OCR Interpretation

The herald. [microfilm reel] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1893-1900, August 06, 1898, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042461/1898-08-06/ed-1/seq-5/

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Great Improvements to Be Made on
Spring and Main Streets —Public
Works Recommendations
At the close of business yesterday after
noon, on adding up the columns of reduc
tions made ln the assessor's valuations,
the board of equalization found that the
cat for the day amounted to $340,1170, mak
ing a total reduction up to date of $833,G94.
This Includes deductions made on account
of mortgages held by the board of regents
of the University of California and the
allowances for erroneous assessments of
surplus fund and undivided profits of sev
eral of the banks about which there has
been so much difference of opinion.
Yesterday's session was again productive
Of quite a little excitement and a bellicose
spirit seemed to pervade the members, for
there were tiffs between Councllmen Raker
and Hutchison, Nlekell and Mathuss, be
sides a full-lledged row between the repre
sentative from the First ward and ex-Dep
uty City Assessor Waldron, ln which Mr.
Nickel gave the l'opullst a verbal dressing
down and threatened to kick him out of the
council chamber.
Shortly after the afternoon session camp
to order Mr. Niokell sauntered over toward
tho lobby smoking his cigar and loaned
against the railing Which separates the
sheep from the goats, the public from their
servants. No sooner hail he arrived within
conversational distance than he was
pounced Upon by Waldron, who has haunt
ed the lobby since his abortive attempt to
create political capital for himself and dis
credit the city asst»ssor failed on Wednes
day afternoon. Without preliminaries
Waldron proceeded to threaten Mr. Nick
ell with political annihilation for his ac
tion ln voting to pigeon-hole the former's
communication, saying: "I'll give it to you
fellows when you run for office this fall.
I'm going to expose you in the speeches I
shall make during the campaign."
Tho first Intimation those In the chamber
bad that anything was wrong was when
Mr. Nickell suddenly backed away from
Waldron, saying, in a loud vc-ice: "Well,
you can go to h—, that's all I've got to
say to you. You can't threaten me, and I
don't give a d— for you or your influence."
With this Nlckcll turned away, explain
ing to those of his colleagues who crowded
around inquiring tho cause of tho disturb
ance what had been said, and that he
"didn't propose to bo threatened by any
d—d Anarchist,* and that if Waldron
opened his mouth again he would "kick
him Into tho hill." Waldron did not say
any more, but subsided, and thus saved
himself from the threatened ejectment.
Just previous to this affair Counoilnien
Baker and Hutchison had a war of words
over the matter of the assessment of the
surplus and undivided profits of the banks.
Hutchison could not sen the matter ln the
light ln which it was viewed by his col
leagues, and Insisted that undivided profits
Were a legitimate subject of taxation. As
Baker's argument failed to convince him
tho latter threw out n dark Insinuation as
to the mental caliber of the Eighth ward
representative, which was answered ln
kind, and several uncomplimentary re
marks were exchanged. A call to order
brought the disputants to their senses and
the matter dropped.
Again later In tho afternoon when, on
motion of Mr. Mathuss, a pc tition for re
duction was being considered, Mr, Nickell
ventured to Inquire what was the reason
for asking the reduction, the Third ward
member replied with some heat, evidently
considering the inquiry.-! reflection on him
self in some way. Before more than a
couple of words had passed, however, the
gavel of President Silver cut short the dis
pute, thus ending the last wrangle of tho
The cuts made during the session were
numerous and heavy, the principal ones
being: Los Angeles Electric company, $10,
--000 reduction on franchise; Edison Electric
company, from 136,000 to $15,000 on fran
chise; Traction company, from $20,000 to
$14,000 on franchise; Pasadena and Pacific
railway, from $10.000 to $SOOO on franchise;
reduction on mileage refused. These re
ductions on franchises were made to strike
an average on valuations of the aibove
mentioned railroad companies as compared
to the Los Angeles Rutlway company.
Heavy reductions were made for the
banks. The Farmers and Merchants was
(reduced $39,1143 on account of erroneous as
sessment on exchanges in the clearing
house. A citation calling- upon the Mer
chants' National bank to show cause why
It should not be- assessed 120,957 for sur
plus and undivided prolits was dismissed.
The First National bank was granted a
reduction of $191,943 on surplus and undi
vided prolits; the Los Angeles National
$12,600 for the same cause, as also the Na
tional Bank of California $15.745 for the
same reason. The appeal of the Citizens'
bank for a reduction from $44,823 to $27,
--423 on the ground of excessive assessment,
was denied.
The reduction from $100,000 to $80,000 on
the stock of the Peojvie s store was al
lowed. The Henne block assessment was
cut from $70,000 to $30,000, and another $35,
--000 chunk was clipped off on a mortgage
deduction, the mortgage -being held by the.
stato university regents. Another! allow
ance of the same nature was $100,000 to J.
B. Lankershim for a mortgage on his prop
erty. On the Lanfranco building assess
ment a cut from $23,000 to $20,000 was made.
F. W. Braun w-as allowed a reduction from
$25,000 to 816.000 on his North Main street
building, and H. W. Hellman was allowed
$5000 on various small pieces of property.
I. W. He llman got a $4700 allowance for four
feet of his Spring nnd Fourth street front
age, the land having been condemned!by
the city for street purposes. The applica
tion for a reduction on the Potomac block
from $189,350 to $130,000 was denied.
By Attorney Burke. Bishop Montgomery,
the custodian of the property of the Cath
olic church In this city, put ln applications
for the following reductions: The cathe
dral, store on corner of Main and Second
streets and bishop's residence, from $35,
--000 to $20,000; on the old Plaza chut/th, from
$23,600 to $15,000. and on the parochial
school on Los Angeles street, from $7000 to
$5000. As the board larked definite knowl
edge of the matter, it was postponed for
hearing until this morning.
Today's session will wind up the work
of the board.
Improvements to Be Made on Spring
and Main Streets
Complaints long and loud have of- lat»
-been made by the North Main street mer-
Ihants and property owners about the con
(ltion of the streel and the holes' and hil
locks between and adjacent to the street
car tracks. Some time ago It was given out
that the street car companies were going
to Improve their tracks, relay them and re
surface and repSve their portion of the
street at the same time that other down
town improvements were made. Later It
was stated that this plan had fallen
through. The Los Angeles railway com
pany had agreed to relay the tracks from
Fourth and Spring out Main to Macy street
and resurface if the Pasadena road would
furnish the rails as their pro rata of the
Job. It was averred that the Pasadena
road could not ralsei funds to purchase the
rails and the deal was off. Yesterday It Was
definitely ascertained that the Los Angeles
railway company has already signed it*
contract and that the Pasadena road con
tract will be signed today, and thatfwork
on the rehabilitation of the line will bo
begun next week.
