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SEVERE SENTENCES JUSTICE METED OUT TO ORANGE COUNTY RUFFIANS ■Another Member of the Seventh Is Mourned at Santa Ana—To Save tho Water SANTA ANA. Aug. s.—Jesus Melendrez and Caesarlo Rodriguez, the brutal Mex icans who assaulted and almost killed Sum £*c, the Chinese foreman of the Newlands ranch at Bolsa a few weeks ago, pleaded giriliy to a charge of assault to kill in the superior court today and were sentenced to et£ht years each in San uentln. John P. Flint, the convicted petty lnr cenist, was today sentenced by Judge Noyes In tho superior court to one year ln San Quentln. Deputy Sheriff Ulm will leave tomorrow With the four prisoners—Flint. John Smith. who got seven years for burglarizing a residence In Tustin, and Melendrez und Rodriguez. Another Volunteer Mourned Flags are, again waving at halt mast anil (Santa Ana is ugah) in mourning for an other soldier boy, Guy Halllday, a private ln Company L, who died today in Sau Francisco of spinal meningitis after a long illness. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Halllday, one of the oldest and best known families ln this city and spent most Of his bright young life here, where he was universally popular. He was 19 years Of age. Tho remains will be brought hero for burial, arriving tomorrow afternoon at 3 oclock on the Santa Fo, where they will bo met by a squad of militia and es corted to tho family residence on Chestnut avenue. The funeral services will be field Bunday from the residence under the aus pices of Company L. Mr. and Mrs. Halll day were with him when he died and will accompany tho remains home. Brevities The land owners ln the willows near Bolsa have taken steps towards building a ditch ln that vicinity for the purpose of draining all land ln that section during the wet season. Thoy have organized them selves into a company, of which R. M. Dungan Is president and will at once pro ceed with the work as planned and sur veyed by Engineer Kellogg. The ditch will prove of 1 vast benefit to that section or tho county. The llttlo child of H. Sutton, the Postal telcgruph operator. Is ill with scarlet fever at the residence on Third street. Tho supervisors havo under considera tion plans for establishing a poor farm or homo for Indigents. A petition, largely Signed by citizens, has boon presented to the board, asking them to investigate- the matter and do what they can towards pro viding a homo for the poor and destitute. The chamber of commerce held a short business meeting last night and agreed to make an effort to procure several boxes ef oranges and lemons to send to com pany L. Word was received hare today that Clar ence Parker, a well known resident of this city, who was opera fed upon in Los An geles Tuesday for appendicitis, had taken a turn for the worse and was In a preca rious condition. His brother, C. E. Parker, went up this morning to remain with him. 11. A. Peabody has raised the sum of J3OO by subscription, which he will send to Company L for a few comforts.. Tho following persons were admitted to citizenship in the superior court today: Peter Sycr, Charles T. Shafelt, H. I). Meyer, J. H. Moyor. Cuthbert W. West, Fred M. West, Alfred E. Johnson and Gus tave Stern. SANTA BARBARA Council's Usual Wordy Wrangle. Soon Gun Nearly Kecaptured SANTA BARBARA, Aug. s.—The regu lation slrtfe between Councilman Welle ami the other members occurred yesterday af ternoon, making the common council ses sion a long, wordy, wearisome wrangle. Comparatively little business was possible, owing to tho time's being occupied by thf warrior from the Fifth ward. Bids were called for on the electric plant for the tun nel and two responses were maib. J. K. Harrington bid $529.i, with operating ex penses at $12." per month. This was ac cepted, Weile dissenting as usual. The cither bid was $3795 and operation at $200 a mouth. The committee report on proposed city lighting was read. The electric com pany offered 50 arc lights ot $10 each per rnonlh, moonlight schedule, or 02 arc lights at $9 each, same schedule, and Incandes cent lights at $1 each per month, to run until 10 p. m. or later on special occasions. 