Newspaper Page Text
10 The Herald. Rates for Classified Advertising Liuera—S cents per iioe tor each it i enlon. Notice ci Marriage, Birth tr Death—Free. Obituaries, Funeral Seticea ana" Special Announcement*— IC tenia per lint. SPECIAL NOTICES ■OTICE - THE LOS ANGELES CITT Water Co. will strictly enforce the fol lowing rules: The hours for sprinkling ■re between the hours of 6 and 8 oclock a. m. and 6 and 8 oelock p. m. For a vlo latlon of the above refutation the wate will be shut off and a fine of 12 will be charged before the water will be turned on again. " OFFICE OF THE VINELAND IRRIGA tIon District. Aug. 4. 1598.-Notlce Is here by given that the board of equalization of the Vineland Irrlgaton district will b° In session Sept. 29th. IS9B. and continue not to exceed ten (10) days from that date. 10 H. C. BENTON. Sec. YOU CAN ENTRUST YOUR MOST delicate summer gown to our care with the assurance that it will come home properly laundered. THE EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY. Phone 367. tf JOHN C. BEWLEY & CO., NOTARIES, stenographers, collectors; legal papers carefully drawn. 404 BRADBURY Bldg. l.os Angeles, Cal. Tel. Main 24a. tf V. A STEAM CARPET-CLEANING CO will clean and lay all kinds of carpets at 4c per yard; all work guaranteed. 329 E. SECOND ST. Tel. main 74. tt W ANTED — CONTRACTS FOR OIL well drilling. CHAS. VICTOR HALL. 1020 Central aye. tf KEYS FITTED. LOCKS REPAIRED, bath tubs enameled. 609 S. Spring. U WANTED Male Help BUMMEL BROS. & CO.. EMPLOYMENT AGENTS A strictly first-class, reliable agency. All kinds of help promptly furnished. Your orders solicited. 100-302 W. Second St., basement California Bank Building, Telephone 509. (Office epen from 7 a. m. to 7:30 p. m., except Sunday.) MEN'S DEPARTMENT. Ranch hand, f2O; 2 ranch teamsters. English or Scotch, $20; blacksmith, plow work, $2; blacksmith, railroad camp, $3. blacksmith, general shop, $2.50; milkers. $25; milk wagon driver. $30; sticker for brick yard, $1.75: teamster, railroad, $23; laborer, railroad, $1,75; men for brldg< gang, $2; vegetable gardener. $30, single or married; blacksmith at mines. $8.50: man and wife, railroad section, $40; blacksmith helper and doorman, .$2.50. MEN'S HOTEL DEPARTMENT Man and wife, wait on table, $45; extra Walters, beach; yard man. $20; lunch counter man and cashier, $25; press man. laundry, $12 week: ranch cook, 2 men, $10; German for bakery, $c week; restaurant waiter, $8. HOUSEHOLD DEPARTMENT Housegirl. Pasadena. $5 week: Covina, $15; houseglrls, $8 to $20; German house keeper, country. $20: cook. $20; second girl, Pasadena. $15: French housegirl. Santa Paula, $20 month. LADIES' HOTEL DEPARTMENT Pantry girl, mountains, f2n : waitresses, Catallna. Santa Monica, Barstow, Re dondo, $20; experienced cashier and type writer, $25; extra waitresses fnr beach, call early; cook and dishwasher. $10. HUMMEL BROS & CO. WANTED—THE OPERA RESTAURANT. 117 S. Main st., serves the best 10 cent meal ln the city; try It and be convinced. tf SALESMAN WITH EXPERIENCE AND familiar with the city; must have good references. Address F., box 35. Herald. 8 WANTED—SOO MEN TO HAVE THEIR shoes soled. 35c. M'LESKEY'S. cheapest plsce On earth. 124 E Second st. tt COACHMAN—TO WORK IN A PRIVATE place: good wages; references required. Address F., box 37, Herald. 8 WORK—FOR A GOOD, STRONG BOY, willing to work for small wages. Address E., box 32, Herald. 7 WANTED—A GOOD, BRIGHT YOUNG man to sell and collect. 216 S. Broadway. 8 Female Help SEAMSTRESS—TO GO OUT BY THE day; must understand fitting and be a neat sewer; $1.50 day. Address E., box 63, Herald. 7 SEAMSTRESS, TO GO OUT BY THE day; private family; capable of fitting; references. Address E., box 33, Herald. 