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8 TOTAL EXCEEDS QUARTER MILLION Y. M. C. A. THERMOMETER REGISTERS $252,100 Canvassing Committee Will Begin To. morrow the Final Week of Cam* palgn— Believe Full Amount Will Be Raited , ■,'■<?>/• ■- ■■■■■ ■■ - * <•> Ainonnt to be raised $350,000 <<•> ' <•> . Suhnprlptloiia to datel <?> ': ■« Previously I reported $243,004 -A ■ & Judge lllcknell 1,000 <b <-, <3> L,o« Anicrlea Pressed Brick fy "i ' <?> .-•• Co. 1 .000 <i> -.-'•<*> F..n. MronK 1-000 v, "■'4> K. >V. Stnwell. . 1,000 v»> <•> A. V. Ilnlrh .-.00 <i> , <1> J . A. «lion m I or . . . r.OCI <•> j ■',<•> Hurry 11. Ciillrndrr 300 >•■ • 4> Burton K. Gmn .-,00 & iifi ♦' niehnrd Green ' .' 500 '•> SjJW Letter rnnvnw Oiinnll' <£> «"•'> ■-" ainountn) : - .:»>l «> ■'; <t> T. 1,. niiqtlP ............ JOO '« *« <S> CnpKol ' ll ll line company 100 '■■ «.♦• I>r - E. Siinnitler. 100 <$• ,fi ># UHy ' Towel Supply com- <v> > «•> - •• pany 100 4) '«■> n. j.H. Dlrttlnnon 100 . «•> .1. 1)1. Irvinr 100 -•■ - <» Thnmim F. Howard 3 00^ ." '•> Whenlon A. tirny. ...... no <•> <i> S. S. Win* HoYs i- »« .1. W. Onkley BO <> <«/ 11. «. Qnkiry no ♦- 7 <•> <i. I." Hil*m-ll ' 50 -i> »■& T. 1,. Ambrose 50 w ■ «l F.F. Stetson nil* <«■ .1. r. « hit* lna lon BO * ,<• CVH. Urnil BO <|> <•> "Arthur IS. liilmore no ••:> '■ -:<*•'.■■ . * . ' S2r>2.ioo''.i> '-\v> -.SUM to be rained. f. I»7,»O(I •«. ■:'/: Another corner in the building cam- V.palgn of the Young Men's Christian ;■ association . has been turned. Reports V issued from the office of the executive ; committee at 6 o'crock last night showed pi total - subscriptions of $252,100, cutting I down the amount still to be raised to ;. *»7,900/, Included In the day's subscrlp , tlons were four for $1000 each; five for -J500; one for $200; six for $100, and ten ..' tor $00. ' ■.. •■• The canvassing committees will enter ,the final wetk of the campaign Mon ,-day with a pretty difficult task before I them, ; but the men at the head of the : movement are confident it can be sue- I cessfully accomplished if the right kind .' of effort Is forthcoming. A meeting ot ..these committees has been called for ■.-Monday, .when plans for making a ■whirlwind finish will be perfected. In : order to fully carry out their, plans the /directors request that every person who . has the interests of the Los Angeles Young Men's Christian association suf \ficlently at heart to assist In this final I effort, attend this meeting, which will ■be held in the rooms of the Youns : "Women's Christian association at 1:39 p. m. Need Volunteers ■ A great many persons will have to be seen next .week and a large number of volunteers are needed for the work. ■. The ■ directors therefore ask all those who feel they can -spare an hour or I two a day for one week to the further . ance of this cause to meet with them ' next Monday. \ ' ; It will be seen from the foregoing list I of subscriptions that the campaign Is once more in full swing, and all that is 'needed to make It a complete success within the specified time will be a lit '.tle effort properly directed. It has been ■ the experience of nearly all the asso ; c-latlons that have engaged in under ' takings of this kind that some of- the . most effective work has been done in -the final week, and It is believed the /'same will prove true in the present Instance. The .directors realize that ' $97,000 is a good deal of money to raise In that time, but equally difficult tasks have been accomplished In other cities, many of them much smaller than Los . Angeles, and failure Is not believed to be among the probabilities here. ANXIOUSLY SEEKS SISTER Mrs. Sue Meeden Asks Police to Aid ' in Locating Miss Birdie Harrii Th» police were yesterday asked to assist In a search for Miss Birdie Har ris, who is . being anxiously sought for by her sister, Mrs. Sue Meeden of 626 South Grand | avenue. ; Mrs. Meeden stated yesterday that her Bister, after resigning her position with > a local wholesale house, had moved without leaving word aa to her whereabouts, and since then no com munication, has been had with her. The Bister has important and good news for Birdie Harris and 1b therefore anxious to find her: It Is well that housewives should know that . paper bags are made of a compound of raga, lime, 'glue and ■Iml lar ' substances, mixed with chemicals and ■. acids. When dry these do no harm, but If allowed to become damp a paper bag. U unfit to touch articles of /food. ' Never, therefore, keep food that Is, of ;a;damp or Juicy nature in a paper bag. Ji-fßJggjtll Solid Wall* 1 Red or green 7(1 inch wide burlap make* • beautiful solid wall between inuldlnu and base without ' twiun; 8U inch and Vi Inch burlaps in all colors. Beat paint 11.60; good shade* 25c; good paper and bsrder , for 12-f t. --, room $L WALTEK BROS., 6.'7 S. Kprlr.g , it PART tl Absolutely Free To Herald Subscribers CALL, SEE, HEAR and GET one of the machines at Herald Office or Southern California Music Co., 333-334 South Broad* way, Los Angeles. I It Looks Too Good to Be rsp««»««*-d Now is your chance to get one. You need one for your home. Take it with you to the Beach. The TalJc-o^Phone is a standard ' machine. jYou get it free by subscribing for the Herald. If you are a subscriber NOW you can get one. If you will BE- COME a subscriber you can get one. You can dance by its music. You can entertain your company with it, as it pleases everyone. The conditions whereby this $25 Talk-o-Phone and the Daily Herald six months can be obtained absolutely FREE will be fully explained. This is the chance of a lifetime and the offer is for a limited time only. Send your name and a Plan No. 1 Plan No. 2 Pay $35.00 cash and receive agreement to take value to the amount of »63.90, the Da lly Herald for. 'six as follows: . months, paying each month Talk-o-Phone $25.00 the regular subscription price Daily Herald, 6 months.. 