Beginning at the corner of Fourth and
Broadway heavy 70-pound rails, will belaid
to Spring, north on that street to Main and
out along Main to Macy. The old cahlo con
duit from First and Spring streets out Main
to the plaza and branching off past ths
old church to the corner of Bellevue ave
nue will all come up and the new track
be laid. At present there are three lines
of cars, Pico Heights, Ninth street and
Washington street, which stop at Spring
and Second streets and start on their return
trip by means of a switch. This Is to be
done away with and a heavy track will be
laid down First between Spring Und Main,
enabling the cars to go out around Tcmplv
block by means of a loop and come Into
Spring street at Temple.
By this means the Pasadena line will have
a heavy and up-to-date line through tho
(•enter of the city, tho Los Angeles rallwaj
company will not only obviate the block
ade at Spring and Second, but put Its Una
to the east side in first class shape, and the
Santa Monica line, by way of Colegrave,
will have the same track to Bellevue ave
nue and Main street.
It is expected that after the car com
panies complete their work steps will be
taken to have Main street from Temple tv
the plaza repaved or resurfaced and put ir
good shape.
Routine Recommendations Made by
the Board
Only a short session of the board of pub
lic works wns held ye'sltrday, the council
men being engaged in the board of equali
zation and having only a half-hour in which
to do business after the adjournment of
that body. It was decided to recommend
that In the matter of tho protest of T. L.
Chapin against the Improvement of Coly
ton sitreet and the protest of Mrs. Frah
clsca de Shepherd and others against the
sldewalklng of the east side of Olive street,
between Courthouse and Olive, the pro
testants be. given a hearing before council
at 2 p. m. August 15th. The protest of .7. C.
Kofoed against the closing and abandon
ment of Center street will be heard at the
same time.
It was recommended that the proposal of
F. Whlttler to improve Carolina sireet for
the sum of 13233.39 be accepted.
ln the matter of the petition that Wlllard
avenue be opened to Twenty-second street,
It was recommended that the city engineer
be ordered to muke the survey and neces
sary maps. The district of assessment Is
fixed as from line to line nf the opening and
between Bryant avenue and Freeman
Specifications for the construction of
streets and Bldewalks with natural soil, or,
prepared by the engineeer and referred to
the board by the council nt Its last meeting,
were recommended adopted.
To Settle the legality of City Im
provement Bonds
From the supreme court a writ of man
date was yesterday received by the city
clerk, commanding Capt. Hance to appeal-
September sth before the court to show
cause why he shall not sign the fire and
bridge bonds. The writ is the outcome of
an application made by City Attorney Dunn
to the supreme*court to settle the question
as to the validity of city improvement
It appears that In the statutes of 1893
there are two chapters, 47 and 48, the first
relating to refunding bonds, the second to
improvement bonds and their issuance. Ir.
1597, when the legislature passed tho fund
ing act, It repealed all laws In existence i»
conflict therewith, and by some oversight
or clerical error specifically repealed chap
ter 48, which had to do with Improvement
and not refunding bonds. As the error is
palpable, the supreme court will, no doubt,
at once rectify the matter upon presenta
tion, and City Attorney Dunn brought the
action to clear the title to the various is
sues of bonds about to be put upon the
"Rert PrnDci XT .it,,,-.
Red Cross Notes
Since the dictum has gone forth from the
government that no women nurses will be
.sent to the front the class of volunteer
emergency nurses, which has been under In
struction at the county hospital and ths
medical college, has decided to disband.
There will consequently be no more- les
sons given at the places named.
Oranges and lemons are still In demand
for the soldiers and hospitals. The cham
ber of commerce has had quantities of fruit
offered for the picking and packing, but
does not feel justified In using- its funds
alone for thai purpose. It Is probable
that the Red Cross may decide to co-operate
ln securing the much needed fruit, for
which the stato society has made a special
The young people's society of La Can
yada have donated $3.25 to be used If prac
ticable for Company C. New members: J.
T. Fitzgerald. H. W. K. Strong, W. 11. Ed
gar, Misses Leone Payne, Eleanor Ki'
bourne, A. B. Cohn. Juvenile branch: Flor
ence Qulgley, Anita Thomas, Louise Hunt.
Ethel Seigle, Eleanor Selgle, Ira J. Bteln
The Santa Paula Red Cross has been ac
corded the courtesy of the Southern Pacilic
railroad to ship all the fruit they desire to
hospitals and soldiers at San Francisco
free of charge Accordingly 2.000 pounds of
oranges and lemons were sent forward en
Thursday evening. This makes 8.000 pounds
or more sent by a small but energetic or
ganization In a smalltown.
The Chess Masters
COLOGNE. Aug. s.—ln the morning ses
sion of the fifth round of the International
chess masters' tournament today Cohn,
Tschlgorln, Albln and Schlechter boat
Gotschall, Henrlchsen, Janowskl and Fritz
respectively. After recess Burn beat
Steinltz, Charousek worsted Showalter, Al-
Dln heat Janowskl, SchifTers vanquished
Schallop and Poplel and Bergerdrew.
Assistant Chief of the Fire Department
Ed Smith Is back from his vucntlon. In
company with Churles Dryden and with his
family, he left here In a light wagon drawn
by four mules and drove the entire distance
(o Son Francisco, making the trip ln
twelve days traveling time. Stops were
made along the route and a pleasant trip
was enjoyed.
Vital Issues to Be Considered in the
Coming Campaign—Big Meeting
and a Great Speech
Tho Hickory club turned away people
last night, who w«rc unable to get into
the hall. When President Rogers rapped
tor order there was snt even standing
space In the committee rooms. It hud been
rumored during the afternoon that reso
lutions bearing upon tho political situation
wctild be presented, ar.d expectations of a
lively time had been amused. When Intro
duced by T. J. McCarthy, they proved to
be an Indorsement of tho candidacy of
Maguire and Hutchison, but they con
tained no allusion to any other candidates
or to the general fusion program. This was
construed by the friends of the Silver Re
publicans as a slap at fusion, and, whether
Intentionally or nrt't, as more or less pledg
ing the club against fusion as recommend
ed by the party committees.
Mr. Allender moved an amendment en
dorsing the full fusion agreement as made
at Sacramento and till the other candidates
of the united parties. The amendment
was carried and the resolutions us amend
ed wero adopted unanimously.
Mr. Edelman of .Santa Ana, candidate for
the nomination of state treasurer, ad
dressed the club, making a good speech
and a pleasant impression.
