Newspaper Page Text
THE CITY Stmnffer* nr« Invited to visit the c*« Mbit of California product* »t th» Chnmber of Comm#rc« bullrtlnff, on Broodwny, between Flrgt and Second »tr«cti, where free Information will b« Klven on all subject* pertaining: to thil *«otlon. T)i* ITernlri will p«y MO In e»«h to »nyone furnishing evidence that will lend to the nrrent nnrl conviction of •n Y person cnught glenllng copies of TO Her«ld from lh« P"K!!£r t?wn°ifi rf trom. TUB HERALD. To Hold Graduating Exercises The Los AnReIPS School ot Art find t)pslgn will hold graduating exercises December 21. Get Holidays With Pay Kmpioyr* nf the city will hnve an opportunity In rnjoy Chrlatmas and New Year's with their families without havln.t to uncrlfU-e their $2 a dny. On motion of Councilman Henly yesterday nil city employes were given these two holidays with full pay. To Try "Blind Pig" Case Theodore Muretta of Snn Fernando wus nrrnnßert before Justice Young In the township court yesterday on ft charge of conducting a "blind plff. Muretta pleaded not guilty and was placed tinder $200 bonds. He will be tried nfter the holidays. Japanese a Bankrupt M. Taknhashl, a Japanese, filed a po tion of bankruptcy yesterday with the clerk of the United Stntes district court. In tho petition hH assets were given as $22r.2.W ii nd hid debts us 18467.62. Taka liasbl hns been the proprietor of a rpfl laiirant on West Heventh street for the past three months, but according to his assertions the venture has never paid. To Receive Teachers President Knepfll has appointed tho following committee on Introduction to serve at th<» reception to bn given to the truchers of tin; Southern Cull' f<iriil;i Teachers' association In (he moms of the (/number of commerce Thursday nftrrmioii, Uoireinhpr 21. from 4 to 5 o'clock: .1 Bines A. Foshay, W. J. Washburn, W. <'. Patterson, J. It. Francis, J. M. Ouliin, Percy H. Clark, llobert McGarvln, D. K. Ndwards, C. C. Ptirkor. John Klngsloy, "W. A. WHs, J. M. ICddy, U. M. FaiMsh, G. M. Glffen. Charges Desertion On an allegation of riosertlon nnd nim-mipport Mrs. Kllzaheth M. How ers of Los Anffrlefl wns granted nn In terlocutory decree of divorce from Ld- Kar J. Bowers by Judge Oster in de partment plx of tho superior court yes terday The couple, were married nt White Ttlvcr Junction, Vt., in 1880. Three yefirs ago. It was ulleged, TSow ers, who Is v real estate man, left his wife nnd has not lived with her since. The arrangement of property was set tled out of court. Arranges Public Buildings Otto H. Neher, nn nrchltect with of fices in the H. W. Hcllman building, yesterday submitted to the city coun cil n drawing of an ideal arrangement of public buildings around Central park and plans for the improvement of the park. The buildings which Mr. Neher have grouped nround the park include a new city hall, a new library building, the auditorium, California club, hotels and office buildings. The drawing wus submitted to tho munici pal art commission. Indiana Man Missing A telegram announcing that John McCra ot Wabash, Ind., Is missing Irom that city and believed to bo here was received yesterday by Chief oC Police Auble. A reward of $25 for In formation that will locate the man Is offered by Charles Lines, chief of po lice of Wabash. The telegram states that McCra is one of the prominent men of that town. The description given of the missing man is: Age, 85 years; height, G feet 6 inches; weight. IGS pounds; gray hair and beard; was ■in poor health when he disappeared, and was accustomed to carry a cane. Appeals Suit Suit on appeal was taken up yes terday before Judge Oster In depart ment six of the superior court in the case of the Blow Construction com pany against the Pasadena Consolidat ed Gas company. According to the coin plaint of the Blow company, Its em ployes were engaged in erecting the Green building at Union and