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FARCE COMEDY STILL POPULAR BELASCO COMPANY SCORES SUCCESS "Mistakes Will Happen" Pleases Los Angeles Audience— Formula for Plotless Play With Plenty of Pun Closely Followed The •tt-pffk-beforn-Chrlstmas offering ftt the llrlasco theater Is the best of all thn long list of Miccessful farces which that stock company han been presenting during t.hfl pust month or two. The T'lay Is Orant Htewarfs "Mistakes Will Happen," nnd this Is the first opportun ity Los Angeles has had of seeing It, although Charles Dickson made a. tre mendous success of tho eastern tour. It Is as fragile In respect to plot ns the majority of farces, nnd the Helaaco season of farce has proven that the more frothy a farce the funnier. For thn most part It depends upon (in as sortment of chnrncter types thrown to gether ln the most unlikely situations. If a cockney coachman, a Bowery tough and a German dialect nre mixed according to tho formula for farce comedy there Is certain to be a laugh, and this la only one ot the many pointers which humorists with ambi tions toward farce comedy may have learned at the Belasco during the past few weeks. Galbralth Is Satisfactory While there Is no one character In this week's performance which can for a moment compete with George Barmim's Count Guggenheim there are a list of hilarity-provoking characters which raise the average of the farce to the top notch, and in addition the dialogue and situations kept a large Monday evening audience furnished with food for constant merriment. Joseph Galbralth portrayed the part of "Leading Man of the Morality Theater," and It was an occasion where all of Mr. Oalbralth's stage tricks served to excellent advantage. There was no objection to the mechanism of his art showing as it was ln keeping with the role and with the few extra touches of the Galbraith genuine humor It was one of the most satisfactory parts ln which this actor has appeared lor many months. Miss Eugenic Thais Lawton has a role which doesn't correspond with the name misprinted on the program, but to which she gives her best art. Howard Scott has an excellent role and dis tinguishes himself. Robert Dempster as the plumber is surprisingly good in so strong a char acter role. Mr. Dempster has often dis tinguished himself In straight parts but this Is the first time he has rung true in a genuine portrayal of a laugh ter provoking type. The fight between Vivian and Dempster is one of the best of the kind ever seen on the local stage. Vivian is excellent as the coachman. Virginia Brlssac, Louise Royce and "William Bernard ore well suited In leading roles. The play is unusually •well staged, the sectional view of the barn showing the loft and the lower floor is especially good. Salerno at the Orpheum "With tricks of juggling, the like of which have never before been seen in America, Salerno, Europe's most dexterous juggler, won a warm wel come for himself from a large audi ence at the Orpheum last night. ■ Salerno's tricks are marvelous In the extreme. Standing on his hands on a table, the wizard picks up a wine glass with his teeth and holding it by the rim lifts a bottle of water with his feet above his head and then pours the liquid into the glass. Among oth er feats he balances two billiard balls on a cue and then another cue upright above that. Aside from Salerno, who Is making his Intitlal appearance in Los Angeles and who is by far the greatest attrac tion of the week, the new numbers of the Orpheum's program arc well worth seeing. The famous Pekln Zouaves offer a marvelous exhibition of light ning drill, going through the maneuv ers with wonderful precision. Charley Case, the man who talks about his father. Is another of the new attractions. ■ Of last weeks program, Eva AVescott with her episode of modern life, is the chief of the holdovers. ; Miss Wes cott continues to win favorable com ments on her little tragedy act, but all the same the audience experiences n. "dark brown