7 GIRL. ABOUT 14, TO DO LIGHT HOUSE work ln private family: good home. Ad dress D., box 32, Herald. 6 GIRL—WILLING AND STRONG. TO GO to the country; small family. Address E., box 7, Herald. 6 Situations—Male GARDENER—WANTS SITUATION ON gentleman's place; understands the care of horses and cows: can make himself generally useful. Address E., box 50, Herald. 7 POULTRY RANCH - MAN WANTS care of chicken ranch; understands the business; can give best of references, or will lease. Address D.. box 53, Herald. 6 WANgTED—BY A MAN OF LONG Ex perience, chance to take entire charge of large lemon orchard; married; refer ences. Address D., box 37, Herald. 6 WANTED —BY MARRIED MAN, CAPA bIe, place to care for ranch; wages or ■bares. Address E., box 62, Herald. 7 LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK TO TAKE home; good work: clothes carefully mend ed. Address E., box 37, Herald. 7 WANTED Situations—Male CLOTHING MAN. EXPERIENCED IN window dressing, to take position with firm In country town; references. Ad dress F., box Bs, Herald. 7 RANCH WORK WANTED. BY A MAN experienced in poultry raising; married; steady and sober; references. Address E., box 2s, Herald. 7 GARDENER—WANTS PLACE TO CARE for horses, cows and gardening; experi enced; good references. Address E., box 49, Herald. 7 ORY GOODS MAN FOR TEXAS; MUST speak Spanish and be able to dress win dows: references. Address F., box 40. Herald. 7 RANCH WORK BY PARTY FULLY COM petent; best of references; will work on shares If desired. Address F., box 11. Herald. 8 WANTED—CARE OF ORCHARD. BT man fully competent: can give best of references. Address E., box 34. Herald. 7 STENOGRAPHER — EXPERIENCED and capable, wants position in an office. Address E., box 51, Herald. 7 BOY. STRONG AND WILLING. WANTS a place to drive milk route; experienced. Address D.. box 47. Herald. 6 WORK ON GENTLEMAN'S PLACE AS gardener, care of horsns and general work. Address F., box 14, Herald. 8 ORCHARD WORK. BY AN EXPERl enced orchardlst; references. Address D.. box 46, Herald. 6 MILL WORK WANTED. BY A MAN thoroughly competent. Address D., box 38. Herald. 6 Situations—Female WANTED-POSITION IN A LARGE, prosperous real estate firm, by a lady thoroughly understanding the business; not a stenographer or typewriter, but a tine writer, rapid and accurate: Chicago and St. Louis references. Address E.. box 50. Herald. 7 HOME. IN EXCHANGE FOR SERVICES for the winter, by a young woman lately from the east; must be a Christian fam ily; references. Address E., box 35, Her ald. 7 SEAMSTRESS, CAPABLE OF CUTTING, and fitting, would like a faw families to sew for; neht and stylish: references. Ad dress F., box X. Herald. 8 MAID OR COMPANION TO CHILD, BY a thoroughly competent yOtang girl: will also assist In light housework. Address E,. box 64, Herald. 7 HOUSEKEEPER WANTS SITUATION with widower's family: no objection to the oeuntry or the beach. Address E., box 46. Herald. 7 HOUSEKEEPER—LADY DESIRES SlT uatlon as housekeeper for small family or for widower; references. Address F., box 13. Herald. 8 OFFICE WORK—BY EXPERIENCED young lady; mining or land preferred: best of references. Address E., box 5.', Herald. 7 BOOKKEEPING IN AN OFFICE: COM pe:ent; will accept small salary at the start: references. Address F., box 32. Herald. 8 STENOGRAPHER. ACCURATE. RAPID and competent to do office work (lady); best of references. Address F., box 24, Herald. 8 NURSE WANTS FEW ENGAGEMENTS. $1 p..r day; by trained nurse, with physi cians' references. Address F., box 31 Herald. S HOUSEWORK-BY A COMPETENT woman; willing to go to the country; good cook. Address E., box 27, Herald. 