Raymond avenues, Pasadena, February 1. while the gas company was placing pipes In the adjoining street. The plaintiffs claim that the gas comparty left the street in an improper condition so that when a deluge of water came down from the skies that night the water was guided out of the gutter and into the basement of the new building, where it undermined the brick work, causing a damage of $300. Two hundred dollars' damages were allowed by the justice court of Pasadena and the suit Is now in the higher court on appeal. Invited to "High Jinks" City officials yesterday received In vitations from the members of the city engineer's staff to attend the annual "high jinks" which the city engineer's department Indulges In annually. The invitations were artistic blue prints drawn by members of the staff ana showed a picture of a comic magazine "hay seed" with a prodigious growth of whiskers and bore the legend, "Whis kers increase and multiply; so will your happiness If you attend the an nuul 'give away' of the city engineer's department on December 23, 1905, at 12 o'clock noon." The invitation is signed by the "hired help." This "give away" 1h an annual occurrence In the city engineer's department and is pro ductive of much fun. The membprs of the department hold high carnival and give each other foolish little Christ mas presents. Speaks at Volunteer Hall Hey. Lewis J. Adams will preach (his evening at the hall of the Volunteers of America. I'JS Kast First street. S. K. Hewitt will render vocal selections. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Assaying Night School, SlB E. First. Street Car Line Extension By Associated Press. SAN JOBK, Deo. 18.— The San Jose & Los (iatoa Intcrurban Itullroad com j-uny this morning began the construc tion of a branch loop to connect with the main line on Market and Ban Car los street, by way of Park avenue, a dla tance of fight blocks. Pears' The skin welcomes Pears' Soap. It gently cleanses, freshens and beautifies. Never irritates nor acts harshly. ' , Have you used Pears Soap? ;■•;; Get It anywhere. FAMOUS BARITONE SINGER AND POPULAR PIANIST ENGAGED Miss Blanche Rogers SINGER TO WED HIS ACCOMPANIST CUPID LEADS NEWI.Y FORMED ORCHESTRA Engagement of Miss Blanche Rogers and Harry Clifford Lott Is An. nounced— Will Be Married in February Miss Blanche Ttogers and Harry Clifford Lott will become joint partners In a permanent concert company next February and Cupid approves most heartily of the plan. •Why shouldn't he, for the combina tion is one of the little blind god's own manufacture and it Is also safe to pre dict that It will meet wth the approval of their many friends. Miss Hogei-B is one of the leading pianists o£ Los Angeles and many peo ple believe she has not a peer as an accompanist. Of. Mr. Lott and his splendid baritone voice there is littla need to spenk, for he is known In mv- Blcal and social circles us few musicians are known. For two years Miss Rogers and Mr. Lott have been giving chamber con certs together and these have been pat ronized by the prominent lovers of music and leaders of the smart set. Many a matron has taken a kindly interest In the beautiful young blonde and the handsome bachelor, and per haps a few maids — would that be tell ing? — well, perhaps v few maids .have taken an Interest in at least one uf them. "What an ideal match that would be," has been heard on every hand, and now the hopes are to be realized. Miss Rogers and Mr. Lott have an nounced their engagement and have even gone farther and announced that the wedding will probably take place in February. In social and musical circles the news will be received with pleasure and there will undoubtedly be a round of enter taining in honor of the couple which will keep them busy for several weeks. Miss Uogers is the daughter of Mrs. Adela A. Rogers of 1)12 West Twentieth street and a sister