Newspaper Page Text
Part II ,1 • 1 C^^^X^loj'i^in/lhi 9A9 A Cf^fiE May Sates Surpass in Volume Jiny Two ! O\S^lß«vwPyol ts / Prevlous years— ln Values There Is J\[o Prece* , ; cte/i£. :: The Price Concessions Are Positively ; +urxAmJZ!dwA»#u> C WHAf QTHER3 ADVEITOE. WE &LL FDtt.tfM. Remarkable— A re You Getting Your Full Share? \ " offtHrGJ^ ____ _, C"V" •/ 1 C* • ___. a. 1 About Afsiu Knlo nf ■ . fF^^k _________W__|/) _|F __^^# _f __T% «VB> _r^ll _r^^ff X _f # tf *ir _T^ ** m \J\J IA. €. J |r___ £^ y _J {^ f_f m . • «T vn nSHpfIR The San Frann'scn disaster made it impossible for a number nf firms in \ /srffr^MM • m9Mmml I Mm V^ \_T/_>^ the northern city to receive complete orders. of merchandise from eastern ; **^ »*»•**»• * > '£^ « >Av^w>K. J* / factories. Our New York office has .secured some very good bargains and . . . -. .... .' , , JHff^ li '^t> s >^-»__ ' • •-' ■■*V jl '• — 5—5 — 5 — ! ! ' ' ' ! salary can dress as well as a capitalist if he is careful as ■ /f »r*f«-f.-A I r\ ; "v" jfrcA particularly in women's wearables, which will be featured this week. : to where he purchases his clothes; and at Hamburger's you can ' /?\X^^\fvSm''^yt^^ -\ f-^itl^J^S^ '"" ' make your nmney buy the most. {■■ H'-vti"'^;"* "vSI '*&/''*'?s'■ '''IK MOHF/2*\ ' $ 33 t0 $™ Tailored Suits at \ £775 *"' """'* **' -"*« *-"• lllw^P Ik WSullSwff^fh l& A There arC J^ 1 39 ° f these hi^-& rarlc tailored suits that *^ '! j y # * ' A continuation of the great sale started ■■ /■T*^"']|pi"rf_M^*6R^S_r*©// ! " _w__^^^^fn_? Ir lkvS*. '\ were made r a Francisco firm and which we have secured at I ;! Saturday, where more than 500 suits, all new and stylish, were s S&''M?*sMil^sl&** : W SIV »»»W^ JHll: feirf /./v >v 1 about one-half regular wholesale cost. The lot includes suits of "light- '■ offered at about one-half their rogular value. Every garment ' f®' ||UM.:f; y& jfc&*M : W&llmS/hm' a 7 ht br T °fe n v hW °", pa "* nia l" cto " and p "" y coal Blylcs: S t 'n°!!nS I ;;Lt:lr^!xs;™w™,^He«i^ J T^ ?i*liSiiW i^P /??Sr ' colorin & s Allcc ' roAc ' flanic and « ra 3-- n » r own judgment will con- arc in sinß i c or double-breasted coat styles, long cut, with side or ' IS IT \\/^^ VlllCe yy ° U that tllCy woul(1 1)C good values from $35.00 to $50.00. S center vents, and the colorings arc light or dark effects in all the ; :; &^liWfc&l? {'' v: £s'i'-?R ''$*J/ Jill I \ \ v*r^ Special , Monday. ,'•'. seasonable patterns; sizes 33 to 40. ''•^'Wm^^'^^^^WiiS^^'S^r-' • v I \\ \ %■ &1O OO Evenine m Vile Cnnt* *ido* <' Men's P^S^M^ 1 I \ \ $iu.uu evening $35 Mile Loots $14.95 Bosom Shirts sOc Lr^*f_^ v;? l"^^li • ' . 1 •\ A CapeS $5.00 '^tMlSfiS^A^^^^^ ' $2.50 About 15 dozen laundered stiff bosom T%\W^ l W^r| 1 ' \ V■■' V H *• . m . a^ -"l i.. et °" and ,/ 6 M " eh .lengths; fin- • .. shirtS( open front and back; many of ■ lln . I \ A garment particularly suita- ished with lace, self and ornament trim- ,; . them in coat style • cuffs attached or ' /^^|_f%.