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8 One Hour Sale of Muslin 5 Cents "ffi A Extraordinary Bargains U aTO 9 O'CLOCK M W^A? d£5A 4-inch all-silk ribbons; plain and fancy; 25c and 35c kinds. Special 10c | 10c and I 2y 3 c white cambric muslin sc. 1000 yards excellent quality ■ Wti^i WJ^'/T-'W BB MmBB H' "" 'r\ -i yard st "nSi™ Si. ilss t°:Lzt %"c r,;:,' r r m! "" a in m WMWm %&LmL W-J-*>3& a "" $Ko ° silk M " ■ Wack ' " liitc a0 " colors ; a " si2es ; Xc ""'"■ ■ 2 1 MM yMW jSuT^^^^^^ _^3-MBM^ $1.50 and $1.75 all-leather hand bags; black, brown and tan; extra _______________________________________ /gg&B jffl ,B BT 1 - -■ > JrTr^r strong, well-made bags for '.'re I I2ic and 15c Shirting 5 Cents \l^LmfnifM/W^^ $1.00 wdgjovc; odd. .id e«d.;2Sc. pair. '/'JL *M. mtiiW^ -* n c mesh and chiffon veils; \]/ t yards long; for 15c each. Have 3000 yards, and to have it move quickly we will lot it go at sc. It is - iffl^^ Women's and men's cotton handkerchiefs; full size ; slightly mussed ; part of the shipment of San Francisco merchandise. .Mostly mill shirt- . \ Oc and 15c values, for .k each. ing-black grounds, white figtircs. J /fl/.p.// NORTH SPRING STREET I— 1 — J Our Store Organization Strains Every Nerve to Keip Up the Pace $200,000 MUSI AND SHALL BE RAISED! Tables and Counters Are Heaped With Fine Merchandise at Sacrifice Prices , [Linens of AH Sorts Are to Be Sacrificed] r^^^^^^ | This is the Event You Have Been Waiting For\ Ten tons of linens! Quite a pile, isn't it! Well, we just had to do it. for the linen department alone must produce $15,000 for its share in the $200,000 we are working for. That's quite a pile, too. The only way was to cut prices re- ■gardless of all but the one thing in mind— we MUST have money. Not money tied up in goods, but cash that will jingle and make a lot of noise. „,„„-„ for yon are tmimr to ice lot* and lots of things that ; It is plain to be seen that YOU arc getting much the best 6f the big sacrifice sale. We shall expect you here the first thing in the morning-and bring plenty of money, for you are going to see lots and lots of things that are too ARE ABOUT AS LOW PRICED AS THEY CAN BE— AND WE FEEL THAT WE ARE JUST ABOUT GIVING AWAY ALL ODD LOTS, SHORT LENGTHS, ETC. 65c Linen Damask 50c $1.50 Pattern Cloths $1.19 • 81x90 Bleached Sheets 50c 50b Linen Suiting 39c 10c Towels 95c a Dozen . fl c^e,y:Sd^r ay ' s seUlnK - B " N(ipkl " 3 t0 .|^^H£Sr ; «« ra^ W> ytO a PUr y "' " " °" c PrlC^" 15c Turkish Towels $1.40 Dozi $1.25 Pure Linen Damask 89c » . . * 175 DOZ. 45x36 Pillow Cases $1.35 f 10c Crash 7*/^ m Ampn of TurkiBh b( ,th ■ *\ s , tgxjsV: Thirty-two' pieces In thP lot. 72 Inches wider comes 'in 40-IHCfI Linen Suiting 75C bleached oillow cases eood heavy 1800 yn.rds of crash. 17 inches wide; hlu<s oxtra heavy dottle thread bath towels; neat floral designs; bached silver bleached and un- Th)a purP ,, nen suiH ng comes in white, tan. cham- I*O large cases Ot bleached pillow cases, gOOQ nea\y Monday. 7%c ay.rd. fringo ends; for $1.40 a dozen. ..•*, bleached. Mondays selling, 83c; J3.28 napkins to match p agne , Alice blue and cadet blue. Monday. 76c. muslin, a dozen, $1.30. 0O . . • • : for $2.76 a dozen. . » . . . „ „. _- ...... _» c j oi ->n 4Oc Fancy Towels 29c , 60c Linen Damask 48c $1.50 and $2.00 Damask $1.25 65c and 70c Sutt Linen 50c $1.75 White Bed Spreads $1.39 m -*& yardß f damaßk; . juBt the ;. Odd lots, only one piece of a design; all two yards wide; Fifty full pieces of handsome all pure thread flax suit Extra heavy and laree size 84x88. Marseilles pat- irawn work towels; hemstitched ends; size thing for restaurants; 62 inches wide;' extra a P ya n rd d Na^lnTtlfmatc^ 116 ?? U ° n^ y ' W "iffi Cholc^of tne iS?'