Newspaper Page Text
CITY NEWS ♦ ♦ ♦ INDEX OF LOCAL EVENTS "* ♦ 4 ♦ Chronicled on Pages 7. S and 12. 4 ♦ _ 4 ♦ The troubles of the Bothwelll aired 4 4 In the i.lvc rce court. 4 4 Wins . w railroad wreck more serl- + 4 ous than nt 'irst reported. 4 ■4 Hearing In the water injunction suit ♦ 4" goes over until this morning. 4 4- Bunco Bowers at last secures his 4 ♦ valises from the clutch of the police. 4 The sad tale of matrimonial difflcul- 4 •4 ties of a newspaper man and his wife. 4 4- Pasadena people who don't want ■♦• 4- the Terminal to pass through the 4 -- town. 4 -4 Ex-Constable Richardson and Con- 4 4 stable Mugnemi regard the law differ- ♦ ♦ ently. ♦ A row between two coursing men; 4 4 Ohmeyer arrested for threatening Yon 4 ♦ Hacht. ♦ ■4 Marcher and Gove held for trial on 4 ■4 a charge of swindling a Cucamonga 4 4- rancher. 4 ■4 Edison Electric company v.ants a 4 < ♦ $20,000 reduction in the assessment on 4' 4 its franchise. 4-j 4 A romance in which youth and old 4 4 age meet and are married; chamber- 4 4- maid and millionaire. 4 4 Youth charged with seduction agrees 4 4 to marriage, but a hitch occurs and 4 4- the ceremony is not performed. 4 4 4 ♦ EVENTS OF TODAY 4 ♦ 4 4- Orpheum—Vaudeville. 4 4- Burbank—"Under the Polar Star." 4 ♦ 4 4 Board of public works meets—lo a.m. 4 4- Hickory club, Gardner & Zellner 41 4 block—B p. m. 4 -- Board of freeholders meets, cou.icil 4 4 chamber—B p. m. + THF, WEATHER TEMPERATURE—Record of observations taken at Los Angeles August 4th. The barometer Is reduced to sea level. Time fa. ' P 1 nr. 2:i 8;! 29 82 ih'r. 03 70 j K. It. -jf 70 .\ in* stv \tI Weather 1 9 Maximum temperature, 79. Minimum temperature, 61. Forecast for Southern California: Gen erally fair Friday; fresh west wifrls. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF See the new store of the Coulter Dry Goods company tomorrow. C. D. Howry, undertaker. Fifth and Broadway. Lowest prices in the city. Call telephone main 243 for ambulance. Bresee Brothers, Sixth and Broadway. Robert Sharp & Co., funeral directors, 751 and 753 South Spring street. Tel. main 1020. Watches cleaned, 75 cents: mainsprings, 60 cents; crystals. 10 cents. Patton, 214 6outh Broadway. Try the Nadeau cafe's 25c lunch; coolest place ln the city; service the best. Table d'hote dinner, 50c. Society resort of the Pacific coast Is "Hotel del Coronado." The best people are always found there. Adams Bros., dentists, South Spring •tTeet. Plates from $4. Painless extracting. 60 cents. Filling a specialty. Hours, Bto 5; Sundays, 10 to 12. The new store of the Coulter Dry Goods company. 317 to 325 South Broadway, will open tomorrow. The public is cordially in vited to attend. The Sunset Telephone and Telegraph company has established a branch office at 228 South Spring street. The office Is equipped with private, sound-proof booths. The complaint against John Rober, who displayed a pistol before some negroes and scared them a few days ago, was dismissed in Justice Owens' court yesterday upoi payment of costs. Nick Fabrigot was found guilty of dis turbing the peace of A. M. Nieto by Jus tice Owens yesterday. The men quarreled over the payment of a dollar which Nieto borrowed of Fabrigot. Do you know that a framed picture makes a most desirable weeding present? If you are looking for anything in that line do not fail to call at H. C. Liohtenbrger's art em porium, 202 South Spring street. The prdlee are looking for J. T. Keffel, who Is on parole from the Highland asy lum. He resides on Boyle avenue, Is 27 years of age, 5 feet 10 Inches in height and square build, with light mustache. Justice Owens found A. H, Mikesell not guilty of embezzlement. T. T. Martin caused the arrest of Mikesell on a charge of embezzling some office furniture on which only a partial payment had been made. Dr. Rebecca Lee Doreey, Stimson block, first floor, rooms 133, 134. 