of Karl Rogers. She has been the accompanist for the Treble Clef club ever Bince the club was first organized and to the Ebell club she is Indispensable In the same capacity. As a piano soloist Miss Rogers is no less In demand and her name appears on more musical pro grams than the name of any other pianist in Los Angeles. Mr. Lott is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Lott, recently of Colum bus, O. He has been soloist at many of the Ellis club concerts and also at the Treble club concerts. His father Is the director of the Treble Clef club and is prominent In musical circles in Los Angeles and in (ho cast. MfTffl Gives Brilliant Reception One of the largest and most beauti ful affairs of the holiday Reason was the reception and muslcale given yesterday afternoon at the Woman's club house by Mrs. John R. Hayneß and Miss llaynea In honor of their Hlster-in-law, Mrs. ltobert Fellows. Throughout the club house was elaborately decorated and the blossoms, together with the handsome, gowns of the 400 or more women present, made the scene a beau tiful one indeed. The reception hall was brightened with pink roses und ferns, while pink shaded lights gavo an added touch of beauty. In the middle parlor mamon cocliet roses and ferns banked the mantel and the blossoms were also ar ranged in fancy buskets, while white tulle shaded the lights. White chrys anthemums and white tulle were com bined with the greenery in the other parlors and the punch room was en tirely in green. Potnsettlas and palms banked the stage of the auditorium and in the dining room above stairs, where a dainty luncheon was served at large round tables, a charming Chrißtmas arrangement prevailed. The rooms were canopied with asparagus plumosus and red satin ribbon, and suspended from the celling at intervals were brilliant Christmas bells tied with generous bows of the red ribbon. Centerpieces of holly completed the arrangement for the tables. The splendid tenor of Domtnlco Rubso was heard lii a program of songs, and Miss Mildred Anderson, who accom panied htin, added to the pleasure of the afternoon with piano solos. Mrs. Haynes, Miss Haynes and their guest of honor received their guests in the reception hall and in the parlorn, UllU ut lite enhance to the auditorium LOS ANGELES HERALD: TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 19, tgoj. Harry Clifford Lott •f* V "I* *S* W V '1* \* *J* *** *t* *** •? **• *J**i*'t' 1 *i* V *»* •.****■%•■ V "I* the other unbonnctcd women were sta tioned, including Mmes. J, F. Sartorl, \V. W. Stllson, Walter Llndley, John Wigmore, . Cameron Krsklne Thorn, Sherman O. Houghton, S. F. Bothwell, J A. Jevne, Philip Kitchln, West Hughes, Stephen C. Hubbell, Miss Ida Lindley and Miss Collins. White chiffon cloth and lace was usrd In fashioning the dainty gown worn by Mrs. Fellows, and Mrs. Haynes was also in white, her dress being a lace robe over white silk. Miss Haynes wore a handsome gown of black. Dur ing the luncheon and reception hours Lowinsky's orchestra furnished a pro gram of popular music. Al Fresco Luncheon for Violinist Prominent musicians, artists, authors and social leaders know Mrs. 8. C. Foy and her daughters as charming host esses and their homo on the San Rafael ranch as a delightful place to be entertained. , No more unique and beautiful affair has ever been given by them than the reception und al fresco luncheon with which th«y entertained a large com pany of guests yesterday afternoon in honor of Ernlle Sauret, the French violinist, who arrived in Los Angeles Sunday. M. Sauret was Miss Edna Foy's. teacher, and she was the hostess yesterday, being assisted by her moth er and sisters. The reception hours were from 12 to 2 o'clock, and a dainty luncheon was served .In the garden. Small tables were pliicud under the large trees, and this at Christmas time was a delightful feature to