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SAILING AWAY TBOOFS RAPIDLY LEAVING THE COAST CAMPS Another Death Among the California Boys—The Seventh Sails Sure. The Honolulu Troops SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 4.—The trans port Tacomu, which will take horses and mules to the artillery at Manila, will go Into the stream this evening and start on her Journey tomorrow. It was positively stated today that the troops to sull on the transports Dakme and Charles Nelson would go on board tomor row morning, and the two ships will sail for Honolulu on Saturday. A considerable quantity of lumber and Hour was stowed on the ships today, the lumber being for the barracks to be erected at Honolulu. The detachment of the Now York regi ment and the engineer battalion will leave camp at 7 a. m. tomorrow. The steamer North Fork Is being" pre pared as a transport. Work on the Scandla and Arizona is pro gressing rapidly and the Centennial will be inspected on Saturday, when the repairs to her boilers will be tlnishcd. Five of the twelve companies of the First New York volunteer regiment, with the Third battalion of the Second regiment ot volunteer engineers will leave the Presidio at 9 oclock tomorrow morning to embark on the steamers Charles Nelson and Dakme for Honolulu. Companies C, I. X, L and M of the New York number 530 men and the battalion of engineers includes 27ti. making a total of 808. exclusive of officers. Major Chase will lead the New Yorkers and the engineers will be under the command of Captain Rlckon. Private Oscur D. Howland of Company I. Twenty-third infantry, died at the division hospital today of pneumonia. There werw fourteen dismissals from and twelve admis sions to the hospital today. Each day sees an improvement in the condition of the men and a decided lessening of the rate of mortality. Genera! Miller has finally decided to main tain his headquarters at Camp Merritt un til the last man has marched from that camp, and he is of the' opinion that the Seventh California will be the last, as that regiment Is due to remain until ordered aboard its. transport. Charles Nelson SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 4.—The troops to go to Honolulu Saturday on the trans port Charles Nelson have been designated. They are the following companies of the First New York Volunteers: I, Captain Mclntyre; X, Captain Sague; 1,, Captain Sheldon, and M, Captain Tompkins, com posing Major Chase's battalion, and C, Captain Roach, of Major Emmett's bat talion. These companies will be accompa nied by a Sergeant Major, a Quartermas ter Sergeant and Hospital Steward, four privates of the Hospital Corps and one As sistant Surgeon, Captain Ashley. Major Chase will be in command of the troops, the total number of officers and men belrg 665. The Third Battalion of the Second Regi ment of volunteers will sail on the I,akm», which vessel will carry 325 men. Yosemite Troops Delayed! SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 4.—The rtnh Cavalry, which has been ordered to leave the Presidio tomorrow and proceed to Yo- Bemlte Valley and the Sequoia National Park In separate detachments, will not go this week. The delay has been caused by the fact that there have been no pack mules furnished to Captain Cnlne for use with the necessary wagons. THE AMERICAN CUP Dunraven Has Not Forgotten His Defeat and Disgrace LONDON, Aug. 4.—The papers are a? tlvely discussing Sir Thomas Llpton's challenge for the America's cup. The dally Chronicle says: "The approval of the royal yacht squad ron Is doubtful. The squadron authorities desire conditions attached to the challenge which will Inevitably appear ungracious to the American people. Apparently tho Earl of Dunraven is not without a voice ln the matter, although it is dilllcult to see where his claim comes ln." The Dally Telegraph says: "Bygones should be bygones. Let us start with a clean sheet. It is in this spirit that everyone will consider and applaud the challenge. Sir Thomas Llpton's popular ity in the United States will douhtless do much to smooth away difficulties, and there can be but little doubt that the royal yacht squadron will approve the challenge. When the challenge has been accepted the building of the yacht will begin." The Cowes correspondent of the Daily Telegraph says'. "Yachtsmen feel that an alteration should be made In the conditions under which the race is sailed, and If that Is pos sible they would be glad should a contest occur." SPANISH PRISONERS ■me Transports Doming After Them. Capacity of the Troop Ships WASHINGTON, Aug. 4.—This ofllcial statement has been issued: War Department, Adjutant-General's office, Aug. 4. The Secretary of War has ordered General Shafter's troops relieved from further duty in Santiago, as fast as transportation can be provided and the transfer of Spanish prisoners will admit of reduction of the garrison. Ships for the Spanish prisoners will arrive as follows: Steamer Isla de Luzon, sailed from Cudiz, July 27, due at Santiago Augusts, capacity 2130. Isla dc Panay, sailed from Cadiz July 81, due Santiago August 12; capacity, 1689, P. Satrustegui, sailed from Cadiz, August 1, due Santiago August 13; capacity, 2254. Covudonga, sallwl from Cadiz August 1, due Santigao August 13; capacity, 2357. Colon, sailed from Cadiz August 2, due Suntlago August 14; capacity, 2213. Leon XIII, sailed from Cadiz August 2, due Santiago August 14; capacity, 2250. San Augustln, sailed Cadiz August 2, due Santiago August 14; capacity, 1070. San lgnacio de Loyola, sailed from-Cadiz August 3, due at Santiago August 15; capa city, 1350. San Francisco, sailed from Cadiz August I, due at Santiago August 16; capacity, 1350. Alicante, sailed from Martinique August I, due Santiago August 7; capacity 1900. Total capacity 18,40-1. American transports now at Santiago are ss follows: Catania. 