Newspaper Page Text
10 K Groceries /rHBROADWAX: COR. FOURTH. LOSfciHGELES.l ARTHUR LETTS. PROPIUEfDR/A V gg e ] ts er stop to rrnlls.-. —- fm *\ '•' dT\ 1 TV £W % belts that nrr In vo*u« lE'wi^ii^Wv mute? And how AH IUUI LCXIIL iL VJ.I JLllltAA *O VJCA.ii\/ 1 £L V^JI X VfCX. V effects with Kilt or nickoi VO^T.oii^r eh you can gavo ii, -4 "^ burklm In various whnprs. |.; x . \V' -fcf^Oy^ nfh hv tnUinrr or!- cellent vnlue At 1 5c. Alondnv In " th th. y «nu"ru.t ' ' J"«co«d f/oor Slnnex-Savlngs That Attract .1.1. a, each «i.ic. >^&f prevail ,*t the . '' . ' ■"■ ■■• ' - ' _ . , ' Ml ' • • w» . ' — __ . lleres a sale for r - i — ~~ .^ You're poinfr to get in the habit of com- hntini l*fc f\ Ktk rfcO 1 K#» , . ' kndw- this department, we want you to become ac- I X--^S= : =^ =^V m+ . know how "asy t to «et the sort of SScOties. For Children 111 IKe Qnn'o. y|O« qualnted with the location and we want to make gvJI : p%7^vX $1.65 furniture You've been Inoklns for minus They are of Renulne leather ln envelope and' :• . v: lOlbs. bugar 49c KttSiStf^' I JS? rt « ta - fcrt - u » t were fl- vK-i^3? i Chairs 1 SSTr? ; Can* Vanulated «ugar. 1 o lbs. of It for 49c when ' Vr >"^^-lj TT vnftirs | J-*. #j1 profli i, yoi u: re r olnj to 160. you'buy other uroeerle, amounting to 25c or . -v^=N ~ -f H Tu.t llk« W^ffi®ft day. second noor, C Shnnnino L . more. One order lot to a customer. V-!.^ V-.S vn— Tr* : " ■ H the illus- )SW \- ne x. OllOppillg ■ ■••- • jj* ."._'" I'-Ll. «ll.\"En I'MMili — 80-lb. fi« '-^t ll || n n oo O _ p_«, T«l»l*» the rlßht; SS S "TTTirT-T- / * : ™~""^ — — —>J RflffC JBr^ •acksg best for brend nn<l pastry /SrfnXfflftUflvX II II tbZ.OO - *°* loDie nolln oak; [ft H **»»6* > i?T - — if 3K>u know good flour, you **V ..Tttirr-l^ I ' I ll 1/ C I i|r» #**•• round *H 11 jt»« •<« f^' know this. The Hack «« oe f//tf*T ™**n 11 II Line CUI rnne sent*; W I . . HI _^1r __ii*: • 'ff «°» d w * fetfC^ ThiS 1 Mil/ Comblnat'on kuc. en table with fill I •»»*•*> iliond; Ir<lI r <I^ r r: J :..^^.^ : 1 . 1 ! 5 ...54 C Chair M^y/^Xcf^nnr^n^.^; T Ifi U HAM9 — Fnncy fxport rnntern B^ji*^**^ 69C *jr"^p^r~7-[t'^ ' ■ , I f or $1.66. fff) I fiftfj ity s"h apes: Hl',jlijj{|a|j V4dJi^iP|2 [jj *n Iww f ; , ay . . -. ° b * K«&ni*ttl» R^Tr'sTranv IT "lO\ '' *' -3v* Kraln "entheri," I I.AVXnnV ROAP— Armour's celc- WVr^ZTnjii inn'olrvtrF. lIL.^IL lll^Vl flti ■ il^ M riveted and Jirat«>d Happy Day; Mnntlnyoe. \ndhwlK'%iai «hi«- V,vw hV ir * I a /KSJ°=^ —^fH l^ s^ ' lonther coverrrl frnmos; fitted with raid rnso nnd :aobar " tor - . r j 'Furniture Farts W^^^l rwr atyouwint^ Mondai " nalsl ° 1 MINCK MEAT— Con- IIM)O\ HADDOCK— 9f.c; Monday, » ll * *** *»»l.l** V & UtlJ lj(\fj NkK^^ _^ _ _ denscd; each package Lb. tins; ready to serve; second floor, l\\ B Ttt\rlt%9»c Clltra*lira«iA makes two pies; Mon- Stuart's !Bc can; |g c Annex, each Voii'rp in toiicll witrl trip "Rrnariwav T)** X^tf • AUiicra vJIIVCi WdlC . ■ day 6 packages 9C». Monday each • wl « 69c. xoure ln Wucn WllU me rJrOaaway UC- '>k* <O for *>»»». „„_..,„.