Newspaper Page Text
THE WEATHER T/)S A^GKLEfI, May*, IBQfl, Tlmfl *l bprTTli ii.m.|Wlncl|. Vciot f~/th er. Rn.m.l M TT»I fSW ( 4 I H<ly. 5 P-"_.l_J___L** |JW I 13 I flour. "~T»fnximiim k'iiipsrntiire. Of. 1 Minimum tern pornturp, Rfl. -> Weather Conditions -LOB ANOELEfI, Mny «._Wflrm anil cU»r tft the wpntliT rrprtlrtlon for Los AngplPw nnii vlrlnity Monriny. Peck A cimse Co., undertaker* and fmbaimert: lady assistants. 433 8. Mill. T«l. Main 61. BRESEE BROS. CO^SaVFiV» 0 ?S BROADWAY AND SIXTH BTREET. Lady assistant attendsi |I|nCDT»VC DO Ladles and children. UNUtRTr.KcnS Off ft HlriPC r.A Fnnrrikt IMrirfom, rr a runts w. 9il B . DrO ßdway. will movo to th«lr new building. On tho corner of Tenth and Flower, • bout May 31, Both phones 45. CUNNINGHAM & O'CONNOR tINMKRTAKIOIin, have removed to lim ■■ JJrnnrt nnfiiiif, . Phones— Main 408: Home 408. * CHURCH NOTICES BENJAMIN FAY. MILLS, PERMANENT minister of the Los Angeles Fellow- 1 ship, will speak at Blanchanl hnll, 236 - South Broadway, this morning at 11 o'clock, taking for his subject "A Message of Comfort and Cour- age." This address was originally ' delivered last Bunday before the great open air mass meeting for the refugees held at Oakland, and Is ro- , peatod by special request. Miss Helen Tappe, soprano, will sing "Tim Promise of Life, by Cowen,' and Al- fred Ej Walper, Violinist, will play "Evening Star," by Wagner. Doors ■,open at 10130. The public Is cor- dially Invited. All scats free. Bun- . day school at 9:30 a. m. Subject, "Non-resistance." Reynold E. Blight, superintendent. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Hope street, near Ninth — Seats free •Rev. -William 1 Horace Day, pastor. Rev. Warren F. Day, D. D., pastor emeritus. Harry Clifford Lott, choir master. Walter F. Skeele, organist. Morning service, 11 o'clock. Dr. iVarren F. Day will preach In recog- 9 nltion of the fortieth anniversary of ordination. Evening aervlec, 7:46 o'clock. President Charles A. Blan- deard, D. D., of Wheaton college, will ■preach. Wheaton alumni specially invited. The i Pacific Coast Congre- gational congress la to he held as announced, May 16-23. >T. PAUL'S PRO-CATHEDRAL, 623 8. Olive street (near all the leading hotels) —The Rev. J. J. Wllkins, D. D., dean and rector.- Services 7:30, 9:30 and 11:00 a. • m. ; 7:41 i p. m. Confirmation class for Instruction, 8:30 p. m.; Young People's meeting,' 6:45 p. m. The ' rector will preach. - Subjects: Morning, "Children of God," a communion sermon; even- ing, "Confirmation: What Is It?" A cor- dial welcome is extended to all. The rich and poor meet together; the Lord Is the Maker of them all. . CHRIST CHURCH, CORNER 12TH AND Flower— Rev. Baker P. Lee. rector. Sun- day services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; , early celebration holy communion on third Sunday and Saints' Day, at 7:30 a. m. Church open daily for private prayer from Ba. hi. to 6p. m. Strangers especially Invited. University cars pass" the door. Those desiring: telephone con- nection for "Shut-Ins" telephone 7912. Church physician at the church every morning from 8:30 to 9:30. Services and medicine free to all. PENIEL HALL, 227 SOUTH MAIN street — A noonday prayer meotlng Is ; held each week day, 12 to 1 o'clock. ■ Gospel meeting every-night at 7:60 p. 'm. Sunday services as follows: 9 a. - ■'. m., men's prayer meeting; 9:46, Sab- . bath school and Bible class; 11 •.o'clock, preaching; 3 p. m., holiness 1 meeting; ■ evangelistic service at • night. Rev. T. P. Ferguson, Mrs. M. S P. Ferguson and G. B. Studd supcr- 1 lntendents of the mission. . the: closing .exercises of the ; educational department of the Young "•—Women's Christian association will be -held -the week May 14 to 20. This . will Include displays of class work In domestic science and art and draw- - lngr and recitals by elocution and music pupils, piano, guitar and man- dolin, concert by orchestra and -, choral classes and exhibition by the department. ; SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, Sci- entist, Simpson auditorium, 734 South Hope street — Services Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; sermon from the Christian . Science Quarterly. Subject: "Mortals ..and Immortals."', Children's Sunday school 9:30 a. in. Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading rooms, 610-511 -Herman W. Hellman Bldg.. ' Spring and Fourth sts., open dally. Sundays excepted, from 9 a. m. to 6 P. m- -\ ■ •-:..., . BT. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 614 I W. Adams, near Figueroa street. Rev. Lewis G. Morris, rector; Sunday ser- - vices, 7:30 a. »n., 11 a. ra.. 4:30 p. m. This is a FREE} church and all are . cordially invited. Take the Grand "avenue car to Adams street and walk . one block west. Take the University car to Chester place, walk through Chester place and one block east on Adams street. , IMMANUEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH — Corner of Tenth and Figueroa streets. Rev. Hugh K. Walker. D. :D., the pastor, will preach Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. and at 7:30 o'clock p.m . Subjects: morning, "The For- bidden Bread;" evening, "A Triple- Walled Citadel." Strangers are cor- dially invited to attend all of our ser- vices. - SPECIAL NOTICES 'HEADQUARTERS . FOR BURLAPS-76- ln. burlap between molding and base makes a beautiful solid wall without Beam; also have 36-tnch and 40-lnch, all colors. Good wall paper and border for 12-fooU room, $1. Best paint, $1.60. Root and barn, 90c. Opaque shades, 35c. • Bent floor wax, 45c. Floorene, the var- nish for- linoleum and floors, qta., $1; . pts., . 