OCR Interpretation

Los Angeles herald. [microfilm reel] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1900-1911, January 21, 1905, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042462/1905-01-21/ed-1/seq-12/

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Committee of Citizens Consults With
Officials, and Plans for Better
System of Street Cleaning
Are Discussed
The care of the streets was the chief
topic of consideration at the meeting
of the board of public works yesterday
afternoon. Street Superintendent Han
ley and City Engineer Stafford were
present to assist the board In dealing
with the questions that came up for
A committee of citizens, headed by
Dr. W. Q. Dodge, appeared before the
board In reference to the dust nuisance.
Secretary Zeehandelaar represented the
Merchants' association on the same er
rand. Several plans were discussed,
but the most feasible seems to be that
of sweeping a large part of the streets
In the business section by hand, after
having washed them with water un
der pressure. i"%/ : '.'
The committee proposed tliat Super
intendent Hanley employ fifty addi
tional men to sweep the streets between
Temple and Tenth and Hill and Main.
Mr. Hanley and the board were willing
to try the experiment, but Chairman
Kern explained that the question of
finances had to be considered. "We can
not tell," said Mr. Kern, "whether the
city can meet this additional expense
until we have a report from the city
Secretary Zeehandelaar then volun
teered the information that he believed
the citizens will be willing to make
up any deficit that may occur during
the present fiscal year in case the city
is unable to bear all the expense. It is
expected that some definite plan will
be presented to the council at its meet
ing Monday.
Superintendent Hanley suggested to
the board that consideration be given
to the advisability of paving several
bad streets. He recommended that
Bellevue avenue be paved as far east
as San Fernando street, that First
street be paved from Hill to Bunker
Hill avenue, and that the paving on
Third and Fourth streets be carried
as far west as Bunker Hill avenue.
These suggestions will be considered
as a part of the general plan. ,
Mr. Hanley said he had been making
an investigation of the working of the
machines used for sweeping the streets.
He said he had found, much to his sur
prise, that the automatic sweepers can
be operated for about ?30 a month each
less than those drawn by horses. The
council may determine to purchase two
more sweeping machines.
Present Method of Securing Supply
Under Contract System Is Not
Street Superintendent Hanley is en
deavoring to solve the question of pro
curing a cheap and ample supply of
gravel to be used as a top dressing for
the streets. Mr. Hanley and Mayor
McAleer have held several conferences
upon the subject, and the former placed
some of his conclusions before the
board of public works yesterday after
noon. '
"What the city needs," said Mayor
McAleer yesterday, "is an unfailing
and easily accessible supply of gravel.
The scheme of advertising and letting
the contract to the lowest bidder is all
right as far as it goes.
• "The trouble with that system is that
some bidder who lives at a distance
Watch It !^-»^^
Edg'ewood ParlT^>
Lots $100
J>^s2\ Lots
Directly on Long Beach line at Graham station, about 12
minutes' ride. Level lots, most fertile soil, no adobe, no
alkali. Cheapest closest in property on the market.
. Artesian water piped to every lot, reasonable building
$I [.Sown— sl Per WeeK
No Interest No Taxes
15% for Cash, 10% for Quarter Cash, 5% for One -Tenth
Cash. On sale 12 days. 178 lots sold to date. "THERE'S
A REASON." Can't we explain? You name the day,
we'll pay your way— (say tomorrow.)
Conservative Realty Co. one.)
Main 2013. flume 4816 612-613 H.W. Hellman Bulldlity
Agents on the Tract All Day Every Day j
from the city may make the lowest of
fer and secure the contract. By the time
this gravel Is delivered In the city it
coats entirely too much money on ac
count of transportation expenses.
"Superintendent Hanley and I have
been Inveatlngtlng this subject, and we
believe we have found a supply of
gravel that Is practically Inexhaustible
and that Is near the city. We believe
that nn arrangement for cheap trans
portation can tup .made, and If so the
question will be settled satisfactorily."
Mr. Hanley «ald the gravel he and
the mayor have in view Is on the line
of the old rapid transit steam railroad,
where it can be easily reached and pre
pared for transportation to the city.