^! "^'' mChe3 t "» s - free from dressing; pearl hemmed. $1.39. .0x37. Extfa heavy .quality for 2HC. heavy. Monday's selling, 48c a yard. ■■ Quick selling pnees Sweeping Sacrifice of All Children *S on Daintiest Muslin \^ */-<*• v /■» f^fc >^r /^w _/• j? * Underwear Tailored Suits at 25 Per Cent Off Dresses Every cloth tailored suit in the store will be sacrificed in this startling manner. A tailored suit is almost a necessity. Every 'woman must Rmilv tn Pllt nn c lre - 2tn 14 Year* ! ladies- cambric DRAWBRS-Uwn ruffle; own at least one. Now we give you the opportunity to purchase at one-quarter less than original prices. The suits are the newest and pret- ncauy i« rui un, o«« *•» .■* rcrara . , hemstitched tuck and hem cluster of five 3^ tiest of the season's best productions. They are exquisitely tailored and fit faultlessly. . plain gingham-Box pieaw Russian blouse <■ fine tucks; regular sue hpccjai Most any style you prefer is" here attractive little etons with vest front and short sleeves ; others have the popular pony jackets, silk and FrPnc h dresses, trimmed with white pique hVm^tuched^ck^one l^S?*™ TaL braid trimmed-and some have plain coat collar and sleeves. Skirts are graceful circular styles with plaited panel fronts; others are cut after and braid;^ to 6 years; regular „ ...SOc lace insertion and' lace edse «SUC some of the new gored patterns. We suggest that you lose no time in making a selection. Such bargains will not stay here very long alter pjjAIN CHAMBRAT DRESSES-Buster Brown liADIES' CAMBRIC DRAWERS — Five he:n- this announcement. style, box pleated; sizes 2to 6 75c stitched tucks, nve-lnch embroid- AC C years I oy try ruffle uuv _.■_; _ _.„ ~> rx *% rt mr\ <-"»n 11/ • j tt. —f\ mm PKRCALB DRESSES— Princess style, pointed: $27 - 50 White Tailored Suits $ 19 - 50 $8 - 50 Sllk Waists $5.95 g^^^-j^g^g-^ m&£^^££p*£s Feature of the Suit Sale On Sale From 8 to 10 Monday \ " ; sleeves' «5C One lot of 60 very beautiful white tailored suits, socured after the northern These waists are made of a fine quality of taffeta; full tucked front effect with pique and braid; ages 6to 14 years ....^1.40 eioow Bieeves, u»n --• Hale stores could not take them. Materials are fine serge and brllliantine a fine quality of German Val. lace forming yoke with handsome lace medallion PIQUE SAILOR DRESSES-Shield and sleeve, LADIES' SOFT MUSLIN GOWN-Round yoke of jacketß;j acketB; are moa tly in the popular Eton style and trimmed with fancy braids , tronf three-auarter sleeve with frill of lace and bands of the silk; they with sllk embroidered emblem; lawn tie; pleated torchon lace insertion run with ribboa; elbow d t eftects . gored circu i ar skirts with plaited 1 panel fronts and folds on ln "ont.tnree quarter sleeve wun "" or lace n * n °- ° nn ' 8 ° . hoantlfnl skirt; Rges Sto 12 years; regular <\ tl^ft '(sleeve; lace edge in neck and sleeves; flj 1 AA bottom come- in black, blue, pink, green and white; the former price of these beautiful J2 50 Special J>l./O* -value, $1.25. Special v 1'"" * waists was $8.50. ♦ ' - ' — - B^^ of 50 Walking SkirtS $5.00 PeMcf>atS $5 00 $6,7 and $8 Curtains $3.95 tucks; embroidery cage in neck and $1.25 They come in wool mixtures, in plaids, stripes and In gray panama*; they *JMMMI M II WCf«l <pv A consignment to Kale's San Francisco "tore and- •gleeves; value, $1.50. Special v &re the latest cuts; BQme haye plaited panel frontB and gored s]deß wlth Tneee silk petticoats come in all colors and are made of nn extra, fine quality of diverted to us. These curtains were bought to sell LADIES' FINE NAINSOOK CHEMISE— Round plaits; straps stitched between panel of plaits; extra