Newspaper Page Text
10 \/ V/ TRADE PULLERS I v," 23*000 YdS» 35C LfICGS OC One hundred separate bargains are listed on this page for tomorrow's selling — one hundred trade pulling, trade satisfying items from all over e u «Ja * SjjJ7 Uvl .V:^ A> - . this busy stored • "", Flne.Fwch Val.. Mechlin, Oerroiin Val., Normandy, vu n heard of values they are- presented in a clean cut forceful fashion— without reason, excuse or explanation. Soft chiffon taffeta and moire clunjr and torchon Jaees. «dges and Insertions and all It ' s - a demonstration of the vahTe giving ahility of this store— a capacity which haTl^fn^dn^kTwith the immediate and abundant success of antique in reseda, old rose, Alice firm. mesh: bands and edges Ito 4 inches wide; very -— — ; — -:<■ ■. ; 5 s *■ • — : — 1 ; blue, medium gray and black; newest designs find handsome pattern* for trimmings this institution. . , t W eton jackets plaited and short puff of dresses, waists, etc; all high grade and NEW mer- AYe invite a comparison — not only as to merchandise and price— but also as to quality and to method of retailing— confident that no stflrc s l C eves; handsomely trimmed chandlse; there's a bl» lot-23,000 yards or more-for w jl| match these offerings. ' , " . • suits. Skirts are semi-circulaf you Monday; the values go «s high as 35c and none jj bcra i quantities of most every item— but liberal responses to our advertisements are the rule — and tomorrow's crowds will be big. Get here and trimmed with box plaits. lower than 15c. See the windows on the ■• ' ; _ , 1 —»< . — ; — . __ — • ;; — ~—;~ — ; _ , j,,-,;,-, /i»/«^ mrv Broadway side. On" sale Monday at the kr» early if possible but get here anyway and any time tomorrow. The more you buy the more you save. Don t miss jthis great bargain fiesta. Worth *C/ 7 Kll one price, choice, per yard •'V ; ■ — — _____ , . —^ . . Atonday at.. yJH I *U\J ■ ■ ', | * ,'• ... ■ . , " 98c Embroidery 49c I j 15c Embroidery 5c I I $3.00 Flounce Embroidery 49c I $1.00 Leather Bags 45c 50c Pearl Buckles 25c' I $1.25 Silk Pongee 93c Allover embroidery in pretty anglalse Kdgea and- insertions, 2 to 4 Flounce embroidery and wide em- bargo size chopping bags, -made from Highly polished penrl buckles; 2 slzps, Popular make of a rouKh finished, all- and embossed effect on sheer quality Inches wide; all. fine cnmbrlc. em- broidery bands; beautiful opon work good - leathers, in black, brown and oval and squnre BhHpes; silver plutrd „. silk pongee; colors of gray, light . swifts Rnd, nainsook; 18 to 27 inches broidery with well worked edges and Irish point Rnd ahglatae effect; ox- tan shades; lined and some fitted bar und prong; Just the thing for blue, Alice, cardinal, reseda, black, I wide; excellent values at 98c. j/> dainty designs; worth up to m c.ellent quality sheer swlss nnd i{\ with card cn»e nnd purse to .mm wash beltfl; regular value at /ym Ivory and natural; -$1.25 On sale Monday, a yard, Ailf * 15c. On sale Monday, a yard, k/~ nainsook; widths to 27 inches; /IU/~ match; regular 7Bc and $1.00 A^C BOc - On Bale Monday, each. /6A value. On sale Monday, aII In at. "xV at OW* worth up to *3. Monday, yard... TS\* values. Monday, each TtUW at. .c ...._rfUv yard 7O*> fiuaranteed Black Silks I 85c Mohairs 48c ~[ I $1.50 Blk & White Woolens $1.09 I 50c French Challies 39c [ 35c Sateens 23c I 20c India Linen 15c uum-uiccu LU—itv onr»a Dust shedding mohair Sicilians; Mohairs, panamas, serges and lighter Wool challies In dark and light Highly finished sateens; all colors, In- Fine sheer quality and perfect weave •$1.75— 36-inch black taffeta $1.39 nearly 1% yards wide; colors of