800 men; Gates City. 00; Grand Duchess, 1200; Miami, 900; Mattea- Ran, 720; Vigilance, 800; Olivette, 500; Berk shire, 250; total, 5770. These will sail for New York as soon as they can be com lortably embarked. The rest at Montauk Point will prepare the seasoned troops for the campaign Igainst Havana, In which they will proba bly take part. The first transport left San tiago yesterday. The movement is expected to be completed by the 20th of the month. Five United States Volunteer regiments of imtnunes have been ordered to Santiago for garrison duty; the First has already arrived, the others being pushed forward as rapidly as transportation can be furn ished. THE JUNTA ADJOURNS Porto Rican Patriots Will Return to Their Homes NEW YORK, Aug. 4.—The Porto Rican Junta of New York has disbanded. At a meeting held in this city, resolutions weru adopted unanimously winding up its busi ness affairs. In Its stead an Advisory Com mittee will look after the affairs of the isl and here and the interests of Porto Rico emigrants exiled because of their political affiliations. A letter of thtinks will be sent to General Miles. It was also decided thnt an association be formed in Porto Klco us Boon as practicable to work in harmony with the one in this city In reconstructing the island, "to promote culture and remove all political, economical and soclnl vices left by Spain." Holding Back Supplies CHICAGO, April 4.—lmpending peace ne gotiations have caused a cessation of the efforts on the part of the War Depart ment to rush supplies to the front. Upon the fa.ll of Santiago and the debarkation of an Invading force to Porto Rico arrange ments were made by Colonel Smith, in charge of the commissary stores of the Department of the Lakes, for the purchase of vast quantities of rations, a large amount of which were forwarded to the seaboard. The Increasing prospect for early peace however, renders unnecessary the amourtt of subsistence planned for. and the stores are being held. At the division headquarters here tho big six-story building Is filled from garret to cellars with thousands of cases of soldiers' diet, ready for Immediate ship ment ln case a sudden turn ln affairs should result in more extended military opera tions. Troops in Alaska SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 4.-Major-Gen eral Merriam has decided to send no more troops to Alaska this season. A year's sup plies for the troops now there will be or dered sent from Seattle at once. There are not miliy soldiers in Alaska now. A company ot the fourteenth United States infantry is at Dyea and there is one at Wrangel. Three officers and fifteen men arc now trying to get up the Copper river, seeking a trail to Belle Isle on tho Yu kon. A similar party Is working up Sun shine river to cross the Tannna river by way of Good Paster river, Volkmar and Birch creeks to Circle City. Still another party of three officers and twenty men is at St. Michael. Episcopalians in Hawaii SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 4.—The Chroni cle says: A perplexing question hns arisen among Protestant Episcopalians In this country regarding tho future government of tho Hawaiian branch of tho church. At present the island diocese Is In charge of Bishop Willis of the established church of England, and has no direct affiliation with tho Protestant Episcopal Church of the United 1 States. It is believed, how ever, among high church authorities that as a result of the* annexation of the islands the Episcopalians there will be brought into direct relations with the American church, and that the diocese of the Pacific Islands will perhaps be merged Into the diocese of California. The Joint Commission OGDENSBURG, N. Y„ Aug. 4.—The local Board of Trade has appointed a commit tee to attend the Joint high commission for the settlement of claims In controversy between the United' States and Canada, to be held at Quebec. August 23. Their mls s:on will be to do all they can to secure the removal of tolls from the Welland and St. Lawrence River canals. They will also express their thorough desire for more cordial commercial relations between the United States and Canada and their sym pathy with a movement looking toward reciprocity between the two countries. Warehouses Burned DAYTON, Wash., Aug. 4.—Six ware houses, the Western Warehouse Company (two houses!, Alliance house, Engel, Kngel & Glllls house, Rroughton house, storage capacity about 800,000 bushels, estimated grain In the houses 40,000 bushels, the Northern Pacific track, several cars of sacked grain were destroyed by Are. The origin of tho tire Is unknown. It is still burning. Insurance unknown. There Is considerable loss to farmers. It would havo been much heavier if a few weeks later. Troops for Porto Rico NEWPORT NEWS. Aug. 4.—The trans port Hudson sailed early today for Porto Rico, having on board a battalion and a half of the First Kentucky Regiment. WHO WILL GOVERN? Opposition Started to Fitzhugh Lee by Politicians Want Republicans to Take Charge of Cuba, Porto Rico and Manila Regardless of Knowledge of the Country JL WASHINGTON, Aug. 4.