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VOL. XXXII, NO. 102. FINDS CARPENTER GUILTY OF CRIME INVOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER ■£■ THE VERDICT GAGE MAKES BITTER ATTACK Members of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animal* De nounce the Attorneys. Arraignment "Guilty— of Involuntary ninnslaugh ter" was tho verdict returned, shortly before 10 o'clock last night by the Jury in the superior court before whom C. M. Carpenter, nn officer con nected with tho Society for the Pre vention of Cruelty to Animals, has been on trial for several days past, charged with the murder of Christian David Frey at a cocking main held on May 1 last. The argument of cx-Gojyernor Gnge In behalf of the prosecution consisted In. the main' part of a bitter attack on those affiliated with the humane .or* K»< lon. ■\:;* : W\ ■''$'' j The officials of the society gave. vent to their feelings yesterday and a con certed action on the part of that' body is likely to result. ■"" Chief Humane Officer Zlmmer said last night: "Gage's attack upon the society was unjustifiable and unwarrantable, and •was made, I believe, with a vicious intent." Ex-Governor Henry T. Gage, em ployed by the prosecution as special counsel in the case, made the final ad dress to the jury in behalf of the prosecution. The court room was crowded and a large number of per sons were unable to gain admission. Attacks Society j The prosecutor spoke for a period of over five hours, during which time he delivered a bitter attack on the - So ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, in the presence of scores of men and women who are enrolled as members of the association. Attorney Gage replied briefly to the attack made upon the district attor ney's qfCJce , by Attorney Brown o ( n "Monday, and he also. explained his po sition In relation to the issues involved in .the case. .''The feature of yesterday's proceed ings, howeVer, was the sensational at-, tack made by Gage on the society, the I officials of which he openly declared to be "grafters." He bitterly arraigned Attorney Rog ers for the statement he made in con nection with his (Gage's) veto of the humane law, which Rogers on the previous day had refused, to read to the Jury, saying: i "I will leave that for you to read,: I ■would be ashamed to." The attorney openly declared that thel fines collected by the society in the; prosecution of its cases were di vided as spoils among the officials. "They have no dread whatever of my, eloquence, but they fear the tre mendous eloquence of the testimony," thundered Gage as he paced up and down before the jury. : "You will find no spirit of malignity actuating me," declared Gage; "for no consideration on this earth I would I contend for a verdict of guilty where the man is innocent." Defends Donnell In defense of the deputy district at torney, who was bitterly arraigned by the attorneys for the defendant, Gage delivered a eulogy on the character of Major Donnell. ,','Thls district attorney whom they have assailed and branded as unworthy of your confidence risked his life upon the battlefield in the safeguard of the constitution," said Gage. "Why do they blackguard him?" thundered the attorney. Ex-Governor Gage, at the outset of his argument/ told of the life of George Washington and read extracts of Henry Lee's eulogy upon him. 'He then told the Jury that George Washington was an adept cock fighter in the wilds of old Virginia. He then made a point and asked the Jury if George "Washington was such a criminal because he enjoyed a cock fight. Not only throughout the trial, but also in all thfi arguments so far, tMre has been almost us much said about the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and its powers and responsibilities as about the killing of Frey by -the defendant, and to one not conversant with the facts in the case It would appear that the society was on trial. < Irt referring • to the distribution of fines/which the attorney charged ts being the method in vogue. Attorney Gage said: "That- comes very near bi'ir.g a graft." In speaking yesterday, Attorney Rogers said: "It Is not a question whether Frey is dead or Carpenter fa guilty; It is a question , whether the society lias a ) Ight to exist." f The address delivered by ex-Governor Gage created a BiOSatlon amon* those connected with the society. In reply to the charge made against . v * Coat *ttw ed °» »'«»« *i2sv \j LOS ANGELES HERALD CZAR'S ARMY ON VERGE OF REVOLT HAS LOST CONFIDENCE IN KUROPATKIN DEMORALIZED BY INACTION Feared That If the Japanese Position Along Shakhe River Is Attacked It Will Mean Disaster to . Russians By Associated FremO TOKIO, Jnn. 10.