Newspaper Page Text
Part 111 CAPITAL ACTIVE IN LOS ANGELES SHREWD INVESTORS SELECT ING PROPERTY Dealers Report Renewed Activity In Business, Residence and Suburban Property—Difficult to Find > I ■ Houses to Rent The transactions of, the past week In the realty i field, In city and suburban property, Ihow that the real estate market In Los ' Angeles Is In excellent shape, and' that the active conditions that existed before the San Franolsco fire have not only been maintained,' but have Improved to an appreciable extent. AH values remain steady with an up ward tendency. ' Property In the wholesale and retail sections is In special request, and shrewd Investors ' keep In close touch with movements of representatives of San Francisco and eastern firms who are looking for desirable locations in Los Angeles. ■ Dealers report continued active ! In quiry for residence property, the sales published elsewhere In this Issue show ing conclusively that there has been a considerable addition to the population of the city within the past few weeks. • It Is extremely difficult to find cot tages to rent and those who are im proving tract property assert that . houses erected are sold about as rapid .ly as they can be built. y; Man v new tracts have been purchased K>r. immediate Improvement, and all agencies say that lots are going fast In every direction. Active Realty Market , Below are given a number of the more Important sales closed during the past week: I ' Del Valle & Freeman report the fol lowing deals: , [ James Jordan to a local Investor, the unimproved lot on the northeast cor ner of East Ninth and Linden, 120 feet to an alley on Ninth street, by 104 feet on Linden street, for $200 per front foot on Ninth street, or $24,000. This corner is but a few feet east of Central avo nue and therefore has almost the ad vantage of a Central avenue frontage, as well as that on Eaßt Ninth street. \ J. L. Packard to the Cattern Broa., the . southwest corner of Palmer and Hemlock, 80x140 feet, improved and renting for $43 per month. The price was $1200. McKoon & Metcalf represent ed the seller in this transaction. Dr.H. I. Nance to T. Brant, 1 an un improved business lot 63x176 feet on the north side of West Washington street, between Cherry and Oak streets, and opposite Norwood street. Consideration $6600. . • • D. ■ House to Mary McArthur, 51x120 feet on the north side of Fifteenth street, about 163 feet east of Hill street. Consideration $700. This Is a vacant lot. 'J~.y\ Another Big Broadway Sale ■Mrs. 'Aline Dana has sold to M. J. Nolan, A. H. Busph and J. W. Vaughn, through' the agency of M. P. Nolan, a lot 56x340 feet, with 16-foot alley on side, on the west side of Broadway, Just opposite the Junction of Main and Broadway, for $108,000. • This property was purchased by Mrs. Dana less than thirty days ago. through the agency of M, J. Nolan for $97,815, making a profit of l over $10,000. ; The new owners are having plans drawn for extensive Im provements in the near future. Flower v Street Corner Colson, Bryon & Donnell sold for Mrs. Clara ; B. Burdette to T. Flnkle, the southwest corner of Sixth and Flower streets, being ftfty feet on Sixth street by 125 feet on Flower street, with an ell on Flower street extending back one hundred feet.- The Flower street front age is well improved with a two-story flat building, -which is leased for two neara. The cottage on the corner Is to be torn down and replaced with a two story pressed brick building, the ground floor to be used for stores, with rooms overhead. The above property was pur chased in two parcels, but the total price paid by Mr. Finkle was $43,000. R. A. Rowan & Co the seller, and Colson, Bryon & Donnell the pur chaser. - ,- , Other Dealt . - A. H. Seebold has sold a lot 80x119 feet on the southwest corner of Sixth street and Ruth avenue for $45,000. The lot Is improved with good income. prop erty. The vacant lot on the east side of Flgueroa street, south of Washington (/treet; 65x160 