the guests who cannot call Los Angeles their home. A splendid musical program had been arranged, but conversation over the luncheon tables and chats with the dis tinguished guest proved so Interesting that there was only time for a few of the numbers. Last evening Miss Foy entertained many guests at the Sauret concert given nt Simpson auditorium, nnd there were many other women who entertained guests at the same affair. Gives Complimentary Muslcale Just a few days remain before the duto ot Miss Delia Plumbstead'K de parture for New York, und her friends are tilling every afternoon and evening with roclal attentions for her. When she ngain visits Los Angeles she will no longer be Mlsn Plumbßtead, and it Is little wonder all strive for a chance to honor the fair young bride-to-be. Last evening she and Charles A. Bowes, who recently returned to Los Angeles after an absence of two years spent in study abroad, were guests of honor at a charming, muslcule with ■which Dr. and Mrs. J. A. L<e Doux en tertained at their home, 1430 Constance street. Miss Plumbstead's beautiful con tralto was heard In several selections and the baritone songs of Mr. Bowes were no less enjoyed. There was a vocal duet and vocal solos by Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. "Wren and Miss Ethel Graham was also heard in song. Mrs. Culvert Wilson played piano iiumberß A SKIN OP BHAUTV 13 A JOV FORKVER. Dlt. T. KICLIX OOUttAVO'B OICIKNTAT. UKEAM.OKMAOIUAIi HKAUnriEIt Jo . I(amoTeaTitn,l > liu|>lea,FrecklFi, 8 '-3S .AfSiTOW Mothl'atcJiai. ltaah, aud Bkln 3 HJ t£^ Offl Ulwaiei, ul averr UeiulaU mil W^& ffiwwwru ' J3"sa* VT ~'l «67a0« 6 7ao liaruileaa we h So U "VJ prf taite It to be aura JtA \ — <^ csl ltl(properl;u»de. _/l 11l I Accepl no counter- >^ jQ P ( *«" •' ilnllai *^ -& JfirfX \ *»r r * "'d »« • VnSl^>— «hrl< I » l'<"> <» P»tlent)i /jS\&?TEJ /\l J'At »»u ladlei I y 1 »\ Wk. rao»uinj«»o \*S S* »^r^ ' Gauriud'l Crtim ' u tha leait harmful of all tbt tain praparatlona.* lor aala l>y all l>rui;(l«ta aud Fancr Ouwla l>ealarl In llw II. «,, CanadM. and Euio|x. HRQ..T. HOPKINS, ttiruV flrwt Jdmi »tj U..* '>■.■ . - . . Side TalHs || By the *w Office Boy jX Th« old mfln mm* nut to th« hnusr In cull on Ma and Pn. tho otliff Hun* rtny. 110 wantAd td tßlk to them about l.ikltiß m« Knst with him the flrot of Jnrnmry. It wn» Wftrm nnd rile««- nnt no we nil Mt nut on thr purph, th? old mnn got Intn thf tlnmmoek, hut ho wan so heavy thfl Hammock bukk^iX ro hl» knpen hit him In tho faee. I'd hate to have to fill the ponltlon "aw him In. Hl« iplnnl column was In the want column. You oiittht to *oa tho columns of people lined up In front of ntir conn torn thp«p Huvk. They're wimt rohimn* themaelre*; thpy wnnt to buy prnsrhts for their rohitlvra and rrlplitfs. Wb'Vp hud a wnltlnir list for Hcvrrnl rtnys h\it they don't have to wait lnng;. We've Rot Town of aalesmen down both Rides nf the stores Hint roiilrt Join hnnds, they're bo nnmeroiiH, nn<l we are trying to klvb every customer qultk, pollle Hf>rv|-"«. Wove tnken the neckweai' nntl hiinß the different fcnules on pn'ei Ihntiißh the store, so H'H thn nicest. HHslost tlilim In (lie' worlil for rns- tfimprs to pick nut the. kind nnd color they Ilkn themselves. v\n awful In! nf people am buying our Hat nn.l Merchandise orders, then nil the re- cipient hns to do Is to mil nt onn of our stores and select tho kind nnd color he Ilkon best, F. B. SILVERWOOD ,221 S. Sprlnff St. llroadwny and Uth, nml It. .1. Aui'lulr contributed Unto solo*. The immlc loom uml rweptloii rooms were charmingly decorated In pink nnd greon, I'linuillons mid ferns bring ef fective. Supper whs served In the din ing: room, which was brilliant with red carnations, polnsettlas, holly borrlen, red satin ribbon and fenm. . Among those who i'iij«y«l Ihe iiffuli" were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ctnrh Car lisle, Mr. mid Mrs. A. .