weight toilles, silk and wool crepes, grounds;, dots,' stripes and figured eluding; black and cream; 36 Inches and finish; worth regularly 20c. 1.25— 38-inch black taffeta 98 gray, blue, brown, cardinal and henrlettas and other weaves; 40 effects; qualities that sell regularly wide; values to 35c. Monday they See window display. On sale Mon- SK_27-lnoh Mark taff*»tn R4 black; worth 85c. On spe- ,r\ to 50 Inches wide; values fr 4 t\f\ for BOc. On salo . *>/\ will be placed on <«IV day - a ■* f' i ■■'*r^ * I £ clal sale Monday, a yard. ARc t0 * 1 - B0 - On sale Monday. «I« I 11(1 Monday, • 3Uf sale at, a yard, 7if yard - IXC .75 peau de soie 55 at TTOC- a yard .«Pl«V>^ a. yard Oy'V only -....MUV , at IUV $1.00 French Plumcttes 65c [ 50c Silk Organdies 35c I 20c Mousseline de Soie 10c f 25c Kimono Cloths I2^c | 10c Bleached Muslin 7c I 60c Table Damask 49c Beautiful sheer white ■ material; 40 Silk striped organdies; wh.lte grounds Pink, blue, lavender,' tan, gray, red, Elegant Japanese and Persian designs; 36-inch bleached, soft finish muslin; 62-inch half bleached table damask: inches wide, with large and small with large and small floral designs; yellow, brown, navy, blue, black, highly mercerized; perfectly fast col- free from dressing; standard make; ' all linen; large and Bmall checks; the hand-woven dots; very much in de- beautiful colorings; 50c qualities. On cream and white;, make pretty sum- ors;, worth regularly 25c. On sale regular 10c quality. On sale Mon- kind for hotels and restaurants; 60c I maud this season; worth $1.00. / m sale Monday, \ ' *r* mer dresses; worth 20c. On /v ■ Monday, '/. -g/>g /> 1 day/a 7 value. On sale Monday, iA On sale Monday, t\\C a yard, • ■\Sr r sale Monday,/ 1 1 \f a yard, %/lC yard, If a yard, _lUC [ a yard .UUV at _H/W a yard I IvFW at J._*2* / at ■ V at ....T. TV** •75c Bleached Damask 49c I I 6c Crash Toweling 4c I 15c Children's Hose 10c I 25c Children's Hose 15c A lsc Women's Hose 10c 19c Women's Hose 12^_c 64-inch ' bleached table damask; pure Absorbent crash toweling, mado from Fine ribbed cotton stockings Iri tan Pure white, fine ribbed, full regular Past black, full seamless cotton stock- Women's fine gauge, light weight cot- Irish linen; floral and conventional selected cotton; very* durable; regular shades with double soles, . heels and. . made cotton and lisle thread stockings, ings with double Boles and high ton stockings with double high spliced designs; worth regularly 75c. On sale 6c quality. On special sale Monday, toes and knees; regular 15c quality.' with double knees, soles and high dou- spliced heels; regular 15c kind. On heels and double soles; 19c kind. On 'Monday,' Af\ a yard, a- On Sale Monday, -t t\ ble neels : worth 25c. On sale -g — r sale Monday, 1 A ' Bale Monday, I'll a-t^..... ...49c I y 4c l t pa .'::.. I Ioc[ t%}.*^..;7. 15c || y^ luc ii t pa a:: ;...-.: .u 2 c 50c Women's Lisle Hose 35c I I 25c Children's Vests 12& C | I 2&c Women's Vests 12^c II 39c Women's Vests 25c I- I 69c Union Suits 45c f 75c Negligee Shirts 45c Imported gauze lisle thread hose; pure white Richelieu ribbed vests; made Pure white jersey ribbed shaped vests; Pure white swlss ribbed lisle thread Pure white lisle thread, low neck union ■ Men's shirts in neglig;ee styles; woven Hermsdorf black, full fashioned, with with low necks and sleeveless styles; low neck and sleeveless; lace trimmed vests; low neck and sleeveless, and suits for women; sleeveless and knee .; and printed cheviots in light and double soles And hig-h spliced heels; , silk taped and trimmed; 25c quality. . and silk taped yoke front and .back laco trimmed yoke front and back . length; lace trimmed; well -made and medium colors and plain blues, grays thirty styles of patterns In /» ■— On sale Mon- • 1 I nml shoulder straps; 25c |^l BIKI Rilk taped; 39c quality. /% F* perfect shapes; worth 69c. i m and tans; most of them are im latest colors of silk embroi- -*K/~ day ' * . • I / *,C quality. On sale Mon- I /_/" Qn sale Monday /, 1 )/ 1 On sale Monday' A.