feet, has been sold for M. G. Howard, through Robert Marsh &»Co., to ■ a local investor from San Francisco for $10,000. ! Earl Clark has sold to Cora Freeze through the agency of the Hill Street company, a . lot 100x125 feet on the southeast corner of Sixth and Clarence streets. Consideration $5000. • . j Bertha Leban through R.P.Blaisdell paid F. M. Gadd $25,000 for a vacant lot. 50x157. feet, on thff west side of Grand avenue, between Ninth • and Tenth street. . • The sale of the lot 82x112H feet to an alley, on the southwest corner of East Seventh and Crocker streets, is reported by W. M. Garland & Co., to Walter J. Trask of Olbßon, Trask, Crutcher & Dunn for $49,200., or at the rate of $600 a front foot. |j , . . • WILL COME TO CALIFORNIA Wealthy Business Man of Missouri Will Reside In the Land of / Sunshine J. Q. Ambrose, who has been actively engaged In business ut Springfield, Mo., hag derided tc . ""flko his future home in Southern t.— ffornla. During the past week, through the agency of L. M. Pratt of Los Anseles, Mr, Ambrose pur chased of R. ,G. Laldlaw of Covina a fine » range grove of twenty acreß, located between Covina and Glendora.. 1 The grove contains nine acres of valen clas and eleven -acres in navels, the trees being about half In /ull bearing, balance younger. There In a. goorfjiouse and burn on tho place. The considera tion I wus ■ $12,500, the . owner reserving the crop ' of valen£)as estimated to be ' worth $3000, v Mr. Laidlaw recently bought another grove In the same neighborhood and he will move on the other placo in the near future, • Mr. Ambrose will . go east to -wind, up his affulrs there and will then /'make' his home on; the property Just V^^ {■■ ..■ ' , Los Angeles Sunday Herald. LOCATED IN LOS ANGELES John P. Burke, Late of San Jose, Be- comes tin Official of Central Bank John P. Burke, who for tha pait three was vlen president of the linnk of San Jose, one of the oldent and most conservntlve bank* In the state of Cal ifornia, Han recently become Interenlecl In the Central bank of thin city, and nt ft meeting of the bourd of directors of the bank held last Thursday was elect ed flrnt vice president of the Institution. Mr. Burke has had a long experience In banking, having been cashier of the Exchange bank of Walnut, la., for eleven years bt-fore removing to Cali fornia, and he Is still Interested in two banks In the middle west, being vice president of the Citizens bank, Walnut, la., and vice president of the First Na tional bank at Pender, Neb. Mr. Burke was one of the original owners and largely Interested In tho street railway operating between San Jose and Santa Clara. TRIP TO LINDCOVE TO INSPECT LAND ENTERPRISE OF LOS ANGELES AGENCY Three Hundred Land Seekers Go North on a Special Southern Pacific Train— Thanks in Resolutions . The Lindcove excursion of last week was one of the greatest events of slml ,lar character ever held In California. The following resolutions speak . for themselves: Whereas, The Lindcove Realty com pany, by their far seeing and business enterprise and tact have enabled us, the 300 excursionists from Los Angeles and vicinity, by furnishing us free trans portation on the full train Including five Pullman coaches, to view ■ their beautiful new townstto and fertile land and abundance of water, supplied from the Kaweah river and wells for the ir rigation of the same, and, whereas, we have further enjoyed their lavish hos pitality, therefore be It resolved, First, That we | extend to them our hearty appreciation for their generous treatment. Second, That we have abundance of faith In the town of Lindcove on ac count of the beautiful situation and the peculiar fitness of its soil for the purposes Intended, and on account of the genuineness and enterprise of the promoters. Pulling out of the Arcade station at 10:10 Wednesday night, this Jolly crowd of 300, comfortably located In - their berths of the . spacious Pullmans, left for the foothill fruit section of .Tulare county, going