3.90 of 650 per month; purchase Records to value of 35.00 mW) of recordfj This means that you will re- a period of 33 weeks, four 60- ceive $35 worth of records at cent records on delivery of the price established by the the machine and two 60-cent manufacturers. No more. No records each week thereafter less. You pay for records only, until the full. amount of rec- and you must have them. ords has been purchased. Address All TV -, ■■<■ ■".■- #_^ /"▼ Talk-o. Communl. MM^l*£t #/# ' w\f\ *' Phone cations to AM. *• 1 €41 W W KSm Dept WILL FURNISH QUARTERS Women's Union of Temple Baptist Church Begin Preparations and Money Raising The Womeh's union of the Temple Baptist church are making preparations to furnish their new quarters In the Temple auditorium at an early date. The women will have for their exclu sive use a large and beautifully fur nished parlor, 40x40 feet, a banquet hall and a modern, up-to-date kitchen. It is the intention to have these rooms as attractive and beautiful as. artistic taste and money can make them. To aid in raising funds for this purpose the women will serve luncheon to the publia on Monday and Tuesday of Fiesta week, May 21 and 22, in New England hall, on Fifth street, between Spring and Broadway. Mrs. J. Arthur Reed, vice-president of the work committee, will be In charge, assited by Mrs. ' P. B. Crosier, secretary. INCORPORATION Santa Monica Bay hospital—Direc tors: N. H. Hamilton, J. S. Hunt, W. H. Klger, Lyan H. Case, T. H. Dudley, Koy Jones and George H. Hutton; cap ital stock, $100,000, $3500 of which has been subscribed. PUBLIC ADVERTISING Ordinance No. 12,707 (New Series) An Ordinance calling a special elec- tion to be held In tho City of Los An- geles on tho 17th day of May, 1906, and submitting to the qualified voters, of said city the following propositions of Incurring dsb'.s to wit: The proposi- tion of Incurring a debt in the sum of $225,000.00 for t;io purpose of construct- ing a system of storm sewers in said city; also the proposition of Incurring a debt in the sum of $287,500.00 for tho purpose of constructing maid sewers and lateral sewers In said city; also the proposition of Incurring ki tftbt In the sum of $100,000.00 for 'he purpose of acquiring certain laf! < for public park purposes; also the ; uposltlon of In- curring a debt In the I urn of $200,000.00 for the purpose of constructing certain flre engine house buildings and acquir- ing the necessary land therefor and ac- quiring and constructing certain flro apparatus; also tho proposition of In- curring a debt In the sum of $50,000.00 for the purpose of constructing certain additions to the existing Central Police Station and the construction of certain police station buildings and acquiring •he necessary land therefor; also the proposition of Incurring a debt In the sum of $287,600.00 for the purpose of constructing certain bridges and ac- quiring the necessary land and rights of way upon and over which to con- struct one of said bridges; providing for the Issue of bonds for each of said purposes, and for the levy of a tax for the payment of said bonds; subdividing the city Into election precincts; desig- nating the polling places and appoint- ing the election officers for said elec- tion. > Whereas, the City Council of the City of Los Angeles, at its meeting of March 12, 1906, by a vote of two-thirds of all Its members, duly passed and adopted a resolution and an ordinance determ- ining that the public Interest and necessity demand the construction by Maid city of a certain municipal im- provement, to wit: the construction of a system of storm sewem for the collec- tion and disposition of storm and sur- face waters in satd city, and said revo- lution and said ordinance were ap- proved by the executive of said city, to wit: the Mayor thereof, on the l»th day of March, 1008, and were duly published on the 23d day of March. 1906, In the Los Angeles Herald, a dally newspaper printed and published In said clly: and, Whereas, the estimated cost of said- construction ot said storm sewers id $225,000.00, and such cost la and will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said city; and, . ! Whereas, the City Council of the City of Los Angeles, at its meeting of March 12. 1906. by a vote of twe-thlrda of all Its members, duly passed and adopted a resolution and an ordinance determ- Intr that the publlo Interest and necesr sity demand the construction by said i city of a certain municipal , improve- ment, to wit: the construction of cer- tain sewers for the collection aud dU- LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 13, 1906. PUBLIC ADVERTISING position of the sewage of said city, consisting of main sewers and lateral sewers In snld city, and said resolution and said ordinance were approved by the executive of said* city, to wit: tho Mayor thereof, on the 10th day of March, I!)0G, and wore duly published on the 23d day of March, 1906, In the Ix3s Angeles Herald, a dally newspaper printed and published in said city; and, Whereas, the estimated cost of. said ui.-iin sewers and lateral sewers Is $287.- 500.00, and such cost Is and will be too great to "be paid out of the ordinary annual Income and revenue of said city; and. Whereas, the City Council of the City of L»s Angeles, at Its meeting of March 12, 1&06, by a vote of two-thirds of all Its members, duly passed and adopted a resolution and an ordinance determ- ining that the public interest and necessity demand the acquisition by said city of a certain municipal Im- provement, to wit: the acquisition of a certain tract of land In each of the nine wards of said city to be used for pub- lic park purposes, and said resolution and said ordinance were approved by the executive of said city, to wit: tho Mayor thereof, on the 19th day of March, 1906, and were duly published on the. 23d day of March. 