Councilman Blanchard was unable to
attend the meeting of the board on
account of a severe attack of the pre
vailing Influenza,
Representative Will .ell Tourists of
Great Section
C. Loyd Chllds, secretary of the San
Jose chamber of commerce, has arrived
and will remain in Los Angeles for
about three months, as the resident
representative of the Interests of tin?
Santa Clara valley, where the big trees
of the state grow so plentifully and
where there is produced a great abun
dance of those famous California cher
ries,- prunes and apricots. Secretary
Childs will endeavor to Induce tourists
who come to Southern California to
journey northward and visit the Santa
Clara section. "r.2":"... ?
Possibly a series of excursions will
be arranged at low rates. A repre
sentative from Santa Cruz is also ex
pected to spend the winter in Los An
geles in the interest of the coast
Carpenter Slips on Shaving and Is
Thrown to Ground — Sustains
Severe Injuries -
Robert Welsh, a carpenter, sus
tained fractures of two ribs from a fall
of a distance of three feet while work-
Ing on a house on Vermont avenue
i Welsh was standing on a small scaf
fold, when his foot slipped on a shav
ing and he fell, striking his left side
against a tool box. He was taken to
the receiving hospital, where his in
juries were treated.
Be »nro a bottle of IMso's Curo is kept
on linntl' for sudden colds.
If job want to *b em, O. Haydock,
Atpnt Tlllnoli" Ontr»l R. R. 8I« R Hprlng-
In «• advanced and chronic form a'
cold in the head is known as Nasal
Catarrh and is the recognized source of
other diseases. Having stood the test
of continued successful use, Ely's
Cream Balm Is recognized as a speclflo
for membranal diseases in the nasal
passages. It is not drying, does not
produce sneezing. Price 60 cents at
druggists or by mall. Ely Brothers,
66 Warren St., New Tork.
Give up prejudice and try it.
Messrs. Ely Bros.:— l' have been
afflicted with catarrh for twenty years.
It made me so weak I thought I had
consumption. I got one bottle of Ely's
Cream Balm and in three days. the dis-
cbarge stopped. It is the best medicine
I have used for catarrh.
Proberta. CaL
Do we take much space to talk about
our barneif. It Is made by the best
makers in the United States, and talks
tor Itself whsrever seen. Just now we
have some special styles, richly stitch-
ed, beautifully finished and trimmed,
and our prices are surprlsinily tow
for the quality.
A^B^bxcftittbr, docß-'arorvnunv y JzS^^ysßettttcK&mi joavsajpro/^^^
j*4jtjk(& Silk Waists <£O Cf\
Values to $7.48 tl/ii^«*-r v/
*^y-4» jr* >• Eh* Only Three Dozen
vAiJStr^\'i 4^^s!^k About three dozen women's silk waists; peau de
/ \iiSiGn*\ B^9*^9" sole *'- taffetas and Loulslnes In black, white and
Ai^Wnra^^ 1 pastel nhafles; various styles, nil prettily made:
ad _-J«( M' ' l<A\vOlW«ii?"i^r^ K ° m ' nS! " irtrn( ' nt ot Sizes; actual values Up to
WKAuilfe^ $ 6 - 48 Lace Waists $ 3 - 48
/^kfilLXwht^wJif'h&¥* S ~ Kmn " collection of lnre waists, some allovers,
I H ■^K®K@i«f!lii?^^~"" otners of plain net, still others of point d'esprlt;
kU j I ll^^^m^SjfjiiJt/ some lnee trimmed and many In popular bertha
v^^ltfwUßK^^^Sfi. styles; mostly medium sizes; vnlues up to JG.4S. Today,
I^KJi- High Grade Waists $3.48
yffife s3^i *"'•— High-grade shirt wnlsts, man shirt styles made from finest
vW'^\ y^~^ quality French flannels, trimmed with bands of contrasting color
Jf/\K\jf and gilt buttons; these come in white, blue and oyster shade;
just such garments bring $10.00 and $12.50 in the exclusive shops.
Today, each, $3.48.
$7.50 WalKing Skirts $4.98 $18.50 Dress Skirts $12.48
Walking skirts, made from fancy wool A special assortment of fine dress skirts;
mixtures and plain cloths; plaited and wool etamlnes and silk voiles: plain and
strapped styles, trimmed with buttons plaited styles; cut full and wide; trimmed
and bands; best of colors; values to $7.50. with straps of taffeta and silk ornaments;
Today,' each, $4.98. $16.50 and $18.50 values. Sale price, $12.48.