—(Special to The Herald.) It was JL reported today that Major General Matthew C. Butler would be JL, JL assigned to the temporary governorship of Cuba, to arrange nnd es- JL- J» tablish a stable government for the islands. This is the position J> ,1, and function to which popular sentiment had assigned General *L Fitzhugh Lee, who was today notified to hold himself in readiness 3m JL to occupy Hnvana with American troops when the Spanish col- JL oJL umns are embarked. His powers, it is said, will be purely military. J_ !The reason assigned for nofinakiug him civil governor as well as «I» military commander is that he lacks legislative nnd executive ex perience, which General Butler possesses. A wise Republican sen- JL ator now in Washington said, however, that the appointee would JL without doubt be a Republican. "The appointment," he said, JL "will be of a political character purely. Of course there would be 3* a sort of sentiment attached to the selection of General Lee, but JL politics is business, not romance." i& "How will Porto Rico and Manila; be governed?" said As- JL ststant Attorney General Boyd. "Much, I take it, as Arizona or JL Alaska. There is plenty of authority vested in the president to t .jL provide provisional governments for all territory we may take. 3m These will continue until congress shall have time to frame the tXi, legislation to fit the particular case. It would be a matter of a few JL JL months only, for congress will undoubtedly take hold of the sit- tuation at the coming session." < L LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 5, 1898 FEMALE NURSES Sternberg Wants None of Them in the Field WASHINGTON, Aug. 4.—Surgeon-Qen- cral Sternberg of the army has sent to th( Chief Surgeon of the Fifth Army Corps at Jacksonville the following telegram, which will explain Ihe General's attitudo on the question of the employment of women nurs es in the army, about which there has bee* considerable .agitation: "In reply to your letter of July 22d, I have to Inform you that I do not approve of having female nurses with troopß in the Held or in camps of detention. But In gen eral hospitals or 11 permanent camps where facilities exist for taking care of them, they may render valuable assistance, and I approve of the employment of properly trained female nurses under such circum stances." A Board of Promotions WASHINGTON, Aug. 4.—So numerous have been tho recommendations presented to the Secretary of the Navy for the pro motion or recognition in some other suita ble manner of American sailors, officers and enlisted men, who have so notably distinguished Ihemselves during the pres ent war. that Secretary Dong has decided to create a special board for the purpose of considering till such cases on their mer its. While this naval board will consider the great mass of cases on favorable recom menadtlon. in some few instances the President and Secretary Dong will reserve to themselves the right nf independent action, as in the case of Lieutenant Hob son. Troop Ships Aground PONCE, Aug. 3. via St. Thomas, Aug. 3 (delayed in transmission).—The transport Massachusetts, having on board Troops A nnd C of the New York cavalry, the Phil adelphia troop, the Sixth Cavalry and the Eighth Infantry, is agrounel here. The- Roumanla, with four batteries of artillery under tho command of Major Riodney, is aground at Guaniea. The* transport Washington, with the Fourth Pennsylvania Regiment, and tht Sebeea, with General Quoltns' regiment, are landing today at Guaniea. The Eleventh and Fourteenth Infantry regiments and Troop B of the Second Cav alry have disembarked here. Professor Duffy Dying NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 4.—John Duffy, professor of boxing and one of the host known referees in America, is dying of consumption In this city, lie has been 111 for a year or more, and within the past few days complications have developed which render his death a matter of only a few weeks. Amoti.t the more famous fights that Duf fy referced were the following: Sullivan and Corbett, Meyer and Carroll, McAuliffs and Meyer, and Fltsstmmons' fights with Maher, Hall, Crcedon and Dempsey In this city. Grosvenor Talks LONDON, Aug. 6.—The Daily News pub lishes this morning an interview with Gen. Charles Grosvenor. member of the house of representatives from Ohio, who Is now in London, In which it says: Oen. Grosvenor Is reported as having said: "I do not believe that the United States is prepared to/enter upon a perma nent alliance with any European power. Neither would America accept any Euro pean dictation. We have grown'that big' already." Disastrous Collision SOUTH NORWALK, Conn., Aug. 4, l:jd p. m—A passenger train on the New York. New Haven and Hartford, and a freight train on the same road collided on the four-track over-head bridge passing over Washington street In the heart of t.i" city. One dead body has been taken from the wreck and others killed are said to be in the debris. The wildest excitement pre vails and it is Impossible to get details. All the physicians ln the city havo been summoned. Indians Are Angry TAHLEQUAH, I. T., Aug 4.—The Indians are in an ugly mood over the open avowal of Chief Mayes In his messages to the Indian Council favoring allotment. Pull bloods are sullen and threaten the lives of pro gressive Indians If they vote on a message favoring the acceptance of the Curtis bill- They say they will leave the country, and before going will give evidence of their opposition to the white people's invasion of their land. A Charge Disproved SAN JOSE, Aug. 4.—Over a yenr ago suit was brought by the county against S. W. Boring to recover 13809, the allegation being made thnt he was delinquent in that amount when his term as county clerk '-xplred. A commissioner appointed to take testimony in the case today filed his report, showing that the shortage amounts to only 533.,10. and this through errors in balancing. h nmfM I The way people eat and SJIiiLIBOI I drink has jperilous conse- BffffwH-., , 'quenees. Very few people lif J know how to treat their tm/r' [' /stomachs, Hating too much ; HHPiI .