1906, In the Los Angeles Herald, a dally newspaper printed and published in said city; and, Whereas, the estimated cost of the eald last mentioned lands is $100,000.00, and such cost Is and will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual Income and revenue of said city; and. Whereas, the City Council of the City of Los Angeles, at its meeting of March 12,- 1906, by a vote of two-thirds of all Its members, duly passed and adopted a resolution and an ordlnanco determ- ining that the public Interest and necessity demand the construction and acquisition by said city of. a certain municipal Improvement, to wit: the construction of certain flre engine house buildings, the acquisition of cer- tain lands upon which to construct said flre engine house buildings, and the acquisition and construction of certain flre apparatus; and said resolu- tion and said ordinance were approved by the executive of said city, to wit: the "Mayor thereof, on the 19th (lay of March, 1906, and were duly published on the 23d day of March. 1906, In tho Los Angeles Herald, a dally newspaper printed and published in said city; and. Whereas, the estimated cost of the construction of said flre engine house buildings, the acquisition of ths neces- sary land upon which to construct the same, and the acquisition and con- struction of said lire apparatus is $200,000.00, and such cost Is and will be too great to be paid out of th« ordi- nary annunl Income and revenuo of said city; and. Whereas, the City Council of th« CltT of Los Angeles, at Its meeting of March 26, 1906, by a vote of two-thirds of all its members, duly passed and adopted a resolution and an ordinance de- termining that the public Interest and necessity demand the construction and acquisition by said city of a certain municipal Improvement, to wit: the construction of certain additions to tho existing Central Police Station in said city, the construction of certain police station buildings In said city, and the acquisition of certain lands upon which to construct said police station buildings; and said resolution and said ordinance were approved by the ex- eoutlve of Bald city, to wit: the Mayor thereof, on the 3d day of April, 1906, and were duly published on the Sth day of April, 1906, In the Loa Angeles Her- ald, a dally newspaper printed and published In said city; and. Whereas, the estimated cost of thu construction of said additions to said Central Tollce Btatlon, the conJtruc- tion ;of said police station buildings, and the acquisition of certain lands upon which to construct said police station buildings Is $50,000.00, and Buch cost U and will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual Income and revenue of said city; and, Whereas, the City Council of the City of Los Angeles, at IU moetlnjr of March 26, 1908, by a vote of two-thlrdH of all its members, duly passed and adopted a resolution and an ordlnanco determining that the public Int., rest and necessity demand the construction and acquisition by said city of a cer- tain municipal Improvement, to wlf the construction of certain bridges jri said city and the acquisition of tho necessary land and right* of way upon and over which to construct one of •aid bridges, and said resolution and eald ordinance were approved by the executlva of-sald city, to wit: the Mayor thereof, on the 3d day of April, 1806, and wyr* duly -published- on the 6th day of April, 1906 In the Lo« An. Kelts . Herald, a daily ucwstuutr PUBLIC ADVERTISING printed and published In Mid rlty; And, Whereas, tha estimated cost of th« construction of nalrf brMg«>« onrt »h« acquisition of tho n«>e«>a»nry land and rlsrhtu of way upon and over which to construct one of said bridges Is 1887,' ROo.oo, and such cost Is and will be too great to bo paid out of the ordinary annual Income and revenue of said Now, thrroforo, tho Mayor and Coun- rll.of thn City of Los Angeles do ordain as follow*: Section 1. Thnt a special election ha nnd the same Is hereby called to be npld in the City of Ixis Angeles on the 1/th day of May, l!>0«, for the object and purpose of submitting to the quali- fied voters of nald city the propositions ot incurring debts for the purposes set forth In said l-raoltillons and Raid ordl- nanres, and hereinafter stated. Sec. 2. Thnt the objects snd pur- po»ps for which said debts are pro- posed to be Incurred are the following, to wit: First — Tho construction by the City pf lrf>« Angeles of a certain municipal improvement, to wit: the construction of a system of atorm sewers for tho collection and disposition it storm and surface waters In said clt/ Second — The construction by said City of Los Angeles of a certain muni- cipal Improvement, to wit: the con- struction of certain sewers for the col- lection and disposition of the sewflge of said city consisting of mnln sewers and lateral sewers in portions of *ald city not now provided with sewers. Third— Tho Requisition by tho City of Los Angeles of a certain municipal Improvement, to wit: the acquisition of a tract of land In each of the nine wards of said city to be used for pub- lic park purposes. Fourth — The construction and ac- quisition by tho City of Los Angeles of a certain municipal Improvement, to wit, the construction of certain firs en- gine house buildings, the acquisition of certain lands upon which to construct said flre engine house buildings and the acquisition and construction iof certain flre apparatus, more particularly de- scribed as follows; The construction of a three-story flre engine houso building In the vicinity of Third street and San Tcdro street In the City of Lus Angeles, and the acquisition of the necessary land upon which to con- struct the same, the estimated cost of which building and land Is $56,000.00. The construction of a tire engine house building In the vicinity of Seventh street and Union avenue In the City of Los An- geles, and the acquisition of the necessary land upon which to construct the same, the estimated cost of which building and land