«_ ~.c. ' . i Ci. it J ii • '^" ' This Is the standard kind — base metal 21 per cent ™™. t, v-,.. t,. R REAI S PA * T X^A.TT partment Store methods — they are unique ©' -o nickel silver plated with pure silver standard • COCOA —Bakers Jus- Very fancy Englisli, ■ f ■ J H j : 'ft weight. Prices reduced for Monday as follows: tice. Brand; half lli.]8« usual 60c grade, 11*1? .^*^"^^^*^^, ir'c rriip Tn« ! 'rr > rianfli«;(» rhaf xroti Ttrotif mnct i»ni<>=A«ft=.v«.-r»_n 6 ..... Mnndnv pach *OC Mninlnv lh !JO%* 11 5 LIUC. II1CI (-UdllUlaC llldl VOll Waul IllOSt '?Ttnrir 1 1rlf I S =^c = +* Ct i - cans., aionaay eacn Aionoay id y- j| . , _ , 1I II MTTtt fl i ' *i.oo »RT SIX TESA spoons BOc ; CONDENSED CHKA^I— COFFEE— Finest Old fe. J^ t \ at PHCeS that yOU Can Well afford tO PaV. 1 1_« > = tS=**«'? HI.BO SRT SIX DKSSERT SPOONS Rf»p. !j Pure Red Cross Brand; Oovernment Java: usual IFt" I'" \> l\\ ff -A ' * lv r" 4^ • 11111111111 H H II > I 1 *>»•" *"T SIX TAnt.H SPOONS l»so. Monday doz. R'l»- 35c grade. For thlson r /fc\?> v^JV \Jt , ' •^ Tf'e en ITI tVli«? filrnitiirf fipnnrtmpnr ir'c Kir '•*». f tT\ / n ffl.TB SET SIX MISDII'M h'nnKS *l.:«n. ' 1 • cans •-.." ;;°3C sale Monday lb *"C f^ ■; fe^L^w L- iurnuure aepanmenc ll sDy j J^_^^^- jL- -» ■• I *i.t» set six medium knivks «n.a». \|' ji^^^S^^^' '^^^^^^ no means complete as yet, but it's getting; i i^w^^l^^'' I'"''"-'1 '"''"-' - iFn 3 "— " ;...V ' -^ l^ifeiKl^^^^^^ bigger and broader every day, aiming to WlKAm^^ ' - \" r 77 7 I ' wMMMM • wM(Sffl carf y thin^ s y° u need most and sellin ? them l ®i!l!ll / p }\\m iS\sMSW r JT^ I Linen Leaders at department store prices. New ship- ' NOtIOIIS tO DUY | Third Floor i £--!— —i ments are constantly being received. This ' I \r. ~\ Savings to Make TABLE DAM ASK-Heavy German. weave, 66 inches XhiS tied $1.95 Monday Sale IS the first of a Series of value- IFOII LeflS tj)«J.y3 SPOOI, COTTON-Thc Broadway, best six-cord wide; .full .bleached: very pretty patterns; soft P-11i1.i70-1.-Ith wovpn rrMm nr • • • 4- •*.• iir it. j Also somp to pell at J4.95; odd lots spool cotton; warranted 200 yards; white 9^r i- finish: easily worth $1.35. Mont 1; white Iron neds^ for thW "ale giving Opportunities. Watch OUr ads. , thc-s*; values to »«:60 for $3.05 and or black; all numbers; 7 spools for *^C .;. day..theyard..:.. *I.W each ,1.95. Annex 2nd floor. ' watch OUr windows and watch this depart- 2ndToor? 18 -°° '° r $4J>5 - Anllex FINISHING BRAID-Feather stitched; six-yard A MEKCERIZED DAMASK— White, 64 inches wide; I. 1 ' ' r I ,J bolts; various patterns; white or colors; C r closely- woven; satin finish; very pretty line of ?„■..-{ • ment gTOW. jr«ff*s^^i'^>»«^_ ■ regular 10c value. Monday, bolt **«* R patternsr extra value at 76c. Mon- #«£#% tW» •• r^P"!!—^fU^i^asf • day, the yard v«#C |np "|j~ W> fUL ■ *lf Ifl = C^SSv^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^tlO^Sl! TAPE— White, India ; packages of 10 yards; . three ? COTTON DAMASK-White, extra wight; very \Mz = A ffi 1 111 ' fl^^^^^^^M^^S Fo^Monda"- Ih^ck^ 8 " 1 " 1 '' *' 3C pretty patterns; 58 inrhea wide and a OC. p p^ r = =e§!lte %^W^^^^^^^^^^£? P or Monday, the package 'j . usual 35c value; third floor, yard ••'*• l^^^^^^feta ' ZZ^Z^ TA\."-^.