City Council Acts on Suggestion to
Commemorate Completion of the
Owen* River Project With
International Show
An International world's fair to
commemorate th<! completion of the
Owens river water project wafl a sub
ject on whlrh the city council voted
favorably yesterday morning. The res
olution carries with It a recommenda
tion that Mayor McAlerr, the chamber
nf commerce, the Merchants and Man
ufacturers' association nnd the Munici
pal league each name one member of a
committee of four, to be appointed ns
soon as possible, to work up tho propo
"A world's fair In T.os Angeles would
liavfl a different effect than It has had
In some nther cities," said a council*
man in speaking of tho plan. •'Other
places where those fairs havn been
held have suffered to some extent from
the boom that the city lias been Riven
nnd the consequent lull In business
following. This is largely due to the
fact thut these fairs have heretofore
been held In cities that the visitors
wore only too glad to get out of as
noon «(i possible. It Is a well-known
f.irt that, when an easterner visits this
city and returns to his home he Is
never happy until he has come back to
Southern California to tlve. If we hold
this fair during the midwinter months
end show the snowbound easterner
what Los Angeles Is like when blir.
*«rds rage in other places, we wlli
advertise this rlty ns It never has
been advertised before."
O. T>. Wlllard, secretary of the Mu
nicipal league, expressed a belief that
the project would be a good one If It
is feasible.
"These International fairs are allotted
to n. city ten years In advance and I
believe that two cities are already
nhead of Los Angeles," said Mr. "\Vil
lardi "The league will bo glad to looh
Into It. and nee If It is feasible, but
the short time Is a serious objection.
It will only be three »r four years until
we have this water In Los Angeles,
which would hardly give us time to
prepare for the project. If we do any
thing in thin line at nil we want some
thing magnificent, and we should have
at leaßt ten years In which to work it
up." -■:- '■
Several eouncllmen asserted that
other cities having claims on the next
ofllclal world's fair would bo one of
the least of the troubles.
"We have influential senators and
representatives and private . citizens
who could be counted on to take caro
of that part of It," they declared.
The plan for the world's fair was the
outgrowth of the recommendation made
by the municipal art commission to the
water- department and through' the
water department to the city council
that a magnificent statue he erected
to commemorate the Owens river prop
osition. The. council believed that the
idea was a good one, but that a statue,
however magnificent, was hardly In
proportion to the Owens river proposi
tion. The question of the statue was
referred to the water supply committee.
Date for Hearing Set by Attorneys
for Both Sides of Famous
Tli<> library investigation has been
finally and oonclusively fixed to begin
on the evening of. Jan. 24— unless the
interested perHons again change their
minds and demand a postponement.
This date was suggested by Oscar Law
kr, one of the attorneys for the li
brary directors at last Monday's meet
ing of the council, provisionally that
it met with the approval of Attorney
Byron Oliver, who, with Will A. Har
ris, is conducting the case for Miss
Jones. Mr. Oliver agreed and repre
sentatives of both sides appeared Vie
fore the council yesterday and con
sented to the date.
"We had to work hard to have the
other side agree on a date at all," said
I. B. Dockweiler. one of the directors,
who will act with Mr. Lawler In con
ducting the case for the members of
the board. "Miss Jones' attorneys
seemed to have lost interest In the
caso and for that reason were reluctant
to agree on a date. I am glad that
It has been definitely settled."
Resigns Position as Treasurer and W.
H. Leete Is Elected as His
. Successor
Salt Luke railroad directors met yes
terday morning at the general offices
of the company In the Huntlngton
luiilUing and elected the same list of
officers with the exception of Ferd K.
Rule, who had handed In his resigna
tion us treasurer. W. IV. J^eete was
elected In Rule's place.
Mr. Rule gives as a reason for his
resignation the fact that he desires
to enter the real estate business.
The' offloers who were elected are:
Senator \V\ A. Clark, president; W. H.
.Bancroft, first vice president; J. Koss
Clark, .second vice president; Wm. 11.