'J his proposition was adopted. Bids for a bridge across Mission creek at Islay street were advertised for. An ordinance for re numbering; ull bouses Inside the city limits, as a step fti conjunction with postal deliv ery extension, was rend. Brevities The old Beckwlth well ln township 7 has been leased by Charles Streeter tn (leorge Ignamells for a term of twenty years. Information was yesterday Bled by the district attorney in the case of the Peoph vs. James Acqulstapace, who is accused of the rape of Kmma Bowdlstel, a girl of M years of age. Foreclosure has been adjudged by the superior court In favor of the Santa Bar bara Savings and Loan bank against Albert de Rome et al. Santa Barbara county is to hold a poultry and pet stock show next spring In this city. Something like 1000 new names will be added to the county's great register by this year's supplement. Soon Gun, the Chinese girl laken from the steamer Santa Rosa Wednesday nlcht by Oillcer Try. c on a requisition from Lot Angeles, was yesterday nearly recaptured by her Chinese abdulctors. They tried to get out a writ of habeas corpus, but ere it could be issued Tryce slipped away with the girl, got out Of town nnd turned her over te the Bfllct r who had come from Los Apg.c■■> on the noon train to get her. Tee Cjrl Martens Op«ra company Is to play a week's engagement at the Opera house. Rev. W. 11. Ramsey, rector of Trinity Church, wltl spend the rest of the month In Bon Jose. R«v. Pr. Wakefield nf San Joso will officiate during Mr. Ramsey's absence. ttev. Floyd J. Mynard. rector nf St. John's Episcopal church of Oakland, Cal., is In town, having come down awheel. A model of a wave motor working on a new principle has Just been completed In this city. The i.orplnterian, a new weekly paper, will be launched during (he present month. Wm. Lyons Metcalfe will have the general management of the paper. With the Veterans SOLDIERS' HOMO. Aug. 5-The govenor Col. A. J. Smith, Mrs. Smith and daughter returned to the home on the 2d'lnst, from *J. atay at Catallna Island. Emmet S.-*eck, a papular young mem ber of the home band, was married on tho 3d Inst, to Miss Mary Dudley Green, the daughter of one ot the members Of tho home. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus S. Brower of San Joss, were visitors to the home on the 3d. Politics Is very much ln evidence at the home and both parties are ao'ectlng can didates for election at the coming prima ries. Deaths at the home since the last letter: On the 2d Inst., William Henry, late of the United States navy, and David W. Dratt, late of Company G, Eighty-seventh Indiana Infantry, died on the 3d. There were seven deaths at the home last month. There are now In the cemetery on the hill 500 graves of veterans. Fernado Fragments FERNANDO, Aug. 5.-J. Harps, who went to the Klondike last August in com pany with John Barnette, arrived home Wednesday. The latter will also be back soon. They will both return next spring. R. M. Widncy Is pumping 25 inches of wa ter out of one of his wells in the artesian belt. The Fernando Epworth league gave v well-attended and enjoyable social at the home of R. A. Hoyt Friday. CHILDREN'S NICKELS A NOVEL ENTERPRISE AT SANTA MONICA Slot Machines on the Beach With Young Girls as Their Patrons SANTA MONICA, Aug. s.—Although a large number ot niekel-ln-the-slot ma chines have been in operation here during the summer, for the most part unmolested. .1 phase of the question has lately pre sented itself which touches, not so much on their presence in number, which reaches' lit the neighborhood Of twenty, as the nature of the places in which some ot the machines are placed and the kind of goods they pay ln. Numerous machines are running ln tho several saloons about town, which pay their patrons ln checks redeemable ln "merchandise." For the privilege of conducting these their owners pay a county license of 15 per quarter. An exception to the latter fact was found In the case of Hans Rasmusscn, who was ar rested last Sunday for runnlug a game without a license, and for wTilch violation of county law he paid a fine of $10. Bub in the matow of several other ma chines, which pay a very small percentage and that In coin, and for which, according to county law, no license may be Issued, tho state law Is also being directly vio lated. One saloonkeeper here has eight machines In operation—live at ills place of business, one at an Ocean avenue fruit stand and two ln beach restaurants, the latter three being accessible to young children, who arc gradually becoming con stant patrons of the fascinating wheels. During the past week no loss than twelve young girls and boys have been counted at one time engrossed in the tickle game at; one of the laet