135. Special at tention given to obstetrical cases, and all diseases of women and children. Electricity scientifically used. Consultation hours, 1 to 6. Telephone 1227. Justice Owen." yesterday found Placida Tandinis guilty of having disturbed the peace of Cpnci prion de Rodriguez. Placida used some very obscene and bad language in reference to Concepcion. The case has been under advisement for some days. Santa Fe Trains to Redondo Leave La Grande station daily at 9:55 a. m., p. m., 5:35 p. m.; Sundays at 8:30 a. m., 9:55 a. m.. 1:30 p. m., 7p. m.. Last train Sundays leaves Redondo 8 p. m. Downey avenue six minutes earlier; Central av enue twelve minutes later. Tomorrow Is the Day The new store of the Coulter Dry Goods Company, 317-r{2-"» South Broadway, will open tomorrow. Tho old sto-e is closed today. m • m Dr. Max WasntiMi, dentist, rooms 225 ami i 22G Potomn.' l> "Ck, Broadway, between Second ar.d Third Tel. Brown 1073 Being good ut figures never nude a man 1 rich. Latest sir! wall paper at A. A. Eck strom's, 821 South Spring street. Optica! work: accurate fitting. J. W. Fuller. Si; North Main street. HOPPERS, "7he Most for the Least." SHOPPERS, * a 9 a Tomorrow morning, Saturday, August 6, 1898, at 8 a.m., begins a record-breaking _ OIICC ! GREEN TAG REDUCTION SALE INotICG * Of Spring and Summer Goods, to continue throughout the month of August. See tomorrow morning's papers for particulars. EVERY DEPARTMENT WILL GREET YOU WITH SMILING LITTLE PRICES. I 3-138 N.SpringSt. JACOBY BROTHERS, 128-138N.SpringSt , ALL WANT REDUCTIONS EDISON ELECTRIC CO. AND ITS FRANCHISE ASSESSMENT MORTALITY DURING JULY Report of the Health Office for the Past Month—Bonds Printed and Ready for Signing—City Hall Notes At the rate the assessment roll was cut down at yesterday's session of the board of equalization, the expected reduction of $500, --000 will have been reached long before Sat urday night closes the work of the board. To date the reductions made, not including I mortgage deductions, or the bank assess ; ments cut down, amount t05257,72t. Yester day's session lacked entirely the exciting Incidents of the day, previous and business was transacted wllh dispatch and decorum. A reduction of assessment on Us franchise from 126,000 to $5i«)0 was asked by the Edi son Electric company for the reason that the assessment of a year ago was at the lat ter figure and there has been no increase of value since. The application continues: "The company has been compelled by the city to expend during the year a very large sun., over IllO.uOO, In constructing Its dis tributing system to fulfill its contracts made under the former conditions of its franchise. The company is lighting the city hall free as a condition of this franchise." President George H. Barker ofWhei com pany was present to advance the claims for a reduction. President Silver, at the close of the reading of the application smilingly remarked: "That's an old story. If We keep on with these reductions, before long 'he city will be paying for the privilege of granting franchises." A short consulta tion was held with the assessor, with the result that, en motion of Councilman Gridcr, the matter was taken tinder advisement. Applications of the Los Angeles National bank for a reduction ot $12,500 assessed on surplus and undivided profits, and that of the Citizens' bank from $44,823 to $27,423 be cause of excessive assessment were taken under advisement. A reduction from $18. --162 to $11,456 on account of erroneous as 'seasment was granted to the German- American Savings bank. The Security Loan and Trust company was granted a reduction of $!iC7S in solvent credits. Applications of R. M. Baker for a reduc tion on the building at the corner of Main and Arcadia from $12,500 to $SSSO; of S. C. Foy for a reduction from $152X40 to $142,000 on his buildings on Spring between Second and Third; of Anna W. Bixby tor a cut from $11,200 to $8000 or» n. Spring street lot: and of the Pasadena and Los Angeles Klec trlc Railway company for reductions on franchise from $10,000 to JSOOO and on track from $U,525 to $9210 and from $36,900 to $26,500 were all denied after mature consideration. N. W. Stowell was given a mortgage deduc tion of $29,000 on his Spring street block. Numerous smaller petitions were consid ered and the board put in a full day's work. It is hoped to close the work by Saturday night. VITAL STATISTICS Report of the Health Office for the Month of July Clerk Reed of the health office has com pleted his statement of vital statistics for the month of July, showing the following facts: There were 134 deaths last month; 71 males and 03 females; four were colored and five Chinese; 30 were children of 5 years or less; in died ln the county hospital and five at the Sisters' hospital: the rest were distributed over the city with no unusual mortality ln any particular local ity; 12 cases were certified to by the coro ner. There was one suicide, five deaths from violence and accidents and 25 from con sumption; diphtheria caused the death of two; typhoid fever, four; whooping cough, one; diseases of the heart, 14, and of the brain. 