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" . PUBLIO APVERTIiINtt \^ th# nfy of tw>s Artgelet described, a* follow*, to wit: ■ .* • Commencing at the Information .of the f enter line* of Omiglat atreet flhrt Bun-< act hntiievard: thence, nnrthwentwly on thu eiintef lint of Biinnet boulevard to Ita Intersection with the produced weat- *rly line of lot 7, block 41 of Hancock'* Hurvey: th«nc« northeasterly along the Wfdterly lln« of said lot 7 extended and •long, a, line through the center of blocks 41. 42 ftnd 43 of the Hancock Sur- vey to thfl tiorth line of Klyslan Park, which said pork llne It also the north- erly lino of fractional lot 8, block 43 of the. llanc-nok Survey; thence northwest- rrly along nsii»i northerly line of frac- tional lot 8 to the north city boundary; • thence west on ■ said boundary to the northwest corner of the City of Los An- gelea; thence south on tire west city boundary to the center line of Temple utreat; theneo soTitheaiterly *n the cen- ter llne of Temple street to thn center llne ef Brent street; thence northeasterly along the center line of Brent street to ■ the center Ilne of Bellevue avenue; thence southeasterly along the oen- ter line • of Bnlfevue avenue to the center line of West Edgeware road; thence northerly and eatterly along tho center line ot Weat Edgeware road to the center line of Douglas ttreet; thenca northeasterly along the. center line of Douglas street to the place of beginning, comprising all of Los Angeles City Pre- cinct number Pleven, which exlated for the holding of the last preceding general State election. Polling place— J6oS Suntet boulevard. Officers of election: Judges— Louis Dunl, John Forster. ' Inspectors-aeorge Willard, P. It. Tlp- °cier*s-18. 1. Bryant, Frank Broadwell. Ballot Clerks— John C. Latham, Steven MUNICIPAL, ELECTION PRECINCT NO. SEVEN. M „ M . All that part of the Second Ward of the City of Los Angelas, described as fol- • lows, to wit: , ... . Commencing at the intersection of the west patent boundary of Los Angeles City with the center line of Temple Blreet: thence southeasterly on the center fine of Temple street to the center line of Erent street; thence northeasterly along the center line of Brent street to thu , center line of Bellevue avenue; thence coutheaiterly along the center line of ISellnvua avenue to the center line of ' West Edgeware Urnd; thenco northerly and easterly along the conter line of • West Edgoware road to the cen- ter lino of Douglas street; thence northeasterly along the conter. lino of- Douglas street to tho cen- ter llne of Sunaet boulevard: thence southeasterly along the center line of Sun- Bet boulevard in its various courses to the center line of Centennial street (south .of Sunset boulevard), thence south- • westerly along the center line of Centennial street to the center line of Templo street; thence northwesterly along the center line of Temple street to the cen- ter line of Beaudry avenue: thence south- ■ westerly along tho conter lino of Beaudry avenue to the conter line of First street; thence northwesterly along the 'center line of First street to the west patent boundary of Los Angeles City; .thence north on said patent boundary to the place of beginning— comprising all of Los Angeles City proclncts Nos. twelve nineteen and twenty, which existed for | the holding of the last preceding genera Stato election. Polling place — 1275 Temple street. Officers of Election: Judges— J. U. Ballard, J. W. Powell. Inspectors— S. N. Bannister, Albert L. Erlgßß. Clerks— Wallace J. Raven, 11. B. Hunt, r Ballot Clerks— Fred Walkor. C. H. Case. MUNICIPAL - KLECTION PRECINCT NO. EIGHT. All that part of the Bocond Ward of the City of Lob Angel.cs, described as? follows, to wit: ; Commencing at the Intersection of the ■„• center, lines of Centennial street (south - of Sunset boulevard) and of Sunset boule- vard; thence southwesterly along the cen- ter line of Centennial street to the center ■ line of Temple streot; thence northwest- I erly along the center line of Tomple street i to the center line of Beaudry avenue; 'thence 'southwesterly along tho center J i line of - Beaudry avenue to the center . line of First street; thence southeasterly y. along the center line of First street to the centor line of Main street; thence north- easterly • along the center line of Main , Btreet to the center line bf Simset boule- vard; thence northwesterly along the tenter line of Bunset boulevard to the ■ , center line of San Fernando street; thence I northeasterly along the center lino 'of - San Fernando street to the center" line of '.Bellevue avenue; thence northwesterly along tho center line rf Bellevue avenue ; to : the center line of Bunset boulevard; thence : northwesterly along the' center I llne of Bunset boulevard to the place ot beginning— comprising all of Los Angeles ' - City precincts Nos. fifteen, sixteen, sev- ,i en teen and. eighteen,* which, existed for ■ the holding of the last preceding general .State election. ' Polling place— Court house. Offltfars.of Election: I I Jiirißos— lJon Mcndelson, A. . It. Sain. ■Inspectors — E. J. Nlleg, Isaac Bordner. ' Clerks— C. M. Brigge, Theodore Karsten. v Ballot Clerks— Ed Whitney, A. H. Potts. - " Third Ward H MUNICIPAL ELECTION ■ PRECINCT NO. NINE. • ... All that part of. the Third Ward of tho City ! of Los Angeles described as fol- lows, to wit: " Commencing at the intersection of the center • lines of First street and Loma drive; thence southerly along the center line of Loma. drive to the conter line of Hlxth s tree ti» thenco southeasterly along the center line ot Sixth street to the cen- ter line of Valencia street; thence south- westerly along the center line of Valen- cia street to the center line of Seventh street; thence northwesterly and west , along the center line of Seventh street to the center Una of Vermont aye- ; nue, being the range line between Town- ships 13 and 14 west; thence north on said " range line to the southwest corner of Dayton Heights Tract; thence east along the city boundary line to Its intersection . with the west patent boundary line of ' Los Angeles City; thence south along said " patent boundary to the center Hue of First street; c thence southeasterlyvalong 'the center line of First street to the point ' of beginning, comprising all of Los An- geles City precincts Nos. thirty and thirty-one, which existed for the holding of the last ■ preceding general State elec- tion. ■ Polling; place — Gansert's Hall, Seventh . and Alvarado streets.. • Officers of Klectlon: . ■.Judges— A. B. drupe and N. Kronklte. Inspectors— J. It.-Splane and O. E. Far- ' • Uh. ■. . ' - ' ." ... -; Clerks— C. 11. J. Bliss and G. F. Dunt- Ballot Clerks-Charles Schalwlta and Henderson Hay ward. