OCR Interpretation

The herald. [microfilm reel] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1893-1900, August 05, 1898, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

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The Herald
«—■— 'T
President sod General Manager
Telephone Mem 247, Business Office and Seeserle
tloß Department
Telephone Main let, Editorial and Local Depart
Dally, by carrier, per month • J*
Dally, by mall, one year 9 w
Dally, hy mall, six months JJJ
Dally, br mall. Uiree months. 2 .5
Sunder Herald, by mall, one year 200
Weekly Herald, by mall one year lOS
lipases 4 cents N pages tcenti
ICpages 4cents 2S pages 1 cents
24 pages scents IS pages leents
IS pages 1
A. frank Rlohardeoo. Tribune Bulldlog, New
York; Chamber of Commerce building. Chicago.
Tho above reward wIU be paid tor the arrest and
eonTlctloD of any person caught stealing TBS
Herald after delivery to a patron.
FRIDAY. Al GUST 5. 1898.
A better understanding with the
Cuban Insurgents, before an armistice
Is declared, would seem to be a consid
eration of the highest importance. Since
his withdrawal into the mountains Gar
cia has been acting wholly independent
of General Shafter, and may not recog
nize the binding effect upon him of any
agreement for a cessation of hostilities
that may be entered into by the Madrid
and Washington governments. Only a
day or two ago his command engaged
a body of Spaniards, on. the road to
Holguin, and captured five hundred of
Well supplied with arms and ammu
nition, furnished by the United States,
better fed and clothed than at any time
for three years, and strengthened by
new accessions from their own people,
as well as from the Spanish army, Gar
cia may become very troublesome, if
he has the disposition to be, to the
Federal authorities, as well as the Span
lards. His army has been metamor
phosed into a very respectable com
mand. General Lawton certifies that
when it came into his camp tt w r as "as
ragged as Falstaff's Gadshill force." but
after clothing and arms had been Issued
to them, he says, one would "never
know the clean, alert, ready man of
today, who brings his piece up smoothly
to salute as I pass, as the ragged, half
starved, wholly dirty refugee who con
stltued the so-called army under Gar
Spain and the world will expect the
United States to enforce to the letter
the conditions of an armistice. An at
tack by the Cuban army upon Spanish
soldiers, or an outrage committed upon
Spanish non-combatants, during the
suspension of hostilities, would surely
complicate matters. It might rise to
the dignity of a menace to a satisfactory
final settlement.
General Shafter will have no difficulty
ln restraining the insurgents, if—he can
catch them. But there's the rub. With
the aid of the Cuban Junta, the admln
stration should be able to pacify the
patriots, and persuade them to renew
their allegiance to our flag, tentatively
at least, until their ancient enemy Is
wholly removed from the island.
A delegation pledged to the support
of Henry T. Gage for governor will be
sent from Los Angeles county to the
Republican state convention. There will
be no division In it. It has been al
ready practically chosen. There may be
a sprinkling of delegates whose sympa
thies are not with the movement —lest
its success may menace the chances of
Southern California for the senatorial
succession —but this limited influence
will be negatived by the adoption of
the unit rule.
It is true that the primaries have not
yet been held, but that fact is more ap
parent than real. The time-honored cus
tom of holding primaries will be ob
served—only, for greater convenience of
manipulation, the precinct plan will be
substituted for the assembly district
plan, so long adhered to and so uni
versally satisfactory. But it matters
little to the Republican voters which
form is used upon this occasion, since
the outcome has been shrewdly calcu
lated by the push wthin the party, and
all possibilities of a miscarriage dis
counted. The assembly districts have
been so divided by the central commit
tee as to leave the result at all doubt
ful in but a few, and in these such
conditions have been raised up as to
Insure a light, as well as a one-sided,
vote. The established precinct lines
have In many cases been dissipated,
and the new precincts so gerrymandered
that electors will in some instances havej
to travel fifteen miles, and In others 1
thirty miles, to cast their votes. Moun
tain ranges split some of the precincts'
in twain, and it will be a physical irri-1
possibility for some of the delegates to
reach the polling places and return home 1
the same day. They will be put to the |
expense, not only of railroad fares, but
of hotel accommodations as well, and
must give up two days for the discharge
of a duty that should not consume more ;
than a few hours at most.