7 WANTED—TO CARE FOR FURNISHED house during party's absence; besr of references. Address F.. box 33. Herald. 8 HOUSEWORK. BY A GOOD. STRONG girl, lately from the east; willing; adults preferred. Address D., box 44, Herald. 6 STENOGRAPHER, EXPERT (LADY), wants position ln office or stojs; best of references. Address P., box 19. Herald. 8 WASHING AND MENDING NEATLY done by woman: washing taken home. Address E., box 61, Herald. 8 WASHING—BY A COMPETENT LATTN dress, to take home: will mend clothes. Address E., box 26. Herald. 7 NURSE —GERMAN WOMAN WOULD like care of invalid; fully competent. Ad dress C.i Box 44, Herald. 6 SECOND GIRL — SITUATION WITH small family of adults; references. Ad-, dress E., box 48, Herald. 7 HOUSEWORK—BY GERMAN GIRL; good cook; strong; references. Address! E., box 47, Herald. 7 I GERMAN GIRL WANTS PLACE TO assist in housework; references. Address E., box 5, Herald. 6 Booms ROOMS, NICELY FURNISHED, WANT ed, suitable for light housekeeping; walk ing distance, SW.; references given and required. Address D., box 62, Herald. 6 Partners i BARBER, AS PARTNER, WITH SMALL capital, to start business in adjoining town. Address F., box 61, Herald. 8 LOS ANGELES HERALDt SATURDAY MOKNIING, AUGUST 6, J895 WANTED To Purchase GENERAL MERCHANDISE—WANTED at once, a stock of general merchandise ln good location or live country town; give Invoice price of stock. Address D., box 52, Herald. 6 ORCHARD—WANT TO BUY FOR CASH an unincumbered fruit orchard; full bear ing; out of frost; with water right; agents need not answer. Address D., box 56, Herald. 6 GROCERY STORE-WANT TO BUY FOR cash, a grocery store In good location; give Invoice price, location and expense of running same. Address E., box 25, Herald. 7 TO BUY—A 7OR 8-ROOM HOUSE. MOD ern, with lawn, trees and pleasant sur roundings; give exact location and terms, of purchase. Address D., box 50, Herald. 6 TO BUY-AT ONCE. A RESTAURANT and delicacy store combined; must be cen trally located and doing a fair business. Address E., box 17. Herald. 7 TO PURCHASE. AT ONCE, A ONE haif Interest In a good paying business that will bear close Investigation. Ad dress E., box 31, Herald. T MILK ROUTE—WILL BUY A GOOD route at once, bearing close investigation give location and price wanted. Address F.. box 30. Herald. 8 WANTED—TO BUT FOR CASH. GOOD unincumbered alfalfa land; must have plenty of water. Address D., boxss, Her ald. 6 SITUATION WANTED-HOTEL CLERK or cashier; best of city references; age 24. E. F. JOBSON. 800 S. Hope st. 6 TO BUY—FURNITURE OF SMALL COT tage, or part, cheap for cash. Address E.. box 44. Herald. 6 To Bent FOR RENT—A CHICKEN RANCH.WITH plenty of water, house, and equipped with outbuildings and farming implements; give location and rent; write at once. Ad dress D., box 49, Herald. 6 TO LEASE—A SMALL PLACE OF 1% acres ln South Pasadena, all equipped for chicken ranch: water, 6-room house, and other Improvements: write for terms. Ad dress E.. box 81, Herald. 7 adasdasda LODGING HOUSE. FURNISHED: WILT, rent a 20-room house, with a view to buy ing it if suited; give location and rent. Address F.. box 3, Herald. s WANTED—FURNISHED HOUSE OF 6 or 7 rooms, far out on car iine; lawn, trees; for family of adults. Address E., box 4, Herald. 6 Real Estate FOR SALE—A HALF INTEREST IN A tine business, to the right party, having good references, good business ability, and who Is thoroughly reliable. Pur chase carries a good salary and a guar anteed income of $150 per month; $2000 cash and balance in good real estate. Proposition will bear the fullest Investi gation. Sickness In family of present owner necessitates change of residence. Purchaser will have full charge of prop erty. Principals only. No agents. If you have any good real estate and want a good thing, look Into this. Address M., box 42, Herald office. tf Miscellaneous WANTED—A SMALL FAMILY OF i grown people want the care of furnished house in exchange for rent. Address E., box 3, Herald. 