\C 75c values. On sale Monday Aj^f | dered ankles. Monday, a pair... O O\, a t '. _-*2^ day at % .I*^2^' at... £^^\^ at> . ;......, .....^-»V at $1.00 Men's Shirts 65c I I $2.00 Men's fine Shirts 98c I ] 75c Lawn Waists 49c I 1 $1.75 Wash Waists $1.25 f I $2.50 Wash Waists $1.98 I [ $3.98 New Wash Waists $2.98 Woven and printed .madrasi negligee Negligee shirts for men, in plain and Good assortment In plain tailored and Soft mulls, sheer lawns *and . dotted ' White only, long and short sleeve Soft mulls and .sheer lawns; allover shirts; In all the latest and best styles plaited fronts — equal to custom made; lace trimmed styles; a few black Swisses; short sleeve styles; allover styles; yokes of dainty laces, and oth- Irish yokes, and 'others embrold-. In stripes, checks and figures and all the latest styles and well made lawns in the lot; full sleeves and well embrolderied and lace trimmed, fronts! ers with trimmed fronts and backs; ered and tucked fronts; short sleeves plain colors; U.OO quality. On sm, O f the best quality material; (\q made and finished; worth to a£\ '<, tucked and blouse backs; rft-g /% m dozens of styles; values to /*•* g\r\ edged' with dainty lai*es; _/J»/«| i\Q sale Monday hSf worth $1.60 to $2.00. Monday, UX/~ 75c. On sale Monday A\tC values to $1.75. On sale \| / 1% $2.50. On sale Monday \| UK $3.98 values. Onßale Mon- A/ UK at \)O\/ I at.. •• /^V 1 lat .fts*' ■■: at............ <Pl«-rfU | It.. «P1»7O day at «P-**.7U i ■ ' ■•'.' ■■-'•• '* ; '" ; ' '■■'■' ' ,i :. •. " ■.' - ' ' . ■ ■ i■. - . ■ ■■ ■ . $12.50 Costume Suits $8.48 I I $15.00 Black Voile Skirts $10.98 I $20.00 Silk Coats $12.50 I $12.50 Pony Jackets $7.98 ') I $2.75 Girls' Reefers $1.39 f I $15.00 Linen Coat Suits $11.75 Made of fine white lawn; waists made Some are plaited and others gored and Taffeta and pongee silk coats, in 3-4 \ ■ Imported tan covert and broadcloth r Pretty mixtures in double, breasted Bolero effect, trimmed in wide bands with small cluster tucks and full short circular styles; nicely trimmed with 1 and 6-8 lengths; ripple backs and 3-4 materials; stylish pony Jackets and styles; new shaped sleeves with em- of heavy lace and embroidery insert- ; puff sleeves edged with VaL lace; skirts folds of taffeta strapping; drop tfkirts, length sleeves with flaring cuffs; most snug fitting effects; handsomely do- broldered emblem in silk; velvet ing; short puft^or bell sleeves; wide made with knife plaits and sh — | >q , ,made of good quality rfk-f i~v /\O of tnelrt with large /ft-*/"* ~»/\ signed and trimmed; Aw Afl rimmed flat collar; worth ff».g <*f| circular skirts with (J»| | trimmed with inserting. \X /IX taffeta; deep flounce. \l|| UK scalloped collars; sizes \|/ Kll v. worth $12^50. On sale *W / UK $2.75. On sale Monday VI -4*l plaits down front. On \l I /«^ Monday, second floor, at... VU»IU Monday, at ....S>l\J»7\J •32 to 42. Monday «pi_rf»CFVr ,■] Monday at ,,«|JI«/U a t ...'..