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SPASM OF FRIGHT IN WALL STREET BANK FAILURES IN CHICAGO A SURPRISE Hurried Attempt to Unload, and Big Declines Result— Demoralization Checked by Receipt of Supporting Orders DECLINE IN VALUES Wlda declines followed the open- Ing of tho stock markft yester day. First sales of Union I'acltlu were of 10,000 shares at 142 -Ji nnd 141%, compared with 144% on Saturday. St. I'aul and Knn.iii.lnK lost 3 points, Reading 2U. New York Central 2%, Kansas City Southern 2%, Lead 2'Ji. Colorado Fuel 2, People's Oas 1%, Sugar 1%, Missouri I'aclflo 1%, Unliod Statos Steel preferred Hi, Kansas & Texas and Canadian Paclf'O l',i. and generally throughout tho list from a large fraction l» a point. Amalgamated Copper sold at 100 at tli" opening, dropping 10 9;1% und rnllylng to »9V!>. Sugar fell 3%, Tennessee 6%, Sloss Sheffield A general recovery was *upplo mented by demonstrations in spe cial stocks. United States Realty was marked up 7%, with a re action of 5%; American Beet Su gar roso 4 over last week, Ten nessee Coal 6, Great Northern pre ferred 41.1. Colorado Fuel 3%, Motropolitnn Securities 2, Metro politan Slroet Railway and North ern Pacific 1%, N. Y. Central 1. By Associated Press. NEW YORK, Doc. 18. — Tho news from Chicago this morning practically wiped ».ho stock market clean and gave a new basis to start from. Tho failure of three important banking Institutions In Chicago camo as a total surprise to Wall street, so far as any previous de velopment had Indicatod. The stock market was thrown Into a spasm of fright and tho appearance of tho market at tho ononlng sufficient ly indicatod tho dotermlno-tion oC alarmed holders to get rid of their stocks at any price. Various orders lo well 1000 share blocks of Amalgamated Copper came to an aggregate, of over 10,000 shares, part of them being sold at 100 and others simultaneously all the. way down to 93%, This was tho cxtremo example of the effect of the news 011 the stock ex change, although there were very wide openings on running sale In Union Pa cific, Brooklyn Rapid Transit, St. Paul and othor important stocks at severe losses. In the curb market United Cop per, in which the speculation has been very activo recently, sold at 68 and then abruptly slumped to 46. Thcso disas trous effects of prices were duo In a largo measure to the extremely heavy Stop loss orders which honeycombed the market at a level slightly below Saturday's closing. Tho . order In such case Is to sell stocks at any prices in the event of tho market falling to a given point, and the resulting avalanche is sure to gain speculative force. This being tho case It was porceived that prompt measures were required to avoid a panic. Enor mous supporting orders wero sent In and tho demoralizing sentiment thus alleviated. There was a secondary wave of liquidation In part made up of belated orders In tho market by outsid ers and In part by those who wore able to withhold' their selling during the opening period, when there was prac tically no demand. Tho market ebbed and flowed over a lesser range during the latter part of the day, but tho principal liquidation seemed to have spent Its forco and the damaging- part of the losses) was re covered. It was evident that the ag fravated effect produced by the ind ent was largely due to tho over ex tended condition of speculation. Suc cessful speculators have been reinvest ing their -iroflts in new purchases of some of the very volatile stocks, which makes a very Insecure market. As to the financial consequences of the Chicago mishap, the prompt meas ures taken by the Chicago clearing house and the Insurance against los 3 of the depositors of the banks, gave strong hope that the consequences will be localized and restricted. There was iiothlng to show that any New York In terests were affected. Money continued strong In this mar ket, but eased off later in the day In splto of remittance to Chicago. A few stocks were marked up In a sensation al way lato In the day and prices gen erally were moving strongly upward at the close with no important losses remaining. Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par value. $3,210,000. IT. S. now 4s declined % per cent on call. New York Stocks By Associated Press. NEW YORK. Dee. 18.— The following Were the quotations for stocks and bonds on the stock exchange today: , Adams Kxp 235 23r5,200 Anialß-. Copr. .100 93% i)S!i 4,300 Am. Car & Fy 39 V 4 38% 39% 1,000 do pfd 'J K M~, 98 !IBU 700 Am. Cot. Oil.. 34% 34 H 34% 1. ..... do pfd 92 lOOAm. Express. .225*4 225% 221 7,300 Am. H. & Lr.. 46Vfe 45 46 SoOAm..lce 34% 33 33% lOOAm. Llnsd. Oil. 19V4 19% 20 . 100 do pfd....... 41% 41% 42 9,800 Am. Locomtv.. 68% 67 "4 67^i 200 do pfd llfi'.i 116 115U . 