I-eete, treasurer, und \V. H. Comttotk,
The comfort of. a ' ■;• I.'*'?.
to get into It. Atlt i
your dealer for the *> * » hSUm
or color-fatt pp't^nis. TJj' w3
ct'.i2TV,PE*Gr i nvafn jr.)). n. y. t^yi
I |jir?c*t n«ki>ni,ur Muni »;i.l Collu:i lft|iX^j
Have You Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver or Bladder
To Prove What Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney, Liver and
Bladder Remedy, will do for .YOU, all Our Readers May
Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail.
Pain or dull ache In tho hark in un
mistakable evidence of klrlney troublp.
It Is Nature's timely warning to show
you that the track of health Is not
If these dnngor signals nre unheed
ed, morn serious results are sure to
follow. Brlght's fllseapp, which is the
worst form of kidney trouble, m;iy
steal upon you.
The mild and the extraordinary ef
fect of the world-famous kidney and
bladder remedy. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
Root, is soon realized. It stnnds the
highest for its wonderful cures of the
most distressing cases. A trial will
convince any one— and you may have
a sample bottle free, by mail.
Gt-ntlpinpn — I 'attribute my prrnrnt
Rood henlth to Nwnnip-Root. I anf
frrril ninny yrnrn -ivllli kidney trouble
and had nn nlinoM ronxtunt pain In
my lini'k. Your. srral rrmrrty.
Sn-ntnn-Ilont, pnrrd my trouble, and
I have since brrn perfectly well.
Voura truly.
R. 11. Chalkrr, Kx. filler of Police.
Oxark. Ala.
Lame back Is only one symptom of
kidney trouble— one of many. Other
symptoms showing that you neert
Swamp-Root are, being obliged to pass
water often during the day and to get
up many times during the night, ina
bility to hold your urine, smarting or
Irritation In passing, brick dust or sedi
ment In the urine, catarrh of the blad
der, uric acid, constant headache, diz
ziness, poor digestion, sleeplessness,
nervousness. Irregular heart beating,
rheumatism, bloating. Irritability,
Secretary Thomas J. Wilkie of Toron.
to, Pioneer of Movement, Gives
Interesting Interview Regard.
ing General Outlook
"The great problem now is not to got
money but men to superintend the work
of the Y. M. C. A. Notwithstanding nil
our efforts to obtain them wo have
vacancies for over 500 secretaries, so
that our greatest difficulty la to pre
vent more organizations until such
times as wo have men well trained to
take charge of them," said Thomas J.
AVllkle of Toronto, Out., one of. the
provincial secretaries of Toronto and
Quebec, when seen yesterday afternoon
at the local association.
Secretary Wilkie Is here from a tour
of one month In the northwest of Can
ada In the Interests of the Y. M. C. A.
Ha is 63 years old and Is one of the first
nineteen secretaries who started the
association In North America. Mr.
Wilkie is now one of the three surviv
ing members of. the original secretaries.
Now there are over 2000 of them. He
wan one of the llrst eleven who formed
the secretaries' conference at Wash
ington, T>. C, in 1871. Then the asso
ciation had less than ten association
buildings. Now there are Sl7, a gain of
forty-two the past year, erected at a
cost of $2,612,251. A new building is
being erected every live days. The
total amount of gifts are over $12,000.
000 v year for buildings and mainten
"In order to prepnre men for the
work we have two training schools, one
;u Springfield, Mass., and the other at
Chicago; 111. We also huvo a Bummer
school In Silver Hay, Luke I'leorgp, N.
V., costing $100,000, which was recently
purchased free from debt. This Is used
us a training resort for the eastern
state* ami Canada. AYe have another
one , at l.altt* CJeneva for the western
states. There are others in Canada.