on a -mission of .investi gation and to christen a new town, pre paring the way for the population of a good sized town ' and farming section. This party, while they went to assure themselves that what the Lindcove Realty company said of their proposi tion was so, were in reality a^colonlztng party that haa given heartiest approval to a new community. The Llndcove Realty company's offer was to sell a lot in Llndcove for $350, and the gift of five acres of finest orange growing land free, their liberality coming out of the fact that as soon as they placed several hundred people Into this section the Influx of population would make values— which It has done. Thursday morning the party awoke to the beauties of this delightful country. Ar riving at the banks of the Kaweah river the train stopped for luncheon, which had been provided by the company. Off to Tulare County Flve.Acre Tracts The excursionists Inspected more than 2000 acres, cut into , five-acre tracts, satisfying themselves thoroughly as to soil, water and climate, , many visiting the site of the proposed modern cement plant of the Cement and Iron Manu facturing company, . near ' Lindcove, which corporation will employ a large number of men. Entertainment was also provided at Exeter and Visalla, the party returning to Los Angeles highly pleased with the outing. VERMONT AVENUE SQUARE AN ADMIRABLE LOCATION IMPORTANT EXTENBION OF THE GRAND AVENUE LINE Home Seekers Look With Favor on Additions In the Southwest — List of, Recent Purchasers In Vermont Avenue Square The large sale of lots In this tract, situated at the southwest corner of Ver mont and Vernon avenues, during the past week can In a measure be attrib uted tothe signing of the contract with the Los Angeles Railway, company for the extension of the Grand avenue line to this subdivision at once. Cars will continue out Grand avenue over the private right of way*of the'.Redondo line to a point some 1800 feet 'south of Vernon avenue, thence in a straight line across the center of this tract to West ern avenue. This has been accomplished through two of the officers of the qom pany owning the tract, . who , are also officers of the Huntlngton Railway company. This new line, in addition to the University Traction and San Pedro lines, which also run to this tract.'glves it unequaled car service and will cause this locality to rapidly build up. Sales now reach close to the 200 lot mark, aggregating about $200,000. The west half of this subdivision has now been placed upon the market. It extends from Budlong to Normandle avenue, at Vernon avenue, the park being in The center of the tract. Lots are 50x148 to 15-foot alleys, with S-foot cement walks und curbs, 10-foot parkways and heav ily oiled streets. At the present time the price of lots will be $450 and up. Recent purchasers have been J. Gran nls, two lots; B. Mack, L. Eada, A. Constance, H. Ball, K. Whitely, D. Os borne, D. -Green, two lots; I*. Gurrey, B. Brown, two. tots; p. Hall, two lots; A? Thomas, Andrew F. Watte, H. R. Hinds, AY. . Baiter, 'K R. Bortou, H. Wull, A.'llunt.T. Bacon, C.' Heus and M. Snee.;. ■ v - -..' . • . . ■■-ivdmkmU SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 13, 1906. ACTIVE BUILDING IS IN PROGRESS LOS ANGELES EXPANDING AT RAPID PACE Excavation Nearly Finished for Broad* way Structures Valued at $2,500,00o — Many New Plant by Architects Within a few days concrete founda tions will be in course of construction and steel beams will begin to appear In the erection of the Greater Hambur ger department store, the Col. Norton block and the Tehama block for Xl Jmp"erlo department store on South Boadway, Improvements calling for an estimated outlay of $2,500,000. These gigantic enterprises, with other Im provements under way, Illustrates how Los Angeles Is expanding In the erec tion of substantial business blocks. East Side Block T. J. Douglas Is putting up a hand home three-story block' on the north side of East Third street at 335-337. -The