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MANY BIG DEALS IN BEACH ACREAGE THE HUNTINGtON-REDONDO, ■[COMPANY PURCHASE OTHER FRONTAGE SECURED,: Naples, Alamltos. Bay, Venice, Man-, , hattan Beach and Coast Acreage ' Generally In Market— Pro. -'. ■ posed Development* . i Henry E. Hunttngton left for the. east last night to be Absent a month. Dur ing the past ten days he electrified ttft Redondo coast section by two heavy purchases. He started something nt Redondo. No one pretends to predict what Mr. Huntlngton will do on his return to Los Ang'cles In August. The sale of the J holdings of the Re dondo r Investment, company, 4000 lots', the purchase of the Los Angeles & Re dondo I Electric railway line and the transfer of the Downey Harvey ranch of over 1000 acres to the Huntlngton- Redondo company has brought Mr. Huntlngton into the limelight' as the king bee leader in large transactions, and now everybody is speculating on ,what he will do — how far he will go in improving Redondo, in •! perfecting the J railway servjee' and In improving tha Harvey, acreage. ■ Mr. Huntlngton Ja quoted as saying that . he will make Redondo the peer of any resort on the J coast, , and that the j Harvey ranch wlil be platted and the lots made the sites of countless homes for wealthy people. ' ' '; '.:: West Naples Next One'of the big 1 deals of the past week .was the purchase by Robert Marßh & Co. and Strong & Dickinson of 125 acres, extending 1 from Miramar on the Alamltos bay proper on the east, a tract about 6000 feet in length and extending northward from the Pacific Electric right of way, "a; uniform width of 1000 ; feeet.'., This tract is to be known as /West Naples and is to be improved at I heavy expense. s .It is . estimated that \ fully, sl,ooo,ooo will be required to pay for the land and make the proposed 'improvements. A map of .West Naples will be found on another page of this tissue.'-;, The picture tells the story. The 1 lots fronting • oh ' the canals and esplanade will be on sale Thursday. : Water from the bay will supply the canals. . S| Robert : Marsh & Co. and Strong; & j Dickinson have also acquired a tract ;of 125 ; acres lying east of the San Gabriel river and extending, around >' Alaniitos bay to Bay City. ' This large 'tract 'will also be Improved in elaborate .style.'. '. ' ' '' Venice Acreage Bought . • ;M.vJ. Nolan and associates have .acquired from John Metcalfe fifty acres adjoining Venice of America on the south' and east; consideration, $200,003. j This new subdivision of 300 lots will be j known as the "Venice Gateway." T RAPID: DEVELOPMENTS -IN THE LA PARK TRACT Ross & Lindsay report sales as fol lows in La Park tract, bounded on the north' by street, i Irvington avenue on the south, Santa Fe avenue on 'the -east and Cottage on the west: 'TOiF. S. Pettinglll, two lots in block three,'- 1975. ' The purchaser ■ will erect a fine home. ' • . " "To 'Pratt Brothers, two lots in block four,' I $900. j . Cottages are now being erected on the lots. To' Mrs. S. M. Swan, two lots in block one.^s76o. The. purchaser will erect a hotel of eighteen rooms for the accom modation of the men employed at the new t'plant of {.the .Auto-Oak Leather company, the steel plant and the elas tic pulp factory that are located two blocks north of La Park tract. r ' :'. , / To'br. B. J. Loomis, three lots, $1600. . 'Also >to Pratt • Brothers, < four lots in Foster's ' addition . to j Huntingdon ' park, lying three blocks south . of La Park tract on Santa Fe avenue. ; The pur chasers ' will erect four cottages that will 'be rented. LARQEBT POULTRY CENTER ; IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ; : O. : H/ Burbridge has • purchased " from :. .... ... .. ' .... / . ; Greater and Greater Demand ,,' '..,* \ ': . . A "RrtiilAxr'H-zi ICH -faa.