600. Our enamels make things shine like a mirror. Paints, enamels, brushes, 10c up. WALTER BROS.. C 27 B. Spring. Home 1055; Main 1055. PROF. J. H. MENDELL, FAMOUS HAIR specialist from Butte. Mont, on bald- ness, falling hair, dandruff and all scalp diseases, has moved his office to the Brunswick hotel. coYner of Sixth and ' 11111. 603 South Hill street. Guarantee to start the hair on . any bald head In ten days. I Will be pleased to see all my . old patrons. Mme. E. Mayo, formerly of Paris, France, manager and over- seer. * Mendell's famous Hair Growing treatment. $1.00 per bottle. 602 SOUTH HILL ST.. Los Angeles, Cal. PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERING, MAT- t reuses renovated at people's resi- dence If desired. Try B. GOLDBEHG, 1060 S. -Main st. Home 6681, FORESTERS OF AMERICA FROM earthquake district apply - general re- lief committee, 107V4 N. MAIN ST., for assistance*. CLE A N . WATCH 60c; MAINSPRING 60c; ■ warranted; old gold $1 pwt. 451 S. MAIN. '_^ - ■ ':r>- FI^NANCIAL^, ' ' PUT YOUR SAVINGS IN • '• ', 10 PER CENT GUARANTEED BONDS. Paid 12 per cent last year and expect . not less than 20 per cent this year. .AYe have a few for sale at $200 each, ,on SMALL PAYMKNT DOWN and «. / $6 PER MONTH ' These are as safe as a savings bank, which pays but 4 per cent.. J. R. MACLINTOCK, 704 Grant Building— 3ss South Broadway. ; LOST AND FOUND "^Sr7»T^On^*KKJV~UV^H7sTA7ur' ■ ' Front the California club, a dress ault case with a leather tag contain- • Ing the iiaimt of the owner. ' For tho r- return ' of - same to the . California club oi> tha office of Hua*, Baruch'& '-Co.. areward of $100. Is- hereby of- fered. No questions asked. • A. HAAS. WANTED . Help— Male iiuMMEti minn. ft co!^ — EMPLOYMENT AflKNTfl- A atrictly flm-clasH, reliable agency. All kinds of h^ln promptly furnished. Yotir order* solicited. 11«-11« F,nst fipoond MrfiM, Betwp*>n Mflln nnri l(O«t AnffMes sin. lATKtat nnd bMt equipped offices on the Parlflo eo*«t. HUMMEL BROS fe CO. lIS nnd 11 % K. 2d St. TM*phon»n— Main ROfl. Home 609. W ANTBD-A THOROUOITLY F,XFE- rlnnced «al*»mnn for m«»n'n clothing In the leading stnrr of Montana. A good aalnry will b<> pnld to a nun who Is competent ond of nood character and nblllty. Wrltn st oncp, detailing expe- rlfnrn and other particulars, with refer- ences, to Manager.- HENNESSY'B BIG STORE, linttc, Montana. ACTIVB MANiVANTED IN EACH county to exhibit, demonstrate and ndvertlge staple line; aalnry $1» weekly, $3 por dny for expenses. No capltnWteqnlrpd. Honesty and so- briety morn f Mentis! thnn experience. NATIONAL CO.. 720 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. MAN TO RUN AND TAKH CHARGE of cigar stand; the position will pay $90 monthly and require* an Investment of $175, part cash, hnlance ftmnll month- ly payments. ELWOOD, 702 S. Spring, room 229. IN SIX WEEKS WE EDUCATE YOU In salesmanship, secure you a posi- tion as traveling ftalesmnn with re- sponsible firm. Address THE DRAD- STREET SYSTEM, Rochester, N. Y. ANY IR-X-JSLLIOENT PERSON MAT earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Bend for particulars, PRESS HYNDI- CATE, Lockport, N. Y. HUSTLER WANTED, EVERY LOCA!> Ity; experience unnecessary: $10 a day. COMPRESSED AIR RENOVATINO CO., Milwaukee. Wls. WANTED-LIVELY, HUSKY BOYS for carrying papers. Must have bicycle or horse and cart. Good salary. Apply Circulation Department, THE HER- ALD. GOOD PAY TO MEN EVERYWHERE— To tack signs, distribute circulars, sam- ples, etc.; no canvassing. UNIVERSAL ADV. CO., Chicago.. "DESTRUCTION OF; SAN FRANCISCO" Beat book. Large tiroflts. Act quick. Sample free. GLOBE COMPANY, 723 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. WA NTED-A WEAVER OF WOVEN WIRE MATTREBSES. L. W. STOCK- ' WELL CO., 837 S. LOS ANGELES ST. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE. Situations guaranteed. Moler Sys- tem College, 113 E. 2D. • Help— Female LADIES TO DO PIECEWORK AT , home; we furnish all materials and pay front $7 to $12 weekly. Send Stamped envelope to ROYAL C 0.," 84 E. Monroe, Chicago. Situations — Male WANTED-A POSITION FOR FAMILY by Japanese; first-class laundry man; good experience. Address 229 S. HILL STREET. A GOOD JAPANESE LAUNDRY BOY wants position- at hotel or with family. FRANK JUGI, 128 N. San Pedro st. YOUNG MAN, 26, DESIRES SITUA- tion. Can Invest money. Address J, M., P. O. box 292. Agents SAN FRANCISCO DISASTER-OVER 500 pages, many hundred photographs and complete history, greatest calamity of modern times; $9 to $15 per day easily made. Don't be misled by "66 per cent" and other fake offers Our book sells $1.60; costs agents 75 cents. Send 10 cents for mailing