M. J. MeGarry and Dr. Trask spoke
The principal speaker of the evening was
Senator White. He was vociferously ap
plauded when Introduced. This bi ing the
senator's flrst public speech since his re
turn frbm Washington, his declarations
upon public questions aroused much Inter
est. ,
Mr. White began by saying that it seemed
to be the effort of 'he Republican party to
make, the war and the matters growing
out of It tho great Issue ln the coming
campaign. Together with a few other
senators, who had the courage of their
cqnviotidnjjl, he bad believed thaij the dif
ferences- "between Spain and the I'nlted
States were possible of peaceful solution:
Hut when the ultimate tribunal had de
clared thnt war should settle the matters
at lssuu, be and all other patriotic citizens
hail .realized that the only proper course
was Io nine; the Stars and Stripes from
every house top und faithfully and h- nest
ly to support the government in all par
The question presented to congress had
been those relating to raising revenue suf
ficient to carry on the war. The present
cost ot the war has been about $3W,Wft.OOO.
The Democratic party in congress has sup
ported every appropriation called for ami
has never opposed any expenditures in
tended to old flic army or navy In the
present struggle. But concerning the
measures proposed for the raising of these
cast sums the party had differed with tho
Republican party in many and Important
The method adopter! by the dominant
party has distributed the burdens of the
war among tho common people, and has
exempted the rich nnd powerful, the cor
porations and those inns', likely to profit
financially by the War.
The Democratic party has struggled to
carry measures which made taxation
equal and Just. The puj.-ent measure taxes
the plug tobiictco with whic: tho dny
laborer solaces his hours of toll and the
glass of beer with wjiioh he refreshes his
time of rest, and leaves untouched the
champagne of the banquet ami the 50-cent
cigar of the club. Tho senator himself hid
endeavored to procure a tax to -be levied
upon tho gross receipts of corporations.
Tills would havo compelled the corpora
tions to pay the tax themselves. The Re
publicans had substituted th° present
stump tax. which enables the corporations
to escape their burdens and place them
upon the shoulders of their customers.
Senator While discussed the subject at
Hume length, and gave an interesting ac
count of how the tax upon the gross re
ceipts of the Standard Oil company arid
the sugar trust,amendments which he him
self had offered, survived the ordeal. He
said that instead of the Issuance nf Inter
est .bearing bonds the party had advocated
the Issuance of $150,000,000 of the same green
backs which had curried the country
through the long war of the rebellion. It
has been sought to cover the boml issue
with the clonk of a popular lean. This was
a subterfuge, for the bonds had been ab
sorbed by large capitalists, who had pro
cured their friends to subscribe in small
amounts and then taken assignments.
This course, the- senator said, had been
followed to his personal knowledge ln Los
After touching briefly upon the failure of
the tariff upon citrus fruits to benefit the
grower, who was today selling his crop
for 00 events per box less than he received
under the Wilson act. Mr. White read Call
fornlans ln general a sharp lecture on the
evils of sending frozen and unfit fruit to
the eastern market. He believed that low
prices were largely dun tn the indiscretion
of growers of California fruit by falling
to keep Its quality good ln the eastern
II believed the war would soon end, and
the questions before the people would be
(Iscal and lhr.se relating In paying the
enormous cost of the contest, ln all ques
tions of this sort the party hail always
stood for measures which represent
and just taxation and a proper distribution
of its burdens. To ii. as the friend of the
common people, should be entrusted the
duty of providing for these expenses and
their interests were safe in its hands. He
begged f-ir harmony In the ranks of tho
party, audi said thai It had not a vote
which It could afford to lose.
Mr. White closed with n beautiful refer
ence to thi' result of (he war In dosing the
bloody chasm between the north and the
south and ln Illustrating the patriotism of
rich and poor alike. Bagley, a poor boy
from North Carolina, and Fish, rich and a
leader of the exclusive society nf the
northern metropolis, had died in the same
cause and with the same bravery and de
The senator's speech was pronounced by
all who heard it one of the best he ever
made. He announced that he was not
now n candidate fnr public office and
might never bo again.
The club thereupon adjourned after the
president hod extended '.he usual Demo
cratic courtesies and refreshments to those
Just for a Flver
See hoev many misspelled words you can
find ln the advertising in today's Herald.
You may get interested and want to win the
watch—or a gold-headed cane.
The Democratic; executive committee ot j
the county central committee of the'
county of Los Angeles, at a session held
Avigust 2. IS9S, and pursuant to the call of
the Democratic state committee, duly
adopted the following resolutions:
Resolved, That the Democratic primary
elections for the county of Los Angeles be,
and the same are hereby called In each pre-
Clnct In said county (as the same Is now es- j
tnbllshed) for the Bth day of August, 1898, |
for the purpose of selecting delegates to a
Democratic county convention of said
County, which Is hereby called to convene
In the city of Los Angeles on the 10th day
August, ISTIB, at 10 oclock a, m., at a place
or hall to be hereafter selected.
That In the city of Los Angeles the polls
of said primary elections In each precinct
shall be opened nt 7:30 p. m. and closed at 9
p. m.: and that in nil other precincts In said
county the polls shall be opened at 4 p. m.
and closed at 7 p. m.
That the election board In each precinct;
shall consist of a Judge, Inspect or and clerk I
'and the several persons hereinafter named
for earh precinct are hereby appointed to
such offices and are designated as follows-
J. for judge, I. for inspector and- C. for
clerk; provided that if. In any of said pre
cincts, any of said persons refuse- or fall
to act, then the majority of the board pres
ent shall have authority to fill such vacancy,
nnd If said majority refuse or fail to fill
such vacancy, then tho Democratic electors
of the precinct present shall have
such power; and a majority of
such board In each precinct shall
have full power to decide and deter
mine all questions which may arise during
such primary election, subject to review by
said county convention. If no polling pbtce
is designated for a particular precinct in the
following notice, then the central commit
tee for such precinct shall provide some
convenient polling place in his precinct and
give notice thereof to the Democrats of his
That each precinct shall be entitled to one
delegate to the county convention for the
precinct and one additional delegate for
each thirty votes, or a majority fraction
thereof, cast for the W. J. Bryan electors,
and the number of delegates to which each
precinct Is entitled and Is authorized tn se
lect is hereinafter designated im this no
That the qualifications for each voter at
said primaries shall be thnt his name Is
upon the great register of said county and
that he has resided In the precinct in which
he offers his vote for thirty days next pre
ceding the day of said primary election; and
the test of the right of any person to vets
shall be that adopted by the state commit
tee, which Is that If sold person be chal
lenged lie must make the following state
ment to the board of primary election:
"I urn a Democrat, and I' will support
the nominees of the Democratic party at
the election to be held on the Bth day of
November, 1898."