building will have a frontage of 60 «eef, depth 100 feet. The deep basement has a concrete floor, the foundation walls being of concrete material. The first room west, basement and upper rooms, will be occupied by the Brunswlck- Balko company. George S. Simpson Is the superintendent In charge of the Improvement, the cost of which will be about $25,000. The excavation for the Loeb-Flelsh mann wholesale produce house on the east side of Central avenue, north of Third street; is progressing rapidly. The big brick structure will be erected alongside a switch track and will be within a block of the Central market. Building Forging Ahead Los Angeles architects, who are al ways busy drawing plans for business blocks and houses for this city and vicinity, .are being called upon to aid In the rebuilding of San Francisco. Fol lowing are plans of last week reported to tho Builder and Contractor: In Westlake District C. C. Rlttenhouse has prepared plans for a large two-story twelve-room frame residence to be built on the cor ner of Miramar street and Weatlake avenue for Frank Mortimer. It will be of mission design. The living, dining and billiard rooms are 20x28 feet each, so arranged as to be thrown together Into one large room. It will have beamed ceilings,' paneled walls, hard wood floors, pine trim and six large mission fireplaces. On the roof there will be a roof garden and "sun parlor, and in the basement a roller skating rink. The same architect is drawing plans for a two-story frame building to con tain eight four-room apartments, at 'the corner of Thirty-third and Trinity streets, for W. A. Urle. All up to date conveniences will be incorporated into this structure. "'. :'■-'; ' *.-■■ He is also making plans for a five room beach cottage to be built for W. Y. Teetzel at Hermosa Beach. F. M. Tyler has drawn plans for a one-story frame store building to be constructed on the corner of Prospect and Cahuenga avenue, Hollywood, for H. jy Gillig. It will contain two store roorrra. He in also making plans for a frame store building to be • erected on the corner of Castelar and Ord streets for R. de Nubela. The same architect is drawing plans for a two-story eight-room frame resi dence in South Pasadena for H. I. Han son. It will have cobblestone porch and piers, polished floors, beamed cell- Ings, built-in buffet, modern plumbing, etc. Store and Office Building Parkinson & Bergstrom are taking bids for a seven-story and basement store and office building 60x150 feet, to be built on the north side of West Fourth street, opposite the Los An geles-Paciflc /Jepot, between Hill and Broadway, for Zachariah Graham. It will be thoroughly fire proof, built on a skeleton steel frame and have pressed brick and- terra cotta front, two ele vators, marble and tile entrance and hallways, hardwood finish and equipped with every modern feature. Marsh & Russell have drawn plans for a one and one-half-story, seven room frace resldenec to be built on Prospect avenue, South Pasadena, for J. T. Reed.' It l will have cobblestone and cement porch, yellow pine trim, and all modern conveniences. ,■ A ■;■•> The same architects are also plan ning a aeven-room residence for P.rof. Harter of South Pasadena, to be con structed on Center street, near Fair Oaks avenue. It will be of bungalow type of architecture. A. C. Smith has made drawings for a one and one-half-story nine-room frame residence to be erected on the corner of Fortieth and Flgueroa streets for James Colgan. It will have slashed grain pine trim, tinted walls, pressed brick man tel, oak floors, gas and electricity and nickel plated. plumbing. He i has also prepared plans , and is now receiving bids for a two-story eight-room brick school building to ba constructed at Huntlngton Park. ' J..C. Goersch la preparing plans for a tworstory frame building to contain four four-room flats to be erected on Seventeenth street near Vermont ave nue for A. 10. Lerch. He Is also making drawings for a two-story apartment