taste" and is really re lived when the comedians return to the center of the stage. Whistling Tom Browne, with a num ber of new selections and imitations, the Ksmerelda sisters and dancing girls and Dixon and Anger In the "Baron and His Friend" complete the program. "Cousin Kate" at Mason Hoiiry Hubert Davles' comedy, "f'ousin Kate." which opened at the TMaHon last evening, has for Its rhlff charm the type presented In the char acter of the central figure, Kate- Cur tis. "Cousin Kate" is a woman o( 2!) and a successful writer when she comes on a visit to an English home, where Amy, the daughter of the house, la miserable because In a fit of pique nlie has quarreled with her betrothed lover. Cousin Kate arrives in time to speak n grave womanly word of warning to the girl and to inako a plea for recon ciliation. '"Are you ciulto sure," 'says Kate, "that a young girl who has never been Hiiywhere much or seen nnything ln particular is the proper Judge of what Is right nmi wrong for a man ten years older than herself? And Is all his good ness to go for nothing? Amy, dear, yQU'd be a fool to let that young, man Ko, and just think — he chose you, who living him nothing but your little self, out. of the whole world." Amy replies instantly: "Am T to tlmnk him for loving me?" And there \* something of a bantering tone in Kate's answer: "Yen, you would if you realized how mnny girls there are who would make good wives and how few men who would make good husbands." Hut Amy la uncompromising. "1 can't give up my principles," she says. "I'm prepared to suffer for them." Then comes one of the finest Bpeeches of the entire play and by it Cousin Kate wins over Amy. She says: "AVell, don't be like most people who suffer for their principles and make everybody else Buffer for them, too. If we want to marry we must be prepared to make some compromises. 1 mustn't urge -you. I only want to save you from making the name mistake I made. 1 .wouldn't make compromises. I de manded the perfect man. Now I know there Isn't one. Bo I've had disappoint ment after disappointment till I have had to fuce the worst one of all, for our. liven nre empty If we aren't loved. A. woman's life Is so meaningless by Itself. And I have hud a great dial In my tlf»>— f hivr a profession nnd nm xtNvfunful ; I'm Invlter! nnd TVPlronT'cl fvpfywhpr<>— but I'm lonely, Amy, don porntfily lonely. I'd Rlv*> It all tip for a. rpal home with (I husband nnd children. T only xvnnt ymi to b<*. happy And not disappointed llko mo." T,ntor on nfl^r Amy Tin* durrenderrd nnd written tho letter which brings her lovor hark and poacr rrlccns over the household the mother »ay«, laughing. "Oh, Kal<\ you nre so funny. What did you nay to Amy?" And Kiitp's answer l« th« most diffi cult »«>ntenc<> In thn play for any ptayer. Read ono way thfi. hist three words will Fpom hold and hiird; read In an other and they will draw the laughter of tho Injudicious and the rude, and still iinntlior shading nnd they would seem mawkishly sentimental. "I told her the host thlnfc ft woman could havo was a home with ft hus band — and a baby." '<,:> 'r "Why, Kate," sayn thn mattor of fact matron, "that Isn't at nil the way you write In those books of yours." Katn answered: "I sha'n't write any more of those silly hooks. I thought T was belli* no clever, but I was showing my Ignor nnce all the time — my next book shall be iill about love, my hero and heroine shall bf 1 married nnd go nnd live In a dingy little house— but It will be a palaco to them." So Kat<» comes Into a new realization of llfn — sweeter and deeper. The story of the piny is built about this woman — a good, clean, satisfactory story, The play wan preceded by a one-act tragedy concerning tho life of tho poet Chatterton. Uoth curtain-raiser and play urc poorly acted. SaureUSpeed Recital A rare musical treat was presented at Simpson auditorium last night by tho great French violinist, Emlle Sauret, assisted by Arthur Speed, the Kngllsh pianist. To express ln woriis the