— Information which has redohed certain reliable quarters here states, that the Russian generals In Manchuria lire losing confidence In General Kuropatkln and that the Rus sian situation around Mukden Is a se rious one. It Is feared thnt It Kuro patkin Rttncks^the Japanese positions along tho Shakhe river ho will court disaster and that his further retreat will mean the demoralization of his army. " ' ;,-: This information goes on to say that there Is constant bickering at Russian Manchurlan headquarters and that the soldiers are discontented, their dissatis faction beginning with the series of retreats after the battle of; Tellssu (Vafangow) and the'Vlthdrawal from Llao Yang when it was believed it was possible to hold that place. The climax came with the Russian defeat at the battle of the Shakhe river, following Kuropatkln's strongly worded order directing the forward movement, dated October 2. This defeat brought a storm of criticism on the commander in chief and resulted in discord among the offi cers. Long Inaction, the information alleges, is undermining the morale of the Russian army, and It is pointed out that recent skirmishes and outpost brushes indicate that the Russian sol diers are becoming disheartened, as they do not show their former fighting spirit or qualities. ■ • The siege guns to be sent to Man churia from Port Arthur will probably be placed in advance positions, for the purpose of enabling the Japanese to ehell far,. into the Russian lines. RUSSIA LOSING PRESTIGE Turkey Preparing to Stiffen in Mace. ■ donian Reform Attitude I By Associated Press. LONDON, Jan. 11.— Discussing the effect of the fall of Port Arthur on the near eastern situation, the Con stantinople correspondent of the Times says that belief in Russia's invincibility has received a severe shock, the result of which among tht^ Balkan states 1b rather exaggerated by fears of Russian encroachments in Macedonia. These nervous apprehen sions tend to increase Servian efforts at a raprochement with Bulgaria. The effects produced in Constanti nople, the correspondent says, are like ly to be more serious. Turkey is quick to appreciate the significance of events in the far east and is likely to stiffen in her attitude toward the reforming powers in 'Macedonia. Already there are indications that Turkey is prepar ing severe repressive, measures to fore stall the apprehended rising in the spring, but, there is reason to fear that these measures may hasten rather than avert the outbreak. DECORATED BY KAISER Order Is Conferred on Gens. Stoessel and Nogi for Bravery By Associated ,I'ress. BERLIN/ Jan. 10.— Emperor William has conferred on Gen. Stoessel and Gen. Nogl the Order of Bour le Merite in recognition of the bravery of them selves and their troops at Port Arthur. His majesty has asked the Russian and Japanese emperors to authorize Gen. Stoessel. and Gen. Nogl to ac cept the decorations. Skrydloff Leaves for St. Petersburg By Associated Press. VLADIVOSTOK, Jan. B.— Admiral Skrydloff and his staff left today for St. Petersburg. The admiral was given an enthusiastic send-oft by. the garri son, sailors and officers of the munici pality. Addressing his men, Admiral Skrydloff said there were likely to be Important developments soon In the region of Vladivostok, and he hoped that In case the town should be called upon to Btand a siege the. garrison would emulate the devotion and hero ism of Port Arthur. The men respond ed with cheers. Japs Watch for Czar's Fleet By AwncfaWd press. POItT LOUIS, Island of Mauritius, Jan. 10.