8 OPPORTUNITY Waits- S^^tSS it In Tflne Herald LJoeir Coflmms THE WEATHER LOS ANOELEB, June 88. fim>.| Bur. | Th. IR^fT^VlndTVfTjWfathf »«.m.f 29.M I M 97 W 2 I Fuggy "Maxlmifm temperature, 72. Minimum temperature, 53 . . ._—___• Weather Conditions SAN FRANCISCO. June 25.-Cloudy weather prevails over the northern portion of the Pacific slope and fair weather over th«« southern portion. The pressure has risen along the roast from Pan Francisco northward and fallen over the plateau and Kocky Mountain reg- The temperature haa risen over southern Idaho and remained nearly stationary In other districts. It Is from 6 to 10 degrees below the normal throughout the Interior of California. Forecast Jjoa Angeles and vicinity— Fair Monday; light west wind. yoniit— Fwlr Monday; fresh west wind. gg DEATHS LA PORTE— Peter. 46(1 Commercial street, pulmonary tuberculosis, June 24, aged 39 years. liAMIUB— Ann Eliza.. 623 East Twen- ty-third street, apoplexy, June 24, . aged 8R years. LAXE — James, Good Samaritan hospi- tal, hemorrhage, June 24, aged 21 years. DIED i|?fS LEVY— At 1631 Georgia street. June 24, 19T6, Sarah Levy, mother of Joseph I-evy, of Collma, Mex.; Leon Levy of Santa Barbara and Mrs. Jules Kaufman of this city. Funeral services will be held at th« residence of Mr. Julos Kaufman, 1«31 Georgia street today (Monday), June 26, 1905, at 1:30 o'clock p. m. /.;..... a, COWAN— At Point Richmond. Cal., June • 24, Mrs. Annie Cowan, aged 43 years. Funeral from No. 178 Avenue 24, Tues- day, June 27, 2 p. m. Interment Ever- green cemetery. Peck Ik Chase Co.. undertakers and em- tmlmers; lady assistant 433 S. Hill. Te'. Main 81. FUNERAL NOTICE Funeral of Mrs. 'Josephine Agnes Hop- kins, who died Sunday morning, will take place at 9 a. m., Tuesday, from her late residence, 650 S. Flower street. Funeral cervices at St. Vibiana cathedral, at 9:30. Surviving her are her children, Mrs. Frank McPartlln. Eugene Margaret, Bor- rard and Louis Hopkins. BRESEE BROS. CO. t^Fn pi ?S. ne BROADWAY AND SIXTH STREET t«ay AMlnant AtUnd. UNDFRTAKERS UtAltm and ChKdrgn. UWLHIHHLIIO PIERCE BROS. & CO. Fun—Hi director*. SlO-812 S. Flower street. Our lady undertaker,' Miss Elizabeth Thompson, In attendance tor women and children day or Bight. Phone Main 1827; Home 2~. CUNNINGHAM & O'CONNOR UNDERTAKERS, have removed to 1031 So. Ormnd Aye. Phonea — Main 40»: Horn* 40» BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. WE OFFER FOR SALE IN A SUBURBAN TOWN NEAR LOS ANGELES A FINE BUSI- NESS CHANCE. CONSISTING OF BRICK HOTEL. LIVERY STABLE. POOL ROOM. BAR- BER SHOP. LOCATED OP- POSITE DEPOT AND AT IN- TERSECTION OF TWO BEST STREETS. THIS PROPERTY IS A FINE MONEY-MAKER. AND CAN BE BOUGHT CHEAP. OUR OPTION IS FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. SO SEE US AT ONCE. SAI.AK-STANTO" CO.. 435 CHAMBER OF COM. JIGRCE BUILDING. FOR SALE— 2-C'HAIR BARBER SHOP; cheap; 3 living rooms In back. 90S E. 9TH ST. SANITARIUMS M^ir^M^i?ER3ERT?~iANfTARTuM^ Massage, electric, tub, . vapor, steam baths, chiropody, manicuring, scalp treatment, facial massage. 22% w. First. Home 3809. BATHS AND MASSAGE VAPOR~li^r~^BXi^'BA^Hir~MAi- sage and electricity; experienced op- erators. 618% SOUTH SPRING ST.. rooms 6, 7 and 8. Hours from 9to 11. FOR SALE-CHEAP, IF TAKEN AT once. Bath parlors fully equipped, working four operators; best location In city. For particulars address BOX "17 Herald office. SCIENTIFIC AND MAGNETIC MAS- sage. Tub baths 60 cents. Room 16. Hours. 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. 