15. Of the 134 dtaths 29 were natives of the city and 13 of the three Pacific const states outside of Los Angeles, leaving 94 from other parts: of the whole number 102 had lived here less than ten years. There were 2Z deaths from pulmonary consumption, di vided as follows: Pacific coast outside of Los Angeles, two; from other parts. 23; of the 25 deaths, 10 had lived here less than ten years, and six of the 19 had lived here less than six months. Rlrths reported to date are 142. of which 88 were boys and 54 girls, which dispro portion Clerk Heed attributes to the ap proach of election day. There were 57 cases of contagious dis eases reported during July; diphtheria, 17; scarlet fever. 9; typhoid, 22; measles, all recovered but six. There were 157 plumbing permits issued; inspections, Stilt; drain-laying permits, 32; Inspections. 72; notices to make sewer con nections, 47; to abate nuisances, 450. The meat inspector condemned one calf, 112 chickens and two cows as unfit for food, and made 345 inspections. Dairies inspect ed. 6C; milk teste-d, 183 samples. The Third Arbitrator The city's arbitrator on the water ques tion, James C. Kays, has opened offices on the second floor of tho Bullard block. Mr. Kays' attention is now occupied with cor respondence in regard to the selection of a third arbitrator. As the third man is chosen by the arbitrator of the water com pany and the arbitrator of the city, acting together, his selection Is not an easy mat ter. It is expected that some time may elapse before any one is agreed upon. Public Works Meeting A meeting of the board of public works Is scheduled for today, but owing to the work of the board of equalization requir ing the presence of six of the nine coun cilmen, it is probable that the meeting will LOS ANGELES HERALD« FRIDAY MORNING. AUGUST 5, 1896 be purely perfunctory. The subject of the alley between Hill street and Broadway ts exacted to come up, but it la probable that the hearing of protests will have to go over and that only routine recommenda tions will be made. Bonds Printed The engraving and printing of the fire and bridge bonds is completed at a cost of $275, and the bonds have been turned over to the city clerk. They were printed in series of $1000, $500 and $250. Three of the $1000 bonds and one each of the others will be paid and canceled yearly. City Hall Notes Property owners on Thirty-first street, between Orchard avenue and Hoover street, have petitioned the council that they be allowed to grade the street with natural soil by private contract. The monthly report of Department one of the police court shows fines and penal ties Imposed and collected by Justice Owens of $i>43. A petition has been filed asking the coun cil to improve Avenue 55, from Pasadena avenue to Alvlse street, grading with nat ural soil, redwood curb. WHAT THEY SHOULD WEAR Mrs. Wiggins Writes of Eastern Teachers—Floral Day We meet many teachers these days who come to see the exhibit, all being more in terested in It now that it has gone forth that the next teachers' convention is to be held in Los Angeles. Wu tell them of what we shall try tw do for them all and give them our pretty book, "Loa Angeles City and County." There Is to be an insti tute week at Sioux City and one at Onawa, lowa, next month. To these Institutes we will send our literature and we have had a talk with one of the lecturers as to what. Is best for the teachers to wear and to take. She says the trouble with many ~f the coutry teachers is that they feel thai they cannot afford to dress well enough for such a place ami have enough left for the trip. At these institutes she will recommend a traveling suit anil a few garments In a grip. She found that many on