•P-W-' sale Monday at Vll*V 11 * *%J $27.50 Nobby Suits $14.85 1 $5.00 Dress Hats $2.48 [ I $1.50 Untrimmed Hats 98c I ! $10.00 Trimmed Hats $5.00 f I $7.50 Evening Waists $4.98 I I * 69c Muslin Drawers 49c I, Made of chiffon Panamas, homespuns. All the most popular styles and colors; Good assortment of styles and colors; . • Made of neapolitan and fancy braids; Dainty lingerie materials •> and china j "Well- made and finished; _, good French serge and voile; eton jacket becomingly trimmed with flowers, all the very latest sailor shapes in thY ' extremely tasty and pretty shapes— silks, in light dainty . colors; lpng or 'materials; deep flounces; tucks style trimmed with Val. and baby wings and ornaments. A handsome lot lot; the kind that are most 'popular . > only one of a kind; artistically trimmed short sleeves and trimmings of "dainty and laces; values to 69c. On sale Irish laces, braids and iq _ of dress hatß worth to $5.00 /]»/* iq right now. Values to $1.50. /vr> v with flowers and foliage; /tk r* /\/\ Val. insertions and edg-.-A j f\r\ Monday, ; • ifl-, applique , vests. On V l 4 fSZ^ regularly. Here Monday, \f A7\ On Bale Monday, choice, UXf . values to $10.00, On sale A* 1 11 1 ings and medallions. On \A UK each, • . 4VC I Bale Monday at.. <PI*I»UU | .choice, at <P-^»^<J a t 7 Ot | | Monday at ........■■■ <PtJ»UV | sale Monday at...... <PtI»7O | at.... ■• 1/V 69c Lawn Kimonos 49c I 69c Corset Covers 49c I 1 $1.75 Petticoats $1.25 f I $1.75 Long Skirt Chemise $1.25 I F $1.00 Muslin Gowns 75c I I $5.00. Odd Lace Curtains 49c Light colors and dainty flowered Good materials; Jace trimmed fronts. Cut full and wide from good Made of good materials; lace and em- High, ' round and square hecks; Odd single lace curtains, 50 to 54 inches . ■ and striped patterns; full, backs ( and others with yokes in back and mußlins; flounces trimmed with rows broidery trimmed yokes; maMe with ?. yokes of lace and embroidery and wide and 3 1-2 yards long; fine white and large sleeves; well made; worth front; well made and finished styles; of dainty wash laces and tucks; flounces headed with tucks; good finished with ribbons; a few French and Arabian colored With hundsojme. 69c.; On sale • ifk worth 69c. On sale I ig\ $1.75 values.- On sale /> -g /* m lengthj worth $1.76. On fi% ■* /\m, gowns in the lot; $1.00 val- pmwm borders; worth up to $5.00 a i/\_ Monday » 4VC Monday, each, 4VC Monday . \I / k sale Monday SI Z J ues.^. On sale Monday /jC palr * On . ? ale Monday> each> 4VC ' ■ • • ■ - : . ' ■ j ■ , - :■>-,'.■ ' . "■ Vvj ■ ■ ' Isc Fancy Draperies 5c I I $1.25 Fancy Comforts 75c I $1.50 Carpet Samples 65c I $4.00 Arabian Curtains $2.48 I I $3.00 Lace Curtains $1.48 I T $1.00 Cotton Blankets 69c r ( Fancy printed draperies in mill rem- Good size comforts with fancy printed Travelers' samples of handsome Ax- New dentelle Arabian curtains; 50 Fine white, ecru and Arabian colored; Full 10-4 size cotton blankets In gray , ; nants and yard wide; suitable for silkoline covers: fancy stitched cen- minster, velvet, body brussels and tapes- inches wide and 8^ yards long; rich- 54 inches wide and'' > 316 1 yards long;, and brown mottled effects; pretty col- wall coverings, box coverings, etc.; ters; well worth $1.25. On .sale try brussels carpets in rich patterns and ly colored borders; curtains suitable plain and flgured'centers.-wtth hand- ored stripes and plaids also; regular worth 15c. On sale _, Monday, mm colors; 27 inches wide and 42 /■ m for your best room; worth (%/•% in some new borders; -factory Vi»'-j aq $1.00 quality. On sale t£f\~ Monday, ■ each, /^f* inches long; bound ends; t\ K/"» $4.00. Qn sale Monday, V / A\ surplus stock worth up to \ I AX Monday, fIVC a yard UV^ |at ■ | [ worth $1.50. Monday at trOW ■ a pair «PA*.*XU $3.00. On sale Monday, pair.. Vl'TtU a pair y. V^~ V ' • . . , . ■.