316% SOUTH SPRING ST. Phone— Home 4m FOR COLD SPRAY, TUB BATHS, MAS- sage and electric treatments try 220 FRANKLIN ST. One dollar during sum- mer season. SCIENTIFIC TREATMENTS-NO SUN- day treatment: office hours, 9to 9. 223 W. SECOND ST., Rooms 213-215. Homo 2229. VAPOR AND TUB BATHS, MASSAGE and electric treatment. Room 223. 702 SOUTH SPRING STREET. Telephone, Main 692. r _ THE MITCHELL. BATHS AND MAS- sage parlors — 218 NORTH MAIN ST. Ofllce 11. Phone Home 1459. THE ESTELLE BATHS — NEWLY opened, flrst-clss baths and massage. 127 EAST SECOND. Phone 3084. BATHS-MOVED FROM SUITE 14 AND 18. 316W S. Broadway to 309 W. TEM- PLE. Room 2. SOUTHERN BATH PARLORS, 444 SOUTH BPRINQ. Suites 1 and 2. BATH AND M~ASSAGE— FIRSf^CLASS. Suites 6 and 7. NO. 610% S. SPRING. VAPOR, TUB. MASSAGE BATHS. . t Home 60SL WANTED— Plrst'clssd newspaper solicitors. Apply at elrcnlatlns; department be- tween "iho and 8 a. m. and 4i30 and I.OS A2VGEXES HERALD. MOLER'S BARBER COLLEGE WILL make special rate to next twenty students. Call or write. 113 EAST SECOND STREET. Money WANTED-6 PER CENT NET INTER- est, payable semi-annually on our paid- up certificates; nothing better in the market; uniform satisfaction given for eight years past; safe as government bonds; secured by deposit of first mort- gages with a trustee; Investigate; write for booklet and Information to the PROTECTIVE SAVINGS, BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, W. O. Blewitt, Secretary, 101 N. Broadway, Los Angeles. To Purchase — Real Estate THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE LOS ANGELES .PUBLIC LIBRARY SOLICITS OFFERS TO FURNTSH SITES FOR BRANCH LIBRARY BUILDINGS IN THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS: PICO HEIGHTS, GAR- VANZA, UNIVERSITY, EAST LOS ANGELES, VERNON, CENTRAL AYE., NEAR ADAMS; WASHINGTON ST., NEAR BURLINGTON. LOTS NOT TO EXCEED FIFTY FEET IN FRONTAGE AND TO BE OFFERED ON A CASH BASIS. OF- FERS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO MONDAY, JUNE 26TH, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. ADDRESS, CLERK OF THE BOARD, PUBLIC LIBRARY. LOS ANGELES. DON'T WORRY ABOUT NOT BEING able to dispos6 of that cottage, lot, room- ing house, acreage, etc. List It with us nnd rest easy with the satisfaction of knowing you will soon have what you want. BROWN & WOODS. 317 Fay. WE HAVE CUSTOMERS FOR VENICE and Ocean Park: list with us at once. WHITCOMB-GIBSON CO., 529-531 Laughlln Bldg. . To Rent WANTED— ALL OWNERS OF RENTAL PROPERTY TO KNOW THAT WE DO A RENTAL BUSINESS— DON'T WORRY IF YOU WANT A TENANT LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US MINES A FA lI IS II, 315 SOUTH HILL STREET. Miscellaneous WANTED — DEALERS AND PAPER- hangers to write for sample books of wall paper, paints, etc. WALTER BROS., 627 South Spring. To Purchase — Miscellaneous WANTED— TO BUY FURNITURE AND household goods. We pay 1-3 more than others. COLYEAR'S. 322-24 S. Main. Phones: Main 1117; Home 2154. PHYSICIANS DR. AND~MRS. CARTER SUCCESS*- fuIIy treat all female diseases and ir- regularities; 20 years' experience; con- sultation free. Hours, 9a. m. to 8 p. in.: Sundays. 10 to 12 a. m. 204 MER- CANTILE PLACE, over 543 S. Spring. LONG, SUCCESSFUL PRACTICE; EX- perlenced, competent ladles' specialist; ■ strictly reliable; cases guaranteed. MRS. WOODS, 851 W. 10th, bet. Fig- ueroa and Francisco. CANCER CURED— MRS. 8. J. BRIDGE Remedy. Mrs. Bridge may be found every day between 9 and 4 at the offices of J. C. ALDRICH. M. P., 454 S. Spring St. SOUTHERN HOME FOR LADIES DUR- lng confinement; homes for children. DR. C. E. SMITH. 727 Bellevue aye. Tel. Main 2364. JULIAN MACRAE, ELECTRICIAN- Mental and nervous diseases. 