That the delegates to he selected at said
primaries shall have power and authority
pursuant to the call of'said state ocmmlt
teo to organize a county convention and
to select eighty-one delegates to sal state
convention to be held ut Sacramento. An
gust 10, 1898, and the delegates of said state
convention shall have the power and au
thority to nominate all candidates for nil
the state offices to be voted for at the gen
eral election to be held on the Bth day of
November, IS9-4. and to select a new state
committee; and shall be ex-offlclo delegates
tn the district conventions and as such
shall hove the power and authority to nom
inate candidates for railroad commissioner
and members of the board qf equalization
ar.d ■■* congress and to select oampalrrn
committees of said districts.
That tho said county convention of Los
Angeles county shall have the power and
to selec* eighty-one delegates to said state
Commit tee It will be necessary to select new
central committeemen fo rthe several pre
cincts of said county and a chairman of
said central committee: and shall have
power and authority tn determine for Itself
whether or not it will nominate Candidates
for the several county, district and town
ship offices of said county to be voted for
jat said general election, and to make such
nomination if it decides to do so. or to em
power the proper committee to call new pri
maries and a new convention for said pur
The clerk of said primary board of elec
tion shall keep a poll list In wbi rt h he shall
enter the names ar.d residences of all per
sons voting at said election, and the board
of election of each precinct must cprtlfy in
writing, to the chairman or secretary un
dersigned', the numbers of votes cast for.
and the names of all candidates voted for.
In his precinct, and the names and resi
dences of those who were elected delegates
and the time, of opening and closing the
polls, and the said poll list and said certifi
cate shall be signed by the members of said
board and forwarded at once to said chair-
man or secretary by the clerk of said board,
and such certificate shall be the credentials
which shall entitle the persons named there
in to sit In 'said county convention, subject
to review of said convention.
That no person shall be eligible to be
voted for as a de-legate, or If elected, to sit
In said convention, unless his name shall be
upon the great register of said county and
he shall have bepn a bona fide resident of
the precinct in which he Is voted for for a
period of thirty days next preceding the
day of said primary election.
The following Is the list of hoard of elec
tion, the voting pace. where known, and
the number "f delegates to which each pre
cinct Is entitled, to-wltl
Acton—No. of delegates, 3; G. Kruger,
Judge: E. F. Nlckie. Inspector: Paul Bo
chc-rt, clerk; at Kruger's hotel,
Alhnmhrn—No. of delegates. .": Frank
Williams, ludge; C. W. Reed. Inspector:
William Pollard, e'erk; at Reeves' barber
shop on Main street.
Artesla- No. of delegates. 3; O. R. Framp
tcn, Judge; James Carse, Inspector; R. T,
Freeman, clerk: at .
Azusa—No. of delegates. 0: Evan Davis,
Judge; E. V. Rice, Inspector: C. H. Ed
wards, clerk: at .
Ballona—-No. of delegates, 4: O. M. Hick
man. Judge: J. R. B. LeLong, Inspector:
George Clftybrook, clerk: at .
Burbank—No. of delegates. 4: C. R.
Thompson, judge; John Dowllng,lnspector)
D. H. Dunning, clerk; at Thompson s store
in Burbank.
Cahuenga—No. of delegates. 4; Henry D.
Backett, Judge; J. B. Rapp, Inspector;
Charles Dunham, clerk; at Pass school
Oalabneas—No. of dele-gates, 4; T. D.
Cheney, Judge; C. A. Bell, inspector; Ed
Stokes, clerk: at Calabasas courthouse.
Catallna—No. of delegates. 1; Dr. A. T.
Bishop, judge; B. H. Schultz, inspector: E.
L. Beasley, clerk; at Dr. Bishop's office in
Chatsworth—No. of delegates, 3; J. O
Bangrooet, judge; . Inspector; ,
clerk; at Chatsworth hotel.
Cerrltos—No. of delegates, 3: J. C. Wll
hoit. judge: R. J. Reeves, inspector; Joslah
Sharp, clerk; at .
Clearwater—No. of delegates, 4: ,1. J.
Plaisted, judge; 9. M. Jennings. Inspector;
It. G. Goodrich, clerk; at Clearwater school
Compton, precinct I—No. of delegates, 4:
Omrl Bullls. judge; George .Palmer, In
spector; A. L. Lord, clerk: at Beatty build
Compton, precinct 2—No. of delegates 3;
W. A. Gains, Judge; J. W. Hunselman, in
spector; Harry Craig, clerk; at W. A.
Games' office.
Covjna—No. of delegates, 5; J. 11. Cool
man. Judge: J. C. Rubins, Inspector; L. L.
Ratektn, clerk: at Covins schoolhouse
Del Sur—No. of delegates, 3: L. H. Mayet,
Judge; Cyrus Maxwell, inspector: Frank
Fr.ikes. clerk; at hotel at Elizabeth Lake
Downey, First precinct—No. of delegates,
4; J. It. Ardis, Judge; C. E. Smith, inspect-
or; T. R. Manning, clerk; at ——.
Downey, Second oreoinc*—Mo. of dele-
gates, o; C. H. Eberle, Judge; J. W. Veie
able. Inspector; Joseph Dlsmukes, clerk; at
Duarte—No. of delegates, 3; W. R. Beards
ley. Judge; F. M. Behrode. inspector; J. H.
Qaraian, clerk; at Duarte hotel.
El Monte-No. of delegates. 7; T. Shugg.
Judge: I. C. Hannon, Inspector; Lewi*-
Farmer, clerk: at Dodson's hotel.
Florence—No. of delegates, 4; Lee Ram
sauer, Judge; N. 8. Ramsauer, inspector; '.
D. Snodgrass, clerk; at Florence school
Frultland—No. of delegates, 4; H. Gilbert,
Judge; A: C. Ramirez, Inspector: J. H.
Brewer, clerk; at .
Gardena—No. of delegates. 4: Walter Car
ter, Judge; I. J. Reynolds, inspector; —,
clerk; at Gardena schoolhouse.
Garvunza—No. of delegates. 4; L. M. Cor
wln, judge: S. C. Bartholomew, inspeeter: j
W. C. Nelson, clerk; at Garvanza school
Glendale—No. of delegates. 5; Bob De-|
vine. Judge: John Catlln. Inspector; Andrew!
Gi l -"-11, clerk: at Glendale.
Gb-r.dora—No. of delegates, 4; W. B. Cul
len. judge; John Bender, Inspector; J. L
j Doughertv, clerk; at Glendora schoolhouse.
Hyde Park—No. of delegates, 8: P. Mc-
I Anany, judge; George Dryden. Inspector;
J. J. Luslnger, clerk; at Hyde Park school
La Canada—No. of delegates. 4: Phillip
Bogue. Judge: C. Castello, inspector; C. T-
Balthey, clerk; at La Crescenta school
La Llebra—No. of delegates. 2; H. Sand
b"rg. Judge; R. T. Coovert, inspector; J. M.