free outfit. The KNAPP PUB. CO.. Kansas City, Mo. AGENTS WANTED— OFFICIAL SAN Francisco Earthquake Book. Large' Sages,, startling pictures, elegant lndlng. Books free. • Freight paid. The BIBLE HOUSE, 323 Dearborn St., Chicago. WANTED-SALESMEN OF. ABILITY and neat appearance to call on all mer- chants In their territory; elegant side line convenient to carry; good commis- sions; prompt remittance. BELMONT MFG. CO, Cincinnati. O. wanted^gentleman" or. lady with good references to travel by rail or with a rig for a firm of $260,000 capital. Salary, $1072 per year and expenses; sal- ary paid weekly and expenses advanced. Address, with stamp. JOS. A. ALEX- ANDER, Los Angeles, Cal. AGENT FOR MASONIC LIFE INSUJU ance; must be a Mason. Address J. H. GRAY, 612 W. 6th at. Cincinnati. To Rent WANTED— ~ ' ALL OWSBRS OF RENTAL PROPERTY TO KNOW THAT WE DO A RENTAL BUSINESS -' — DON'T WORRY —IF YOU WANT A TENANT— LIST YOUR PROPERTY . WITH US NINES & KAIIISII, 315 SOUTH HILL STREET. I WILL LEASE ANY" GOOD LOS AN^ geles unimproved property for a term of years. W. H. OBEAR, 408-9-10 Johnson bldg. . ' To Purchase — Real Estate WE CAN SELL OR EXCHANGE YOUR PROPERTY OR BUSINESS NO MAT- TER YHERE LOCATED. Our terms for closing^ deals aro very low. It •will pay you to Investigate our plan. THf! GRAY REAL ESTATE} CO., Home 6718. (521 Stlmaon Bldg. wanted"- cook for country camp; carpenter or laborer and wife preferred. Call at 3537 NORTH GRIF- FIN AYE. Sunday. .. Money WANTED TO BORROW— SI6OO FOR three years on a new and modern bungalow in the southwest; will pay 7 per cent. - llltrtUN & WOODS, 20S W. 7th St. WANTED-LOAN OF $2600 ON - IM- proved real estate. 7 per cent. THOS. J. HAMPTON. 119 So. Broadway. TEN PER CENT NET INTEREST guaranteed In rentals 4 Income cottages, $5000; worth $6000. East 25th st. SID- PALL REALTY CO., 207 Copp Bldg 1 _ Partners PARTNER— LADY OR COOK WITH $200; splendid boarding house; bar- galn. Address BOX 231, Herald. Miscellaneous WANTED TO BUY — FURNITURE AND household goods. If you are going to sell w« will pay you onn-thlrd more than others. Phone us. Main 1117. . Home 2154. COLYEAR ITUKNITUH- CO.. »2i! 8 Main • t __________ '< > ' WANTED-DEALERB AND PAPER hangers to write -for samples of bur- laps; exclusive wall papers for the coast; paints, varnishes, moldings WALTER nrtOS.. 627 S. Spring. NOTARIES O. 11. JOJViOS, Notary Publics' 117 South Uroadwny. Fir* Insurance and Loans. All kinds of legal papers drawn. Always In. Alwuya Correct. Residence 1607 Santee Street, At home evenlnga »nd mornings. MINING AND ASSAYING.* BOUTHWEBT MINERS' fcUREAU, . .114 Bouth Broadway. 1 Mines, r«.-l estate I and mining properties bought, sold and "-changed. • J LOS ANGELES HERALD: MONDAY MORNING, MAY 7, 190fl. FOft RENT Plata MODERN FLATS-WATER FRES— $10 — S rooms, 201 N. Fremont 10 — t room*, 134 P. Flgueroa. 13. SO— S roof!*, ill N. Fißuoroa. I 11 — S roams, til N. Fremont, : i«-_3 room*. 1011 F,. Sth; furnlnhM. : m — s rooms, lOAil R Bth; furntuhftil : lS—i rooms, 204 N. Fremont) forn. 1« — S room*. 11» N. Fremont: furn. !<l — t rooms, RS4 8. Flgueroa; furn. lid — f, rooms. 1019V4L Diamond. 1« — j rooms, 1141 w. First. 17 — s rooms, lIM W. First: furn. lg_B rooms, -22 N. Fremont: furn. T. WIESENTMNGER. N. W. cor. «» .. and Hope sin Houtei ISM EAST ADAMB, $11. *18. $I*. $20. OR for sain, $26 down, $25 monthly., 1 ■ . 1818 nnri MB* Kniit 26th, 4 room*, $13. 1556 Palomareß St., $15. 623 T.nomK opposite . Orange and Kip Mb. ; 7 rooms, $30. HinnALL RKALTT CO.. 207 Popp Ttlrig. Flats— -Furnished < FOR $ ITTSoNT H_Y~Tb'_d AN RENT furnished complete 9 nice sunny out- side rooms; electrlolty, gas rnnire, hot water, phone: clone In; nt 1020 WEST COLTON ST.*. 1003 and 1011 EAST NINTH ST., -102 S. BEAUDRY A_VE. FOR REn't— A"cL~EA~N7~MOnn!RN 3~ room tint, rhenp. 837 KOHLER ST. Tolophono Red 3722. Store* and Office* TO LET— STORES— ~ $2R — 1017 W. First st. and roonn. *2« — 1019 W. First st. and rooms. $20 — 103* W, First St. and rooms. $20 — 1030 W. First at. and rooms. $2f — 10.12 W. First «t. and roomi. $IS— IOS So, Beaudry, $16 — 114 S. Beaudry aye. and room. $20 — 100R R. Ninth st. $25 — 1011 E. Ninth nt. T. WIKSENDANOER. N. W. Cor. Hope and Seventh itts. Rooms — Furnished FOR RENT-2 FURNISHED ROOMS, and also two rooms for Hunt housekeep- ing. Call 1116 MIGNONETTE ST., near corner First and Beandry sts^ FOR~s2b (LOW SUMMER RATES) y"o"u can rent eleeant room, luxuriously fur- nished, hotel service, at 70S W. 7TH STREET. Try It. . FOR RENT-3 PARTLY FURNISHED rooms. Call at 429 SAVANNAH ST. ...'-•-■ M ° NEY - T0 LOAN I HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON ALK KINDS OF GOOD SECURITY IN SUMS TO SUIT AT ■ CURRENT RATES. ■ JAMES B. THRELKELD, 201 FAY BLDG., 326 W. THIRD ST. HOME 8253 NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER. CASH CONFIDENTALLY LOANED TO ~ salaried persons on note, without se- curity, without 'employer s knowledge and without indorsers; easy payments, positively lowest rates. Hours 10:30 to 3:30. COMMERCIAL DISCOUNT CO., 628-629 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. / " __ZT . ■ ■' ■ IF YOU HAVE A LOT I WILL FUR- nlsh the money and plans and build for you on easy payments. E. S. WILLIAM- BON & CO.. Builders. 