23,600 Am.' Sit. & Rfg.161% 158% 161>,i 2,500 do pfd 130 129>4 129% 82,000 Am. Sugrar Rf.lCl'i 148% 161 1,500 Am. Tobacco. 106 105% 105% 20,100 Anaconda M. C.lSfi'4 180% 186% 9,800 Atchison SfiVi 85% 86% 200 do pfd 103% 103% 104 200AU. C5t.1^n...151 161 161 18.6008. & Ohio. ...112% 111 111% do pfd... .... H7 1,800 Brook. It. Tr.. SS% 85% 89 9,200 Canadian Pac.l73ii 172 173% 100 Cent of N. J... 225 225 223 2,900 Choß. & 0hi0... 54% 03% 54% Chicago & A 30 100 do pfd 73 7.1 73 4,500 Chi Gt. WBtn. 20T4 20 V* 20% . 1.200 C. & N. W....218H 217% 218 Vi 21,000 0. M. & Ht. P.178"i 17f1% 177% 100 Chicago Term. 15 in 14 200 do pfd 37 37 25 600 CCC Ai St. L.104 103 104% 40,700 Colo. F. & I;. COTi 61 \i 56 1,700 Colo. & South. 28% 28 28 W ». do ißt pfd B7U 2,000 do 2d pfd... 47% 48 47 600 Con Gas 181 180% 181 1,300 Corn Prod 14% 14% 14M 100 do pfd 56 "J 54% 64 W 400 Pel & Hud.... 222 221 222% ....... I). Ij. &W 460 1,000 D. & R. G Sf,% sri',4 36 800 do pfd 89% 89% K9% 113,000 Dl»t. Hects,... 50 Vi 49% 50% 23,100Kr1e 47V? 46V4 48Ti 700 do pfd 80% 70% 80 700 do 2d pfd:;. 72TS 72% 72% I.SOOQeu Klec 175% 174% 175 . 2,800 111. Central.... 175% 173 178% 3,800 Inter. Paper... 23 22% 22T4 3,900 do pfd 84% 83% 84% 100 Inter. Pump... 27 27 28 1,100 do pfd 81 80 tO ......lowa Cent.... .... .... 28 100 do pfd 57% 67% 67% 18,700 Kan. City Sthn 34% 33 33U 3,600 do pfd 66% fi. r ,<i 66Vi 6,000 L. & N 15Hi 160 150% 300 Manhattan L, . 161% 161% 161% 6,looMet. 800t5.. ... 76% 73»i 7514 13,100 Mot. Bt. Rwy.,121% 119% 130% 4,r,o')Mox. Central.. 31% 23% 24U 200M. & Ut. Louis. 80 80 792 100 »I St. P Bto M.187 137 137 100 do pfd 1«7 167 165% 8,900 Mo. Pac1f10.... 102*4 101 101U 7,300 M. K. &T Btf% 35% 36 400 do pfd 67% «7 68 6,300 Nat. L»ad 86 n*% m\i 200 Nut. Rv. Mcx, 38% 3H% S8 »O,BOON. Y. Oentral.l47U 144 148% 3,800 N..Y., (). & 'WVItlU' M bid 1,000 Norf. & Westn. S4',» 83% 84 EASTERN CITIUJS EIIUIT MARKET NEW YORK MARKET Special to The Herald. NEW YORK, Dec. 18.-Flfteen cars sold. Market Is strong. Weather favor able. n,r- i Nnveia-AvemgM: Clr»le City, $2.25; Forgetmenot, fancy, T. C. C. F. ex change, $3,35; Forgetmenot, fancy, T. C. V.. F. exchange, $3.10; Niagara, extra fancy, Stewnrt Fruit company, $3.50; Trnphy. extra fancy, C C. V., Highland, $3.35; Hollywreath, fancy, C, C. U., Banger, $2.55; Hollywreath, fancy, C. C. U., Lindsay, $2.90; Marguerite, extra choice, C. C. V., Lindsay, $2.75; Independent, fancy, Highland, $3.25; Independent, fancy, Highland, $3.10; Old Mission, fancy, C. V. Chapman, $3.45; Old Mlsalon, choice, <\ C. Chapman, $3.05. Lemons— Averages: Uuckeye, choice, Ohio Lemon company, $1.95; Prote-o tlrni, fancy, $2.10; Itlalto Olrl, fancy, F. P, Corson, $2.35; Squirrel, fancy, A. 11. Fruit company, $2.30; Ulanehard'R. $2.35. Arlzonas— Boxes averaged $6.05; halves, $3.40. BOSTON MARKET Special to The Herald. HOSTON, Dec. 18.— Six cars cold. Market strong. Weather Is fine nnd pleasant. Navels — Averages: Niagara, extra fancy, Stewart Fruit company, $3.25; Sig nal, extra fancy, Stewart Fruit company, $3,10; Lily, fancy, C. C. U., Kxeter, $2.95; Mlßtletoe, choice, C. 0. XL. Portervllle, $2.65. Lemons— Avernges: Don, choice, O. R. Hand & Co., $2.35; Selects, choice, 8. A. exchange, $2.60; Mlnnchaha, extra choice, Rlalto Citrus union, $2.60; Pet, extra choice, S. A.' exchange, $2.85; Cream, extra fancy, Illnlto Citrus union, $2.00. PHILADELPHIA MARKET Special to The Herald. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 18.— Market Is strong, owing to light arrivals. Weather pleasant. Lemons— Averages: Lemon Cove, $2.45; Don, rt. Tl. Hand & Co., $2.25; Magic Isle, extra choice, O. It. Hand & Co., $2.20; Visalla, $2.80. ST. LOUIS MARKET Special to Tho Herald. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 18.— Eight cars sold. Market firm. Weather favorable. Navels— Averages: Canyon, choice, T. C. C. F. exchange, $2.50; Oak Leaf, choice, T. C. C. F. exchange, $2.60; Perfection, T. C. C. F. exchange, $2.70; Forget menot, fancy, T. C. C. F. exchange, $2.80; Carmenclta, extra choice, Seml-Troplc exchange, $2.80; Lo Mesa, extra fnncy, Riverside exchange, $2.90. Lemons — Averages: Corona Beauty, extra choice quality, Col. exchange, $2.30; Grove, standard, Col. exchange, $2.16. do pfd 93 2,600 No. American.. 90 98 95% 1,100 Pacific Ma 11... 48' A 47% 47% 29,400 Pennsylvania .140% 139% 140>i 7,400 Peoples Ga5.. .106% 105% 106% P. C. C. & St. L 280 0,100 Pressed Stl. Cr. B4 53*4 BS 1 )* 800 do pfd 99% «9 09% 200 Pullman P. Cr. 245 245 242 66,200 Reading 137 135% lSGfc 200 do Ist pftl... 92% 02% SH do 2(1 pfd 9644 6,100 Rep. Steel .... 34 32% 34 1,900 do pfd 104 10314 103 20,900 Rock Island... 22% 21% 22% 7.400 do pfd B2 60% R2% 300 Rubber Goods. 