*-' > Located twelve nllca aonth o( Sam Lnla Obl.po, on the Coaat Line ot the Southern Pacific Railroad, at Oceano S««- ■;' I Pr%. XJUUICVdrU ID\J ieCt tlon, MS mllea aouth of Ban Fraactaco and 216 mllea north of I.oa Ansclea, and about nine and one-half mllea from • ; Buy at present prfceS. The '■' wiflf 1C +Ti« -fi-nocf ' Por « ""rtford, where the Boyernment hae Juat completed a breakwater. The at rand la over 800 feet wide and 81 lo*-«.»ef ar,A I^f,,ocf wiae is tne nnest mii N io BK -th. « ua t bttki.. sronad i. tb. noni-wakiu !,■ ar»d« ii«(h th. m M t iMinbie. largest and lowest , priced ; Automobile Course ' — ■ : — — ■ « beach lots on the market. known. An ideal cli- r- — —7- ' :: — — ■ — — — — — — ■ Pier Ave. LotS mate at all seasons. O.f*l.flAVt <£<&*% 6- *\ H)^«%i4>«r /P^wyh^^wtif $75 and Up Many natural advan- VWlQeil dtdt6 Realty- L/OHipaiiy Ocean front lots $175 and Stages peculiar to this- Sole Agents ,421 South Spring Street, Los Angeles*^ '' Zr^^!^^ : SeCtlOn Only. Both Pbonet, ElKhtng, 5« Open Evenings and Sunday* terest— no taxes - ■ •"■- ■ " t ~»• '.- * - Branch Offlccai Sixth and Mats) IMH Pier Avenue; Ocean Park, Cal.j Boaton nealtr Co., Lone Beach.. Cal. , ?•"? • " - jS-J- ,' •"■■ ■ I . » . lUßßSanttWaMSMflMft.- . •■• •■ oood'aoismtsiJvantbu. •. ■', i . , , I ' I , :•, CALIFORNIA RESIDENCE ON ROMEO STREET W. H. BEMAN'S IMPROVEMENT Comfortable Dwelling Built at a Coat of About 94000— Large Rooms and Modern Con. venlences ~ ' x Among 1 the new dwellings recently erected on the west side of Romeo L. R. Garrett, through the Realty Trust company, twenty acres In Nether Mead park at Inglewood. The price paid was about $5000. Mr. Burbridge Intends to improve at once, and will immediately move his Orpington ranch, the largest chicken and capon farm in Southern California; to his new purchase. Mr. Burbrldge's purchase, and the fact that the Realty Trust company is laying out and platting a model poultry. farm at Inglewood, will, it is stated, make that section of Los Angeles county the poul try center of Southern California. ' REALTY DEALS AT THE PALMB, ON THE WAY TO OCEAN PARK THE PALMS, July 15.— Considerable has been doing at The Palms in the way 'of' real 'estate/ It Is known: that Los Angeles capitalists have for some time been quietly buying up acreage in this vicinity, and twenty or thirty vil lage, business and residence lots have changed hands within a few days past. One of the largest acreage transactions was that of Mr v Lockelmeyer's place, flfty-flve acres, for $65,000, or a fraction over $1180 per acre.' This place is situ ated about a mile and, a half below The Palms, on the short line electric road to Ocean Park, and Mr. Lockelmeyer has raised alfalfa on the land hereto fore. ' v 'i '■ ' -.. ■ Another piece of ten acres, located at the corner of Sixth street and the elec tric line, lately sold at $500 per acre. Mr. Church, who owns nine acres on the hill just west of Palms village, re fused an offer of $8000 for it, and other parties are looking around for acreage for subdivision. Mrs. Sophia Boyer has purchased two lots between the village and the 'short line and Intends building two houses on the lots. MANHATTAN BEACH ON MAGNIFICENT SLOPE Investors and home-seekers are turn ing their attention to beautiful Man hattan Beach, a short distance north of Redondo, and. only ten miles by air line from Los Angeles. This magnifl • cent beach resort Is admitted to be one of, the most desirable points on the coast for residences. Every lot com mands a* fine view of the