— It^ls rumored here that a Japanese squadron Is at Diego Oarcla, Chagos Islands. The Russian admiral was informed January 2 that Japanese warships were proceeding to meet the Russian squadron and the vigilance of the latter was redoubled. Japs Killed by Mine By Associated rii>»i. LONDON, Jan. 11.— The correspond ent at Port Arthur of the Dally Mail says that on January 8 twenty Jap anese were killed by the explosion of :t contact •mlwe ln»ldo of one at the XorK LOS ANGELES KERALD: WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY n, 1905. ENEMIES AT BOTH ENDS OF STREET. JAPANESE DRIVING KUROPATKIN'S MEN FROM A TOWN IN VICINITY OF MUKDEti TRIES T0 INJURE GERMANY'S GIFT VANDAL MAKES ATTEMPT ON FREDERICK'S STATUE Unknown Person Leaves an Explosive Near Pedestal, but Effort to Wreck It Fails— Guard Is. Established By Associated ..Ptcm._ i 1' >^ — ■ " WASHINGTON, JanTlOl— A" sensation was caused in. this city today by the] discovery of, what\appeared to be,n definite and serious attempt to blow up or deface the statue o£ Frederick the Great given to the United States by Emperor William of fiermany ' and erected in the arsenal grounds near the Army college on the Potomac river water front in the southern part of the city. It was believed at first that a crank had made a real effort at destruction of the statue, but after a careful inves tigation the police officials say the material used was* incapable of pro ducing damage. All the evidence so far secured, the police announced to night, tends to show that the attempt ed effort to injure the statue was puny and amateurish to a degree. It Is re garded as an attempt to work up a sensation. Detectives learned that a negro hack man named Arthur .' Carter took the man thought to have perpetrated the affair from the Pennsylvania depot to the statue. Apparently he had just arrived in the city. His baggage con sisted of a small and •tforn dress suit case. The man told the haekman to drive slowly to the barracks grounds. When the : statue was .reached the stranger alighted, ran up the steps leading to the westerly terrace of the War' college esplanade and dlsap, appeared behind the pedestal of the statue. " / A minute later he ran back to the cab and the haekman noticed that ' ttie stranger's grip which he carried t}v»* missing. The stranger jumped Into the cab and ordered the haekman to drive out of the grounds as quickly as possible. Soon after leaving the grounds the stranger Jumped out, paid the haekman and disappeared toward the river front. Post Baker Kelger, at the barracks, 3aw the cab drive up and the ' man jump out and run toward the statute with a Batchel under his arm, from which smoke'was issuing, but he couUl not see 'what became of the man. '■ ■ The man had hung the suit case by a wire hook to the Iron fence surround ing the stutue. A few minutes later a negro discovered It and dislodged It from the fence with a piece of scant ling. Ab It fell to the ground It •ex ploded. Asido from throwing a few splotches of mud upon the' steps of the pedestal no harm was done. '. ; '*r One effect of the explosion was the hurried building of a' small watch box beside the statue where a watchman will be stationed all the time here after. . Boy Killed by Train liy Atsoclat«d Prtss. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 10.— William Taylor, aged 16 years, Jumped from a freight train 'Ht Twenty-fifth and Uarilett streets last night and received Injuries from which he' died > today. Hla father, who was the. engineer 'of the train, did not know of the accident until he reached Ban Jose. " , COCKRELL TAKES YOUMAN'S PLACE WILL* SERVE 'ON INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION Decides to Accept tho President's Of. fer, but Will First Complete the Term for Which He Was ' Elected to Senate ' :■ By Associated Press. - I ": T\^SHlKGTON,l^rair^lo.