Hughes, clerk: at .
Lumanda—No. of delegates, 4; Abbct
Kinney, judge; M. L. Rafferty, Inspector:
M. Richard, clerk: at .
Lancaster—No. of delegates. 2; O. F.
Welnshank, judge; H. D. Robertson, In
spector; Captain J. C. Hanna, clerk; at Lan
caster hotel.
Lankershim—No .of delegates, 2; C. A.
Cartwrlght. judge; W. L. Puett, Inspector;
William Qalbreath, clerk; at Lankershim
Llano—No. of delegates. 2; J. C. Tilghman,
Judge; John Wicklein, inspector; S.,S. Go
dln. clerk; at ——•.
Long Beach—No. of delegates, 4; W. S
Clark, judge; P. L. Wingard. Inspector;
A. Bailey, clerk: at schoolhouse.
Lordsburg—No. of delegates, 3; C. H.
Doughty, judge: O. K. Young, inspector:
Jess Ends, clerk: at Lordsburg school
house (old precinct lines.!
MoDrnvin-No. of delegates, II; M. L. Good
man, Judge; F. J. Combs, Inspector; A. J
Rent, clerk; at Bohoolhouse.
Monte Vlsta— No. of delegates, 3: A. Q.
Harper, judge; F. B. Shock, inspector: C.
M. Wagner, clerk; at Cold Water school
National precinct. I—No. of delegates,.3:
Judge, Thomas Murphy; clerk, John La'v
erty; inspector, J. R. Farley: at Soldiers'
National, Precinct lI.—No. of delegates, 3;
Judge, c. F. Oroff; clerk, C. Marshall: In
spector, John Lenord; nt Soldiers' home.
National. Precinct 111.-No. of delegates.
2; judge. Dennis Sullivan: clerk. J. M. D.
Wartleld; Inspector, Casco De Ney; at Sol
diers' home.
National, Precinct IV.—No. .of delegates,
3; Judge, William Bate; eh rk, lv|U De Ha
ven; Inspector, James Grady; at Soldiers'
National. Precinct v.—No. of delegates, 3]
Judge, Richard Nixon; clerk, James M.
Poe: Inspector,, J. ; C. Dories; at Soldiers'
Newhall—No. of delegates. 4; W. N. For
krr. judge': G. W. Lerhler. inspector; W.
E. Pardee, clerk: at schoolhouse.
North Pasadena. I.—No. of delegates. 3:
. Judge; , Inspector; . clerk;
North Pasadena. lI.—No. of delegates. 3;
J. W. Inman, Judge; .inspector; ,
clerk; at .
,T. J. Harris, Judge; C. S Seaman, inspector;
C R. Toms, clerk: at South Pasadena.
Norwalk—No. of delegates, 0: E. Noble.
Judge; J. W. Inman. inspector: M. J. Mc
gaugh, clerk; at schoolhouse,
Palmda'e—No. of delegates. 3; O. S. Bulk
ley, judge; G. Banninger. inspector; A. B.
Cox. clerk; al Paimdale.
Pasadena. I.—No. of delegates. 3; G. Har
ris. Judge: John Adams. Inspector; Alfred
Thorne. c!crk:*at Alfred Theme's house.
Pasadena, lI.—No. of delegates, 4: W. H.
Towrs"nd. judge; \V. E. Buckingham, In
spector: R. M. Furlong, clerk; al A. R.
Meti ,-ilfe's office.
Pasadena, ITT.—No. of delegates. 5; C. M
Stanley, judge; W. C. Porter, inspector; W
A. Kllage, clerk; at .
Pasadena. IV —No. of delegates, 3; W. T.
Grimes, Judge: G. A. Herdlg. Inspector; B
Edmonston, clerk: at .
Pasadena, V.—No. of delegates. 3; William
Blake, judge; John A. Taylor, Inspector; W.
L. WotkynSi clerk; at .
Pasadena. VI —No. of delegates. 0: A. J.
Wright, judge; J. A. Dovey, inspector; A.
B. Soete, clerk: at .
Pasadena. VII.—No. of delegates, 2; W.
A. Jones, judge; F. H. Bryan, inspector; S
Windham, clerk; nt
Pasadena. VIII—No. of delegates, J.
Simons, judge; J. Bailey, inspector; Abner
Goble. clerk; at —.
Pomona, I.—No. of delegates, 3; J, E.
Crawford. Judge: W. H. Hewitt, Inspector;
C R. Johnson, clerk; at .
Pomona. lI.—No. of delegates. 5; Ec
Pendleton, Judge; J. B- Cnson. Inspector; R.
A. Burke, clerk; at .
Pomona. lII.—No. of delegates. 4; E. H.
Hutchinson, judge; F. Cogswell .Inspector;
G. c. Egan. clerk; at——.
Pomona, IV.—No. of delegates, 4; W. T,
Martin, judge: B. S. Bryant, inspector; S.
N. Loudon, clerk; at .
Pomona, V.—No. of dele-gates, 3; F. D
Joy. Judge: , Inspector; W. Shafer,
clerk: at .
Redondo—No. of delegates, 7; F. B. Enc
llsh. judge; F. C. Melius, inspector; N. E
De Vim, el. rk: at Dial's drug store.
Rivera—No. of delegates, 8; S. G. Rey
nolds, Judge; D. M. Cate, inspector; J
Hanna. clerk: at Gulrado's store.
Rowland—No. of delegates,.3; T. F. Ways,
Judge; William Rowland, inspector; B. F-
Rowland, clerk; at postofflce, Pin ntc.
San Fernando—No. of delegates, 4; J. O.
Jenifer, judge; M. R. Lopez. Inspector; F.
A. Kidder, clerk; at schoolhouse.
Pan Gabriel—No. of delegates. 4; William
W. Garner. Judge; W. F. Slack. Inspector;
C. W. Winston, clerk; nt hotel.
San Pedro—No. of delegates. 8; Frank
Bonsell, Judge; R. HUlyer, Inspector: Frank
Schilling, clerk; at barber shop Fifth and
Front streets.
Sun Pedro. lI.—No. of delegates. 4: M. J.
McDermott. judge: Sam WUhtte, inspector;
J. A. Weldt, clerk; at city hall,
Santa Monica, I.—No. nf del- crates. 4; M.
Hosteller, Judge; .7. D. Collins, Inspector;
H. King, clerk; at .
Santa Monica, lI.—No. of dele gates, 4; J.
C. Steel, Judge; Jesse Yoktlm. Inspector; M.
C, Roth, clerk: nt .