1030 S. HOPE. Home 4004. > DR. TAYLOR— FEMALE SPECIALIST and obstetrics. BELASCO THEATER, Main at. PAT EN TS AN D P AT ENT RIGHTS TOWNSEND? LYON, HACKLE Y^& KNIGHT. FRANCIS M. TOWNSEND, formerly of Townsend Bros. FREDERICK S. LYON, formerly with Townsend Bros. GEORGE T. HACKLEY. formerly with Townsend Bros. ARTHUR P. KNIGHT, formerly with Townsend Bros. Solicitors of U. S. and Foreign Patents, Trade-Marks and Copyrights. Patent, trade-mark and copyrights suits in all courts. Rooms 504-507 Merchants' Trust Bul'dlng, 209 S. BROADWAY. Los An- geles, Cal. HAZARD & HARPHAM, PATENTS, Pioneers. SPRING AND FIFTH. Pat- ent book free. DENTISTS schiffmanTdental 2o?, 107 N. Spring St.— Painless extracting, filling, crown and bridge work, flexible rubber plates. Pure gold flllings. 750 up; all other flllings, 50c up; cleaning teeth, Koa up; gold crowns and bridge work, $2.50 up; sets teeth, $2.50 up. Also open evenings and Sunday forenoons. FRANK STEVENS. 324^~T0, SPRING* LOST AND FOUND lost'— large eastman' pocket kodak, on Wednesday. Return to OILMAN, proprietor of Casino, Ocean Park, and receive $5 reward. SMALL OPAL PIN-RKWARD FIVE times what it Is worth. (A present.) W. O. MATHIB, 682 West 37th St. I*hnn» 21288. ATTORNEYB.AT.LAW fee without micceHS. G. W. COOK, 621 Btlmson liloek, 3d and Spring. Phone 6718 Open evenings. DIVORCE LAWS-ADVICH FREE; NO fee without success; private. J. U SMITH, 122 W. Ihird St., Room 106, t to B p. m. PIANOS J i : lANO^rBuLiy7^£^i^AYiiStivS^ I'tanos - rented at low rates. A. G. . , OAHDNBR PIANO HOUSE. Ltd., !.'» I Winston st. i>hon« Black SSSS: Horn* LOS ANGELES HERALD: MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 38, 1905. The Talk 1 1 n% r • ,„ p ai( j Advertising of the Town 1 ■ ' U UdlM — wmmmm^^ m^ mimm^ m IN THE PAST FOUR MONTHS _ .- - _ _ - cAnd during the first 23 day 9 in June The Herald I WlCk rls r sl > il/I """" made the largest percentage of Rain of nny ne ws- 1 lltj ItJl fIICI paper in Los Angeles. The Herald made a net nv/ivißV* gain, June over as follows : Previous Records WM Local Disp. Advertising 1586 Inches GAIN ------------------ Classified Advertising 934 Inches GAIN Growth Unparalleled Total Net Gain 2520 Inches in Newspaperdom f n ... r . This Docs Not Include >_& WATCH US On Pacific Coast City Printing I <$$? GROW! FOR RENT Houses $40-NINE ROOM ON WASHINGTON, oast of Bush; large lot, barn, abun- dance of fruit. $22.50— 6-room modern cottage on Macy Btreet FRANK LERCH. 121 Henne Block. $14-FIVE-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. 1206 Santa Fe; also 1710 Normandlo street, $18, Including water. WIES- ENDANGER. 221 Laughlln Building. 30 Furnished Rooms IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THH best place In Los Angeles to room and board, call at 305 S. Bunker Hill: highest elevation in city; a nice, quiet home, newly furnished and horn» cooking. Take Angel's Flight, then go two blocks west. Rates low for the summer. FOR RENT — NICELY FURNISHED room, 1039 South Olive St.; every con- venience and strictly private; $S per month. Also, unfurnished half of flat, bedroom, large, pleasant dining room and large kitchen and pantry, $15 per month; telephone and water paid. 1039 South Olive. Telephone Home 4588. $16-THREE ROOMS, COMPLETELY furnished, new, housekeeping. In new building, 218 NORTH FREMONT. 30 FOR RENT— FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. 