6 WANTED —A SMALL BENCH PUNCH and shears combined. 129 W. Ninth st. 0 FOR SALE Houses | FOR SALE—FOR $7 (0 A MONTH AND a small cash payment I will build you a new 4-room cottage, plastered and palnt- I ed to suit, In my Third Addition, Eighth 1 and Mateo sts. Why pay rent, when you I can own your own home? C. A. SMITH, j 213 W. First st tf RANCH, ALL FENCED, BEARING fruit trees; 5-room house, hard finished; barn, garden, windmill, tank; located In city limits; will sell for $1600 cash. Ad dress F., box 7, Herald. 8 COTTAGE, MODERN, FOR SALE AT A bargain: lawn, barn, large yard; 7 rooms: value $2600; $600 down, balance easy pay ments. Address F., box 10, Herald. 8 i COTTAGE OF 8 ROOMS, MODERN, lawn, flowers, walks and street work complete; clear; a bargain. Address F., box 28, Herald. 8 rOR SALE—WE SELL THE EARTH. BABSETT A SMITH, Psasaa. G*L tt FOB SALE Country Property ORCHARD - ORANGES: 8 ACRES, highly Improved, with 9 shares of water right, all piped through orchard: .".acres in full hearing: 6-room house; yard, flow ers, trees; everything first class: value, »700e; unincumbered. Address D., box ilO. Herald. 6 ORCHARD. VALUE $2000 CASH SALE planted to Washington navels and sweets. 2 years old; Irrigating ditch antl water right Included; clear of frost; near Rlalto; will take part cash and city property if nicely located. Address D.. box 45. Her ald. 6 ORCHARD OF 10 ACRES; FINEST IN Los Angeles county; citrus fruits: also, family fruits, berries, etc.; all in full bearing: orange trees 8 years old. For full particulars, and price address D., box 61. Herald. 6 ORCHARD—FOR SALE: SITUATED IN the high lands In the foothills: no frost; spring water: best water right; the High lands oranges are famous. For full par ticulars address E.. box 39, Herald, 7 CHICKEN RANCH FOR LEASE OR sale; 7 acres, all in assorted bearing fruits; 5-room house, barn, sheds, chicken honses, windmill, tnnk. plenty of water, good soli. Address F., box 6. Herald. 8 RANCH, SMALL PLACE OF 2% ACRES for sale or lease; suitable for chicken ranch: 4-ronm house, modern; water piped all over place. For particulars and terms addrfST F., box 4, Herald. 8 ORCHARD—FINE ORANGE GROVE OF 20 acres; title and water rights; never be fore off»red for sale: a bargain to a cash buyer; write at once for full particulars. Address E., box 21, Herald. 7 ORCHARD FOR SALE. NEAR ANA helm; all bearing; no frost; water, stock: write for particulars. Address P., box 27. Herald. 8 FOR SALE—A LARGE RANCH, AT A bargain; 4000 acres; for location, price, etc., etc., address E., box 59, Herald. 7 FOR SALE—FINE, CLEAR SANTA MON lca lot, near beach, railway and electric cars. 229 S. Fremont aye. 7 City Lots and Lands FOR SALE—ON THIRD AND ARNOLD sts., the block between Bixel st. and Lu cas aye. (twelfth block west nf Spring St.), some very handsomo residence lots at a very low price for cash. The situation and neighborhood are first class. Inquire of S. R. HENDERSON, 1257 W. Fourth St., or at Herald office. 8 Live Stock FOR SALE—A FINE CHESTNUT mare, well bred, 16 hands high, 1150 lbs.; or will trade for light surrey. Address E., box 14, Herald. 6 Miscellaneous FOR SALE—A LARGE SECOND-HAND trunk. In good shape; cheap, If taken at once; party leaving the city. Address E., I box 29, Herald. 6 FOR SALE—WE BUY AND SELL STORE and office fixtures of all kinds, show cases, doors and windows. 216 E. Fourth st. tf FOR SALE-OIL LAND, TO WORK ON shares. Address E.. box 68, Herald. 