(. Fusnnnt, Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter J. Wren. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Yon Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Noyps, Mr. and Mrs. Chtirlps J. Hpyler, Mr, and Mrs. Calvert Wil son, Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Thorpe, Mr. and Mrs."" Paul do Longpre, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. J. Auclnir, Mr. nnd Mrs. U. A. Vickrey, Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford C. 13, Tatum, Mmes. Marian Wilson. Alexander J. Chandler, Ethel K. M. Graham, Mlssns Blanche de Longpre, Kdlth Whltnker, Germalnp Fusenot, Kthel Graham, Anna Powers, Messrs. Julps Vlole, Jiunes O. Scarborough. Will Grahum, Oeorge Le Doux nnd Rev. Wilfred U, Ueaudry. In receiving and entertain* Ins her guests Mrs. Le Doux \vus as sisted by her daughters, Mrs. Clifford C C. Tatum and Miss Josephine Le Uoux. Merry Christmas Party Miss Bessie Pope -of Mozart street gave a unique Christinas party last evening, entertaining' about thirty guests. Christmas decorations wore of holly and mnlliix arranged In Canopy effect In tho living room and reception rooms, and the same scheme was ef fective In the dining room. Each guent represented some student or member of tho faculty of Occidental college. and prizes were awarded to thosi guessing correctly the names of the persons represented. Nursery rhymes were hidden In walnut shells and part ners for supper were secured by match ing the rhymes. Scores for the games were kept on Christmas cards bearlnp Christmas greetings and tied with red ribbons. Club Members Banquet Sesame club members to the number of forty enjoyed a Christmas banquet In the annex of the California club evening. The members and their guests gathered at the club house at 7 o'clock and an evening of dining and toasts followed. Social Notes Mr. nnd Mrs. C. J. Fox and Miss Ho ntrice Fox of 16C0 Rockwood street left for the City of Mexico yesterday, to Ijp absent about two months. ■ Because it is The best I always jXfi&ak^ insist oiv. SP^iE§L tavirvg PIONEER Q^ BRAND EVAPORATED kJ^oI . CREAM H? Alwayi lh« ume, enlirely wholnarne, perfect in natural milk flavor and color. Available for all houiehold purpotei. The Borden Brandt have been the Leaden lor Two Ceneralioni. "LEADERS OF QUALITY." Borden'a Condenied Milk Co.. New York. . • li,t,tb;,ihid list. Faotorj at Auburn, Washington. ,. j Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite •■■OURIW— Coughs, Golds, Croup and Whooping Cough. Thlaremnl/le funout for Itioimortt ■ large part o I lh« clvlllud world. It out •Iwara be depeuded upou. It ooutuna no •miluiu or other harmful drug ami maj km glv *n u oouodently to • ktbf u» to au adult Price £16 cts; Larg-e Size, 60 Ota. i Store Open Evenings "^^S^^f Jgj IISlS) <m£&) Only, five buying clays before Christmas. Many.' fine and rare things here now toxSk SSf^ t] ia t won't be by Saturday. Crowds will grow denser and assortments thinner ••■every hour, and while we've converted the hurry and confusion in other stores into speeda^ and order here, we can promise you best attention early in the week. The Tea Room— Open Evenings in plfiyiiu: nn iinunnnlly Importnnt pnrt durlnsr these T)nrlr.K this week for thf» convenience of nhoppem btisy rinys, because It offem to fatljtued shoppers the who mny be downtown rliirlns the late, nfternoon plennnntent of placpn in which to rest, inppt friends nnd nnt wlnh to rettirn home for dinner, the T#a nnd procure refrephliiff luncheond from 11:80 tr> Ttoom will be open and mr-nl*, light or mibstantlal. 