1353 S. HILL ST. Flats TO LET — FLATS. Are you looking for a nine, romfortnhle, modern flat at low prior r Well, ivr> rertnlnlr ~ii please you. Look over the list, and then ronmilt our . Rental Department for details. Sixteenth and Flower, 920 per month. Inernliiim and Union, $25 per month. Sent mm and Glrard, $15 per month. Wall, near Seventh, 915 per month. I«2S>4 South Main street, 920 per month. 1830 }& South Main street, 920 per month. Eleventh and Hill streets, six rooms, $27> per month. Seven-room house In rear, 930 per month. And we have others. R. A. ROWAN & CO. Rental Department. 200 11. W. Hellman Dldc. • TO LET— MODERN FLATS— WATER free. $10 — 3 rooms, 204 N. Fremont. M2 — 3 rooms, 212 N. Fremont. $12 — 3 rooms, 334 S. Flgueroa. $13.50 — 5 rooms, 219 N. Flgueroa. $16 — 3 rooms, 334 S. Flgueroa, fur- nished. $16 — 5 rooms, 1013 W. Diamond. $16-6 rooms. 1016 W. Ist $16—4 rooms, 910 W. Ist. $16 — 3 rooms, 204 N. Fremont, tur- nished. $18—3 rooms, 218 N. Fremont, fur- ' WIESENDANGER. 221 Laughlln Bid. 80 Furnished Flats FOR $16 YOU CAN RENT THREE rooms, completely furnished, new, elegant; housekeeping; gas range, bath, telephone, hot water; close in. 334 SOUTH FIGUEROA: also 204 NORTH FREMONT. HO unfurnished. 80 palmists and mediums dr7^r^SnTcl^rX^ya"nt??rance. business medium and life reader. Read- Ings dally. Satisfaction or no pay. Test circles Tuesdays, Thursdays, ev- enings. 8 o'clock. ROOM 16, U!>& SOUTH SPRING ST. PROF. TRIPP. PSYCHIC MEDIUM, SHi'.i S. Spring, room 6. Readings, head, hand, cards, 25c. Satisfaction assured or no pay. Song souvenirs for all free! Free! ■ MRS. PARKER, PALMIST AND CLAIR. voyant. 416*4 SOUTH SPRING BTREET, room it BROKERS Rr^vv\^olNoia3cT_u{rnsßoirtar~«S Wilcox Building, deals in bonds, mort- gages and other first-class securities. Loans negotiated at lowest market rates. If you wish to lend money on first mortgages, I can place it for you safely, and at a fair rate of interest. Reference: First National Hank, Los Angeles National Bank. BPECIAL NOTICE 3 pToT?_rSTr^~CARPKT works— Tel. Main 217; Home 217. TJ> 8. OLIVE. Upholstering and carpet clean- Ing. . . SO. CAU TRANSFER CO.— TRUNK 3. 26c and up; general drayage. Tals Main S4£4; Hems SISt 117 W. BECONO ST, MONEY TO LOAN CASH" TON^HJENTIALLTr LOANED salaried persons on note without secur- ity, without employers' knowledge and , without lndorsers; easy payments; posi- tively lowest r,dtes. Notes bought, loans on local stocks, etc. Hours 10:30 n. m. ' to Ip. m. and 2to 5:30 p. m. COM- MERCIAL DISCOUNT C 6.. 604 Frost Block. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES— I for building or on Improved property, or in good outside towns. NEW PLAN , OF INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS. In- terest decreases as you pay. STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCI- ATION, 107 South Broadway, Los An- geles, Gal. ANY AMOUNT ON FURNITURE, pianos, household goods, machinery, etc., If stored in our now fireproof ware- ; house. Office 322 S. Main. COLYEAR WAREHOUSE CO.. Phone Main 1117, _Home_2ls4. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. SUITE 7 stocks and bonds. Building loans a sppclalty. SOCIETY NOTICES M^S^M^CTUMG^IND^«^^HE^AUr- plces of the Naturopathic Association of California, June 29, 8 p. m., at BUR- BANIC HALL. All are Invited. FOR SALE Houues IF YOU WANT A BARGAIN IN A NICE NEW HOUSE OR COT- TAGE. CALL AND SEE US ABOUT THESE: j A-190 — FIVE-ROOM COT- TAGE ON EAST FORTY- THIRD STREET; $2400; $300 DOWN AND BALANCE J2O A MONTH. A-191 — FIVE-ROOM COT- TAGE ON ADAIR STREET; $2200; $200 DOWN AND BAL- ANCE $20 A MONTH. A- 195 — SEVEN-ROOM COT- TAGE ON LA SALLE STREET; $4000; $500 DOWN, BALANCE $25 A MONTH. A-218 — SIX- ROOM HOUSE ON UNION AVENUE; $4100; $500 