40,4 40% 40 do ptd 105 2,800 St. U & 8. F.. 48% 45 4F,% fiOO St. L. & S. Wn. 22 21 22 do pfd S7 57,700 So. Pacific... 6«% C 5% 6« do pfd 121 6,800 So. Rwy 35 % 34% 3d 300 do pfd 99% 99'/ 8 9»% 20,100 Tonn Coal & 1.14S 137 145% 6,700 Texas & Pac. 33% 33 33 1 * T. St. L. & W 25% 1,1)00 do pfd RS% r.7 F.BVi 273,500 Union Pacific. 144% 141% 143% 500 do pf<l 97% 06% !»G IT. S. Kxpress 11I> 300 IT. B. Realty... 05 88 RB% 1,400 U S. Rubber.. 54% 53% r>a% 700 do pM 110 109% 100% 64,400 U. S. Steel 37% 37 37% 37.000 do pfd 104% 103% 104% 6,000 Vlr-Car. Chem. 43% 42% 43^ 200 do pfd...... -.114 114 114 800 Wabash 20% 20% 20% 300 do pfd 40% 40U 40>/ 4 Wells Fargo E 227 West. Elento.. 170 300 West. Union... !)3% 93 03 % ....... W. & T* B 17 300 Wls. Cent 30% 30 29% 400 do pfd 62 61 61% 12,100 Nor. Pacific. .2o2% 199% 201% 7.800 Cent. Lea 45% 44% 45% 2.700 Sloss Sheff 90 87 90 Total nalcs for the day, 1,673,200 shares. New York Bonds By Associated Press. NKW YORK. Dec. 18.— The following were official closing quotations for bonds U S ref 2s reg.,102% do 2d ser ....91% do coupon ..10314 do 4%s cer .... 92 Is registered ..102-% do 2d series.... 92 do coupon ..102% L& N un 4s 101 Old 4a reg ..102% Man en gld 45.. 10376 do coupon ..102% Mcx Cen 4s SO New 4s l-eg ..130% do Ist lnc 24% do coupon ..130% M & S L 4s 97 Am Tob 4s .... 81 M X & T 45. ...100% do 6s 115 do 2ds S9 Atch gon 45.... 103 N R Mcx en 4s 8514 do adj 45.... 94U NTCgn 3%5.. 9!)% A C Line 45. .101% N J C gn 65.... 134 B & O 4s 102T4 Nor Pac 4s ....105 do 3^s 96% do 3s 77 Brk R T cv 4s 99% N & W con 4s. .101% Cen of Ga 65.. 113% O S L rfdg 45.. 96 do Ist mc .... 93% Perm cony 3%5..102% do 2d mc 80 Read gen 4s 1O3»4 do 3d lnc .... 76 SL & IM en 85..116% C!h & O 4%5..10S SL &SF fg 4b.. 87% Th & A 3Hs 80 SL SW con 45.. 79 C B & Q 45.. 101% Sea Air Line 4s sn C R I & P 45.. 79% Sou Pac 4s 93% dn col 6s .... SS do Ist 4s cer.. 97% CCC & SL 45.. 103 Sou Ry 6s 120»4 "ol In 5s ser A 76% Tx & Pac 15t5.,122 do series B .. 7«sfc T SL & W 45.... 83% Sol Mid 4s 77% Union Pae 45. .106 Col & Sou 45.. 94 do cony 4s ....142 Cuba 5s 105% IT S Steel 2d 6s 96% D & R G 45.. 101% Wabash lsts ....115 Dlst Sec 55.... 82% do Deb B 76 ! Erie pr In 45.... 101% West Mcl 4s sr,% do gen 4s 39 Wh & L E 45.... 91 Hoc Val 4%5....109% Wis Cen 4s 95*4 Japan 6s 100 Boston Stocks and Bonds By Associated Press. BOSTON, Dec. 18.— The following were closing quotations for stocks and bonds today: * A tch adj 4s ..93 Adventure 6 4 do 4a 101% Allouez 41 Mcx Cen 45.... 79 Amalgamated .. 98U Atchison MJ'.i Am Zinc MMi do pfd 103',i Atlantic 23 Vi B & Maine 170 Blngham 35 Boston L 164 Sal & Hec..710®715 Fitch-burg pfd.. 141% Copper Range .. 80& Mcx Central .. 24V4 Daly West 18 NY NH & H..195 Dom Coal 81 Union Pae ....143% Franklin 17« Am Arg Chom 24 Srancy Wi do pfd 93% Isle Royalo 23 Am Pnu Tube 10% Mass Mining .. !Hi Am Sugar .... 150^4 Michigan lfi'/» do pfd 138% Mohawk 61H Am T & Tel ..135 Mon C & C .. 4«4 Am Woolen .. 43% Old Dominion .. 32% do pfd 10Ti 105% Dom I & S .. 25% Parrot 32 Gdison 15 I ..241 Oulney 108 Mass Klec trie. 4s Shannon 7% do pfd 5S Tamarack 122 Mass Gas 47% Trinity 10% United Fruit ..104 United Copper .. 59% Un Shoo Mach 72 II S Mining ....41 do pfd 31 If 8 Oil 9 North Butte .. 83 Utah 66% U S Steel 87% Victoria «l{ do pfd 104 M, Wlnona ;.... 7V4 PVeatghs com . . 87% Wolverine 130 Financial Record By Associated Press. NEW YORK, Deu. 18. — Money on call strong, 6 <s'l ?■ per cent; ruling- rate 10 per cent; closing bid 8; offered 9. Time money strong, 60 and 90 days and 6 months, 6 per cent and commis sion. Prime mercantile paper 5%@C per cent. Sterling- exchange strong 1 , closing eavler, with actual business In tankers' bills at $4.Hfi35M4.8G40 for demand and $4.8270<n>4.8275 for 60 day bills. Posted ratos, $4.83% and $4.86%® 4.87, Commercial bills, $4.83%, Bar sliver, 65 %c. .Mexican dollar!, r.OVlc. Government and railroad bonds, heavy. LONDON, Dec. 18 Consols, 88»«; nil ver, »o%d. Treasury Statement By Associated Press. WABHINOTON, Dec. 18.-Today's trea«. ury stutement shows: Available cash bal ance, $139,831,665; gold coin and bullion, (87,419,1(8; gold certificates, $52,223,800. Currency to Chicago By Anxoclated Press. NKW YORK, Dec. IR.-.The mibtiOßS ury today transferred $500,000 currrnc-y to ChU'tturo for loi-ul Imnkx. 'I'hu lnuhf nre alto reported lo 'liavo muilu large iiinlUumou to tho euine center. LOS ANGELES HERALD: TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER ig, 1905. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET Wheat Firm Despite Uneasiness Over the Financial Situation— The Visible Supply By Associated Press. CHICAGO, Dec. 18.