\f or not enough; or the wrong Hp [II / kind of food; or at the wrong ml Wl I time —gets the digestive organs wff Tl * n *° sucu a thoroughly dtsor n4i I dered condition that at last noth- IMTj II ing whatever can be digested. lIIII,' When the appetite fails and the [ILk liver becomes sluggish, the whole )J|lj system is dragged down and deadened \l !by imperfect nutrition. There is noth- IS ing in the world which restores or ganic tone and vigor so quickly and scientifically as Dr. Pierces Golden Med ical Discovery. It acts directly upon the nutritive organ ism; it gives the stomach power to extract a high percentage of nourishment from the food, and enables the liver to filter all bili ous poisons out of the circulation; it puts the red, vitalizing life-giving elements into the blood, and builds up solid flesh, mus cular force and healthy nerve-power. In all debilitated conditions and wasting diseases it is vastly Buperior to malt extracts or any mere temporary stimulants. It gives permanent strength. It is better than nau seous emulsions, because it is agreeable to the weakest stomachs. Whenever constipation is one of the complicating causes of disease, the most perfect remedy is Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets, which are always effective, yet ab solutely mild and harmless. There never was any remedy invented which can take their place. "In August, 1895, I was taken down with what my physician pronounced consumption," writes Ira D. Herring, of Needmore, Lev}- Co., "My trouble continued for several months. Four bottles of Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery cured me." New Crystal Palace ... IS NOW OPEN . . . Meyberg Bros. 343-345 s. spring st. —CALL FOB— DEICU PRIMARY ELECTIONS —AND FOR— COUNTY CONVENTION The Democratic executive committee of the county central committee of the county of Los Angeles, ;it a session held August 2. 1898, and pursuant to the call of the Democratic state committee, duly adopted the following resolutions: Resolved, That the Dtmocratlc primary elections for the county of Los Angeles be, and the same are hereby called in each pre cinct in said county (as the same Is now es tablished) for the Bth day of August, 1888, for tho purpose of selecting delegates to a Democratic county convention of said county, which is hereby called to convene In the city of Los Angeles on the 10th day t>* August, 1898, at 10 oclock a. m., at n placo or hall tn he hereafter selected. That ln th* city of Los Angeles the polls nf said primary elections in each precinct shall he opened at 7;'10 p. m. and closed at 9 p. m.; and that In all ot her precincts in said county the polls shall he opened at 4 p. m. and closed at 7 p. m. That the election hoard in each precinct shall consist of a judge, Ir.spertor and ck-rk and the several persons hereinafter named for each precinct are hereby appointed to such offices ami are designated as follows; J. for judge. I. for inspector and. C. for clerk; provided that If, in any of said pre cincts, any of said persons refuse or fall to act, then the majority of the board pres ent shall have authority to till such vacancy, and if said majority refuse or fall to fill such vacancy, then th* 1 Democratic electors of the precinct present shall have such power; and a m aj or i t y of s'loh hoard in each precinct shall have full power to decide and deter mine all questions which may arlsp during such primary election, suhject to review by said county convention. If no polling place- Is designated, for a particular precinct in the following notice, then the central commit tee fnr such precinct shall provide some convenient polling place ln his precinct and give notice thereof to the Democrats of his precinct. That each precinct shall he entitled to nne delegate to the county convention for the precinct and npe additional delegate for each thirty votes, or a majority fraction thereof, cast for the W. J. Bryan electors, and the number of delegates to which each precinct ts entitled and is authorized to se lect is hereinafter designated in/ this no tice. That the qualifications for each voter at said primaries shall be that his name is upon the great register of said county and that he has resided in the precinct In which he offers his vote for thirty days next pre ceding the day of said primary election; and (he test of the. right of any person to votn shall be that adopted by the state commit tee, whli'h Is that if said person be chal lenged ho must make the following state ment to the hoard of primary election: "I am a Democrat, and V will support the nominees of the Democratic party at the election to be held on the Bth day of November. 1898." Thnt the delegates tn he selected at said primaries shall have power nnd authority pursuant to the cat) of said' state commit teo to organize a county convention and to select eighty-one delegates to sal state convention to he held at Sacramento, Au gust IH, IS9B, and the delegates of said state convention shall have the power and au thority to nominate all candidates for all the state offices to be voted for at the gen eral election tn he held on the Bth day of November, 1898, and to select a new Stats committee; nnd shall be ex-offlclo delegates to the district conventions nnd as such shall have the power nnd authority to nom inate candidates for railroad commissioner and members of the board of equalization and of congress and tn select campaign committees of said districts. That tho said county convention of Ijos Angeles county shall have the power and to select eighty-one delegates to said state committee it will he necessary to select new central committeemen fo rthe several pre cincts of said county and a chairman of said central committee; and shall have power and authority to determine for Itself Whether or not It will nominate candidates for the several county, district and town ship offices of Fa Id county to ho voted for at said general election, and to make such nomination if it decides to do so, or