named places. No at tempt has been made by the officers to put a stop to this .business for the reason that they consider the matter not one for municipal Interference on the ground that, there is no city ordinance prohibiting or controlling the machines. They claim that state or county officials are responsible for the violation of the law. It Is probable that the subject would not have received unusual attention had not the, owner of the above named machines grovvn too avari cious for the nickel of his tellow men and women, to say nothing of the children, by placing them in places frequented by the latter, who have patronised them to such an alarming extent that the machines have proven a source of unexpected revenue. The moneymuklng proclivities of the ma chine are great on an SO per cent basis. glvinsJ the players opportunities few and far between to be winners, but the young folks who dally push their nickels do not realise this, and the occasional dime or quarter which 19 turned out proves a fas cination too strong to be resisted 'by tho little embryo gamblers. When interviewed'on the subject City Marshal Barretto expressed his willing ness to do all in his power to remove (his feature of gambling, and signified his in tention of Immediately serving notice on those conducting games outside of saloons to close them up. It Is said that an ordinance will be pre sented at next Monday's meeting of the board of trustees to get around this dif ficulty, making it a misdemeanor for minors to play nlckel-ln-the.-slot machines, which will virtually be prohibiting minors from breaking a law which adults, are al lowed constantly to break Into small bits. Redlands Gossip REDLANDS, Aug. s.—Fred Shank and Miss Emily S. Fortney wcro married at the residence of the bride's paronts at 8 oclock last evening. Edward Wren and Miss Alda Calnes ot Yuenlpe were married at the homo of the bride's brother, M. A. Games, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wren departed this morning for San Diego on a bridal tour. B. F. Montgomery, formerly proprietor of the Baker house, Is visiting ln this city. Miss Antoinette M. Humphreys, city li brarian, left this morning for Santa Mon ica. Judge Geo. E. Otis returned last evening from a visit to Santa Barbara. Geo. OWen went to Los Angeles this morning, where he will remain a week be fore going to Mankato, Minn. .\ pleasant party was given at the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Stewart yes terday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Nara more, sister of Mrs. 11. W. Tlmmons. WORRIED OVER CHINA English Diplomats Alarmed Over the Aggression of Russia LONDON, Aug. s.—There Is great uneasi ness on all sides here, In vldw ot the Chi nese situation, which is regarded as bring ing an open conllict Between Great Britain and Russia within measurable distance, and it is universally felt that the Marquis of Salisbury's inverlebracy in yielding to Russian aggressiveness is responsible for ihe dangerous complication, which can only be overcome by the prompt and most firm Intimation that Russia's open opposition to British commercial concessions must cease. In this connection the story is current that the Princess of Wales' hurried depar ture from England was in response to a dis patch from her sister. Dowager Empress of Russia, bearing upon the Anglo-Rus sian relations. It Is well-known that the Dowager Empress Is strenuously working to create a definite understanding regarding Anglo-Russian lhterests in the Far East, and it Is said great Importance attaches to the meeting of the sisters at Coppenhagen Wall paper, late syles. low prices, at I A. A. Eckstrom's. 324 South Spring street I LOS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MORJIING, AUGUST*,' 1898 LONG BEACH SHOCKED A MAN ENJOYS THE OCEAN WITH, HIS SHIRT ON And It Was Split Down the Side—His Bath Cost Him Ten Dollars. The Summer School LONG BEACH. Aug. S —It has been dis covered that there is no city ordinance to regulate bathing. Early this morning some person complained about a man named Henry A. Hansen of Pasadcnu be ing ln bathing attired only In a shirt, whidh was ln Huch a dilapidated condition by reason of its being spilt down the side as to he hardly an apology .for a costume. Mr. Hanson says In excuse that lt was about 6 a. m. und that there was no one in Eight, except a few on thejong whrirt, some distance away. He was arrested and taken before Justice Rosecrans