— During tho first hour of today's session the, wheat 1 mar ket was romnrknbly firm, considering tho unrH'.slnosH in financial circles, fol lowing tho suspension of tho Walsh banks. Tho firmness was largely the result of the bullish character of the Htatlstlcs. World's shipments for the week worn nearly 4.000,000 buHhels less ilian for tho previous week and a large rorcentngc of tho denrnaso was rcord eu In the Russian exports. In addition to this tho nmount of brondstuffs on ocean pnssaß-o decreased 4,522,000 bush els for tiie week. An Increase of 4,121,000 In tho visible supply cxortcfl a bearish influence on the market, an Increases of only ."!, 000,000 bushols having been expected. Anothci factor In bringing on tho decline waa tho largo primary receipts. May de clined to 87 % c, rallied and closed weak He lower nt 87%(fi;87%c. Increased receipts end tho weakness of wheat had a depressing erfeot on tho corn markt-t. Tho close was oasy. May closed '.4@%c lower at 44% c Several prominent commission houses were activo sellers of oats. The market closed at about the lowest point of tho day. May closed %c off at 31% @ 32c. Notwithstanding tho weakness of grains, tho provisions market was firm throughout tho day. At the closo May pork was up 7%c and lard and rib? wero each up 2%c. Market Ranges The leading futures ranged as follows: ca jW?°B2%*c. 83% ° : May> &1%& 82?? Ju£%o%?° C - ***«»*■• Ma^' 31 *@ Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, easy; No. 2 spring wheat, 85@87c: No. 3, 83(ffi85c; No. 2 red, 87'4(9«8%c; No. 2 corn, 48% c: No. 2 oaots, 30% c; No. 2 white, 32K@32%c; No. 3 white, 31%<??32>/.c; No. 2 rye. 67c; good feeding barley. 38c; fair to choice malting, 41©49 c; No. 1 flax seed, $1.00; No. 1 northwestern, $1.07; prime timothy seed, $3.35; mess pork, per bbl.. $12.]5®12.80; lard, per 100 lbs., .$i.05ia7.57%; short ribs sides (looso). $fi.B7W (#7.00; short clear sides (boxed). $7.12%!fp 7.25; whisky, basis of hlsh wines, $1.30; clover, contract grade, $12.75@13.00. Articles— Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 19.D00 18,100 Whoat, bu 22,000 29,800 Corn, bu 613,400 150.300 Oats, bu 261,200 163,100 Rye, bu 9,000 5.M0 Barley, bu 79,200 63,400 Cereals of the World By Associated Press LIVERPOOL. Dec. IS.-Closo— Wheat, Dec, 6a ll%d; March, 7s Hd; May. 6s 10% d. NEW YORK. Dec. 18.-Wheat-Sr.nt dull; options, Ho higher; December, 94% c: May, 91% c. SAN- FRANCISCO, Dec. 18.— Wheat, steady; May, $1.39%. Barley, steady; Mar, $1.21%; Dec, $1.24 asked. Corn, large yel low, $1.35(81.40. Bran, $18,504(19.50. PORTLAND, Doc. 18.— Wheat: Ex port and milling, club. 72c; bluestem, 74c; red, f>Sc: valley, 73c. TACOAI.V. D'S2. 18.—Wlxat. unchang ed; bluestem, 74c; club, 72c; red, 69c. GENERAL FRUIT MARKET By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 18. — Fruits- Fancy apples, $2.50; common. 40c; cran berries, $16.00; common pears, $1.00; fancy pears, $2.50; persimmons, 50c.f(> $1.00; navol oranges, $1.00® 2.75; seed lings, 75c@i5.126; Japanese mandarins, $1,250)1.50; Mexican llmos, $4.00; com mon California lemons, $1.25; fancy, 52.00; bananas, $1.00(8)3.00; pineapples, $2.00@5.00; Persian dates, 4%@5c. Dried Fruit Prices By Associated Press. NEW YORK. Dec. 18,-The market for evaporated apples continues firm, with holders asking recent prices. Common, 7<3Bc; nearly prime, 9ft3<,ic; prime, 9%@ 9y 4 c; -choice, 10% c; fancy, ll(S>l2c. Prunes aro quite active in the way of small lots and the market Is firm, with quotations ranging from 4%@Bc, according to grade. Apricots are quiet, with full prices nsked, although sales of consequence are only occasionally reported. Choice. 8W<&) 9c; extra choice, 9'/4©loc: fancy, 10® 12c. •Peaches are In light demand at recent prices. Extra choice, 10c; fancy, 10%$fUc: extra fancy, 11%@12c. Raisins aro unchanged. Loose musca tols, 6%®7%c: seeded raisins, 6U&9c; Lon don layers, $1.60. Chicago Live Stock l-y Associated Press. CHICAGO, Dec. 18.— Cattle — Recoipt*. 41,000, steady; beeves, $3.40@6.50; cows and heifers, }1.40<fi'4.75: stockera nnd feeders, $ if} 1. 2P; Texans, $3.50@ 4.25; westarns, $3.30@4.75. Hogs — Receipts, 48,000; strong: to n. shade higher; mixed and butchers, $4.80 <8>5.20; good heavy, $4.90@5.05; roufili heavy. $4.70<a>4.85; light, $4.BOffDF.O<>; pigs, $4.40<jj>4.3D; bulk of sales, $1.90® 5.00. Bliecp — Receipts, 28,000; market Is strong; sheep, $4.00(fii.00; lambs, $4.75 08.06. Sugar and Coffee By Associated Press. NEW YORK, Dec. 18.-Sugar, raw steady; fair refining. 3Hc; centrifugal M toHt, 3%c; melanges sugar. 27ic Keninnd, steady; crushed, 5.40 c; powdered, 4.!*oc; granulated, 4.70 c. Coffee— Spot Rio, steady: No. 7 Invoice, 8c; mild, firm; Cordova, 9#%l2?ic. Futures, unchanged to V points higher. December, 6.43 c; January, 6. 45W6.60; Fobruary, ti.6ov; March, 6.60©«.65; Jiiy. 6.75<U6.80; July 6.95(i; September. 