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NO. TEN. All that part cf the Third Ward of the ■City of Los Angeles described as fol- lows, to -wit: V I i Commencing at the Intersection of the ■■center lines of First street and Loma drive; thence southerly along the center line of .Loma dfjlva to the center line of Sixth street;, thence southeasterly alone ■ the. center line of Sixth street to the cen- ter line of .Valencia»street; thence south- westerly along the center line of Valen- cia Btveet to. the center line of Seventh street; thence southeasterly along the center line of Seventh ttreet to the center line of Flower street; thence northerly on the center line ct Flower street "the center line of Fifth ttreet; thence south- easterly in a direct lino to the intersection :<~,<)f.the center lines of HopeT street and Fifth .-♦—et: thenco northerly on the cen- ter line of Hope ttreet to the center line of First street; thence northwesterly along the' renter line of First street to the place ofjbeglnning; comprising all of Los Angeles,' City precincts &os. twenty- eight and twenty-nlne which existed for £ate O l»on/' Pr6Ced1 "* <~' Polllnß place— Tunnel Stables, m Bouth Flgueroa street. . Officers of Election: Judges— O. J. Orient and F. B. Kltts.' ' ' Inspectors— John Furrer and : W. A. Clerks— H. S. Wast and D. Ellsworth, ? //Ballot i Clerks-H, A. Uruluun and Q. «. /iFtLKVEN^ 130 " 011 , .^CINCt " All that. i -.ft of the Third Ward of the . City of Los Angeles described aa fellows to wit; ' .■ ' - -Commencing at the Intersection of the center linen of Flower street and Seventh ttioet: Whence nr herly along the eentcr line of . Flower atreot to the conter Una of Fifth' atreet; .thence southeasterly lii a direct J»n« to the Intersection of the center lines of Hope street and Fifth Rtieet; thenco northerly along the center line of Hope street to tho center Una of Klr»t. •treat: theme easterly along the center line of First ttreet to the "enter line of.Ollvo street: thence- southerly hluj*"- the ceiuer lino of Olive street to tlw ipiuor lino of Ifih biret-i- 'hence eaat- .'•rly -.",01«ng the . center <' line of Fifth • street to ..i» ■ renter line of Hill •U'»tM* Uteues southerly alonljt the center lino o* mil street to the canter line of . ? -; •'••■;<'.''■.. ,■ ■ ' ; PUBLIC ADVERTISING Seventh atreet: thence westerly on th« renter line of Seventh utreet to the place or running; comprtalxg all of Los An* felen City preelncfi Nos. twenty-dl* and ttt-enty-yevun, which existed for the hold- '!l*if f tho last Preceding general mate election. Polling puce— Tent, northwest cor* "•fWxtTi nnd Flower ttreets. Officers of Election: Judges— It. c. Lowell and 3. 3. Moun« tain. inspectors— R, M. J«ffrles and B. C. if inn co l e'* rkS ~ F< Poullß Mi Tnom" P«* Bmm! Ot Cl#rk »- R ' v - D «y and Ira B. M Na I TWKLVE* :LKCTION PRECINCT rui l«l «F < T t » II ' a I t of . th * Thlrfl Wn »< l «t tn « to wU- A "K«'et described as follows, rente n r m fln»'- n **? t "»• InteWMtlon Of the s?r»«£ tw, o'-IHrit iitreet nnd OlU* Sf PiV«»«^-*. •.•*""■" on tne center Ilne street ■ tiJir.*-* tn }."• , CM "r r llne " f M(lln fine n'f Vt2V«" J01"'""'^J 01 "'""'^ along the center Hevanth «H-r-f" t: .i. et to the center lino of center linn «s*,i theni L 9L 9 was <»rly nlong the Mna of niii°.i T n A. h " tr<!at to tn « cenl * f Los P A««i» f taf'nn'n*-! onmprlslng all of one tw ff »n?S F lty Ire(1 re(% >nc*« Nos. Twenty- four nnrt J£i w . 0 ' « twenty - tnre «- twenty- the hsiJiln» ww V lt . y ' n Y ei . whlcn «*lated for Cr J nw?o 0 M" TO ' n C> ThOrtlten * nd C - C ' Splane*. 0101 "*" 11011 ? Wck * nd ChftrlM G?rsfe^ W " :&*«s• and ""W Thom2, on C l erk r JJ ° hn EE m 8' m8 * nd J> H - Ponrth Ward Tafe?™" ; precinct th^'citv* o? ar i 4i 4 of , thfl F omth w » rrt °"f" f fonow^Vwitf 9 Anßcleß deBcrlb *< 5 •■ eentUr m i?rf '"? 11,I 1 , tnß ""'"ectton of tho Phln£« of Los Angeles City; fi.™» " tr . p et to the Intersection with S? C m"' el lJ m " of Berenrtr> Btreet (South Sent.? M~ t): th ence southerly nlong tho ™nt£ , lne 5' Bwndo street to the w».V»,7 ln ". of Sepulvedit street: thence westerly nlong the center line of Bepul- rtn^rt 8 * TJ 1 nn< ! "n,!<l renter line nro. ?h»n?i * *h« center line nf Fedora street; thence northerly along the center line ?i,£r, Tr ra str PPt to the south line of thrf Urmy Homestead Tract; thence westerly iivm* p « lfl """therly line of tho Urmy Homestead Tract and Ita v!* Jit 0i t0 tho ce "ter line of xvormanrtlo avenuo: thence south- erly along the. eentcr line of T^ormatirilo avenue to tho center line of ( amhrldcre street: thence w»«terly alontf the centor lino of Cambridge street to me west line nf j Harvard boulevard: tjence northerly along the went line »'i ?r? r , v . ard boulevard to tho south line or lot 16 of the Houston Heights Tract:' J f n .£ 8 wpst along the south line of said .;t t0 . the pnst Ilne of >°t 17. block A. mi T,, V n»liln«?ton Btreet nnd Pico Street Helghta'Tract: thence south nlonK the east lino of said lot 17 to the south i!V of ""'d' 0 ' Mj thence westerly alons 5 1i B C" th " ne of )ot "t0 tne enst »"<> nt Hobart boulevard: thence in a direct line to the Intersection of the center lines of Hobart boulevard and' Cam- bridge ntretft: thence west along tho center .line of Cambridge street to the center line. of Western avenue: thence southerly along the center line- of West- ern avpnue to the center ilnc of the right, of way of the Los Angelen-Paclflo JSnllroacl Company: thence westerly along tho center llne of said right of way to the west boundary llne of Los Anpeles Uty; thence north on the WvSt boundary line of Los Angeles. City to the north boundary line hf said city;- thence east- erly on said boundary line, tn the center line of Vermont avenue: • thence Bouth along tho center llne of Vermont avemi* to the center line of Seventh street: thence easterly along, the center line of Seventh street to the west pntent boundary of I^js Angelea City: thenco southerly along said patent boundary to the plnce of bcßlnnlnß. comprising all of. Los Angeles , City prerlnctß numbers fortv-seve.n nnd forty-eight, which exist- ed for the holding of tho last preceding genernl State election. ■ t PoUlnsr pla"«—B(iS9 West Pico 'streot'. Officers of Election: . , « Judges— R. M. Frazlcr and H. A.' Old Inspectors— C. C. F. Hoist ' and C. H. Bridges. • ■ f-'f rks— P. MoNfllly and S. C. Osmnn. Ballot Clerks— B. Wcatherholt. and B. Rowers. i. j . . MUNICIPAL " KLHCTION - PRECINCT NO. FOURTEEN. . All that part of the Fourth Ward of the City of Los Angeles described as follows, to wit: ■/ -■■• .: Commencing at the Intersection of the •center line of Pico street with the west patent boundary of the City of Los An- geles: thence westerly . along the cen- ter l!n*> of Pico street to the Intersection with the center line of • Bercndo street (Rtuth Side Tract);- thence ■ southerly I along the center Iln« of Berendo street to ths conter line of Sepulveda street: thence westerly along the center line of Sepulveda street, and said center line produced, to the center line of Fedora Rtreet: thence northerly along the cen- ter line of Fedora Btreet to the south line .of the- Urmy Homestead Tract; thence westerly along .said southerly line of the Urmy Homestead -Tract and its extension to the renter • line' of Nor- mandie' avenue; thence southerly along the center line of Normandje , avenue to the center Mnr- of Canjbrioge 'Street: thenoe westerjy along the center Una of Cambridge street to j the i-> west' line of