and giveft the option of paying a fine of $10 or going to Jail for five days. Mr. Hanson is oUt on bail and has not yet paid the line. He was tried under the state law governing such cases. Summer School The class ln advanced botany closes the study of cryptogamous plants with that of the fern. The particular study of roots will now be taken up. In zoology the hydrold form, tubularla and the sea anemone have proved instruc tive and Interesting objects for dissection. Profs. Brand and Twlss made a hasty ex cursion by wheel to tho salt mursh of Alamltos Wednesday afternoon. Although the tide was not at Its lowest, the field seems promising. Six or seven varieties of mollusks were collected. Mr. Barrett's class in elocution Is now engaged in Bible reading. The appropriate reading of the Psalms was the subject of the first lesson. Yesterday the didactic reading of the New Testament was con sidered. Many visitors are ln attendance dully. The discussions In pedagogy and ln gen eral history were continuations of the'sub jects laid -before the classe/ previously. Notes and Personals The Ladies' Aid of the Congregational church has decided to give a crimp fire on the 20th ihst. The city board of trustees will sit as a board of equalization, beginning their duties Monday morning, from 10 a. m. to 12 m., ajid_ continuing dally for'the balance of the Week. Rev. Charles Stevens nnd Wlfa of the Presbyterian church were visited by large numbers of ihelr congregation and other friends Wednesday evening. (iOneral Bouton was here today logking over the extensions, the P.outon water company is now carrying On In Long Beach. Charles Treat and mother of Whlttler are spending a few days at the beach. Mr. und Mrs. William Mcllfresh of Pasa dena, relatives of Mrs. M. R. Bpangler, who have been the guests of that lady for several days, returned home this morn ing. Ed R. Brale'y und family of Pasadena, came down Wednesday for a week's slay. Prof. 0. P. Phillips of the-stimmrr school was culled home Wednesday by reason of the Illness of his mother. Mrs. L. E. Mendenhall, daughter Miss tlrace and niece, Miss Maudlo-, of Pasadena are. guests al Rev. and Mrs. S. C. Kendall's. A large Sunday school excursion from Los Angeles Is picnicking today on the beach. FARMERS' INSTITUTE Valuable Sessions at Fullerton—Reso lutions of Appreciation FULLERTON. Aug. s.—The farmers' In stitute opened Wednesday morning at 10 oclock with a fair attendance, v number of ladies being present. Several of the farmers and fruit growers In attendance were from outside districts. The hall was tastefully decorated by S. Lehton, who also exhibited a lot of beautiful seedling carnations, thero being more than twenty five varieties. There was only a small ex hibit ln the hall, although there were some fine fruits on the table. First on the program was music, followed by Invocation by Rev. F. H. Holcom,b. At torney Head extended a cordial welcome to the visiting members of the Institute. Prof. Wlckson (h response said that he was much gratified to have the address of welcome delivered by a graduate of the State university and by one who had mad" such sin excellent recftrd as a student. He expressed the thanks of himself and col leagues for the welcome extended them, anel described the nature of the univer sity extension work that is being done by the agricultural department of the univer sity. The remainder of the morning ses sion was devoted to readlneeSfrtd discus sing several Interesting papers. The dis cussions brought out many points of Inter est. Prof. Wlckson, W. M. McFadden and Prof. Hayne presented Interesting papers each paper being discussed by the au dience. Wednesday evening the hall was crowd ed and the meeting was one of the best md most interesting held during the two days' session. The popular Fullerton band rendered excellent music which brought out great, applause. The papers by Mrs. Riohman, CHarles G. Chapman und L. H. Bonchley were each listened to with the greatest attention, followed by discussions which Interested all present. Mr. Chap man's paper on "Citrus Fruits" was pro nounced the most able presented at the meeting, Prof. Cook and Prof. Wlckson each publicly thanking Mr. Chapman for his contribution. Two sessions of the Institute wero held yesterday which were more largely attend ed than those held on tho day previous. Just beforo adjournment ln the evening E. S. Rlchman offered the following reso lutions, which were