good values; the former taffeta with full ruffle flounces; some have rows of ehirriiiß on the ruffles; dust at $6.00, $<.00 and $8.00 a pair, and we nave aecmea yoke of embroidery and lace insertion; $1 50 prlces were * 6 " 50 and *"' 00 " On Bnle Mond;l y for * 5 - 00 - ruffles; an extra line quality for $7.00. On salo Monday for $5.00. to close-out tti^e enUre hit at^tue sens^atlonany low lace edge in neck and sleeves O • ' pairs of Brusse^net, lbob" pairs of Irish point and LADIES' MUSLIN SKIRTS— Deep flounce with • • 1500 French bobblnet curtains. Mostly plain net three half-inch tucks; torchon lace trimmed; un- f T f ~d • /• • ■ _-f centers wtih handsome borders; 50 inches wide and darneath protector; value, $1.00. "ICr. \/\f d H M Wf~\f\fw O O/"^#*# T|/T/l/| 2^& and 3^ yards long. wasn uoous .„„s J^^« „ &Sb?du n .t%"ffirlt?^f!:.""? $1.25 You can surely appreciate these specials. Now SHOW your appreciation by investing in enough for a dress or two. You never had a bet- £„■{££ Z^try^nT mercerized aSTur«rSi LADIKS' fine cambric skirts — Lawn ter chance to buy this way, and you may wait many days before another one comes along. colors; fringed or -with fancy borders. . , , Sus? C p%otect^ va"ue?T2 b5b 50 O . idery rUffle; ""^Tqo 30c PERSIAN LAWN 25c-1000 yards to go; fine 10c AND 12& C GINGHAMS 7c-Tolle dv Lords, Red Seal 45c LINEN VOILES AND HENLY SERGES 19c- $3.50 Couch Covers at $1.95 Each ; Special '. '• 4>1."0 quality; sheer and free from dressing; 25c. and A. F. C, 2600 yards, both dress and apron styles; me- Fifty pieces and only one piece of a style and color. 250 Turkish couch covers In a scarce and costly LADIES' FINE CAMBRIC CORSET COVERS— 20c BELFAST LINEN 15c— 2000 yards of this; pure dium and dark shades; none to dealers; no phone orders. Close out the' entire lot, 19c. ? e^f™h»Tntlfni h nniorinL^ ce M P nnfl «f w"ide"'' French shirred style; two rows torchon lace In- white, shrunk linen finish Bulling; round thread; while they last 7c fS«« v«rrt« inn/ BO.lncnes wiae. ( sertion; lace edge In neck and arms; "5Q r 15c. mey ia 81 , 35c SILK FINISHED DE SOIE / "TD KEPP 25c- three yards long. . _...,-, j.'. ! o value, 50c. Special oyK> rFR SIAN BATISTE lOc-Fiftv full nieces We AND 12V4c OUTING AND FLEECE FLANNELS 7c— Looks and wears like sllk; white, cream and colors. $3.25 and $3.75 Curtains $1.95 '.'? • LADIES' FINE NAINSOOK CORSET COVERS- hlp^ U f o IA n^ rth B er * ™orU>t tM *£**?%& 6n6 n ° lleec ° c ?" d ";*~?. 'Tor" 'in^.W^fc *«* *"* ******'' For Monday's selling. 25c. ExqulsHe. up-to-date styles in motlfany. . Irish French shirred style; yoke of lace; insertions run and ' v l ery Bh eer; 19c. nlco for w «PP erB - *°r Mondays selling, ,c. an(J Bnlgselg net ettccia . 45 to 60 ,ncheB, nche8 wlde , ■■'■rtw^ vTlue^Sc fpe^iaf 0 . .?.". 59C 12^ A ND 15c INDIA LINON lOc-Soft and free 40c WOOL WHITE "BABY" FLANNEL 29c-Ten 80-yard 20c AND 25c POMONAS AND BATISTES 15c- 3 and 3% yards loifc; white ecru and Arabian. — from dressing; 40 Inches wide; the lot also in- pieces, nice and soft; %-yard wide; pink edges; ask for Flf ty pieces in loti wide choice of colorings and $175 Lace Curtains at 90c ' ' eludes several pieces of long cloth. "Peerless." Monday's selling, 29c. designs; something very choice; 15c. ;. L , . . , ,„» „ . tt '_ . . $3.25 Wool Mixed Blankets $2 50 \ 1 1 1 & :^Ji?3^^r-Kiy U^J? !^i%'Sg i?