going to Wash ington tried to dress too well, and that many lost all the giood of a trip to Wash ington and the association of a convention on account of the wardrobe. Many teach ers think the educational advantages of the trip are of as much, if not more, value to them than the convention, and many art looking forward to experiencing a .iourne\ across the continent. Many learned at Washington that a convention can be en tertained in a room that is too large. There the building was so large that many could not hear, so became restless and disinter ested. They all suggest smaller buildings, at least not beyond the limit of the human voice. Tuesday is floral day at the exposition. Los Angeles will havo a small booth ln the yard decorated with pampas plumes and trimmed ln pink and heliotrope, from which the ladles of the exhibit will throw flowers. Two boys In white trousers and pink shirts, white caps, with "Los An geles" on the bands, will present pampas plumes to the guests, as pampas plumes are considered a luxury here. The ladles will be dressed in pink and heliotrope, and above the booth will be suspended a ban ner on which will be ln Illuminated letters: "Greetings from Los Angeles," We are receiving many thanks from the management for the effort made in help ing to add to the attractions of the day. The parade will be confined to the Bluff tniot. as the management will not risk the teams on the pavement around the lagoon; hence they will encircle our building twice On the first round we will throw the flow ers, on the second tho attendants will pre sent the Indies ln the decorated carriages with the pampas plumes; after that other visitors will bo presented with plumes until the stock is exhausted. All arc look ing forward to a fine time and a big crowd. WANTS THE MONEY Uncle Sam Not Particular Who Pays the Tax A letter received yesterday by Superin tendent Prldham from John Valentine of the Well.-!\rgo Express company con tains a recent ruling of United States At torney General Griggs on the revenue stamp controversy. The ruling was made in re ply to an inquiry from H. Galbraith of Ter rell, Tex., where a Pacific Express com pany's receipt had b-en submitted, asking if the requirement of that company to pay the revenue tax was not a violation of the Internal revenue law. Attorney General Griggs replied: "It is not the function of the government to decide as between the express company and the shipper which shall pay the tax, the government being insistent only that the tat shal 1 be paid by some one." I'poi receipt of this ruling Superintend ent Prldham visited I'nited States District Attorney fr>in, and gave him a copy of it. Mr. Flint Immediately telegraphed to Washington for full instructions from the I'nlted States attorney general, but no re ply has as yet been received. Secretary Zeehandelaar of the Mer chants and Manufacturers* association, when informed of the ruling, said that the association would take no further steps un til instructions from Washington were re ceived. A Lively Runaway A lively runaway occurred on Third street yesterday afternoon shortly after 6 o'clock. A horse attached to a buggy ran wildly west on Third street, and when in front of the Bradbury block collided with a couple of bicycles and also struck a buggy. The runaway horse turned south into Hill street and collided with a double scater, knocking over the buggy; then ran into a telegraph pole and was caught with out further trouble. Undelivered Telegrams Undelivered telegrams remain in the of fice of the Western Union Telegraph com pany for B. J. Smith and J. E. Doupgias. HE MARRIED MAGGIE JOHN COTTON JEWETT MEETS HIS FATE A CHAMBERMAID'S ROMANCE Two Years Ago With a Slop-Pail in Her Hand—Now a Millionaire's Little Darling John Cotton Jewett, aged 70, a native of New York, to Marguerite Odahm, aged 30, a native of Dublin, Ireland, both residents of Los Angeles. This marriage certificate In itself dots not oonvey much, yet it tells the story of an old: man's love, of an old man's con tempt for the laws of caste and of an old man's Dublin darling. So far us Is known, none of the relatives of the groom attended the ceremony, but probably It would have made no difference to Mr. Jewett if they