DOWN, BALANCE $25 A MONTH. A-220--SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, NEW ENGLAND AVENUE; $3600; $600 DOWN, BALANCE $25 A MONTH. HALE REALTY AND INVEST- MENT CO.. 318-19 PACIFIC ELECTRIC BLDG., SIXTH AND MAIN. FOR SALE— BY INGRAM & BRIGGS, 901-902 Braly Bldg. S. E. Onr. 4th and Spring Sts. Both phones 29. Beautiful modern houses in the best residence districts of the city. $310» Close In on shady and quiet, homelike street, near 11th and Stanford avenue, pretty B-room modern cottage, but little over a year old; rooms all good size; large veranda, flowers, trees and fruit; good barn for several horses in rear; generous lot running back to alley. Must sell soon. INGRAM & BRIGGS, Members L. A. Realty Board. _. FOR SALE— - NEAR EAST NINTH AND CENTRAL AVENUE. S27KO. £2500. Six Ilooma. Five KooinH. 3«x120. 36x120. Tbne bargains are right rlo»e to Central avenue, nnd only a few feet from Kant Ninth iitreet, and nre the vhrapeat plerra of property for aale any. nhere near that location. profit on your InveatineDt In twelve month* If you buy them now. The price holds good only a few day*. Anybody In . i town that known prop* erty valuta can toll you of East Ninth and Cen- tral avenue. E. M. REYNOLDS, 211 tiraut Ilullflluu. Phone 1030 or Main 4570. FOR BALE— NEAR LA SALLE AYE. AND 24TH BT. J4OOO Bungalow of 6 rooms.- Has large living room with pressed brick mantel, built-in book cases. Large dining room, built-in buffet with leaded glass doors. Walls burlapped to plate rail. Above have cove ceilings. A large den with beamed ceilings. Tho above havo pol- ished floors; i bedrooms, enameled white; large closets: line kitchen. Entire building piped for furnace. Cellar 18x21'. Large porch on front and side. Very artistic combination lighting fixtures. Everything complete. High-class neigh- borhood. Lot 50x133. Easy terms. JONES & RYDER LAND CO., Ground floor. 218 W. Third st. FOR BALK- NEW COTTAGE. 6 ROOMB. $2900. ' $300 CABH. A new and modern cottage, well lo- cated on the hill near W. lbth st., and convenient to 2 car lines; has large lot to an alley and is very complete in all details; nicely tinted and decorated walls; grate and mantel; polished floors, open plumbing, lawn, flowers, etc. JONES & RYDER UNO CO,, 218 W. Third st. FOR BALB— HOUBES. BUILT ON KABY term*. Gat my prices; plans free. W. W. ALDEBBON, Contractor and Builder. , 420 Bradbury Bldg. FOR SALE Houses EXAMINE THESE~PROPEirfIES~AND i submit a proposition on prices' and 2617 HOBART JSOULEVARD. I 9-room house, modern; five bedrooms; lot 50x133 to 16-foot nlley. 1803 W. FIRST BT. Extra well built colonial cottage of 7 large rooms; lot 60x120; corner of Bur- lington aye. : 153 W. SIXTEENTH ST. 8-room modern house; lot 60x150, on high ground. 1377 E. EIGHTEENTH ST. House of 8 rooms, modprn; lot 40x110. 747 N. HILL ST. » 6-room modern cottage; lot 34x53; 20- foot alley. SANTA MONICA. New, modern house of S rooms; lot 50x150; on Sixth St., between Arizona and Nevada sts. Bargain prices will be accepted on any of the nbove, nnd very reasonable terms can be arranged for. CHAS S. MANN, Home 4171. 015 W. 4th st. «|H7S — 3-ROOM COTTAGE, CLAR- ence, near First, 47x165. 91475r — 3-room cottage, Clarence, near ■ First, 43x165. 9147S — 5-rnom modern cottage, Clar- ence, near First, 25x140. 91600 — 5-room modern cottage, Aliso Btreet, 50x90. ¥27iio — 5-room modern cottage. E. 20th, near Central, 40x137. 92K0O — 5-rnom morlern cottage, E. 3!M, near Griffith, 40x137. 9320O — 6-room modern cottage, E. 29th, near Central, 50x158. $4.">0n — 6-room modern cottage, K. Adams, npar Griffith, dOxl'it. 92700 — fi-room modern cottage, Ea3t Lake, 40x150. 