Harvard boulevard; thence i northerly along the west line of Harvard houlevard to the south line of lot 1G of the Houston Heights Tract; theneo west along the south line of said lot 16 to the east line of lot 17, block A. of the Washington Street and Pico Btreet Heights Tract: thence south along the east line of said lot 17 to the south line of said lot 17, thenco westerly along said south Ilne of lot 17 to tho east lino of Hobart boule- vard; thence in a direct line to the In- tersection of the center lines of Hobart boulevard and Cambridge street; thence west along the center line of Cambridge street to tho conter line of Western avenue: thence southerly along the cen- ter line of Western avenue to the center line of the Los Angeles-Pacifio Railroad Company's right of way;. thence westerly along the center line of said right of way to tho west boundary line of the City of Los Angelea; thance southerly along said west boundary to the center line of Washington street: thence eaatcrly and southeasterly along the center llne of Washington street to the center llne of Union avenue: thence northeasterly on the center line of Union avenue to the center line ot Pico street:' thence north- westerly and westerly along tho center line of Pico street to the point of begin- ning, comprising all of Los Angeles City precincts numbers forty-six and forty- nine, which existed for tbe holding of the last preceding general State elec- tion. ' ■ ■, i Polling place— Tent northeast corner Hooi'.er and (Sixteenth streets. Officers of Election: Judges— A. W. Merrill, and Albert Inspectors— H. J. Bhoultera and J. 11. Clerks— b'. N. Powers and L. Loeb. - Ballpt Clerks-O. A. Vlckrey and W. MUNICIPAL ELECTION .PRECINCT NO. FIFTEEN. ' • All that part of the Fourth Ward of the City of Lot Angeles described as followa. to wit: p j Commencing at the intersection of tho center line ot Seventh street with tho west patent boundary, of Los An- gelea City; tlienoe south along laid patent boundary to 'the center line of Pico street; thence east and southeast- erly along the center line of Pico street to the center line ot Union avenue; thence northuatterly along the centor line of Union avenue to 'the center lino uf Seventh street; thenoe northwesterly along the center line of Seventh street to the place of beginning, comprising Fill of Los Angeles City pveclncts num- bers forty-two, forty-three end forty- four, which existed for the Holding uf the. last preceding general State elec- tion. , i . ■ % ■ Polling Place — Tent northeast corner Ninth. street and Burllngtun avenue,.. Officer* of Election: ■■£***■ Judges— A. llenog and E. C. Ma- gui-au. . . ' • JjT - Inspectors— J, n. JUtheivs r and K. Kleiubvi'fcer, . ■ -- •■ . .. . ......... t Murks— J. A. MetuaU and 11. T. Puff. Ballot Clerkt-A. U. Wilier and M. I. Btulth. .■ . ..." ■ ■ . ' ■ • , LOS ANGELES HERALDj SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 13, 1906. I^^KMJUO ADVERTISING MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NO. SIXTEEN. • Alt that t)»rt of th« Fourth Ward ef the City of Ix>s Angeles described as followa, to wit: (Tonim^nclngr at the Interaction ot tn« center line* of Union «v«nue and rioo Rtreet; theneo northeasterly along tin renter line of Union avenue to th« center line of Seventh street; thence aoiithemiterly along the renter Ilne of f\«venth Rtreet to tiio center line of Flower street; thenco (<otithwesterly along the, center Una of Flower streot to the center line of Ninth street; tnence northwesterly nlong thfl center line of Ninth street (east of Flgtieroa street) to the center line of Flgueroa atreet; thence southwesterly along the center line of Flgueroa street to the center line of Ninth Btreet, west of Flgueroa street) thence northwesterly along tho center line of said Ninth street t<* . the center Ilne of Georgia street; thence southwesterly along the center lino of Georgia street to the center line of . Fleo street; thence northwesterly along the center line of Flco atreet to tho place of beginning, comprising all of Los Angeles City pre- cincts numbera thlrty-nlii*. forty and forty-one., which existed for tfifi hold- elfntlo the Ia " preM(ltn »" «••>•«■•' BUt» Polling Place— Livery stable, 1008 West Ninth street. Officers of Election: - Judges— J. F. Lacrolx and O. S. De- c»armo, B J" sPeotors-G.s Peotors-G. ' Eckdahl and T. E. o«iriio*r >J " «<">»'<»'•»«■ «-n«l J- W. Hr" fl ht Ot CIo '' 1{i — w - I* •*•!«„ and J. C. MITNICrPAT/ ELECTION PRECINCT NO. SEVKNTERN. ,, A 'l that part of tha Fourth Ward of Mm City of Los Angoles described at follows, to wit: ' Commencing at the Intersection of the center lines of Flower street and Seventh street; thence southwesterly along the center line of Flower atreet to the center line of Ninth ttre«t: tlience northwesterly along- the center line of Ninth street (east of Flgueroa street) to the center lino of Flgueroa street; thence southwesterly along the centor line of FlKiieron. street to the center line of Ninth street, west of Ffgtioroa street; thence northwesterly nlong the center lino of said Ninth street to tho center line of Georgia street; thenco southwesterly along Hie center lino of Georgia street to tha center linn of Pico street; thenoe joutheastorly along tho center line of Pico street to the center line, of Hopo street; thence northennterly on the renter lino otsTlope streot to tho center line of Eleventh street: thence noutli- eaftterly nlong tho center lino of Elev- enth street to the centor line of Main street; thenco northoß3t«irly along the center lino of Main street to the center line of Seventh streot; thenco north- westerly along the. center line of Seventh street to the, placo of beKln- nng. comprising nil of Los Angnle* .i i y » Precincts numbers thirty-two, thirty-three, . thirty-four mid thirty* eight, which existed for the hnlrlln* nf the last, preceding general State elec- tion, f ' P?'!'"* Place— V. S. j Stables, 652 South Flower street. Officers of Election: Judges — U. J. JunKo nnd J. N. French. Inspectors— 11. Cnrriell and Max Clerlts— R. H. Howltt and J. A. Brown. ' , O. B Albrig^t erk9 - R U SleWeUe an " C - M N^ C ErGVITEl N ECTI ° N ™ E <™CT .AH;* hat Part of the. Fourth Ward of the City of Los Angeles described as fcllowß, to wit: Commencing at the Intersection of Hie centor lines of Main street and Eleventh street; thoneo westerly alonft the center line of Eleventh . street to tho center line of -Hope street; thence routherly nlong the renter line of Hope etreet to the renter Ilne of Pico street; thenoe westerly along. the center lino of Pico etreet to the center* line of Union avenue: thence southerly alonx tlio center line of ITnlon averiuo to tho center line of Washington street; thence easterly along tlifi center lino of AVnshlngton street to the center line of Main- street; thenco northerly along the center line, of Main street .to the place of beginning:, comprising all of. ii?.". Angeles City pre<*incta numbers thirty-five. tMrtyrtlx, thirty-seven and forty-tlve. . whlchVcxistnd for the hold- ing of the last . preceding general State election. , . 0 Polling plnce— Tent. 230 feet notith ot j2?