~rliin*:nnc: nn Q//^ H^cc r7nnWc ZH^ Values s9c to 75c doubl9 thread and ral3ed deslßng - "^T^r^^^^^i^^^^ Reductions on bilks Dress uoods 5Uc avard $LgSßugsU3L g SRug$U3 $2.50 a pair. ii"-- Sllk Is the Ideal summer fabric. We all know that. And hero It is going Twenty-flve pieces of dress goods ln white grounds with black line and plaids; also gray H , TB « x7 , u "reltiu" rue nlc'elv frlneed- heavy - s3.2s and $4.25 Mixed Blanket $2.75 kV&ra.?a".an^^ c "ecks and colored plaids; the regular value, are poc to 75c a yard: panama and other *&$"& £*£■ *™&\*n^Q^l^N>. "^Z^S^^X^^^^^ ?ou S lX^ prl^^^^ weave, 38 to 46 .nche. wide, arc Included in thfs lot for 50c a yard. r^^lft^^SWWT; r'tK-a? ffiS'a'Sl'StS H6re " c B ° me ° C tHe B r' al oBamPo 8amP ° f the " 8t: SQC A,, WOO! CM!* 35c ' ' $U5 Black Mohairs 98c — w, sale price. ,1.43 each, value* for $3.25 .and $4.L>5 a pair. They close out 59C II J Otlgee 39c Ten p | eceg o f all-wool chal- Ten pieces of black mohairs, 64 Inches wide. In Sicilian • $1.85 Rug $1.25 tomorrow at W. 75 a pair. ID-lneh pongee in natural color only; good, heavy quality; regular price. 59c. »«* 1" dots and figures; regu- and brllllantino weaves; very bright and glossy; genuine Tne Scot ch velvet finished rug, 30x56 Inches; heavy. ' $1 20 Blanket 96c On Bale at 39c - lar Bo ° values for 3Bc> English goods; regular $1.25 a yard valuo for 98c. . weight; smooth face; easy to keep clean; elegant , Our i r .t,, M cotton heavy weight blanket; 5 9 C Black Taffeta Sllk 39 C ft, fl, - . d </.. *„ j ' A nn H miti - 2 SC fblanS Kl^^^t °ce r r, B S flnlS 19-ln,h black taffeta Bilk; heavy, al.-sllk quality; very bright and lußtrou.J &, $1.23 atiO $1.50 LACC AppUqtieS 45C valu » V "d»r.P«cL value at Vlm! Tomorrow^cuf price! a goO(1 value at 59c ' On Bttle at 39 °- Handsome Venise and Point Gaze lace applique.; pretty cluster designs and sprays: $2.50 WlltOti Velvet Rug $1.98 86c a pair. _- , f__ c;/ . Dnnlinc nnA Dan,, ria /"•//vma A*,* regular price* are $1.00, $1.25 and $1.60 a yard. Monday, 25c a yard. A Wilton velvet rugr, nicely fringed; all colors; $1 3S Comfort $1 It) *' f <J"»*»» CitlK t^OpilnS and h'eaU ue \*ygtie OSC size 27x54 inches; no better rug for wear and style; Our largest ...e' comfort filled "with B nowflake S±^a^Wtfe«"»^S "^ 35 C B Dozen Vd S .,' Wotih $1 and $1.25 B DOZ. Vd S . Wl^^ very »ervi«able?an colors an^'patteVn^^orio- Remember that we cut. Nt and baste all skirts of material costing 75c 3500 pieces of Val. luces and Insertions; French and German Vals.; extra pretty pat- z==r ===, morrow, $1.10. ' a y«>"il or over. terns; good and firm edges; worth .regularly $1.00 and $1.25 a dozen yards. Here, while w»» • » ■,• "i . - -■■— -^=^--^?. ■ ■-.—. — , — Cannot we assist you ln making a new sllk suit or gown? they last, 36c a doien yards. W£tSn L,HCCS StOCk Up With Notions I -»/i lOclSc and 20c Cotton and English Corset clMps. 6c kind*. 4 and 6 hooks, all colors.. lc SOC, 75 C, $1.00 ISnihrOldorlCS 25c 12 C, ISC, 20C, 25C, 30C, 3 5C J2f% Torchon Laces, 4o f•ty%ln■^6oW 0 nd8?. d/.^V.V.V.V.V.V.V/.V.V//////d /.^V.V.V.V.V.V.V/.V.V/////// M^ao One of the greatest embroidery offers llale's ever made to the public. Choice Embroideries L OO pretty. fancy cotton and English torchon laces; V, ?X&riZZT* ndbl * CKmy * rd » It embroideries! in widths for skirts, waists and corset covers. Daintiest pat. £ . . eg ]y j &<X2Z^^\XX?^^°& lWSS^Stm^^/^&'&S^^ terns in French shadow, pompadour, an K laise anft .floral effects. They are £ t fSllfo L wsfca^ w« and an, Monday. 4c a yard. i^V^JJf^s; tSiK^-! corset cover patterns w&ifmos^<^"fo^^ $1.00 and 51.25 wasnMioycrL a ce S 3s c g Bhoe Btrlnga, 6c kinds, r. pair ....tu na\e J rows ot eyelets.. 1 lurry up ami get yours. # dresses. Pretty new patterns In fancy cotton wash allover ■ Fl'nie'h'ln'y'braid"', 10° - "kinds'. T-yd%*eces. r each.V:^ VslltCS tO $1.00 fOt 25C Values tO 35C, Choke 8c . black!'' Monday, special", :35c a yard. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 13, 1906.