Draw* Prominent Men
I "The railroad usxoelatloiiH have in
!creased from 1«7 to 'ill the pant year
hihl the nicnibiMshlii nun Increased
from 70.000 |a 74,000, and the Uu ll«i lhkm
owned iiiimlicr 13d, .valued at 13.880,0Wi,'j
The reUjjioUH work of this cli'|mrtine;U ;
In phowTtiO gratifying developments.
The number of Illbla '.uidentH Imp in-i
ciciised from SOUS to 4153. The number 1
• ii' ijrol'<vKi'd ioiivi'l'hloiih reported lu>i:
VKU 1 ivt'i'i 1 4J!!7 and thw iimniier unltiin,
wilii t hurilioM were 171' H.
'"The iiillroiiil koufei-diict In Srpt'iiV";
ii*;-. 1 Wrought loßtlhci . üboia l'lio r;ili | men, who profited by the umluialj
worn-out ffrltngr. lack of ambition, los;i
of flesh, sallow complexion.
If your water when nllowed to re
main undisturbed In a glass or bottle
for twenty-four hours, forms a sedi
ment or sPtlllntr, or lina n dourly ap
pparance, it Is evidence that your klfl
neys and bladder need immediate at
In Inking B\vanip»noot you afford
natural help to Nature, for Swamp-
Hoot is the most perfect healer anrl
gentle Hid tn the kidneys that is known
to medical science.
' In order to prove the wonderful
merits of Hvramp-Root you may have
a sample bnttlo and a book of valua
ble information, both sent absolutely
free by mall. The book contains many
of the thousands upon thousands of
testimonial letters lerclverl frommeii
nnd women cured. The value and suc
cess of Swamp- Root is so well known
that our readers are advised to send
for a sample bottle. In sending your
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blng
hamton, N. V., bo sure to say you read
this generous offer In the Los AngelPs
Dally Herald. .The genuineness of
this offer is guaranteed. :;V-
If you are. already convinced thai
Swamp-Root is what you need. you>
can purchase the regular fifty-cent and
one dollar size bottles at drug stores
everywhere. Don't make nny mistake,
but remember 'he name, Swamp-Knot,
Dp. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, and the ad
dress. Blughamton, N. V., on every
phase of the association. A building,
costing $150,000, has been erected at St.
Louis. Mo., for the railroad men there.
"The work Is drawing to Its support
the lyomliient men of America. Presi
dent Roosevelt said to the convention
of secretaries: "What I like about your
work Ib that you mix religion with
common sense.' "
When asked regarding his opinion of
the local situation. Secretary AVilkle
"I am disappointed n' the 'housing'
of the association of Los Angeles, but
urn much encouraged from my inter
views . with the officers and members
regarding the new building soon to be
erected In this city at a cost of $350.000."
Does your baby sleep well?
A baby should not fret and be rest-
less at night, but on the contrary,
after his evening meal, if his food is
right, he should go to sleep and
sleep sweetly and peacefully until
early morning. Use Mellin's Food
and your baby will ileep well, and grow
strong and good natured day by day. Bend -
for a nee (ample for your baby.
The ONLY hfa'ats' F«od rsctWlni
the GRAND MIZE at St. L*mls. 1904.
Gold Medal, Highest Award,
; ■ Portland, Ore. 1905.
Personally Conducted
will ■ not be discon-
tinued, as announced 'in
the papers. See us for
rates to all points.
1 ' J. It. FEMtMitN, Ah'i M anaitr
£47 S. Spring Strict
The above represents a certificate issued by The Regal Shoe Co., which will be honored at any of the 102 Regal stores in the
principal cities of the United States. Your eastern friends will appreciate one.
-tt-^TT^ "W~^"TT^ With the purchase of a pair of Regal Shoes or a Christmas certificate we will give FREE your choice
|7 II B-H 1H °* a bottle of Regal Shoe Dressing, patent Polishing Brush, Trcd-Air Heel Cushions or Silk Laces,
Jj~^ fl\, h J B J This offer is not made as a rebate or an inducement to sell Regal Shoes, but as a test of the medium
■ in which this advertisement appears.