7.05(87.10c; November, Cotton and Wool By Associated Press. NKW YORK, Pec. 18.-Bpot cotton closed quiet, 5 polntß lowir. Middling up liniil.x. 912.15: middling gulf, $12.40; sales, HUO imWwn. Futures rln.«<il ut v net dv ciliiß of I(iff<lß points. BT. 1-Oina. Dec. W.-WOOI steady; ter ritory and western mediums, 'MuiVc; line mediums, 22®i(io; Hue, VXailv. #Be Thrifty Make your money work. Place it in the care of tlits bank, where it will earn 4 per cent compound jntcrest and he perfectly safe. Home Savings Bank iSZttr&n 152 N. Spring St. TABLE SUPPLIES FOR HOLIDAYS JOBBERS READY WITH FULL LINE OF GOODS Week's Business Opens Actively. Ranch Eggs May Be Lower In Price — Fancy Potatoes Are Scarce Produce drillers were well represent ed at Urn dally call session of the ex chnngfi Monday, and all reported that buslnuss In the general market was active, Many lots of Roods were offered for sale, but only four sales were recorded — three carloads of fancy potatoes and five cases of valley croamery butter. Tho business meeting of tho exchange members to bo hold Thursday at I) p. m. will be ono of considerable Import mice to tho organization. A full at tendanco is doslred. In the Market Nino carloads of fine bananas wero received last wenk, tlm fruit selling to tlm trudo at 4Vii?i>4 1 / $o a pound. Thorn wua no chungo in crk 1 prices, and local ranch goods sell at 34® 35c. Lowor prices aro expected. Tho butter market Is qulto active. Prices aro firm for the best grades. All frosh croamery was cleaned up quickly for local nnd shipping orders. Fancy potatoes aro wanted. Receipts continue) to bo light, but tho market is well supplied with potatoes of medium Quality, Poultry and fish receipts light; geese and ducks plentiful. Produce Receipts I'lggß, cases 72 liiilti.r, pounds 12,330 Cheese, pound!) 1,26." Potatoes, sacltß 2,758 Potatoes (swcot), sacks nono Onions, sacks IB Hcuns, snckH 367 Produce Prices Following are jobbing prices In tho local market: EGGS — Fresh California ranch, 34c; eastern storage, 27<3)28e. BUTTER— Funcy valley creamery, 2-lb. roll, 66@U7%c; fancy creamory, storage, Br)(S3*V4c; ladles, 22c; mixed storage, 20® 22CJ cooking butter, 2W<f22c. HONEY— Water white, 60-lb. cans. 7c lb. ; light amber, 6cj amber, sc. Honey coml>— Water white, 1-lb. frame, lfi@l«%c; light amber, 14(&>15c; amber, 12% c; been wax, 27c. CHEESE .11 per lb.i-Northern, lG® 17c; large, local, 17V4c: Young America, l&V&e; hand made, ID'/y;. .lastorn'-New York, 17c; Wisconsin, Hie; twins, ltiißJlfiV'C: long horns, ]GSfl7c; Cheddars, lCc; daisies, UWtYtr.; Rlncon, 16c. ... . .. - . POTATOES (per lt» ll)S.)-Sallnan, fan cy, $1.C0(f<n.75: choice, $1.50; Highlands (funcy), $1.2Uti1.30; choice, $1.10@1.20; Ore gon (fancy), $1.40@1.60; choice, $1.25®1.35; Nevada Burbanks. $t.30(R1.40: Wntsonville, J1.50; Woodward Islands, $1.15^1.25; Palm Tracts, $1.15@1.25; Lompocs, J1.50(&11.69; sweets, yellow. $1.25; red sweets, 90c; white, $1.00. BEANS (all per 100 lbs.)-Plnk. No. 1, *2.50<82.1)5; lima, No. 1. $4.76i?f5.00: Lady Washington. No. 1, $3.00W3.10: blackeyes, $5.501fi!G.00: garancas, $4.50(a5.00; German ' lintels, $7.00(88.00. ONIONS (per 100 lbs.)-Silversklns, $1.75 ffl'i.OO; Yellow Danvers, $1.75; northern, $1.25: Oregon, fancy, $2.00; Northern Au stralian browns, $1.60@1.75; local. $1.50. APPLES— Belleficurs, 4-tler box. $1.65; 4H-tler, $1.35; Colorado Jonathans, $3.50; Wlnesaps. $3.25; No. 2 Wlnesaps, $2.25; evaporated Chiles, Ib,, 10(52Oc; Ganos, $2 00: W. W. Penrmaln, 4-tier box, $1.50; 4%-tler. $1.25: Yellow Newtown Pippins, $1.50 4-tler box. $1.25 4%-tler. POULTRY— Jobbers sell poultry to tin trade as follows: (per pound) Hens, 14c; young roosters, 20c; fryers, 20c; all roos ters, 14c; broilers, $3.60 to $6 per dozon; turkeys, per pound, 18c; old toms, 23c; young toms. 21c; hen turkeys, 24c; geese, 13c; ducks. 13c. BAKERS' FLOUR-Made of eastern hard wheat. Per bbl., $5.25; blended wheat, J4.9U; eastern rye, $5.25. CEREAL. GOODS-As follows} 101b. 25 lr>. SOlb. Eastern Graham $2.80 $2.75 $2.70 Eastern Whole Wheat. 2.90 2.85 2.80 Graham Hour 2.90 2.85 2.80 Corn Meal. W and V 2.30 2.25 2.20 Whole Wheat 2.60 2.55 IMI 2.75 2.70 '! fii Cracked wheat 3.40 8.35 S.» Farina X.40 8.35 8.30 Wheat flakes, case of 36 2-lb. cartons. 8.20 Wheat flakes, per sack of 50 lbs 1.83 Wheat flakes, per bbl. of 125 lbs. net.. 4,01 GRAIN AND FEED-(Per 100 lbs).- , Wheat. $1.65; wheat (100 lb. sack) $1 10: corn $1.45: cracked corn, $1.50; :eed iiuml, ! (1.56; bran, heavy, $1.30; rolled barlsy, $1.35: oil cake meal, $2.10; cotton seed meal, $1.85; cocoamit cake, $1.65; shorts, pounds, $1.60@1.C0; fancy Woodward $1.45; white oats, tl 65; red oats. $1.60: red. Texas grown, $1.75; Utah rye seed, $1.(3. 