to em power the proper committee to call new pri maries and a new convention for paid pur pose. The clerk of said primary hoard of elec tion shall keep a poll list In which he shall enter the names and residences of all per sons voting at said election, and the hoard of election of each precinct must certify in writing, to the chairman or secretary un dersigned, the numbers of votes cast for, and the names of all candidates voted for, In his precinct, and the names and resi dences of those who were elected delegates and the time of opening and closing th»> polls, and the said poll list and said certifi cate shall he signed by the members of said board and forwarded at once to said chalr- man or secretary by the clerk of said board, md such certificate shall be the credentials which shall entitle the persons named thers 'n to sit In said county convention, subject to review of said convention. That no person shall be eligible to be voted for as a delegate, or If elected, to sit In said convention, unless his name shall be upon the great register of said county and he shall have been a bona fide resident of the precinct In which he is voted for for a period of thirty days next preceding the day of said primary election. The following is the list of board of elec tion, the voting place, where known, and the number of delegates to which each pre cinct is entitled, to-wlt: Acton—No. of delegates. 3; G. Kruger, judge; E. P. Nickie, Inspector; Paul Bo ohert. clerk; at Kruger's hotel. Alhnmbra—No. of delegates. S; Frank Williams, lodge; C. W. Reed, inspector: William Pollard, clerk; at Reeves' barber shop on Main street. Artesia—No. of delegates. ",; G. R. Frnmp tcn, Judge; James Carse, Inspector; R. T. Freeman, clerk: at ■ Azusa—No. cf delegates, 6; Evan Davis. Judge: E. V. Rice, inspector; C. H. Ed wards, cle-k: at . Bal'.ona—No. of delegates, 4; G. M. Hick man. Judge; J. B. B. DeDong, Inspector; George ''Inyhrook. clerk; at . Burbank—No. of delegates. 4: c. R Thompson, judge; John Dowling. Inspector; D. H. Dunning, clerk; at Thompson's store in Burbank. Cahuenga—NO. of delegates, 4; Henry D. Sackett, judge; J. B. Rapp, inspector; Charles Dunham, clerk; at Pass school house. Calabasas—No. of delegates, 4; T. D. Cheney, Judge; C. A. Bell, inspector; Ed Stokes, clerk; at Calabasas courthouse. Catallna—No. of delegates, 1; Dr. A. T. Bishop, judge; B. H. Srhultz. inspector; E. D. Beasley, clerk; at Dr. Bishop's office in Avalon. Chatsworth—No. of delegates. 3; J. O Bangrooet. Judge; . inspector; , clerk; at Chatsworth hotel. Cerrltos—No. of delegates, 3; J. C. Wil hnlt. Judge; Ft. ,T. Reeves, Inspector; Joslah Sharp, clerk; at -, Clearwater—No. of delegates. 4; J. J. Plalsted. judge; S. M. Jennings, inspector; B. G. Goodrich, clerk; at Clearwater school house. Compton. precinct I—Xo. of delegates, 4; Omri Bullls, judge; George .Palmer, in spector; A. L. Lord, clerk; at Beatty build ing. Compton, precinct 2—Xo. of delegates 5; W. A. Gains, judge; J. W. Hanselman, In spector; Harry Craig, clerk; at W. A. Games*' office. C'ovina—Xo. of delegates, 5; J. H. Cool man, judge; J. C, Rubins, inspector; L. L. Ratekin. clerk; at Covina. sohoolhousa- Del Sur—Xo. of delegates, 3; L. H. Mayet, judge; Cyrus Maxwe.l, inspector; Frank Frakes, clerk; at hotel at Elizabeth Lake Downey. First precinct—Xo. of delegates, 4; J. IT. Ardis. judge; C. E. Smith, inspect or; T. R. Manning, clerk; at . Downey. Second pp-cinct— Xo. of dele gate?. 6;' C. 11. Eborh\ judge; J. W. Ve»» able, inspector; Joseph Dismukes, clerk; at Duarte—Xo. of delegates, 3; TV. R. Beards ley, judge; F. M. Schrode, Inspector; J. H. Gurman. clerk; at Duarte hotel. El Monte—Xo. of delegates, 7; T. Shugg, Judge; I. C. Ilannon, inspector; Dew!* Farmer, clerk; at Dndson's hotel. Florence—Xo. of delegates, 4; Lee Ram sauer, judge; X. S. Rumsauer, Inspector; D. Snodgrass, clerk; at Florence school house. Frultlnnd— Xo. of delegates. 4; H. Gilbert. Judge; A* C. Ramirez, Inspector; J. 11. Brewer, clerk; at . Gardona—Xo. of delegates. 4; Walter Car ter. Judge; I. J. Reynolds, inspector; , clerk; at Gardena schoothouse. Garvanza — X<>. of delegates, 4; L. M. Cnr win. judge; S. C. Bartholomew, inspector; W. C. Kelson. clerk; at Garvanza school house. Glendale—Xn. of delegates, n; Bob De vine, judge; John Tallin, inspector; Andrew Glassell, clerk; at Gtondale. Glendora —No. of delegates. 4; W. R. Cul ler. Judge; John Bender. Inspector; J. D Dougherty, clerk; at Glendora schoolhou«e. Hyde Park—No. of d«legates, 3; P. Mo- Ann ny. judge: George Dryden. insp.-ctor; J. J. Luslnger, clerk; at Hyde Park school house Ln Cannda—No. of delegates, 4: Phillip Rogue, judge; C. Castello, Inspector; C. T- Balthey, clerk; ;it La Crescenta school house. La Llebra—No. of delegates, 2: H. Sand berg, judge; R. T. Coovert. inspector: J. M. Hughes, clerk: at . Lamandn—No. of delegates. 4: Abbot Kinney, Judge: M. 1,. Rafferty, inspector; M. Richard, clerk; at . Lancaster—No. of delegate?. 2; O. F. Welnshank. judge; H. D. Robertson. In spector; Captain J. C. Hanna, clerk; at Lan caster note!. Lankershlm—No .of delegates, 2; C. A. Cartwrlght, Judge; W. 1,. Puett, Inspector; William Qalbreath, clerk; at Lnnkershim Llano—No. of delegates, 2; J. C. Tilghman, judge; John Wlckleln, Inspector; S.,S. Oo dln. clerk; at . Dong Beach—No. of delegates, 4; W. S Clark, judge; p. D. Wlngard, inspector; D. A. Bailey, clerk; at schoolhouse. Lordsburg—No. of delegates, 5; C. 11. Doughty, judge: O.K. Young, Inspector; Jess Eads, clerk; at Lordsburg school house ("old precinct lines.) Monrovia—No. of delegates, 5; M. L. Good man, judge; F. J. Combs, Inspector; A. J Bent, clerk; at schoolhoUSS, Monte Vista—No. of delegates. 3; A. G. Harper, judge; F. B. Shock, inspector; C. M. Wagner, clerk; at Cold Water school house. National precinct. I.