Is J19.000.C0. •- Tho construction of a flre engine house building In the vicinity of Downey avenue and ■ Griffin avenue in the City of Los Angeles, and tho acquisition of the neces- sary land upon which to construct the same, the estimated cost of which build- ing and land Is J15.000.00. ■ - The construction of a flre engine house building in the vicinity of First street and St. Louis street, in the City of Los An- greles and the Requisition of the necessary land upon which to construct ths same; the estimated cost of which building and land is J17,000.00. The construction of a flre engine house building in the vicinity of Hill street'and California street, in the City of Los An- geles, and tha acquisition of the necessary land upon which to the same; tho estimated cost of which building and land Is J13.500.00. The construction of a flre engine house building in the vicinity of Forty-sixth street and South Park avenue In the City of Los Angeles and the acquisition of the necessary land upon which to construct tho same; the estimated cost of which building and land Is $11,000.00. The construction of a flre engine house birtldlng on that certain lot now owned by said City of Los Angeles at Mohawk street and Sunset boulevard In said city, the estimated cost of which Is $8,000.00. The construction of a flre engine hbuse building In the vicinity of Eighth street and Flower street In the City of Los An- geles and the acquisition of the necessary land upon which to construct the same; the estimated cost of which building and land is $26,600.00. The acquisition and construction of a system of flre alarm apparatus, the esti- mated cost of which Is $36,000.00. Fifth— The construction and ac- quisition by the City of Los An- geles of a certain municipal Improve- ment, to wit, the construction of certain additions to the existing Central Poiice Station In said city, . the construction of certain polioe station buildings in said city, and the acquisition of certain lands upon which to construct said po- lice station building's, more particularly described as follows: '. r>' The construction of certain additions to the existing Central Police Station in the City of Los Angeles; the estimated cost of which is $30,000. The construction of a five- room po- lice station building In the City of Los Angeles In the vicinity of East -First street and Chldago street In said city, and the acquisition of the neces- sary land upon which to construct the same; the estimated cost of which building and. land is $5000. The construction of a flve-room po- lice station building in the City of Los Angeles, In the vicinity of Central avenue and Vernon avenue. In said city, and the acquisition of the neces- sary land upon which to construct the same; the estimated cost of which building and land is $5000. The construction of a flve-room po- lice station building in the City of Los Angeles, In tho vicinity of Dewey avenue and Pico street. In said city, and th/ 6 acquisition of the neces- sary land upon which to construct the same; the estimated cost of which building and land is $5000. The construction of a flve-room po- lice station building in the City of Los Angeles,-^ ln the vicinity of Temple street and Belmont avenue, In said city, and the acquisition of the neces- sary land upon which to construct the same; the estimated cost of which building and land is $5000. Sixth — The construction and ac- quisition by the City of Los Angeles of a certain municipal improvement, to wit, the con- struction of a steel and concrete bridge in the City of Los Angeles across the tracks of the. Southern Pacific Com- pany, across the tracks of the Atchlson, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company, across the official bed of thn Los An- geles River,- across the tracks of the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company, and across private property from a point near the entrance to Elyfiian Park, known us Fremont Gate, to the Intersection of Downey avenue and Avenue 18, with an addi- tional approach to said bridge from the Intersection of Pasadena avenue and Avenue 18, and the acquisition of the necessary land and rights of way upon and over which to construct the said fcrldge, the estimated cost of which bridge, land and rights of way is $185,000. The construction of a steel and con- crete bridge in the City of Los Angeles across the Los Angeles River at Main street in said city, the estimated cost of which is J40.000. , . The construction of a steel a<id con- crete bridge in the City of Los Antje- les across the Lot; Angeles River at Seventh street In said city, the estimat- ed cost of which la $42,500. The construction of a steel and con- crete bridge In the City of Los Ange- les across tho Arroyo de Los Posos at Macy street, In Bald city, the estimated cost of which" is $20,000. Seo. 3. That - the estimated cost of the proposed publlo Improvement first above described,. W*ovlt. the system of storm sewers hereinbefore mentioned, is $225,000.00. That the amount of the principal of the Indebtedness to be in- curred; therefor Is the sum of $223,- OOO.Oi', and that the rate of Interest to be paid on said indebtedness Is 4 per cent per annum. That If the proposi- tion of Incurring the Indebtedness for said purpose so submitted at such elec- tion receives the requisite number of votes, to wit, two-thirds of the votes of the qualified voters voting at aui'h election, bonds of said- city In tho amount of $225,000.00 shall be Issued and sold for the purpose of construct- ing said system of storm sewers. Said bonds Blmll be 320 In number, and shd.ll be Issued In' the following denomina- tions, to wit, 160- bonds or the denom- ination of $1000 each, and 120 bond* of tha denomination of $500 each, and 40 bonds of the denomination of 1126.00 each. They shall bear Interest at tho rutu of i per cent per annum, and -the principal and Interest theroof shall be payable In lawful money of the United States In the manner following: The Interest shall be - payable sciiil-hh- nually, and four of wild bonds of the denomination of $100.0 and three of ■aid' bonds of the denomination of jr.oo and one of Raid bonds of the denomina- tion •of M 12- shall be paid nach and every yen" ut the City Treasury on a day ami date to ba fixed by the City Council oteaia ally,' togitittr with the PUBLIC ADVERTISING Interest on all gums unpaid ftt such ,' 8«c. 4. That this *stlmat«<l coat of the proposed public improvement **«- above described, to wit, the con* "truetlon of main sowern and lateral ffwers | n said city. l« $2»7,5#0.00. That the amount of the principal of. the In- debtedness to be incurred therefor Is the sum of $287, 800. 