ocean. James Q. Cortelyou is 'the president of the Manhattan Beach company.' > If you want to go cast. O. nay doc*. Agent Illinois Central R. R.. ISS 8. Spring. LOS ANOBLBB HERALD i . SUNDAY. MORNING,, JULY. t6, 1903. street, south of Adams street, Is n. handsome two-story frame for which Architect Dudley drew the plans. The Improvement was' made by W. H. Be man, who has operated successfully In Colorado mining enterprises, and finds it profitable to Invest in Los Angeles property. The dwelling Includes a reception hall and ornamental stairway, a llvins; room, library, dining room, kitchen, BEAUTY GARDENS A SHOW FEATURE GREAT CARNATION FIELDS AT REDONDO TEN ACRES ALL IN FLOWERS Happy Combination of Soil and Cli mate Produce Flowers In the - v Greatest Abundance—ln exhaustible Supply The happy combination of soil and climate at Redondo, says the Breeze, makes It possible to here produce car nations, violets. and other flowers that for beauty and abundance cannot be excelled In Southern California. are the ; 'sweetest, things God ever made and - forgot ito . put a soul into." •■>'-, \ ■'■<:' No truer thought was eVer expressed and | the man is Indeed depraved who does not In some measure admire those magnificent productions of nature.' Visitors to Redondo should not fail to see the beautiful carnation fields two blocks north of the Auditorium. Ten acres have been Drought to a high state of cultivation- and set' to carnations of varied hues, violets, etc., forming a picture that is worth going many miles to see. Violets grow to perfection and are much in demand during the winter months, or from October to April, and carnations may be had at any time during the year. Daily shipments of flowers are made to Arizona points and large quantities of flowers, plants and seeds are annually made to the east. They also propagate carnations, aspar agus plumosus . (asparagus fern) and smllax, and send about 160,000 seeds of asparagus plumosus to the eastern markets each year. Dealers In Loo An geles are \ supplied with flowers . and plants, and a specialty Is made of floral decorations for funerals, weddings, etc., made to order in the highes.t degree of art. Don't , experiment— just . buy a Las Palmas cigar. pantries and screen porch on the first floor. On the second floor are three large bedrooms, a bath room, closets with windows. , The basement under the entire hou»e provides ample epace for the furnace and laundry. The grounds are quite attractive, and the home Is one of the prettiest on the street, built at a cost of less than' $4000. VISITORS INSPECT LOCAL LIBRARY AND ITS SYSTEM Michigan Officials Will Adopt Some Features for Grand - Rapids Institution ~ , . Willis R. Hayden and Samuel Ranck, librarians at New. Haven' and .Grand Rapids, respectively, spent Friday in the city while on their return home from Portland, where' they ! attended the congress of llbrarales. They visited the Los Angeles public library and, in company with Miss Jones, made an inspection of the work ings of the local ' library and Its branches. They announced that they. were much impressed with what they saw* and' will adopt many of the sys tems used-here when the Grand Rapids library , extends Its branches this fail.. • Miss Frances J. Olcott, 1 librarian at Pittsburgh Is expected to arrive today. GIRLS MAY LEARN TRADE AT GOOD SISTERS CONVENT The new steam laundry of the Cori vent of the Good Shepherd will be op ened tomorrow for regular* work. This laundry has been "erected and equipped at a cost of $10,000 and will be con ducted to give the girls of the convent a trade and employment. The sisters of the Good Shepherd in charge have always made this line of work a great success, charging: the regular laundry prices. There are at present about sixty girls in the horn^e. INCORPORATIONS Venice del Rey Land and Water Co. —Directors, E. Francis • Leo, Martha Herbst Leo, Adolph Schlelcher of Loa Angeles. Capital stock, $150,000, ' fully subscribed. SLAUGHTER IN WALL PAPER Beat Vnluea In V. S. Gold paper, 7V4c; 76-in. burlap, 20c; opaque shades, 25c; best paint, J1.60; table oil cloth. 