° on oast 8l(1e of Flgueroa street. Officers of Election: Judges — J. Mothwln and J. S. Pit- man. Inspectors— J. H. Clancy and Charles Tanpee. Clerks— S. H. Klngery ' and C.X Stamps, Jr. ■ r Ballot Clerks— H. Jacoby and W. A. Crolghton. ; . ';;' • FIHIi Worrt' - MJ/NICIPAI, ELECTION PRECINCT NO. NINETEEN. All that part of the Fifth Ward of the City of Los Angeles described as fol- lows, to wit: . Commencing at the Intersection of the center line of Washington street with the west boundary of Los Angeles City; thence easterly .on the center line of Washington street to its Intersection with the west pntent boundary of said city; thence south on said west patent boundary to tho center . Ilne of Qulncy street; thence west on the center llne'of Qulncy street to the center line of Adams street: thence west on the cen- ter line of Adams street to the west boundary of Los Angeles City: thence north, on said west boundary of Los An- geles City to the place of beginning. comprising all or Los Angeles City -pre- cincts numbers fifty-three and iifty-four. which existed for the holding of tho last preceding genernl Stato election. Polling place— Tent, southeast corner Twenty-secona and Hoover streets. Officers of Election: ' » Judges— Albert J. Wallace, ' Richard Dorr. . ' . • Inspectors— Henry ■W. Rapier, Samuel Brown. . • . Clerks— W. W. Gibba, • Jr.. Evan 'Ed- wards. Ballot Clerks— George VV. • Curflcr, O. A>. Campbell. ■ , ■ M NO. 1 TWE I NTf ISCmN . ; i J ' RmNC ' r All ■ that part of the Fifth ■ Ward ot the City :of Los Angeles described as fol- lows, to wit: ■ . . ■ Commencing at the Intersection ot the center Ilne of Qulncy street and the west patent boundary of the City of Los Angeles; thence south along said patent boundary to its intersection with a lino midway between ■ Thirty-seventh Btreet and Thirty-eighth street; thence northwesterly, on a line parallel to and midway between said streets to Its in- tersection with the produced south line of the resubdlviaton of the Mattlson Tract; thence westerly along the- ex- tended south Ilne of said resubdlvlslon to the center , line of Kansas avenuo; thence south along the center lino ot Kansas avenue to the Intersection with tho center ilne of an alley extending east and west through the Ahren Block - thence westerly along the center Ilne of said alley to the west line ot the Ahren Block; thence westerly In a direct line to the intersection of the center llnea of Budlong avenuo and Thirty-seventh Btreet: thence westerly along the center line of Thirty-seventh street ■ and said center line produced to the weat bound- ary of Los Angflcj City; thence north, east and north along said weat boundary lit Its various courses to the center line of Adams Btreet; thence easterly along the center 'Ine of Adams street to the center line of Qulncy etreet; thenca east- erly along the center line of Qulncy street to the place of beginning, com- prising all of Los Angeles City precincts numbers iiftyrelght, lifty-nlne and sixty, which existed tor the holding of ths last preoodlng general State election. Polling placo<-3605 Vermont avenue. Of Hours of Election: I Judges— U. 11. Warren, John Fowler. Inspectors-Peter H. O'Nell, Thomas L. Clerks— Alex. Gray, L. K. Hoffman. Hallo t Clerks— Alex. Wood, 0. . 11. MUNICIPAL -ELECTION PRECINCT ' T NO. TWENTV-ONB. All that part or the Fifth Ward of the City ot Los . Angeles described 'as follows, to wltt ( Commencing at the intersection of the weat patent boundary of the City of Loa Angeles with a line midway between Thirty-seventh street and Thirty-eighth street; thence northwesterly on a Una parallel to and midway between said streets to Its. Intersection with tho 'pro- duced- south Ilne of tlio resubdlvlgiou of the MattUon Tract ; thenoQ westerly along ■ tho , extended south lint of - said resubd.lvislou to the center Una ot Kan- sas avenuo; thence south along the cciv i»r line ut KauiM.«v«nu« to (tie inttr- __ PUBLIO ADVBftTISINQ fltctlnn with the center Ilne of an alley extending past and went through the Ahren jmnck; thenea westerly along the center line of tald alley t« tha w«t Ine of the Ahren Block; th'tice westerly In a direct Una to th<i Intersection of thfl c»nt#r line* of nudlons; avenue and Thirty-seventh streetl thence WMterijr along the center lln« of Thif ty-Mv«nth atreet snd »ald center line produced to tho weat boundary of Los Angeles City; thence south, east, south and east along thfl boundary line ot Raid city to an angle in the boundary of Los Angeles City About 834 feet w«*st of Flgueroa atreet: thence northerly along a lln< that tn parallel to Flfrueroa street to the lnter«*otlon of the south charter notindnry -of Log Angelea City produced westerly; thenca easterly along the pro- duction of tha south charter boundary to the noufiiwent charter corner: thence northerly on tha west charter and patent boundaries to the place of beginning, comprising all of Los Angeles City pre- cinct number slxty-ona, which existed for the holding Of th* Ust preceding general Btate election. Polling place— Wilson's barn, 4J04 Vermont avenue. Officers of Election: Judges— J, P. Murphy. Frank Btaugh* Inspectora-W. J. Wilson, J. N. Van Norman. . Clerks-J. B. McComba. W. A. Mao- Donnld. Ballot Clerks-Robert Hill, S«th Hart. MUNICIPAL. ELECTION PRKCiNCT NO. rWENTY-TWO. All that part of the Fifth Ward ef the City of Los Angeles described as fol- lows, to wit: Commencing at the intersection of the center lln«-s of Main street and Wash- ington atreet; thence northwesterly along the center lino of Washington Btreet to the Intersection with the west patent boundary, of the City of Loa An- geleft; thence south nlong the west patent and charter boundaries to the southwest charter corner of the City of Loa Angeles; thence cant along the south charter boundary of said city to the center line of Flgueroa street: thence north and northeasterly on the center lino of Flgueroa street to tho center line of Thirty-first street: thence southeast- erly on the center line of Thirty-first street • (west ot Grand . avenue) to the center line of Grand avenue: thence northeasterly along the center line of Grand avenuo to the center Ilne of Thirty-first street, east of Grand avenue; thence 'southeasterly along the center line of tald Thirty-first street to the center line of Main street; thence, north- easterly along the .center line of Main street to the point of beginning, com- prising- all of J.ns Angeles City pre- rlncts numbers fifty, flfty-one. fifty-two, fifty-five and fifty-seven, which existed for the holding of tbe last preceding general State election. Polling place— Tent, northwest corner] of Flgueroa and Adams streets. Officers of Election: Judges— George F. McLellan, William Noble. . ' ■ Inspectors— J. T. Waldon. George Par- Clerks-Frank 8. Hill, W. M. Dlckson. Ballot Clerks-H. J. Edwartls, J. R. MI?NIcrPAL ELECTION* PRECINCT NO. TWFINTJf-THREta. ' All that part of the Fifth Ward of the City of Los Angeles described as fol- lows>-to wit: ■'.;'.'■'• .-.