202 Grant building. KERNER BROS. LOAN ON DIAMONDS and furniture; low rates; any amount 201 Frcst blda., 2d and B'way. Ph. W2J. MONEY TO LOAN— THOMAS S. WADS- WORTH, 319 & 320 Douglas bldg., will lend money on city or county real estate. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Bldg. loans our specialty. TRUE & CLEVELAND. 607 H. W. Hellman bd. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 PER CENT. ON inside property, in sums to suit I. H. PRESTON, 608 Laughlln bldg. I MAKE STRAIGHT BUILDING LOANS W. H. OBEAR, ■ 408-409-410 John-son Bldg. '1 '.' BUSINESS PERSONALS^' j ' I •. isis- World's greatest clairvoyant, astral dead trance medium; born with a dou- ble veil;, native of India, educated in occultism in Egypt and Thibet. ISIS _____________________________ FEATHER PILLOWS RENOVATED AT ACME FEATHER WORKS, 768 San Pedro st. Tel. Sunset Main 1166; I Homo 8041. TRUSSES, ELECTRIC HOSIERY, M_L>- . leal batteries, etc. Matthay, 129 H. . Spring st. ■ ECZEMA— IF YOU WANT A CURE AD- dreus McClellan. sr.. 133 W. 6th nt PHYSICIANB SrT'and mrs! carter success^ fully treat all female diseases and Ir- regularities; 20 years' experience; con- sultation free. Hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. ; Sundays. 10 to 12 a. m. 204 MER- CANTILE PLACE, over 643 S. Spring. SOUTHERN HOME FOR LADIES DUR- ine confinement: homes found for children. DR. C. E. SMITH. 727 Sun- . set boulevard. Tel. Main '2364. DR TAYLOR-FEMALE SPECIALIST and obstetrics. BELASCO THEATER, Main St. DENTIBTB SCHIEFFMAN DENTAL CO., 107 N. Spring St.— Painless extracting, filling, crown and bridge work, flexible .rubber plates. Pure gold fillings, 75c up; all other fillings. 60c up; cleaning teenth, 50c up; gold crowns and bridge work,, $5.00 up; sets teeth, $5.00 up. Also open, evenings and Sunday fore- noons. DR WM. BACHMAN. THE WELL- known Minneapolis dentist, . perma- nently located 209-210 Jornson Bldg., 4th and Bdway. Home 6832, M. (H35. FRANK STEVKNa 324V4 SO. SPRING^ ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW MARRIAGE AND PROBATE LAWS A specialty. • No fee without success. E. P. MOREY, C2l Stimson blk., cor. 3d and Spring. Phone 6718. Open evenings. DIVORCELAAVS-ADVICH FREE? NO fee without success; private. J. H. SMITH, 122 W. Third »t., Room 106. 1 to 6 p. m. T RA y_ SF A" .'A 1 - ?- -^T?? ACiE : COLYEAR WAREHOUSE CO., 416-417-419 San Pedro fit. -»v Main office 824 South Main. Phones Main 1117, Home 2164. New' and absolutely fire proof storage; ,prlvate locked rooms for bric-a-brac, pianos, fine furniture, etc. Trunks, boxes, etc., stored, 260 to 600 per month. We solicit your patronage. PABTURE * UOOD PABTUK-." 4 MILES FUOM city; <K)0 acres Just opened. Call on W. U. McUAUUH, corner Johnson and Mission boulevard. Phonea, Home 31171, tCaat BS9. ■ T~ PIANOS plA^oTs^uTolfr^AsT?A^M^NTSl^ Pianos rented at low rates. A. G. GARDNER PIANO HOUSE.. Ltd., U8 Winston St. Tel. Black 22_i Home 2185. ■■,-.., " ' PALM^BTS ANO MEDIUMS MH^.^PAitKKBy'RKBI'ABLK^PAL^M'IBT and clairvoyant, 444 B. Spring; room 1. PAIENTB AND PATENT RIGHTS ',"' HAZARD & HARPHAM. • PIONEER Agency. Clt. Nat. iik, iid. Pat, book free BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $3500 BUYS FIRST-CLAPS MODERN iip*tn-datA .toll-jt parlors. p«tron»«.« th« elite of tho rlty; Ions; **tAbll*h«d; hnndsome profits." lnveatlMtlon «o- lintfti. cau*» of nelllnsr 111 healtk. Addrcud BOX 814, this ofTlc*. WANTRD-RKRpoNSinLB MAN TO manage branch office and distributing d^pot for lnr«« coffee and uplce com- pany owning Its own mllln; salary, $200 monthly and eomtilwlonn; . rsfwenoM and Investment of $1000 renulrfd. Ad- rtregw MANAQKR< 1« River «t., Chleairo. FOB SALIS— ONE o7*THK MOST UP- to-date confectionary store In th« city can be had this week at a bar- gftln, n* owner is 111 nnri must go to higher Altitude.' ■■ . •■'■ ■ imowjt a woonw, ana w. t«h m. JtJBT LIKR BANKINO-ANY ORDERB for decorating or house painting en- trusted to our cars, will relieve you of much anxiety. Try us. Work and prices Rimranteed. Pure oil and lead. WAl<- TKR imoa.. 627 B. Spring at. AUTO 3 ANO OTHER VEHICLES aiitomobTle 1 to bell or^tradg ■ for rpal estate. A 80-horne power Thom- as Flyer. • In useV; months; will pasi expert examination aa to first class condition. Reasonable price for cosh, or will trade for real estate. Address THOMAS, Hcrnld office. SANITARIUMS MRsT'lvr nmr^TT^XtivrAßivM- Massage, electric, tub, 'vapor, steam baths, chiropody, manicuring, scalp treatment, facial massage. 22EH W. First. Homo 3809. MRS. McGIVKRNS— BEST PHIVATW accommodations. 