unanimously adopted: Whereas, We, residents of Fullerton and vicinity, having participated In the pro ceedings of the farmers' Institute, held under the auspices of the fnlyeslty of California, August 3 and 4, desire to ex press our appreciation of the value and Importance of such meetings; therefore, Resolved, That we heartily approve the action of the regents of the university In providing for the extension of the benefits of university research and Investigation by arranging farmers' Institutes which arc tecognlzed In nearly all states as efficient means for the promotion of agriculture, progress and advancement of prosperity and success among agriculturists by the dissemination of knowledge of agricul tural sclnece and the best agricultural and horticultural practice. Resolved, That we earnestly urge upon the university the continuation of the ef fort in behalf of fhe farming Interests of tho state and the Increase and extension of tho work as for as practicable. Resolved, That the secretary of the In stitute be requested to transmit a copy of this action to the regents of the university On motion of Dr. Head lt was decided to I hold three sessions of the Institute this year ln Orange county, the places being Garden Grove, Buena Park and Newport schoolhouse. On motion of C. C. Chapman tho fruit exhibit was packed and shipped to the Los Angeles chamber of commerce to be placed with the Fullerton exhibit. CATALINA NEWS Gamblers Fight—Good Sport With the Goats and the Fish AVALON, Catalina fsland, August &.— There was a small-slied riot here at a lata hour last night. Some Los Angeles sports were in a game of curds In one. of tnt sa loons when one accused the other of a false deal. The He was passed and both parties sailed ln. They were Just drunk enough to be ugly and for a tlmo lt looked as though some one would be badly hurt, but the proprietor of'the place took a hand axd separated the belligerents before any great damage had been dune. The goats Buffered again yesterday, five tt them being brought down to Avalon, fot which the rilles of Mr. Stetson and Dr. Whitney or San Francisco were responsi ble. The gcats Were found at Belh moun tain. D. S. Cone ot San Francisco was out ln tho launch "Puffing Pig" with Hotgon as boat man, and returned with eight yellow-tall and four barracuda. All the lish were taken on rod and reel. Tne Inrgcst ulblcore of the season was brought in yesterday afternoon by Mr. Price. It welched over thirty pounds. Airs. 3. J Alack caught a sixteen pound yellowtall on rod and reed yesterday after noon. Mrs. W. Jjunkln entertained a number of Iriends at progressive euchre last evening at. the Island Villa hotel. The ladles' first prize was won by Miss Al. Bennldlet and the gentlemen's nrst prize by Air. Grosholtz. In the consolation stakes Dr. Maiden' Was the proud recipient of a monkey on a whee. and Altss Mansfield tenderly nursed v beau tiful Zulu deli. Comic Opera Sir Arthur Sullivan's comic opera, "The Pirates of Penzance." win be presented In . the ballroom cf ilot.-l Metropole tonight. A capital orchestra, with chorus and compe tent principals, are engaged. The per formance VIII not commence till 9 oclock, after the Hermosa arrives. Monday even ing "La Masootte" may be produced. At the Hotels Metropole—l'.. v. Maseon, San Francisco; C. t\ Scott, Pittsburgh; F. Becker. Airs. V. A. Eastman. Miss Al. Eastman, D. H. Hart. Los Angeles; J-:. 13. Holm, Chicago; D. B Hopkins. Boston; B. E Dow, Toledo; Ga.ll Borden. Alhambra; YV. G, "White, Colton: F. S. Kwing and wire, J. W. Grayson and wire, Airs. H. U. Hinckley. i>. U, Hinckley, Oakland.. Island Villa—Rev. J. R. Jones, J. C, Nell son. Allss 10. W. Newman, Miss A. N. Bren ner. J. Li. Mathason and wife, W. C, White. George R. Curtis, Los Angeles; C. Cohn, Miss L. Cohn, J. Cohn,. San Bernardino: George P. Thresher, Boston; W. P. Rich ards, Orange: C. A. Livingston, E. C. Rob inson, Pomona. Grand View—ll. O. Smith, Redlands; T. P. Gordan and wife, Pasadena; Mrs. E. Brodtbeck, Allss A. Brodtbe-ck, J. Isabel', and wlf-, Los Angeles; s. P. Barnum, Riverside; Miss Al. Shrepfer, Chicago; Airs. 1.. Wendieborn, Miss U Wendlehorn, Aliss Wendieborn. W. Wendieborn, Will Wendieborn. San Bernardino; Miss M. A Rives. Montgomery, Oa. I 'amp Swanfeldt—James Hennet and wife W. 11. Johnston, -Miss Grace Johnson, Allss Clara Johnson, A. 10. Whltfelld. Lottie Graves, It. Al. Priestley. Pomona; Dr. H Sherry and family. Pasadena; Airs. A. Bmondson, Pasadena; Airs. P. 11. Grace. Allss Ua< Dunlap, Sedalla, Mo. Glenrnt re—Mrs. McChlng, Guy Corsan, Le!ia Eagan, Los Angeles, Mrs. A. Eddy, Omaha; George A. olney and wife, Miss N. Clark, J. McOowan, Bolomanvllle. San Bernardino Brevities SAN BERNARDINO, Aug. s.