■■'-, Commencing at the/intersection of the center llnea of , Flctieroa street and Thirty-first street: thence southeasterly along the center lino of Thlrtyrflrst •atreet (west of Grand avenue) to the/ cen- ter .line of Grand avenue; thenco north- easterly on the center line of Grand avenue to the center line of Thlrty-nrst street, east of Granci • avenue: thetu-e southeasterly along center line of Thirty-first street to tho center line of Main street; thence- southwesterly and southerly on the center line of > Main street to a point 150 feet south of Slau- aon Rvenue. Bald point being also the south city boundary: thence west along Mild south city boundary to Its Inter- section with the west city boundary; thence northerly along said west city boundary and Its prolongation to its In- tersection with the produced south char- ter boundary of Los Angeleß City; thenco easterly along said -produced south ormrter boundary to the. center line of Flgueivia street: thence north and north- oAsterly along the centef. line of Flgueroa street to tho place of "beginning: com- prising all of Los Angeles City precincts numbers fifty-six and: Blxty-two. wlilcn existed, for the holding; of the last pre- i-i'ilinK genprnl State p|«ctlon. • ■ Polling place— Southeast Corner Grand avenue and Jefferson street. Officers of Election: . '■■■ t Judges— B. O. ' Richardson, X, M. fnspeetprs-OhaFles 8.- Gilbert. < O. A. CClerks-C.C Clerks-C. It. Ilall.'VV-o-jl- "übbell. Ballot Clerks-J. .C. _ Black, Theo. Shroder. ' . ' , • . " MUNICIPAL S ELECTICS .PRECINCT NO. TWENTY- FOUR. •'■■ -, All that pai't of the-Slxtn Ward of the City of Los Angeles.; described as follows. Commencing at the Intersection of the center lino of Central avenue with the south charter boundary.-ot Los Angeles City; thenco west nlong said charter boundary to the center line of Main street; thence south along the center line of Main street to ita intersection with tho south boundary of the city of Lcjs Angeles (east 6f Main Street):. thence past along' said south , city boundary to the center line of Central avenue: thence north on the center line of Central ave- nue to the place of beginning; comprlalng all of Los Angeles City precincts numbers seventy-six and seventy-seven, which existed for the holding of the last pre- ceding general State election. Polling plnce— 42ol Central av«nu«. Officers of Election: Judges-Frank Keller. C. R. Overmeyer. Inspectom-C. A. Redman. F. J. Spring. Clerks-Thomas Winter. Felix Herman. Ballot clerks— Thomas Brooke. F. N. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NO. TWENTY-FIVE. ' All that part of the Sixth TVard of the City of Los Angoles. described as fol- lows, lo wit: Commencing at the Intersection of the center line of Central avenue with the south charter boundary of. the city of Loa Angeles; thence southerly along the center lino of Central avenue to lt» in- tersection with the South city boundary; thence east on the south city boundary to Its Intersection with the east city boundary 4 , thence northerly on said cast city boundary to its Intersection with the south charter city boundary; thence west dn said charter boundary to tho point of beginning; comprising all of the Los Angelea City precinct number soven- tv-eight. which existed for the holding of the la»t preceding general State eleo- Po'lllng place— 4S2O Central avenue. Officers of Election: „„.„,■ Judges-E. M. Millsap. W. L. Ewlng. Ir.spectors-Fred Redman. A. Mitchell. Clerks— lV L. Syvertson. G. T. Bruce. Ballot clerks— T. A. Bryant. W. W. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NO TWENTY-SIX. i All that part ot the Sixth Ward of the City of Los Angeles, described as fol- 4 °Commenc!ng at the Intersection of the center line of Main street with the- south charter boundary of Los Angeles City: thence eait along said charter boundary to the center line of San Pedro street; thence northeasterly along the center lino of San Pedro street to the center line of Washington atreet; thence north- westerly on the center line of Washing- ton street to the center line of Main street; thence - southwesterly and south- erly on the center line of Main street to the place of beginning; comprising all of the Los Angeles City precincts num- bers seventy-four and seventy-five, which existed for the holding of tht last pre- ceding general Btate election. Polling Pfcce^fflX South Main atreet Officers ot Election: . , Judceß-J. C Rails. .F. Darcy. Inspeotors-J. 13. Mtutey, R. A. Brown. Clerks-F. A. Weltael, Ernest Taylor. Uallot elwl^s-C. 8. Hogan, O. H. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NO, TWKNTY-BEVEV- AH that part of the BTsth Ward of the City ot Los Angeles, described as t ol- °Commenclng at the Intersection of the center linen of Washington street and San Pedro street; thence southwesterly along the center line of Ban Pedro street to the south charter boundary of the City af Los Angeles; thence east along said charter boundary to its Intersection with the center line of Alamedo. »tr«et; thence northerly along the center lli\» of Ala- meda street to tha center Ilne of Twenti- eth street; th«nc« northwesterly along •he center Hue of Twentieth street to the center Ilne of Central avenue; thence uoi- thtwurly along . tb* ««htar line of PUBLIC AOVKRTIBINO ContMl d»enufl to the e«nt#r line 6f Washington Mr«*t; th*ne« nortMwMterly • long the erntcr line of Washington Mfeet to the place of beginning; eo«nj»fln« titt nil nt the l«os Angele* Cttr preclnetn numbers »*r#nty-otie, «ev*nty-two and •ercnty-thres, which existed fnf ths hold- In* of the last preceding general State •IfTitlon. Polling place— 24lS Central- a vanut. Officers of Election: Jtidgpn— c. F. Cartler. Kdword Khy. Tr n«peetors-Bnm Mitchell, L. C. Brlght- Cl«rk*~E, ti! kngebrlghtnen. F. W, Krner«nn. MUNICIPAL KLEfiTTON PRECINCT NO. TWRNTT-KIOHT. that p«rt of the Sixth Ward of th« City of Los Angeles, described as fol- lows, to wit: Commnnclng at the Intersection of the canter linen of Ninth street and Main street: th»nrn ootitheastprlr along the center line of Ninth street to the center Ilne t<t Ban Pedro street: thMice *outh« Westerly on the center line of Bun Pedro •treet to the center line of Washing- ton street; thence northwesterly on the center line of Washington street to the center Ilne of Main street; thence nrtrth- »«»t<vly on the center Hno of Man street to the point of beginning; comprising all Of the Los Angeles City precincts num- bers dlxty-thr**, sixty-four snd- nlxtsr- flv*. which existed for tne holding of the Inst preceding general State election. Polling pJnc*— l3oß Maple avanue. Officers of KlectMn: Jiidgta— Stephen Buhr, O. IT. Jonen. ltispeotors— Harry Alnsworth, Arthur • Clerks— Albert nimnaii. J. 