1 HAY (all per ton)— Choice wheat hay t16.00@16.69 No. 1 wheat and oat 13. 004(114.50 No. 2 wheat and oat D. oo© 12.00 Choice tame oat 11.50i@12.60 Other tame oat 7.00010 00 Wild oat 7.00@11.00 Stock hay 6M13>7.50 Alfalfa 10. OOTii 12.50 Straw (per balo) 30® .65 FRUITS AND BERRIES — Banann, 4^4@4V4c; strawberries, S@llc; dew, 6c; i raspberries, Kisiluc; blackberries, 10c; lo- I ganberrles. Vdic. ' CITRUS FRUITS — Lemoiiß, fnncy, $2.25 a box; orangeß, new Washington "'NUTS AND DRIF.D FRUITS-CAII per Ib.) Almonds. IXL. 15%ffilCc: Ne Plus Ultra ! 15vi416c; peanuts, California fancy, 6Vic; eastern fancy, 7Hc; Japanese, ue; walnuts, California bleached, No. 1, 14% c; pecans, Jumbo, 15c; extra large. 14% c; lirazlls, lie; tUberts, 13c; Mexican pine nuts, 20i. DATES— Persian Hallowls. 6%050; Fards, BV4®9©loc. VKQETAULK3 — Beans, string, «>) lb.: boanH, wax, 7c pound; beets, 50 @Kso sack: celery, fancy, 30c dozen; chiles, evaporated, 2OH>3Oc lb.; garlla, 7c lb.; lettuce, 15#200 dozen; 76c per sack; peas, lie pound; spinach, 160 dozen; turnips, iOu suck; cabbugu,4s('j> 600 sack. Retail Prices Following prices for leading articles ot consumption prevail at the Los Angeles stores: Butter, 2-I'j roll, fancy ...80a Butter, 2-lb roll, Poppy 760 Buter, 2-lb roll, Santa Ana (iso Butter, 2-lb roll, Orange Co. and cook- Ing 6(0 Eggs, fresh ranch, per doz 40u I'lbbs, cold storage, per doz 850 ; Potatoes, funcy Salinas, per 100 1b5.. 52.00 I Apples, bellofleura. per 40-lb box. ...$2.26 Poultry— ltens, 2-Vtc lb.; fryerß, Mo; turkeys, dressed, local, 80c; eastern, 27c; gray geese and brants, J5.00cii7.00 dox.; wild duck, $2 00 doz.; spoonbills, $3.50; teal and widgeons, $4.00; mallards. $9.00; all picked; single ducks, picked, 60®75c. Butter, Eggs and Cheese By Associated Tress. BAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 18.— Butter- Fancy creamery, 30o; do upconds, 23Vto, i'hoosf--KiißtiM i n, IGUMIim": Vouiik Amer ica, i:w<lfic: western. lKulHsc , ICSKB— Hunch, a«|l2c; Btoio. 30(H:LV. i CIItCAUO, Dec. W.- on the produca exchange today the butter market wan I Hti>udy: i'iveanii'ilc'B, nwZtWui dairies, 17ft(i ; aoo. Kgga, steady at mark, cases Includ p<l, IS©2scj firsts, 20c; prime firsts, 84c; extras, 2i!e. Cheese, steady, 11WW3C KLOIN. 111., Dec. ID.-Buttnr, firm; 24% c. Sales for the week, 641,000 pounds. Pacific Coast Trade By Associated Press. .BAN FRANCISCO. Dm. IR.-Benns- P'"^ tL'&SSr&I "ma, »4.305*4.8«; small White, $3.104/3. 25; largo white, $2.40f&2.60. Potatoes-Oregon Burbanks, 75c«51.15; Sallnns llurhnnks, $1.0501.40; Merced sweets, 75c(ft$l .00. Onions— Fancy, $1.35; common, $1.10. Varlous-Oreon peas, 6«»7cj string beans, xriOc; egg plant, 2ffisc; green pep pers, BWI2Hc; tomatoes, 750W51.28: sum ex I tri.r74 F a. eitrM ' * vmM: bake ™ $Li7Hflil5 h ' pplngl * 1 - 17 W@1.42V4j milling. UMMfc£" A ' N'^ei-Btti brewlne. Mlllstuffs— Middlings. $28.00<f?.29.00; mlxfld feed, $24.00(&25.O0; rolled barley, $28.00® Hay-Wheat. $ll.GO(i?16.cO; wheat and oat, $11.00©15.50; oat, Wild, $7.<KV??>ll.flO; oaf, tame, $!>, 00^13. 60; barley, in.OOtfll.OO; alfalfa, $7.5<i<fi:10.60; straw, 3(vassc. Receipts-Flour, 8390; wheat, 1734; bar ley, 18,850; oats, 7928; beans, 21dO; corn, 105: potatoes, 10,534; onions, 650; bran, 8771; middlings, 110; hay, 908; straw, 6; hides, 38; wine, 63,850. FINANCIAL LOS ANOELES, Dec. 18.— Bank offi cials had no time for gossip. All were btißy conferring with depositors and prospective borrowers. Comments were made upon tho finan cial pressure on throo Chicago banks. No such condition, It was Raid, could nrlsa In Los Angeles, as local national banks keep their reserves far above tho legal requirement. Herman Silver, C. H. Dunsmoor and M. Bliieksioek, state bank commissioners, are in Los Angeles to visit various! In stitutions. This is tho time for their regular visit. Los Angeles Bank Clearings Los Angeles bank clearings Monday show an Incrcaso of $482,019.09 com pared with the corresponding day of last year. Following Is a comparative statement: 1905. 3004. 1903. Dec. 18.. 51,799,425.96 $1,317,400.87 $1,002,610.35 LOS ANGELES STOCK EXCHANGE No sessions on December 23 and 25. OMdal sales— Hecla Mining Co. stock— 1000 shares at 44c each; 2000 at 44% c; U. S. Long Distance T. & T. Co. stock— Ton shares at $50.25 each; Western Union OH stock— Ten shares at $200 each. Bank Stocks Bid. Asked. American National 116 Broadway Bank & Trust Co. 153 Wt Central jio Citizens' National 198 Commercial National UO'A Dollar Savings Bank 135 145 Equitable Savings Bank.... ISS Farmers & Merchants Natl. 310 Federal Bank ot L. A 12b First National 415 455 German American 475 Home Savings Bk. of L. A. 73% 7« L. A. National 220 Los Angeles Trust Co 115% Merchants' Nationnl 375 Merchants Trust Co 98 100 Mercantile Trust Savings.... 