97000 — 5-room modern cottage, S. Hope, near Second. TOWSI.ER & HOSSITEn. 277-K lluutlneton llullillnc BOYLE HEIGHTS PROPERTY IS HAV- lng a healthy move upward, as It is now recognized as a. most desirable residence section. High, dry, good fresh air, no fog, close In. no floods. We are building fine homes on Boyle avenue, two blocks north of First street. Our houses are built by day labor and are modern and first-class in all par- ticulars. We are selling them at extremely low prices, as we bought our land some time ago, when It was cheap. You can save $500 If you buy your home from us. Houses from $2000 to $2750; one-third cash, balance terms. Don't pay rent when these bargains are offered. WOODWARD-BENNETT CO.. 209 West Fourth Street. :. FOR SALE— 9150O — Hlnton avenue, Angeleno Heights, 5 roonm, No. 412. 92000 — West 38th, 6 rooms. No. 440. $2 too — East 31st, 5 room*.. No. 286. 9187R— Fedora street, 5 rooms, No. 410. 9310O — West 22rt St., 5 rooms, new, No. 370. 93200 — West 17th St., 6 rooms, No. 430. Prices kooil for this week. R. A. BURTON REALTY Co., 410-418 Lnughlln Illdg. Phonen — Home 7057, Main 4714. FOR SALE— FOR 91050^Neat, new 4-room cottage, S. Matthews St.. Boyle Heights, $150 cash. 91350— New 4-room cottage, Boyle Heights, $150 cash. 91650— New 6-room house. Boyle Heights, lot 50x179, $200 cash. $1000— Now 6-room house, S. Flcket St., $400 cash. O. H. JONES, -< : '<: -•: Room 220, 218 S. Broadway. $425 DOWN~SI2 MONTH. Lot 55x175, 3-room California house in Boyle Heights for $850. -—$1000 5-room good cottage on 17th St., east of San Pedro, $2000. 6-room, fine house on Birch st. for $2000. A snap. Will sell to colored person. • SEASTROM, 2410 Home. 316 Frost Block. FOR SALE— A SNAP! I We will build you a neat 6-room cot- tage or bungalow, with the best por- celain plumbing, tinted walls, pol- ished floors, china closet, cement walks and lighting fixtures for ONLY $1000— CASH OR INSTALL- MENTS. WHITING, THOMPSON & CO.. Home phone 1075. 236 Byrne Bldg. " FOR SALE. ' 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. EAST 16TH— NEAR MAPLE AVB. LOT 54x150. STREET WORK. SEWER. LAWN. WE CAN DELIVER FOR $4500. CARROLL J. DALY & CO., Home 8296. 2U WEST FIRST ST. Main 736 Members Realty Board. A BARGAIN IN BOYLE HEIGHTS. B-room cottage, with bath, toilet, ■washbowl, etc., l>/4 blocks from Brook- lyn car on North San Benlto street. Price $1800; $150 cash, balance small monthly payments. • E. G. DEVENS, 227 Laughliu Bldg. 315 S. Broadway. Home phone 8321. FOR SALE~-HO USES. We will build a house containing as many rooms as you may desire, and furnish all the money, or build for cash. Plans furnished free. J. BURRIS MITCHEL & CO., Contractors and Builders, 826 Douglas Building. Sunset, Black 3991. Home 8774. 10-ROOM, MODERN. WESTLAKE RES- ldence, No. 726 LAKE STREET, be- tween Seventh and Eighth streets; $1000 cash; balance easy terms if deulred. the McCarthy company, owner. 203 North Broadway. Home Phone 8737. FOR SALK— $3800-TIIB BEST 6-ROOM COTTAGE IN WKST ADAMS ST. SECTION: KAST FRONT; LARGE LOT; LAUOK ROOMS AND EVERYTHING FIRST- CLASS. L. L. BOWKN, 603-3 FAY BLDG. A FINE LIST OF FARMS IN BOUTH- ern California, for sale and exchange at reasonable > prices on the very best • of terms. H. C. THOMPSON, 308 Uryson mock, with Ben White. , FOR BALK-7-ROOM MODERN HOUSH. everything complete; price $3100; $10U0 rash, balance terms;' close In. 11. (J. THOMPSON, 808 Brysw Block, with FOR BAUF. Houwi bomb peoples a noun "If I buy a home on the Installment plan. It is