-. . ' ll^^^§ HOOKS AND EYES— Hump, the well-known ad- ; .NAPKINS— White damask; Bize 16 inches square; ~T ==:^^ " fl\\- ll -IIIJI-I - I - J I LJLdLJffi %^^~" VC^Z&t^^Z^Z?^"^- * vertised kind; black or white; all sizes; | r fair quality union linen; various patterns; CQ_ V . iaV"l~m\ l~^ll t"Bot\\ *. Jl^ 2V6c cards. Monday, card •■;•**' 75c value. Monday, the dozen ' ti jI%!L-> ' W ;'y "?\ " T^^'^ DARNING COTTON-In black, T-rown or white; HUCK TOWELS— Linen, hemmed with colored 1 t I «— — — |^ \V__2j ' ' (I( I *i|Vi\Ull KH h^j\ VA regular 2Hc spools. To sell Monday, • ■ | _ f borders; size 20x40 inches; regular price, 2^sr ■ j£r~J» Lm "—,-mJ. nl J'i!ffiUiSS_J^ W > aisle 2, main floor, each *v 35C. Monday, each.. •»JC .. J^i^ ,i ■ q^sS^M..— ■^kH),|^^E^ . .m,. , , , , ; BEDSPREADS-White extra; large size; Cribs Ufo Cut £ " eSKS H E I S.nU.ry roach-,6.00 On.. luardeYspZ^oo^fronitl^U!^; Sg - -S^rirffiS.^^ $4.45 F n VT° V - ' I'll I ™ »** '"--'on above. . regulars card, Monday, each ..V.^C- ■ JIEDSPREADS-White; firm, closely woven ones; They are made of good flat and ' ! ffiEi Ml*! S «£? bed-*' Tu-onir ' nl ° /"" SIZC CORSET STEELS-Whlte, drab or black; 4or 5 three-nuarter bed size: cut corners for metal beds: malleable Iron with woven roll top -> IJ,H\ \^!»i I I Si^-, woven wire I hooks; all lengths; always sell at Be. For c r • usual $1.90 value. Monday, «1 £n spring; beds have braes ones; prices j Ifttft? gU! '• rFy springs; clean, , Monday in aisle 3, the pair ***> ■k each. AI.OU knobs: strong durable ones everlastingly \iV W^t^ i^SISV^J \CL, cool and corn- jr«#i«- n— ,» m - «» ..,,„ - „,, -.' .?, like cut above; for this the lowest. JvM t**s££> j^^ fortable. Ses- Afo«o»i Department JtUU* a and. a ,' |l ' sale each $4.46. I V^ v J^g^* — yjj!:''^ ' ""' ond floor An- ' t New Walking Shirts $3.98 || Dress Hats $ 3i7s || Another "Nemo" Corset Weeß Late Arrivals-Twelve Styles " And an Expert in Attendance Out of the cases for the first tlmo Monday— walking skirts to sell for $3.!>S; hun- . "•vvmn" m r«i. nt-o i,, . oi oh,,c = h ti,.n,«. ♦>,<.„ <,^» (1 , 0 -,„,„ „,,!,« n, Q i 1/1 Jf&?2*is&L areds of them, the most stylish ones we've had this season: circular effects, four- Dress hats for women who appreciate * emn rorFPts nre ln a rla!!a b y themselves; they are the only make that ill Afortfltf) WnfflL piece, trimmed around the bottom with wide straps of pelf material; well tail- style; liats that are made over wire positively reduce the figure or hulld it up. as the case may renuire, and that. Pyf{7' f \^S W^nffl ored; choose from all sizes In gray mixtures. Monday, second floor, each,. s3.9B. frames— fancy and novelty braids; also too, without the slightest discomfort or physical Injury; they are scientifically, /'•&JF > hand made sailors; not less than 20 styles hygienically perfect, but then improvement is the watchword of the "Nemo" man- WALKING SKIRTS-$4.98; made of WALKING - SKIRTS-J5.98- just the to choo« fi^ Jurt the niodel. that a» ufacturers; they are constantly striving for new features that will make this /^ mohairs, Scotch mixtures, shepherd smartest sort of skirts made from those being worn most; many of them made of - * / £>^_ \ checks and