full depth. Interpretation and sub lime emotions of so great a violinist woutd be Impossible. Yet could Schu mann havo lived to hear his 1) minor sonata played with so much feeling, such thorough erudition and masterly conception, he would have certainly died happy. In the rendition of this sonata M. Sauret stands unexcelled by any liv ing violinist. There Is such nn nffabil- Ity of tonal effects, an extravagance of technical powers, that one Is simply lost, spellbound. The audience was exceedingly enthu siastic, but the flattering applause could Induce M. Sauret to give one encore only, the Russian air by Wlenl awskl. Los Angeles audiences have not hoard this since Krelsler tried to play it, some months ago. Tho stiff ness of Krelsler's rendition was sadly left In the dark when Sauret, with his magtc bow, brought out live, pulsating tones that deeply moved all hearers. Arthur Speed displayed his rare tal ent. The English have been noted for their coldness, but Mr. Speed is more than English, for he has the heart of a Frenchman and the scholarship of a German. He excelled ln the Chopin ballade, In which the rhythm, shading and general conduction, both dynamic and agogic, left nothing to be desired. In other words, he played. No great»r conception could have been wished for in the D minor sonata of Schumann, in which he shared the honors with M. Sauret. Fischer's Theater Kelley and Massey presented "A Brazilian Widow" for their farewell week's bill at Fischer's last night. The piece caught the fancy of the patrons and met with splendid approval. The company were nt their best and kept the audience in the best of humor with this clever farce. Next week a new company will open a limited engagement at this theater, presenting high-class musical and farce comedies. The De La Cour- Flelds company come direct from tho eastern circuits and will present a repertoire of plays new to the coast. High-class vaudeville acts will con tinue a part of each week's bill and the blograph motion pictures will al ways be a feature of this theater. Varsity Club Coming Manager Ellenwood of the Stanford 'varsity students is now In this city arousing Interest among the graduates of the Stanford university for the com ing visit of the Stanford University Glee and Mandolin clubs, who come to Simpson auditorium for two con certs on Friday evening, December 20. and Saturday afternoon, December 30. This year but one club will visit tho south, that of Stanford. Social func tions are being planned for the enter tainment of the boys. Beatrice Hubbell Plummer Beatrice Hubbell Plummer. the so prano who will sing with the Apollo club In the forthcoming production of "The Messiah," to be given on Tues day evening, December 26. at Simpson auditorium, arrived in Los Angeles last evening. Shn has earned great success in Europe and has appeared In several of the leading cities en route west from New York. Novelty Theater This week's bill at the Novelty In cludes several good features, Including Dan and Beps Kelley, comedy sketch artists; the Farnsworth Trio of equili brists, Devlin and Coltoh, the De Voe Brothers, Kance Smith, James Clover and Novelty motion pictures. MUSIC AND THE, .DRAMA Ellery Program Tonight The Ellery band program at Venice tonight Is of unusual strength and In terest and should attract a large audi ence, the leading features being A'erdl's "Farza del Destlno," the overture "lone," Puccini's "La Tosca" and the sensational "ISxcelslor" ballet muslo. Mr. Ellery's great trombonist, r.amonte, will be the soloist. Aged Man Dies of Heart Failure George C. Fair, 80 years of age, dropped dead in his room at 1628 Temple street last evening from what is be lieved to have been heart failure. Fair has two sons living near by. Informa tion regarding the affair was monger. When asked about the affair last even- Ing the coroner could not give any Information, saying that ho knew noth ing of the case. A <;if\nAN r J'i:i;i» cviu<: for fii.iss Itching, Hllucl. liliH-illiiK or