—No. nf delegates, 3; judge, Thomas Murphy: clerk, John Lav erty; Inspector, J. R. Farley; at Soldiers' home. National. Precinct lI.—No. of delegates. 3: Judge, C. F. Groff: clerk. C. Marshall; in spector. John Lenord; at Soldiers* home. National. Precinct HI.—No. of delegates, 2; judge. Dennis Sullivan; clerk. J. M. D. Warfield; Inspector. Casco De Ney; at Sol diers' home. National. Precinct IV.—No. .of delegate?. 3; judge. William Bate; clerk. R.\ D. De Ha ven; Inspector, James Grady; at Soldiers' home. National. Precinct V.— ■No, of delegates. 2; Judge, Klehnrd Nixon; clerk. James M. Poe: Inspector., J.. C. Dories; at Soldiers' home. Newhall—No. of delegates, 4; W. N. For ker. judge; G. W. Techier, inspector; W. E. Pardee, clerk; at schoolhouse. North Pasadena, T.—No. of delegates, 3; , Judge; , inspector; . clerk; at North Pasadenn, IT.—No. of delegates. 3: J. W. Inman, judge; , inspector: , clerk; at J. J. Harris, judge; C. S Seaman, inspector; C R. Toms, clerk: at South Pasadena. Norwalk—No. of delegates, 6; E. Noble. Judge; J. W. Tnman, Inspector; M. J. Mc gaugh. clerk: at schoothouse. Paimdale—No. of delegates. 3: O. R. Bulk ley, judge; G. Banntnger, inspector; A. B. Cox. clerk; at Paimdale. Pasadena, I.—No. of delegates, 3; G. Har ris, judge; John Adams, inspector; Alfred Thome, clerk; at Alfred" Thome's house. Pasadena, lI.—No. of delegates, 4; W, it. Townsend, judge; W. E. Buckingham, in spector; R. M. Furlong, clerk; aj A. K. Metcalfe's office. Pasadena, HI.—No. of delegates. ">; C. M Stanley, judge; W. C. Porter, Inspector; W A. Filage, clerk; at . Pasadena, IV.—No. of delegates, 3; TV. T. Grimes, judge; G. A. Herdlg. inspector; B Edmonston, clerk; at . Pasadena, V.—No. of delegates, 8; William Blake. Judge; John A. Taylor, inspector; W. 1,. Wotkyns, clerk; at — . Pasadena, VI.—No. of delegates. 6; A. J. Wright, judge; J. A. Dovey. inspector; A. B. Soete, clerk: at —. Pasadena. VII.—No. of delegates, 2; W. A. *Tones, Judge; F. H. Bryan. Inspector; St. Windham, clerk: at . Pasadena, VIII— No. of delegates, 2; J. Simons, judge; j. Bailey, inspector; Auner Gohle, clerk; at . Pomona, I.—No. of delegates, 3; J. B. Crawford, judge; W. H. Hewitt, Inspector; C. R. Johnson, clerk; at ■ . Pomona* lI.—No. of delegates, 5; Ed Pendleton, judgo; J. B. Cason, Inspector; R. A. Burke, clerk; at . Pomona, lII.—No. of delegates. 4; E. H. Hutchinson, Judge; F. Cogswell .inspector; Q. C. Bgan, clerk; at . Pomona, IV.—No. of delegates, 4; W. T Martin. Judge; B. S. Bryant, inspector; S. N. Loudon, clerk; at . Pomona, V.—No. of delegates, 3; F. D Joy, Judge; , inspector; W. Shafer. clerk; at . Redondo—No. of delegates, 7; F. B. Eng lish, Judge; F. C. Melius, inspector; N. E De Van. clerk; at Dial's drug store. Rivera—No. of delegates, 5; S. G. Rey nolds, Judge: V. M. Cats, inspector; J Hanna. clerk; at Gulrado's store. Rowland—No. of delegates. 3; T. F. Wnys. Judge; M'illiam Rowland. Inspector; B. F- Rowland, clerk; at postofflce. Puente. San Fernando—No. of delegates, 4; J. 0. Jenifer, judge; M. R. Lopez. Inspector; F. A. Kidder, cierk; at schoolhouse. Sun Gabriel—No. of delegates. 4; William W. Garner, judge; W. F. Slack, Inspector; C. W. Winston, clerk; at hotel. San Pedro—No. of delegates. 5: Frank Bonsell. Judge: R. Hlllyer. inspector; Frank Schilling, clerk; at barber Ehop Fifth and Front streets. San Pedro. IT.—No. of delegates, 4: M. J. McDermott, Judge; Sam Wilhite, inspector: J. A. Weldt, clerk: at city hall. Santa Monica. I.—No. nf delegates, 4; M. Hnstetter, judge: J. D. Collins, inspector; H. King, clerk; at ■. Santa Monica, lI.—No. of delegates. 4; J. C. Steel, judge; Jesse Tokum, inspector; M. C. Roth, clerk: at . Santa Monica. lII.—No. of delegates, 3; M. H. Kimball, judge; H. A. Window, in spector; It. McCarthy, clerk; at . San Vicente—No. of delegates. 3; H. Slcrts, judge; J. F. Tooker, Inspector; A. Dillon, clerk; at . Blerra Madre—No. of delegates, 2: L. E. Steinlierger, Judge; S. R. Norris, Inspector; W. B. Crisp, clerk; at hotel. South Pasadena—No. of delegates. 3; J. C. Newton, Judge; A. J. Moody, inspector; A. Gibhs, clerk: at . Spadra—No. of delegates, 3; J. M. Fryer, Judge: K. H. Dorsey, inspector; 8. B. Car ter, clerk: at postoffice. University—No. of delegates. 4; J. P Murphy, judge: A. A. Cleveland, inspector; F. W. Becker, clerk: at Wilson's store, cor ner Vermont and Santa Monica avenues. Whlttler, I.—No. of delegates, 4; F. M King. Judge:, C. E. Bates, Inspector; B. Ghilrado, clerk; at . Whlttler, II —No. of delegates. 3; Marion Wood. Judge: A. O. Bailey, inspector: G. H. Relley, clerk: at fold precinct lines.l Wilmington—Nn. of delegates, 3; Silas Kennedy, Judge; Charles Cookson, inspect or: M. Koster, clerk; at Kennedy's butcher shop. City of Los Angeles FIRST WARD First precinct—Xo. of delegates, 2; J. E. Withrow, judge; C. C. Monaghan, inspect or; Charles O. Stevenson, clerk; at Mudge's real estate office. Highland Park. Second precinct—Xo. of delegates. R; E. Hartup, judge; C. F. Johnson, inspector; William Gitt, clerk: at Banquet hall, Dow ney avenue. Third precinct—Xo. of delegates. 5; J. R. Dunnlgan, judge: D. K. Trask, Inspector; Frank Palomares, clerk; at Banquet hall. Downey avpnue. Fourth precinct—Xo. of delegates, 7; C. M. Hnyden. judge; Charles Durr. Inspector; C. G. Kolster, clerk; at Banquet hail. Dow ney avenue. Fifth precinct—No, of delegates, fi: W. A Frlck, judge; R. J. Coiyear, Inspector; Ju lius Dyons, clerk; at 605 East Main. Sixth precinct—No. of delegates, 7; Alfred Moore, jr.. judge; R. J. Adcock, Inspector; J. T. Saunders, clerk; at corner GrllYln av enue and Main street. SECOND WARD Seventh) precinct—No. of delegates, 6; Walt-r DeveaUX, judge; A. E. Sense-ny, in spector; M. J. Sullivan, clerk; at east side of Buena Vista street north of College street. Eighth precinct—Xo. of delegates. 