—There was a great probability of San Bernardino losing its line hotel, the Stewart, as Land lord E. E. Thompson had arranged to go to El Paso. The proprietors of the Stew art have made him an attractive offer to remain. Mr. Thompson owns a line ranch In San Tlmoteb canyon, which he could not take with him, and there is an excellent possibility that he will fore-go the chance of witnessing bull fights every Sunday at El Paso. A letter Just received hero states that Frank Wright, formerly of this city, died at Plchaco, about thirty miles up the river from Yuma, and it is thought there Was foul play. Wright kept a small store and saloon there. Asa J. W. Palmer, a native of New York. 6S years of ago, died hist evening at bis residence, corner of Mt. Vernon avenue and Fifth street, of paralysis, lie was a mem ber nf Phoenix lodge, No, 17S, F.u nd A. M., of this City and of the I. O. o. F. and the A. O. U. W. of Sacramento. The Independent party holds 11s cau cuses tonight, the primaries tomorrow and the convention next Wednesday. Judge Noonan Phillips of Los Angeles is expected here to address the delegates. Sierra Madre Notes SIERRA! MADRE. August The Sierra Madre water company has a large force of men developing water In the Reed canyon. Which they recently purchased. Large crowds of people arrive here daily bound for Wilson's peak and Sturtevant's camp. , Professor A. C. Miller and wife of Chi cago, who have been visiting Mrs. Miller's parents. Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. A. Bprague, left Friday fur Pan Francisco. The Clark dryer is getting In shape tc dry the lurge prune und peach crop. Mr. Twycrass has leased the Dr. Packer fruit ranch to V. L. Graham of Lamands Park. N. C. Carter Is having n well put down In the little Santa Anita canyon. A large number of the Sierra Madre peo ple enjoyed a genuine New England picnic among the oaks at the Baldwin ranch on Tuesday evening. Captain Hubert Dies of Fever WASHINGTON, Aug. Adjutant-Gen eral Corbln today received the following: "Ponce. Aug. s.—Captain Edgar Hubert, Eighth Infantry, died of bruin fever at 7 o'clock last night. Notify his wife at Fort Russell. GILMORE." Captain Hubert was born in Georgia and appointed to Weal Point from that stats. He graduated In 1880 from the Military Academy. He was highly accomplished In military matters, and wus regarded as one of the most intelllgeut and energellc ofll cers ln the army. Orange Snaps ORANGE Aug. !i— The Ladles' Aid so ciety of the Olive Presbyterian church will give an Ice cream social Tuesday evening. t'nlon services will be held In the Chris tian church Sunday evening. During August there will be no regular services In the Pre.' vtcrlan church. Tho Orange City Water company is lay ing a larger main on East Chapman street. Mr. Mcßaln has sold the grape crop on his Beventeen-acre vineyard for 1600, HANSEN ARRESTED SUSPECTED OP THE SAN EER- NARDINO DEPOT BURGLARY Riverside Republicans at Odds—The Missed Opportunity for Satisfac tory Lighting Power RIVERSIDE, Aug. B.—Nell Hansen, who has made tlils city his headquarters for some time past, was placed under arrest late last evening upon orders from Sun Bernardino! officers, who suspect that Hansen was one of the parties who en tered the depot at Ban Bernardino Thurs day noon und robbed the till. There are two pals of Hansen's whom the officers would like to lay their hands upon. These two came to the city from San Bernardino Thursday on the 3:ir, p. m. train, and tin officers here spotted the trio, but had'no orders to make the arrests, and when orders did come two of the men could not be found. Hansen, who has been loullng about the city for weeks, says he had nothing to do with the robbery, but the officers disagree with him, and they say th">- have evidence to prove that he Is the one who tapped the till while the puis stood guard outside. When arrested Han sen had no money. Detective Bowler Of the Southern Pacilic force is here working on the case. Republican Bickerings There is a stern struggle among the faithful of the O. O. P. of this county to go as delegates to the sfate convention this year, and there promises to be a lively light in the convention