00. and that the pto of Intercut to be paid uponjsald Indfrhtrdnrsa Is 4 per crnt per annum. That If the proposition of lncurrlna the Indebtedness for aald purpose so submitted at such election receives the requisite number of voted, to wit, two- thirds of the vote* of the qualified voters voting ftt such election, bonds of snl.l city In the nmhunt of $2»7,500 shall be Issued and sold for the purpose of eonntii ttlnfir snld main sewers and lateral **wcrs In said city. Said bonds "hnll bf J6O In number, and shall 1»« Issued In tha fallowing denominations, to wlf. 240 bond* of the denomination of $1000 tiio)i, 80 bonds of the denom- ination of JbOA each, and 40 bonds of the denomination of $187.60 each. They sliaif bear Interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum, and the principal and Interest thereof shall be payable In lawful money of the United States In the manner following: Tho Interest shall be payable seml-annually. . and six of sail] bonds of the denomination of $1000 and two of said bonds of the denomination of $500 and one of said bonds of tho denomination of $187.50 shall bo paid each nnd every year a.t the City Treasury on a day and date to be fixed by Hie City Council of said city, together vlth the Interest on all ■urns unpaid at such date. Sec. 5. That the estlmatod cost of the proposed public Improvement third nbove described, to wit, the acquisition of certain lands In said city for public park purposes, Is $100,000. That tho amount ot the principal of the in- debtedness to bo Incurred therefor is $100,000, nnd that the rate of Interest to be paid upon said Indebtedness is 4 per cent per annum. That If the proposition of incurring the Indebted- ness, for said purpose so submitted at such election receives tho requisite number of votes, to wit, two-thirds of the votes of the qualified voters voting at such election, bonds of said city in the amount of $100,000 shall be Issued and sold for the purpose of acquiring certain lands In said city for public park purposes. Said bonds shall be 120 in number, and shall bo Issued in the following denominations,, to wit: 80 bonds of tho denomination of $1000 each, and 40 bonds of tho denomination of $500 each. They shall bear Interest at tho rate of 4 per cent per annum, and the principal and Interest thereof shall bo payable in lawful money of tho United States in tho manner fol- lowing: Tho Interest shall be payable semi-annually, and two of said bonds of the denomination of $1000 and one of said bonds of the denomination of $500 shall be paid each and every year at the City Treasury on a day and date to be fixed by the City Council of said city, together with the interest on all sums unpaid at such date. Sec. 6. That the estimated cost of the proposed public Improvement fourth above described, to wit, the construction of certain flre engine house buildings, the acquisition of cer- tain lands upon which to construct said flre engine house buildings and the ac- quisition "nnd construction of certain rire apparatus is $200,000. That the amouht of the principal of the in- debtedness to be incurred therefor is the sura of $200,000, and that the rate of Interest to be paid on said Indebted- ness Is 4 per cent per annum. That if the proposition of Ihcurrlng the in- debtedness for said purpose so sub- mitted at such election receives the re- quisite number of votes, to wit, two- thirds of the votes of tho qualified voters voting at such election, bonds of said city in the amount °f $200,00.0 shall be Issued and sold for the pur- rose of constructing said flre engine house buildings, acquiring certain lands upon which to construct said flre engine house buildings, and acquiring and constructing certain fire appara- tus. Said bonds shall be 240 In num- ber and shall be Issued In the follow- ing denominations, to wit, 160 bonds of the denomination of $1000 each and 80 bonds of the denomination of $500 each. They shall bear interest at tho rate of 4 per cent per annum, and principal and Interest thereof shall be payable in lawful money of the United States in the manner following: The interest shall be payable seml-annually, ..and four of said bonds of the denomination of $1000 and two of said bonds of the denomination of $500 shall be paid each and every year at the City Treas- ury on a day and date to be fixed by the City Council of said city, together with the Interest on all sums unpaid at such date. v Sec. 7. That the estimated cost of the proposed public improvement fifth above described, to wit, the construction of cer- tain additions to the existing Central Police Station In said city, the construc- tion of certain police station buildings in said city, end the acquisition of certain lands upon which to construct said police station buildings is $50,000. That the amount of the principal of the indebted- ness to be Incurred therefor is the sum of $50,000, and that the rate of interest ts bo paid upon said Indebtedness is 4 per cent per annum. That if the proposi- tion of Incurring the indebtedness for said purpose so submitted at such election re- ceives the requisite number of votes, to wit, two-thirds