«^;- ! ."i":?j»s.^p?v •[I \\ ble for evening wear, Ind arc "ming; are nicely lined and are among- An extraordinary offer- 2^/2^ >f^^l^#fe^!?lU ! ill \ \\ in, all the gaslight shades of the most stylish of summer wearables;' mg of finely tailored gff^gj g d madras and I I teillP-^^if ' ■ ' 'fflj \ Ift . light gray, light Ind dark blue, worth from $20.00 to $35M ; summer pants either So^- h^avfTusnL necSand^^^ I 1 F ffe'M^ II II \\\ red; also black; the material «X" fWr f__-- #'«T n* plan or p Cg top; the ma- phe,,ote have cushion neckbands ; f i^R^kf ' lI II 'I \ I\\\ the finest quality broadcloth $6 DreSS Skirts $3.98 tcrials fancy cassimeres sizes 14 to l/. V >#^ /1#1«"V-VV] * fjfl I I \ l\\\- a »d finished with white silk Of light gray mixtures in 'popular wool cheviots and tweeds; $2 FanCY Vests SOC : Jfl3?H W\*ik-v "lit - I H\\ hoods ;, are particularly desira- w-oaves ;are in circular shape trimmed ; -ght and dark colorings /f * *\, , ,* T \>4il#l ¥n*l J/////I I \\\ 1 \\\ ble for party and theater uses, with buttons; also mohair skirts in blue I■ » n all the wan ed PP a t V i^%'.« t'°r rf hi* ' h "Z ll ' H^f ■' «l,l^ A// I \\\ \\ 1 and are actual $10.00 values, or black cJnly; all of them nicely fin- ems ;^ are made with 'fancy vests ; single or double breasted ,// .Il^Jv ' |I fc, )■ ■ ' MliW \\\\ ' \,\v\ Meed for Monday only, $5.00. ished and regular $6.00 values. * high French waist bands styles; the . materials ■ piques, ducks // .||jjfc..l WMM /Jl 111 II \ I \\\\ 111 l\ \\ ■V^'-'-.-.v;" ' ■ and sateen curtains; and linens; have detached pearl but- // • \fH*'JW ill I li'H Ml I I I \ WWW l\ \\\ «*-.«/!« »»-.# j '^ ':/'■■■ ■ r sizes 30 to 42 waist tons and good cambric backs; sizes // \llll*» J/I 111 H'*.l ■• ■ ', v' ■ #ll i\\\l\\l\\\ $50.00 Silk and <PO7 TA : : ««"• 33t040. // 111 l llpJ ' ; yffll ,i™ Ik ys^^!^^27.sO. tfo^n^orroutHs' ... ■ : 7^^M» A ■ /111 I I AWI llm or two^of a kind; and the lot includes bhek silk crepe de chine \fo 12 .Si) '• S I LIFX^ Iff 11^ C-fwlii '\\\\m 11K\ gowns made over taffeta foundations; trimmed with lace and' 7^", •f , • 3-p,ecc all-wool suits of serges , and un- // A gg/. \|M _=_k--./ ?// /// 111 M \\ \ftVl \ v\l7%. i i- • i . , , , , , , \ finished worsteds, vicunas, tlubcts and cheviots; coats single or // Men mm \_9£t_3 1 I WJl^i^S shirnngs; also one green taffeta silk gown and one black double breasted in the new long cut with side or center vents, and / W Mff W®. "~q-BHB ." if M 'l^-^i .^-uU^^ 5^ broadcloth gown. All of them regular $50.00 values. Triced, c arc serge or Venetian lined ; arc in long-pant styles; sizes 15 to 20 ' • 1. special this week, $27.50. > ■ V years. An exceptional value. .