building of eighteen rooms, divided into three-room suites, to be built on Geor gia street, between Sixteenth and Sev enteenth streets, for William R. Mae dor. Warehouse and Factory •' A..F. Rosenhelm is making, plans of a four-story and basement warehouse and factory building, 60x130 feet, for Newmark Bros., to be built on Kaat First street near San Pedro street | The same architect is receiving bids for the construction of a fine residence to be built on Rampart Heights for John H. Strong. He has jilnn completed plans of a residence for himself, which he will erect in Westchester Place. The name architect Is making plans for two garage buildings, one to be built la the Palisades, Santa Monica, for D. A. Hamburger, the . other In Weatchester Place for John Howze. i Scott Bros, have drawn the plans for a five-room bungalow, for James Woodyard, to be built on Edge Cliff drive. ■o3qwfaSWßnßi*Hwft< The- plans of Austin & Brown) for the ; new ' edifice of the Long : Beach Methodists have been Adopted and preparation of the working drawing* and specifications will be proceeded with, The building will have a stone faring and will cost about $85,000. Myron Hunt and Elmer Grey are taking bids for the fine residences of Howard Huntlngton and Mrs. O. Per kins, to be built at Oak Knoll, Routh Pasadena, previously mentioned In these columns. Charles E. Shattuck Is drawing plans for a two-story eight-room frame resi dence to be constructed on Bunset Boulevard Heights for R. W. Kemp. Train & Williams have made plans for a skating- rink to be constructed on the . beach at Long Beach for the Seaside Water company. It will be 100x200 feet and built of brick. The main skating pavilion will be 100x175 feet and have rock maple floor. Offices, parlors, gallery, band stand, etc., are provided. It will be built by the day, the work being done by Con tractor W. 11. Jones. Westburg & Burke have prepared plans of a two-story eight-room mis sion style residence to be built on the corner of Sunset ■ boulevard and Es tella avenue, Hollywood, for Mr. Van Ness. A two-story building designed for garage with servants' quarters In second story will also be built in con nection with the residence. The same architects have also on the board plans for four two-story eight-room frame residences to be built In the same locality for W. A. Avery. The same architects have also plans of a two-story, basement . and attic twelve-room residence, to be built on Arapahoe street, north of Tenth, for M»s. Sebastian Simmons. A. M. Edelman Is preparing plans of a theater building to be erected at San Francisco for_Ed Belaaco. HOME PLACES PURCHASED Residences Selected at Prices Rang- ing From $3900 to $7000. Fine Locations Edwards & Winters company report the following sales of houses during the past week: For W. B. Boynton, to W. J. Mc- Graw, an eight-room modern residence at 2348 West Twentieth street; consid eration $5000. Mr. McGraw is the sen ior member of the McGraw, Griffln Candy company, and makes this pur chase for his home. I For A. E. Keyed! to L. F. Jones, a nine-room, modern residence at 2026 La Salle avenue; con sideration $4500. For Cribb & Sinclair, to Mrs. J. E. Rowland, a seven-room, story and a half residence, at 1614 Van Ness avenue; consideration $500. For W. R. Ziegler, to H. L. Flash, a six room modern bungalow at 3026 La Salle avenue; consideration* s39oo. Mr. Flash is connected with the Los Angeles Gas and Electric company, and buys this modern bungalow for a home. For Ar nold & Dodge, to Mrs. L. W. Pollard, an eight-room, two-story residence at 1202 Elden avenue; consideration $7000. For Cribb & Sinclair, to L. S. Davis, a two-story," seven-room residence at 1608 Van Ness avenue: Mr. Davis is a retired merchant, recently arrived from Brook lyn, N. V., and purchases for a home. BUYS RESIDENCE PROPERTY Dwelling on Grand Avenue Goes for $10,000— Deals In South, west The Holmes-Walton company re ports the following sales: Margaret Berry to S. M. Gardiner, 