over the election. Some of the leaders want the same dele gates to represent the party both at the state and congressional conventions. Tho Crlandl of Captain M. J. Daniels, candi date for congress, want the delegations to be the same for trailing reasons, whfiV others, who don't care so much for the congressional nomination, but want to have something to say ln the state con vention, say them nay. The prejient indi cations are that the ambition ofthe Dan iels forces Is doomed to disappointment. The Lighting Trouble When this city first talked of having Its own city lighting system and aguln after the bonds had been voted for the system, the Riverside Water Company offered the city Its line water power at East River side at a rental of $JjO a month and guar anteed a SCO-horse power. The offer was rejected by the trustees for the reason that the power was not sufficient, and then they went ahead and made their memora ble contract with the Redlands company, by Which the city ti'us In Have 300 horse power and as much more a* it wanted. The Riverside Water company leased its power to the San Bernardino company, which knew a good thing when it saw lt. Now the water company Is supplying the San Bernardino company with 2*>o horse power right along ln th dryest part of the sea son, while the Redlands company is fur nishing this city albOUt a 100-horso power at intervals; for a considerable portion of the time the juice Is shut off altogether. Brevities Another firm of up-country lawyers has made a proposition tn the county to collect money due the county from the state on account of Indigents and orphuns. but as ln the cuse of the proposition of the San Francisco lawyers, who wanted a contract from the supervisors to col lect over-paid taxes from the state, the su pervisors don't take much stock in the proposition, and will probably have noth ing Io do with the scheme. It begins to look as though the city is soon to have the long promised electric railway, for today a carload of heavy rails arrived from the east and Were, de livered along the present horse car-line. Thus far there havo been over 1)00 new names registered tn the eight precincts of the city, and the clerk states that therwtw registration will ovorbalunco the transfers out of the county, thus Indicating ft gain of voters since the last election. Ontario Notes ONTARIO, Aug. s.—Mr. P-eemer has sold out his business and moved with his family to Rlalto. The members of tho First Presbyterian church at North Ontario afo planning- a building for a pursonuge On tho lot adjoin ing the church. Mrs. E. J. Simmons and W. H. Simmons have sold all their real estate in Ontario ami purchased a ranch near Escoftdldo. whither they will movo ln September. Work on the construction of a bridge spanning San Antonio cfeek on Fourth street near the schoolhouso was com menced this morning. Miss Alice Johnson of Iceland gave an In teresting lecture last evening ln Somerset hall on "Mission Work In Iceland." Mrs. Barnwell was summoned home from Long Beach today to the bedsldo of her iddest daughter, who was married about a month ago and now has typhoid fever. W. H. Denham nf Cue.-imonga got Into a difficulty with a Chinaman yesterday and assaulted him. Denham was arrested. All day yesterday and all last night th? Coulter Dry Goods company were moving and placing their stock in the new store, 317 to 838 South Broadway. The doors will be opened to the public this morning at s CClock and remain open until 9 oclock this evening. Death of Vicar General O'Hare ROCHESTER. N. V., Aug. B.— Re-V. Jas. F. O'Hare. D. D., vlcar-gfneral of the Rochester Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church and rector of the Immaculate Con ception Church, died today. Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per fect remedy for Dirtiness, Nausea, Drowsi ness, Bid Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID jLIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Prise.; , ■ y > RETIRING FRQM BUSINESS L ( Visitors Are I 3 Welcome I w We are glad to have visitors from Arizona and w ¥ other sections comp in and look over our wares * <J and learn our Retiring From Business Prices. J <\ It means much to us to have our name men rJjLj tioned to those Contemplating the purchase of ' Diamonds. Watches and other jewelry. There jS W can be no question as to the immense saving to J be made, but unless our name suggests itself or is L y suggested by friends, the