$5.00 Silk Drop SKirts $2.50
Drop skirts, made from good quality taffeta silk; blacks and browns: some made -with
plaited flounce, others finished with ruffles; $5.00 and $6.48 values. Today, each, $2.50.
75c Drawers 59c Flannel Skirts 19c
Women's drawers of fine quality nainsook Women's flannel knee skirts, made on fitted
and cambric; cut full; trimmed with laces bands; a good assortment of stripes In pretty
and embroideries; values up to 75c; soiled colors; well finished with deep hem; better
and mussed. . from being shown. Today, skirt than you usually get at 25c. Today,
the pair, 59c. each, 19c.
Hosiery Bargains for Saturday
■Women's plain nnd fancy hosiery, sonip ,iS2\
drop; stitched effects In the lot; in plain #3WP
black and. plain brown; some wool hose; Tf 3
values up '■ to 50c. Today, the 9<ir : %*x*
pair Sntl* \^^
Women's .lace hose; allover patterns and *3W«k. ... jflP
late boot pffects In the newest shades of yii&^J&Spiwh
brown and tan: DOo values. QQr> l\' ! *7v™-'\ \
Today, the. pair «~*» rjW^ijjtJ
■^'onion's plain black cotton hose;, seam- / /
less foot; fast colors: you rarely get as // ]//] Bffaß
good a stocking at 15c. Today, \(\r s&L vvmWii
the pair WJ-^k «F JSt
Children's black cotton fleece-lined hose; WSnhtFi^FK.
medium wcipht; ribbed; full fashioned; Hfflfij3nK®l^«
worth 2ue. Today, the IQ- (lOfflSteSr^
pair lye m MMja
Children's 25c Hose W
A big lot of children's hose of various kinds, odd lots, in-
cluding black cotton ribbed hose. Infants' colored cashmere
hose, misses' black lace striped hose and misses' tan and
brown hose; excellent 25c values. Today, the pair,. 15c.
Infants' cashmere hose; medium weight; fast black; pure
silk heel and toe; worth 25c. Today, the pair, 15c.
Black cotton ribbed hose for boys and girls' school wear;
medium or coarse ribbed; all sizes; cheap at 12% c. " Ifl<->
Today, the pair ....*»'*'
> Men's High Grade Shoes dJQ All
Samplss, Worth $5.00 tJ/OeHr^
Sample shoes of one of the best high-grade makers In America:
bright patent leather, genuine calfskin and fine kid; all hand-
made; scarcely two pairs alike in the lot; over 200 different pairs
to choose from; stylish, nobby, up-to-date shoes for men who
«L appreciate fine footwear; better shoes cannot be had at any price;
wk sizes from 6to 7V4 only; many extreme styles suitable for young
|to» men's wear;' all worth $5.00 and more. Choice, today, $3.45.
* Men's $3.50 Shoes $2.48
Men's shoes of box calf, vicl kid or patent coltskin, with hand-welted
soles; lace, button and blucher styles; comfortable lasts; some of the
famous W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes in the lot. Today, the pair, $2.48/
Men's $3.00 Shoes $1.98
Men's shoes of vlcl kid and box calf, with single or half double welted
soles; lace and blucher styles; good assortment of stylish lasts; all
sizes; $3.00 values. Today, the pair, $1.98.
Men s $2.00 Shoes $1.39
Men's shoes of vicl kid, satin or box calf; various styles and weight;
lace, blucher and congress shoes, in air sizes; excellent $2.00 values.
Today, the pair, $1.39.
$1.75 School Shoes <£ f |Q Women's Sandals Qftr *
For Boys and Girls «pl»lV All Sizes. Worth $1.50 /Ot
School shoes for boys and girls of vicl Women's strop sandals of fine glace kid or
kid, box calf and satin calf; strong oak patent leather; French or leather heels; one
leather soles; neat dressy shapes; girls' and two-strap styles; plain dress toes; neat,
sizes B'^ to 2; boys' sizes Ito 5»/i; worth comfortable lasts; all sizes; splendid value
$1.75. Today, the pair. $1.19. at $1.50. Today, the pair, 98c.