mannish materials- gored popular Panamas, Venetians, serges and genuine horsehair braids in fancy dress corset better than ever. Such Is - /^fe^SrSs^Bw and circular effects nrettilv trimmed imported worsteds; right up to the minute shapes with facings of velvet geraniums . / JBS*^cVr»7iA -.m h,,ii ~ t .I* Hi , if ln st s' le : thoroughly tailored; new clrcu- and folla B e; large ribbon ornaments and T\*a M on , "Knwnn" Dniiti^nn' f nf ,. a * //i/W^wl with buttons, straps and tabs of self lar _ ored and pleated effect - B . g> v and stee i buckles t0 add cha racter-choose IHC WeW WeffiO dell-KetiUCing tOrSet / 'JT naffi%ffl? material; choose from blue, black and 13 gores; all size waistbands and lengths from Wack, champagne, brown, navy, '•' / / \^\\x^\ black with hairline stripes; also brown, to choose from; as for colors there are white, green, pink, light blue and various As shown In the cut herewith; they have all the points of the self-reducing / 7 \^f*V \ gray and shepherd checks; you'll find plenty of gray mixtures, blue and black combinations; hats that were made to sell Idea, with the additional feature, of a new relief strap and the double garter I S •'x/Ufl ■ all sizes, waist bands and lengths. This as well as checked and shadow plaids. at $5.00, J6.00 and J7.00. To go Monday attachment; they appeal to every woman who wishes to retain symmetrical / S f f '/sM[jh=aJ/ll is a stunning skirt to sell tf> mo Priced for Monday on the sec- <tC Qfi on the second floor, each $3.75. figure. This (A A. A_. /^7s.\& \eZig^r Monday, second floor, each....^ 4 *«-'O ond floor, each «P3.70 . • Ccvt-viK/i!TI xfmX£\/ i-''.. NGW WdlKlll£f SKirtS 50. 75 Adjusts U-M to the form automatically; it insures perfect fit and absolute com- V^^^^Mf j^li| H i\ 'Tif J~Jmt&Jsfißx£s!lfei fort. Mrs. Cralg^ an expert corsotlere, will be with us again this week explaining ('^ «e?= flrf/I|l ■( II They are made from chiffon Panama, high grade mohairs, plaids and striped <§£§ lho exccllellt points of these corsets. "Nemo" corsets not only appeal to stout /^^SELFHREbuONG * VfV novelties: mostly circular and pleated effects, trimmed with straps and but- jff $H**f2x&&^ : ' ■< rub women, but are best for all figures. «c sure and attend thl3 demonstration. mm RnwpfinilD jr* tons. Compare these with the ones you see in the exclusive stores at a thlr'. _*0?\ xaSSrSftrt^"" It's on the second floor. qcueroiHW more. Here are blacks, blues, grays, browns, tan and mixtures in dark and u« • -^KaSSI ' iVSL " ' ' light shades; various waist measures, 23 to 36; lengths 39 to 44. On the second Tff /GSPV&&tfIK. M\sCl tf»l IT * C.-Z* /Lf\~ £"A_ U^^ll^.- nf\ noor Monday, each. $6.75. \ .^*^p >w $1 Union Suits 09c 50c Hosiery 29c • »J W JjmT Union suits for women, summer New lace hosiery for women; fast black; full fashioned; double soles; , Ptiirn-rkririv PVIiTkA SilH" Waictc A SI. h **foi!g&£x&(l J/lF weight; lisle jersey ribbed; pure white; very new and pretty patterns; allover boot effects; 50c values. For isliirUpUUy 1/lUIIO. Ullll VrtllSlS «PU.4O (^l-Wl'W M^ neck and long sleeves; all si^es; Monday in a ., le 6 the nair "9c r ■ lrffilmV§Sh ' XXM