Santa Monica. 111.—No. of delegates. 3;
M. 11. Kimball. Judge: H. A. Winslow, In
spector; D. McCarthy, clerk: at .
San Vicente —No. of delegates, 3; H.
Slerts. judge; J. F. Tooker, Inspector; A.
Dillon, clerk: at -.
Sierra Ma.lre—No. of delegates. 2: L. K.
fltetnberger, Judge; s. R. Norrls, Inspector;
W. Tt. Crisp, clerk: at hotel.
Si-nth Pasadena—No. cf delegates, 3: J.
C. Newton, judge: A. J. Moody, Inspector;
A. i libhs, clerk; at .
Bpadra—Ne. of delegates, 3; J. M. Fryer,
judge; K. TT. Dorsey, Inspector; S. B. Car
ter, clerk; at postofflce.
University—No. '-f delegates, I: J. P
Mnrnhy, Judge: A. A. Cleveland, inspector:
F. W. Becker, clerk: at Wilson's store, cor
ner Vermont and Santa Monicu avenues.
Whlttler, T.—No. of delegates, 4: F. M
King, Judge:, C. E. Bates. Inspector; B.
Gulrado, clerk: at .
Whlttler. II —No. of delegates, 3: Marlon
Wood, judge; A. O. Bailey, inspector: G. H-
Retley. clerk: at (old precinct lines.)
Wilmington—No. of delegates. 3: Silas
Kennedy. Judge; Charles Cooksnn. Inspect
or: M. Koster, clerk; at Kennedy's butcher
City of Los Anfreles
First precinct—No. of delegates. 2; J. E.
Wlthrow, judge; C. C. Monaghgn, Inspect
or: Charles O. Stevenson, clerk: at Mudge's
real estate office, Highland Park.
Second precinct—No. of delegates, S; E.
Hartup, Judge; C. F. Johnson. Inspector;
| William Gitt, clerk; at Banquet hall. Dow-
I ney avenue.
j Third precinct—No. of delegates, 5; J. R.
■ Dunnlgan, Judge; D. K. Trask. inspector;
! Frank palomares, clerk; at Banquet hall.
Downey avenue.
Fourth precinct—No. of de-legates, 7; C.
! M. Hayden, Judge; CharlesDurr, Inspector;
, C. G. Kolster, clerk; at Banquet hall, Dow
'• ney avenue.
Fifth precinct—No. of delegates, 0: W. A
Frick, judge; R. J. Colyear. Inspector; Ju
lius Lyons, clerk; at 003 East Main.
Sixth precinct—No. of delegate*, 7; Alfred
Moore. Jr., Judge; R. .1. Adcock, inspector;
J. T. Saunders, clerk; at corner Griffin av
enue and Main street.
Seventh precinct—No. of delegates, 6;
Walter Deveaux. Judge; A. E. Senseny, In
spector: M. J. Sullivan, clerk; at east side
of Buena Vista street north of College street.
Eighth precinct—No. of delegates. 4; A.
Hoffman, Judge; H. Speh, Inspector; O.
Smith, clerk; at 18(1 Temple sireet.
Ninth precinct—No. of delegates, 4; Dan
iel Innes, judge; George Retzer. Inspector;
M. C. Marsh, clerk; at 1266 Temple street.
Tenth precinct—No. of delegates, 6; C. S.
Miles. Judge; Thomas Kelly. Inspector; R.
R. Garrett, clerk; at corner Pearl and Al
Eleventh precinct—No. of delegates, 6:
Willi.im K. Masetta, Judge; W. E. Marrpies,
Inspector; J. S. Redona, clerk; at Italian
hall. Buena Vista street.
Twelfth precinct—No. of delegates, 7: E.
A. Wall, judge; 11. E. Taney, Inspector; R.
Hunt, clerk; at 314 Ni w High street.
Thirteenth precinct—No. of delegates, 5;
L. Bouftler, Jr.. Judge; A. G. Simmons. In
spector: Meyer Mendelssohn, clerk; at Bou
ller's hall. Bellevue avenue.
Fourteenth precinct—No, of delegates, 5;
N. J. Content, Judge; E. A. Preuss. inspect
or: J. Kuhrtz. clerk; at Tallyho stables, on
Broadway, between First und Secmd.
Fifteenth preclnrt—No. of delegate!, 7;
. Judge: E. L. Sieweke. Inspector: ,
clerk: at Temple street and Fremont ave
Sixteenth precinct—No. of delegates, 4;
William Meyers. Judge: Thomns S. Casey,
inspector: Thomas Hefty, clerk; at 1310
Temple street.
Seventeenth precinct—No. of delegates. 4:
John Kinney, Judge: .7. H. Davy, Inspector;
John T. Davy, clerk; nt 1652 Temple Street.
Eighteenth preclnet—No. of delegates, 4;
T. F. Donohue, judge; J. T. Black; inspector;
M. Alender, clerk; at city hall.
Nineteenth precinct—No. of delegates, 3;
C. E. O'Brien, judee; Henry FutkerßOn in
spector; T. R. Owen, clerk; at 3381,4 South
Spring street.
Twentieth precinct—No. l of G-
J. C, Bright, judge: c. Chick, inspector:
W. M. AvSrell, clerk: at La Grande house,
South Spring.
Twenty-first pre-clnct—No. of delegates H;
W. A. Ryan, Judge: E. ,T. Morris, Inspei tor;
M. T. Powell, clerk: at 323U West. Fourth
Twenty-second precinct—No. of delegates,
3j J. 11. Dockweiler. Judge; William W.
Stephens, Inspector; Sam Morton, clerk: a*
316 West Second street.
Twenty-third precinct—No. of delegates,
<!: E. St. Julian Cox. Judge: B. Benns; :<•
spector: .1. P. Coyhe. clerk; at 224 South
Grand avenue.
Twenty-fourth prednet—No. of delegates,
5; J. Sentous, Judge; John Kennedy, in
spector: R. B. Stevens, clerk; at SO7M
Sixth street.
Twenty-fifth precinct—No. of delegates
": R. Y. Mcßride. Judge; J. W. Fullerton,
Inspector: W. A. Klstler. clerk: at Ice fac
tory, 439 South Flgueroa street.
Twenty-sixth prerinct—No. of delegates,
3; Tom McCaffrey, judge; Frank Graham,
Inspector: Frank C. Hannon. clerk; at
Sixth and Pearl, southeast corner.
Twenty-seventh precinct—No. of dele
gates. 3; J. C. For, Jueige; George Van Val
kenberg, Inspector; J. E. Millard, clerk; at
northeast corner Seventh and AlvaradO
Sixty-ninth precinct—No. of delegates, 1;
. Judge; William P. Martin, inspector:
Walter R. Wheat, clerk; nt Los Angeles
Military academy.