Women's Shoes and Oxfords AKk
Excellent $2.50 and $ 3.00 Values Iwßwilk
Women's shoes, ]nc;o styles of bright Corona calfskin; ex- . \*5J? tjfffßrflflCl
tension soles;' Cuban heels and dull kid tops; others of "* lawf ■Erg *
fine glace kid with patent leather tips; patent leather oxfords with IggS SEWf
cither French or Cuban heels; luce, blucher and ribbon tic effects; IMB JSRS
hand-turned and hand- welted. soles; the season's newest styles; all (|ll&9
sizes; actual $L'.&o and $3.00 vulues. Today, the pair, $I.7'J. VlSllfjll
$1.50 Comfort Shoes 98c
Old ladies' comfort shoes of soft dongola kid; hand-turned soles; low,
broad heels; comfortable toe shapes; plenty of sizes; the kind you always
jiay $1.50 for. Today, the pair, 08c.
$4.00 Dress Shoes $2.98 Women's $3.50 Oxfords $1.98
Women's high-grade dregs shoes, samples Women's oxfords of bright patent leather
and broken lines of an eastern manufac> or fine glace kid; others of tan colored
turer; in all the wunted leathers, both Russia calfskin; Jace, blucher and three-
dull and bright finish; all strictly httnd- button styles; hand-turned or welted soles;
made, turn and welted soles; very best of an endless variety of . this 'season's styles
styles; actual $4.00 values. Today, the to choose from; all sizes in the lot; excep.
pair, $2.98. tional $3.00 and $3.50 values. Today, $1.98.
Soft Shirts AQ r
75c and $1.00 ones.. *T J\*
Men's soft shirts, golf styles; made from madras and ox-
ford cloths; also fine quality percales; plain or plaited
fronts; both light and dark colors; pretty patterns; both
attached and 'detached cuffs; 750 and $1.00 values. Today,
each, 490^
Tailor Made Suits Y^f^^
Good Values to $27.50 yWPMi^lir/ftW
Women's fine tallor-nia.ie suits, plain colors nnrt fancy 7// V IM/fl Bfr'Bfll l*-»\
mixtures; Jaunty blouse Jacket styles, silk llnecl, lihu.l- {fifl ]\V\ J njJr&M/ lV<~~ -.1
some trlmmlnsrs; stylishly made skirts; plenty of sizes; bUdffr If HI Ullff ["S^K*/
values up to $27.50. Today, the unit, *18.f.0. 'jty^-// Jtfiul I /J\»s£v I
Misses' $18.50 Suits $12.48 ■4(^%\Mr^ >
Misses' suits, made from high-grade materials In plain IV^
colors and neat mixtures; both coat and Eton Jacket \ Jf^tji '
styles; trimmed In litinrin of lirontlclotli and strnps of \ /ffliWiW W
(■llk, Home with pretty braid trimmings; values up to I m'ffiTWV i fj
$18.50. Today, $12.48. J litm \m\ I
Furs Reduced f/li '•fli ll
For QuicK Clearance y/' B u 1 jV^ «\
Kvery fur piece In our stock has been specially reduced // I N M
for Saturday. The reductions range from one-third to /f m» Jf\ \\%^v
one-half oft the regular prices. The styles are nil good; «§# if 'jj !v«\'\'
high-grade fur neck pieces of all descriptions; boas and -S^Sw &t * V^VD**'^\i.