of the votes of the quali- fied voters voting at such election, bonds of said clt}» in the amount of $60,0u] shall be. Issued and sold for the purpose of constructing certain . additions to the ex- isting Central Police Station In said city, constructing certain police station build- ings in said city, and acquiring certain lands upon which to construct said police station buildings. Said bonds shall be SO In number, and shall be Issued in the following denominations, to wit, 40 bonds of tha denomination of $1000 each," and 40 bonds of the denomination of $250 each. They shall bear Interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum, and the principal and Interest thereof shall be payable in lawful money of the United States In the manner following: The Interest shall be payable seml-annually and one of said bonds of the denomination, of $1000, -and one of said bonds of the denomination of $250 shall be paid each and. every year at the City Treasury on a day apd date to be fixed by the City- Council of eald city, together with the Interest on all sums unpaid at such date. < ..'' Sec. B. That the estimated cost of I the proposed public Improvement sixth above described, to wit, the construction of cer- tain bridges In said city and the acquisi- tion of the necessary land and rights of way upon and over which to construct one of said bridges Is J287.5M. That the amount of the principal of the indebted- ness to be Incurred therefor Is the sum of ■ $287,500, and 'that the rate of interest to be paid upon said Indebtedness Is 4 per cent per annum. That If the propo- sition of Incurring the Indebtedness for said purpose so submitted at such elec- tion receives the requisite number of votes, to- wit, two-thirds ot the votes ot the qualified voters voting at such elec- tion, bonds of said city In the amount ot $287,600 shall be issued and sold for the purpose of constructing said bridges and acquiring the neceaVary land and rights of way upon and over which to construct one of said bridges. Said bonds shall be 360 in number, and shall be Issued In the following denominations, to wit, 240 bonds of tha denomination of.JIOOO each. 80 bonds of the denomination of $500 each, and 40 bonds of ' the denomination " of J187.60 each. They shall bear Interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum, and principal and Interest thereof shall be payable in lawful money of the United States In the manner, following: The In- terest shall be payable seml-annually, and six of said bonds of the denomination of $1000, and two of eald bonds of the de- nomination of $500, and one of said bonds of • the denomination of $187.60, shall be paid each and every year at the City Treasury on a day and date to be fixed by the City Council of said city, together with the Interest on all. sums unpaid at such date. '..••. Sec. 8. That for the purpose of -paying the principal and Interest of said bonds, the City Council of said city shall, at the time of fixing the general tax levy, and In the' manner for such ueneral tax levy provided, levy and collect annually, each year, until such bonds are paid, or until there shall be a sum In the Treasury of said city, set apart for. that purpose Bufllclent to meet all sums coming due fur principal and interest on such bonds, a tax Dufnclent to pay the annual Inter- est >on such bonds, *nd also such • part o( the principal thereof as shall become due before the time for fixing the next peneral lax levy. Said tax »hall ba iv addition to all other taxes levied for municipal purposes, and it shall ' be col- lofted ut the same time and in the same manner as other municipal taxes are col- lected, and be used for iio otb^er purpose than the payment of said bonds and. ac- cruing Interest. ■ . . s Hoc 10. The polls of tald election shall be i opened at 6 o'clock' of : the • morning of th* day of the election and- shall be kept open until 6 o'clock ; In . th* < after- PUBLIC ADVERTISING noon of tald day, when th« polls shall b« ciosed. The nallntit to bo uand fttf wlfl election shall be printed In the following form: no ;•• . INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS. ' ... J To voto a straight ticket, stamp a cross (X) within th« elfcle under th« • party heading.* ' ■ ! To vote a split ticket, that Is. for candidates of different parties, stamp • ft eroM (X) In the voting circle at th« head of your party ticket, and ft cross, j (X) after each candidate not on your party ticket for whom you deslr* to . vote, or stamp a emus (X) for each individual candldnto for whom you deslra • to voto, and DO NOT STAMP your party voting circle. • : Where two or more candidates for the Mm« offlcn ar« to b« H»eted, nnd • you desire to vote for candidates for that office who are on your party ticket, \ and also for candidate* for thftt office who are not m such ticket, • stamp a cross (X) after the names of ftll the Candida ten for that office for . whom you desire to vote, whether they b« on your party ticket or not. ; ... wh , ere a party has made no nomination for an office, the for. thftt • Offlcn In the party column Is omitted on this ballot. j „ If ? pijftjr ticket does not contain the names of candidates for ell off Ices j • for which tho voter may voto, he may. If he vote th* straight ticket of such i party, vote for candidates for such offices so omlttea by stamping a cross • <X) In the voting square opposite tho names of the candidates for such • offices on any other ticket, or by writing the names, If they are not printed | upon the ballot, in the blank column under the title of the office. J ; To voto for «. person not on the ballot, write the name of such person • V"<J er t»'« title of the office. In tho blank column, and do not «Urhp a croa« , ' x) ,5 .he name- written In the blank column, . : . To vote on a proposition stamp a cross (X) In tha voting square to the • right of and opposite the answer