sults Monda y- !lisle 6 - for 69c - Mo "lay in aisle C, tho pair, 29c. .This department is conveniently located on Real $5.00 values; waist trimmed with Val. insertion; back made y /£fJU&&*saL< f>oc UNION SUlTS— Summer weight; HOSIERY— For women, high COTTON HOSE — Maco yarn; the balcony off the main tloor; it's ln charge with two rows of tucks on either side of box pleat- collar tucked' /? .VilS%VvaK lisle finished; pure while jersey ribbed; grade cotton; double heel, toe seamless finish; black, tan •- a competent orthopaedic surgeon. He not three-auarter leneth sleeves finished with mff nt in.»ii n n a I Wi'ff&P^ lace trimmed knee; BOc values. OQ r and sole; all sizes; 25c ones. In or black with white sole; 19c ; only removes corns, ingrowing toe nails, but | n " c « ua ™£ len^ h s 'f ves fl n» a hed with cuff of insertion and •*9&~'Jt<^\ Monday, aisle 6, the suit .«*VC aisle 6. Monday. lC r ones. Aisle 6, 191/ r he successfully treats bunions and all foot lace; sizes S4 to 42. This particular style is in white; there are . \2©>7A. S VV '5c UNDERWEAR-For women vari- the pa r WC the pair U/^C deformities Next time your feet are tired and others of equal value In similar style in black, white, light blue ous styles- vests 'ow^ neck sleeveless ißOnf^i BO nf^i S iLl f PaTt I ne ? t * .? Om L° rt a i2 no and lavon| i er - You'll want one of these pretty, cool waists for, . <*&% /-?? V . style- cure white; "swiss ribbed; plain WOMEN'S HOSIERY-Fast black seamless finish; good for bathing will compensate you. As for the prices, they summer days, more particularly when the saving is so pronounced. ' or lace yokes- 25c values. Mon- Iff- purposes; 10c and 12% c ones; no phone or mall orders; limit ■e _ a " CharaCt6rlStlc at the Broadwa y- On the second noor, Monday, each. $3.48. \ |l J| day^ aWe 6, each..V..... .1. 15 C five pair to a customer. Aisle 6, Monday, the pair.. ...,3C Women's Oxfords $L 3 91 SilKs 3 DreSS Goods Velvet Ribbons I Worth $2.00 Easily J<y% Monday Features BlacK-AH Widths Women's oyfords of tan and chocolate colored kid; com- ff fWslf&*~ j-Sfitk • ff BWWWm| i\4mtT?tt> A TT'tlli Hiill* ta\ Q»%\rts ■.JSS?'U?ISJSV' c£l2". 1 S aS,. r^"..;j? I"?*? B fSV&nBn nn ' iACK TAFrETA-I mM rl«l »o^: lv- SUIT BII.KS-11 Inch.. »•: Ut chllTon ffiSflj&RKia /ffllSiS* "* U "" lO y"" 6 w nm pp n \ <ri no m^d :';'■" s - r -■""» si « aS« =X s£ - Xr 'Hi rt»«»-««i pam ,d ,e „»,„■„„ WOUien S $a.UU JWJ f -' 6 °- For Monday, allies, the yard... day . ,« j,,ni $I.l^ jL~Jssk \h VSI centers of the world say thoyaie to be OxfOrdS 51.98 i /%Ms**JG&t ?^ AU , r>K KO ">-»"avy quality; alike on GRAY SUITING-Wool. B4 inches; overy l^ useil nlorc than ever> ' i ' liat ' s tillicli- v * ff /«^i-iiWEpa both sides; wJll not muss or break; pei-man. shade fashion demands.- including light grays f new isn't it' White ojfordf. made of boßt Sea Island duck- Bluchpr H \Ss*jß^*^Jl ••lit >)l(u-k; nervlcpable for full r-oHtuin.'S ami ns well us oxfords, cheviot nnd homespun // l lpreiaSaMSaHJS VV\ ' • , ' and ribbon tie styles; hand turned and welted bolob- ft IHEtfIM ft * i r VJ C •" ' UHUal 'y S<J " B for 51.25. ■ weaves; very popular lor Eton jacket kulih; (/ I|''\LebT ' HflSHl'TOiu Uecause our buyer wns In touch with condl- snappy toe Bhapes; very pretty lasts; Cuban hefls most- \JmS3Sff J£ vnr MonUay, the R7 l Ar Rood value at $1.25. Monday, in Gftr \ JfiW tl<ins he secured a big consignment months ago ' ly; values up to $3.00. To Bell Monday, in aisle 8, thfi ' *>*/z\* i| H le 4, the yard j>\3\. 