59 Metropolitan B. ft T. C 0.... 13.1 National BanK of Cal 210 Security Savings Bank 250 ... Southern California Savings. 27n ... Southwestern National VC ... Stato Dank & Trust Co 10(1 United States Natl. Bank.. 13.1 Union Hank of Savings .... 385 ... West Side Bank 110 Bonds Bid. Asked. Associated Oil i) 2% 91! California I'aciho Ry 100 103 Corona City Water Co 101 Corona Power & Water Co.. 90% ti Oucamonea Water Co 101 Home Telephone 96% 97^ Edison Electric Con Co 101% linae T. & 'V. Co. of f.anla Monica and Ocean Park 88 L. A. Pac. Con Mtg 108% L. A. Traction C 113 L. A. Railway Co 117 Mission Tran. & R. Co 98 100 Alt. Lowe Railway Co 89 Pacific Light & Power C 0.... 101 103 Pacific Kloctrlc Ry Co 111% Pasadena 11. T. &T. C 0.... IK) 91 i.edlanrls Home T. &T. Co. 88 B3 Pomona Con. Water Co 101 Riverside Light & F. C 0.... 95 100 San Diego Home T. &T. Co. Si Santa Barbara Electric Ry.. 95% Seaßlde Water Co Mt% . . iTemescal Water Co yu 105 1 United Electric G. & f. Co. 101 .Union Transportation C 0.... 9(! 99 ■U. S. L. D. T. & T. Co i»O% 93»4 Whittier Homo T. &T. Co.. 9.1H 9S Whittler Light & Fuel Co.. 9i Miscellaneous Stocks Bid. AltN, California Hospital 85.00 ■ Edison Electric preferred .. 88.00 90.00 1 Edison Electric com 45.00 I Emergency Hoßpltal 22.51) 30.00 i Home Telephone 65.00 67.00 Homo Trust 66.60 67.50 Los Angeles Brewery 115.00 Pasadena H. T. & T. C 0... 39.50 40.00 Riverside Home T. & T. Co. 65.00 56.00 , San Diego Home T. & T. Co 38.25 I Seaside Water Co 95.00 Sun Drug Co 1.00 U. S. L. D. T. & T. C 0.... 58.00 59.00 Oil Stocks Bid. Asked. A»sociatod Oil 55% .Psft Central U3% Columbia 15 .Zi Continental .22 , Fullerton Oil 33 I Fullerton Con 76 Globe 02% .03 !Home Whittier 1.00 1.50 Mexican Petroleum .71% OUnda Oil C 0..-. 05 .10 Plru OH Co 04 I Puentn Oil Co 50 ißeed Crude ssi-H .26 I Union 164.00 ltß.On United Petroleum 274.00 Western Union 200.00 225.00 Mining Stocks Bid. Asked. Blsbee West C 04 .07 Butte Lode 1t>.50 30.00 Bufa M. & M »1 .96 (inldcn Argun 14. 00 25. UU Green Con 29.00 Hecla Mining Co 44% .60 Jesse Bell .01 .03 Johnnie Con. O. M 05»i .Ofl'/j Mitchell Mining 8.37% New lira ot>% .08 Nevada Keystone o*>% Quartette 11. 00 U.OO Searchlight M. & M. Co 40 .60 Chicago Stock Market. By Associated Press. CHICAGO, Dec. 18.— The suspension of the Chicago National bank, and Its affll latea organizations had little effect on the local stock market. With one excep tion prices on change were practically unchanged from the closing quotations of Saturday. A drop of 2Vi points was reg istered lv National Biscuit common, that stock Helling off to uovi. This was ac counted "for by the fact that Kqultable Trust company, ono of tho concerns In trouble, had been acting as tho transfer agent for the Biscuit company. The Metal Market By Associated Press. NKW YORK Deo. 18-There was no chango in the London tin market, with npnt uuotcd at JJHiS 10s and futures at £164 10b. Locally the market wan ciulet. but prices were a shade higher ut $M>.2% 3t!.60 for Bi>ot. Cupper was easier in London, with spot 1 PART tl, Savings Banks 4 Per Cent on Term Deposits and 3 Per Cent on Ordinary Savings Deposits. Open Saturday Evenings. Loans on Real Estate Ocrmitti-Anierlcnfi ••*!■•■» Hank OAIli B. JOHNSON* V. P, , First and Main Streets. w, F. CALUA.NDER. Cash. iecnrMjr taring* flank CAPITAL And N. R. Cor. Fourth and Spring. H. W. «•?£[?£!&?<;• t«00.»00.«0 v Hellman Bldg. RESOURCEa OVEUI 918,750,000.00 Sonthern Cat. ***. Bank j, jr. BRALT, President S. Ti. Cor. Fourth and Spring. Braly A. If. iniAi/V. V. Pres. Bldg. W. D, WOOLWINF,. V. P. CIIAd. 11 TOLU Cashier. DIRECTOnS. Union iinnk of ftnvlnM J - *'• Elliott O. T. Johnsnn )»ib Jh». a,V"f * N. Van Ntiys B. T. Bart 223 S. fiprlng Street. j B cravens J. C. Drake W. S. Bartlett W. E. McVay M#rpmilllf> Tritut nurt F. M. ROT7OLASS, Pres. Capital .$204,000.00 S-vlnaTa nnnk »F ' BTRWAUT, V. Pre». Assets .... HOO.OOOOT u« b,«Mk w,A.H..f W ' JARVIS BAHLOW, V. P. Deposit ... 800.000.00 640 South Broadway. CHARLES EWINO, Cashier. Paid up.... 100,00000 : THE German-American Savings Bank Will be ready to pay the regular semi-annual divi- dend to depositors (due January Ist, 1906) on and after Tuesday, December 26th, 1905. &The Only Way Wo know of but one way to financial success. It Is a slow way, but It is tho only sura way. It ■ is to nave persistently, small amounts at flrsl and larger amounts as you learn how to best Invest your Income. Ono dollar will start an ac- count. ■ rt ()y ON OnDINAIIY M Of ON TERM •* /O RAVINGS ACCTS. /O DEPOSITS. Over 29,000 Depositors. Asaets over $7,700,000. ../,:,', Safe Deposit and Storage Vaults $2.00. Southern California Savings Bank S. E. Corner Fourth and Spring ' A CLEARING HOUSE BANKS NAME OFFICERS Merchants' National Bank H. W. HELLMAN. Pres. W. H. HOLLIDAY. Cashier. N. E. Cor. Second and Main. Capital, $200,000; Surplus and Profits, $275,000 American Nationa. Bank W.F. BOTSFOR D.J^s. "• S. W. Cor. Second and Broadway. Capital. $1,000,COO; Surplus and Profits. $75,000 National Bank of California JOHN M.C. MARBLE, Pres. J. M. FISHEURN, Cashier. __ N. E. Cor. Second and Spring. Capital, $200,000; Surplus and Profits. $250.000 Broadway Bank & Trust Company % WA^EN^LLELEN.