■■'• • 1 • ■ ■'••■•- 75c Feather Pillows 49c | "Vudor" Porch Shades I p 65c Cork Linoleums 45c . I 110.501 10.50 Pro Brussels Rugs $8.48 I 1 $5.00 Bed Sets $2.98 I I $6.00 Portiere Curtains $ 1 .48 Good soft fluffy feather pillows In jh^ 3^ Kre ens or ' browns- com- Heavy quality in new geometrical and Heavy reversible wool' pro-brussels Fancy white bobblnet bed . sets; bed Odd single tapestry portieres— factory fancy satin finished, striped ticking; plete with ropes and pulleys— tile designs; light and dark colors; rugs; size 9x10V4 feet; new designs cover and bolster cover made up with seconds in solid reds and greens and worth regularly 75c. Ou sale Mon- 4 ft. wide, 7 ft. 8 In. long, at.. .52.00 suitable for kitchen, bath rooms ' and and colors; excellent wearing; worth hand-made center pieces and with pretty combination color effects;' worth day - A{\ 6 ft. wide, 7 ft. 8 in. long, at. ..52.75 hall use; worth 65c. On sale \mm $10.50. On sale d» O iO good full ruffled valance all /}»/•» f\n regularly up to $5.00 a *|i AQ eacn> , 4vf! 8 ft. wide, 7 ft. 8 in. long, at... 53.50 Monday, a yard, 4-J>C Monday. ' <kX J.X around; worth regularly $5. V/ UK pair. On sale Monday, \l IA at •••• I I 10 ft. wide. 7 ft. 8 In. long, at. ..55.00 | |at TOY | | each «17*J»1U On sale Monday at......... H***** V each, at, .......; •■■.V**^*^ ' ■ '- - •>'• " '■ ~" '_ ' • ■ . ' ' $1.25 Ruffled Curtains 75c I $3.00 Couch Covers $1.95 I 1 5c Curtain Rods 5c I I 35c. Curtain Madras 19c [ ' 1 $ 1 5.00 Smyrna Rugs $10.48 I |~~ $3.50 Iron Beds $1.98 Fine white dotted and flgured and Heavy tapestry couch covers; 50 and . Polished brass extension rods for lace Yard wide curtain madras in pink, Heavy reversible Smyrna rugs In new Good full-size iron beds with high . striped swlss curtains; made up with 60 inches wide and 9 feet long; heavy curtains; rods extend to 64 inches; blue and white; suitably for curtains. designs and colorings; size 9x12 feet; head and foot pieces; solid steel Side good full ruffles; excellent curtains for fringe all around; rich Bagdad and fancy beaded ball ends and sjcrew gash curtains, side drapes, etc.; worth worth regularly $15 00 On sale Mon- rails and choice of blue, green, cream beach cottages and bed- <m Turkish stripes; worth /** f\ m brackets; worth 15c. On sale ■» 35c. On sale Monday, -*> riav ' . /tk-ri/v ar» or white enamel; worth fr-i £\n ■gd'kv.Tpair 1 -^.. 0 .?..!???. 75c 1 if^... 0n .:. 8^^..^?". a ? y.'.,51.y51y .'.,$l.y5 1 Ir:^ sc[ l» tt y ±....: 19c sr\., : ;.-....; $10.48 1 a r:.!.^-^..^ d^-$l«"o $3.50 Cable Springs $2.25 I I $4.00 Wool Blankets $2.98 I I $2.00 Soft Blankets $ 1. 48 II $2 Women's Canvas Oxfords $1.39 Children's Cool Sandals I I $1.50 Boys' Shoes $1.00 Good solid cable springs with close Good soft fleecy California wool Good big 11-4 size blankets in gray, Made of white, canvas in stylish cuts; Made with genuine oak soles, hand Canvas cloth shoes; double weight and woven wire tops and heavy rolled wire blankets; gray color, and 10-4 size, tan or white with long fleecy nap; Gibson tie effects; hand-turned soles welted- new and practical styles and durable; good solid soles and shapely- rope edges that won't sag; heavy with fancy borders; $4.00 . values. pretty borders and shell stitched and wood covered military heels; the nothing better for summer wear for' and desirable for summer wear; worth spiral supporting springs; a^ _ Monday, A/% f\Q edges; worth . $2.00 regu- ifl ■ summer Bhoe; worth »2.00. — /\ tne boy or g | r i ; worth /%■*/%*, $1.50. On sale Monday, tf»| AA cd.;.^ tt M fl oo t nd a a nn y yy a bb t ed . ; .. w .°. rt . h .52.25 1 at^...... $2.98 1 | *%, ff..^r..^ >48 1 ■ | g , b^ .^ d^.^.^, Sl.39 l ag^^sf J3r^?