609 EAST PICO ST. Phone Hroadway 6132. BATHS AND MASSAGE THE"" BROWN MASSAGE PARLOR& vTub. vapor ' and medicated baths, electric and magnetic massage. Have You Tried Them? Experienced operator. Rooms 6& 7, GIOH 8. Spring. BATH AND. MASSAGE PARLOR) eastern trained operators: graduate operators. Formerly of 127V4 N. Broad- way;' 126 ft N. SPRING STRKET. Hours 10 to 12 p. m. Phone Main 4856. BON TON BATH ,PARLOR— FOR A first-class bath and massage call at 703% SOUTH BROADWAY, room 10. Hours from !) a. ra. to 11 p. m. Open Sundays. FROM - LONDON-MANICURE AND massage, 115 ft SO. BROADWAY, parlors 38 and 39. Formerly of 131V4 S. Broad- way. Attendant. ELECTRIC TREATMENT, VAPOR ANO sponge bath and massage, magnetic treatments, oil, alcohol rubs. ,812 S. BROADWAY, room 10. THE MITCHELL BATH PARLORS- Vapor tub baths and massage, alcohol and oil rubs. 218 N. MAIN ST., office 11. Open Sundays. ■ THE ALDA BATHS REOPEN-- AT 609 M S. SPRING ST. Klectrlc tub baths and massage. Open Sundays. Room 4. FOR SALE— BATH AND MASSAGE parlors; well established. Rooms 12 and 14, "The Montgomery," 444 South Spring. BATH AND MASSAGE PARLOR; MAG- notlc and alcohol rubs. Chicago at- tendant. 703 ft S. BROADWAY, third .. floor. . . ELECTRIC INSTITUTE. 220 FRANKLIN street, Including baths, massage and electric blanket sweats for rheumatism. 321 SOUTH HILL— VAPOR AND TUB baths, massage for colds, rheumatism, nervousness. Open every day. room 9. SULPHUME. VAPOR, ELECTRIC AND tub baths, massage and chiropody. 701 ft Broadway. Phone Main 3133; H. 8517. FOR A GOOD TUB OR VAPOR BATH and massaged go to 738 ft SOUTH GRAND AYE. Phone 6660. FOR A GOOD TUB OR VAPOR BATH . and maSßage go to 619% S. MAIN. BATHS— 3O9 W. TEMPLE ST., ROOM*! Phone Home 607*. _____ NKWLY OPENED SCIENTIFIC MAB- I sage parlors, 2 and 3, 595 South Spring St., and 217 west Sixth St.; select pa- trons only. YOU ARE NOT HURRIED WHEN YOU go to 125 TEMPLK STREET for bath and massage. Best of patronage solicited. "SOUTHERN" BATHS AND MASSAGE and electric treatments by experienced masseuse. 653 S. BDWAY, Suite 9. 245% S. SPRING, SUITE"26— NEW MAN- agement. Baths, massage and electric . treatments. . • • ■ ■ ELECTRIC TREATMENTS — ALCOHOL rubbing. 613 ft SOUTH SPRING ST. Room 1. BATH AND MASSAGE— MAGNETIC healing. 652 S. BROADWAY, room 2. FOR SALE Houses FOR SALE-MODERN 6-ROOM COT- tage, S. W., barn, fence, lawn, flowers, etc.; a fine home. Price $2575; $500 cash, $26 per month. 7-room, lft-story, lot 50x158; fine view; chicken pens, etc. Price $1975; $775 cash, bal. $14.40 per month. . 6-room cottage, complete with bath, toilet, etc.; lot 50:d25: % block from car line. Price $1650; $100 cash, bal. $20 per mo** 4t *. ■ * 6-room - cottage on lot 60x125; prtca $1450; $100 cash, bal. $20 per month. BOTTEMA, DiJVENS & BOTTEMA. Real Estate and Builders, . 227 Laughlln Bldg. 1 Home Phone 8321. -Broadway 4750. WE WILL DESIGN AND BUILD TO cult your, for cash or for Installments, same as rent, If you have a lot or a - good equity In one. Our prices aro right. Our designs are right Our work is right. WESTERN BUILDING CO.. 403 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8640. Home 980." Pay Rent to Yourselves If you own a lot we will furnish all the money and build you a house; you can pay us back like rent. In- quire at our, office for particulars. Ask for a free city map. The Burck-Gwynn Co, , 104 S. Broadway. FOR SALE— ~ HIGHLAND PARK SNAP. Fine 5-room cottage on Avenue 63; ' rooms all large and well arranged; " lot 64x196; price $3000. Lot alone Is worth $1700. The house could not be duplicated for a like amount. "IT PAYS TO SEE US." EDWARDS & WINTERS CO., ' 329 S. Hill St. Main 9307. Home Ex. 787, $1600-A BARGAINT~A SURE BARGAIN, $16OU, five-room cottage, bath, gas, clos- ets and chicken yard, on workman street. East Los Angeles; $1(00, 1309 cash, $20 per month.- For this and other bargains see I.KAIIY A SON, 223 Mercantile Place. FOR BALE— S3OOO; TERMS $500 CASH", balance $30 monthly; new house, 6 rooms, modern, up-to-date home; all street work made; good neighbor- hood; circumstances compel owner to • dispose ofithls property Immediately. 338 Bradbury Bldg., F. O. WAKKLtJY. INCOME COTTAGES— TEN PER CENT net guaranteed In rentals. East Adams .-■ tract. 81DDALL HKAL'i'v CO., 207 Copp Bid*. isTcoTrrAGEi! c. adahb traotTnd East 26th St., $l6(io; 100 cash; agents' commission. BIDDALL ItUALTY CO., 207 Copp Bldf. ■ . ■ . ■■■.■-■.■• FOR BALB-$2OOO FOR $2500 MODERN cottago at Altadena. For particulars address J3. U. Chaae, It. F. 1). No. 1., Pasadena, Cal. . f 1518. KABT, »TII, 4 ROOMS. $liooi~"$50 down, $15 monthly. See OWNEIt, FOR SALE '. Houtei > $400 DOWN, $2» MOtoTit, INTEREST INCLTJDR6; 7 ROOMS AND HALL, BATH, OAS; LOT 40x180 TO AL- LEY;. ONE. 27T11 BT a CLOSH TO OKNTRAL AVB. PRICE J250«: VERT CHBAP. TOT 78x1(10; 8- ROOM PLARTERRD HOUR-; CLOSRTfI AND PORCMRS; 8 LAROF, WALNUT TREES. PEACH- ES AND PLUMB, GRAPES ANI> BLACKBERRIES. JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMIT. n. B. IBBBTBON A CO., 8I« TRUST RLDG.. 2ND ft SPRING: MAIN Mil. |;00-.45x120.L0fl ANOELKS ST., 2 room California house. - • $1200—46x120, L. A. St., goad 4-room cot- titge, new. $16(10—40x130, San Pedro St.. 6 rooms, nftw, modern, flh«. 13K50— 45x110; inth, near Central, i storleji, 8 rooms, new* modern, fine. $2760— 46x128, l>ewey, north of Pico, nood fi-ronm cottafta front and 3 rooms In rear, nnrgnln. Terms. . »7600-Corner, 106x120, 2 new flat build- ings; income $9i>-a month. W. F. THORNE A CO., Room 311. , 21$ S. Broadway. City Lots and Lands COTTAGES FOR' SALE— If we haven't one ready We build to suit you on any lot we have. nn M<e®fflirttlhiy ..