-- ; '-I 1 : ■ -' Wff Embroidered' Robes ■'. 'd%g ft Q Embroidery Worth ','' to Q<j ftf | j' ; WH^a>s^^ $8.50 Rattan Folding Go-qf AO' jj-" $8.50/ 24-inch J Leather a' m; qVV; ,Worth to $10.00, at.....!pU.y0 $6.50, Yard.. .: Jpi-.UU \ I « ;• ■ ..-..-■.. ■• .•■ :■■ ■• }|l; Carts at. ...4)0.70: Suit Ca5e... ;..... ......JpO.yO' ■■'iir " '. "ii i' ' nh ». -» .«•!..■ h 9 M.t<> , ni i m«w h.ti«t. «nfl Pprninn iawn aiiover em- ''< k \ LOmpariSO/% 3 die Of VrtlgS A]; All rattan folding and reclining go-cart 1 Warranted . best sole leathe. : case Vlth Kllnln- B omrwith hemmed edeel^th k7, V «^^ £ m«^- I mo 3Hf I There .re .hou.nmLof proprietary re^| M -Whleh through ..met *«,- with large adjustable rattan front; rubber ! . hand «ewed edges; fancy art linen lining; .Inclaltnon, some with nemmea eases witn brol leriea. 45 inchee wide; come copies of , rrnl v.*« flntl their place. In every hoii.ehold. Merely beiaime ««>me name Ha- j' tired auto wheels- ereen enamplprt <rA»r ■ polished brass lock and catches; . riveted embossed embroidery;, others with i deep French hand made embroidery in eyelet \\\\ >>een brought to your nttentlon oftener thnn l« no criterion by ivhl.h tirea auto y heels, green enameled gear- £,w, w -{hr _ r fold and S traps- shirred flounce with eyelet and embossed . * tlnfi to Juilgte the. merit, of the nierohnncllne. Our bin druar department has every ;j v ing; four different styles to select from. . in boiiv anil llrt nf >««<■ flMnl.l MnnH a^ .embroidery in floral and scroll designs; and embossed effects,, in floral and scroll : w ,ll known proprietary medicine mid other* equally eni«mlou« but not no ii 'On special sale Monday -_n»«, n »... £. Tl *SrW,«n P eclaI _f lo ? day> , material and trimming to match for waist. designs; excellent for waists and robes. ;; nenerally advertised. Thl* Comnarlmoa Sale of Draw mean. Ihl-. that we »i ;IJ_?V!!?!™_!_!^!_^ — Ba.ement |j no phone or. mail orders. -_Ba»en.«iti . ■ ■ . ii Quote the lowent iirleea on remedies you know and xtlll lower price* on reuie- •; 'r^j^yj^Xj^jOCCCCCOOC^OC-'^^^^^ ■ 'y^^T'TTTTTTCT^Tyr^Xy^^ i* ''' e * you < *° >ot know to get you b«'tter nciinalnted and vrlth thl» general Kunr- •) ,' ■• . > - ." • .-"^ '^ r.-jvwuuwvuT.- .-i.-. ..r - ■ .-_■.- -.- .^ -u^n.-. .-. .-. nr-.,, '-"j-j--- -- - 1 - '- ■ ■-■...-uw^v -. -j .j ... -..-.uu -. . vl ■ ngt.e that \>e vlll lrt me half of nnr bo1U« or packace of <he Coiuparl- w > • — . f*J. , /•_ <L n 0 ' » " f _I_F '•##•' ■ . ' -r T »-• »TT » -•:■■'. ii Mm Sale Itrinn nnd If you d» n«l llnd .Mhi-iii e<.iinlly an efrienclnuii nn the more t| tjlVllSn 1 /"/ ' tTJ ftt PCI JVI 11 1 111 1 ti Ot*\) "v--*4 - I f/«iW/.<«r.«>f/t/./V f/ r i/V/.