Under such circumstances, it need not;
be said, the unbuught and uninfluenced
voter will be discouraged from exercis-!
ing a privilege dear to all honest mem
bers of all political parties. His voice
will not be heard. The only voice that
will echo and re-echo in the solitude of
the remote and isolated precincts will
be the voice of the professional rounder,
whose hat will be chalked over the rail
roads and whose board bill will be paid
from the campaign fund.
It is not easy to believe that so hon
orable and high-minded a gentleman as
Henry T. Gage can reconcile himself to
the acceptance of a nomination, pro
cured by such means, to the highest
and most dignified position of trust and
responsibility within the gift of the peo
ple of California. But it ie inconceiv
able that he has not already been ap
prised of the program of the push In
that behalf. If not, then let him traverse
the official call for the convention, ob
serve the boundaries of some of the
country precincts—notably the Seven
tieth and Seventy-second—and then ask
himself if self-respect and ordinary con
sideration for the eternal decency of
things does not dictate the calling of
a halt, does not prompt him to repudi
ate such a palpable fraud upon the
honest voters of his own party, does not
inspire him to wash his hands of the
whole nefarious buslnesa.
Independence for the Filipinos, as well
as for the Cubans, la ln the balance,
contingent upon their ready acquies
cence in an armistice and their con
tinued respect for Its terms. Any hos
tile demonstration against the author
ity of the United States, at this critical
Juncture, might prove fatal to their
hopes of ultimate freedom. The people
of the United States, already somewhat
disillusioned touching their perfect
adaptability for self-government, would
not brook with patience a disposition
upon their part to obstruct the meas
ures adopted for bringing about a speedy
return of peace. Such a course upon
the part of Aguinaldo would be espe
cially disastrous, since It might become
necessary for General Merritt. in such
a contingency, to avail himself of the
assistance of the Spanish troops to pre
serve order and maintain respect for the
terms of an armistice.
It would be a world pity if millions
of well-meaning people, upon the thresh
old of independence, should be deprived
of the boon through the Impetuosity
and pig-headedness of their chosen
Without doubt the H. Patton push is
in desperate straits. For a long time
it treasured the hope of defeating fusion
in this end of the state, and did every
thng in its power, secretly and sneak
ingly, to alienate the Silver Republicans
Rnd Populists. The motive for this
course was to gratify the Southern Pa
cific political bureau, and accomplish its
rule-or-ruln policy. The railroad would
have felt perfectly happy in the hand»
of the Democratic party tf men of the
Patten stripe could be in the ascen
dency; but with the downfall of their
local machine, which was sure to follow
the coalition of the three parties on
lines of reform, the railroad knew it
could expect no special favors. If the
Democratic party were to enter upon a
reform regime, the railroad would much
prefer that the Democratic party be
snowed under. Hence the efforts of the
Push to defeat coalition.
When the recent Populist convention
at Sacramento made fusion a certainty,
it proved a bitter disappointment to the
Patton crowd. It was, In fact, their
first complete set-back. There was left
to them thereafter only the forlorn hope
of stirring up enough opposition to de
feat the nomination of Maguire by the
forthcoming Democratic convention.
Their main hope was in a disaffected
delegation from San Francisco, which,
assisted possibly by divided delegations
from other portions of the state, might
lead to Maguire's defeat. But the act
ion of the committee of one hundred in
San Francisco and the perfect ground
swell for Maguire that has been sweep
ing over the state again dashed the
hopes of our local marplots and left
them not a leg to stand on.
Within the past week the Patton push
have literally thrown up their hands
and confessed their utter defeat. They
are all Maguire men now, and if one
were to believe their fervent protesta
tions, these long-time servitors of Uncle
Collis have not dreamed of any other
standard-bearer for the Democracy.
They are all scrambling to get into the
band wagon. Some of them may suc
ceed in getting aboard, but the fewer the
better. There Is not a large crowd of
them, and tt would be an element of
strength for the party If they were
obliged to walk in the rear of the pro
cession. In this campaign the party
would be Infinitely better oft without
In any event they should be well
watched. Marplots once, they are mar
plots always. Railroad push on all past
occasions, they are never to be trusted,
and their presence in the party councils
is a constant menace. Let the friends
of fusion and reform beware of these
fellows. They still mean mischief.