Protruding Piles. Your druggist will refund money If PAZO OINTMKNT falls to cure you In «to 14 days. 60c. l-erfect ConUldeuc* Whwt there used to be a feeling of 1111 easlnesa and worry In the household when a child showed symptoms of evoup, there Is now perfect confidence. Thia in owing to the uniform success of Chamberlain' i Cough Itemedy la the treatment of that disease. Mrs. M. I. llusford of l'oolet> vllle, Aid , In sneaking of her experience in the use of the remedy, nays: "I huvo a world of confidence In Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, fur I have used It with perfect success. My child, ( f* subject to severe attacks of croup and It always gives him prompt relief.' 1 fiubaerlbe for The Ui AnicHes DaMv llo r ™™ alul « et y° ur Christmas sifts LOS ANGELES HERALD: TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER to. 1005. THE QUALITY STORE JE ' Boys' Clothing fc \ raßßi ' Npw fVnnrk (afrT*»xJ 'rvfyfcltfi T ' 1C mnst b caut 'f u ' l' nM °f snappy lioys' clothing lias jtist T§hs^^V\»*r!3SP>\PTV arrived in our exclusive Boys' Department, and we are better MaglfoL«LjjV^%*m prepared than ever to sliow yon tlic latest novelties, fabrics S^Ss-W^/ I 'Nj/1 ; " 1( ' ( ' CS 'K IIS - many of them shown nowhere else nnd esprcial- ' y ( ' CS 'K IIC(^ f° r "s'and patterned after Papinna, New York's tW**^HL|J^X}-|S'_«|i fashionable boys' outfitter. Tho M, & I>. clothes have won 1 a^*f^^aaH^WUi*«aHr l ' 1c cnn^"' etlcc °^ thousands of mothers on the merit of strictly bS|^^Bj^^P^H high-grade clothes that fit and wear well, and we arc better |'fy jffl^B /V?^|^S^! prepared than ever to serve you with the finest assortment laaaaali^y tJ^jJmiM, °* Ilo hhy clothing for your boys' Christmas. Especially Good Mil pT^W' Values, and We Will Save You Money. ■■'■■ n Wi suits and overcoats for tlic lilllc fcllow - *M Hrf mM HANDSOME TOP COATS in new colors. , A&ti^V ffft , HEADWEAR for your boy that will please you. , Store Open Evenings This Week pMullen C& Bluett Clothing Co. Corner First and Spring Streets Is bound for our store. Thrifty people can't resist the temptation presented by our sale of / Men's Furnishings Everyone has heard about it, and it's one of those things that when you've heard about it, you must look into the matter for yourself. Seeing can't be done by proxy. Note These Price Pointers Smoking Jackets Bath Robes Best makes, newest styles, "1 C\O/ We carry the best line in town and offer them, at a reduction of Wj/O while they last, at a reduction -I r\ 0/ Men's Overcoats ° ". Secure one of our swell overcoats ' CrOSS* Leather Goods before it's taken by someone else. Note ... . , , ;'"■■'■„ ... these price pointers. Any overcoat in We have the sole a & enc y for Cross leather g° ods the house at a reduction "\ (\O/ ' (°f London); and have an immense assortment of of Wj /O suitable gifts for ladies and gentlemen. SEE OUR. 16 SHOW WINDOWS Cor. Third and Spring Streets ■ ■■■ ■• . ■ ■ : $6, $5, $4, $3.50 and $3 Silk Hosiery This Week While They Last, $1.50 READ HERALD LINERS TODAY In accordance with our J|§&Wfo^ established custom of ilf^F^iiii as opportunity presents itself, we will, on January i, 1906, make a further reduction of five cents per thousand j - cubic feet. This will make the rate u . — ■ • - OC /^T^TVrT^O Hoegee s Goods 85 CENTS Are Christmas > . As to the general high character of our service, we refer . GOOdS~~NothillC to practically all of our 48,000 consumers. _ AMPLE PRESSURE AT ALL TIMES. TraSHy l ——————I 0?f B ÜBtU 9j30 o . CIocK Los Angeles Gas Ewjr N « ht TWi WmK 138-142 South Main PART 11. CHRISTMAS GIFTS FREE TO LOS ANGELES DAILY HERALD SUBSCRIBERS Daily Herald, Including Sunday, 6 Months $3.90 and Choice of Any of the fol- lowing FREE. Sent Postpaid to Any Part of the United States: Wf>%«ti>r*a Modrm Had of- n>vnt«d to hOu**hftM economics, flr« Dictionary, Revlsait mid Kn- nuralnr tha sink, the toilet, tit* ear* isrgAd Edition, up to date, 4(1 of thr kitchen, laundrr. ota.. ftte. pare*. 