4: A. Hoffman, judge; H. Spoh, Inspector; O. Smith, clerk; at 1651 Temple street. Ninth precinct—No. of delegates. 4; Dan iel Innes. judge; George Retzer. inspector; M. C. Marsh, clerk; at 120." Temple street. Tenth precinct—No. of delegates, 0; C. S. Miles, judge; Thomas Kelly, inspector; R. R. Garrett, clerk; at corner Pearl and Al pine. Eleventh precinct—No. of delegates, 6; William R. Masetta, Judge; W. E. Marques, Inspector; J. S. Redona, clerk: at Italian hall. Ruenti Vista street. Twelfth precinct—No. of delegates. 7: E A. Wall. Judge; R. E. Taney, inspector; R. Hunt, clerk; at 314 New High street. Thirteenth precinct—No. of delegates. 5; L. Bouttler. jr.. judge; A. G. Simmons. In spector; Meyer Mendelssohn, clerk; at Ron tier's hall, Bellevue avenue. Fourteenth precinct—No. of delegates. 5; N. J. Content, judge; E. A. Preuss. inspect or: ,T. Kuhrtz, clerk: at Tallyho stables, on Broadway, between First and Second. Fifteenth precinct—No. of delegates, 7; .Judge: E. 1,. Sieweke. inspector: , clerk; at Temple street and Fremont ave nue. Sixteenth precinct—No. nf delegates. 4: William Meyers, judge; Thomas S. Casey, inspector; Thomas Defty, clerk; at 1310 Temple street. Seventeenth precinct—No. of delegates, 4; John Kinney. Judge: J. H. Davy, Inspector; John T. Davy, clerk; at 1652 Temple street. THIRD WARD Eighteenth precinct—No. of delegates, 4; T. F. Donohue. Judge: j. T. Black, inspector; M. Alender, clerk: at city hall. Nineteenth precinct—No. of delegates, 5; C. E. O'Brien. Judge; Henry Fnlkersnn. In spector; T. R. Owen, clerk; at MS l *. South Spring street. Twentieth precinct—No. l of delegates. C ,T. C. Bright, judge: C. Chick, inspector: W. M. Averell, clerk; at I.a Grande house. South Spring. Twenty-first precinct—Xo. of delegates, <S; W. A. Ryan, Judge; E. ,T. Morris. Inspector; M. T. Powell, clerk; at 325' i WesttPourtl" street. Twenty-second precinct—No. nf delegates. 5: J. h! Dockweller, Judge; JVllllam w. Stephens, Inspector; Sum Morton, clerk: »' 31S West Second street. Twenty-third precinct—No. of delegates. 6: E. St. Jtillnn C"x. Judge; B. Senns. I* speotor: J. P. Coyne, clerk: at 224 South Grand avenue, Twenty-fourth precinct—No, cf delegates, 5; J. Sentous. judge: John Kennealy, In spector: R. B. St"yens. clerk; at BOTH West Sixth street. Twentv-flfth precinct—No. of delegates 5: R. Y. Mcßrlde, Judge; J. w. Fullerton, Inspector: W. A. Klstler. clerk: at Ice fac tory. 4ilo South Flgueroa street. TWenty-slxth precinct—No of delegates. 5; Tom McCaffrey. Judge: Will I">. Guild. Inspector: Frank C. Hanncn. clerk: at Sixth nnd Pearl, southeast corner. Twenty*SSV.enth precinct—No. of dele gates. 3; J. C. Fny, Judge; George Van Va'. kenberg, inspector: ,1. E. Millard, clerk: at northeast corner Seventh and Alvarado streets. Sixty-ninth precinct—No. of delegates, l: . Judge: William T\ Martin. Inspector: Walter R. Wheat, clerk: nt Loi Angeles Military academy. FOURTH WARD Twenty-eighth precinct—No. of delegates. 4: C. Hlckson. Judge: I). Botlller, Inspector: L. J. Mathews, clerk; at south Junction of Main and Spring streets. Twenty-ninth precinct—No. of deiegatps, I; E. M. SWlmnn. Judge; F. Tt. Thompson, inspector: R. J. Dillon, clerktt at corner ot Eighth and Olive streets. Thirtieth precinct—No. of delegates, 5; R. N. Chappel, Judge: M. O'Connor. In spector; M. Polaski, clerk; at engine house, Ninth street near Main. Thirty-first precinct—No. of delegates. 5; S. Grant. Judge: John Wolfsklll, Inspector' S. H. Rentley. clerk; at Sixteenth street en gine house. Thirty-second precinct—No. of delegates. 4: D. W. Edelmnn. Judge; J. J. Bergen, In spector: Charles Wethorn. clerk: at north west corner Flgueroa and Washington streets. Thirty-third precinct—No. of delegates. 5; Frank Coulter. Judge; J. O. De Turk. In spector; K. D. Dokeman. clerk; at 1251 Flg ueroa street. Thirty-four A precinct—No. of delegates. 4; H. C. Thomas, Judge; — Scott, Inspector; Jerome Curtln, clerk; at stables 1522 West Seventh street. Thirty-four B precinct—No. of delegates, 4; W. D. Newell. Judge; Louis Sentovs, If* *pec'or; S. W'ea; herhold, clerk; at shoe shosj corner Sentous and Eleventh'slrfljtsj; Thirty-fifth A precinct—No, of delegates, 3; M. M. Levering, Judge; O. B. Carter, ln* sp<?ctor; C. Vance, clerk; at car barn on Ninth street. Thirty-fifth B precinct—No. of delegates, 3; George Hoberts. Judge; George Puff, In spector; Julius W. Krause, clerk ;at 251 South Alvarado street, in the rear, Thirty-sixth precinct—No. of delegates, 4; H. Tufts. Judge; W. S. Bohannon, Inspector; .1. G. Scarborough, clerk; at corner Pico antl Valencia. Seventieth precinct—No. of delegates, 6f Max Hoffman. Judge; Charles Chenoweth, inspector; P. H. Malony. clerk: at . Seventy-first precinct—No. of delegates. 2; Ariosto McCrimmin. Judge; John Lang, In spector; Thomas Reeve, clerk; at ■-. FIFTH WARD Thirty-seventh precinct—No. of delegates, 3; Tom Neal, judge: D. M. Cloud, inspector; Sidney Reeves, clerk; at southwest cornet Twenty-first and Grand avenue. Thirty-eighth A precinct—No. of dele gates. 3; I. J. Wier. judge: R. D. Porter, in spector; F. W. Sabichl, clerk; at Marlbor ough stables. Thirty-ninth precinct—No. of) delegates, 5; A. Wlllhartitz, Judge.; c. -tf. Ford. In spector; Dußarry. clerk; at Parks' drug store, northwest corner Main and Third streets. Thirty-eighth B precinct—No. ot dele gates. 3; Ed Ryan. Judge; T. H. Philbrook, lnspectr; Captain Green, clerk; at Ryan's store room, corner Jefferson and Westlake avenue. Seventy-second precinct—No .of delegates. 