Texas Democrats have been unable
to resist the temptation of territorial
acquisition, and by the decisive vote
of 697 to 334 they tabled the platform
of the minority of the resolutions com
mitee, drafted and fathered in the con
vention by Congressman Bailey. The
fight over the question was long and
bitter, and a vote was not reached until
the small hours yesterday morning.
! The result will be given something of
1 a national significance, since it compre
hends the defeat in his own state, upon
' a question of party polioy, of the Dem
ocratic leader in the house of repre
! sentatives. The New York Journal,
! whose "national policy" violates a great
| many cherished traditions of Democracy,
! has been endeavoring for a year to read
| Mr. Bailey out of ths party, and it will
derive an Immense amount of comfort
from the Galveston episode. It Is likely
now to redouble its efforts to have the
young leader further discredited.
All the same the Bailey resolutions
breathe the true spirit of Democratic
Americanism, and their rejection by the
convention detracts nothing from their
soundness. The platform adopted, how
ever, is not so radical as might be In
ferred from the vigor with Which Bailey's
conservatism was antagonized. While
favoring the retention of all Spanish pos
sessions in the West Indies, it opposes
the annexation or continued retention
of the Philippines. It is binding only
upon the Democracy of Texas, and de
rives its chief significance alone from
the fact that it was adopted In oppo
sition to the views of a national leader.
The only way to determine, even ap
proximately, the amount of money in
circulation Is to subtract from the total
amount ln the country the gross sum
held in the Federal treasury. That this
Is untrustworthy is evidenced by the fact
that into the calculation enter millions
of dollars hidden away by people who
are unable or unwilling to find safe in
vestments for It, people who are afraid
of banks and trust companies, and who
habitually retain possession of their sur
plus. The fact that two hundred millions
have just been invested in the new gov
ernment 3 per cents, mainly by poor peo
ple and those of only moderate means—
without any noticeable decrease in the
enormous holdings of the savings banks
—shows to what extent individuals se
cretly hoard wealth. The savings banks
of this country now hold over two bil
lions of dollars, and all of this Is counted
as being in the circulation, although it
is notoriously not so.
The difficulty, especially since 1893. of
securing satisfactory loams for this enor
mous surplus has been so great that in
terest rates have steadily declined.
Hetty Green has Just loaned the city of
New York $2,000,000 at 2 per cent. Eight
per cent realty loans had no attractions
for her. The surplus reserves in the
banks at all the money centers were
never so large as at the present time,
and. notwithstanding the decline in the
interest rate, they continue to pile up.
There is. indeed, so much money out of
circulation that many of the large bank
ing institutions of the country are send
ing their surplus to London and Amster
dam for investment. And it Is notorious
that, notwithstanding the enormous bal
ance of trade in our favor for the fiscal
year ended the 30th of June last, it is
still mainly he-Id by the banks of the
continent, gold imports on that account
having only Just begun.
No loss distinguished a financial au
thority than John Sherman declared,
during his administration of the treas
ury, that the natural increase in popu
lation of the country Justified the addi
tion of 550.000.000 annually to the circula
tion, to accommodate expanding trade.
About that sum was then being added
to the volume of money in circulation,
through the coinage of four millions of
sliver dollars monthly, but that supply
has been stopped and no other channel
opened. On the contrary, with the de
crease In the demand for money for in
dustrial undertakings, due to the steady
fall in prices, national bank circulation
was steadily withdrawn, while popula
tion continued to Increase as before,
from natural causes, if not from immi
Apparent per capita circulation is too
elusive to safely base any economic the
ory upon. There Is lots of idle money
ln the country, but it is In hiding. Those
who require funds need not be told how
difficult it has become to obtain them.
The lender demands security, ln most
cases, of three times the value of the
loan. He doesn't want property of any
kind, because all kinds of property, save
gold, are falling in value—he exacts se
curity sufficient to cover possible depre
ciation during the life of the loan.
Money not in use should not be re
turned as "in circulation," for it is not.
It Is amortized money, and is as if never
created. And money which cannot be
procured at rates which honest indus
trial profits will justify should be
counted as retired from circulation.
The immediate future gives little prom
ise of a change. Idle money is looking
forward to new fields in conquered coun
tries, with a vague and undefined hope
that the conditions for its employment
will somehow be different from those
that have obtained in the United States.