-Senatcr I Coikrell of Missouri has decided -to ' accept s the position on the, interstate ,' commerce commission offered him some | time ago by President ' Roosevelt.' He 1 will succeed Commissioner. Youmansl of lowa. Senator Cockrell expects to complete the term for which he was elected to the senate, which expires on March 4 next, before assuming his new duties. Understanding that Senator Cockrell desired to complete 'his present term in <the senate, the president entertained the idea that Commissioner Youmans ,Would continue as a. member of» the commission until his successor would qualify, but lawyers in congress, are inclined to the opinion that unl&r the act creating the commission the mem bers are for a definite period and that they do not hold office until their suc cessors assume their duties. The legal question has been referred, it is understood, to Attorney General Moody, by whose opinion the president will be guided. .If it should be de cided that Commissioner .Youmans is now out of office, It is the president's intentioln to reappolnt him for a term which will expire about the 4th of March. v- S"\ : IMPEACH FEDERAL JUDGE Many Charges Filed Against Swayne by Committee of the' House »;• Associated Pnn. ' WASHINGTON, Jan. JO.— The select committee of the house appointed to. draft articles of impeachment against Federal Judge Swayne today completed US work by the preparation of twelve articles of impeachment. The charges embrace obtaining money by false pretenses, using the property of a bankrupt corporation In the hands lof a receiver appointed by himself and without making compens ation to the company; for disobeying the ' law requiring him to live In his district; for "unlawfully and malicious ly" fining and Imprisoning E. T. Davis and Simpson Belden, attorneys-at-law, for alleged contempt of the; . circuit court of the United States; for."un lawfully committing to prison" W. C. O'Nell on the charge that he had com mitted contempt of the district court of the United States. The articles of Impeachment accuse Judge Swayne of presenting a false claim of $230 against the government; of obtaining money under false pre tenses by collecting $10 a day for ex penses when they were less; 6t appro priating to his own use a private car of a railroad then* in the hands of a re ceiver appointed by him, 'in which he made many journeys, including one to California; that he did not acquire a residence lit his district, as required by law; that he made malicious and unlawful decisions in contempt : cases. Representatives Llttlefluld and I'ur-., in dissenting from the report of the committee, say the only valid arti cles of impeachment are those based upon excessive . expense : accounts, i PLAN MIGRATION TO CALIFORNIA FARMERS OF MOHAWK VALLEY - ABANDONING LANDS Price for Milk Has Been Cut to Sur£ , an Extent That Dairymen Are Unable to Make a '' , Living Special to The ' Herald. ''•':''■ /JOHNSTOWN, N. V., Jan: 10.-*-The ' farming ' region along the upper . Mo 1 hawk valley is suffering the • fate oj j New England. S The farms - are given up entirely to dairy 'purposes.' The prices now given by the _,New j York City ; Milk companies have ] been cut to such an extent that the farmers can get' no -profits 'from their output. The prices for farm suppljes have in creased 25 per ■ cent in | the past six months. At Poland many j farms are being deserted. There has been a re duction .of 50 per cent in the value of farm lands there in the past four months. *• The same conditions prevail in at least forty townships hereabouts and there is contemplated , a migration to California of many prominent farm ers. WOMAN IS ARRESTED ON COUNTERFEITING CHARGE Secret Service Man of $an Francisco i Captures One of Pair, but , Man Escapes . By AtHoclated Press." STOCKTON, Cal., Jam 10.— For some time" United States ; Secret' Service Agent Foster ;of San .Francisco has been watching two suspected counter feiters, a man and • a woman, in this city. • The two Rave their' names as Mr. and Mrs.' James Russell. , Yesterday afternoon ' about 3:30 o'clock the woman was arrested. Tho man, however, had flown, going, to San Francisco yesterday morning.' The woman was taken to San Fran cisco on the -Santa Fe' last 'night, -and placed in' Jail there. Dies 1 and molds and other .paraphernalia necessary .to the production of queer' money, were found. .The,, officers' 'state that they have enough evidence to convict. ' MRS. DUKE WILL FIGHT Wife of Tobacconist Will Endeavor to * Secure His Release By Associated' Press. , ..NEW YORK, Jan. 10.