'j. Reprnn. . Kallot Clerks-C. P. Olson, A. L. Knell. MUNICIPAL F.T,rcr!TION PRECINCT NO. TWENTY-NINE. . All that part of the Sixth Ward of the City of Los- Angeles, described as fol- lows, to wit: ■ . •Commencing at the Interaction nf the r«riter lines of Ninth otreet ttnd San Pedro strpet! thence KontheastM-iy along the epntT line of Ninth strfet to the center- linn of Central avenue; thenoe southwesterly on the center line of Cen- trftl Avenue to center line of Wash- ington street; thence northwexterly on the center Hue of Washington street to the e#ntpr line of San Pedro rtrort: there* ncrtheasu>rly on the rpntcr line of Bnn Ppdro atreet to th« place of he- Kmnlng; comprising all of Los ArtrMes City prednctn number* sixty-six and six- ty-seven, which existed for the holdlnir of thn Tnnt pr*opdlnp general Stdte election. Polling ptdpe— l2ls Central avenue. Officers of election: , Judges— A. C. Mnws. W. M. ecbmepn. Tnspectors-A. Nlemevpr. J. H. Welsh. Clorns— B. F. Kelne. Peter Unit M*. I Ballot clerks-Jas. S. Hebel, Dave Or- toll. ■ MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NO. THIRTY. All that part of the Sixth Ward of Hie City . of Los Angolcs, described as fol- lows, to wit: Cnmmfnclnif at the Intersection of the center llnps of Central avenue and Ninth Btreet: thenco southeasterly alon*r the centpr Ilne of Ninth street to. lts inter- section with the center line, of Bnnta Va avenue; thence northerly along the renter Ilne of S<int<i Fe avenue to it« intersection with the 'centT line ot Ninth street, east of Smta Fe avenue: thence pastorly nlnno; the center line of snld Ninth street to Its Intersection with the center Ilne nf Mio Lor An- geles river: thence southerly nlonp the renter Ilne- of the Los Angeles river to the south charter boundary of the City of Lni . Angoles: thence west along said boundary line .to iti .. Intersection with the cenffer line of Ala- medn street: tlienoe .north- alon« the center Ilne 'of Alameda- street to the center . line of ■ Twentieth street; thenre northwesterly ■ along the center line of Twentieth street to; the center . line .of Central . avenue.: 1 hence northeaatcrly alrtng the center li:«e of Central avenue to the place of bepln- nlng: comprising all of Loa Angeles City precincts number* slxty-elsrht. sixty-nine, and seventy, which existed forfhe holding of Inst preceding general State elec- tion^, i • " . • , Polling plnce— Uoo Central*avenue. Officers of Election: Judges- J. U. Johnston. K. H. Ualton. Insnectors— Arthur Grosser. 1 -Robert Hnvden ; - " ' Clerks-N. Hi Button. A. J. Barhlle. * Ballot ClerUa— C. B. Huntlngton. Wil- liam M.~ Wright. , ' ' ' Spvrnth Wnrfl MUNICIPAL BI.BCTION PRECINCT NO. THIRTY-ONE. All that part of the Seventh Ward of the City of Los Angeles described as fol- lows, to wit: / Commencing nt the Intersection of tlio centtr lines of Fifth street and Main street, thenoe southwesterly along the center lino of Main atreet to the center line of Ninth street: thence southeaster^ on the center line of Ninth street to • h* center line of Snn ■ Pedro street; thence northeasterly . along the center line nf Ban Pedro street to. the center line of Seventh etreet; thence southeasterly along the renter line of Seventh street to the center line . of Crocker street; thence northeasterly along the . center line of Crorker : street to the cen- ter line of Fifth street: thence northwest- erly along the center Ilne of Fifth stteel to the place of beginning: comprising all of ■ Los . Angeles City Precincts numbers seventy-nine, elghty-slx and eighty-seven, which existed for. the holding of the last preceding general State election. Polling I'laco— 626 South ■ Los Angeles street. i " ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ Officers of Election: ' Judges— J. N. Alexander, H. Lyon. . inspectors— ll. L. Spence. C. H. Burllct. '; Clerks— J. A. Smith. A. Graham. Ballot Clerks— John Lloyd, A. W. Smith. MUNICIPAL KLKCTION PRECINCT NO. THIRTY-TWO. All that part of the Seventh Ward of the City of Los ' Angeles described as fol- lows, to wit: : Commencing at the Intersection of the center Ilne of Alameda street with the produced center line of Fifth street, west of Aitlmeda street, thence southerly along the center I'ne of Alameda street to the center line of Ninth street; thence north- westerly along the center line of Ninth street to the center line of » San Pedro street; thence northerly along the center line of San Pedro street- to the center line of Seventh street: thence easterly alo'-i? the center Ilne of Seventh street to the center Ilne of Crocker street; thence northeasterly along the center linn of Crocker street to the center line of Flfili street; thence southeasterly and easterly along tho center line of Fifth street ant the prolongation thereof to the place of beginning; comprising all of Los Angeles City precincts numbers eighty, .eighty- one, eljhty-four and eighty-five, whlnh existed for the holding of the last pre- ceding general State election. Polling place— Southeast corner Seventh street ana Ruth avenue. Oftlcem of Election: Judges-John Williams, William H. Hoff. Inspectors— M. Betkouskl, Ben Lauder. Clerks-F. Tuffleld. Ed. McGlnley. Ballot Clerks— C. M. Whaling, W. Darby. MUNICIPAL KLECTION PRECINCT NO. THIRTY-THREE. AH that part of the Seventh Ward of the City of Los Angeles described as fol- lows, to wit; Commencing at the Intersection of tho center lines of First street and Hewitt street; thence southerly along the center line of Howltt Btreet to the center line of Third street; thence westerly along the center line of Third street to the center line of Alameda street; thence southerly along the Center line ot Alameda street to the center line of Ninth street; thence southeasterly along the center line of Ninth street to the center line of the Los Angeles river: thence northerly along the center Una ot the Los Angeles river to Its intersection with the center line ot First street; thence westerly along the center Undl of First street to the place |of beginning; comprising all of Los An- [ geles City precincts numbers eighty-two, eighty-three and ninety-three, which ex-i Isted for the holding of the last preceding general State election. Polling place-r-Knglne ' house. Seventh street and Santa Fe avenue. Officers of Election: Judges— W. W. Wilson. J, C. Slbrrt. Inspectors^ — J. K. Wilson, Henry Kearney, Clerks— J. P. Lee, R. I* Bell. Ballot Clerks — T. Vacher. 8. Allen. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NO. THIRTY-FOUR. All that part of the Seventh Ward of the City of Los -Angeles described as toIIOWS, tO Wltii.^-ft.f.'twi.i Commencing at the Intersection ot tha center line* of First and Hewitt streets: thenoe southerly alone the center line of Hewitt atreet to the cen- ter line of Third street: thence west- erly along the; center - line ot Third street to the . center line of Alameda street; thence southerly along the cen- ter line of Alameda street to the pro- duced center line of Fifth street (west ot AlumedaNtreet); thenct westerly aud !io»thwt«terly along said produced can- Wr line ot Fifth street and alonK si Id center ' Hue to, the center Una of Main street: thence northeasterly along the etnur )lu« or Main atmt to Ue center PAR* " It PUBLIO AOVERTISINO \ lin« ef Flrit street: thence southeast- ejlr along the center Ilne of First str#i>t to the nlace of beginning, com- prlsln» all of Los Ang«lei City pre- rlnoti numbers elghty-elght. elffhty- nine, ninety, nlnety-on* And ninety- tjro, which existed for the holding of tlon Pr *°* '" " 1 * Bweral %*te eieo- PolllnffPiftee— Engine houf«. Fourth street «nd Town avenue. > > < Off leers of Election: ' /•' J";P«ctor»--M. B. Ward. J. M. Gavin. ol*o 1 *M k f7;, B ' ,°- llln . *"• /»• Atkins. Sh?a CUrks— a. Llndenfleld, Dennis „„„,.,_„ Eighth Wsra i MnolM no IC tTi?iVtt?f^ ion PRECINCT t£! l n$ kt ? a ? 