Los Angeles hackmen are becoming
skeptical of the blessings enjoyed by
their fraternity under the aegis of city
charter and municipal laws. They com
plain that the hitching ordinance
discriminates against them, that it
singles them out for exactions not
demanded of others, and is there
fore class legislation, inequtable
and unjust. All other classes are
granted privileges withlni the anti
hltching zone denied to them. Others
may obstruct the streets in the con
gested district with their vehicles for
twenty minutes—they not at all.
One doesn't need to either own or drive
a hack to recognize the justice of their
claim or the warrant for their protest.
It is self-evident. We are all co-part
ners, with equal rights, ln the munici
pal corporation, and the public hack
should have no fewer privileges than
any other vehicle, except, perhaps, the
nre chief's little red wagon.
The difficulty of enacting a just hitch
ing ordinance Is recognized. Perhaps it
Is impossible. But it would seem that
the present one might be so adminis
tered as to bear less heavily upon this
hard-working class without seriously
discommoding others or defeating its
main purpose.
From battleships to yachts is a big
descent, and yet we "remem&er the
Gloucester." The Royal Yacht Squad-
Ron is in the throes of a dilemma, pre
cipitated by Sir Thomas Llpton's chal
lenge for the American cup. The mem
bers evidently want a string tied to It
—not necessarily a Manila string—but
some sort of a gig-back, and they fear
that the conditions may "appear un
gracious to the American people." On
the other hand, we apprehend the Amer
icans may be disposed to impose a con
dition that will appear ungracious to ;
the English people. They may want to
bar Dunraven! They care little how
much of his income may he squandered
upon a yacht, and are wholly indiffer
ent as to whether It shall have a center
board, but they covet none of his "slack."
The Telegraph wants bygones to be by
gones, and Americans will cheerfully
agree to that, providing our cousins are
willing to classfy the carl as a bygone..
Let Sir Thomas build his yacht, and
we will endeavor to match it. Americans
are not taking water from anybody Just
now, even from the ruler of the waves.
Acting on a suggestion nf The Herald,
Mrs. William Cllne, Nadeau Hotel, has
started a correspondence chain to raise
funds for the erection of free baths In
this city. The amount called for from
each person is only ten cents, backed
by the writing of four letters to carry
the chain along. Each person receiving
one of these letters should lend a hand
to the good work.
The emergency order for the removal
of General Shafter's army to the United
States seems to have been fully war
ranted by the conditions existing at San
tiago. It does not wem as if any rea
son exists for longer keeping the men
on the island. Peace Is almost assured.
But, should negotiations fall, an advance
on Havana before fall is not scheduled.
General Miles doubtless has all the men
he needs for the conquest of Porto Rico.
The withdrawal of the army cannot pos
sibly revive the hopes at Spain. She
couldn't make successful resistance to
a corps of invalids. Humanitarian con
siderations alone would warrant the step
that has been decided upon .
There were forty-four more boys than
girls born in Los Angeles last month.
Clerk Reed attributes it to the approach
ing election, but we are rather inclined
to regard it as in the nature of a mili
tary necessity. Rev. Myron Reed of
Denver holds to the theory that boys
born during a war period are influenced
by the fact, and arc more ready to en
gage In warfare when matured than arc
boys born during an era of peace.
Trouble Is brewing in the Indian ter
ritory, 0% - er the proposed allotment of
lands ln severalty under the Curtis bill.
Chief Meyers favors the government
scheme, but the hot bloods see in it
the ultimate decay of the race, and
threaten hostile demonstrations against
members of the council should the treaty
be ratified.
The lurid picture of the ravages which
climate and disease have wrought In
our Cuban army of occupation, set out
In our newe columns this morning:, throws
a flood of light upon the problem of
why Spain held out so long. She knew
well her allies, and only made a miscal
culation as to time.
Estrada Palma Insists that Garcia Is
acting in good faith, and will give the
Federal authorities no trouble. It would
seem, now that General Shafter's army
is to be withdrawn from Cuba, that the
Insurgents, under proper limitations,
might be utilized in governing the ter
ritory surrendered.