hod. Millionaire as he Is, he wanted to marry his servant girl and he did so. The romance, or whatever it may be called, dates back two years, so the charge can not be brought that Jewett had jumped hastily Into marriage like a foolish youth. .Mr. Jewett is the president and one of the largest stockholders ln the Jewett Filter company of Buffalo, N. Y. He took an active part in the management of the con cern until recently. His family has been prominent not only in the city of Buffalo, but throughout the state of New York, where the younger Jewett took a conspicu ous part in politics and was formerly mayor of Buffalo, The elder Jewett has been a widower for a number of years, and as his health was not so good as in former years, he decided to try the glorious climate of California. He came to Los Angeles about six years ago, and becoming enamored of the place eventually established his home here. It was only two years ago, however, that Mr. Jewett 'became enamored of his fate. He encountered her In the least romantic man ner conceivable. Marguerite Odahm was her name, hailing from Dublin, Ireland, and ht«r winning ways have proved her fortune. I'nllke her namesake, Goethe's hero ine, she did not meet her lover with her prayer bo.ok in her hand coming from devotions. On the contrary, she was armed with a broom and a slop pail. The Odahm girl was, in fact, a chambermaid in the Westminster hotel, and, to her credit, a good one, too. Whether Mr. Jpwett was overcome immediately with her" ravishing Hibernian beauty, for Marguerite is un doubtedly a handsome girl, or with the skillful way in which she slung the slops, is not recorded. In any event, their meet ing ripened into a warm friendship. Mar guerite's life was no soft snap, even if she did make up feather beds every day. so when the rich Mr. Jewett spoke kindly to her the dark-eyed lassie felt grateful and pleased. The affairs of the chamber maiden and the filter maker progressed by degrees. Despite the charms of Marguerite, Mr. Jewett grew tired of living at the hotel, and decided to go one hetter. He estab lished a private residence at 807 Burling ton avenue, and then Marguerite was hired as cook and housemaid, while a house keeper was also installed. A couple of | weeks ago the latter left. Mr. Jewett felt the loss of his housekeeper nnd the weight of declining years. A good angel was at hand. She might fly away. He would clip her wings. Maggie was willing, and "Wed nesday afternoon the office of the county clerk was visited and a marriage license secured. Accompanied by G. Gustave Bernard and Miss Sarah Harklns. Mr. Jew ett and his bride-to-be then drove to the bishop's palace on East Second street and were married by Bishop Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. Jewett did not leave the city on their wedding tour, but In a thoroughly matter of fact way returned to their home on Burlington avenue, where thoy expect to remain for the present. HARES AND HOUNDS Drawing for Sunday's Coursing at Agricultural Park There was the usual large crowd at the drawing for Sunday's coursing at Agricul tural park at No. 143 South Broadway last evening. The stake was full and the draw ing resulted as follows: John Mitchell vs. Van Tralle, Grazer vs. Doncaster, Portia vs. The Ghost, Little Pick vs. Van Brulle, Lady Agnes vs. Gyp sy. Sir Walter Scott vs. Stella, Orpheum Lass vs. Innocent Daisy, Little Brown Jug vs. Hercules, Sage vs. Sorceress, Benerlno vs. Home Rule, Romeo vs. Lady Washing ton. ABC vs. Lucky Jack, Kitty Scott vs. Orpheum Prince, Fleetwood vs. Silver Foot, Punch vs. Sir Jasper, Little Cripple vs. Don Orsini, Republican League Meets There was a large crowd at the meeting of the Los Angeles county branch of the Republican league of Southern California held last night in Odd Fellows' hall. The president, S. M. Haskell, occupied the chair, and Lester L. Robinson acted as sec retary. The committee on permanent head- quarters reported having heeured quarters in the Hollenbeck hotel, rooms 84 and 85, having been selected. It was decided to hold a house warming next Friday night. Speeches were made by B. L. Oliver, H. A Bledsoe, Judge McComas, OSC&i{ Law ler and Walter Haas. Thirty new members signed the role of membership. All