Twenty-eighth precinct—No. of delegates,
4: C. Hlckflon, Judge: D. BotilTer, Inspector:
L. J. Mathews, clerk: al south Junction of
Main and Spring streets.
Twentv-r.inth precinct—No. of delegates,
4: E. M. Btelman, judge; F. H. Thompson,
inspector: H. J. Dillon, clerk at corner of
Eighth and Olive streets.
Thirtieth precinct—No. of delegates. 5:
R. N. Chappel, judge; M. O'Conner. in
spector; M. Polaskl, clerk; at engine house,
Ninth str-.-et near Main.
Thirty-first precinct—No. of delegates, 5;
S. Grant, judge: John Wolfskin, inspector
3. 11. Bantley, clerk; at Sixteenth street en
gine house.
Thirty-second precinct—No. of delegates.
4; D. W. Edelman. judge; J. J. Bergen, in
spector; Charles Welborn. clerk: ot north
west corner Flgueroa and Washington
Thirty-third precinct—No. cf delegates, 3;
Frank Coulter, judge: J. G. De Turk, in
spector; E. B. Dokeman, clerk; at 1281 Flg
ueroa street.
Thirty-four A precinct—No, of delegates.
4: H. C. Thomas, judge; — Scott. Inspector;
Jerome Curtln, clerk; ot stable? ;,"22 West
Seventh street.
Thirty-four B precinct—No. of delegates,
4; W. D. Newell, judge; Louis Benl )US, I.—
spector; S. Weathi rhold. clerk; a' shoe shop
corner Sentous and Eleventh streets.
Thirty-fifth A precinct—No. of delegates,
3; M. M. Levering. Judge; O. U. Carter, in
spector; C. Vance, clt-rk; at car barn on
Ninth strei t.
Thirty-fifth B precinct—No. of delegntes.
3, George Roberts. Judge; George Puff, in
spector; Julius W. Krause, clerk ;at 231
South Alvarado street, In the ri ar,
Thirty-Sixth precinct—No. of di legates, 4i
H. Tufts, judge: W. S. Bohannon. Inspi et. r
J. G. Scarborough, clerk; at corner Pico and
Seventieth prerinct—No. of delegates. C:
Max Hoffman, judge; Charles Chenoweth.
Inspector; P. H. Malony, clerk: at .
Seventy-tlrst precinct—No. of delegates. 2;
Arlosto McCrlmmin. judge; John Lang, in
spector; Thomas Reevi. cjerk; at .
Thirty-seventh precinct-No, of delegates.
3: Tom Neal, Judge; D. M. Cloud, Inspector;
Sidney Reeves, clerk; at southwest corner
Twenty-firs! and Grand avenue.
Thlrtv-elghth A precinct—No. of dele
gates, 3: I. J. Wler, judge; R. D. Porter, in
spector; F. W. Sablcbi. clerk; at Marlbor
ough stables.
Thirty-ninth precinct—No. ofj delegates,
5: A. WlllhartltS. in lee; E. W. Ford, in
spector; J. S. De Harry, clerk: at Park's
drug store, northwest corner Main and
Thirty-second streets.
Thirty-eighth B precinct—No. ot dele
gates. 3: Ed Ryan, judge- T. H. Phllbrook.
tnspeetr; Captain Green, clerk; at Ryan's
store room, corner Jefferson and Westlako
Seventy-second precinct—No .of delegates.
6: f. r. pittman. Judge; Captain Newman,
inspector: E. w. Grants, clerk; at H. T.
Cary * Pons hardware shop, comer Twen
ty-fourth and Hoover-streets,
Seventy-third A precinct—Nc. of dele
gates. 4; Captain C. M. 8.-ker. Judge; *
Adloff. Inspector: Percy Schumacher, clerk;
al J. H. Merrill'* grocvery store, corner Ver
mont avenue nnd Twenty-seventh street.
Seventy-third R. prpclnct—No. of dele
gates. 4: William Dryden, Judge; — Gray.
Inspector; , cl rk: at Tucker's black
smith shop on West Jefferson street.
Fortieth precinct—No. of delegates. 4; K.
Bradley, judge; J. W. Nance, Inspect- r: A.
Rogelle, clerk: at southeast corner Tw- nty
seventh and Main streets.
Forty-first precinct—No, of delegates, 6;
T. Darmody. judge; Lee A. McConnell, In
spector: E. Duggan. cle-k; at enclre house
on Main street.
Forty-second precinct—No. nf delegates.
.1: John P. Moran. judge: .7. A. Btoeckltn, I*
spector; M. T. Ryan, clerk; at r (a : estate
office corner Pico und Main streel».
Fcrty-thi-d precinct—No. of delegates 4
.7. F. McElheny. judge: M. J. MeGarry. in
spector: Joel B, Parker, clerk: at grocery
store southeast ccrner Pico and San Pedro
Forty-fourth precinct—No. of delegates,
7; Joe Hamilton, Judge; Anton Swenson,
[Inspector; John H. Foley, clerk; at hal
i Thirteenth and Central avenue.
! Fortv-flfth A preempt—No., of delegates,
3. W. H. Thomas. Judge; J. J. Yarborough,
i inspector; R. D. Coates, clerk; at Grlder 4
I Don's real estate office.
I Forly-tlfth B. precinct—No. of delegates,
|3: W. A. Fields, judge; — Hayes, Inspector;
i Noble, clerk; at corner Adams and Cen
tral avenue. . . -'
Forty-sixth precinct—No. of delegates, C;
Frank Reese, Judge; T. Whelan, inspector;
W. P. Snyder, clerk; at Tubb's coal yard,
; corner Sixteenth street and Central avenue.
Seventy-fourth A precinct—No. of dele
gates, 4: Joseph Tombs. Judge; R. Remey,
[Inspector; -— Prontile. clerk; at southeast
j corner Vernon and Central avenues.
: Seventy-fourth B precinct—No. of dele
! gates. 4: S. S. Harper, judge; T. A. Bryan*,
inspector: H. D. Sheets, clerk; at Akey'a
' j drug store. , ,
Forty-seventh precinct—No. of delegates,
j7: William Nordholt, judge; H. H. Kerck
boS, Inspector; W. T. Edwards, clerk; at
I northeast corner Seventh and Main streets
! Forty-eighth A precinct—No. of delegates,
■3; John Hauc rwnas, judge; H. W. Preston,
.Inspector; B. McKane, clerk; at southwest
corner of Suventh and Wall streets.
Forty-eighth B precinct—No. of delegates,
4: A. Feldscbau, judge; Charles O'Nell. In
| spector; Howard, clerk: at 240 East
' Fifth sireet.