20c; molding, 2c; shingle stain. 75c; best white enamel made— makes things look like a mirror— glazing, paint- Ins, etc. Walter Bros., 627 South Spring Both phones 1055. Rates to Points on Southern Pacific 1 ■' ' ' Coast Line Reduced Round Trip rates from Los Angeles every Tuesday In July to va rious points on the Southern Pacific Coast line between ■ Surf and Watson. vllle. Inquire at Southern Pacifio ticket office, 261 S. Spring at. The cigar that Is built right— Las Pal mas. . ' NOW SAN PEDRO IS WIDE AWAKE HARBOR CITY THE MECCA OF SPECULATORS BUYERS ON GROUND FLOOR Inveatora Look With Favor on Cholee Residence Property— Sale of the Dodion Ranoh of .' Sixty Acre. • . Special to Th« H«rald.' ' ' SAN PEDRO, July 15.— A boom of sufficient proportions to attract hun dreds of speculators to the ."harbor city" today has struck San Pedro. Many thousands of dollars' worth of business and residence property has changed hands during; the last week, the buyers being mostly San Pedro and Los Angeles people. Abbott & Stacy, real estate dealers, report that residence property Is most In demand, the tendency being toward t the high ground in the southwestern part of the city. This firm handled a large amount of this kind of .property today. * The reason for the remarkable act ivity is said to lie in the fact that H. E. Huntlngton has • been ■ buying several hundred acres of the vacant land to the north ami ivost of the city, which Is destined to be the manufac turing and warehouse section of the city, being adjacent to the water front. It Is known now that he also Intends to extend his trolley line to the outer harbor at once and to build a loop which will give San Pedro a local line through the best residence section. Several of the. biff holdings of land to the north of the city have been pur chased^ real estate firms, and work will be begun at 'once to subdivide these, lay out streets and put in the necessary improvements to put them on the market. A notable sale was that of about sixty acres of the" Dodson rnnch, adjoining the city limits on the north. Grading and street making will begin on this tract on Monday morn ing, and the orders are to put on all of the teams and men possible, so that the tract may be ready for placing on the market Juat as soon as human ef fort can do it. Georse H. Peck will handle this property. SAN FRANCISCO HOTELS Snn FrnnclNco Motets If you are going to spend a week or month In San Francisco the most com fortable way an apartment all ready for housekeeping. You will find the very .best accommodations at the Luxor Apts., 857 Octavla street, San Francisco.. ■•• • - \'■ • ■ >• ■ RATES TO SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY ;- • Rntefl.toSan Jonqnln Vnllev •- Reduced rates for Round Trip tickets from \Los Angeles to various points In San Joaquln-valley are on sale on Tuesdays during July. . Inquire at Southern Pacific ticket office, 261 S Spring st. &« Venice del Rey" s?^,- 1 Adjoining Playa del Rey, Venice of America and Ocean Park. • < • ~ On Automobile Bouleyard.'on electric car line to all beaches. Fine Water System, Electric Lights, salubrious climate; ' price includes street grading, cement sidewalks and curbing. Free tickets to purchasers. Take Playa deL' Rey car. at . 