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2 LEAVES FROM SOCIETY'S NOTE BOOK . X, benefit which Is Interesting society at prewint in that which la to t>« given tinder th« *uiplc«i of the Los Angeles Jienlty board at the Mason opera house .Thursday evening, May 17. The play, !"Cmte," will be given under the man agement of L*o Cooper. Mlbs Maude Campbell of San Joae will t«k» th« lending part. Ml«» Campbell has never played In any but charity affairs, but sh« has had offers from many managers in the northern part of the state. Wherever she had been the critics have given her unlimited praise. » Many of the representative people of Los Angeles society are reserving seatf ■and boxes have been taken by W. M. Garland/ Byron Erekenbrecher, H. Cal lender and Black Bros. The Lo§ An igeles; Realty board will be there in a .body." ' I The proceeds will be sent to the San "Jose ' chamber of commerce. San Jose .hag. sheltered 40,000 refugees and yet hns had almost no outside assistance. At Dreamland X. The, revived sport of skating con-| .tlnues :to : grow In popularity, and I •5 Thursday evening Dreamland rink saw 'the- largest company of skaters that '*, has gathered on the floor this season. : Society women are adopting the trim .-short skirt and walking hat for the skating costume and the fashionable element which Is present at Dreamland 1 ,'on Thursday evenings exhibits some .particularly pleasing frocks. Christ -church was represented last week by a large company of ' skaters, which In cluded the Rev. Baker P. Lee, rector ' : of the church, and Mrs. Lee. Mr. Lee I made his first attempt to skate Thurs j day evening and bids fair to be an ex ; pert on the rollers very soon. Miss Maude Elizabeth Richards of the choir >vas present with her house guest, Miss -Mathllde Phillips of Salt Lake City. Miss RlchaTds and Miss Phillips are 'both excellent skaters and accomplished • some difficult turns, In company with "Mr. MUward, Mr. Badger. George Par sons and others. j- " C. •J. C. Clayton of London, one of "• the • best known war and foreign cor respondents of the London Times, con ■)tlnues to enjoy his daily exercise on . the smooth floor, and Mrs. Willie Mar vin of British Columbia is sustaining .'a reputation for marvelous skill on the . , wheels. Mrs. E. T.. Earl is persevering 'in her efforts to gain a mastery of the 'sport, and Miss Carmelita Troconiz waa I ; also among the students of the week. • Mr. and Mrs. Otto "Weld were among those present, and Mr. and Mrs. Ches ter 'A. Montgomery -were also awheel. Miss Irene Grosses fair features were noticeable in the Pasadena contingent, iitd Jlrs. William May Garland, In a natty suit of red with turban to match, was present with ber husband and guests. Colonel J. B. Lankershlm oc cupied a spectator's chair, as did W. Nlles, Mrs. Marchand, Count and Mrs. Jaro Yon Schmidt and Mr. and Mrs. "Walter Leeds. H. Schoder and friends ■were skating, as were also Mrs. C. H. Treat and her sister. Miss Cartmllle. Russell Taylor was present with friends and Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Perkins were I members of a party from the 60uthwest. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. An- Drews were on the floor, and among other skaters were George Parsons, Mr. Helms. Mabel Rose Pike. Mr. and Mrs. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tufts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomas (the latter of ■whom skates especially •well), Mrs. W. H. Seaman of Chicago, Miss Carlisle Seaman, Miss Mary Seaman. . Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Richards watched ■the amusement from chairs, where also sat • Fred Dorn, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kofflt, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lw Martin, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Morgan and Miss Mor gan, C. T. Earl, Dr. and Mrs. 