' Forty-ninth A precinct—No. of delegates,
6; J. D. McOlnley, judge: J. D. Giles, of
spector; A. Valenzuela, clerk; at 734 Gladyl
Forty-ninth B precinct—No. of delegates,
8: Martin Eichorn. Judge; Henry Matson.
Inspector; 1,. A. Pollard, clerk; at No. 511
Ceres avenue.
Fiftieth precinct—No. of delegates, 6; D.
]F. McOnrry. judge; M. F. Betkouski. In
spector; C. E. Richardson, clerk: at John
j Kearney's store.
I Fifty-first precinct—No. of delegates. 7;
I John M. Graven. Judge; John Nerney, In
spector; Jack Lee, clerk; nt McDonald's
Fifty-second precinct—No. of delegates,
7; Joseph Zlrbes, judge: R. W. Read, In
spector; C. Kremple, clerk: nt John Zlr
-1 bee', corner Fifth and Gladys streets.
Fifty-third precinct—No. of delegates. 5;
! Frank Llndenfeld. judge: E. G. Reed, In
spector; , clerk; at 307 South Los An
geles street.
I Fifty-fourth precinct—No. nf delegates. 7;
i Charles Tnpprnler. Judge: Thomas McDer
j mott. Inspector; H. Beer, clerk; at 113 South
j San Pedro street, ■ -i
I Fifty-fifth precinct— No. of delegates. 2;
R. M. Walton, judge; Charles Stewart. In
spector; Robert Woodworth, cjerk; at Wal
ton's boarding house. Second near Hewitt
Fifty-Sixth precinct—No. of delegates. 4;
W. H. Wheeler, Judge; C. P. Oldaen. In
spector; J. Tllley, clerk; at 815 East Third
Fifty-seventh A precinct—No. of dele
gates. 0; Tony Meßmer, judge; G. McFad
son. Inspector; William Towhig, clerk; at
102 Requena street. ci . -.- .
Fifty-seventh B precinct—No. of; dele
gates, r.: Tim Horgan, judge; Charles Ger
son. Inspector: William Towhig. clerk; at
corner Jackson and Wilmington streets.
Fifty-eighth A precinct—No. ot delegates,
!i; Tom Zeus, judge; C. Wise, inspector:
, R. T. Amis, clerk; at 109 North Alameda
Fifty-eighth B precinct—No. of dele
gates, ."; M. Ordoqul, judge; L. Drouet, In-
Bpeetori P. A. Simon, clerk; at Lafayette
, hotel.
Fifty-ninth precinct—No. of delegates, 5:
Tt. J. Collins, Judge; A. Todd, inspector;
J. Wenger. clerk: at 923 East First street.
Sixtieth precinct—No. of delegates. 6; G.
Goldsmith, Judge; F. A. H.iber'ham, In
spector: —— clerk; at corner of Matn and
ReQuena streets
Sixty-first precinct—No. of delegates, 7:
John R, McManus, judge; William Vance,
Inspector; P. Pulssegur, clerk; at corner
Lyon and Macy streets.
; Sixty-second precinct—No, of delegat—
■ 7: H. S. Kearney, judge; Fred Colh
i spector; Mark Tyler, clerk; at Colby I
110(1 North Main sireet.
Sixty-third precinct—No. of delegal
William Steward'on. judge; T. Carte
.' spector: J. T. Kearney, clerk: at 1440 '"an
i Fernando street.
Sixty-fourth precinct—No. of delej; .'
. 7: J. M. Voss, judge; E. R. Threlkeld, in
' spector; Charles Boque. clerk; at corner of
Anderson and Aliso streets.
Sixty-fifth precint—No; of delegates. 4;
■ J. P. Rogers, Judge: B. Chandler, Inspector;
A. W. Bragg, clerk: at store northeast cor
ner Cornwall and Brooklyn streets. -
Sixty-sixth precinct—'No. of delegates. 3;
C. O. Wright. Judge; W. H. Bryant. Inspect
■ or: J. Harrington, clerk; at Edwards'store.
East First street.
Sixty-seventh precinct—No. of delegates,
4; William Ft. Wi rkman, judge: H. Gerke,
| Inspector: Ed Irwin, clerk: Virginia Meat
j Market. 18.30 East First street.
Sixty-eighth precinct—No. of delegates,
f>; M. T. Collins. Judge; J. p. Brock, in
spector; Frank Btnford. clerk; at Brock*?)
blacksmith shop, corner Chicago street.
DR. R. W. HILL. Chairman.
1.. HERZOG, Secretary.
Date.l August 4. 1888.
Angeles City Water Company:, Notice
is hereby given that the board of directors
! of tho Los Angeles City Water Company.
t a corporation, have called a meeting of the
stockholders of said corporation, to be held
at the offli c of said Los Angeles City Water
Ci mpany si No. 3J - New High street. In tho
city of Los Angeles, on Tuesday, the yth day
of August, IS9B, at thirty minutes past three
oclock p. m., to consider the subject of
extending the term of the existence of said
Los Angeles City Water Company for a
period of twenty years from and after the
first day of August. 180 N.
I And you are hereby notified that the said
I meeting will be held at said time and place
for the Eald purpose , and your presence is
expected thereat. S. H. MOTT, Secretary.
by given to the qualified electors of the
Los Feliz school district, county of Los
Angeles, that an election will be held on
the 11th day of August. A.D. IS9S, at
which will be submitted the etuestlon of
voting a lax to the amount of J7OO for the
purpose ot" improving and maintaining
the school.
Th. p,,',ls will be open at the Los Fells
school house from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m.
The Judges and inspectors appointed to
conduit the election are: Tnggart, Sut
ton, juelges, and Little. Inspector.
C. W. REINHARD, Trustees.
23-30-aug 6
Stockholders' Meeting
regular annual meeting of the stock
he: 1 ts cf the Porter Gold and Sliver Ex
truction company will be held at the office
■ of the company, rooms 503 and 500 Dullard
building. In the city of Los A ngeles, Califor
nia, on Monday, the fifteenth day of Au
gust. 1898, a: 10 oclock In the forenoon, fu»
the purpose of electing a board of directors
to serve for the ensuing year, and for ths
transaction cf such other business as may
properly ci me before the meeting.
JULIAN P. JONES. Secretary.
Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 3, IS9S. lOt
Notice of Annual Meeting
stockholders of the San Willie Land and
Water Co.. for the election of a board of
directors and such other business as may
properly come before the meeting; will be
held Wednesday. Aug. 17. 1888,at8:88oclock
p. m., ut the office nf the company. Main
Street Savings Bnnk. Junction of Main,
Spring and Temple sts., Los Angeles. CaL
15 B. V. DUQUE, Secretary.

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