— Mrs. Alice Webb Duke, whose_ marriage to Brodle L. Duke was followed by, his incarcera tion in' a sanitarium, intends to fight the relatives of her husband, who. are endeavoring to have the marriage an nulled, and has retained ' counsel and taken steps to procure his release upon habeas corpus proceedings. MRS. CHADWICK'S GEMS Customs Officials Find 950,000 Worth on Which No Duty Was Paid lly Associated I'reu. CLEVELAND, 0., Jan. 10.— Officials of the customs department have suc ceeded in locating more, than $50,000 worth of diamonds and Jewels owned by. Mrs. Cassle Chadwlck upon which it is declared no duty was paid when they were brought into this country from Europe. Most of these valuables, It Is stated, are | in* the hands |of per sons In - this i city who ■ hold . them as security for loans made to Mra. ohud wlck. : PRICE: DAILY, BY CARRIER, 65 CTS. PER MONTH HELO FOR BIGAMY, SHE EXPOSES GANG WOMAN SAYS ACCUSER IS A TRAIN ROBBER - Minnie M. Segger, Arrested in . San Francisco for Illegally Marrying Los Angeles Man, Exposes Alleged Outlaws . By Associated Plena. s .~ ■■'■ - v $S SAN tFßANClSCfOr~Tiirir"iq.—Min nie Segger, who was arrested tonight on complaint of B. F. ■ Baddeley, on the charge of bigamy, made a state ment to Captain of Detectives Bur nett shortly after her Incarceration In which' she I accused Baddeley of being a member of a band of train robbers. Baddeley, who formerly, lived with' the .woman, accused her of having married Harry Segger, a piano player of Los Angeles, while she was yet the legal wife Bobby Johnson, a pugilist of this city. The woman's story . is ; to ', the effect that Baddeley, together with Joe Pal mer, alias "Black Joe," a man known as "Zip," and another who styled him self "Pete," composed a gang who rob bed trains in New) Mexico, Missouri, Arkansas and Colorado. The gang op erated in the Dummers and spent the winters in California. All the robber ies, she says, were committed on the Denver & Rio Grande and the Iron Mountain railroads. Baddeley ■ denicn thl3. story, but Is held- by the police on suspicion. He admits having traveled under ■ many aliases, but says ' he has always worked as a carpenter. Detective O'Keefe of the St. Louis police depart ment has wired ■ Chief of Police'Witt man to hold Baddeley. BELIEVE TALBOT INQUIRY SHOULD BE CARRIED OUT Board Is of Opinion There Can Be No Withdrawal of the Grave „• ' ';. . Charges By Associated Press. , • , t . • READING, Pa., Jan. 10.— Despite the lack of. a quorum,' seven members of the board of inquiry appointed to probe the charges made against Bishop Ethelbert Talbot, of the Central Pres byterian djocese of the Episcopal church by I. N. W. Irvine, the depose;) priest, met In this city today and after a three hours' conference adjourned to meet • here on Friday. . The members of the committee In formally considered the case in many of Its, phases, and after Its adjourn ment It was . the consensus of opinion that the cuse must be settlor to save the. good name of the church; as weil as Injustice to the accused prelate. The members of the board were of the opinion that there can be no with drawal of the grave charges and the case ought to b^sett led once for all. ANOTHER WIRE TO EAST First Message Received Over Western Union and Salt Lake Lino Dy Aiioclated Free*. >' SALT LAKE, Jun. 10.— The Joint wires of the San Pedro, Los Angeles' and Salt Lake railroad and Western Union were connected today. . The first message from the general offices at Los Angeles to the general offices at Salt Lake was received here at 8 p. m. BARD MEN ARE FIRM Not Alarmed by Turn' of "Organization" Fisk Men Will Oppose Ruef's Plans Real Strength of Boss Will Be Tested Surprising Strength Polled by r Flint Causes Many to Regard Hla Election as Assured, but , Fight Is Not Over SACRAMENTO, Jan. 10.— Sep. ! arate caucuses were held tonight' by the Bard, Knight and Flint! forces. At the former it was de. cided to stand by Senator Bard for' one more vote, and the latter are said to have agreed to remain'ln the fight to the last. | By a Staff Correspondent SACRAMENTO, Jan. 10.