6K?hk. when unJerprkfs prevailed. An. increased rlo- palr, J1.38. ' « < S«Cr J^£ inA,«r,™. , "■'• : '' i. iVwffiUHl. Afiff VA*~l m*nd with the manufacturer means an Increased iir > Art — /v 1 "- 1^*^ VIOOREAUX CLOTHS-In the various CHKCKED SUITING— Gray and white; very - V£&X9/G§*ss*a*™3 E'a price. That's the condition today. Dressmakers WfiTTlPn 7\/ *>ll » H*. Jf '•*§&£- ""«"»■■ or gray as well ns other colors; plain popular this aeawm; varlouH hUe chi-rku; Juhl i IZfieT:! J B-JTIIP- 1 rJirW!-T~~ atul inllllnfis will be particularly intcrostPil in - V*"**' v . § Effgjt- 2W\ weaves, novelty .-hpcki! and invisible pluids; the proper weight for tailored street suits; fiSMK&CJWWP*** ASttSH this event. The line Includes Batln bnck black flvfrk-Pfic <t1 /»O I /O^JO I lustrous nnißh; 4j inches wide; we shrink splpndl.l value at $1.00. To Hell Monday, in tt:sHpsSWa¥*ff2 M %/F*w'*jr velvet ribbon with heavy pile face in all widths; VfAllH US «pI.U Zr X ' vCfSrta J »" BI< "" KC tnlß frc °; * 1 - 85 vnlue Q«r nlHle 4: youl " want a lot at tllla 7tZr> W^Kiß>62m.3rVLMt3 fatt woven edges; all widths to choose from. Chocolate colored suede, Blucher cut; Btylish fitting lasts; \ W^^^Jf Monday, in alale 4, the yard price, the yard iOZ. Thtn nere - B the pries: i SSrVrti'oM d 1d 1 e I mindTowf^ u ban^\ 0 e 00 l B ! h va"eruS to S I?''."1 ?'' ." lnch I" wMe; ctoI '' ? T iAH X SATKEN-Mercerized: soft ■ Hatin VRI.VKT mBBON-45c und 60c pieces; VELVET RIBBON-200 and 25c gradess; ,2, 2 . 8 0. To soil Monday, in a, S ,e 8, tho pal, ',!.«, "" &^SR\?S& t)£^l^\*Tor ' 25C li^^^^^.-.UKi ■ Barefoot Sandals 98c Girls' Oxfords 85c WtfSSTi&fSt;^:. 9c JTtRWK^?l!^:.!!!.!!!!!A-. ' l»c velvet iViBnoN-s"^"" and ». myp «n»^ .^^ii? '" w»n ■>»„,»». «i«. tv. n «. n, . * *■•••» W * IUIUJ »'•'«» • , grades; 10 yards; Nos. 3 and 3. C r 10-yard pieces; Nob. 12 and 16. For te Well worth $1.25, those comfortable 'Made of. patent leather in the ribbon • , I For this sale, the yard ''•>•?? this Bale, the yard *3C i^glS.^'SS: 'HI'IS^^VS ■ Shirts to Your Order $7.98 as^w^H^S^-^SffiiKi slaihed toes; the kind that are semi-dress wear; A! . 60 values. To sell "^ ard 6. For this sale, yard •*< sale, the yard *Ut ■ BeU r MondV"ValeirB" l the Mir^Mc T ° thew^Dair 1 Vr"* *' °" ly: C ° m * """ ly * ° r ChOOM frOm any n ' aterlal U P tp * 180 ln colored wool skirting Including the plain weaves * : NOTE-These ribbons will be on sale in aisle 1. main floor, beginning Monday. Many ' ' end *h*d.,vv Che.-ki, «nd we will make fr^n t,, your measure, giving yu cholce'of twelvu lf lht> '"'» "'" *"" 'lulvkly. »•> early trading Is advisable. , ■■ '» ' different styles, including the circular skirt, at. each. 17.98. Aisle 4. '' ' i ' ' ' ' " . : -J : LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 13, 1906.