7 FOB, BENT Houses FOR RENT—DO NOT PAY RENT; BUY a good 5-room house, 21000; monthly pay ments 615; no cash payment required. AL LISON BARLOW, 123 S. Broadway. 8-12 COTTAGE ON DOWNEY AVENUE FOR rent at 812 a month, water free; large lawn, flowers, 6 rooms; a really beautiful home. Address D., box 59, Herald. 6 COTTAGE FOR RENT—THREE LARGE rooms; lawn, garden, trees; ret\t 88.50 per month to a good tenant: location fine. Address F., box 21, Herald. 8 COTTAGE. 4 ROOMS AND KITCHEN; lawn, trees, flowers; for rent, to adults only Jio month, including water. Ad dress E., box 40, Herald. 7 COTTAGE—WANTED, TO RENT; MUST be new, neat, nice lawn, bath and mod ern In every respect; good location. Ad dress D., box 40, Herald. 6 FLAT OF 5 ROOMS. NEATLY FUR nished; rent reasonable; location good Address E., box 62, Herald. 8 COTTAGE OF 7 ROOMS, MODERN with lawn; give location and price. Ad dress D., box 41, Herald. g Booms AT HOTEL GLEN MORE, 181% 8. BDWAY newly furnished; extremely low raSef. t-ii FOB BENT Furnished Booms ROOMS—NEWLT FURNISHED; ONE front room and kitchen adjoining for light housekeeping: rent reasonable. Ad dress E., box 24. Herald. 7 ROOMS FOR RENT. CLOSE IN: FRONT room, with small room connecting for housekeeping: reasonable. Address E., box 45, Herald. 7 FOR RENT — PLEASANT SUNNY front room; good location, near court house; rent reasonable. Address D., box 51, Herald. 6 ROOMS—FURNISHED SUITE, DOWN town, on Broadway, for $15 month; nicely furnlshcd: folding bed. Address D., box 31. Herald. 6 Furnished Houses COTTAGE FOR RENT —BEAUTIFULLY furnished, 5 large rooms, all modern; a large yard, lawn, stable, place for chick ens; near University, two car lines; very reasonable to the right party. Address F., box 20, Herald. 8 , > COTTAGE. FURNISHED, ti ROOMS: Lo cation first class; rent $20 per month; wa ter free. Address F., box 12, Herald. 8 MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN—MONEY IN LARGE OR small amounts at lower rates of Interest than others charge, on all kinds of col lateral security, diamonds, watches. Jew elry, pianos, furniture, life Insurance and all good collateral; partial payments re ceived; money quick; private office for ladles. G. M. JONES, rooms 12-14, 254 S. Broadway. 1-30-99 MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM $1000 to $200,000. on Inside gilt-edged Income bearing property only. Inquire of F. Q STORY, room 803, Henne block, 122 W. Third st MONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS, watches, Jewelry, pianos, sealskins, car riages, bicycles, warehouse receipts and all kinds of collateral security; storage free In our warehouse. LEE BROS., 402 S. Spring st. tf MONEY LOANED AT NET INTEREST rntes from 4*4 to 8 per cent per annum, according to character and size of loans. EDWARD D. SILENT & CO.. 212 W. 2d. tf TO LOAN—IF YOU WANT MONEY ON real estate security, I have It In any amount; $5000 to $50,000 at 6 per cent. WM. F. BOSBYSHELL, 107 S. Broadway. 6-20-tf POINDEXTER & WADSWORTH, ROOM 308 Wilcox building, lend money on any good real estate; building loans made; If you wish to lend or borrow, call on us. tf MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED real estate; Interest decreases as you pay. STATE MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASS'N, 141 S. Broadway. 6-20-tf MONEY TO LOAN—S2OO TO 895.000 ON city and country real estate. LEE A. Mc- CONNELL & CO., rooms 802 and 303, 218 S. Broadway. tf I CAN MAKE YOU LARGE OR SMALL loans at very light expense. HENRY HART, 103 E. Second st. tf A—slo,ooo OR LESS TO LOAN, CITY OR county; reasonable interest. Send appli cation. P. O. box 525. 