'Williams, Mrs." West Hughes, Ben Goodrich, Ben jamin Williams. An exhibition of fancy skating waß given during the evening and the pro gram . included the rendition of "In Dreamland," a waltz song recently com posed and dedicated to the manage ment of this rink. Delightful Affair One of the most delightful social af fairs of the week was that given by Mrs. Augusta Marquis of 230 West .Twenty-fifth street Thursday after noon. The house waa a-bloom with flowers. A color scheme of red was fol lowed in the parlors, -while white sweet peas and roses were charmingly com bined in the drawing room. Masses of pink sweet peas and roses decorated the reception hall' and- lavender sweet peas laid the foundation for a charming: decorative scheme In the dining rooms. Cards were played and a cut glass bon bon . dish and a vase of Eydrel were awarded as prizes. The score cards were hand painted with forget-me nots. ' The hostess was assisted in en tertaining by Mrs. W. C. Valllkett, Misses Emma Klatcher, Clara Leon ardt and Alma Weifenbach. The guests included Mesdames A. H. Koeblg, J. Lee Hagadorn, W. C. Valllkett, C. B. Dlckson, A. A. Caldwell, J. M. Smith. Li B. Webster, J. F. Fitzgerald, F. W. Beau De Zart, C. H. Toll, Carl Leon ardt, F. W. Detmers, F. Besslng, How ard M. Sale, Sepulveda, Schneider, J. S. Hodge, C. C. Merrill, W. A. A very, Helen Woodruff, H. H. Wallace, Dana, C. Weifenbach, It. H. Miller, W., A. Banks. L. T. Gurnsey, P. P. Greppen, G. McMillan, J. W. Barnes, R. Atkin son, R. A. Todd, C. Schrader, Stockard, F« A. Johnson; Misses Emma Klat ncher, Anna Klatscher, C. Apablasa, El dred Apablasa, Ethel Stockard. Agnes Hill, , Clara Leonardt, Frlda Barman, 'Alma Weifenbach, Norma Weifenbach. Benefit Euchre Party .The Robert B. Lee chapter, U. D. C, -will give a euchre party Tuesday after noon at Hotel Westmore for the bene fit, of the San Francisco sufferers. Tho card tables will be arranged in sec tions, each section representing & differ ent color. Mrs. E. O. Robertson, as sisted by Misses Jane and Martha Robertson, will have charge of the red section, Mrs. \V. S. Warden, assisted by. Miss Frances "Wardell and Mrs. Charles Hergln, will have charge of the blue section; Mrs, W. A. Home, as sisted by Misses Mignonette Hutten and Irene Knox, will have charge of the white section; Mrs. Eva Lee Overton, assisted by Misses Ethel Btockard and Kltzabeth Burns, will have charge of the pink section; Mrs. IS. C. Bowers, assisted by Mrs, Christine Bernard and Miss Itamona Dowers, will have charge of .the lavender section; Mrs. James T. Neighbors, assisted by Misses Elizabeth Hutton and Isabelle Wolfskin, will have charge of the yellow section. The general decorations will be In red and -white carnations and sweet peas. Kappa Alpha Theta > The members of the Kappa Alpha. Theta Alumnae -were entertained ;vith a tea yesterday afternoon by Mrs. Moye Stephens of Sunset boulevard and Fan ning- street, iilaclt and yellow panties formed a pleasing decoration for the house. .Mrs. Stephens was assisted In receiving by Mrs. J. W. llendrlck, Mrs. Albert M. Stephens, Mrs. Donald Prick, Miss Claire Kmilo and Ml»» Sue narn ■vyelLr The Bursts ln<-luded: iimes. M M. . Bovard, . John K. ■■ Coffin, Homer I^auchlln, Jr., Walter Helueman, J. B. Dppincott, Charl«« Llpptncott of Iljilly wood, - Tom MiCiea, , William Ceatley, PART It THE CHATTERER MIBS MAUD CAMPBELL Charles T. Whittles?, E. Reed, Nellie Rogers. Misses Georgie Caswell, Zella Fay, Mary D. Fox, Sada Johnson, Carvell, Edith Jordan, Loie Wilkinson, Bessie Whitcotnb, Grace Laveryea, ("l*ra Snodgrass, Henderson, Ada Helneman, Ida Lindley, Jessie MeFar land, Ruth McFarland, M. Miltlmore, Maude Phillips, Clara Sniff, - Jane Spaulding, Hazel and Ethel Traphagen. Card Party and Dance The Misses Jean and Sophia Davies entertained Friday evening -with a card party and a dance at their home, 469 Bixel street. The early part of the evening was devoted to cards. One of the first prizes, a beautiful hand painted cake plate, was captured by Mrs. H. L. McLellan, the other, a let ter case, was won by H. L. McLellan. Refreshments were served, after which there was dancing. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Margaret D. Griffith of Hollywood, Mrs. J. G. Savles, Mr. and Mrs. McLellan, Mrs. Kurle, Misses Dora and Anna Miller, Edith Beggs. Pearl Crawford, Edna Nichols, Pearl and Stella Geler and Beulah Bower; Messrs. Andrew Ingraldein of Pasa dena, Dan Davies, J. M. Depew of Hollywood, George Merens, Raleigh Downs, Robert Kuril Hugh McLellan, Oliver Davies and O.T. Griffith. ''• As You Like It Club The members of the As You Like It club and other friends were entertained with a whist party Friday afternoon, given by Mrs. H. M. Symes of 2718 Kenwood street.' Miss Rose Prescott, one of the June brides, was the compli mented guest. The house was decorated with honeysuckle and roses. The score cards were hand painted by the hostess with fancy figures. A silver bonbon ppoon, a souvenir spoon and a leather covered book were awarded as prizes. The guests included: Mmes. Walter Harvey, C. H. Salinas, Englißh, H. W. Brundlge, Clarence Pease, Edward Snell, Rollo Snell, Homer Morris, Mark TurnbuH, J. F. Giles. C. W. Harding, George Dryden, Ammerman, Miss Grace Kamsay and Miss Emma Harvey. Annual Reception The annual reception of the directors of the Los Angeles Orphans' home was given Friday afternoon. Rev. Baker P. Lee gave an Interesting talk and a pro pram was given by Miss Mollle Adelia Brown, Mrs. Adolph Loud, Miss Pearl Herndon and Miss Helen Parcells. Mrs. C. B. Woodhead, the president, ■was assisted In entertaining by Mmes. Arthur W. Davidson. "\V. \V. Murphy, Albert Shorten, J. ~W. Dawson, C. C. WriKht. J. S. Chapman. A. C. Balch, D. G. Stephens,. T. J. Barclay, Flora Stowell. Oliver C. Bryant. William E. Dunn, William Pridham, Jules Kauft man, J. A. Wlnans. John H. F. Peck, Calvin Smith. Roger Sherman Page, K. H. Sanderson, George Rice, Ed Neisser, John K. Wilson, Mllo Baker and M. Parcells. Social Notes 'Mrs. C. H. Carleton will entertain the Good Samaritan club at her residence, 939 Westmoreland avenue, tomorrow evening. Mrs. Sherrlll B. Osborne of 162S West Twenty-third street Is entertaining her cousin, Miss Kate Ramsdell of Port land, Ore. This is Miss Ramsdell's first visit to California and she expects to remain In Log Angeles during the sum mer months. A. K. Zapf and wife of Chicago are visiting Mr. Zapf's sister, Mrs. L. XV. Albright, 672 Benton boulevard. Mr. Zapf Is secretary of the American School of Correspondence and pub lisher of tho Technical World magazine. For Engaged Couple In honor of Miss Ethel Plumb , and Charles Herzog, whose marriage will take place Hay 26, the members of the Eight Belle club entertained Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Mary Plumb, 411 South Flgrueroa street. Tha guests were entertained with a mu sical program and a French supper was served. There were present Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Loyhed, Mr. and Mrs. B. C Dlnz, Mr. and Mrs. John Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Btoddard, Mr. and Mr*. C. Miller, Mrs. C. M. Tlpton, Mrs. Mary Howe, Mrs. M. M. Kdgerton, Miss Hazel Bcharp, Miss Kthel Plumb, Mlsn Manet Alderson, Delos Ourfee and Charles) llerzog. Goff.Barny W«ddlng Mil* Minnie Berny : ectm* the bride of William N. Goff Wednesday noon. The ceremony vs as performed by Rev. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 13, 1906. Robert Mclntyre at the home of the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Goff, 2110 Magnolia avenue. While the service was being held the couple stood under a bell of orange blossoms suspended from ' a canopy of ferns. A color scheme of red and green was carried out with asparagus plu mosus and American Beauty roses In the breakfast room, where refresh ments were served. The bride wore white and carried orange blossoms. When the couple return from their wedding trip to San Diego they will live on Michigan avenue in Boyle Heights. j For Bride-to.Bs Mrs. Howard Leland Rivers of 1348 West Sixth street entertained with a tea yesterday afternoon. In honor of her sister, Miss Florence Field, whose wedding will take place in June. Ferns and bamboo against a background of white tarleton formed an effective dec oration for the drawing room, while a color scheme of red was followed in the dining room, where tea was served. The hostess was assisted by Mmes. Murray Harris, E. B. Rivers, T. .J. Rivers, D. K. Edwards, Henderson Haywarfi, Misses Carrie Field, Lucille Walton, Ruth Sterry, Edith Day, Flor ence Clute, Grace Mathea, Millie Hurly, Alice Gamble, Mildred Thomas and Marian Shlnn. — / , Complimentary Luncheon Mrs. Maud Burdlck was hostess on Thursday last at a daintily appointed luncheon given in honor of Mrs. H. E. Vreeland, who haß just returned to Los Angeles from San Francisco. The table was beautifully decorated with •world's wonder and American Beauty roses and ferns. The place cards were souvenirs of the earthquake and fire. Vocal and instrumental music added to the pleasure of the nfternoon. Th* guests were: Mmes. H. E. Vreeland, E. W. Schmidt, Belle Prudhomme, Julia Moore, Isabel Moore. Karl Schumacher, Arte Richardson, Hattie Marchant, J. M. Mitten, Lizzie Magoon, Dexter Sampson, J. M. Pratt, M. A. Kenny, Catherine J. Manning. ' ■ For Bride. to. Be Miss Rachel Spears, whose engage ment to J. B. Woodson has been an nounced, was guest of honor at a luncheon given yesterday by Misses Florence and Nellie Kerns of 916 Grat tan street. A color scheme of red and white was followed out with geraniums and sweet peas In the decorations. The guests, who wore all members of the Kappa Nu sorority, included Misses Dot • Barrington, Juanlta - Lane, Ruth Shepard, Anna Judge, Frances Parker, Mabel Wells, Mabel Darner, Ruth Boh byshell, Gladys Bowen, Edith Harris and Edna Whlttlesy. Luncheon for Mrs. Davenport Mrs. John Sidney Davenport of New York city, who is the house guest of Mrs. Fowler Bhankland of 701 West Thirtieth street, was the complimented guest at a luncheon given Thursday by Mrs. Melville Johnston of 1110 West Twenty-seventh street. Covers were laid for twelve. Complimentary Luncheon Mrs. E. K. Foster was the compli mented guest at a luncheon given on Thursday by Mrs. Elmer W. Riggle of 030 Jefferson street. Mrs. Higgle and Mrs. H. Mayberry entertained the guests with a short program of read ing* and piano music later in the af ternoon. La France roses formed the centerpiece for the table, while the s>core cards were ornamented with the same flower. Covers were laid for Mmes. Harry Choate, John Crlbb. A. F. Punn, J. , J. Davis, H. Mayberry, n. A. Levy, H. Strayer and Ella Mitchell. Certificating Exercises The certificating exercises of the Gal pln Shakespeare club will be held on Thursday evening, May 17, ut Cumnock hall. They were to have been held April 25, but were postponed on ac count of the earthquake. Kitchen Shower AIiHH Loulkr Payne, whoe marriage to Dr. Frederick Langdon will soon take place, wrh the gueit of honor at a kitchen ihower givey yenterday by Miaa lOduii Dtckeiißon of 1003 Beacon utreet. Pink sweet peas and ronei formed a pleaeltif decoration. Those prenent were: Mr». Walter J. Wren, Mm. Wil liam Hoag, Mr*. Wallace Junta, Mle*e» Clara. lt#lnt«, Kthel Graham, M*m« Bradshaw, Grace ttrad»hflw, Jessie Huston, Maude K. Richards, Lillian Brown, Helnetnan and Dexter. To Give May Party The members of Wade Hampton chapter, V. D. C, will give their annual May party Friday evening, May 18, at th# home of Mrs. J. T. Salyer, 703 East Adams street Cards and dancing will be enjoyed. A color scheme of >red nnd white will be currlad out In the decoration*. The proceeds will go to the relief of southern women who have Buffered in the San Francisco disas ter. For Miss Owen Mrs. Benjamin