«<rrlff«/lrir i> familiar one*, return an the package or bottle and m will return you your ?! ** "J •«"-»»■« < I UftfKCU jfUUUHC/ V Uncierpricea unuermusiins i)\l%^ms&x%x^^ /i^t*^^*.. >.«»jtfoc...,vifu C/*i/«d.rpr/c.*.C /*i/«d.rpr/c.*. . an Mnrio in ( : !!• — ~~ ~ "~ — ■»:■ '%9tixSߧSKß&k' $20i0 ° AND $22<5 ° HATS AT Sir aa /A^\\W"^^\\\\\\\\ 1 1 lit I; | lalne's Celery Compound— special "Ssc.* Hnmbursrr'a Beef. Iron and Wine— {(;! Dress and evenilKJ hats ill medium ISI If 1 JffX \ • •' VanttarW FnrtnrtPK ' % * rott '» <-«-'«ry nnd rocm Compound— ;;«-|-f«--«iy pure. Compnrinon Sale tjQj. _i. and small shines- nnp i nntural M.U»\J\M (JUk. \ . iJU.illlU.ry I UClUflta _tt uo - t snrihK Tonic. c ( >i.u.nriH<»u nz r V rll " c : \l • ' V.' - ' '-; I . ana smaii shapes, one a natural PS \ ■';"•'.•:- •■'•• ' ' I! sale rnce «C "^ ■'. |j ; I®^^?^^_^^ leghorn with batiste embroidered top trimmed Kl'/; 'fe _? AO FOR $1.50 DRAWERS 1 1 . ffitam^SSfi ipe Kw»^%^s ™p- c »». PBrtalQi ■""'" 20c H with black and white' daisies and soft ribbon -.. - \r'l4'' ' WJ, Ur%_f r Fine cambric drawers with wide '' VZI Cure# Com « Mirl '" m "» Ie - 75c iJsterine^lantis'eptic' mouth wash; roc. {[ ' bows : another a Neapolitan braid and maline hat 2_ - . . ... . if^ /lit./ rine camDric arawers witn wide ::, Trice '•'w __ n .i--.p,_n_iiiied wherever diaeane cn r ' *>?jaa* ve> Qf with snravs of aigrettes and natural rosP«t- an ■ ' /4^i_=Ly__4|i_U3 rT -^ flniinrps tritYimf»H witli fitif in ■* GarneleT Tea— largely advertised. ■ spec- e^Utn. Coinpnrl.on Sale Prl<e *> U C:j 1 W WHH Sprays OI aigrettes ana natural TOSeS, an-, . /^^l^^^^^^a nounces tnmmea w?tn nne in- :| _ a _ pr , co 20c _ scotfs Kmuision codiivcr on two. jj ' , a\ -^ S.J other a fine milan hat with peacock feathers and ; , •' /^^^^^^^m\ .sertion and embroideries in dozens of pat- '\\ %™l° a l £?*™ r J™-£*£ e tIOM b ™ l \ n J* " r m bufid'"^ "o'np.ri^s.i'e "*■ *cl |'|: 'W^.^ml baby roses; are in light and delicate shades.' .terns; every garment correct in cut, su- | f1"f 1 "' -■■■■■ •••••;•• ••■;•;••" ;;: VtuncVs VasciVno-VcVowcip jars.'ioc. |J; -^B^gf'iH There are enough styles in the lot to please. all v^lMS^^ll=i&sii^ P erior in finish and Positively worth $1.50. I '"tmct'Soc. 0 Ponds wltch Hazel E^ »Sii^ : «Msrt£^^^ 18c ?{ — "™. fancies and are positively worth $20 and $22,50.; Special, this week. }| SSu B co t ™p.r?. oonb0 on bl S e aie D " tl " ed W 3qJ SSSS^Vt^ $15.00 HATS, $10.00 I $8,50 TO $10.0, HATS, $5.00 ; ; v *-. -^ T «»t^ T -^._-^ n _. ' tft e < ■.'„■',' ' "t.". |VO'"„','*'-V:V O ' "„','* '-V : - I b«t of all. Comparison Snle rrlce ••N' jj A cornp i e t e line of dress and suit hats in <! For street and suit wear. '. consisting of 7SC UNDERMUSLINS, 50c $2.50 LONG CHEMISE, $1.48 ft^ "w? n t- de HSIr M «™^^-&S?