Teddy Roosevelt Is ordinarily very dis
creet, but has blundered ln making In
vidious comparisons between the Rough
Riders and the volunteers who ride not
at all. He richly deserves the rebuke
which has been administered to him by
the secretary of war.
W. F. X. Parker's gerrymander scheme
for landing Henry T. Gage is likely to
succeed, but It will be at the expense of
the ticket nominated. It is a heavy load
for a party to carry through a campaign
already weighed down with burdensome
The attention of Democrats is called
to the revised and corrected list of poll
ing places and officers of election for the
forthcoming primaries, as published in
The Herald this morning. The list today
Is the one that will govern.
At Montauk point General Shafter's
army will be somewhat removed from
yellow fever, but dangerously near to
the yellow journals.
Senor Sagasta spent last evening in
conferring with distinguished politicians.
They doubtless advised him not to go
behind the returns.
The Porto Rican Junta in New York
has disbanded, the members concluding
to turn over the business to Uncle Sam.
Spain now has it cold and flat. She
will be allowed to guess no more. And
she must ante quick.
I remember. I remember
How I used to sit and scold
When, on getting down to breakfast,
I would find the coffee cold;
How I used to turn my nose up
If the steak was done too rare—
But O, for home and mother.
And the dear old bill of fare.
I remember, I remember,
How 1 used to sit and scoff
When I fancied that the butter
Must be "Just a little off;"
How I scorned the lowly biscuits
That my sister used to make!
And the things I said concerning
Her attempts at Jolly cake!
O, It may be childish weakness
That possesses me, but I
Would give a whole month's wages
For one piece of mother's pie.
And I think that INI be willing
To walk twenty miles today
Just for one of those dear doughnuts
That I used to throw away.
• ■ ■ —Cleveland Leader.
Lieutenant Commander Walnwrlght
No man has "remembered tho Maine" more
vehemently and aggressively, no man has
done more to avenge her than Lieut. Com
mander pilchard Walnwrlght, second In
command nf Ihe 111-fated vessel when she
was exploded ln Havana water?, and hero
lof one of the most gallant episodes of the
great naval hattle of Santiago—where mem
| ory went hand In hand With vengeance to
annihilate the flower of the Spanish navy.
H« comes of a family whose past has
been, whose present is, whose future un-
I dnubtedly will be, part of the naval history
'of their country. His father. Commodore
Richard Walnwrlght, held Important com
mands under Farragut. and died off New
Orleans during the civil war. Ills only
son has Just entered Annapolis. He him-
self, born In Washington in 1850, entered the
naval academy in 1864 and graduated ln
Since then his career until recently has
been one of arduous and unplcturesquely
successful work, that gained him the re
spect of his associates, but left him un
known to the world at large. His lirst as
signment was to the Jamestown of the Pa
cific fleet. But in 1870 he was ordered to the
hydrographic oflice in Washington, and
for a quarter-century his life centered
around that office. He was not always
there, to be sure, for he made occasional
cruises In various official stations.
In the latter year he went to the bureau
of naval Intelligence. This position de
manded the most Intimate acquaintance
with the naval armaments and equipments
of every nation in the world. In Waln
wrlght, therefore, Secretary Long found
on 6 of his ablest advisers from the time
of the first appearance of the. Spanish war
cloud; ln fact, a tentative plan which he
drew up for a naval campaign in Cuban
waters has been followed in many of its de
tails by the naval department since the out
break of hostilities.
But Walnwrlght was to bear a more Im
portant share ln ante-bellum events. When
the Maine was ordered to Havana he went
with her as executive officer. On the aw
ful night of February 15th he stood beside
Capt. Slgsbee on the sinking quarter deck
of the exploded battleship and gave the
order to lower the boats. Day after day he
supervised the work of recovering the man
gled bodies of American sailors, and he was
the last to leave the wreck on the sth o«
April, 1898.
Then and there, we are told, he swore
vengeance upon Spain. He never faltered
in his opinion that Spanish treachery had
wrought 'he deed of shame. He welcomed
the war when It came. He had hardly dared
to hope that he would bear any prominent
share ln It. He was more than pleased,
therefore, to be put ln command of J. Pier
pont Morgan's pleasure yacht, the Corsair,
transformed into an auxiliary cruiser,
armed with a miniature battery of six
pounders, and rechrlstened the Gloucester.