@<o>. 9 s J and sell to you - > on easy rental terms. What more can you ask? Now go see the lots. Moneta avenue car to Main and 61st; and ■ ■ Branch office Main and 64Mi sts. Main office In our own building, 203 North Broadway. Phone Home 8737. Sunset Red 1202;, South 8139. City Lots SoapsV HOB ART BOULEVARD — Near 30th; 50x135, $1300. HOOVER ST.— Near Pico; 60x150; $4000. FORTY-SEVENTH ST. — Between Main and Moneta;' 40x141; $900. CORNER ON NINTH — Near Jasmine;, 60x135; $1650;- terms. CORNER ON TEMPLE— Near Lake Shore aye.; 90x145; $4500; half cash. .. f N. E. CORNER ASCOT AND FORTY-NINTH— 4OxI29 ; $1050; $550 cash. S. W. CORNER EIGHTH AYE. AND TWENTY-THIRD — 50X140; $1500. ' CORNER ON TWENTY- THIRD— Near Clmarron; IOOx ' . , " 150; $4500. . ■ • ADAMS ST.— Near Clmarron; , 100x180; $6000. : . . ■ EAST ' WASHINGTON— Near "• Griffith; 60x140; $2900; $1000 cash. - . CORNER ON LA SALLB . AYE.— Near Cordovla; 65x187; $2500. WILTON PLACE— Near 18th; 60x178; $2200. .' CORNER "ON* RATMOND AYE.— Near 27th; 121x136; $4600; $2000 cash. CORNER ON FIGUEROA— - : ; " Near 27th; 132x233; $20,000. . POWELL ST.— Near Third 5 aVe.; 60x137; $1300. . . BONNIE BRAE— Near Sun- . set boulevard; 60x150; $1000. .. . ALVARADO ST.— Near Sun- set boulevard; 60x102; $1000; terms. SUNSET BOULEVARD — '- Near Alvarado; 50x150; $1500. ♦ FIFTY-NINTH ST. — Near Moneta; 50x135; $650; terms. Jones &.. 'Ryder Land. Co. 218 ' W. Third St.' FOR SALE— THE TIME TO BUY. 18 ahead of the crowd, and the crowd Is proposing to go northwest lln the beautiful section along Western aye., between Wllshlre boulevard and Holly- wood. We have made this district our specialty for four years and are the pioneers In that district.. We know of all the beat bargains and will artviao you honestly. With the advent of tho new Huntlngton lines Into the section will come a great enhancement of value. This district has every natural advantage that a choice residence sec- tion should command. Lots are selling at $500 .and up that are comparable with many lots In other sections at three or four times the price. Don't fall to Investigate this section. Tak* Colegrove car to Western avenue, where our branch- office la located. A representative Is there every day to show you our six tracts. CHAS. 8. MANN, 825 W. Fourth st. WE ARE SELLING _ v ■ In Reesmont Tract. n If you come . well recommended > we will sell you one. x Prices $760 and up. Beautiful location. CHAS. MrKENZTC CO. 409 H. W. Hellman Bldg. .1350. ' Jan. Large level lot, 60x186, on Park aye., between Flgueroa and Hoover. Near two fast electric car lines. South front. Well improved with cement walk and curb, graded and oiled street; water piped to lot. Beautiful view of the mountains. This is a bargain. GEO. C. t-ECKHAM & CO., 1104-5-6 Union Trust Bldg., Cor. Spring and Fourth sts. Home 6373. Main 3221. $550— LOT 52x130. IN BEAUTIFUL Florrnclta park, improved with walks, curbs and street work; shade and fruit trees; abundance of water, fine soil, 60 fare. $50 cash, $10 per month. BKRRY & DUNCAN. 223 West 6th St. Home 7260. Main 3859. . $375. $275. $!75. For this large level lot, 60x135, on two electric lines, in the growing southwest, ?;raded and oiled streets, water piped o lot. Prlco for today only. Thl* in a snap. QEO. C. PBCKHAM A CO., 11044-6 Union Trust Bldg., . . x Cor. Bprlng and Fourth sts. ■■■■■■, Home 6373. . . JUuiu K*l. FOR SALE City Loti and Lands * TOR BALR— TH.C-R"T ON BOtmT MAIN. Lot *7Hxl7ft, rx>tw««n Sth snd Sth *ts. PrM#nt Improvements brinir In $200 a month. Now ofT^rc.l fur $«!.fioo, and IS a bargain. $30,fi00 e»n rpmnln. FINB r/)T ON N. BROADWAT. • MHxlflt) prencnt Improvementu bring In nominal rent of $«o. Fine Kite for »n »P»rtment hotme, or buslnew bliick. and th# ch^npeet buy In tn« business part of Brondwn\*. $loft() a foot; •* fash. FOOTR REALTY COMPANY, 7M-71* O. T. JOWNSON BLDO. 9KM Factory site, 660 tut frontasre on ' Punta Fe railroad. Insiri* city llmitn; fl«tp lot. for. $U.RO per front foot; nothlnir like It available today. For partlcumra imk cooper a cunn-nACK, . Room 287. 218 Bouth Broadway. FOR BALR — A BARGAIN. Twtnty-ons lots on- Vernntr aye., west of Vermont, $500 pach; hair ' cash. Water piped, car line will run ' within two blocks of property. These lots will readily sell for $800 aplete. Ownor through Illness has to give th*m up. THOfl, J. HAMPTON, 110 fl. ndway. City Lots and Lands— Hollywood FINE HOLLYWOOD LOT AT A BARGAIN $1100 ■ 1100 fllOO This desirable residence lot Is located In Oarfleld place near Pros- Feet avenue. Large elegant lot; easy ront; lot 60x190 feet. Investigation will convince you that Us equal can- not be found In Hollywood today at this price. ALTHOUSE BROS., Members L. A.