« de- rreu-« Rl .nvlXe P °F«c e r 8 po W der_po.l- !i Pretty, becoming styles, including those of];! chip and Panama braid -hats,- trimmed In • )n , .. „ _ ... , „ ,_°_. ii atroreri K unranteed. Conipnrliion .CC-, tlvely pure. ComparUon Sale J(i r H Neapolitan braid, with velvet folds, finished ,' the newest effects with black and white - An assortment, of drawers with deep Of exceptionally fine quality, full skirt |> sale Price ' 03C i. r |,. c uc ft witth ribbon, drapes and quills; fine chip ', ribbon; also quills and wings and soft nounces, trimmed with laces and embroid- '.length; trimmed around neck with embrold- ?! Carter's Liver Pills— 4o In bottle, 20c Murray & I^anmnn'B Florida Water 500. {I braids with maline ruching, finished with ]> braid hats made into mushroom . shape ; cries; gowns In all styles and plain or in- ;> - rv | nßert ( on rlhhnn h»arifni» ,,i rt»_« « m !! .H"...11nl. H "... llnl^ er '" I _ lver I*lll_~io» In ie c Hnnibiir K er'>< HnKii.-h Florida Water-- ti _ ancy feathers and aigrettes; also made hats i! with velvet folds, stylishly trimmed with sertion trimmed: also corset covers, short '""j rr ' b , be^ dln S and dee f el »- ; bottl. , Compnrl.on Sale Prce.... "C true to nnture. CompnrUon Sale 3^ f h^,_ b , fl _ d |th ma , in _ and narrow , rlbbonB> drapes and quills, cogue feathers' skirts and knee length chemise. ' Choice ;| broidery edging; also trimmed around bot- \ $ Wyeth _ Beef. Iron and Wine 6»c. nice «" w $;, Va , lace a nd wings; are In all colors.' Choice.', j' and wings; are all' the newest styles! cf the lot Monday, 50i.. , —Second Floor ,; torn and arm with embroidery. Choice, *1.48. imiiliililllil-iimittnTnHHHliil-ili'liW^^ ] $10.00. < Choice, J5.00. ■ . ... ■; —Second Floor ' Fiesta Goods for Dec Blankets, :' Pillows : Rugs j ' Summer Shoes and Oxfords Ribbons : Veils : Hand* Orating and Fun Specially Priced House Furnishings for Our ft" I JD\ MEN'S $6.00 SHOES AND OXFORDS Ag AA kerchiefs 2 Neckwear • JVtnleina ' May Comparison Sales H -_ J! /v_i\. Ie maker of these shoes is known • _nO 111 l ac-i-~*r « * »>t • _?. i '_-. JVla/Cing > Ai CA FOR $7.00 WOOL BLANKETS W^m /\\ throughout the country, but our cutting V«*W * S^UiHWom» "j^jO-.... We have abW lot of these troods in- «D4.u!| H-4 full double-bed size; extra heavy,. (Wit l ,_l5 (\ ft /v the price a dollar prevents us from advertising his name. DTDDAM e v* C n VV 1 fl t goods, in . VIiUV _ oft> fluff wod blanket ' po'gitive^ th^ ; ,Ml " : i-J^t i\■ C // The styles are right and we invite comparison with the : 50c RIBBONS; YARD, 15c eluding flags, Japanese parasols, Jap- best value ever offered in Los Angeles. They are in all (if iff. .*-! &L l '^_li_* best ? 6 - 00 shoes you can find in the city. They are in Taffetas messailnea and satin ,taffetu. In [ anese lanterns, paper blow snakes, white with colored borders; also gray and medicated /W'"**H-J ' *-Wmk all leathers and sizes and include both shoes and oxfords. Plain colors or fancy; widths up to 5 inches. CHiies, horns and masks. Don't wait red wool blankets ; values to $7.00. jjj V ia wj!