It was the cry, "Remember the Maine!"
which rang in his ears when, on July 3d,
Admiral Cervera's fleet made Its mad dash
from Santiago harbor into the Jaws of
death. Walnwrlght took the two torpedo
boat destroyers. Furor and Pluton as his
special prey. Though the guns of Morro
castle covered their Might, though a single
boat of this class was generally considered
a formidable antagonist even for a battlc
ehlp. he drove his converted yacht against
these floating engines of war. They es
caped him at first. But, driven back where
he awaited them under a shower of Iron
hall from the shore, he again engaged them,
giving shot for shot, until they fled to the
beach, where they were stranded and
burned. His defense of the helpless Span
ish sailors from the savage Cubans showed
that he tempered revenge with mercy.
The other day he reappeared in promi
nence in a short, sharp clearance of the
way for our landing ln l'orto Rico.—Cri
He shook his head despondently.
"It begins to look to me," he said, "as if
whatever money Indemnity we got from
the Spaniards would not do us any good."
"Why not?"
"I have an Idea that Admiral Cervera will
get it all hark In damages for libel on ac
count of tfie pictures of him that have
been printed in some of the papers."—Chi
cago Post.
Algy—That girl Is worth half a million
dollars, and Clarence hugged her for two
hours on the pier last night.
Iteggy—Yes; another case of being pressed
for money.—Judge.
"Say. friend." asked the commercial trav
eler, "how tall are you tn your stocking
"I hain't got none," answered the guile
less Kentucky mountaineer.—lndianapolis
"Do you think she will pin her faith to
"No; I think she'll insist upon a good hard
ministerial knot."—Philadelphia Bulletin.
"Who Is that Spaniard?"
"I suppose his look of gloom is caused by
his country's Impending fate."
"No: somebody who desired to humble
his pride has taken him through a Chicago
slaughter house to show him how wo kill
bulls In this country."—Washington Star.
Catorian Tears
The fact has not been announced, but it
may safely be taken for granted that when
he read the pronunclamento Issued by Wil
liam Carlson and E. M. Warded, "Cator
wept."—San Francisco Examiner.
The Gun and the Man
A gun with an American behind it Is a
peacemaker and a mapmaker.—St. Louis
, Post-Dispatch.
A Bargain Counter
tor Boys' Suits, 9 to 15 Years
Rroken lines and summer weights of Boys' Double-
Breasted Knee Pants Suits are now marked down to
about cost price in order to make
(51.50, gt.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 and $2.75 are the
reduced prices. SEE THEM.
Mullen & Bluett Clothing Co.
N. W. Comer first and Spring Sts.
\ Talk About Peace . . 5
5 But there is no personal peace as long as there is personal ignorance. W
W Education and ignorance are each relative terms. Until Nirvana is entered there W
4 will always be unavoidable ignprance in regard to some things. But the average #
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m about Nirvana. The person without bread has no peace. Hunger and ignorance 4
m usually go together. This is a world of business. 6 months to a year spent at the d
| 212 West Third Street J
W Is a better bread-and-butter preparation to a young person than a long course at i
2 Harvard or Yale. The (act that "all Gaul is divided int.. three parts" does not A
X qualify a young man even to raise a peck of peanuts, nor to roast them, nor to i
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J when sold. School in full progress now. Enter any time. Literature on application J
| Try Kalston Bread If
M Those who do not care to go to the trouble of m
m experimenting with Ralston Health Flour will m
%k find the Ralston Bread at our bakery counter m
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X genuine Ralston Health Flour, after the orig- £n
m inal recipe. We also have plenty of the m
gk Ralston Flour for those who prefer it. MB
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Private sanitarium. Keport ot cases sent tree. 415$ Mouth. Spring gj:..U>» Angeles, Uai
"There Is no doubt now that the fight
against San Pedro is over, and the out
come is due to Sen-
John*. Gaffe,. f or Wh " e, J n^ h ,r r
done more work for
it than will ever be known or appreciated
here. The result is a most satisfactory in
crease in demands for real estate and the
starting of many important improve
ments. The Philippines? We should keep
them, of course. San Pedro needs them.
Look' at the shipping thut would come in
from them to the harbor when it is built,
And the Ladrones? Keep them. San Pe
dro needs them, too. And the Carolines,
and any other old Islands; keep thorn all.