10 TO LOAN—6 TO 8 PER CENT MONEY. BRADSHAW BROS., room 202, Bradbury block. tf MEDIUMS REMOVED—MRS. PARKER. MEDIUM and Palmist: life reading, business spec- j ulatlons, mineral locations, removals, lawsuits, travels, marriages, children, I dispositions and capabilities; all affairs of life. 416H S. Spring St., room 3. Fees, 50c and $L MME. GRACE. CARD MEDIUM AND Palmist; the wonder of the 19th century; reveals the past, present and future. 644 S. Los Angeles St., between Fifth and Sixth sts. tf MRS. WALKER, CLAIRVOYANT AND life business reading medium: all business affairs of life looked Into for the ad vancement of your future. 316>,4 S. Spring street. tf MRS. SANFORD JOHNSON. INDE pendent slate writer and clairvoyant me dium. 830% S. Spring st. Hours, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. dally, Sundays excepted. 8-11 MRS. KATE HOSKINS, TRANCE ME dlum; sittings dally; evenings by ap polntment; circle Tuesday evening; 25c At 322 S. Spring st. tf MRS. E. M. DUVAL, CLAIRVOYANT and business medium; the most wonder ful in her profession. 446 S. Main st. tf MRS. SANSOME, CLAIRVOYANT AND business medium. Grand Pacific hotel, 423% S. Spring st. aul7 LEONORA d'ESTE, LIFE READER; trulhful predictions; reliable advice. 107% S. Broadway. 8-29 MISS VALLIANT, NOTED CARD READ er and palmist. Room 4 , 330% S. Spring street. 9-1 MRS. ELLA WHITE, 122 S. OLIVE, IN new fiats; well known trance test me dium. 14 PROF. GEE READ, $1; CIRCLES TUES., Th., Sat., 7:30,15 c. 449% S. Spring. 8-29 LOST AND FOUND FOUND—SAN DIEGO BOTTLED AND keg beer; family trade supplied with the best beer in the market. At HEIM'S BOTTLING WORKS, 446 to 456 Central aye. Telephone, main 260. tt FOUND —ON THURSDAY. A BIG FAWN greyhound, with scar on back. Apply 229 Allso st. S BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE —A HALF INTEREST IN A fine business, to the right party, having good references, good business ability, and who Is thoroughly reliable. Pur chase carries a good salary and in addi tion a guaranteed Income of 8150 pel month; $2000 cash and balance In good real estate. Proposition will bear the fullest Investl gat n. Sickness In family of present owner necessitates eh nge of residence. Purchaser will have full charge of prop erty. Principals only; no agents. If you have any good real estate and want a good thing, look Into this. Address M., box 42, Herald office. tf , LAUNDRY—ONE-HALF INTEREST IN a good paying laundry fsteam) business; finely locnted ln a good country town near by; money well invested in this busi ness, us have no opposition. Address D., box 34, Herald. 6 MINING—ONE-HALF INTEREST FOR sale tn as good a mining property as there Is In this section of the country; no fake; It will pay you to Investigate. Address D. , box 33, Herald. 6 BAKERY—% INTEREST IN A GOOD paying bakery at the growing town of San Pedro; object to enlarge business and prefer partner to hired help. Address E., box 60, Herald. 8 MINING—WILL BUY ONE-HALF OR less Interest tn good mining property; give exact location and amount of develop ments and work done. Address E., box 18, Herald. 7 FOR SALE—AN ESTABLISHED REAL estate business, fully equipped, for a live, up-to-date business man. For particu lars address D., box 58, Herald. 6 WANTED—TO MEET A PARTY WHO deals In mines willing to put ln small cap ital to help develop a good mine. Ad dress E., box 19, Herald. 7 WANTED —TO INVEST A SMALL amount of money In a patent of merit; give full particulars. Address D., box 46, Herald. 6 WANTED—TO PURCHASE A STOCK OF groceries; must be a bargain. Address E. , box 13, Herald. 6 I SELL OUT ALL KINDS OF BUSINESS. 