4th and Hill to Cypress Grove. Call at our offices. VENICE DEI/ REY LAND AND WATER CO.; 403-40SiMason Opera- house Building. f $io Down Cash Coupons Bearing 6 Per Cent Interest $1 0 Per Month Attached to Purchase Contract. THINK;OF IT. ..' $_ 10 Per Month PART llf, L^' Tj*ffll 6iMyr^^^^^BMtH|^BHßlJMH» ' «f • ■ y'i . \" ~ * 1 "Itl • 188l *BW^|lT""^^"*^™S»'»»aVfc >-{1 5 ; <x*V Wttfy ' flSßE^HßESaK^flßwHifisKJifiKflSaUfl '*** ■■ m -^ ■ ["ITT^ w BB|BtjMl|lpijflß _Jflj* njajm .MajßaiaMMJai V 1,3 rmm I n '..'...'. ■ . I BHBffi^JtejM^B(Hb|fi^^B^^Sr 7 ! ; jyt i -^- % - ThtContßlldnfd rtnnkf Mott Cmnt ratty t.ocnf Aln th»t\ Wj% ?A _ 3 - Chambmr of Commerce Building, 13* Jtuth fff mi »sj • Broadway, Lot Jlngmlmt, Cat. ' |Jfr J|»- m m\ BanK^StocK m&\ ||| For »^a&'-11. P~f* Jit Only $5 Per Share I Plan to Secure 1000 Stockholders. ■^°-.|]|^Tj " l 515 1 One Allowed to Purchase More |l?^if |^||= Than $500 of Stock. LJS*3 t ' ' w 5 The people of t,on Angeles can now buy bank stock st . Hi& 1 ; only.JS per share. No one will bo allowed to purchase more J^H I?» 51 than }JOO of stock. Capital is to be increased to . 1500,000, " " TE3- I•S S| making e. bank of a thousand email stockholders, .thereby ft « 3^l •;7 J jj becoming: the people's bank of Los An|oles. Th« Onngoll- •. i rjt\ J;7 G ■ dated Bank of Lou Angeles hag decided to place its stock t J P«*TJCiH| with the people, believing that in Becuring a thousand £ SHC L-3wS3 stockholders it will secure a thousand depositors ot the ■■* S, C^SnC same time. Investors can purchase such stock with abso- ? s mm - C3t^H lute safety as to perfect security, and realize a handsome l I ' * ••!* - profit therefrom, as has been done by the owners of stock ~ • Tt JJggjffc in the various other banks of Los Angeles. This, is the Jj Z » — >95 only opportunity ever offered the gerteral public to buy ' * IT » I stock in a Los Angeles bank at $5 per share. We would JJ I _ ■»■ i! jt rather have 6000 stockholders of 1100 each than 1000 of J5OO "lj >^ "TJ S 2 each. We want the greatest number of stockholders, as the r j J^. ~ ~ more stockholdern there are the stronger ths bank. All u ? mm J — » ■ g|J stock fully paid up at Five Dollars per share. Purchasers Sf»l s_i I JJ t can buy from Ito 100 shares at $5 per share, but no one UFl^^J • : J can buy more . than $500 of stock. Subscription books Just jf-ffifflg 2• ™ opened. Purchasers can subscribe for 100 shares and pay |=ji3l ■ » v Jft{ ~ for the same in weekly payments of Five Dollars, and re- nHL '.** Z celve one share of paid-up stock as each *5 payment Is made. HUfc^J *Wi Wa want the people to become the stockholders of the peo- UflT " aS^K« P'°' s °ank of Los Angeles. Officers: William H. Carlson E|K* sfc Z £ (Ex-Mayor of the City of Sun Diego), President; J. O. Es- Afcf^fr •32 tudlllo (Ex-State Treasurer of California), First Vice Presi- . n^KeX ' > t dent; F. H. Dixon (Ex-State Harbor Commissioner of Call- KfH? * 3m 2G fornla), Second Vic* President; A. W. Carver, Cashier. 3*« 1 TjSPj* Call or write for further Information. Pamphlets, etc., 3jj ■ £ mallod free on application. • IjCE J « SSB&tthi CONSOLIDATED BANK of LOS AN(JEL,E3, 124 South UPp * » tw "^ T Broadway (Ground Floor, Chamber of Commerce Building), sjv - Los Angeles. Calif. . j^^ m ± ...MKKICAN GOLD CO. BEN IIUK CO. I J 111 t I allTll BO I V HllfJl CLARA G. & C. CO. NT. VEBNO.N CO. 5I PI II 9 4 I \*Wm ■!' 1 A W Ilendquurteri Are at IBH Ij aa] ll'la |B» all 1 1 kg MOODY (Sit CO. KMr-fltth atwet. Warden* car. ■ Only $3Bi ' KH-.112 M,,«,.n i)»™ iron.. tot •le«ant lota, 40xlSS| eamant walk! <lv» W.o^ B i^&W^oT e m , n , n , nT^^^^ i r. wmgKWPAatOKB. til f <m»hlln Bulldlaj. i 3