1 ot tbe Eighth Wurd of fSnow'^to 0 wit?" An<r * lM d "«'^ d " th« 0 ?. m r ncll 3f r ftt th « lnt«r«ectlon of •Sft.Tl'tS str *"i thence southwesterly ftiong the center line of Main street to »im» « rM !' 10 1 wlth th « ««nter line of th. V«VJ ce * t! n th * nc# «outhsasterly along Mh\»r JI| J* /?* Flrit "feet to the tiftrth-.! m li of ■ Alaf n«<'« street: thenoe ?!«?* ■JJ r ««t to the place of beginning, Ja?klion t .«^ p i?, < ;?" L : Nol ' th **"t" t ■ corner Jl S ,, M Wilmington streets. Officers of Election i T,?f* cs ,~ p< Glavere, Charles Oerson. ;flf?K to 7r" J * A> Nelson, Carl Kurls. couj.. ss ~ A '«xand«r Valle, Qeorge La- Faur" 01 aerks — Valentine Kloss, Emll Ho! i THmVr?sii? TI ° M pre cinct th A ,"f. t v2 t sar5 ar , c ot »»>• Eighth Ward ol foHows, y t6 wu?" AnB * lei deBCrlb -' 1 " ...^.•""l^nelag at the Intersection of A?io «rl i'. ne A of Alameda afreet and thi -«."";. thenc « southerly along th» ,. en . ter 1 " n «o' Alameda street to *.! t "."'« '»!• of First street; thence SfrVe t» .•?"* the enter Ilne of. First rlvS?- VL th * center »n» of Los Angeles ter ll'ni hheh n ece f n ?£ » or therly along the cen- intYr. H f ths , lx>a Angeles river to its Allso 2?i 101 } TJ lth the center line of cVn»M if eet ! fiance westerly along the of ifnJii.l of Allso " treBt t0 tho P lace AnJl?' sn n}! >c: comprising all. of -Los ml/ ni C i ty P re <='n<:«» numbers ninety- wh'lKh i ?* s so. oonv * n ftnd ninety-eight, K« nV cx l?. ted for tll9 holding of the i>oFh ni n * » en « ra l State election. Polling Place— No. 388 Aliso street. OfTlcers of Election: ■ Tn«iK;'Vr A<lo iE h ? u «nter. A. Balonge. Todd C le * G ?' swol < J . Asa fftM^ffl^ PRKCINCT th« ritS' I*? 4 °« »hs Eighth : Ward of fSnow» y to owit^0 wit^ Ah * eJeS descrlbed " th^ m rn cn cinar «t the 'lntersection of wi?h A. tcr I(ne of .f ne Los Angeles river Xrilf* .1 tent * r ""e Of San Fernando tiluJ th J nc « southerly along the een- '«' ""«' the Los Angeles river to the Sfnt" line of Allso street; thence aii y aIon *r the center line ot Allso street to the center line of Ala- meda street; thence northerly . along the center line of Alameda street to the center Ilne of Main street; thence M«'in «'. cste . rI . 3r * lon * the center line of * . 11.1 l .r cet to tts Intersection with th« centerillne of Bunset boulevard; thence w « S K er!y along the center line of Sun- set boulevard to the center line of San rernnndo street; thence northeasterly along the center line of San Fernando street to the place of beginning; com- prising- all Of Los Angeles City pre- cincts numbers one hundred, one hun- dred and one and one hundred and two, which existed'- ror the holding of the laat preceding general State election. ■• :• Polling place — No. 1106 North Male street. ..■;.''■■.... Officers of! Klectlon: -Jiidgcs— Peter McNerney. John R. McManus., ■ Inspectors — J. Jannsen, Louis Car- bone. Clerks— fl; Rotsler. A. J. Ashen. Ballot Clerks— W. T. Armstrong. John Morris ■ „ Ninth WnrA MUNICIPAL .ELECTION PRECINCT NO. THIRTy-KIQHT. All that part of the Ninth Ward of the City of Los Angeles described as fol- lows, to wit: Commencing at the intersection of the center lines of Mission road and Ma- rengo si i-oots; thence southwesterly along the center line of Mission road to the center line of Macy street; thence north- westerly along tho center line of Macy street to Its intersection with the center lino of the Los Angeles river; thence southerly along the center line of the Los Angeles liver to its Intersection with the center line of First street; thence easterly along the center line of First street to the center line of State street; thence northeasterly along the center Ilne of State street to the center line of Marengo street; thence northwesterly along the center line of Marengo street to the place of beginning; comprising all of Los Angeles City precincts Nos. one hundred and three and one hundred and four, which existed for the holding of the last preceding general State elec- tion. .( Polling place— No. 733 Allso street. Officers of Election: i Judges— Gottfried Dakon and George Rheinschlld. Inspectors — Richard Maloney and Ra- mon Bernard. ■ » Clerks— Joe Hughes and C. H. Mead. Ballot Clerks— John McLean and Charles Barker. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NO. THIRTY-NINE. **>-^vi All that part of the Ninth Ward of the City of jlos Angeles described as follows, to wit: .. • . Commencing at the Intersection of the center lines of Mission road and Ma- rengo street; thence southeasterly aloiiff the center lino of Ma- rengo street to the center lino of Stato street; thence southerly along the center line ot State street to the center line of First street; thence westerly along the center line of First street to its intersection with the center line of the Los Angeles river; thence southerly along the center line of the Los Angeles river to Its intersection with the center line of Ninth street: thence easterly along the. center line of Ninth street to the center Ilne of Soto street; thence northerly and northeasterly along the center line of Soto street to the center line of Griffin avenue; thence northwesterly along the center line of Orlftln avenue to the center line ot Mission road; thence south- westerly along the center Ilne of Mission road to the place of beginning, comprising all ot Los Angeles City pre- cincts Nos. one hundred and five and one hundred and six, which existed . for the holding of the last preceding- general State election. Polling place— White's stable. No.' 2024 East First street Officers of Election: Judges— W. H. Pilklngton and Georga Williams. „ „ - > Inopectors— A. . 11. J Sanborn and George Ellis. Clerks-M. T. White snd P. F. Schrlver. Ballot > _ierks—H. A. Lohlker and Bam- u«l Solenbercer. ' MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NO. FORTY. . Ai: that part of the Ninth Ward of the City of Los Angeles described as follows, to wit: Cmmenclng at the Intersection of the center lines of Alhambra avenue and Sotn street; thence southwesterly and southerly along the center line ot Soto street •: to its Intersec- tion with the center line of • Ninth street; thence northwesterly and westerly along the center line of Ninth street to its Intersection with the center line of the Los Angeles river: thence southerly along the center line bf the Los Angeles river to the south charter boundary. of the City of Los Angeles; thence cast -along said charter boundary to the southeast -cor- ner of said City; thence north along the east boundary line of said City to the center line of Alhambra avenue; thence westerly along the center line of Alham- bra avenue to the place of beginning, comprising all of Los Angelea City pre- cincts numbers one hundred and . seve>t and one hundred and eight, which existed for th* holding of tha last preceding gen- eral State election. ( Polling place—Northwest corner of First and Molt