Injustice Done Platt. Deputy Constable James Piatt states that an injustice was done him by his mother when she called at the police sta tion and claimed to Chief Glass that Piatt had deserted and failed to support her. Piatt produced a number of grocery re ceipts which showed that ho had purchased sufficient provisions for several people, and In addition he also had receipts showing Chat he had purchased eggs, milk, meat and other staples. Piatt explained his mother's action by sating that she is 74 years of age and is childish. The old wo man desires to go to hor daughter in San Francisco, but as the latter Is a widow with four children her income does not justify the presence of Mrs. Piatt. Piatt says he has always been willing to support his mother and has done so to the best of his ability. Got the Missing Rig Wednesday night a telephone message was received by the proprietor of the Broadway livery stable that his double team which had been missing since Sun day was at the San Diego stable. A young man hired the team and failed to return It and the sheriff's office was notified. The young man had left the rig at the San Diego stable on Monday. The Broadway stable people thought that they should have been notified sooner, and for a time there was a dispute over the payment of board for the team. It was finally com promised by the payment of $4. when the outfit was turned over to the owners. The young man who hired the rig it still at large. The Lowinskys Gone Prof. A. Lowlnsky, the leader, and his wife, the piano player, have left this city. They have been absent for two weeks. The professor went to San Francisco three days previous to the departure of his wife for the purpose, it was said, of collecting some money that a building and loan as sociation owed him. Mrs. Lowlnsky went to Boston to await the coming of her hus band. Some ugly rumors were circulated concerning the trip of the husband to San Francisco. There appears, however, to have been no reason for such reports, for, as far as can be learned, he did not go north in the company of a woman who was not his wife. Marriage Licenses Hiram Will, 15. a native of Ohio, io Lenora C. Mathewson, a. naiive of Massachu setts, both residents of Los Angeles. Lewis Daetweiler, 27. a native of Switz erland and resident of Compton, to Ella Kickerwith. 24, a native of Miehigun, and resident of Azusa. Guy D. Marsh. 24. a native of Kentucky, and resident of Alhambra, to Anita Perez, aged 120, a native of California, and resident, of Los Angeles. Frank W. Dugas, 20, a native of Missouri, to Josle Trierweiler, IS, a native of Ger many, both residents of Los Angeles. Half Holiday Inaugurated The half holiday for the clerks of the city was inaugurated yesterday by Arthur Letts of the Broadway department store. Afc 1 o'clock in the afternoon the store was closed and the clerks proceeded to the office of the Santa Monica electric railway and there embarked In a couple of special cars, which had been decorated' for the occasion. The clerks were armed with fish horns and made the biggest kind of a demonstration as they went along Spring street, en route to Santa Monica, where the afternoon was passed. Has a Big Appetite Several day.s one of the patrolmen found a big mastiff pup on the street and took him to the police station. Since then there has been considerable trouble feed ing the dog, and fears are entertained that there may be a shortage of provisions, as the animal has developed a terrific appe tite. An owner is wanted for the animal. PERSONAL Captain Roberts, a capitalist, of London is in the city. Judge John D. B-loknetl and family are In San Francisco. P. L. Garrity. a traveling man from Chi cago, is in the city. Thomas Ewing of the Sheep Trail mine in Arizona is in the city. W. Baur and Henry T. Oxnard, the sugar beet factory proprietors, of New York are In the city. Lee Orndorff and Charles D. Groff, pro prietors of the Orndoff hotel at Tucson, are tn the city. Prof. Strlngham of the University of California and one of the foremost mathe maticians of the day, is visiting friends ln this city. L. E. Burns, chief clerk, and Miss Scho field of the stamp department of the post office are taking their vacations this week at