cape effects in all the wanted furs. Here are the prices; \\S v« ' tJkj&JS<.'fj
$4.98 FUR PIECES $2.50 JjßXj '7^Wl^flslwoS
$9.98 FUR PIECES $5.00 //// Mm
$16.48 fur pieces ' $9.98 ■T^mmmßm^W^-'
$22.50 FUR PIECES $14.98 lx iVJ i 'nili^vi^liSS^i
$32.50 FUR PIECES $25.00
Coats of All Sorts Reduced '^*im£i f"
Women's cravenette rain coats, in pretty Women's, and misses' tourist coats, made
shades of gray; plaited back; collarless from all-wool mixtures in rough mannish
effects; finished with belt and pockets; effects; three-quarter length garments with
UK On vnlnps Todtiv pach M9B belted backs and double breasted fronts:
$15.00 values. Today, each, *.UB. nicely tailored; $12.50 values. *j io
Handsome evening coats, made from Im- Today «p«* ( iO
ported broadcloth in black, castor, tan Children's coats, made from fancy zlbeline
and white; a few velvet and sllk coats In %* n *§£* ffisSffsß i£
the lot with white linings; many of these co i| K rs; fancy braid trimmings; sizes 6to 12
garments richly trimmed;' values up to years; values up to $9.98. tf»^| (ko
$40.00. Today, each, $22.50. Today .■..«p«1../O
6|c Fancy Calico 4c
Fancy figured calico; good colors and neat patterns; excel-
lent for women's and children's dresses; some large patterns
for comforts; Israel's price, 6'/4c. Today, the yard, 4c.
35c Cotton Suiting's 15c
Fancy cotton suiting; 27 Inches wide; In plaids, checks, dots
and stripes; some few all-linen suitings in the lot; Israel's
price, 35c. Today, the yard, 15c.
40c Wool Eiderdown 25c
Fine, heavy wool eiderdown, in old rose only; 27 inches
wide; just the thing for dressing sacques and wrappers;
Israel's price, 40c. Today, the yard, 25c.
New Neckwear 15c /^^^L
Good 35c Values Jfere|iP|a&
Women's neckwear; new Venice ,jfi§jpN^3Bsfif&mHk
stocks; finished with satin piping;
also lacn stocks in tab and straight <Mffl>
band effects;' Just the right heights; yL-»' /fflP
values up to 35c. 'Choice, today, 15c. \y r
25c Top Collars 10c *rssjfip\
New buttonhole top collars of pure _Jg§|«i %
silk; embroidered by hand, in a variety /jßgafEEragJ' l »
of beautiful colors and patterns; thes§3^J«l|r^
very newest fad; 25c values.' Today,
Millinery at Half Price
Dress and Trimmed Hats *^^^W$ WLm
A splendid collection of dress and trimmed hats, lncludlngjp^ljpPJ^^^^gy^fe|pT
many of the best models and styles of the season— Lace Q\\\t-J &^ '^lSBB&WlB& s&sk
foil, Velvet and Silk, black and delicate evening shades, hand-.Sk. ""iMjiiß^Tfit v§>'
somely trimmed with foliage, feathers and ornaments. Oni/j *$$&gjF''** r 1
sale today at exactly HALF PRICE. Wli/h **rT
$6.50 Street Hats $2.48 '^^S^^'
Neat little street hats, mostly turban styles, made from vel- n^y^^^acTvT^^ "»
vet, silk or fancy bra ids— pretty color combinations neatly fin- "' .feP^Jfin *#
Ished, set oft with wings, breasts and fancy feathers; values "i^\L T^
to $8.50. Today, each, $2.48. '<■>'*;•--
Children's $1.98 and $2.25 Hats $1.48 -
Children's hats of good scratch felt, sailor styles; all the popular colors, finished with
bow and band of Bilk velvet ribbon. Worth regularly $1.98 and $2.25. Today, each, $1.48.
Drug Department
Pearl toilet soap; a white vegetable oil
soap; large cakes worth 10c. To-
day, 3 cakes for 20c, single cake •*»
Colgate's barbers' bar shaving soap;
regular selling price 10c cake. To- ff«,
day, only : *'*•
Newbro's Herplcide, a splendid dressing
for the hair, destroys the dandruff germ;
$1.00 size bottles. lit*
Today •«**»
Comet hot water bottles, covered -with
flannel, 2 and 3-quart size; regular price
$1.25. Today, «ff r
each. .O3C
Hair Ornaments and Combs /%pH®SiP' l W\
800 dozen combs and hair ornaments, Hie made-up s ' (J( '^R^)i|»i rpwMj. .. _. uiukmSAILQ
of a noted manufacturer of Leominster, Mass., pur-TO^jMX^f|t^Sy?^Cl^y";^.'S^K!al
chased by us at one-third their actual value; > ' ack SfW^y|yfl«^fffffwBfcB
combs, side combs, hair retainers, barrettes, I )om l )iuloui |jl||fl|l||| lillTlllllllllll
combs, puff combs, security combs; ulko lute novelties, m '|ll|||l|ll||l|l|ll|l|l|l||
eluding the Olive comb, the Alma, Patricia and AHtoiiajll ! 1 1 11 1 lllllllllll!