- Realty Board, 234 Laughlln nidg. Main 263. Home Ex. 283. Country Property WE SELL THE EARTH. BASSETT & BMITH. CORCORAN CORCORAN . CORCORAN Corcoran Is growing like magic. Pressed brick buildings spring up on her business streets; shade trees are being planted along her avenues, and various business enterprises are about to be established within her confines. - She is soon to have the largest creamery of California, and a cannery Is soon to be established to care for her - fruits and asparagus. A large hotel Is built, a new schoolhouse now being built, and a bank Is soon to be opened. ABOUT A MILE WEST"' \ OF THE a TuWNSITE We are subdividing a section of , ' G4O ACRES - Into 40-acre tracts. This was the choice section of over 10,000 acres. It has on it a flowing well, which also supplies abun- dance of naturaV gas for lighting and fuel. If you want an Ideal farm for dairying or for alfalfa or : other farm firoducts you cannot do better than to nvestlgate here. We can sell 40-acre tracts here at $45 to $60 per acre; M cash, balance easy terms. Cheap rates Tuesday, $10.50 for round trip. . .... Investigate this. It will pay. you. For further Information see R. S. Bas- sett of . BASSETT & SMITH, L. A. R. B. ' 2Q2V4 3. Broadway. Rooms 207, 208. A MAN BOUGHT 65 acres of land at Hemet. Riverside County, planted it to potatoes, and the first year's crop : .brought him In $185 an acre. This was doing a little. better than usual, but you can average $146 an aero, year In and year out, by growing po- tatoes at Hemet. I can sell you the - best potato land there for $135 to $175 an acre. 'This is worth inves- tigating. See L. M. PRATT, Agent . Hemet Land Co., 608 Laughlln Bldg. CALIFORNIA IRRIGATED GRAIN, alfalfa, fruit farms; in best districts; from ten acres; long terms. All or partially farmed to produce you an- nual Income while paying. We loan money for Improvements. Deed In trust and representations guaranteed from first payment. Write for details. CALIFORNIA FARM IMPROVE- MENT COMPANY. 286 H. W. Hellman Bldg.. Los Angeles. Cal. $500 PER ACRE FOR 10 ACRES IN bearing walnuts at San Gabriel, close to car line; 10 shares of the best water stock with it; fine land; street . graded. . . : . $400 per acre for 7H acres, partly In walnuts, with water good. .Best of terms. COOPER * CUDDEBACKt 218 South Broadway. Room 237. FOR SALE— 27-ACRE RANCH, S. E. of city; 10c car fare; 4-room house, barn, sheds, chicken house, 12-inch well, 60 Inches water; 10 h. p. gaso- line engine; windmill and tank; 10 acres in alfalfa; good orchard; water piped through . orchard to barn, chicken house; some pasture. Price $9500. J. C. YOUNGMAN. 117 S. Broad-way. ' FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— I 6 ACRES near Downey; alfalfa land and dairy farm; 6-room house, large- barn; fenced In 3 fields; abundance water; will sell 14 with Improvements if desired. This land must ■be sold soon and Is offered much below its value. J. A. MORLAN. Owner, 202 Fay Bldg. FOR SALE— A SNAP, NEAR COVINA. 20-acre orange grove, half Valenclas, half Navels: fine house and barn, to- gether worth $4000. Price $15,000, Including $3000 crop of Valenclas. L. M. PRATT. 608 Laughlln Bldg. "Headquarters for Orange Groves." ' Business Property - FOR SALE ' ■ ~ GREATEST BARGAIN EVER OFFERED. Corner. 125x96tf. on SAN PEDRO STREET, north of Adams st. Good im- provements. San Pedro street Is to be paved at once. Price only $14,000. It's worth $16,600 NOW. COGSWELL & MOVER, 612 Frost Bldg. Members Realty Board. 2d & Bdway. FOR SALE— FLOWER STREET IN- come property, between Seventh and Eighth streets, will be sold at a sacri- fice if sold this week. It Is worth your while to look this up. F. 11. ROWLEY, EO4 Mason Bldg. Suburban Property— Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Valley "Let us show you this valley." Los Angeles has no suburb more at- tractive. It Is close In, only «',» miles from the renter of the town, and Just $ miles from the Hotel Green— car line almost completed. We have water, lota of it. - 1 - Watch Eagle Rock from date. A SPECIAL BARGAlN— Absolutely the cheapest acreage In Kagle Itock;' 44 acres, all under cultivation— the fin- est tomato land In the valley. ' ■■ It Is good for subdivision: fronting on .Colorado avenue. It overlooks the en- tire Ktigle Rock valley, 'Glendale and a part of Troplco: $20u0 cash will buy It. . With an abundance of water. WAL- KER A CLARK, owners, 724 Los An- geles Trust Uldg. Phones 2131. 1 it_fii_rfriri"M'M3rj<iirt:_iim- -*si_f_i_»_i i — ■_M__^_ni_| 9 FOR SALE Suburban Property ■A BkTsNAP! Owner Must Sell J1750 FOR. S ACRES ON ; WBJ__«JJ F,RN AVK., JUST A LtTTLR OUT- SIDE THE CITY LIMITS IN THS SOUTHWEST ON THFi REDONIX) AND SAN PEDRO CAR LtNKS; FINEST SOU* ORPJAT AtIUNDANOH OF WATER. moOEST SNAP IN TUB MARKRTj WILL RE WORTH $1000 AN ACRE IN A YEAR FROM NOW. TERMS VERY EASY. FOR FULL PARTICULARS SEE THE GREATER LOS ANGELES REALTY- CO., " 483 Huntln-ton Bldg. . (Sfleinid'fflje : The blgffent bargain In Glendst«i; : 2H acres with 4-room modern house; .? . fine fruit trees, 1 acre strawberries, ' 1 Jersey cow, 200 chickens, 'etc., all! for only $4000, leas than Htiih' Glendale Is booming and this Is cer-, 1 tatnly a bnrffain. Right In Olendnln, nrnr ear line; will subdivide nlcfly. Call early. MoNHAL A HORNAK, BST 8. Hill. ' Phones Homo 3484, Main 9569, ' PIVB ACRES NEAR VERNON AVB., nice new modern- «-room cottage < on the place; price $8000; want to exenant* for residence property or a ' good va- cant lot taut of Main, north of ■ mil and south of First. This plac* I* fro* and clear of all fncumbranoea, will assume or exchange for property wortn from $10,000 to $15,000. Bee WILL BTANv TON, 804 Mason bldg., 4th and Broad- way.. ..'