_7A L \ 2 VEILS AND DRAPES, 98c until tlie last minute to purchase your 7Sc Sanitary Pillows TTarW AOr I fiQr nB4DI?PV Mil (ill lifei I\\ MEN'S $3.50 t WOMEN'S $3.50 ; Black and colors. 1% yards Ions; of chiffon ..■-»—.■ ■ /3C oanitary ±*UIOWS, Jiacn, 49C' 1 . O9C IJKAPEKY . = UUll — tWvS? iWS^A OVfrn-pnss t^oe ' oiifiFl «?0S an< J chantilly lace; fancy borders. MippllCS for I'lCSta. Threo-pouml sanitary foather r»- ' SILK YD "?Qr ■ 111 l I \\W& fl \ UA^UKLI., J...3 Bnur-S, »M 5 ... ,- ;•,,;, ftit fii S XX ; C^^ h ii sS; X I, i J^K^^ 50 C HANDKERCHIEFS, EACH, 35c . 1 artial hst of titles follows : ■ ■ K"°'^ ?"' )"J y^ ll<^ «» n £*," e !^•"lllM^n i drapery purposes. 30 inches j fffW ] %^S3S-Sa ranging 6to 9; the styles ' lace shoes that were made to sell ! Sheer linen or swlsa trimmed, with VaL or , Silk flags from 6c each up to $6.60. day only p . !' wide: nrettv floral anfl nri. I f\\\^ —^UyWy < wSf I ' and shapes are all new and i and are worth $3.60. The shnpes are Mechlin lace or Insertion; hand embroidered Wool bunting flags from 950 up to $3.00. , - i ental designs and color- > I comfortable, and as they \ all new and they are in mostly all hems or scalloped and embroidered edges. . Printed muslin flags from 3c doz. to 50c each.. «a (n APT COTTARTTC «fi CX ! «nKS. Special Monday only. > / were made to sell at $3.50 sizes. | .. _____ . ■ $8.50 ART SQUARES, $6.95 . . _ _ _____ ■„,, ,_ I you are saving Just sBc on «.. nn - 4Mp - „ $3.50 SILK RUFFS, $1.98 Standard -wool -bunting flags -wi^^ . • every pair. $4.00 SAMPLE ___ _ Of Liberty silk W ith- long fancy ties; full and . ' specially featured this week: f : foi'ds i.'ES. « < S^^^U'^^V'-JS"??!^^ -I W aM. «mpl- l2?r^25S5vSS I " f n^i.^^^h fancy juby or s,. k ruch- i?ylS foot wool buntlne flairs each »12 Od slif?htly soiled; they are In deflirable harmonize; knotted in. not sewed on a band; J c grade canvas oxfords in white, gray, tan, ! in a number of styles and shapes. 6< ' . |^^;a|^|||| fjS?^^^^»sffi &^£s!K^ $1 DRESS-NETS, YARD, 69C. tu ('ir P| nnn ,i« c ,« «■: .... ,„.,, day< , worn spots. . 5 s and there are nearly all sizes in the lot. saving $1.60 a pair. Cotton dress nets, 72 Inches wide; plain col- The following prices are 33 per cent ,'_,. — ._.,. _____ .._ ._._ . > ; ors In staple and pastel shades; also 45-inrh below regular: ; __._,' __, . -•_, " -.n.-_,.-_r.-.r. .- .-,_ L .^>wv -~ p~~ — _o^, J n J - t r L -^.n.- . .-. ,-r. -_-_,__■_■_-.. in fancy dots and figured patterns, in white Cotton bul_ flags, each. 10, to $,50. • ' PkotO SuppllCS | ALL-WOOL SHADOW CHECKS, $100 |i &.5O Co P y Tight S 49C | _aby Irish in f anc y flg - 5 0 P a C h. S P .clal Prlc, Monday \^^\^^^ I &Z^ Sn^^J^s^r^iZ < 75c POMPADOUR RIBBONS. 