6: F. R. Pittman. judge; Captain Newman, inspector: B. W. Granis. clerk; at H. T. Cary & Sons hardware shop, corner Twen ty-fourth and Hoover'streets. Seventy-third A precinct—No. of dele gates, 4; Captain C. M. Baker, Judge; Adloff, Inspector; Percy Schumacher, clerk; at J. H. Merrill's grncvery store, corner Ver mont avenue and Twenty-seventh street. Seventy-third B. precinct—No. of dele* gates, 4; William Dryden, Judge; Gray, Inspector; . clerk; at Tucker's black smith shop on West Jefferson street. SIXTH WARD Fortieth precinct—No. of delegates. 4; K. Bradley, judge; J. W. Nance, inspector; A. Roselle, clerk; at southeast corner Twenty seventh and Main streets. Forty-first precinct—No. of delegates. 5; T. Darmody, Judge; Lee A. McConnell. in spector; E. Duggnn, clerk; at engine house on Main street. Forty-second precinct—No. of delegate*. 5; John P. Moran, judge; J. A. Stoecklin, If spector; M. T. Ryan, clerk; at real estate office corner Pico and Main streets. Forty-third precinct—No. of delegates. 4: J. F. McElheny, Judge; M. J. MeGarry, In spector; Joel B. Parker, clerk; at grocery store southeast corner Pico and San Pedro streetF. Forty-fourth precinct—No. of delegates, 7: Joe Hamilton, judge; Anton Swer.son, Inspector; John H. Foley, clerk; at hall Thirteenth and Central avenue. Forty-fifth A precinct—No. of delegates, 3. W. H. Thomas, judge; J. J. Yarborough, Inspector; R. D. Coates, clerk; at Grlder & Dow's real estate office. Forty-fifth B. precinct—No. of delegates, 3; W. A. Fields, judge; — Hayes, Inspector; Noble, clerk; at corner Adams and Cen tral avenue. Fnrty-slxth precinct—Xo. of delegates, 6; Frank Reese, judge; T. Whelan, inspector; W. P. Snyder, clerk: at Tubh's coal yard, corner Sixteenth street and Central avenue. Seventy-fourth A precinct—Nn. of dele gates. 4; Joseph Tombs, judge: R. Remey, Inspector; Bronnle. clerk; at southeast corner Vernon and Central avenues, * Seventy-fourth B precinct—Xo. of dele gates, 4: S. S. Harper, judge; T. A. Eryan*. Inspector; H. L. Sheets, clerk; at Akey's druer store. SEVEXTH WARD Forty-seventh precinct—Xo. of delegates, 7; William Xordholt. Judge; H. H. Kerek hoff. inspector; \V. T. Edwards, cle-' -northeast corner Seventh and Main s Forty-eighth A precinct—No. of delei H: John Hauerwaas, judge; H. W. Presto;., inspector; B. McKane. clerk: at sou'hwat,* corner of Seventh and Wall streets. Forty-. Ighth B precinct—No. of delegate* 4; A. Feldschau, judge; Charles O'Netl. in spector; —- Howard, clerk; at 240 Bast Fifth street. Forty-ninth A precinct—No. of delegates, C; J. b. McGlnley, judge; J. D. Giles. is» spector; A. Valenzuela, clerk; at 754 Gladys avenue. Forty-ninth B precinct—No. of delegates, S; Martin Eiohorn. judge: Henry Matson. Inspector; L. A. Pollard, clerk; at No. 611 Ceres avenue. Fiftieth precinct—No. of delegates, 6; D. F. MeGarry. judge; M. F. Betkouskl. in spector; C. E. Richardson, clerk; at John Kearney's store. Fifty-first precinct—No. of delegates, 7; John M. Gaven. Judge; John Nerney. in spector; Jack Lee, clerk; at McDonald'* mill. Fifty-second precinct—No. of delegates. 7; Joseph Zirbes. judge; R. W. Read, In spector; C. Kremple, clerk: at John Zir bes'. corner Fifth and Gladys streets. Fifty-third precinct—No. of delegates, 5: Frank Lindenfeid, Judge: E. G. Reed. In spector; , clerk; at 307 South Los An geles street. Fifty-fourth precinct—No. of delegates. 7; Charles Tappenier, judge; Thomas McDer mott. Inspector: H. Beer, clerk; at 113 South San Pedro street. Fifty-fifth precinct—No. of delegntes. 2; R. M. Walton. Judge: Charles Stewart, in spector; Robert Wondworth, clerk; at Wal ' m's b ..inling house. Second near Hewitt street. Fifty-sixth precinct—No. of delegates, 4; W. H. Wheeler, judge: C. P. Oldsen, In spector; J. Tilfey, clerk; at Sl5 East Third street. EIGHTH WARD Fifty-seventh A precinct—No. of uele c ites, 'I: Tony Mesmer, judge; g. MoFad son. inspector; William Towhig, clerk; at 102 Requeue street. Fifty-seventh B precinct—No. of dele- Liites. 5; Tim Horgan. Judge; Charles Ger son. inspector; William Towhig. clerk: at corner Jackson and Wilmington streets. Fifty-eighth A precinct-No. of delegates, 5; Tom Zeus, Judge; C. Wise, inspector: R. 'I. Amis, clerk; at 108 North Alameda street. Fifty-eighth B precinct—No. of dele gates. "; M. Ordoqut, judge; 1,. Drouet, in spector; P. A. Simon, cierk; at Lafayette hotel. Fifty-ninth precinct—No. nf delegates, 5: R. .1. Collins, .itiiiee: A. Todd. Inspector; J. Wenger, clerk: at 023 East First street. Sixtieth precinct—No. nf delegates, 6; O. Goldsmith, Judge; F. A. Halierham, In gpector; . clerk; at corner of Main and Requena streets Sixty-first precinct—No. of delegates, 7; John R. McManus, Judge; William Vance, inspector; F. Pulssegur, clerk; nt corner Lyon and Macy streets. Sixty-second precinct—No. of delegates, 7: 11. S. Kearney. Judge: Fred Colby, in spector; Mark Tyler, clerk: at Colby block, 1100 North Main street. Sixty-third precinct—No. of delegates, 6; William Stewardson. Judge: T. Carter, in spector; J. T. Kearney, clerk; at 1449 Sanr Fernando street. NINTH WARD Sixty-fourth precinct—No. of delegate*, 7; ,f. M. Voss. Judge; E. R. Threlkeld. In spector; Charles Roijue, clerk; at corner ot Anderson and Mitchell streets. Sixty-fifth preclnt—No. of delegates, 4: J. I. Rogers, judge: B. Chandler. Inspector; A. W. Bragg, clerk: at store northeast cor ner Cornwall and Brooklyn streets. Sixty-sixth preolnot--No. of deiegatps. 3; C. C. Wright, judge; W. TT. Bryant. Inspect or; J. Harrington, clerk; at Edwards'store. East First street. Sixty-seventh precinct—No. nf delegates, 4; William H. Workman. Judge: H. Gerke, inspector: Ed Irwin, clerk: Virginia Meat Market, 1860 East First street. Sixty-eighth prfcinct—No. nf delegates, l>; M. T. Collins. Judge; J. P. Brick, in spector; Frank Illnford, clerk; at Brock"* blacksmith shop, corner Chicago street. DR. R. W. HILL, Chairman. L. lIERZOG. Secretary. , Dated August 4,1898. , .gimM 5