70,000 words. Worth 12. Thus, the book (3 volumes in onn) is mmvam in* first-class popular sheet muslo * ".,,: * at the very low prJc« of 100 per A «uaraate«d QoM Foaatala r*m copy; alio other popular music fur- Free — Something: that Is useful, nlshed at half price to those holdln* something that Is desirable, iom«< membership, 418 pajesi words and thing that you need every day, music. Worth $2. something- that you cannot get . along without. A Solid Gold Tfc« Blue IMbboa Cook Book— Fonatala Pen — One that never Awarded the grand prU« by sue- fn.Hi to, please th« writer, cessful American housewives. He-. Every pen guaranteed. Fourtecn- lected recipes of famous cooks *>y karat fold pen, fancy carved, hard Annie R. Gregory, assisted by or.« rubber holder, watertight barrel. A thousand housekeepers, embellished pen which would cost you $2 or with many colored and photo en- more at Bny stationer's. Kach pen ■ravings Illustrating the art of comes ln a neat box, together with a carving, table decoration, prepara- g i a g 8 n n er and com pi <t e Instruc- tion ot fancy dishes, etc. • Threo tlons for immediate use. books under one cover, Book No. 1 for the Inexperienced housekeeper Two VtT T «•■*••■• Mtno*raphed who has all things to learn, as well Tr "''» ln 12 to 16 colors, choice of as for the epicure, whoso tastes in- five des| K n "- These trays are cllno to rich and expensive dishes stamped In one piece and are of drop but wh'os* pocketbook demand* " teel - Practically Indestructible, economy. Book 2 Is devoted to There uno advertisement on ,th« various health foods, soups without trays and they are works of irt. meats, to tho cooking of vegetables. * ul , tabl " for ut " lty or decoration, cereals, the making of salads with- Value Jl.OO each, out meat, etc., etc. It Is an up-to- These premiums can only bo ob- date guide ln brain building, health tatned through The Herald, as they i building; and happiness. Book 3 Is are not offered in any store, for sale. . ! SUBSCRIPTION DEPARTMENT The Los Angeles Daily Herald ■ ' ■ ■ ' v j [K^sKlM Fine l!rnr"!'ts nrr rxtromMy popular f*%swS»l lj/a^lf/) nnd fashionable this year. Wo feel that P^COuM WSrT I Ih "''" • iro justly proud oC the line that we WV^^ras lAv'i/v@V liFiin. Heavy llnncl Curvrd Secret 1.0.-k VwW \7y EjJV^v^'X xpeclnl order* artistically exccutci! by rs^sv/wHm / J //|Jv\y "We Are Right on Prices" v7>«l\\A ' \|y|fr • Brock & Feagans jß}Jjf' /TifeC^Sr^ \otr — Complete Jowplry Catalogue ■ ■J^^^fM • 000000000000000000000000 • 000000000000000 000000000000 ! Circus Lady, of foar quite fre«\ Puissant Council of Three, Comes danclnur Into tho scene you see Rulers of Veniou Y<\ To beard tha Council In their lair. liowure! Oh, bewurc! < Although eho has no beard to spare. Of thia lady Knlr. ' . PROCLAMATION NO. 5. We havo no Intention to contamlnnte the pure water In thn Venice canals by tapping AMALGAMATED COPPEU or oth«r wntcr-logg:od eecurltleH. I OUR water conies from tha imijeallo i'nelflc, a reservoir that iioods no filling. ■ Hoturns from 656 districts outsldn of Venire indicate that 6D5.C55 per- sons will attend tha VI3NICU WINVBU CAUNIVALi AflD FOUKIUN EX- POSITION^ WHAT tTYH THINK OP THIS? There are people In CINCINNATI who have never been to tho ZOO and there are people In VOS ANOHIjKS who have never seen VENICE or been in tho VENETIAN I'ALM GAUUEN to ELLERY'S FAMOUS BAND Of S3 Artists led by the UK HAT KERUIXO. TVtnio-ht- "L" To»ca, M "Koraa del Deatlao.*' "KxrrUlur." Ballet Mualr, A VlllgUl Overture "loaf," Trombone Sol., by I.OMOvn:. Matinees daily except Mondays. Concerts KVKRY NIGHT at 7:45. Vulin Garden liaa "ALL the comforts of iIOMU." AUmlaslon FittiU on llefrcsh- ineiit Floor; 100 ln Balcony. FREQUENT CAR BKRVICB from 4th and Hill streets. Returning, leave Venice at 9:05. »:S5. 10.03. 10:35. 11. OS p. in., etc. ST. MARK'S IIOTI3U VKNICH. the place to stop "from Saturday -to Monday." First class service, music, tennis, eondola«, llshlng and surf bathing 1 . • VENICE VENICE VENICE VENICE 3