J. Johnson of 207 West Twenty-fifth street gave ft lunch eon Thursday in honor of Miss Cotta Owen, who will become the bride of Clyde Forsythe In June. A color scheme of white nnd green was car ried out In the decorations. The gold monogram of the Theta Delta club, to which the bride belongs, was engraved on the place cards. Cards were played during the afternoon. For Baby Daughter Mr». Diirward S. De Van of 2319 West Twenty-fourth street entertained seven small guests Friday afternoon In honor of the first blrthciny of her daughter Jane. Pink baby roaen and pink candles made an effective decoration for the "house. There were present Dorris Braly, Glover Wldney, Jr., Annie Allen, Sarah Elizabeth Posey, John Slater Chapman, Jr., Frank Belcher, Jr., and Moye Wicks Stephens, jr. Married at Christ Church Miss Olivette Wistcr became the bride of Ross H. Hook of Toungstown, 0., Thursdny evening In Christ Epis copal church. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. Baiter P. Lee. The bride was gowned In pink and cnrrletl pink rosebuds. The couple will bo at home to their friends on Wednesdays at 1038 West Sixteenth street. 8. N. Club Entertained The members of the S. N. club had a delightful meeting yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Walter J. Wren, 1331 Ingraham street. Beach. lngraham Wedding A pretty house wedding on Thursday evening was that of Arthur Ingraham, To Women Who Are Particular about the faultless fit and tail- I T « M .i,- n i n e of ihe 144 n~ Oritlg' OI a Skirt, . the. quarter- K»l Slnr** are explunlvely for size'in shoes is a plain neces- JhcTAhioiSbie °di«tVictlt o" sity. \ Greater Nevr York. . The effect of a handsome Send for St ?!« BooK skirt is entirely lost unless M «*» Orden the shoes under it are in keep- Promptly Filled ing — appropriate in style, of course, but also cleverly fitted J^P\ to every natural curve and Quarter / / \ measurement of your feet. Sizes ' //! \ Women's Regal Shoes are . >f / . \~. the only shoes that can be 'f 1 fitted in quarter-size gradu- ilapl^afl 55 * 4 *^ a ations, at any price. And it is Isiilis®' /m this size-grading, with < pJSSgssijk real lißnrt modeling, that makes ipPfTr the Woman's Regal considera- §P>/- J2rTß||W bly better than any "six-dollar J|d( JW : MWi shoe in town. ywlfe \f $ LATONA Regal quarter sizes not 'S^ M '*. q ct\ ' 'only insure comfortable, y^ yjf 1pa.50 wrinkless fitting, but ><I . M they oerfect the erace- x* <^V iilKB» moiiuii xncy ptricci xnc j,hh s .litiiSr flat-ln»t model Till outlines of ankle, / x.oX jjlgs2r _ __ „, „,.„•, ■.arch, and Instep and / m«de of Black add the fli.ishlns touch I J&Sr «"■«'» Anther on n of completeness to any A «peclnl nnkle-fltllnx Ojt- COStume. y&tflttfsSS^ for<l Init. Sp«dc-nliape<t i^™"'^» kiilo. Cuban heel. Outslilc $3.50 and $4.00 1 "*"*- 303 SO. BROADWAY, BRADBUR.Y BUILDING A. 8. VAN DECniFT, Slgr. '/^jij|^ How to Have Qyji Beautiful Hair Nsl2^j|ppbr Shampoo with a pure white soap and hot water in which a /j/jm£m\ tables P° onfu l of 20-Mule-Team 'Mfjffi^*^ \ Borax is dissolved, rub vigor- wdi^^^si ously ' anc * rinse the hair th ° r - Ioyyraip</ oughly with a spray of clear, cold water. Dry carefully with hot towels (see cuts). /_Ji|pp^ This treatment will cleanse |ji.^^jl c sca *P» P rev ent dandruff, jL^Bw^/jJ allay any itching or irritation, \Jm^/^^ k cal sca lp soreness and make NS!j[|gg^ the hair soft, fluffy and beautiful. Use only 20-Mule-Team BORAX It will >Uo clmmm n.d jwtilr the pom, sire th. Uun a white, cltar, vci«iy appearance, "Often and wkito. Dm katuU, »nd ««t alwj.ik.r Urn part «< *b» mm cipraair* (Ida mil at a imctioo oi their cort, *ll dultn. • Free tamplt and illustrated booklet for dealer's name and Be. In stamps. Pacific Coast Borix Co.. Bacon Bide., Oakland, Cal, fon of Mr. and Mr«, Irving B. Ingrft ham of West Adam* atreet, to Miss Susan M. Heaoh At tho resldenrs of the bride's mother, 16*7 St. Andrew's