1. D. BARNARD, 112 S. Broadway. EDUCATIONAL WOODBURY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 229 S. Spring street, Los Angeles; the oldest, largest and most elegantly equipped commercial school in Southern Califor nia: hundreds of successful graduates ln banking and business houses; ln session all the year; enter any day; evening school on Monday, Wednesday and Fri day evening; three complete courses, commercial, English and shorthand and typewriting; a thorough, practical and progressive school; large faculty of ex pert teachers; rates of tuition reasonable. Call or write for catalogue. OCCIDENTAL COLLEGE— 3 COURSES: classical, scientific, literary; thorough preparatory department; fall term opens September 18th at new building, Highland Park. Address the president, Rev. GUY W. WADBWORTH, 827 Grand View aye., Los Angeles, Cal. we-sa24t LOS ANGELES BUSINESS COLLEGE, 212 W. Third st.: always In session; col lege literature free; see large adv. on edi torial page. tf PIANO AND HARMONY LESSONS given by A. WILLHARTITZ, room 14, The Crocker, 212 S. Broadway. 8-2 PERSONALS MEDICAL ELECTRICIAN REMOVED from 819 8. Grand aye. to 618 W. Eighth St.; female diseases treated by electric ity; cure guaranteed. tf LADIES' MONTHLY REGULATOR— Never falls. Send 4 cents for Woman's Safe Guard. WILCOX MED. CO., Dept. 2. Philadelphia, Pa. tf MISS WILLARD, COMPLEXION SPE clallst; one treatment free. 308 S. Main. 9-2 FOR WINDOW SHADES GO TO THE factory, 222 W. 6th. Prices the lowest, tf DENTISTS ADAMS BROS., DENTAL PARLORS, 239% S. Spring st.; painless extraction. 50c; fillings; plates from $4; all work guaran teed: established 12 years. Hours, 8-6; Sundays, 10-12. Tel. black 1273. tf FRANK STEVENS, 324% S. SPRING ST. Open days and evenings; also Sundays; electric light. Tel. black 82L PA. DENTAL COMPANY, 226 S. SPRING, ■ rooms 281-232. First class plate work. 8-6 BATHS MISS DORA FRANCIS, CABINET baths and massage. 233 W. First st, room 4, between Spring and Broadway. tf VAPOR BATHS AND MASSAGE GIVEN by experienced English masseuse. Rooms 8 and 4, 307% W. Second st. 6 EXCUBSIONS ROCK ISLAND PERSONALLY CON ducted excursions every Tuesday and Wednesday; low rates; quick time; Union depot. Chicago; office, 214 Soutb Spring street. tf FBUITS AND VEGETABLES LUDWIG & MATTHEWS. WHOLESALE and retail fruits and vegetables. MOTT MARKET. 135 S. Main st. Tel. 530. tf MINING AND ASSAYING THE BIMETALLIC ASSAY OFFICE and Chemical Laboratory. 124 S. Ma|n st. R. A PEREZ E. M„ Manager. 12-4-It WATCHMAKERS A GENUINE REDUCTION ON SHIRT waist sets and link cuff buttons. W. J. I GETZ, Jeweler, 386 S. Broadway, FOB. EXCHANGE | Beal Estate) REAL ESTATE IN CHICAGO TO Ex change for house or business In Southern California; write for particulars; also state terms ot exchange. Address F., box 25, Herald. 8 TEXAS LAND, 2000 ACRES IN RED River county, mostly unimproved, will exchange for Southern California prop erty unincumbered. Address F., box 17, Herald. 8 EASTERN PROPERTY TO EXCHANGE for city lots in San Diego; prefer on ttS hills; give location and value when writ ing. Address D., box 64, Herald. 6 RANCH-10 ACRES, UNIMPROVED; water right goes with property; will ex change for nice cottage ln city. Address E., box 20, Herald. 7 FARM—TO TRADE FOR KANSAS property; must be clear; no agents; give full description, location, etc. Address E., box 30, Herald. 7 FOR EXCHANGE—LOS ANGELES, SAN. ta Monica or Pasadena lots for high located shady cottage. 229 S. Fremont avenue. 7 RESIDENCE PROPERTY TO EX. change for St. Louis business property. Address F., box 5, Herald. t FOR EXCHANGE — HUNDREDS OP properties. BEN WHITE, 235 W. Firjt. tt Miscellaneous MORTGAGE—A GOOD $725 SECOND mortgage; will exchange for stock of gro« cerles. Address D., box 35, Herald. 6 BOOKS A.