^e,. ** 308-310 S. Broadway, Bradbury Bldg. Capital, $250,000; Surplus— Und. Profits. $135.000 Ctate Bank and Trust Company H.^J. WC^OLLACOT^ Pres. N. W. Cor. Second and Spring. Capital, $500,000; Surplu3 and Profits. $00.000 Citizens' National Bank R- J- WATERS, Pres. A. J. WATERS. Cashier. N. E. Cor. Third and Spring. Capital $250,000; Surplus anfl Profits. $150.000 Central Bank . WILLIAM MEAD, Prus. enirai D«n* w & DURGIN. Casb'.sr. N. E. Cor. Fourth ana Broadway. Capital $100,000; Surplus and Pr^ts $10O.OO» ■ jnitod State. National Bank L W. HELLMAN.^ S. E. Cor. Main and Commercial. Capital, $200,000; Burplua and Profits. $50.008 r^mercia. National Bank %•££&%??§&££* v 423 South Spring. Capital, $200,000; Surplus and Profits. $18.000 p.rmer. & Merchant. National Bank Ca'sW 1 Cor. Fourth and Main Sts. Capital, $1,600,000; Surplus and Profits, $1.250,009 first Nationa. Bank W.^. l^SSo^ CmW-, ' ' ' B.E. Cor. Second and Spr^X. , TRUST COMPANIES : ■ TORRANCE & DICKINSON "WLTW-'- LOCAL BONDS AND SHOCKS — 5 to 8 per cent High-Grad. Investments. closing at £79 6s, and futures at £78 15s. Locally tho situation wat unchangod. It Is Bald that practically no copper Is avail able for delivery before next April, nnd such trifling transactions as are heard of on spot carry their own quotations. Lake and electrolytic are more or less nom inal at $18.60<g>19.00, and casting at $18.12%® Lead was lower at £17 In London. Local ly the market was unchanged at $5.3T>©6.10. Spelter was unchanged at $ij.l.V<<i;.Ki In the local market, but shared in the gen eral decline abroad, closing at £Z& 12s M. Tho local Iron market was firm and un changed. San Francisco Mining Stocks By Associated PreßS. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 18.-The official closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: ,\lta 3 Justice- 6 Alpha Con 5 Kontuck Con 1 Andes 20 Lady Wash Con.. 2 Belcher 21 Mexican 135 It & Belcher ...130 Occidental Con .. 95 Bullion 25 Ophlr 600 Caledonia 66 Overman 12 Chal Con 19 Potosl 8 Chollar 17 3uvaKO 60 Confidence 80 Scorpion 12 Con C & Va....130 Sag Belcher 9 Con New York.. S Sierra Nevada .... 31 Crown Point .... 13 Bilvor Hill 85 Exchequer 35 Union Con s6 tl & Currlo 12 ITtah Con 5 II & Norcross....lls Yellow Jacket ....11 luliii 5 Northern Oil Stocks By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 18. — Oil sales: 660 shares Claremont at $1,10. Hops In London By Associated Press. LIVBItPOOU Deo. IR.— Hops In Lon don quiet; Pacltlo coast, £2 10s to £4. 'STRANGER' WAS GEORGE ADE Door Tender Turned Him Away From ■ the Theater for Buying Specu . lator'a Ticket BDeclal to The Uerald. NEW YORK. Dec. 18.— A tall young man of alight build, with a sombre fare und high brow, walked Into tho lobby of the New York theater Satur day night with a ticket for "The Mayor ot Toklo." The ticket taker was about 7 A Great Property Ore Assaying, as High as $50,000 Per Ton Let us Tell you About It. 11. 11. ROBINSON COMPANY, 608 Grant Building. Loa Angeles. to tear oft the coupon when one of the theater employes said: "Don't take that ticket; this man Just bought It from a speculator." ■ The ticket was returned to the tall young man, and he was told to "g<i awuy." "But I'm a friend of Mr. Carle's, If you will send In my card to him" "Say, we hear that story every nlg-ht. Take my advice and go away from here while you are all together," . Bald the doorman. The tall man -went to the stage door and sent In his card to Richard Carle, who plays the leading role. Presently tho card came back with a noto, which the young; man presented to the door man. The note read: - "Please admit Mr. George Ade and accept the ticket he offered before.": Mr. Ade was Immediately admitted. "YOU DO SOLEMNLY SWEAR" "Well, Yes, Occasionally, Your Honor," Says Deaf Culprit When : Asked to Take Oath Special to The Herald. YORK, Pa.. Dec. IS.— You :do solemnly swear," said Mayor McCall, Rtartlng to administer the oath <. to deaf Edward Becker, arraigned beforo him for drunken and disorderly con duct. "Do I? Well, yen— occasionally, your , honor," confessed the culprit, who had heard every word, for once. GAS FOR FUEL' Gas is the fuel for every month in tho year. It is always right,