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Part 111 REALTY PRIZES SHOWN IN SALES CONTINUED ACTIVITY IN BUSI NESS PROPERTY ) MILLION DOLLAR CO. FORMED To Handle Big Dead In City Holdings. Transfers for Past Week Indicate a Healthy Market Continued activity In Los Angeles business property Is shown by the numerous transfers during the - past week. Many of the leading realty firms are Identified with the larger transactions, aB noted below. ■ Members of the several agencies state that the outlook for brisk movement In business and residence property was never brighter, and those firms that handle tract property assert that they anticipate a busy season. . ■ . New Realty Firm The Consolidated Realty company Is anew organization founded with a cap ital of U. 000.000. The company will handle big propositions In Los JXn geles realty. The directors of thjjfcom pany are D. K. Trask, D.""*A. Ham burger, J.: W." A. Off, J. J. Byrne, F. K. Rule, J. T. Jones, W.P. James, L. J. Christopher, J. H. Carson, E. P. Clark and Simon Maler. First Street Sale t'The F. Schumacher lot on the north sldeJ of First street, between Spring 1 : Brbiitd way, frontage 20 feet, "^aeptlrflO feet, Improved with' a small building occupied as a bird store, has 'been sold through North & Grasett to I Dr. I R. Thomas for $23,000. The i new owner will Improve the lot with a'mod : fern four-story building. A good tenant ■ has been secured who has taken a lease .for a long term. Bought for Investment , ; H; F. Vollmer has sold to Mrs. Kath arine B. Bayer, through the C. J. Hey \ ler, 1 company, ' the southeast corner of and' Estrella streets. 62 3 feet on , Washington by ,166 feet on Es rtrella • street; Improved with a nine room dwelling; bought for an lnvest- I ment; consideration $12,500. . Big 3ala on Los Angeles Street . ■ On Los , Angeles street F. G. Holden has sold to ■William DAclez a- lot, 40? 145 ' feet, oh the east side of Los An 1 geles street, : 134 north \>t First street; •with a three-story brick .block with erray sandstone front; con sideration about $50,000.. i.- V; ' Fletcher Street Sale ./Recently the Western Realty syn dicate sold to C. W. Spencer a lot, 60x 155 feet!: on the' east side of 'Fletcher "street, 100 ■ feet south of Eleventh "street ; consideration $10,000. Improve ments nominal. « Corner Lot Bpld ;♦'•" /'Abraham I." Cohen and Joseph L. Jonas have purchased from Mrs. M. L. Ferguson, through Black Bros.-, and W. B.', Merwln, ■ for • $51,000, the northwest corner/of Seventh and Flower streets, 62 1-2 feet • on Seventh street by 115 feet on Flower. The Improvements of nominal value are reserved by ' the grantor, to be removed at a later date. The purchasers will hold ( the property as Tan"' Investment. The price . paid to a little over $800 per foot. ; '-'Near Corner Sixth and Olive -."■ One f of the. Important close-In sales of 'the week was the transfer of the R. : .A.' Grlffln lot, 60x}65 feet, fronting ...Choice Large LatsU] W^^o^^j ...Building Kestrictionsl Occidental Park fc Shatto Place CopenhagenTra<ft Fronting Occidental Boulevard —120 Feet Wide With Urge Lots Fronting on West. Sixth* Street, ■ located Cor; Wllshire ;^Myd:-^^TOifmtAwniie^ Parkway in center, planted and cared for by the Park ■■ - Vermont* Avenue, Juanita Avenue ; West of Westlake Park !r,! r ,' v: .gSSS^eSa - BJSU£Stj3SS-«K Ju« w«. of W..tti. ; : P i rW; Go ou. .oour B^ch ;.- Ili^olSrS lake Park and r extends from W. Sixth St to W. First St. Office. 