you desire to give. • MAK^T3f^Wfg^M«°^ \ If you WRONGLY STAMP, TEAR or DBFACEJ THIS BALLOT, return It • to the Inspector of Election and obtain another. k | Shall fh« City of Los Angeles Incur a bonded debt of $225,000 ' for the purpose of constructing a system oWstorm sewers for l the collection and disposition of storm and surface waters In said city? . NQ ' * ' • ■*• Tcs Shall the City of Los Angeles Incur a bonded flebt of $287,500 for the purpose of constructing main and lateral sewers In said city? No *■ Shall ths City of Los Angeles Incur a bonded debt Vof $100,000 for the purpose of acquiring certain lands in said city for public park purposes? No Shall tho City of Los Angeles Incur a bonded debt of $200,000 Yes for the purpose of constructing certain flre engine house ' buildings and acquiring certain lands In said city upon ■ '— which lo construct said flro engine houso buildings and ac- quiring and constructing certain flre apparatus? no Shall the City of Los Angeles incur a bonded debt of $50,000 v for the purpose df constructing certain additions to the ex- Ye " lstlng Central Police Station In said city, and constructing ■ certain police station buildings In said city and acquiring certain lands upon which to construct said police station buildings? No ■'■■■■' ■ -. .. ■'■X'(-' ■ ■ Shall the City of Los Angeles Incur A bonded debt of $287 600 el for the purpose of constructing certain bridges In said city ' and acquiring the necessary land and rights of way upon and r ~~ '■ over which to construct one of said bridges?. »■ ' No - .' Sec. 11. That for the holding of such election, tha nine wards of said city are hereby districted and subdivided Into forty municipal election precincts, each embracing not exceeding six of the pre- cincts which existed for tho holding of the last preceding general State election. 'That tho following are the boundaries and polling places of such municipal elec- tion precincts, and the following named persons are hereby appointed officers of election for, such precincts, respectively! >'A i . - 1 ■ . Flrmt Word MUNICIPAL. ELECTION PRECINCT NO. ONE 3. All that part of tho First Ward of the City of Los Angeles described as follows, to wit: • ' Commencing at the northeast corner of the City of Los Angeles; thence west along the north lino and In a genoral southwesterly direction » along the westerly line of - the City ot Los Angeles to its intersection with the north patent city boundary; thentfb east to the northeast corner of the patent boundary bf Los Angeles City; thenco in a general northeasterly direc- tion on the city boundary line follow- ing Its various courses to tho place or beginning, comprising all of Los An- feles City precincts numbers one and wo, which existed for the holding of the last preceding general State eleo- . Polling place — 5134. Pasadena aye- Offlcers of Election: Judges — W. J. Haverly and w. R. MlnspectorM Inspectors — R. D. List »,nd Francis C Cle'rks— J. K. Wltherspoon and Rob- Ballot Clerks^ — W. V. Poor and D. 8. Hitnmack. .- MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NO TWO ■ * v All' of that part of the First Ward of the City of Los Angeles described as follows, to wit: r -■ , , Commencing at the intersection of the north boundary of Los Angeles City with the center linn of the Los Aneeles river; thenco southeasterly along the oenter line of said Los Angeles river to the center line of the Oowney avenue bridge, thence easterly along 'the center line of thn Downey avenue bridge and the center line of Dow- ney avenua to the center line of Ave- nue Eighteen: thence northerly on the center line of Avenuo Eighteen to the center line of tho San Pedro. Los An- geles and Salt Lake Railroad Com- pany's right of way; thence following the Venter line of jaid, right of way north and east to the 'center line of Avenue Twenty-six; thence southeast on the center line of Avenue Twenty- six to Its intersection with the center line of Pasadena avenue; thence south- e-ly-on tho center line of Pasadena avenue to the produced center line or Avenue Twenty-six, east of Pasadena avenue; thence east alonz said pro- duced line and along the center line iof Avenue Twenty-six to its Intersec- tion with the; center line of Griffin ave- nue; thence South along tho center line of Griffin avenue to the center line of Downey avenue; thence along the cen- ter line of Downey avenue and said center line produced to the east city boundary; thence north on the east city boundary to tho northeast corner of the patent boundary of Los Angeles city; thence west on the Patent boun- dary line to the place of beginning, Comprising all o? Los Angeles City precincts numbers _and four, which existed for the holding of the last preceding general State election. Polling: Places — Tent, northeast cor- ner Workman street and Avenue Twenty-six. \ Ks-e' JPoiunJ B. W. Potts. Inspectors— W. B. Jeffries and B. Sh Cle°ks— N. Atherton and F. B. Forbes. Ballot Clerks — W. D. Scarce and E. MUNICIPAL' ELECTION PRECINCT All' "at^art of the First Ward In the City of Los Angeles described ai "commencing* at the Intersection of the center line of Alhambra avenue with the center line of the Loa Angeles rtver; thence northerly along the cen- ter line of Aid Los Angeles river to the center line of the Downey avenue bridge; thence easterly along the cen- ter lme of the Downey avenue bridge and the penter line of Downey avenue to the center line of Xvenua Klgliteen; thence northerly on the cen» ter line of Avenue ilignteen to the center line of the San Pedro, Los An- e-eles and Salt Lake Railroad Com- pany's right of way; thence' follow- ing the center line of said right of way north and east to the center • line of Avenue Twenty-six; thence southeast on the oonter line of Av enue Twenty- six to its intersection with the center line of Pasadena avenue; thence south- erly on the center line of, J'uxudeim avenue to the produced center line of Avenue Twenty-six . east of Pasadena avenue: thence eaef along said pro- duced line and along the center line ot Avenue Twenty-six to Its intersection with the center line of Griffin avenue; thence south along the center Una of Griffin avenue to the center line 'of Baldwin street; thence west along the center line of Baldwin street >to the center line of Workman street; thence north on the center line of workman ktreeti to ,th«; center -line 'of <■■ Vallejo street! 