—BOC WORTH OF MAGAZINES DE llvered at house for 30c. See Jones' Book store, 226 W. First st. PHYSICIANS DR. UNGER CURES CANCERS AND tumors; no knife or pain. 107% N. Mala street. tf LINES OF TRAVEL j LOS ANGELES 4f - ■ RAILWAY CO- F TIME CARD IN EFFECT JULY 26. From I.o» Angelas to Depart Arrivo (ilendale, f 87:55 »m v 9:10 an) Troplco and J 511:00 am tiJiSSpaj Verdugo Park 1 fi :40 urn fI:S. p .pat I ||9:05 am ||W«e est Pasadena, i (7:15 am (8:25 am Garvanaa and {(12:45 pm tl:SJput Ostrich Farm ( tropin (6:36 pai Pasadena, Altsdena and | f8:50 am »10:28 am MonntLowe I (3:45 pm (6:31 put f $6:15 am 47:48 am Ban Pedro, iB:Bsam (8:47 M Long Beaeb, (rio:3 i«m (U:is ara Alamltosand (1:55 pm tS :12 pm Terminal Island (4:50 pm $7:88 pm , (5:40 pm l|B>lopra ! 4Ull} cm il :66 pm toniMl {4:50 pm 1110:80 pi" iPally. tßxcept Sunday. ||3unday only. {Saturday only. Boyle Heights. Downey avenue sad Daly btreet car lines pass Terminal stations. City ticket office, 230 South Spring street. Pacific Coast Steamship Co. L_ The company's elegant fflfc steamers SANTA ROSA BRBkmK and POMONA leave RU kW\tß\ DONDO nt 11 a. m. and KHffi PORT LOS ANGELES at BA9IW 2:30 p. m. for San Fran- BVadffi elero via Bantu Barbara and Fort Harford Aug. L mm %\ 7, 11, 15, IS, 2::, 27, 31, SepL 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 ,24 . 28, Oct. 2, and ever* fourth day thereafter. Leave PORT LOS ANGELES at 6 a. m. and REDONDO at 10 a. m. for San Diego Aug. 1. 5. 9, 13,,17, 21, 25, 20, Sept. 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22. 2ti. 30). Oct, 4, and every fourth day thereafter. Car* connect via Redondo leave Santa Fe depot at 9:55 a. m., or from Redondo Ry. depot at 9:30 a. m. Cars connect via Port Los An« reles leave S. P. R. R. depot at 1:35 p. in. or steamers north bound. The steamers COOS BAT and HOMER leave SAN PEDRO and EAST SAN PE DRO for San Francisco via Ventura, Car plnterla, Santa Barbara. Qavlota, Port Harford, Cavucos, San Simeon, Monterey and Santa Cruz at 6:30 p. m. Aug. 4, 8, 13 -16 20, 24 , 28, Sept. 1, 5, 9,13,17, 21, 25, 29, Oot. t and every fourth day thereafter. Car* connect with steamers vis San Pedro leava S P R. R. (Arcade depot) at 5:03 p. m» and Terminal Ry. depot at i:4O p. m. For further Information obtain folder. Ths company reserves right to change, without nrevlous notice, steamers, sailing dates ana hours of sailing. W. PARRIB, Agt., 124 W. Second at., Loa Angeles. GOODALL, PERKINS & CO., _ Qen. Agts., S. F. LOS ANGELES AND REDONDO RAIL* way Company. Los Angeles depot: Cor. Grand aye. and Jefferson st. Leave Leave j Los Angeles Redondo for for Redondo. Los Angeles 8:00 a. m., Sun. only 7:00 a. m., Sun. only 8:80 a. m. daily 8:00 a. m., dally 10:45 a. m., Sun. only 9:80 a. m., Sun. only, 1:80 p. m. dally U::00 a. m.. dally 8:30 p. m. dally 4:15 p. m.. daily 7:00 p. m., Sun. only 6:45 p. m., Sun. only 11:30 p. m.. Sat. only 6:30 p. m., Sat. only Take Grand aye. electric cars or Mala st. and Agricultural park cars. L. J. PERRT. Superintendent. Ziska Institute 1718 Sacramento Street Near Van Ness Aye. Home and Day School for Girl Prom Primary through Collegiate work. So* perlor advantages ln Languages and Mjala Individual attention. Small classes. Special students admitted. MME. B. ZISKA. A It., Principal. m i DENTISTRY J~lt Painless filling and ex« tracting. Best work guar" *jWI Afi X\ antocd. Fillings t'.OOup, Jiw?& r rz*l'S:i A 11 kt. sold crowns |5 00. JSmi wmmm'tSs) i»n. «■. stevkns, e^w—«e_UlH ai 107N spring. Tel. Blk. 861 Baker Iron Works 950 to 960 Buena Vista Street, LOS ANGKLES, CALIFORNIA Adjoining S. P. Grounds. Tel 134. GARLAND STOVES AND RANGES "The World'e Best" MICHIGAN STOVES AND RANGES Always Dependable Keatlu Quality to (