2:30, while In th» nrternoon we serve hot ten, t[ * preferred, will be nerved a la carte at 6:80 and bouillon, wnfern nml mien light delicacies. later. Warm, Comfortable Lounging Robes Wool Dress Patterns $8.50 Sorreihlnjr, to wenr Is nlwnys sure to please — doubly Your choice of black soodn, colored mohairn and so when selected from ri Block so Inviting nn ours. ftlclllnnn or sultlnßS for tnllored and fancy Kownn 7>niut rnbes nf nulTy red. blue or «rav eiderdown, In eißht-ynrd lenßthn for *8.80. with rocket nnd cord nnd fro* fiistenliiKs. $-">.OO. They represent the Benson's newest and most Sho't snrfues In Oerman. outing flannel or elder- «,••» wrvlceable materials— those for which you ""URllx clown 7,">r hlßher. '*£* expect to pny $1.28 to *I.7r> a yard! n» Kooa a ipft .InUnese quilted B |lk robes nnd mrqtiM of r-v- Ik trnm * ver y "taiidpolnt nn we enn fJßffest. m«rk«ble beauty nnd daintiness, buyable nt modest A G j ve fl Wack S j| k p at tem ' ''•'"''' • ■ j>^i »_• O Special price on one of our most staple black opCCIQI CIOVG Prices « tairetnu, a weßve nhvays in favon Many ienchem in town tliU week who export to se- # 44-huh velvet finish taffeta, worth *I.7i>. nt. $1.80 lect presents. We can't offer anything better than *&\ » ynrA. Any length you wish, handsomely boxed for iloveM from our own rfßUlnr stocks, nnd we've gone wtli preHentlnff or nendliiß ny mall. further nnd reduced prlccß on pome of the finest Jill Tnttern lengths of nny of our silks from JS4.SS to qualities: iw" JRO.OO. J1.78 mochn gloves. $1.50: $1.50 mochn RlnveP, 11.23 Vt aJ.. nili-...-. t* r*:_:,u * n pulr: J2.00 mnnohette gloves, Dent Pt.vle, tit Just Jg Ally rIHOWS IO VIIIISII I ■ half price. jg- Hel . e are the rendy-to-put-on ruffllngs— those with UaUJ... u:_«.. »•— »*„-. * *&• draw strings; Perslnn deslgiiß; 40c values for 25c. rtOliaay MlntS lOr IVien *V kittle checked ribbons for funcy work, etc., 85c Give him something to wear, but make It "best" Js vn i", c *i >c ' . , . , . . u«/t«i. from bis stnnrinolnt. as well ns yours. Here nre. M Plaids for hftlr ribbons-all blzbb and shades, soire worthy Items from nn unusually large and •£«, _ . -, . •»„.. U«._Jl,^-«U!^*?« U«>» r-nrefully chosen hosld:i v stock— suggestions thnt re- JJO It S JLdSy tO Dliy rtanuKerClHelS tierv fleet your own good judgment nnrt assure the re- iflf- : : •■■;. -'' ■■■, . . , clplent's full nppreclntlon also: %.,«, We're showing by far the most comprehensive a . ... . i,».. ,- nn ,„ 0.. . i „ .1 -« ,1 7 A XI Btook of holiday handkerchiefs ever displayed by T,'-nn B J *" iS'lin ' W "«• a " d havn nfidod to tne nlzn of our former Bel1 " *" )ill> *-""' Mm. Ing space, which makes your choosing easier from Fnncv neckwear, COc to Hath robes,' $l.r>o to «*^ these reliable lines. *'' r ' 0 ' il "' M Six different hnndkerchlefs, with hand embrold- Umbrellns, fancy vests, shirts, collars, etc. ere( j corners, packed In a neat box and tied With \ __ .. . e * »** U* •* ribbon, for one dollar. .., Why INOt RllgS —Or oOfa CUShIOnS? HemKtltched handkerchiefs, embroidered in cor- n's your lust call on genuine. Axmlnster rugs for t? ot V~r th "° ml (leßlg " 8 °" Bhßer " n?n> ™° C *° h ' ".*. $21.85. After Christmas they're going back to their x ' V* ' real vnlue of $25.00. We still show a splendid ns- T*»*lle n+ Uaif Dklm sortment from which to choose, thoush every dny J/0115 fll ridU rriCV sees the nuantlty materially lessening. Kestner's rnako-none better In all dolldom: kid- A bewildering assortment of finished sofa cush- bodied dolls In many sizes, with bisque heads, lons nt preposterously low prices— you- can buy a hPHutifully long, curly hair, lace shoes and stock- very handsome one for us little nt 65c; others up to iiißs; full jointed; most of them sleeping:: worth $3.00. Ofty rents to two dollars; on sule at Just half price. Coulter Dry Goods Company 225-7-9 South Broadway 224-6-8 South Hill Street I CONTEST 1 % - y I' ■' ■ I *( But a few days remain | | in the Salesladies Con- | J test If you have not > $ voted for your favorite J DO IT NOW. Address J all communications v J and subscriptions care | 1 of THE HERALD 5 1 CONTENT I 5