such a long time before I own a home free and clear." DO TOU NOT KNOW Tour property will be Increasing in value every day, and your equity can coon be exchanged for another piece of property, free and clear T Call and talk it over with us. Our plans are alwayt ready for your in- spection. R. N. LAMBERTU A CO., General Building: Contractors, Suite 414 Braly Bldg. PHONES: Home 2629 Main 2222. COME AND SEE MY PLANS FOR UP- to-date homes of every description; all modern and up to date, with such lux- uries as you probably do not realize can go In homes of moderate cost. I make no charge for plans, even when specially prepared to meet your ideas. WM. STANSFIEI,D, room am homer i. \ir«;nt,i\ m.nn -$1650 ~ $150 cash, balanco like rent; n«w, four rooms and bath, Hoover street, near Santa Monica avenue; 6-cent fare; ■Hollywood-Colegrove car to Melroso Junction. THE MCCARTHY COMPANY, builder and owner, 203 North Broadway. Phono Home 8737. FOR SALE-12-ROOM MODERN HOTTBE. all furnished and up to date; billiard table and piano; large lot, 70x145 feet; a finely finished hnrn. This Is a positive bargain: $7000 cash. H. C. THOMPSON, 308 Bryson Block, with Ben White. 92700 — GOOD FIVE -ROOM ' COTTAG W. right close In, walking distance, rented for $22.50 a month; a snap for some one. COOPER « CUODEIIACK, 218 South Broad—fay, Room 237. Furnished Houses ■ . NICE FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, COM- pletely furnished, southwest cor. PA- CHECO and COURT. $1950. Inquire on premises. Terms. City Lots and Lands ' GO OUT TODAY GO OUT TODAY TO BOWEN & DALTON'S MAIN STREET BOULEVARD TRACT. This Is a new onso— la Ra11« aye., S. of Adams KOii.-.O «nr,o — Harvard blvd., s. of Adams 110x183 91000— Dalton, c. front, s. of Adams 60x160 9iir»o— iiniliiiile aye., s. of Ad«.nis • ...*>O* ISO Siano — Normandle aye., a. of Adams ROxISO 91.100— Halldale, c. front (10*160 11700 — Western aye,, half block of Adnms Ml* l. "in 9TBO— .Jefferson Bt BOillO 98.-o— Brighton aye., s. of Adams 60x180 9»oo— Unhurt aye., t. of Adams ...nosia.l 91800— Cor. on Halldnle, s. of Adams 60x150 91.100— Cor. on Dalton, I. of . Adams Soxl.V> 91S00— Brighton aye., cor. lot. .r.»xir>» ALTHOUBE BROS., 234 Laughlln Hid-.. 316 S. Broadway. Main 263; Home Ex. 263. BIG DEVELOPMENTS ■ At city limits. SOUTH PARK TO MAIN. MONETA AVB. (lAII LINE) Will run south of Slauson, ' Then east to Ascot Park. mm mo <\n shops Will be rnnnlnir full force - thin full. - HAWTHOniVK TRACT AND ANNEX Are In tho middle of tho mr; tiiinhs doinm. FINH I. A RUH I,OTS, 937.% TO 9.100. Take Snn P«>dro oar on Main to our tract office, southwest corner • Slruionn nnrt South I'ark.- W. F. THORNE &. CO., OWNERS, Room 311, 218 South Broadway, i Homo 1684. EAST SEVENTH STREET TRACT. .. . LARGE LOTS. $200 TO $400. EAST TERMS. Only a few of these cheap lots left, j; The best bargain for such close-in property In Los Angeles. • .'.:'.*?* - *i i * For maps and terms see • • R. W. POINDEXTER CO., 409 Wilcox Building. -: JUST THINK OF IT! BUY NOW IF AT ALL. $1135— 40-font front lot; street work paid for; B-room cottage: porcelain bath, bowl, toilet, light finished all through; tinted walls; outside stained shingles; will f-urely please you; terms, $200 cash and $20 month; price $1125; Just think of It! Special reason for this sacrifice. Also new' 6-room cottagp, north of Jef-,.; ferson, for $1375: same terms. GITS B. HILL, OWNER, With Strong & Dickinson. Phone 1273. 