— With . the • surprising strength polled by Frank. P." Flint on the -first ballot today .and subsequent developments tonight, which seem flattering to his candidacy,' Indications would seem to point strong ly to his election as senator when:the legislators vote again on the 'question *■ tomorrow. Notwithstanding that Flint ' Is far in the lead, .the other aspirants; are clinging to . their former ' positions I and assert that they have a chance for ', the toga yet. They argup that there is * "many a slip twixt the cup -and the lip" and base their claims on the hope ■ that n change will take place which will not be pleasing to the' Fllntltes7" It is conceded by many of the, legls"; ; la tors opposing Flint that he will, bel elected. His combination . with',.- Ab» : Ruef, the Republican boss of San Fran- ' cisco,- and the "organization"' Is re garded as the main cog wheel that will' probably make him senator. Ruef Holds ; Balance ; of ' Power /f f. In his . own shrewd,, way Ruef - held the different senatorial aspirant's 'at bay until this morning. After a. confer ence with his followers he announced his intention of getting into the Flint band waj-on. The news was, of course, a ■ severe , blow to CJeorge - Knight ; ' and Arthur. Fisk, the two northern candi dates who still had some hope of (Win ning Ruef's favor. The, Bard people did not appear.!.to feel alarmed over it, howevar,^ until the vote was taken in the legislature and it V aa seen now strong . Ruef really was.' ':;';,;-;V "If Frank Flint is elected United (Continued on Page Two.) THE DAY'S NEWS FORECAST Southern California: Cloudy/ on Wednesday; fresh southwest winds. Maximum temperature in Los Ani geles yesterday, 62 degrees; mini, mum, 47. . ■ I—Balloting1 — Balloting for senator. - 2 — Adams assumes office. 3— Tramps 3000 miles on wager. 4— Wife chased by irate husband. s— Farmers busy since rainfall. 6 — Editorial. 7 — Banks elect directors. . 8-9 — Classified advertisements. ; '* 10— Sports. 11 — Markets. 12— Best display in state's history. , EASTERN Seven survivors of Norwegian steamer !' MttriK-Kiu, blown up by naphtha, reach New. York. Banking and currency bill chief subject of discussion by the house. -viyo^ff.GMtojmC Senator Cockrell will succeed Yeomans on . Interstate commerce commission. , President Itoosnvult will Insist on' early -. extra tension of congress to consider tariff .' revision. FOREIGN Oeneral strike of coal miners Is threatened in Germany. Kui'o|mtkin's army demoralized and on verge of revolt. ..■-.. . President lteyvs declares himself dictator of Colombia. J coast .; ; Aiva Adams Is Inauvuratod governor of Colorado. * Flint forces claim scn&torship. but real strength will bo divulged today. - ""■awW'ara Woman arrested In San I'iuurlsco on big amy charge Informs police that her accuser Is notorious train robber. LOCAL Wife and family of Mayor Harrison of Cht cago arrive In Lion Angeles. . Police start crusade against gamblln re- Boris. ...-• «■..-.• Thirteenth mutual poultry show opened laat . night at Tempi* auditorium. ■■•■■ <". M. Carpenter found guilty o( voluntary' manslaughter. Man tramps across country, trundling wheel barrow. Kullowing the example set in many easier i cltl«s, members of the Los Angeles police «U |.ari muni are studying the Jill jitsu method cf I wrestling. ■--■■. -.■•*.»>* >t*«ffV Charles Murray, a bookkeeper for the Cud- ■ any Packing company, charged with the mm dll of Charles Foss, a watchman. Is examined In Justice Chambers' court. Many applicunts from the country ask for. i.uKiituux on the local police force, in answer; to ■ a n-quest for husky men to > wear th« uniform. ,'-"<»W"''>b>iii <■<■*>»«■— . . Deputy Nunnally suspended by 'Assessor l^ewis. -'-' lull" i Tight rein policy for new police . toimiils oiun. ■•-«>« '^^sv4fs*aS\SssssH*s*WsaSs|SJMS<H Independent lilivk company may have con tract annulled. Frank Wiggins, secretary rhamber of cum meru*. says . California's exhibit at world's lair was admiration of all visitors. • .