35 C ' n f rik^,^ Rk hiL n'Z« ™;h; h k,. Ansco No. ,1' camera, 3^x3^ ; does the work in a fine twill weave effect ; every thread pure I bookß everyone is reading; are the regu- _ A v Delicate and vividly floral dealgna ' on - white'; ;^ I t-^^ b tin.i^r&& ;■: of any $8.00 camera. *_ 7- l;^oUand>gualranteedifor^^ctofe^ r^^^ A% XJ^^ ESJ^SSSFfc^ JLT. .X. K T c - Or - W - "^r^ 0 - 60 -:-- Special, at $4.1 5 i not be matched under $1.50. jjj Partial list of titles follows: , ! wMthf .- ,;.• in BaBh TvTJj • "i ! 4x5 Cyko paper, dozen, 14c. ] ■ NEW 75c MOriAIKS Al 39c ;> Leopard's Spots Dlxon. ,•' ',>., > . ><^ >JW<<<^~ >^* t<^^ > * < '>^« <^> < *^-^w : >>iXlC^ ...'; 75c AND $1.00 HOSE, 50c,' 3!4x4K Cyko paper, dozen, 10c. . '>;/''?:■'': An assortment of 25 pieces in all the wanted ;! Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come— Fox. ! S!1 SO TfIMTT YTMr)WP\A7T?Ar> co Imported black lisle or lace hosiery with v Carter's photo library paste, 50. ' colors; of a good'iiuality mohair that will give , ! The Master Chnstlan-Corelli. ! -,- , „ UX\JJ_KW_AK, 59C embroidered ankles in s, lh: patterns in- 4x5 pr.nt.n X frUes. He. good service . b Th J y are^ both plain . and fancy SSfti ufß^-^lllvwt ! " toS^ith'SSd 1 - croche t^X^JSMbK"' 1 dalslef... pansiea and rosebuds, also 3%x4V4 blue print paper, 170. •• I and specially adapted for separate skirts and !> Battle Ground-Glasgow, >.. | ' neck long sleeve .vests In twin needle- Jersey '! iilock patterns; made dnubln heels, solos ami CJloth bound photo albums. 33i-. ffiff!^ ' dressos ( ! The I)el 'verunco— CJlasgow. ,; ribbed pants with lace trimmed bottoms. ' toes; the most select line ever shown in I.os Glass slide Ruby lamps at 29c |! 00- MOHAIR SICII TANS 59c- I 1I 1 Advi^li - n V'Sh^HnT^ hS««" nnvi* and «wlss ribbed vests In wool. gTay, only;, I ' . •,'■, .. „' .. __ • .» r-> _ ■_ io_ ■ oV/C IVUJrIAIK olV^li.l/\lN>3, oyc 1 Aaventurcs of Sherlock Holmes— Doyle. , hiKh neck lonar aleeve-* mnm mi-— n«n»_ i ?SES£I ; T : h :75 ° ""' : N.tSrmoVnts; c.bossed center. do ze , Sc. pieces, pn.y of 52-inch English mohairs in |i| ' . , ' !| £^^^^60^^^^ ' _~»_r*\ % - No. 2 Brownie films, 6 ex., 18c. ' ' *; a nne Sicilian weave; of hard-twisted wool; a ;> The narrow Enig-ma-Severy. ;); * :■ ." ' rnSfJf* ■ Ycii B^x3^4. N. C. films. 6 ex,. 28c. •.' \, «eh black, and is a grade we can recommend for ;! £ nn e 8 'n ent ~V ewl , B- * \ £ZC\f*' : ' : - ' ' . \**^ , ' ! _uxo flash cartridges; 6ln box; 250 size special at 19c. ] exceptionally good service. Special Monday. .jl Portunes'of CMlver Horn-Smith. \ ft-/ j/O ■'! Los Angeles Sunday Herald. SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 13, 1906. Editorial and Society Section