for hospital use at Puerto Rico and vicinity. The May will sail Saturday. An Ocean Greyhound NEW YORK, Aug. 4.—The cable an* nounees the arrival of the Hamhurg-Amer* | lean line steamship Fuerst Bismarck at I Cherbourg at <S oclock this morning from New York, indicating that she has beaten her previous eastward record to Cherbourg of 6 days 13 hours and 30 minutes, made a? | month ago, by about an hour. Four People Drowned NEW YORK, Aug. 4.—A rowboat con taining Mrs. otto Frohweln, her three) children and Annie Slebentheim, and manned by three sailors from the yacht Col. Ruppert, whose guests they were, was capsized tonight In Rarltan bay, drowning the three children and Miss Sle bentheim.