puff, both shell and amber effects; regular 25c and &Oe 'lll|ll|| 1 1 |I|l|||||l||M'
values. Today, each, 15c. None exchunged. ■■• 11 1 1 1 1.1 1 1* ■•*
75c Waist Sets 25c $2.00 Leather Bag's 98c
Three-piece waist sets; beautiful designs In Genuine seal, walrus,:' morocco and fancy
French enamel; cut Jet of dull and bright leather bags; leather handles and silk lln-
flnlsh; also some very pretty gilt waist ings; latest shapes: ' till colors; regular
sets; all the very best of styles; regular $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 valueß. Today,
prices 89c, 49c and 75c. Today, choice, 250. each, 98c.
$3.00 and $3.50 Pajamas <}M AA
Of High Grade Materials. „„_ «Pl« V V
Men's pajamas; made from madras cloth, oxford, and
sateen: some finished with silk frogs; others with large
pearl buttons; both light and dark colors; good assort-
ment. of nines; actual $3.00 and $3.60 values. Today, the
suit, $1.00.
Everybody's Magazine
Kverybody'i Magazine for February, with Thomas Lawsnn's "Fren-
zied Finance" and the opening chapters of Charles Edward Russell's
"Beef Trust Exposed," Is on sale today In our book department.
Ladies' Home Journal for February on Sale Today
French Ribbons
t^T-r &?*\ Values Up ja_
g^^\ to $3.00.:.:;.::;49C
/KeS5 pt S3 h Fine Imported French ribbons;
/y3ifi tpi , S3 • beautiful colors; polka dots,
jmm E3i! §9* l- ) '" PSl|pll patterns ami floral nnd
t\ !Hal Eg PWJ '■ appliqued designs; 7 Inches wide;
II ■— -j #^5c — i»*^a ' suitable for trimmings, opera
W, TfPi ''!%£**f£^^/i ' Da K s > sashes, girdles, etc.; 'actual
v£slis^^ Xl**^ values up to $3 a;yard. Today,
***5^ while they last, the yard, 49c.
35c Satin Ribbons 19c
All-silk double-faced satin ribbons; heavy body; . lus-
trous finish; 4 Inches wide; all the desirable colors, in-
cluding black and white; worth 35c. Today, the yd., 19c.
Women's Hid Gloves 7C r
Regular $1.00 Quality 4 J\*
Women's kid gloves, made from good grade imported
kid; medium weight; perfect fitting gloves In two and
three-clasp styles; good range of colors and a complete
line of sizes; gloves worth regularly $1.00. Today, the
pair, 75c.
25c Linen Handkerchiefs 15c
Women's handkerchiefs of pure linen: lace trimmed. and
embroidered; some plain hemstitched; sheer, fine qual-
ity; . actual 25c values. Today, each, 15c. ,
$1.50 Novels £Q«
Copyrights */OC
Popular copyright novels, some first edi-
tions in the lot, a number of select titles,
among them: "The Filigree Ball,"
"Vashti," by Augusta Evans Wilson; "A
Speckled Bird," "Chimmie Padden and Mr.
Paul," "Lady Rose's Daughter," "Old
Bowen's Legacy," "Under the Rose," "The
Puppet Crown," "Sentimental \ Tommy,"
"Wolfville Days", and fully 'fifty more that
are popular. Books published, to sell at
$1.50. Today, each, 58c." .■■
, ■' ?. Game of Pit 39c
Game of Pit, exciting' and" amusing' for
young and old;: v strangers : become ac-
quainted in a few moments playing Pit;
sold In most places at 50c. .Today, 39c.
Men's Shirts Q*7Xr
Worth 50c and 65c O i 2 C
A bis lot of men's golf shirts/ made from good materials;
both light and dark colors; some with silk embroidered
fronts; popular patterns; plenty of sizes; 50c and 6t>o val-
ues. Today, each, 37 Va<\

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