San Pedro can do the commerce for all of
them a great deal better thun any other
port of tho world. This is all a war of hu
manity, you know. We have said all along
that only humanity prompted us to get
into it. Well, that being the ease, what
greater humanity can there be than giv
ing the people of the terriory we have
conquered the best government in the
world, and at the same time allowing our
progressive and alert business men to go
to those countries and develop them and
their bank accounts at the same time?
That is humanity, and not a bad sort of thu
article, is it not? Just think what a p1a0.3
Manila would be for doing politics. Oh,
me! Oh my! We must keep those islands."
"Oh. business is fairly good; it might
ho bettor. What's that? You hear this
was the best season
W H. nuvenport: lhe railways have
had for many years
past? Well, perhaps It Is; but then, we
could do more freight business. What's
that? I talk like a farmer? Never satis
fied? Not a bit of it. What we want is
peace. Pax voblscum, you know. Peace
will make things Jump in business and we
won't bo able to spend our money fast
o o o
"I am an imperialist. I believe we
should keep the Philippines, and I believe
that the nation
E. H. Owen: should hang on to
any other territory
that comes Its way. Wo should of course
keep Porto Rico and Cuba. The latter has
no occasion to be Independent. A territo
rial government and perhaps a state gov
ernment when the people become fitted for
it, would do the people there more good
than having their own little nation which
we would have to look after more or less."
"Yes, sir; I shall support Barlow. Yes,
his last letter was an Indignity, and one
hard for me to bear;
J. Marlon Brooks: but my Interest in
the party and my
desire to see fusion win prevent me from
j resenting It as far aa supporting him tn hie
campaign goes. This is no time for per
sonal feeling to crop out at the expense of
those great principles on which we go be
fore the people and ask their votes."
World's Oldest Newspaper
The oldest newspaper ln the world is the
Tsing-i'ao, or Peking News, founded ln the
year "10 A. I), t'ntil finite recently it was
supposed that the Kin-Pan. a Chinese Jour
nal published in Peking for the last 1000
years, was the oldest newspaper in the
world. In a very able work recently pub
lished, however, lmbault Hlltvrt, the French
consul at Canton. =heiws that this high
honor belongs to the Tslng-Pao. which - has
been published continuously since the year
710. and is even said to have been founded
some 2'ei years before that date, or early
In the sixth century, SUO years before a
newspaper was known in Europe—The Em
pire. ■ .
The Big Babboon is seen upon
The plains of Cariboo;
He goes about with nothing on
(A shocking thing to do!)
But if he dressed respectably.
Anil let his whiskers grow.
How like this Big Babboon would be
To Mr. So-and-So!
—Columbus Dispatch.
A Quip With the Point Lost
By asserting that it has nothing to ex
plain in connection with its ships at Manila,
the German government places itself in an
attitude somewhat resembling that of a
man who forgets th*. answer to his own'
conundrum.—Washington Star.
But One End
Sagasta's determination to proceed to the
bitter end Is accomplished by lamentable
difficulty in recognizing his destination.—
Washington Star.
At the Soda Fountain— Party Waiting—
Where's my order? Walter— Coming, sir.
Your wink is being deciphered.—Detroit
Riprap—The eyes are windows of tho
soul. Wigwag—Then the soul of the matt
whose eves have been blacked looks out of
stained-glass windows.—Detroit Free Press.
ghe—He kissed me when I was not dream*
ing of such a thing. Her-I'll wager you
were not. You always were wide awaka
when kissing was in sight.—lndianapolis
Tom-Women are taking away men's oc
cupations. Why, they're even manufac
turing furniture. Tim-Yes. that's so; my
wife makes a bed every morning.—Boston
The wife of Slanco Unawitch. the chief
of a band of gypsies near Chicago, Is suing
him for divorce on the ground that ha
chains her to a bear. That seems to be fho
ground on which most women sue for di
vorces.—Louisville Courier-Journal.
"Your brother-in-law still at your house,
Wallace?" "Yes; but he Is beginning to
weaken. I have him pushing the lawn
mower every morning and the ice-cream
freezer every afternoon. I think he wil|
go before I am driven to starting him in M)
tha washing.—Cincinnati Enquirer.

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