2716 South Grand avenue, lot 60x147 feet, two-story ten-room house; con sideration, $10,000. The purchaser buys for an investment. H. M. Corlette to C. G. Kellogg, 757 West Sixteenth street, lot 62x160 feet; consideration, $6000. Charlotte A. Fiske to George E. Fatal head, 727 East Twelfth street, lot 1 40x147 feet, an old cottage; considera tion, $3200. Paul E. Doughty and Ella I. Doughty to William T. Blakely, lots 93 and 94 of the Baxter tract, being 529 West Forty-seventh ' street; consideration, $3400. - . Ella' C. Schaad to William T. Blake ly, the southwest corner of Flgueroa and Forty-seventh streets, 84x128 feet, vacant; consideration, $3500. Mrs. Zoa May to Mrs. Mollie Goot, a lot on Fifty-second street, between Main street and Moneta avenue; con sideration, $750. : • Mrs. Ida McGroarty to Mrs. Alice- Bryant, . a lot on Fifty-second street, between Moneta avenue and Flgueroa street; - consideration. $750. .„■ ; . BOUGHT FOR IMPROVEMENT Plans Made for Many New Homes In New Tracts— Active Demand for Residence Sites Among the residence lots sold by Ed wards & Winters company during the past week are tho following: For G. L. Louden, to the California Bungalow company,. lot 25, Mattlson's High Level Tableland tract, being 50x135 feet on the east side of Harvard boulevard, just north of Washington street; considera tion $1750. For Dr. L. C. Le Due, to Mrs. Regina Classen, lot 10, block X, Loomis Tract addition, being 46x126 feet on the east side of Arapahoe, just south of Pico street;' Mrs. Classen will improve with an eight-room modern house. For G. W. Amend, to W. B, Boynton, lot 19, Belvidere Heights, be ing 60x156 feet on West • Twentieth street, east of Hermosa; consideration $2100. For H .C. Smith, to Poor & Wing, lot 9, Prescott-Smith tract, being 60x 200 feet on the north Bide of Avenue 63, near Monte Vista; consideration $1675. For H. C. Smith, to L. G. An drews, with the co-operation of the Standard Real Estate company, lot 2, Prescott-Smlth tract, being 50x125 feet on Monte Vista street, near Avenue 54; consideration $1450. All of the above lots were purchased for immediate Im provement with eight-room modern residences. WILL BUILD IN BOYLE HEIGHTS Improvements in the Reesmont Tract. East Side Lot Sold for $17,000 The following sales are reported from the office of Charles McKe.nzle com pany: McKenzle-Meyer Investment com pany to F. H. Dunham, six lots in the Reearnont tract for $6000. The Rees mont tract Is located at Brooklyn ave nue and Cummlngs street in Boyle Heights. The purchaser, will Improve this property with modern residences coating from $2500 to ISOOO each. 1 F. H. Dunham has sold to J. N. Agan the northwest corner of Eighteenth and Naomi, Improved with flats; considera tion, »7000. , Claudine Payo has sold to T. It. Cros well the southeast corner of Agatha and San Pedro, vacant lot,' 60x123 feet; price, $17,000. OPENING ADVANCE SALE f^^ntlge OS* Addition No. 1 -afl HIGH GRADE Q \^JBSht^f Jl HOMES BUILT LOW PRICE < VJ)ffi^jßBf4 > EASY TERMS Owing to the unprecedented success of THE McCARTHY COMPANY'S GREATER LOS AN- GELES TRACT, with an advance sale of $162,000 — the record sale of all Los Angeles tracts of ; the year — we have been urged to open the advance sale of lots in Addition No. 1, the magnificent property directly adjoining the original tract and fronting on those two well-known thorough- fares, Main street and Florence avenue — a beautiful 20-acre piece that has long been the envy of ; real estate men, and a location with great strategic value for the future, while of immediate use for the present. The same excellent standard of improvements will be made, consisting of cement sidewalks, cement curbs, grading and oiling of streets and otherwise beautifying this magnificent property. - Regular "opening sale will be week of May 14, but Advance Selections may be made NOW. Ring up Main 1202 — So. 8139— 50. 