2950 Wilshire Blvd., and make your selection. . tion. Go out to our Branch Office, 2950 Wilshire Blvd. Branch Office for Westlake Lots 2950 WHshire Blyd; Show Property Los Angeles Sunday Herald. EXPANSION OF THE LOS ANGELES WHOLESALE DISTRICT NEW BLOCK ON CENTRAL AYE. Bernard Estate Building to Be Occu. pled by Two Well Known Firms. Ample Floor Space Is Provided • C. A. Bernard, representing the Ber- on Central park, on the west side of Olive street, between Fifth and Sixth streets, 120 feet north of Sixth street. The consideration was $72,000, said to be a very reasonable' valuation. The purchasers were W. M. Dlxon and seven 'associates, .who acquired the lot as an Investment. The deal was closed through Robert Marsh & Co. and I."M. Etollingsworth & Co. Frontage for Im provement In the vicinity' of -Central park and around on Sixth street Is be coming scarce. The erection of the Auditorium block and the building to occupy the Silent lot on the southwest corner of Sixth and Hill streets will hot fail to further enhance .the lvalue of business lots In that quarter of , the city. ;•' v ■;' .-..v. On Hill Street W..R.' Arnold has paid to, Ellen laii-i Randall) Hewitt $25,000 for a lot 50x160 feet on the west side of Hill street, be tween Tenth and Eleventh streets, improved with a frame dwelling. ■■■'■;'■■. ■- Cash In Investments The Althouse Bros.- report recent sales of property as follows: . O. Leuschner to George H. Rector, an unimproved lot on the. north side of Washington street, twenty-one feet west of Cherry, 1 lot 62x175 feet, unim proved; an Investment; consideration, $3750. Alderson & Brown to A. Osenberg, an unimproved lot on the west side of La Salle . avenue, fifty feet south of Thirtieth street, lot 60x150 feet. Mr. Osenberg -will lmproye with '• a' fine dwelling to cost $5000. Consideration, $1050.. 1 : West Ninth Street Heights company to E. R. Broden.'an unimproved lot on the west side of Normandie avenue, nifty feet north of San Marino, street, lot 60x128 feet, an Investment. Consid eration, $1300. G. ,L. Crenshaw to G. H. Berdlng, an unimproved lot ' on the northeast cor ner of Fifth avenue and Sixteenth street, lot, 60x150, feet; an investment. Consideration, $1200. . , LOS ANGELES, CAL., SUNDAY MORNING, AUGtfST 30, 1905. nard estate, has Just completed 'the erection of a large two-story brick and concrete basement structure on : , the west side of Central avenue, between Second and Third streets, frontage 120 feet, depth 135 feet, the entire floor space aggregating 46,000 square feet. . ■Before ground was broken the build ing had been leased for a long term to THE HAMBURGER TRACT Invitation to Visit the New Addition South of Hollywood The Hamburger Realty and J Trust company will hold a- reception today at the company's residence tract in the Hollywood district. , . ; '-.'The tract lies one and one-half blocks south of the Colgrove car line on Flora avenue, and water has been piped to every lot. . ■ . \ .•Within a. -few months the company will r^begin the erection of the big de partment on the ■ southwest cor ner of Broadway and Eighth streets, to be occupied by Hamburger & Sons. It will \e a, seven-story block,' 'with 70, 786 square feet on each' fl?°r, or' & total of 495,495 square feet of floor space. GREATER LOS ANGELES ■-:■:'- COMING TO THE FRONT /■The tracks of the'newMoneta' avenue' car line as well as for the Fifty-third Btreet extension and the poles and wires for carrying power for same are completed and cars will be running In a few days. Work^will soon be com menced,on the Fifty ; fpurth street cross town extension 'and the railroad activity in thfs part of the city Is attracting many investors and homeseekers. ' The McCarthy company has recently opened. up three new subdivisions, lots in which are selling rapidly, sales dur ing the past week aggregating, seventy eight lots. - ; Many improvements of . a permanent nature, such as oiled streets, curbs, sidewalks, homes and buildings are being made and these new streets present a busy appearance. RECENT TRANSFERS OF I PROPERTY FOR INVESTMENT ■ GeorK* Drake Ruddy has ! sold to a local Investor, through E. G. Robinson and the C. J. Heyler company, the northwest corner of Washington and | Union avenue, forty-four feet on .Union the Simon t. Levl •' company,' ; wholesale produce and fancy grocery dealers, and. the California Ddor^nd Sash company. The north half of the building, 231-235, occupied: b'y f . the ::Slmori Levl company, giving the 'firm 23,000 square feet of space andthe largest exclusive Wholesale produce 1 , house [In the city. Fine offices will be fitted up for th? avenue 'by 105 feet on * Washington street. Improved with a two-story frame dwelling. Consideration, $6500. F. C. Stanford has purchased from Elijah Workman the eight-room, two story frame residence at 122 Boyle ave nue, 'with lot 'looxl2o feet. 'The 'price reported to have been paid was $10,000. NORTHERN PEOPLE BUY .; . ,:AT LAGRANDEBEACH . La Grande Beach is .attracting the attention of residents of San Fran cisco, Sari j Jose, ' Stockton and Sacra mento, who have purchased lots at the new ; coast ; resort.' The Cjtolden State Realty company has recel'Je'd a number of personal letters from "those -"who bought lots at' La Grande Beach; The writers had visited .t he. 'beach. 'anA',. all were so ".favorably impressed that r they vpluntarlTy"; praise ' the resprjf . in ' glo}^- : in^- terms 1 andl'advlse their.;frlends : to make selections. The .company' will have^ the*,: -new pavilion completed within ten' days and the. work of grad ing -axi^ foiling 'the . streets .Is being pushed forward rapidly. . FLATS ON MAIN STREET ; ... SOLD' AT HANDSOME FIGURE ! A. £i. Cheney and W. J. Doran have sold to William M. Riley, through Mines & Farish, a lot 60x140 on the west side of Main street, sixty feet north of Fifteenth street, Improved with an- apartment house of four five-room flats. Consideration, $25,000. Not long ago the same property was sold for $22,500. . WORK TO BEGIN AT ONCE ON ALAMITOS BAY PAVILION Robert Marsh stated yesterday that the contract had Just been let for. the Immediate erection of a handsome two story pavilion to cost $16,000 at Alaml tos Bay. The . building will stand ,on Pier avenue at. i the*oqtean front adjoin ing the pleasure ! pier. 1 Other equally Important Improvements are planned lor the bay resort.' ■■ .■• company, I whose . officers are: Simon Levl, president; Jay 8. . Jacobs, first vice president ; Eugene Willard, second vice president; Bernard Levl, secre tary; Z. M. Cole,, treasurer. v The office will have the only exclusive long-dis tance telephone wire In the produce district and the entire establishment will possess * exceptional facilities for handling the increasing business of the company. • I The California* Door and Bash com pany will also possess fine . facilities for their business. This improvement indicates the high class of permanent structures now be ing erected in the vicinity of the Cen tral market, and illustrates the expan sion 'of the ' wholesale district, which for many years has been c6nflned largely to Los Angeles street.'. • .', 54 th ."s^. . AiOROSS "TbWNf t ■'■■'■ t : : : J : " ' t - ■'■' t ■"■'■■■.■ " <: . 9 54X11 § % STREET - £ - ELECTR*3 fc CAR Q "«« ; ■ d g,^ . : | .. — _ g ___ _a — ~ j. — — — j q g g ' a : 3 '.*-''■"" ; LOW PRICES,^ EASY TERMS Until the cTVloneta oAvenue car line is running take cTWaple Avenue car to" Fifty- Third street One short block to our. branch office, Fifty-Third and Let us show you. The McCarthy Company ■ Main Office in Our Own Building 203 North Broadway Telephones— Home 8737-^-29098— 29121 Sunset, Red 1202; South 892 ■; Watch Fifty-Fourth Street Across Town r"-. Real Estate Section V\N'Y\BV <^ V n ' ■ «i ■W ■ a if U h 47^ I 1 & ivl • ■ lllSiiisiiii 1 Price* W.* l iw ,^ s 1 ■ &ttt« Go £ . . Ct\ ;■• : X ■