GOOD ONLY UNTIL this offkr wir.i, not nu honorisd unless accompanied^
REGAL SHOE STORE, 302 So. Broadway jffi&JX. Mgr ,. ;j
i^^^^^»iir Firsi Train Leaves
2:45 P.M. AS ° lid
fefe^|feUi^iti^^---^-^-i^j Jy y A Train de Luxe, leaving Los Angeles I
Jy 2:45 p " m * dail y> Electrically Lighted
Mf^W^W^t^^^m ifW^iW&B' 6an^. / 6e«.i\ardino and Steam Heated; via Salt Lake I
WaivwLßSMw 1 11 ill I r /x™ ZMmi ' Route, Union Pacific and Northwest- j
A€f n M ffl ffl'B Hi lu 111 Mm W rv Information and Resnrv«tions at City Office, 250
@sfe^ *f mKIJb U M H mHII H **^V"' *^^ ANGCLE<& South Spring Street, or Firit Street Station
Nothing; can exceed the dainty and delightful Christmas Bon-
Ilon Boxes we are snowing. The best candy Christopher ever
sold— and you know wlmt that means— ln the most beautiful
boxes ever Imported into this country makes "the" gift for the
(gentleman to give the fair sex. Hand painted on white sutin,
with feminine subjects. 51.00 to $15.00. ,
V^tlKlO 1 V/rtll>K 241 SOUTH SPRING
\Ve Matiiitulu Our lierutatlon of Hnndlluff
The Best Lines of Ranges
Both oust and Bteel. made In this country.
THRKE THOUSAND QLKNWOODS In use In 1,09 Aiiffelea and vicinity
testify to their popularity and succeis. To these we have added ',
An up-to-date steel range, offering 1 It .at prices unprecedented In this
market considering quality, weight and finish.
Uleumooil Ituuusra from «21 l'i>. Queen tltrrl ll»dk<-« from (21.n0 Vp,
James W.-llellman - 161 North Spring St.
Ii« sure to get one of thu beautiful IIU W 1 liMlx XUf<l lil',AL,ll
Krkrnbrechei' Syndlonte Hanta Mon- The coming beach town of tin
Ira Tract lots, J4OO anil up; 150 rash . South I'auillo Coast. Opportunities
Cuuiuf lii small monthly payments for profliable Investments uio now
„ .... . . ripe. Lots at reasonable prices.
Ihu.. J. Hampton Cowpuny, IIIiMIMiTON UIMCII lu.
lll> H. Promlwny. J \^ IVj Byrne Uldg. _^
Through the Orange Groves
"Inside Track 77 ]
Long Stops at Riverside and Redlands
Daily at 0.-oo Jt. M. Special train from Jtrcade Depot
Returning arrive Lot Jingeltt 6:SO P. M.
From PazacLeno. at 9:05 Jt. At. except Sunday. Sunday StSO Jt, At,
Round Trip to Redlands $3.00
Good via Riverside and San Bernardino. Tlckett good for return day
following date of tale. Tlekett and. Information, with Illustrated
Booklet, at 36/ S. Spring St., cor. 3d, and at Arcade Depot. - •> '
Southern Pacific
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mm <*CHillth > l' The Most Beautiful
Uii raOAHtD ISW Short Journey in
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\toiTo>^«^.»i«/ Daily Excursion $3.00
|»tniw£\«»i*oj Redlands and Ratarn, $3.00
V m(«ton» / Stß Btrn»rdl»o and
\/2/ WrtrtMt and Return, |2.75 •
f\ l#2fc Tickets at Santa Fe oftles, 200
' ,i ;?>- '*-** ICtl 1 X5 S. Spring Bt., La Grande Btatlon.
Pasadena and Raymond,
< "shon <" iu K Metropolitan Music Co. \
jkjrmmJOt .jgverythlnc you w»nt you will tlnd tn
mmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm* tb* cUuUUd pago. On* cent t, word.