streets. / 'WrwlMnfcM Officers ot Election: Judges— D. R. Browning and C. F. Clark.. ■ . ■i - ■■• -:. Inspectors— George E. Bloomfield, P. A. Mulford. Clerks— John. O. Sullivan and C. B Porttr. Ballot Clerks-S. A. Curley and J. w. Men»er. ' ■ ; . . ■ 8«c. 13. That. In all particulars not recited In < this ordinance, such »i«c- Uoa eli»U be btld a* provided by Uw ' > 9 PUBLIC ADVBRTIRINO for holding municipal election* Jn 'saM City. , ; See. \%. This Ordinance I* urgently f«. quired for the Immediate prwwrvatlon of : th« publlo Tfncn, health and unfpfv; and the City Clerk shall certify to its pas' mw by a two-thirds vote of the Council, and cause It to be published once a day for ten day* In the Loa Angeles Herald, and thereupon and thereof ter It ahull. take effect and be In force. Jt hereby certify that the whole number, of members of the City Council ot th*. City of I-o» Angeles Is nine, and that MM! foregoing Ordinance was paafled by a two-thirds vote of aaJd, at-ittf meeting of April 10, 1909, by the fol- lowing rote, to wit: ■■ •-){ Ayes— Messrs, Ts! Hirha rrt. " ■ : . Ford, t. Mammon, Healy, IIUKr. Smith and Summnrlnnrl (7). WHBBMMKB « Noes — None. H. 3. LBLANnB, * - ' City Cleric Approved this 23d day of April, 1901. . «■'-..; " OWEN McaLrAr, «-«-» 12t Mayor. Netlee— Clrtl ftervlee Bxnminaiton*' LOB ANOELES, Cal., May i, 1808. ■In accordance with Section 1, Rule IV, Civil Service Rules and Regulation* : of tha City of Lo*. Angeles, notice Is' ; hereby given that a competitive exam- ination for promotion will be i held on Saturday, the mti day ' of May, 1906, beginning at r9' o'clock- a, ■ tn. at Turnvernln gymnnnlum,: IMS South Plgueroa street. In the City of Los Angeles. Cal., for the purpose of examining applicants for admission to the eligible lists In divisions and classi- fications as denlgnatad below: - ■ Division 6. Grade 1, Class 8. Captain Fire Department. .... . ■ : ■•;'' Division 6, Orade'l, Class 4a, Lleu->', tenant Fire Department. Division 6, Grade 1. Class 4b, En* glneer Fire Department • • Division S, Grade 1, Class 4c, Driver: Fire Department. . i Entrances for the above examinations I are limited as follows! • -, ■■ Captain, to Lieutenant. . ■ Lieutenant, to Engineer, Driver. Ilotpmnn. ri — TTiiinni i Wk\ MsMjOLjJi Engineer, to Driver and Hoseman.', Driver, to Hoseman. ' ; Also, on the same date and nt tho same place, will be held competitive ex-; amlnatlons for original entrance to tha eligible lists in divisions and classifica- tions dpn!g;nat»-d below: > ,-. ■ Division 5. Grade 1, Class 6, Hoseman: Fire Department. ■<■■■■■ , ■ Also, on the same date, at Grand Ave- nun School: • ■ . ! Division — , Grade — , Class— » Chi«t« Inspector of Buildings, Board, of Pub- lic Works. -. >-- , • : Division — , Grade — , Class-—,' Stenographer and Clerk Board. of Pub- He Works. '■■~-|i J jv-yit r "— i|i »i»wiii* i *"'»wilM Said competitive examination will in-i rlude tests of proficiency ' In < Reading. V Writing. Spelling, ArlthmeMo,- knowl**; edge- of the duties, of the sev- eral positions named, .general and; specific experience ■/• tending"- •tot nt the applicant for such • position: ; physical health; ■ muscular strength; soundness and acuteness iof • faculties: I personal habits; moral character and I ruch qualifications as will fairly attest I the capacity of persons examined ■to V discharge the duties of positions which ■ they seek. Applicants musf appear In <? person at the oftice of the Civil Service $ Commission not I less than eight c days * before the date fixed for the examlna- < tlon. nnd file, under oath, an application I In form prescribed by the Commission.;', blanks for which will be furnished on : request. ■ ■; ••.-.••••••. ■■■-<..-.•-.-•- n-.. ; y,~ By order of the Board of Civil Sor- „ vice Commissioners. vj «-^i>»^'**>Ti««> l "sjß*fiK JOHN R. HATNES, :.;,>» ' ■ Chairman. . * W. A. SPALDING, Secretary, '.r.;-^ ' 6-6-" Xt . . ■ : • .>-...''iJ^; Office of the Water Department of the>" . City of Los Angeles. -;/v*%*«s«sm ■ -May 11.. 1908. %y? Sealed propodals will be received : by ,t tho Board of Water Commissioners ■of j? the City of Los Angeles, at their offlce.i? No. 440 S. Hill street, up till 3:30 p. re.* of May 21, 1006,, f0r 6000 feet, more or f less, of 12-inch 12 gauge : slip;,' Joint »; riveted sheet, steel water - pipe to t be ; ! laid by the contractor in a-trench pre-L pared ■ by . the Water , Department ■on ■ Baxter street from the site of the pro-i»' posed pumping plant in i the s Ivanhoe Ju Canyon to Olympian avenue, : thence » northerly on Olympian avenue to Its in-',' torsection with Marcom ttvenue.u.T J «^ A certified check for five per cont of x the amount bid,' made payable to Jno. v J. Fay, Jr., President of the Board, is to/ accompany each bid. .. - .i:.-- The Board reserves the right to re-/: Ject any or all bids,' in ■ ■whole ■or ■ in^ I>nl ' WM. MXJLHOLLAND, i . i : 5-11-12-43-14 4t : ' ■ Supt/-.: 1 '! Office of the Water Department of the'r. City of Los Angeles.- - v ■■;■:*• ... , -... , ... May 11, 1906. .. Scaled proposals will be received by,' t tho Board of Water Commissioners of.^ the City of Los Angeles, at their oftice, • No. 440 S. Hill street, up till 3:30 p. m.S? of May 21. .190*. for a cylindrical steel -it water tank to be erected by. the eon- n* tractor on the hill, top at the headof*> Olympian avenue in the City of Loa An- -, geles. in accordance with specifications j'. on file in the office of the i ßoard. :•<■■■■' -j. ■ A certified check for five per cent ef'J; the amount bid. made payable to Jno.'i, J. Fay, jr., Presldcpt of the Board, is tor accompany each bid. v .. ' •»-. «jf*i.Vi The Board reserves the right to re- ... Ject any or all bids.- •■ ' . ■';■, WM. MULHOLLAND, -■ 5-11-12-15-14 4t ■■■■■■- Siipf'W'''- HIGHLAND PARK ;J Seven-room story and half residence ea 7 A venae 52. Large elevated lot, 00x150. ;y Itooms nil large and first class. Near,, Occidental College. ■■-... . Thos. J. Hampton ; li» SOUTH BROAD WAT. ' IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE ; E IN NEWSPAPERS \ti I AWVWHERB AT ANYTUIB ' \'f. E : Call mor Write - :: ■ : '- ' !! -' |B.C. DIKE'S ADHERHSHG IGEKCI' | | X»4 Sansoms Street f,. \ ■ 6AN FRANCISCO, CALTP. % '■', sH»»»»O»O»WI*<««— MM wl y',- Sign&l Hill chotce* property -> .■. ■ •. D . ■ In. this beautiful $.;>#» Long Beach section. - SLACK-WALL Co| 11 Locust avenue. Long Beach. Col.; ' • Palma Heights ;: Newest and best of close-in properties, , Only 20 minutes' rids from business can. tsr. Blc liOts. . Low Prices. '■ CORNISH-BRALY. CO.: (Inc^V Suite 800,' Union Trust Building, . Corner Fourth and Spring. ; . • ',' • '; ' ■ i. . '.•(!■• Inner Harbor Tract i| Lot* noo to assoo. ; , nCTTBHS <t PAUL INVESTMENT ;■"' CO.. SIS B. Ocean Aft, Lone Beach. ],V .r.r.~r.r*~r. n r.~~ >, -■■- i „ .. J ''" The B & L Saloon | 420 S. Spring. WJ»I. lI KXNICK A CO. Stall &. Co. Whiskies. S*n Diego '■' Beer. ■ . ' Los Angeles Advertising & Purchasing, Company 409 Alrrenatlle Trust Co. Building^;! Our Field! "The World's New Mar- | k«t. West Coast of Mexico." . ajrefythlng you want you will tin* tm l l the class if u<( p»«»— • modera eaeycto-