.•.. '* -.■/ FOR SALE— IN HUNTINOTON ! PARK, 1 2-story stone residence; strictly, modern, and new; 10 rooms, cement cellar, heater for nil rooms; lot 160 x •160. (Corner.) Price ■ 17600, worth: $12,000. J. C. YOUNGMAN, 117: B. Broadway. FOR SALE— AT HUNTINGTON PARK. 1 8-room mission house,, 2-story -stable; lot 200x300, containing all ' varieties of fruit and berries; -price $7600, $4300 cash, balance terms..': J."- C. YOUNQMAN, 117 8. Broadway. Live StocK — Horses, Mules, Cattle ' ' BIG AUCTION SALE OF WELL BROKEN HORSES AND MULES ON * MONDAY. MAY 7TH, AT 10 O'CLOCK. I AT CITY SALES YARDS, 236 BAN, PEDRO STREET. 40 HEAD OF ALL. PURPOSE HORSES AND 12 HEAD • OF GOOD BIG WORK MULES. ALLS STOCK GUARANTEED AS REPRE-i SENTED, AND MUST AND WILL BE) I SOLD. B. WATKINB, AUCTIONEER. . Hotels and Lodging! Houtet .... ROOMING HOUSE OF 22 ROOMS, COM- filctely furnished, on Broadway. Long I ease, $1500. - ■■•■•.• '•■;.<,-.,< ; THOS. J. HAMPTON. 11? S. Bdway. ■'■'■'■j Miscellaneous FOR SALE-LUMBER. WE CARRY ij the largest stock in the city. Also ■ a good planing mill to work It up With. In addition to our - regular stook >we j have from 200,000 to 300,000 feet of No. 3 and 3; also six-foot lengths and under, I at only $16.00 per material}; we wish to close out. - Come this week if you want a snap. ' ■ >•.•-• ■ \ NATIONAL LUMBER CO.. ■ "■ v ■ -■ ■ ' 20th and Alameda SL .' BRANCH OFFICE.. ' 415 East 9th St. . V '.'..- , ' . FOR SALE— SASH AND DOORS. ; WE ? , have a large stock o; the best goods on the market. Also' a lot of cheap stuff for Ucm hi uses and cottages. Get our flguru on anything ■ you are building. Z They will convince you that our prices - and goods. are right. ■ ■.-....■ *■ . .• NATIONAL LUMBER CO., >'.. 20th and A'.ameda. BRANCH OFFICE. 415 East Dth St. : '. FOR SALE— BUILDERS' HARDWARE,: We are furnishing some of the best Jobs in Los Angeles. Special mission pat- > terns at the lowest possible market ■ prices. Come and see. • •■ ■" J" ■ ■ < NATIONAL LUMBER CO., ,■ 20th and Alameda St. BRANCH OFFICE. y "\ 415 East 9th St. AUTOMOBILE TO SELL t . OR 7. TRADE? . for real estate. A 50-horse power Thorn- ( as Flyer. In use 7 months; will pass'- expert examination as to first ' class ■ condition. Reasonable price : for cash, I or will trade for real estate. . Address • THOMAS, Herald office. -. , '■■,,-;:. . FOR SALE— MALTHOID ' ROOFING.' and .only $2.50 per square. It. is- the- 1 cheapest and best roofing on the market,- 1 , . NATIONAL LUMBER CO., • ! •••••• 20th and Alamefia. BRANCH OFFICE, 415 East 9th St. ' ' - FOR SALE — NEW AND SECOND-" ? hand billiard and pool tables; bar fix- tures of all kinds; easy payment* Send for catalogue. THE BRUNS-* WICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO, 380 South Los Angeles St.- Los Angeles.' NEW LAUNCH FOR SALE AT A RARE bargain. For particulars . address ROY CARSON, 219 South Chester aye- ; Pasadena. Cal. - Rea! Estate McDonald & stott, $09-10 Lankershim Building. TO BUY. Owners and dealers In real estate I who have properties for sale or ex- change will find it decidedly to their advantage to come in and have a talk with us. - , -■ •.--.• ' We can handle property loeatsd In. any part of the United States. East- ern property a specialty. . Wo have the best trader In • th* United States; It means 1 dollars . to I you to make his acquaintance. .. ■? * < We will give you quick action and honest treatment whether you are a>- buyer or seller. Come In and see us. ■ . McDonald & stott. , ; 809-10 Laab»r»MM Bldg. Home Phone 4746. Sunset Mala «Itt . FOR EXCHANGE — For Los Angeles 'Home -'V- 160-Arre Farm In Blalne County, Oklnhmiiu, ivlth no incumbrance. 40 acres in broom-corn, balance in pasture; all fenced. : • ■ . . - . «,,- NEEDIIAM A BIrGREGOR, 303-4 Fay Bldg. . BI^N WHITE'; Will Exchange};,- your property: Immense bargains; ap- ply at once. Satisfaction and quick results. Mombfrr Realty Board.' 804-5 ' -HH?? 11 BLOCIC 2d and Spring sts. , AUTOMOBILE TO SELL OR TRADE for real estate. A 60-horse power Thorn*., as Flyer. In use 7 months: will, pass expert examination as to first i class 1 condition. Reasonable price ' for cash, • or will trade for real estate. Address' THOMAS. Herald office. • . FOII EXCHANGE ■— MY - S-ROOM house and two lots 80x130, worth $1200, for good ranch up to ■' $1600. ■ Glendale or Riverside way preferred* fur this and other. tracts. . B*» I.MAIIY A BON, 223 Mercantile Place. UP-TO-DATE : • SEVEN-ROOM :t RESI-< . dence, "everything modern , and »■ first class; $4600, small amount ; cash - and good auto, vacant lot, ■or ■- what ■ have you? V. O. BOX 364, city. , ■-.■-, MAXON WILL EXCHANGE YOUR property, i>ny location. Large list to select from. MAXON REALTY , CO.. 114-lla Stimson lildg. IF YOU WANT TO BUY, BELL OR EX- . chango any r«tul estate, see - , W. 11. OUISAIt, 408-4Qt>-410 Joliubou Bldg. 1 EXCHANGKS A SPECIALTY -.- TIIII IiHAV HKALi UsTA'l'H »:«>., Uoiui UTIS. ' Ml Stlauo- llld_c.