^.' t .:51«25 1 ;| $3.50 Women's Tan Ties $1.95 I I $1.50 Child's Dress Pumps 75c I I $3.50 Roller Skating Boots $2.45 I f Heavy Jardinieres '.(" $1.19 Slop Jars 95c I I v 50-Plece Dinner Set $3.95 . Mad* of best Russia calf stock; hand Made of best patent colt stock ,with Made In college cuts in button effects; Have slight factory imperfections In aii perfect ware- best white semi- Cottage dinner set of white se|ni- , weitea sole* i and military heelg; plain hand turned soles; made' in pump new swing, lasts and extension soles; the making or coloring; assorted color ' nnrcelain- have' bale handles and porcelain; finest quality; set contains toes ana Clbson tie cuts; the new styles and are stylish and dressy for Cuban heels; designed particularly for glaze ln'7, 8, 0 and 10-inch sizes; dl- rover- regular $119 value. On sale bo pieces to serve six persons. On creation for _ summer; A| -. _ summer; worth $1.60. On _-. .roller skating; worth $3.60 ,«»/•« .m. vldcd into three lots for Mon- _/\ . Monday in thfe basement. Ah ' j ■ sale Monday in the base- /ft *% t\ mm worth $3.50. Monday, aK\ (It sale Monday, a pair, ISC » pair. On aale here Mon- <C 7 J. S day in the basement. Values Ziip Monday In th 6 basement. , yj- ment, • per set, .■■■■■{ Si V-S P*" at ifV day at «|7Arf»'X«J 480 to $1.25; at 25c, 390 and %J7\, eacn, /OV at .«?*'•>'*-' Brtll l Hn?^H n GILA 'i S v BO Y rLS , WOM 1 »»^9 SATEEN PISTTICOA^S 080 '_J /, ' "~ . EV E GLASSES ANII SPKCTACLHH .' ' IT" *3.00 COUCH COVEHB »1.85 • i , j ... , , •..«._ i . -^^' ■■ i 'f your eyes In guaranteed gold filled frumea . wortn w.w. ■ wona»y . ai »i.-». . -■■.■ lIOWLH A3MU PITCUBnS Me value - Monday, third floor, at 08c. -^ ~\ _ n <-^. f,ir 12 25 " * a - r '° TADtlfl COVKHB »1.55 jErjisy w^ft cce c — ~ •«»« - IKaa^o IS&inli SSte .tkk^ lllle<l wlth bCBt <•'-- «& &'A Monday, in the basement, per set, 89c. Excellent materials, cut full and wide; A • WLW >^VQ B /IVV^ mfX Oi-TIOAL. UKI'AHTMKNT— Second floor worth $2.50. Monday at $?..25.i ; - j , ]Be FLOUR SIFTERS »o deep laco und embroidery trimmed flounces B &~) H Bfl LI ■' V6TO>^(VS#/ OCMW M 1M I^s*?-) ' ' •'' * POPUMB MBHO It. < Made with handles on side and twilled and duHt ruffles Monday at 98c *L * D ILAL/ ' J »! 3SF X^^yMXJ § hLJ f H.o« mukiuilvh »2.41. A B peclal. muslo. offering for Monday ; In wire bottom- regular 15c value on ,ii, * rurrus. wonuay at ss< . U Ml|<4y/ —^/^f^Wm.^XW Neokruffo and. boa» in black and white; the music department on second floor: I Monday In the basement at 8c ''- 30 "* VOM|| J |V ' S niIAWKHS l»So # some with lons Btole front; oMhtb In short Keep a i'oty Corner In Your Heart; . 1 « «.»»..»>,.<.«. • ■; Soft flnlahed muslins; deep flounces trim- effect; valut-s to $8.00. Monday tit $2.49. , Kinder Likes to Have You Fussin 1 Heunfl; r^. i . ,'i '••*H»KJ> I*hi:s jhc ... „, t . . ,_„._. _ nln _ ' .'., .' .--■:■• ■■■-. ■ f--4 . . - 'Wmßr^Vm ifffW... Illi lIT U> 111111111111 l in Just Keep Your ICyo on My Biil.y; A Twelve-tooth malleable iron with full mle,(?.wm 1 e , ( ?. w >-ibboni,,tucks and laces, some DDAAnWAVI &th tAC AUf.FI FC CXCI T TADIC X Ai/AI UTDTA" Fiesta colors In good miallty natln 'gr"»- Little Hocking Chair and You; Yankee length handles; worth 25c regularly. On with laca Jlouncpg; worth $1.39. Monday DKUAUWATqD- LUjArtvJLLtj. WAIiAIK W. K'uin ribbon; wldthH«L|No. 5. On Hale Crlt March; Wait 'Till the Sunshine. Nel- sale Monday, in the basement, at 19c. '• at OSc. / " ..■■ \ . ; . . Monday, a'-yard. go. .'.•%, ■ lie. Kegular 25c music for 17c, , LOS HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 13. 1906.' PART If