savings will not be taken % I advantage of. Our advantage in selling at these \ S reduced prices lies in reclaiming our investment p r before our doors close. That's plain. ¥ C9ss esss eses J £ LISSNER & Co, Hi- j J 235 South Spring Street V | The Heralds 1 1 Spelling School I Weekly Prizes for Detecting Misspelled Words | | Contest No. 5 I ' Partly as a diversion, partly as a means of encouraging better spelling, jjjj H but more than anything else to promote close and careful examination of all ffl Si its advertising. The Herald gives prizes weekly for the detection of misspelled a m words ih Us advertising columns. THE FIFTH CONTEST begins with X ■ the issue ot SUNDAY. JULY 31, ISO I *, arid will close on that of SATURDAY. ■ s| AUGUST fl, 1188. The prize for the firth contest will be either a LADIES' M i* HUNTING-CASE SOLID SILVER WATCH OH A GENTLEMAN'S GOLD- B H HEADED CANE. The person calling attention to the largest number ot y M ercors in the daily issues of the weak specified will be given bis cholfe*of the M fl two articles mentioned, FROM LISSNER & CO.'S. &j % . . The Prizes . . ! j I y The watch and cane will remain on exhibition all the week in the south fl *5 show window of Messrs. Lissner &en 's Jewelry store, 236 South Spring street, B ffl and may be examined by anybody interested. —t M Competition will be open to everybody, excepting employes of the paper and fl, B persons who havu been uwarded prices in previous contests, whether aubscrlb- y (| ers or not. J*| 1 Rules Governing the Contests | £| The authority for all spelling must be the dictionaries In common use. B ■ Words sanctioned as correct at the present time by either Webster, Worcester, y M the Standard or the Century dictionary will not be CtTlistaered misspelled. fl Proper name? cannot b» counted. \% (Capitalization and hyphenation are to be disregarded. jw I foreign wbrds are excluded, as are also abbreviations, unless they ara H I manifestly wrong. y ft Mistakes due to the breaking of tho type during printing are not to be I*s P counted. For instance, the tall of ay Is sometimes brokeh, so that It looks like fl |M| a *avery rnmpo'tng In this fifth contest must send to The Herald counting lj 8 room by Wednesday morning. August 10. a list of the misspelled words, with B V! the correct spelling, the advertisements In which the errors appear, with the M P nnrru and address of the advertiser and the date of the paper, all in One Uhe, as |g U follows: fl - Retfrelng—Retiring. Diamonds and Watches, lissner & Ca, 235 S. Spring St, Jane 12 fl Lj Hereafter, ln cases where THIS direction Is NOT FOLLOWED EXACTLY, jjf Wj the list at fault will be thrown out, no matter how many misspellings It B notes. y M Note at TOP of the list the number of misspelled words It contains; follow H " this with your name and address, AUOVK THE LIST. No list will be considered which is received after i) oclock a. m., Wednesday, M fl August 10. im. " ' Lists will be numbered in the order of their reception, ln case of a tie, 8a priority of receipt, as shown by the number, will govern the decision. fl, B As soon at it can be decided who Is the winner ln the contest, his name and B » list of misspelled and corrected words will be published In The Herald, and the W prize Will be ot his disposal. 5 Q Everybody except the winner in a previous contest U 1 is Invited to compete. THE HERALD PUBLISHING CO. 1 JmWmmmwmwmmmymm m mmmemmm; --ar-far p| There is ONE JUI REAL CURE POR 1 |j Consumption Vff ONLY ONE f~yb, THE MEDICATED ANTISEPTIC DRY-AIR INHALATION . Call or address ANTISEPTIC CURE CO. 349 8. HI Mi ST., Loh Angeles P<Mahe.tcf>. Bncllth Dluuid BrmuS. ENNYROYAL PILLS Orl«i»al .nd llnlj Srnnlne. A OlwiT, rrJUblo. LADIK. ••■ S\ rlJl T» Ornnglrt for rAlc.ejtcra JT-ircluA /'ld a9"aA |f w Mi»Msrm'lU m ' lli In Ucd aci Id ni«taliio\%Ar , M i?d wkb Muc ribbon. W I*l 9% wSnoelhrh. ft.'..,, ./jnpfo... ..ifi.hh*. V If fff titnu nnd Imitation*. Ai,or*n44<A. I W In nuM for portlonlm. tuitlmvalbli nnd \*» B "jH.ller for b, r»t»™ -A. tf M.fl. 10,040 TctlUuaUll. Mmv _ ~rt»iohe.Wrrte™lc«lCo.,MndUo«B,.»_ •old bj mil Loenl Dtn El liu. PHILADX, RS Mid bj r. w. HIUI \ * 00., WhaleuU Dra n Utn, Ua AafodM. »♦♦»♦♦♦»»♦» H44 ♦♦♦«*♦♦ ft ♦» Crystal Palace;; !! ... IS NOW OPEN ... J! •; Meyberg Bros. 343-345 s. spring st ', ; Beware of Imitations Am JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, Aoivt., NEW YOtJC, Cured Others ovo Tumor (Sure WILL >BL*39 .T^.Vu.CtREYOIJ 9