135 S. Broadway. FOR SALE — A FEW LOTS IN OUR new subdivision at $350; each one is 60x143 feet; streets are 60 feet wide, to be fully improved, graded and oiled; 5-foot sidewalks, cement curbs, etc.; work now being done; when im- provements are completed price will be $450. YOU CAN MAKE MONEY QUICK BY BUYING NOW. ROBERT MITCHELL CO.. 508 South Broadway. "No Misrepresentation." L.- A. R.B . FOR SALE— j ' We secured in an exchange deal .- t large lots in Signal Hill . tract, Long Beach, which we will sell at a bargain. We also offer 2 choice lots in southwest on Brighton aye., below 46th St., at a bargain for quick turn. Phones- ROSS & LINDSET. Home 7653. Sl4 H. W. Hellman Bldg. • Main 4822. FINE BUSINESS CORNER, 53x150. PICO Heights, worth $2500; must sell. Make offer. . . West Washington, near Estrella, 60x ' 150; $3500; worth the money. . ' -■> ■ East Hollywood, lots 50x135;. $300 "to $800 according to location. ..- . Near San Pedro and Washington.. 50x 150; $1000; cheapest lot in that locality; t McFATRIDGE BROS., 319 S. Spring St FOR SALE-NEAR~MANUFACTURINa district at 16th and Alameda sts. We control 20 lots between 16th and Wash- ington sts., McGarry and Staunton ayes. and Don Abel. Prices, $600 and up; 40x146; lots cheap. You can make money on this property at the prices we offer lots. • CALDWELL & CO., L. A. R. B. . 403 Cnrrler Bldg. FOR SALE— i Three lots on Carroll avenue, being N. W. corner of Douglas street and Carroll avenue, 60x150 feet, $1750; and lots 4 and ■ 6 of block 4, Angeleno Heights, being 100x135 feet, at $2500. or $1250 for eithav half; 60 feet- west of Dourrlas street. Terms, half cash, balance as agreed; 7 • per cent interest. . ■ ■ M. L. WICKS, 128 Hellnan Block, 2d and Broadway. . . FOR SALE-BY BAIIRY BROS., '■ : 328-329 BRADBURY BLDO. TWO EAST FRONT. LOTS. 50x140:- HIGH GROUND, NEAR ANGELUS VISTA TRACT: WORTH $2000. IF SOLD QUICKLY WILL TAKE $1600. A DECIDED SNAP; $950 CASH. BAL- ANCE EASY. WILL SEPARATE AT $800 EACH. 9335— LARGE LEVEL LOT. 60x186. IN THE 3 SOUTHWEST.' ' •: IMPROVED WITH 4-FT. CEMENT WALK; CEMENT CURB AND ALL STREET IMPROVEMENTS PAID FOR; ONLY $225; ON EASY. TERMS . IF DESIRED. EMIL. FIRTH, Owner, - 411-417 LAUGHLIN BLDG.. 315 S. BROADWAY. FOR SALE— . ■ V -.'ir Two lots- in Arlington Heights,'' on : Third avenue, between 16th and Wash- ington street. : . $800 each. . . Lots 50x140. This Is $100 below market price. Owner wants money. -■ . • • THOS. HAMPTON. 119 S. Broadway. 910.00. 910.00. RUFUS J. STUKBY TRACT. A tract for homes. and good peo- ple; $10 cash, $10 per month. Come, and see for yourselves. Take Eas-. Ninth street car on Main to Fifty- second street; owner on - ground. „ Phones — Home 29224; Sunset .. South • 666. . . • . . . ■'. ' • . H V' ' FOR BALE— BY CULVER. . $_40-28xllO. Ruth aye., 7th and Bth sts. $2800-35x110. Towne aye., 7th and Bth sts. ' $3000—45x90. Ruth aye., 7th and Bth sts. $4000-60x110, Ruth aye., 7th and Bth sts.. ALEX CUIiVBR. i " ' 106 South Broadway. • '.. ' LOT 60x160 FEET ON NORTHWEST , corner of Carroll • avenue ' and > Douglas street, $17C0: $350 cash, $400 live month.. balance on time, 7 per cent net In tor- est; water, gas, electricity • and - sewer, ' ail street work done and paid for. M. L. WICKS. 128 Hellman Bids.; Second and Broadway. , LOT ON CARROLL AVH., IN ANOBLK- no Heights. 50x135 feet, on clean side of street, 60 feet west of Douglas street, for sale; $1100, half cash. - Gas, • water, electricity, sewer and all street ■ work . done and paid for. M. L. . WICKS, Room 128 Hellman Bldg.. Second anil Broadway. ' IJSO-CHOAPEST CLOSE-IN LOTS, 41BT and Compton: large fruit trees. Can' you beat this? Also. J350 lot. 40x138/ 66th street- and K'Kueroa. ' Agent -on tract*. WIESENDANQER, 221 LaughUn Bid. M