'thenca went on, tha center Una PUBLIC ADVERTISING «f Vallejrt Ktreet to the c»nt*f ""•„?' Avmu# Twenty-one; thence nOT ±P3T}, T along the center lln« of Avenue Tw«n- ty-on« to the center lln« of Albion ter ?ft« „%" c^7 eBteT] y al °nX the cen- llnn of a^s Albl °n st ™et to the center - arw ai™™ 1 }! 10 Twe "ty: thenco couth- Twenti £ Vi 10 Center ilna of Avenuo stnSPt-fh ° Cfinter "no of Main fin« i'r iJl c ? co west erly on tho center . W«"» street to the center line alnnl Vi ° n aven " c : thence southerly nnJ ? g *» t' 1 ?. center »ne of Moulton aye- Sv»t,n ■• t « c center Ilne of Alhambra ? V n?« U , 0: n Olon . ce westerly along tha : nl»r. n ln S ot , A nambra avenue to the Place of beginning, comprising all of Los Angeles City precincts numbers th«'i, Mi and .c. e| f* ht " whlc h existed for ™i h *£i2%i% t }% laBt " recedln s * en - ffis oTSie^n 4 - 130 ™ 67 AV6nUe - Cru l mmey~" Wll " am T ' lnker and 3 -- M - ' : Inspectors — N. A. McDonald and P. A. Springman. ... / klns 6rkS ~ W- S ' Ewln * and 3 - M. Cal-- Fo^d" 0 ' Clerka — P u o Fleck and F, D. UV N0 C M>UR ELECTION PRECINCT, .•. AII^!J thßt Part of the First Ward of r Pi Cty * of LIOS Angeles described as' follows, to wit: . . ■ Commencing at the Intersection of the , east boundary lino of the' City of Los Angeles with the center line of Alhambra avenue, thence westerly along the center line of Alhambra avenue 'to the center line of Soto street, thence southwesterly along the center line of Soto atreet to Its Intersection with the center line of Griffin avenue, thence northwesterly along the. center line of Griffin avenue to the center line of Mission road, thence southwesterly along tha • center line of Mission road to Its inter- I section with the center line of Macy street, thence westerly along the center lme of Macy street to the center line of the Los Angeles river, thence northerly on the center line of the l,os Angeles river to the center, line of Alhambra avenue, thence /easterly along the center lino of Alhambra avenue to the , center • lino of Moulton avenue, thence northerly along the center line of Moulton avenue to the center Ilne of Main street, thence east along the center line of Main street to the center line of Avenue Twenty; thenco north and northwest along the center line of Avenue Twenty to the center line of Albion street, thence fasterly along the center Ilne of Albion street to the center line of Avenue Twenty-one, thenco southeasterly along j the center line of Avenue Twenty-one to-, the center line of Vallejo street, thence' east /along the center line of Vallejo street to tho center line of Workman, street, thence southerly along the i cen- ter Ilne of Workman street Ito the I cen- ter line of Baldwin street, thence easterly , along the center line of Baldwin street to the center line of Griffin- avenue, thence northerly along the center . line - of i Griffin avenue to the center ' line of Downey avenue, thence east I along i the center line of Downey avenue and said center line produced to the east . city \ boundary, thence south on the ' city boundary line to the place of beginning, comprising all of Los Angeles* City . Pre- cincts numbers seven and nine, which existed for the holding of the last pre- ceding general State election. Polling place— 2m East Main street Officers of election: , , „ . -~ Judges— Robert Cowan and R. C Swan. Inspectors — A. J. Norton and James Lang. / -■■■■■.•' Clerks— Li. U. Cooley and John Tromba- tore. . Ballot Clerks— John Russell and Charles Mathewa. . I '? - ■.'■>'. Second Ward MUNICIPAL. ELECTION PRECINCT KO. FIVE. All that part of the Hecond Ward of the City of JLos Angeles described as follows, to wit:- > - i Commencing at the Intersection of. the north boundary of the City of Los An- . geles with the center line of the Los An- ' geles river; thence southeasterly on the . . center line of the Los Angeles river to ■ the center line ot San Fernando street; thence southwesterly along the - center '.■ - line of San Fernando street In Its various I courses to the center line of Bellevue avenue; thence northwesterly along. the, ; center line of Bellevue avenue to It: In- tersectton with the center line of Sunset boulevard; thence northwesterly- along the center line of Bunset boulevard in its various courses to Its Intersection with I the produced westerly line of lot 7, block:.; 41 of Hancock's Survey; thence .north- 1 easterly along the westerly line of said lot 7 extended and along a line through * tho center of blocks 41, Vi and 43 or .the Hancock Survey to the north Hue of Klyslan Park, which said park line Is , also the northerly line of fractional lot 8, block 43 of the ■ ;iancock Survey; .' thence northwesterly along said north- . r erly line of fractional lot 8 to the north ■ city boundary; thence cant along said boundary to the place of beginning; com- - prising all of Los Angeles City Precincts numbers ten, thirteen and. fourteen, which existed for the holding of , the last precdlng general State election. .• Polling place— Blo Uuena Vista street. ' Officers of election: \,, '< ■<■ -•.-. - Judges— John Falvolla, John A. Sim- '. mans. , ■'' . Inspectors— A. M. Benseney, Thomas 8. ; . . Bchottler. . ••■< . Clerk*— O. •El Wee, 0., J. Fox., Ballot Clerkl-U. C. Uawett, B.^G., MUMCI'pAL. ELECTION PRECINCT ' , NO. BIX. . ; , - All * that part ot the Becond Ward ' ol '. I ■\ •' ■-■--....•• ,■- ■■ •■• i: '. • . ■