8140 or Home 8737— te1l us when you will 'go out.' Take Moneta avenue car to 61st and Main (be sure to get off at the right corner). Our own car- \ riage at crossing. Branch Office 64th and Main streets. , ' The McCarthy Company a HffiF 203 N. Broadway Sierra Vista Acres $500 Part of Baldwin Ranch |$500 On Easy A Little Farm One Whole Acre On Easy = Terms Equal to Five City Lots .Terms .-^. A Beautiful Country^ Home Site at the foot of Sierra Madre Mountains. Gas, Electricity, Telephones; and over- abundant water supply. High elevation. Magnificent view. Soil that will raise anything. Only 35 minutes from the center of Los Angeles Investigate Before Prices Raise Sierra-Pacific Land Co. Hoi^^ S s 301-303 Douglas Building HOME BUILDING IN NEW TRACTS LOCAL FIRM PLANS TO INVEST $100,000 Views of Leading Operator on Realty Conditions In Los Angeles — Main Houses of San Francisco ■ Coming This Way Among the maps filed last week after acceptance by the board of supervisors is that of addition No. 1 to the Mc- Carthy company's Greater Los Angeles tract. This shows the faith that the McCarthy company has In the near fu ture of Los Angeles and In the present market conditions. The property In question Is splendid ly located on Main street adjoining the original Greater Los Angeles tract and Main Street Villa tract, and corners on the old and much used thoroughfare, Florence avenue. All Conditions Improved When questioned concerning the pres ent market conditions, E. Avery Mc- Carthy said:' . "We have been unusualy busy of late. Yes, the San Francisco disaster had a quieting effect for a short time. and Indeed It was enough to make peo ple think; but the effect upon the mind has worn off now and there Is no pos sible reason why it should retard us in any way. .. v "In fact, It will bring many people and much business to Los Angeles and cause many northern people who have been undetermined about enlarg ing their business interests here to do so at once. . .' "In many Instances the main house will be here with branch hi San Fran cisco. ;,' . "It will have the effect of bettering building rules and regulations here and elsewhere In the country, ,"We consider the outlook bright. for the future of Los Angeles and now have in contemplation some new and larger investments here. . . "We are building for any customer any kind of a house on any lot In our new tract, and are ready. to put $100,000 into house and home building in our tracts." Dissolution The real estate firm of Bassett &' Smith has been ' dissolved. R. 8. Bas sett will devote himself to city Inter ests and Fred J. Smith to country and private enterprises. Greater lilmlui The new modern Bimlni hotel will be opened May 15. Rooms may be re served now.; The mammoth bath house Is nearly completed— our of the finest In the country. Take Bimlni hot At the Gross Roads OF YOUR CAREER That's where you are if you aro still tracts at Graham. Station,- 12 minute* paying rent. Now, which road will you out on the Long:. Beach line, at e J-trreA l eT/!o d t°h e e S gk^rV- »«»'•" •» *£* ?*~?^* ward. The road to home owning, which <° n '^Jl,'J 1 ,'. 100 !^! 6 . 8 ,? 11^^ plp«« : means Independence and happiness, has \° *?¥* x °l- -^ii?" w *" bulld you a*• been made an easy one to travel by » or 4 *™?™ ?°. t i a F re.^sr e .^5 _ f our easy payment plan. The rent pay- BUNGALOW AT *1» UP ing road Is the same as It's always This, too, •on easy . terms. Set u< been, a hard one to travel and lead-, about It. .■:'»•,■.• ing back to the starting: point. •" FREE EXCURSIONS we'll sell you a lot in any of our Office open till noon Sunday for tickets, CONSERVATIVE REALTY GO. (Inc.) . . .; ROOM 200 SEVERANCE BUILDING. , - < Home— 4816. N. W. Cor. 6tu and Main Sts. I Main— 2ol3.' |g^^^gjHfeg^/^yjL*^aw|ffl|^M,'j^^^^M^^M|^^^^W^^S| .V^^ The Best Ice Cream K'.SB^BW^Kwa '^a in practical use, require smallest l^^^raH^aKJH yl amount of ice and salt, run eas- \£*«sBH liPax " smootn 'y frozen creams or dcs- serts with little bother and leas, * I woric* , ' JAMES W. HELLMAN , R Rah! Estate and C Classified Section