place. The ceremony was performed by Rev. I>r. .lohn Nichols, Uriels' of the brlric, fin Kplscopal clergyman from New York. The Winning Costume At the ninsqiifirnde carnival given at Dreamland nkntlng rink last Tuesday fv^nlng, the prla« of n. «oM watch tv«« nwnrdfrt to Miss I^conora Clark for the most original rostnmo. She portrayed the part of thfl familiar character sell ing papers at the corner of Fourth and Spring streets. Chapter Dinner A dinner will be Riven next Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Isaac Rank, 8820 Woodlawn avenue, by the B. O. F. of HnuthgAte chapter, O. E. 8. The arrangement committee la com posed of Mme*. A. S. Dunn, Klla Mitchell, Harry Coate and Robert Smith. Covers for Twelve Miss FrnncM Coulter, who will start soon on her tour of Europe, and Dr. Robert Mdleynolds of Philadelphia were complimented guests at a dinner party which Mrs. Lillian M. Coulter of 607 Westlnke nvenue gave Friday even ing. Covers were laid for twelve. York.Bashford Wedding Mis* Loulso Haahford, daughter of Mr. and Mr». C. A. Bashford of 339 West Twenty-eighth street, will become the bride of John York Tuesday evening, May 29, In the First Congregational church. Announce Wedding Date The marriage of Mtss Edith Day, daughter of Mrs. Charles E3« Day of 1334 South Hope street, to Herman Casad Smith will take place at 5 o'clock Saturday -afternoon, June 2, In Christ Episcopal church. ' ' For Mrs. Reed Mrs. Sanderson Reed of Portland, Ore., will bo the guest of honor at a tea to be given next Wednesday by Mrs. Walter E. Tyler of Third avenue and West Adams street. Evening Wedding The marrlage'of Miss Constance Mey burg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Meyburg of 162S AVost Twenty-fourth street, and Marco Newmark will take place Wednesday evening, June 6, In the Bhcll club house. Students Entertain Under the direction of the freshman and Junior classes a reception waa given j p Thm Mttrk nf OOOp Clethtt j \! K>*ou> V» far B«it Vnlutt v Now that overcoat time is over, look sharply after the fit of^your suit. Don't make the mistake of thinking anything will do for spring and summer as long as it's easy. v We make all our suits fit before they leave the store, / and our spring and summer goods are the best we ever had. We have a full line of styles for particular men. All prices, $10 to $35. i London Clothing Company ' Leading Clothiers , 337-341 South Spring Street Your Mail Orden Will Be Filled Carefully and Promptly Here. || iVILLEiIiPARIs! 3 A. FUSENOT COMPANY, % 3 3 x 7-3 a 5 S. Broadway, Extending to 314-322 S. Hill Street. 5; 3 The Increasing Crowds of People Daily Patronizing *£. I Our Bargain Basement | 3 is sufficient proof you can't keep away from a store that •? g SELLS THE GOODS AS ADVERTISED. g S These Items Will Make |E I Big Business for Monday | 3 I Ladies' <°d Children's Do You Object Buying g § 25c Hosiery IF^ 20c Hand- | <J ± S j| at kerchiefs at YL 2 V g 3 These values sell in many Monday we offer 500 doz. !§» 3JJ places at 25c. The ladies' beautiful handkerchiefs, 'Jg 5 hosiery comes in black or sheer and fine, with hem- Sj g5 tan. The children's is a stitched or embroidered' ;s£- 5 fine ribbed black hose— edges. You Should Buy ■» 5 an unusual bargain — fine, a Quantity at Such a 3j 3 but durable. .. Price.. :■ "'''■£ 3 Extraordinary Sale of Manufacturers' g 5 Samples of Spachtel Dresser Scarfs, g S Pillow Shams, Centerpieces, Doilies, Etc. 2£ 5 Also a broken line of battenberg and oriental lace pieces "G. 5 at a saving of- 1-3 to 1-2 Off Regular Prices. , 3 We Mention Only a Few of the Prices g 5S 18-inch lace centerpiece (round), 50c values. .. ....1. 29c - : *&- *m 18-inch lace centerpiece (square), 60c value. . ..'. ...35c . g 3 29x29-inch pillow shams, each 35c ."5 ] 5 16x50-inch hemstitched dresser scarf, 0n1y. .. ......19c -fc 3 6-inch LACE DOILIES, only .^i.. 7c j£. %k mmmm mmmm immmm mmmM FREE— S2S Talk-o-Phone jw P^m