Catallna. John F. Francis, a capitalist of Lob An geles, arrived at the Occidental hotel, San Francslco, Tuesday, accompanied'by Mrs. Francis and Miss G. M. DiomingUeZ of Los Angeles and Miss Anna Carson of Domlng uez. Miss Mary Linck made her debut in 3an Francisco Monday night, and according to the Examiner, "proved an accomplished contralto, who looked and sang the rote of Amnerls with more power than her slight form might indicate. She Is an ex cellent actress. Miss Linck evinced in the ilnal scene with Radamas an intensity ol emotion that was Infectious." Stomach Made j^gfe "I here U nothing Mko Microbe Killer for Dyspepsia and Indigestion, it will cure any stomach trouble.'*—Robt H Clark, Renttle, Wash. Hundreds of others. Drug* and poison full. M. X never tans' Prclshl paid to points without agents. Cull or write. Radam's / $1.00 \ Stops Microbe SSL fermei.. Killer tation » 1 » B. Spring St., Ln* Angeles. Cnl. <xxxxxxxxxxxx>^o<>oooooooooog X Rellrtlo Goods Popolor Prices X 1 N. B. BLACKSTONE CO. | 6 Telephone DRY GOODS I ,71 " 173 X 0 Main 259 I^,^ mmgmggm J N -Spring Street V 1 ttalf-Price Remnant Sale I X Today and Tomorrow ... A O Will Be Remnant Days at Our Store O A We will place on sale every remnant of Silk, including A A black and fancy, all lengths from one yard to waist A A All remnants of Black and Colored Wool Dress A Goods from one yard up to skirt lengths. Many pieces A A will be sufficient for a dress. A /"S All remnants of Calico, Gingham, Percales, Lawns, A A Dimity, Organdy, Swiss, etc., at just half usual price. A X On Sale Friday and Saturday, August 5 and 6——- X o<xxx>o<xxxxx^ There Is One Real Cure for J CONSUMPTION mm i ONLY ONE iT]A 1 The Medicated Antiseptic wljij J Dry-Air Inhalation 11111 l if pj ' Call on or address J3JT THE ANTISEPTIC CURE CO. 349 S. Hill ST.. 10S ANOELES DR.LIEBIG&CO. 1» Cniith M-iln Ctront The Olde.t Dispensary on tho coast—established twenty-flr* Lj 9UUIII Mdlll OIITCI venr- «n i.rlvi!.' I !i ) 9«!e- 111 men NOT A DOLLAR NKKP BE PAID UNTIL CURED CATARRH A SPECIALTY. We cure the worst cases In 2 or 3 months. Special sur geon from San Francisco Dispensary ln constant attendance. Examination with mic roscope. Including analysis, FREE TO EVERYBODY. The poor treated free from W to 12 Fridays. Our long experience enables us to treat the worst cases of secret or pri vate diseases with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY OF SUCCESS. No matter what your trouble is. come and talk with us: you will not regret it. Cure guaranteed for Wasting Drains, Undeveloped Organs and Lost Vitality. No. 123 South Main Street JUST IN TIME! The right time to have your eyes attended to Is wnenever Ihey trouble you. The right plane to have your Spectacle- or Eye Class es made Is where they do the best work, we guarantee our work to be Just right and perfectly Fatif factory. Eyes examined free. O<4%aVUM Spring A Mew Book, 248 Pages. Invaluahle to lnv lids By the FOO & WING HKltu CO SOS South Olive street, Los Angeles, Oat, Dr. Yen. Diagnosis and examination free , Accept a substitute and suffer. Insist on m>& ovo x„r e »,. jtB mm f AND A CURB - fl 00. ah Dmggists i DENTISTRY *i Painless li 11 in« nnd ex '^ = ijt/ y traeting. Hest work cttar- dam Bontosd. Fillings $1.00 up. jk i: tt. -old crowns |i oo L.'iJl' ffl TeW I. » l>K. C. STKVKNS. b ~-~*~ g e ¥*» Mr 107 N spring. Tel. Blk. bfil Baker Iron Works 960 to 960 Buena Vista Street, LOS ANGKI.KS, CALIFORNIA Adjoining S. P. Grounds. Tel 124. INews and Opinions | National Importance | 11 The Sun j | 1 $ Alone Contains Botb I E S A Tear | | Dully, by mall $6 jj fg D%ily and Sunday, by mail...sB M 1 The Sunday Sun 1 1 Is the greatest Sunday newspaper 3 B In the world. '£ Price 5c a copy. By mall, $2 a year M % Address THE SUN, New York g Ziska Institute 1718 Sacramento Street Near Van Ness Aye. Home and Day School for Girl From Primary through Collegiate work. 8u« perior advantages in Languages and Muslo Individual attention. Small classes. Special students admitted. MME. B. ZISKA. A M.. Principal GARLAND STOVES AND RANGES "The World's Bust" MICHIGAN STOVES AND RANGES AlwitvK Oepondable Next in Quality to "Garland*. M Perry, Mott & Go.'a Lumber Yard 216 Commercial Street, Los Angeles, Cal. 7